
Jesus and the Rise of Christianity | The Jewish Story | Unpacked 

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@nomsoharunagaladima208 3 года назад
As a Christian I was brought up to view the Jews as God chosen people and treat them with love. I hope to visit Israel some day's. Jews and Christians will always be brother's
@abelincoln8885 3 года назад
God chose the descendants of Israel(Jacob) to share the Good News about the messiah to the all people of the World. God's Chosen people ... are the people of the Faith( Jew or Gentile).
@clarenceburkhart2266 3 года назад
@ElFantasma13 2 года назад
No we wont always be brothers. Because your Christianity is a Pagan cult that worships false iditols.
@justinian6020 2 года назад
@@ElFantasma13 You are pagan. You say you worship God but worship the devil. You donot know whom you worship. How can you worship God and curse his name at the same time. You are a hypocrite. Repent for your sins or you will pay for them
@clarenceburkhart2266 2 года назад
@@justinian6020 Amen!!!!!
@MuhammadsMohel 2 года назад
Jesus and The Jews are my two favorite things; They made the Light known to the rest of us.
@csstardew 2 года назад
@benjaminkline2529 2 года назад
Jesus yes. The Jews nah only the messianic ones. Judaism the religion is satanic in their view of Jesus. They believe He is in hell
@moses2031 2 года назад
@@benjaminkline2529 I can't imagine why the founder of the most violent religion to have ever existed would be in hell.
@frankserratos5022 5 месяцев назад
@HamInHashomron 4 месяца назад
Jesus was a Jew
@AI-hx3fx 2 года назад
As a present-day Catholic, I look to the 1987 speech of Pope Saint John Paul II when he visited a Roman synagogue. He called the Jewish people our “elder brothers” in faith, and indeed Judaism is the root, with common teachings and values.
@geordiewishart1683 2 года назад
Catholics have more in common with the Babylonian mystery cults
@greg28 2 года назад
@@geordiewishart1683 what are youre sources
@ottozambrana66 2 года назад
Judaism and Catholicism are the same thing...
@samuelmithran5586 2 года назад
@@ottozambrana66 nope....
@ottozambrana66 2 года назад
@@samuelmithran5586 Yep...they're both filthy false religions whose members have been the cancer of every single society on earth. Go back to school!
@oolooo 3 года назад
So , according to this video , Paul invented all of Christian doctrine ? .This Pharisee of mega orthodox attitude and belief suddenly and for no reason converts to the persecuted sect that he was trying to extinguish (When this could only lead to torture , poverty , physical agony and death) and somehow has the power and influence to change every belief of the pre-existing Christians , even Jesus's Apostles .All these changes done for absolutely no reason . Can we knock it off with the Secular obsession with Paul as some form of master manipulator or something like that ? .It is an attempt to discredit Christianity by claiming all of its doctrines come from one Man wanting to make them up for absolutely no reason despite losing everything in the process .
@perdue6709 3 года назад
How do we even know Paul was a Pharisee? It’s a claim only made by him. Eat the body and drink the blood of the messiah committing ritual cannibalism? No Pharisees in their right minds would ever propose such an abomination. Paul was a hellenized Jew who took his cues from Athens and not Jerusalem.
@oolooo 3 года назад
@@perdue6709 Acts 22:3 "I am a Jew , born in Tarsus of Cicilia but brought up in this city .I studied under Gamaliel and was throughly trained in the Law of our ancestors .I was just as zealous for God as any of you are today ." Can I ask you , you hateful and pridefully ignorant commenter , why the hell would Paul , trying to become a Christian and become a leader in the Early Church , claim to have been a member of the political-religious group that was behind the death of Christ and was persecuting them with lethal intent ? .What would he gain from that lie ? .The Christians would despise him .And you seriously mean to tell me that after meeting Jesus Christ in the Flesh and resurrected and turning to the Christian Faith , he would not change the beliefs he held as a Pharisee ? . Remember , wrathful one , many of our greatest Christians were once religious Jews .Sancte Angelvs , Peter Benenson , Benedicta Hildegard Burjan , Sancte Daniel Padvensis , Sancta Edith Stein . Do not let your hate blind you from the fact that people can think differently from you .I mean , come on , you practically said Paul was a "false Jew" .What , you are going to say "If they were like me they would never have converted ?" .Please .
@perdue6709 3 года назад
@@oolooo you quote acts 22:3 like it was written by Paul himself. Think about it. Acts was written in between 85-90 ce. All of Paul’s writings are between 50-60ce. In all of Paul’s letters he never claims to be a student of Gamaliel. Believe me he would have if he was. Not to mention the fact that all of his theology is opposed by the prophets of Israel. But nice try.
@perdue6709 3 года назад
@@oolooo oh and to answer your question as to why did he do these things that would risk his life, my answer is I don’t know. He was either ignorant or a blatant liar.
@kingofrexdale8598 3 года назад
Agreed this ‘Pauline’ trope is old and baseless
@BAn-mu4qe 3 года назад
Today, many Christians are beginning to reconsider everything they've been taught. They have come to the conclusion that HaShem NEVER abolished the laws for Shabbat or for keeping kosher and since Yeshua was Jewish, these Christians have decided to go back to obeying those laws. Many just have begun feeling a need to research and a need to learn more about Shabbat and Kashrut without anyone telling them anything. Thank you again for this indepth historical account.
@sarabrown7488 Год назад
Not true. You might know some that are.
@serniebanders2858 Год назад
Amen. In fact Jesus never tried to start his own religion he said in Matthew you cannot deviate one word from the law of the Torah like Shabbat and kosher and holidays but 70 years after his death, Paul made up all these new customs and taught it to pagans
@daviclor6670 Год назад
Unless they're Jewish, keeping kosher or practicing the sabbath are generally not applicable to Christians. Some of the Jewish faith would take offense at Christians imitating Jewish practice.
@gogonina671 Год назад
Indeed Jesus did not come to abolish the law rather to accomplish them in our place and give whoever believes his righteousness because no one had been able to accomplish them! That is why we are saved by grace through Jesus Christ accomplishment
@gogonina671 Год назад
@@serniebanders2858 Indeed Jesus did not come to abolish the law rather to accomplish them in our place and give whoever believes his righteousness because no one had been able to accomplish them! That is why we are saved by grace through Jesus Christ accomplishment, so the Apostle Paul was right because no one was able to accomplish the law so Jesus did in our place so we may receive by grace what he did for us!
@elirantiget 3 года назад
I am a Jew who believes in Jesus and I am well acquainted with the Bible, the prophecies, and the rabbis' interpretations of what a בתולה is and I must point out that you distort a lot. I invite everyone to read for yourselves and explore in depth.
@HamInHashomron 4 месяца назад
Then you are not a Jew. Jesus does not fulfill any of the criteria of the Messiah in the Hebrew Bible. Anyone who knows the Hebrew Bible knows this basic truth.
@kevin84217 4 месяца назад
​​@@HamInHashomronYou don't get to say who's Jewish and not. Hashem knows who loves Him and not. 80% of atheists and defending religion. What a joke.
@kevin84217 4 месяца назад
​​​@@HamInHashomronIs Hashem exclusive for the Jews? Aren't every human being a creation of Hashem? Jesus Christ and His disciples preached the Word of Hashem to the world. Have some respect for other people's beliefs and do not mock them if you can't be quiet.
@HamInHashomron 4 месяца назад
@@kevin84217 Hashem is for all people. Jesus was but one Judean human, deserving of Hashem's blessings like all the descendants of Adam & Eve. Jesus was not a messiah or a son of Hashem. As a Judean he would never believe that and he did not fulfill any of the criteria of the messiah.
@HamInHashomron 4 месяца назад
@@kevin84217 I am no one, but I do know you cannot be a Judean and believe that another Judean was the messiah simply because Jesus did not fulfill any of the criteria of being the messiah. Not one! Believing in the Christian trinity is a form of paganism formalized into a corporate religion (the Vatican) with a later reformation to revert back to some Judaic origins.
@buskingkarma2503 Год назад
I'm a Christian who got saved at a late age of 36 and got baptised in the evangelical church,and never really qualified for fellowship(something that has to be earned in our denomination, I'm now fifty something and find myself spiritually confused! I know with all my heart God is real and saved me my past life of sin. But I find myself questioning things and feeling guilty for it! And I'm also fascinated with other religious beliefs, and Judaism,is becoming my favourite! I wasn't born Jewish but find myself attracted to them and really enjoying learning about them. I think it's so cool that they are God's chosen people.
@Jimmy_in_Mexico Год назад
I would encourage anybody that is interested in learning Torah to go to Chabbad synagogues. They are Orthodox and welcoming. The Rabbis can answer your questions and they generally study Torah each morning after prayer.
@rK-em4yy Год назад
Questioning is not bad, Just direct your questions to God. Ask Him for a spirit of truth and revealation Ephesians 1:17-22 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
@artdanks4846 Год назад
@buskingkarma2503... Most of Christianity today causes so many Christians much confusion. This is because of the 30,000 plus differing denominations, all contradicting each other, and all claiming to teach the "true" Christian message! But if you study that phenomenon historically, you find that from the beginning there was only ONE Christian Church! Then, in 1054 AD, a split occurred between East and West, and the Roman Catholic Church separated itself from the Eastern Church, which remained faithful. Then, about 500 years later, the Protestant Reformation occurred, breaking off of Rome and creating thousands of sects! But to this day, only the Eastern Orthodox Churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.) remained faithful to the Faith that was started by Christ and His Apostles! To find that Truth and end the confusion, one has to go back to the beginning, and seek out the original Orthodox Christianity, at a local Orthodox Church ☦️.
@SignificantPressure100 Год назад
Curious people are rewarded by God, in Judaism, it is encouraged to question everything including God himself... There's nothing wrong with that, God made us with a brain to think and explore.
@realitystillexists Год назад
I would suggest you look into what Judaic people actually believe. Both in general and about conversion. Almost no one in Christian society knows these things. There is a good book by a Jewish professor called Jesus in the Talmud. Also look into what the Talmud says about non Jews and why they don't believe in conversion. Look into the writings that some of the church fathers wrote about the Judaic people once they read the Talmud and the kabbalah for them selves. It's ok to question anything with God but stay in the work and and in prayer for the hy spirit to guide you. You do not need a third party.
@keithowen3523 Год назад
You said “no where in the prophets does it say he (The messiah), rise from the dead, preforms miracles or is born of a virgin”. However a young woman is a virgin until marriage in Jewish customs and traditions. Read Isaiah 7:13,14. Or if Isaiah 35:4-6 is not considered for miracles of healing or the story of Jonah which Jesus claimed would be the only sign given the Jews for resurrection.
@driverdave1298 2 года назад
There’s so many holes in this narrative I don’t know where to begin. Here are a few: The last supper was held on Pesach, which is why we know Yeshuah as the Lamb. The definition of Mashiach is overly simplistic, not taking into account the richness of understanding within the structure of the Hebrew language. The Septuagint is a collection of Tanakh writings translated to Greek that pre-date the New Testament due to the Hellenistic influence upon the diaspora. Paul was not the influence behind the use of Greek language in new testament writings. That had been pre-determined before he ever came on the scene. There are many more. But these three stood out. (I may come back and edit in some timestamps for reference, if anyone wants to dialogue about this.)
@We.startin 27 дней назад
I agree. watching it made me weirded out. Some things were solid, but you can tell there was a slight bias to the way sge delivered this
@danielfillit5759 2 года назад
Paul taught that circumcision was not necessary for the non Jews, he never canceled the Jewish law to establish a new religion.
@geordiewishart1683 2 года назад
Please learn the difference between Jew and Israelite, Judaism and Hebrewism.
@husnajalil2665 3 года назад
As a Muslim I love studying other religion that have similarity to my religion, send love to everyone!!
@karlshaner2453 3 года назад
So many have similarities because they are all corrupted version of one religion. They all have pieces of truth but not all. None have authority but one.
@thebeatnumber 3 года назад
Neither Christianity nor Judaism have anything to do with your "religion"
@Puppythuppa 3 года назад
Find Redemption/Salvation in YESHUA=YEHOVAH'S SALVATION in the Glorious Person of LORD JESUS CHRIST.! No other ways or means to Inherit the Kingdom of God.! Isaiah9:1-7; Micah5:2; Hebrews1:1-13; 9:12-14; Revelation 1:1-19; 5:1-14; 20:1-15; 21:5-8; 22:10-15.!! 😊🇮🇳🤝🇮🇱🕎♎🙋‍♂️🤔
@Nderitu.G 3 года назад
@@karlshaner2453 Islam is close to the truth but denies the truth.
@Nderitu.G 3 года назад
@@thebeatnumber islam borrowed stories from Judaism and Christianity.. Adam Job Abraham Noah Joseph Pharaoh Jesus Cain Abel Gog Magog Elijah Mary Banu Israel.... Need I say More
@arthurmark2013 2 года назад
What really amazes me is that people hate Jews but they worship Jesus, a Jew, and admire Paul, another Jew, who invented Christianity. This is beyond comprehension.
@tonybuck1225 2 года назад
Most anti-semites aren't Christians.
@shirlenefarrar1404 11 месяцев назад
Paul did not invent Christianity. You people are so clueless.
@stephenwright8824 7 месяцев назад
@@shirlenefarrar1404 He might as well have, for all of his perversions of Christ's message.
@shirlenefarrar1404 7 месяцев назад
@stephenwright8824 Like I said before, you people are so clueless.
@hmvollbanane1259 6 месяцев назад
How so? From a Christian perspective Christianity is the unbroken continuation of the same religion of Abraham. Hence the Jews that denounced and to this day are denouncing Jesus Christ are and have been regarded as heretics. It's quite interesting actually if you e.g. look at medieval songs from the crusades like the German Palästinalied you will find that, while Muslims were regarded as pagans, Jews were even back then regarded as a different entity, basically the other side of a religious schism.
@stevensj6527 Год назад
As a Christian I agree with everything you said. But need to clarify one thing. Paul did not change the course of Christianity. Jesus told his disciples to preach the gospel to gentiles in the first place. And then philip was the first person who preached the gospel to an Ethiopian. And then Peter preached the gospel to Cornelius and his family and servants who were romans. Paul wasn't the firstly person who preached Christianity to gentiles. And about the circumcision and dietary law, yes paul brought this idea. But it was James an apostle and the brother of Jesus christ who affirmed the idea of Paul. Paul was just a normal christian in the church at that time. He wasn't a leader of the church at that moment. All these facts are well explained in the book of acts in the new testament. The disciples of Jesus christ did not oppose paul. They affirmed his authority. Some non Christians like Muslims, jews think that paul was a heretic and he mislead Christianity. But it's a complete false statement. Paul had lot of servants, he was wealthy, he was a pharisee, and also had Roman citizenship. But he gave up all these things for Jesus christ. Once a persecutor of Christianity was persecuted for Jesus christ. He was imprisoned, tortured many times for Christianity. And in the end was slain by roman empire. He gave up everything including his life for Jesus christ. I don't think a man would do such a thing for some lies created by his own. And then as Christians we are sorry for all the atrocities which has happend to Jewish community in the name of Christianity. One of Jesus's majn teaching was "love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you." But until 70 AD jews persecuted Christians more than romans. If jews had gained power instead of Christianity in the rome jews would have done the same to us. Maybe worse. But no matter what violence must no be allowed.
@normal-ue2iq 10 месяцев назад
some say paul was still jewish and gave the idea about not keeping the commandments to make sure jews dont get sucked in
@stephenwright8824 7 месяцев назад
@@normal-ue2iq Paul did nothing to keep Jews from becoming Christian. He was a Pharisee legalist who dispensed with Jewish practices and traditions in order to sell Christianity to the wider Roman world. Remember that, originally, he was eager to participate in the Roman practice of arresting and executing Christians because they refused to worship the Emperor. I personally believe that his conversion on the road to Damascus was actually a hallucinatory episode, but that's basically because I'm an atheist.
@joelgottfried5849 5 месяцев назад
Paul contradicted the teachings of Jesus a great deal
@NeedleWorkerMore 11 месяцев назад
Great educational video. We Christians will always pray for Israel's socio-economic justice.
@owen1-q1n 2 месяца назад
@justinian6020 3 года назад
To all the Jews here: Jesus was the Messiah and still is the Messiah. He will return in the second coming and have world peace.
@ElFantasma13 2 года назад
@justinian6020 2 года назад
@@ElFantasma13 What??
@peterk.6930 2 года назад
@@justinian6020 I think it means: a human being
@Judah_Katzenberger 6 месяцев назад
You're going to be so disappointed.
@keiththomas1180 3 года назад
Just wanted to point, in 63 BCE Rome wasn't an empire and General Pompey certainly wasn't an Emperor. He was a powerful figure for sure but clearly not Emperor...just thought I'd point that out even though it's not that relevant to the video 😊😊😊
@trvp_biggucci9226 Год назад
Jesus Christ was a Jew how did Jesus create his own entourage for people to believe in him and believe in Christianity
@cheryldeboissiere1851 Год назад
Yeah, you’re right, Pompey is a general. Otherwise is a good video.
@TheSebastianML 3 года назад
These video make no difference between Yeshua and later Christianity, is like saying Moses' religion was modern Judaism. Love to Israel from Mexico.
@ThetennisDr 2 года назад
do you hate palestinians?
@ThetennisDr 2 года назад
@@56username craziest thing i have seen yet actually makes sense and is interesting and looks truth ful at first sight. thanm you
@jdish7485 3 года назад
As a Christian this series is extremely informative. Thank you
@computerchannel5648 2 года назад
Then you don’t know Jesus
@lasirius1 2 года назад
It is a hit piece.
@enoch3874 2 года назад
J dish, I don't think you realize that the Jews changed their theology after the exile... which is why most jews teach against Jesus and the trinity in their religious studies (yashiva), in order for them to come out to the conclusions that they come to, they need something called "the talmud"... but the "talmud" is not even referenced in scripture nor is something called "the oral Torah".... do you know that as a student in that tradition that you're not even allowed to study certain parts of the Bible without a rabbi present and that's even in the English when you're not studying the Hebrew, so they can deviate you away from what the text obviously says, this is what Jesus mentioned in Mark 7 verse 7 to the Pharisees when he cited Isaiah 29 verse 13.... and 13 reads "therefore the Lord said inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips but have removed their hearts far from me and their fear toward me is taught by the Commandment of men"..
@migdaliacarter953 2 года назад
@@enoch3874 You are sooo ignorant regarding Jews and Judiasm. This video is pure fantasy!
@putatdaun 2 года назад
Paul are more worthy to become Christian figures rather than Jesus. Christian purposely used Jesus to ride on sympathize to gain followers. Paul just wanted to amass followers not via rightful teaching but through assimilation with Pagan cultures and beliefs.
@YannisH 3 года назад
I am a Messanic Jewish Believer I do the Mizvots, Kosher laws Feasts and believe in Yashua ( Jesus). I found out 2 years ago I have Sephardic Jewish and Ethiopian blood from my dad's family. They left Spain to Mexico. Quite a few Jews in Mexico and many have no clue..
@Ayushgraphy 3 года назад
What is Jesus's actual name?
@anthonyaguirre1498 3 года назад
Woah, my parents were born in Mexico. Maybe who knows, my ancestors were jews.
@UNPACKED 3 года назад
You should check out our video about Latin America's Crypto Jews: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-d0Kfp2-Lqh4.html
@kingofrexdale8598 3 года назад
@@Ayushgraphy Yeshua ben Yosef
@kingofrexdale8598 3 года назад
Janice H • WOW ! That’s a super interesting lineage 💯
@patriciajohnson3608 3 года назад
I don't know that the Jewish religion was so close to all the religion's I have study though out my life. This shows me that the BIBLE in any language is the true story of God. " Thank You". You did a fantastic job with all your video's in this episode's. I signed up for more. Keep them coming please. From Rochester NY USA .
@georgeevans3058 3 года назад
All the other religions are so close to Judaism!!
@bahloulmounder8724 3 года назад
All the Religions are from God, this is why there is some similarities but also a fondamentale différenciées. I will be grateful if you respond to this question: Why God sent Jesus with a new scripture to the Jews?
@mohommedameenahmed2099 3 года назад
@shakertaker313 2 года назад
Did u not listen to her at the end she says that the Judaism story never mentioned Jesus being God until afterwards ur book is corrupted.
@patriciajohnson3608 2 года назад
I did listen to her. My Bible is not corrupt. There are a lot of differences between every Religion. The Jewish Religion is definitely different. But yet it still is the same, the difference is it's THE JEWISH BIBLE HAS Only the OLD TESTAMENT . THAT'S WHY THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT JESUS. GOD BLESS YOU , GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS ISRAEL IN JESUS NAME AMEN 🙏
@katej392 3 года назад
Also how come no one ever mentions Isaiah 53?
@thesolantor8624 3 года назад
Isaiah 53 is a metaphor referring to Israel (the people), and how they will endure hardship.
@TarunKumar-uo5gn 3 года назад
@@thesolantor8624 And Jesus was their spiritual representative so it applies to Jesus as well
@Life-zu2tv 3 года назад
@@thesolantor8624..... Ooo So Isaiah 53 is metaphor.... He was cut out from the land of living.... He bore our iniquity, yet we know him not....... Isaiah refers we to his nation Israel, they didn't knew him though he bore their sins, but they cut him out from the land of living, that is, dead....... So that is Israel right?? Funny.
@thesolantor8624 3 года назад
@@Life-zu2tv read the passage prior, and after. You're taking a verse out of context to fit your own cognitive biases
@thesolantor8624 3 года назад
@@TarunKumar-uo5gn This passage was written ages before Jesus existed.
@jkadude2010 Год назад
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.- John 1:1 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.- John 1:14.
@danielferreirabraga 3 года назад
Any religious persecution must be condemned, through the books until nowadays. In the name of all ancient Christians who didn’t what Jesus taught (love thy neighbor), I ask for forgiveness to all Jewish brothers and sisters. May our past conflicts don’t influence in the future of our relationship.
@kingofrexdale8598 3 года назад
well said, as a fellow christian i agree
@kingofrexdale8598 3 года назад
@Betty damota Cool Then, Wish you the best 🙏🏿 ✝️
@AyamanAmusic 3 года назад
From a jew... AMAN! God bless you all.
@adellaadams8018 3 года назад
We will never forget! Never again!
@abelincoln8885 3 года назад
WTH? They were not Christians. Nowhere in the bible are Christians told to hate Jews or kill them. Nowhere does it say that white people are the superior Race. A christian is simply a person who believe Jesus is Lord & Savior and is a person of FAITH. A RELIGION is a man made system of worship of usually a God. Man is imperfect and his nature is evil unless you choose to fight you dark side.
@TedBates-sv8cf 2 месяца назад
There is a difference between Jesus and Christians. Jesus said, "This I command you, that you love one another as I have loved you. No greater love has a man than he lays down his life for his friends." When a Jewish leader said, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told a story that a Jewish man was traveling and thieves robbed him and beat him and left him to die. and a priest then a levite rode by and saw the man but passed by and ignored him. But then a Samaritan saw this dying Jewish man and got down and treated his wounds put him on his donkey and paid for an innkeeper to care for him. Now Jews hated Samaritans because they were half breeds. So Jesus asked, "Which man loved his neighbor?" The Lawyer said, "The one who had mercy." Jesus replied, "You answered correctly. Go and do likewise." What I am saying is that Christians don't do as Jesus taught them, but Jesus not only talked the talk He also walked the walk. So be angry at Christians by all means, but do not hate Jesus because He's been misrepresented by His supposed followers. When I come before God and He asks me why He should receive me? I will not say, I believed in Luther. No way! I trusted in Your Son Jesus, and I hope in His being good on my behalf. My hope is not in the body of believers or my own being good, but only in Jesus. He did what I cannot do, and I hope in His record upon which the Father will receive me. The Christian faith does not stand upon its members. Our hope stands upon the shoulders of Jesus and on no one else.
@SantaFe19484 7 месяцев назад
I am a Christian and I would say that Christian persecution of Jews unacceptable.
@Johnarchiebald Месяц назад
What about the bolsheviks burning down orthodox churches ?
@HamInHashomron 3 года назад
Actually, Judaism & Christianity were prevalent neck to neck until Constantine. Some Roman nobles converted to Judaism like Titus' (who was horrible towards Judeans) nephew Onkelos, who translated the entire Torah into Aramaic; Emperor Nero's wife studied Judaism.
@Nderitu.G 3 года назад
ok amir.
@tonybuck1225 2 года назад
Absurd. Its rebellion against Rome's rule ended Judaism 's appeal to the peoples of the Roman Empire.
@HamInHashomron 2 года назад
@@tonybuck1225 You are making up history. True, Judeans did not want to become slaves to Rome but that is not how the conflict started. Truth is that Rome, prior to adopting Christianity, was very tolerant of various faiths. One need only go to Ostia Antica, the old port of Rome on the Tiber River. You will find temples of various faiths from Persia, for Roman gods and, a synagogue. Judeans have lived in Rome at least since the 2nd century CE. There are particular foods, liturgy, poetry, songs of the Roman Judean community. Things got somewhat messed up by horrible emperors like Titus but got worse with thr rise of the catholic church, the great murderer and persecutor faith, which led to the creation of the Rome Ghetto, forcing Judeans into restricted occupations, forced taxation and identifying clothing, forced conversion, murder, all the great things the catholic church is k own for.
@tonybuck1225 2 года назад
@@HamInHashomron The more that Jews have hated Christianity, the more that they have been hated themselves. And many Jews hated Christianity from the very outset, bringing catastrophe onto themselves, as 70 AD in Titus's time . Long before Christians had the power to persecute Jews.
@HamInHashomron 2 года назад
@@tonybuck1225 You need to look in the mirror and reflect on the crimes of your church, apologize & repent. It is Christians who have hated Judeans, killed them, forced them to convert, allbecause you worship a Judean/Jew. Wake up & take ownership for your church's actions.
@fab8187 2 года назад
I wonder how mighty super powers like The Romans;The Germanics;The Slavics ; The Amazighs ; The Vikings all of them *frinking surrendered to the will of Christ* this makes me so enthralled as How a common peasant of Nazareth to whom Roman's mercilessly killed and Mocked as King of Jews flipping *themselves named him King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords* this blasts my brain open . Might be something of this man to be outwardly divine
@cL-bf2ug 2 года назад
Personally one of my favorite Bible verses. “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” - *Romans 14:11*
@kathymyers7279 2 года назад
He said HIMSELF “My Kingdom is NOT , of this world” ! Religion is toxic . Big thing Jesus desires to deliver us from. It runs DEEP that is why it is an inward journey. The closet you get to Jesus, the more you can detect it in your own heart. Religion is of the Tree of the Knowledge of GOOD and evil! Jesus IS another tree all together. The Tree of Life .
@guilzd5836 2 года назад
Hmm didn't the Catholic Church fight the Northern Crusades to convert the Northern Scandinavian and Baltic countries? Same thing with rest of Europe.
@Akmanok 3 года назад
Because Jesus himself, son of God came in last days to free mankind from sin but many still reject him as Messiah
@adam_1144 3 года назад
He fulfilled ZERO of the messianic prophecies. We are a stubborn people of logic and tradition. We don't hop on a bandwagon unless we are convinced. Having heard every explanation or attempted justification of Christianity, I can confidently say that I am not convinced as are the rest of the Jews.
@Akmanok 3 года назад
@@adam_1144 why r there no more prophets in judiasm like any prophets in Bible who do miracle or prophesy about future like in Bible. u have priest but no prophets. Because u reject Jesus, so holy Spirit can't live on those who do not believe Jesus. Believe Jesus u can by miracle sign. There r many prophets now a days who r believers of Jesus because Jesus tells them in dreams
@adam_1144 3 года назад
@@Akmanok I'm glad you raised this point. Jesus wasn't a prophet because the final prophets were Chagai, Zechariah and Malachi. The Talmud states, “Prophecy does not come upon a prophet when he is sad or languid.” Maimonides (1105-1204). These three final prophets lived during the Second Temple and were controlled by a foreign power. This time period and the diaspora, which is still happening, are the reasons that there are no more prophets, including Jesus, who was a false prophet.
@Akmanok 3 года назад
@@adam_1144 Jesus speaks to me even now n millions of people in dreams, people r taken up to heaven by Jesus, demons r driven out in Jesus name. Hindi, Muslim , whoever died n came back all confess saw Jesus. What Isaiah said about messiah Jesus fulfill it exactly.
@Akmanok 3 года назад
Why then do we have prophets n we perform miracles. Why we prophecy n u can't prophecy. Why we can perform miracles n cant u. Why can't u raise the dead n u can't. Cause u don't call Jesus. Oh u saying ......!
@AT78146 9 месяцев назад
The thing that gets me is just how can any Christian overlook (I don't know exactly when it came about) Romans 11? It's like one would have to be willfully blind or unknowing of this chapter and it's contents in order to hate or attack The Jewish People. ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:17‭-‬36‬ ‭ESV‬‬ 17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, 18 do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. 19 Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. 21 For if G-d did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. 22 Note then the kindness and the severity of G-d: severity toward those who have fallen, but G-d’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for G-d has the power to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree. 25 Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”; 27 “and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins.” 28 As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. 29 For the gifts and the calling of G-d are irrevocable. 30 For just as you were at one time disobedient to G-d but now have received mercy because of their disobedience, 31 so they too have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they also may now receive mercy. 32 For G-d has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all. 33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of G-d! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! 34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” 35 “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” 36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. Seems pretty clear to me, I just don't understand how any Christian could Justify hatred or aggression against Jewish People with things like that in Scripture. Even Jesus Himself said that He lays down His Life of His own accord: ‭‭John‬ ‭10:17‭-‬18‬ ‭ESV‬‬ 17 For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” Idunno, it just gets to me sometimes. The Christians back then, even some Christians today. It's just unthinkable for me. When I first became a Christian I read about how much The Father Loves His Son. So I figured G-d would want me to hate Jewish People, or stay away from them. But I remember one time I was watching a movie about a young Jewish boy and his family. And I just had this feeling in my chest that I couldn't explain. And I asked "Is it okay for me to Love The Jewish People?" And I just felt The Holy Spirit inside me light up with a Bright Warmth and Joy. Which is when I looked up Jewish Believers in Jesus and found RU-vid Channels like "One for Israel". Which is when I was pointed to Romans 11. Ever since that day I've had this inexplicable Love for The Jewish People. Romans 11 has been my favorite of all Chapters ever since. Because it teaches that we should always Respect The Jewish People. And in the context of the entire Bible, that we owe not only G-d, but The Jewish People also for the Blessings we're experiencing in Jesus today. Anyway, I'll stop my ramble there. It's just hard to see all the people against Israel right now. And seeing Christians go there too is just so frustrating. Anyway may G-d of Israel Bless and Protect Her and Her People, in Jesus name ✝️ 🇮🇱
@jflaugher 2 года назад
A few things: 1) In the 1st Century, there was a human being who was known by the following titles: "Son of God," "God Incarnate," "God From God," "Prince of Peace," "Lord of Lords," "King of Kings," "Savior of the World," and "Redeemer of the World." Do you know who this human being was? It was Caesar. To take the titles reserved for the Roman Emperor, who sat enthroned on the Palatine Hill in Rome, and to give them to a poor, illiterate Jewish peasant from the Nazareth ridge in lower Galilee (of all places) was a very provocative political statement. It's a lampoon. It's almost a joke - so why weren't the Romans laughing? They weren't laughing because they knew high treason when they heard it. 2) Miracles were commonplace in the ancient world. Every person who was seen as important and significant is said to have been a miracle worker. So, for the gospel writers to describe Jesus as a miracle worker should be seen as merely a way of the writer telling the reader, "This guy Jesus is important." What pagan detractors found hard to believe about Jesus, was not that he was a miracle worker - that wasn't hard for them to believe - but that someone from his class was a miracle worker. Peasants were considered too unimportant to be miracle workers. Peasants were considered too ordinary to be heroes like Achilles and Odysseus. That's why the story of Jesus (a peasant who was significant enough to perform miracles; a peasant who fought nonviolently against imperialism and died heroically as a victim of imperial injustice with his honor and dignity intact) resonated so well with the general population of the empire - most of whom were peasants just like Jesus. Furthermore, the Christian martyrs who died at the hands of Roman persecution reinforced this very attractive storyline. As ordinary people watched as the Christian martyrs followed the example of their Messiah by bravely facing execution with honor and dignity like the heroes in their myths, they marveled and also wanted to follow the example of Jesus so they could become heroes too. 3) In order to understand Paul, we have to understand who Paul was converting. If you went to Corinth or Rome or any of the other cities Paul went to, the Jewish communities in these cities could be likened to a small island of Judaism in the middle of a vast sea of paganism. However, around these islands of Judaism were these little coral reefs of gentiles who believed in the Jewish God. They weren't Jewish - but they attended synagogue and believed in the Jewish scriptures. Paul was targeting them. Essentially, Paul was "convert poaching." He was telling gentiles who believed in the Jewish God that they didn't have to convert to Judaism to be acceptable to God - if they followed Jesus instead of converting to Judaism they could mow their lawns on Saturdays, eat bacon-double cheeseburgers, and they wouldn't have to get circumcised. And just as a sideline - I'm sure no circumcision would have been much more attractive to potential male converts. 4) Paul's teachings on the Torah (the aspect of his teachings that other Jews did and still do find distasteful) are completely consistent with his messianic views. Paul believed (like all Christians) that Jesus was the Messiah and that Jesus had established the Kingdom of God on Earth. Because of that belief, Paul taught that the Torah was fulfilled and was no longer necessary. Why? The Torah needed only to be followed in preparation for the Rule of God on Earth; but once God's Rule is already here keeping the Sabbath, following the kosher laws, and getting circumcised are all unnecessary. If you're a Jew who's still waiting for God's Rule to come, then what Paul's saying is completely sacrilegious, but, on the other hand, if you're a Christian (whether Jewish or Gentile) claiming God's Kingdom is already here (all that is needed is human participation and cooperation with divine will) then the Torah is seen as a relic from a previous age.
@smatric 3 года назад
"There is no instance where it can be proved that 'almâ designates a young woman who is not a virgin. The fact of virginity is obvious in Gen 24:43 where 'almâ is used of one who was being sought as a bride for Isaac." (R. Laird Harris, et al. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, p. 672.)
@yvvngmlaba 2 года назад
as a religious studies scholar, this video explains better what my undergrad profs failed to do
@alexross7403 Год назад
There are several subtle errors my friend. Look, study closer.
@manoloherrera6193 Год назад
no this video spread missinformation study with better sources other than youtube videos
@flickaJay Год назад
Perhaps they were good 'profs' since they left of the false teachings in this video along with the slanted 'facts?' The using of suspect and eclectic Bible versions to communicate that Mary was not necessarily a virgin. Frankly, it's a good thing that the 'New Christian religion' was even further from the Jewish standards since the Jews went further and further from their original teachings and continue to do so even now. I speak here of the recent divergence from the Sabbath commandment. The Israeli nation has conceded that keeping Sundays free of open businesses and travel, ampong other things, is as important as doing it on the Sabbath (by reading with ones own eyes Exodus 20:8-11 find that it is not the 1st day of the week) while Sunday is defined as a work day. "Crucified sometime between 30 and 35 CE"? History and Bible prophecy has proven and shows that Jesus Christ was crucified right on time in the Spring of 33 AD.
@acanadianbear649 Год назад
@@flickaJay what is the evidence Jesus was crucified in 33 a.d.? Also, explain your theory on the first day of the week please And Mary as a virgin means Jesus has no tribal lineage so he cannot be King messiah
@mariegro09 Год назад
@@flickaJay the original scriptures doesn't say Mary was a virgin. It is a translation mistake that has been repeated again and again. You can look it up if you want to.
@longshanks5531 2 года назад
Grace to you and peace my friends, from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ ✝️🕊
@randomname8858 2 года назад
Grace to you as well in the name of our lord Yeshua the Messiah✡️🙌
@AlexanderHvastovich Год назад
Yeshua and Jesus are the same name, Jesus was just transliteration from Greek
@petersanmiguel1164 Год назад
How come the Messiah receives worship in Daniel 7:13,14 and Ezekiel 1:26-28?
@nikostheater Год назад
Not only receives worship, but sits on the very Throne of God, inherits the Kingdom of God and rules everyone and everything forever. I mean, it’s there. Jesus not only called himself Son of Man repeatedly, alluding to the Son of Man of Daniel’s vision, he even called himself greater than the Temple and that He is the Lord of the Sabbath. I mean, it’s obvious.
@stephenwright8824 7 месяцев назад
No Christian can interpret the Tanakh correctly. That's strictly for the true members of the Tribes of Israel to do. So if you think your Saviour was prophesied in your so-called Old Testament, stop it right now.
@kristinmigita7688 4 месяца назад
Just wondering what to make of 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 with those two passages. Could it be that Messiah will be King on earth (under the authority of God in Heaven), much like King David and King Solomon were, and where the nations brought tribute to Jerusalem, to the God in Heaven (Psalm 18:43)?
@mobelue 3 года назад
You’re off on Constantine’s vision. It’s not a cross over the sun. It was chi rho. Or we would say and X on top of a P which is the Greek rho.
@tzvi7989 2 года назад
actually it was both. The man was extremely obsessed with the cult of helios/sol invictus in latin. This is why you see especially in catholic churches sun shaped monstrances atop religious figures and altars. He also seems to give two accounts of his own conversion/ "call to christianity" too
@ThetennisDr 2 года назад
she is waaaay off this is garbage money making video everyoe more stpupid to be lie ohhh how nice
@stephenwright8824 7 месяцев назад
@@tzvi7989 _in hoc signa vincis,_ IN THIS SIGN CONQUER. Something I, as a Protestant, was taught signified that any church on whose crucifix it appeared, had been infiltrated by Jesuits.
@nietzschesghost8529 3 года назад
It is near unheard of to have such a brilliant presentation of Christian origins in such a short video. The role of James in the early church, Paul's clash with the Jerusalem apostles, and the Gospels' depiction of an amicable Pilate are all very important components of a clear history of Christianity, but are often left out of educational videos like these. The quality here is next level. Please keep making more.
@dinonazamodeen5694 Год назад
Anyone who would believe any info or video, seen on TV is a moron!
@itsytyt5192 Год назад
@projectdissention Год назад
Ya. What a way to twist the truth to trick people.🙈
@bigdawg1448 Год назад
@semperfi-1918 9 месяцев назад
@OneNation771 allah is a joke and a lie. Ive studied the koran and laugh how he decieved so many ignorant people. The book is not a book of peace. Has science and historical events wrong. And why would anyone believe in a god who decieves? What makes one think he didnt decieve them in the first place. Ill add the fact why would i follow someone who married a 6 year old and slept with her when she was 9. Yup. Allah aint the same god.
@AarmOZ84 2 года назад
Saul did not change his name to Paul. Saul was his Aramaic name and Paul was his Greek name (since he was a Roman citizen). Saul chaining his name to Paul is a common historical mistake many Christians make, but I have heard historians constantly argue against such an idea.
@tzvi7989 2 года назад
Sha'ul is a hebrew name. Gonna need a source for this claim as Sha'ul in greek is actually Saoúl (in romanised transliteration) which gets Anglicised to Saul. It's pretty well accepted he did change his name to Páulos/Pávlos which gets Anglicised to Paul.
@burgeryoufoundbehindthegrill 11 месяцев назад
​@tzvi7989 not modern Greek. Paul is Paulus in Latin and Paulos in Koine Greek.
@kgwash33rd65 9 месяцев назад
Sources please
@fannydiaz7617 3 года назад
There are so many false statements in this video regarding to The Messiah, Jesus, Christianity and even History. Pompey was not a Roman emperor, but a general. Yes, in those years in Israel there was a messianic fervor, because they knew that according to Book of the Prophets, especially the book of Daniel they were living in the time frame when "The Messiah" was suppose to arrive. Yes, messiah means anointed one, but in the Book of the Prophets, God clearly said that he would send us a very especial one, a unique and ultimate "Anointed One." "The Messiah", that would be "The redeemer of Israel," the seed of Abraham through whom all the nations of the world would be blessed (Genesis 12:13; Acts3:24-26). It was not the apostle Paul who elevated Jesus as the Son of God. It was Jesus who called himself "The Son of God" and also "The Son of Man", making allusion to Daniel 7:13. Jesus's disciples never saw him as a revolutionary man, his disciples recognized him and acknowledged him as "The son God" and "The Messiah" since the beginning of his ministry (John 1:49; Matthew 14:33). Jesus prophesied that many false Messiahs will come after him. Yes, many false messiahs came before and after him, but none of them can compare to Jesus. None of them had the love, the compassion, the wisdom, the holiness, and the spiritual authority of Jesus. None of then did the miracles he did, none of them prophesied like he did, and none of them came even close to fulfill the prophecies as Messiah like Jesus did. Some examples of prophecies fulfilled in Jesus: Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4-6) Would come from the line of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and king David.(Matthew 1:1:16) Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah. ( Genesis 49:10; Luke 3:33, Hebrews 7:14) Would be called Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23) A massacre of children would happen at Messiah's birthplace (Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16-18) Would spend a season in Egypt. (Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:14-15). A messenger would prepare the way for Messiah (Isaiah 40:3-5; Luke 3:3-6) Would be declared the Son of God. (Psalm 2:7, Hosea 11:1, Matthew 3:16-17) Would be rejected by his own people. (Psalm 69:8, Isaiah 53:3; John 1:11, John 7:5) Would be a prophet. (Deuteronomy 18:15; Acts 3:20-22) Messiah would be crucified with criminals. (Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 27:38, Mark 15:27-28) Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced. (Psalm 22:16, Zechariah 12:10; John 20:25-27) Soldiers would gamble for Messiah's garments. (Psalm 22:18, Luke 23:34, Matthew 27:35-36) Messiah would be given vinegar to drink.( Psalm 69:21; Matthew 27:34, John 19:28-30) Messiah's bones would not be broken. (Exodus 12:46, Psalm 34:20; John 19:33-36) Soldiers would pierce Messiah's side. (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34) Messiah would be a sacrifice for sin. (Isaiah 53:5-12; Romans 5:6-8) and he would be a light to all the nations of the world ( Isaiah 42:1-7)
@nancybraybrooks5509 2 года назад
Thank you
@hmetv8619 2 года назад
Thanks You, God bless
@enji8893 Год назад
I never heard of Emperor Pompeii. Pompeii was a Roman general not an emperor.
@jamesrichter4915 9 месяцев назад
I’m not sure this could be called a “brilliant presentation of Christian origins”. I recognize the limitations in a format such as this but there are a few errors (though nothing too egregious) and expressions of clear biases. I think this is more valuable as a presentation of a particular groups perspective than a brilliantly accurate historical account.
@Babster22 9 месяцев назад
Spot on.
@orlandosanchez8123 3 года назад
Jesus (yeshua) was the messiah that Daniel prophesied about being cut off and the one that Isaiah prophesied that the gentiles would run to. Yes many have come claiming messiahship but only yeshua religion have survived 2000 yrs and who's converts keep growing
@MrMaxSkorpion 3 года назад
Nonsense. He wasn’t messiah or God. Get over it
@MrMaxSkorpion 3 года назад
@Brayan Bernal read your Bible. No he isn’t
@johnnyappleseedmaranatha 2 года назад
As a Christian, I find this perspective given fascinating. My earliest memories of learning the bible, we've always been taught to love Israel, God's chosen people (the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob). Most Rabbinic videos that I have seen discussing Jesus is usually very acrimonious in tone. The prophetic book of Revelation is a vision to the Apostle John culminating in Daniel's 70th week (Jacob's trouble) where Jesus is with the gentiles (Leah) first and at the end of Daniel's 70th week when Messiah returns completing the rest of the Messianic prophesies, defeating all her enemies and finally the Jewish people (Rachel) will realize that Jesus is the messiah and finally have the covenant promise completed. Praise the Lord. God bless Israel 🥰 FYI, Messianic Jews whose sins are washed away by the sacrificed blood from the lamb of God on the cross (Jesus) are born again as a child of God because Jesus (sinless) took the sin punishment we all deserve for violating the laws. God bless you all!! Maranatha! the Lord is coming!! 🥰🥰
@ivanachristie1015 2 года назад
Yeeeeees!!! Iove this comment! Jesus is the Messiah, The Savior, the God!
@TheJosephPrice 2 года назад
Ugh. You just HAD to proselytize at the end. Incredibly disrespectful.
@johnnyappleseedmaranatha 2 года назад
@@TheJosephPrice sorry, dude, but Jesus wants us to spread the good news.
@elisinger4172 2 года назад
Those messianic folks are not Jews…
@rahmanakhlaquar 2 года назад
We muslim and jews consider you polytheism....
@PobodyNerfect-k7j 11 месяцев назад
That love thy neighbor thing is working out real well right now 🙄
@SavedSkeptic 2 года назад
Paul never denied the Law. Jesus freed mankind from the judgement that the Law brings about. He loved the Law!
@danieljohnson8112 2 года назад
Amen to that! She is interpreting Paul from the perspective of moder-day dispensational Christians. Paul honored the law just like Jesus did. That's too bad how she is misinterpreting Paul too like some Christians do.
@clarkewi 2 года назад
Before the destruction of temple in Jerusalem 70 AD, what are today called "Christians" were a Jewish sect called Nazarenes. Their only distinction was that the believed Jesus was the Messiah of Israel. They worshipped in the temple, read from Torah scrolls in hebrew, observed the Sabbath, all dietary laws and holidays. After the Council of Nicea in the fourth century, what had once been the Jewish faith of Jesus was "Romanized" by Emperor Constantine into what has since become Roman Catholicism. And later under "Protest Catholicism" (Protestantism) by Martin Luther. These two new faiths would have horrified Jesus, Paul, the Apostles and the Nazarenes as it was nothing like their original Jewish faith. Indeed, it was a Roman paganized idolatrous distortion of it. And has been responsible for blood libels, crusades, inquisitions, decimation of indigenous peoples in the Americas, Pogroms thru the centuries and ultimately for the Holocaust. But Christians are starting to recognize these distortions in their faith. That recognition will continue God willing.
@kindsmile5955 2 года назад
There is also evidence that the first Christians, followers of Yeshua, were the essenes
@tzvi7989 2 года назад
all of the faiths would have: roman catholicism, eastern orthodox (which also developed out of that schism) and protestantism, though closer to the original spirit of Jesus's message than the rest of them.
@shyrox14 2 года назад
Jeremiah 31:31-34 31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. 32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord. 33 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”
@Bruce-zy5gj 2 года назад
Well, according to this context, this covenant should be with the people of Judah only “Jews”✡️
@sgt_slobber.7628 Год назад
As a Christian, we must pay homage to the Jews!!!! They were the chosen people Afterall!!!!! AND a great portion of our Theology is rooted in the Old Testament!!!!✡️✡️✡️✝️✝️✝️🤗🤗🤗
@BongBing11 3 месяца назад
Christians are the New Israel.
@Yosef_Morrison Год назад
This video is full of inaccuracies. I say that as a Jewish believer in Yeshua. The uneducated might eat it up, but I find it downright offensive.
@andyontheinternet5777 11 месяцев назад
Don't be angry. Without the Holy Spirit, none of us would believe in Jesus.
@Yosef_Morrison 11 месяцев назад
@@andyontheinternet5777 Have you kept the Torah since you believed?
@andyontheinternet5777 11 месяцев назад
@@Yosef_Morrison No, I'm a gentile, so I trust in Jesus to fulfill the requirements of the law. I've known a number of Jewish Christians. Some of them keep Torah, most don't. Some of the Torah laws are impossible even for practicing Jews. There is no tabernacle or temple anymore.
@Yosef_Morrison 11 месяцев назад
​@@andyontheinternet5777 Andy, what was God's commandment concerning Gentiles coming to faith in Him and joining Israel? Among many repetitive verses in Scripture about God's instruction concerning the Stranger/Gentile who joins the faith I always start with Ezekiel 47:21-23 as it is the easiest to clearly understand: “Thus you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. It shall be that you will divide it by lot as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the strangers who dwell among you and who bear children among you. They shall be to you as native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger dwells, there you shall give him his inheritance,” says YHVH Elohim." How do you understand these verses?
@andyontheinternet5777 11 месяцев назад
@@Yosef_Morrison Ezekiel is a tough book to interpret correctly. The last section is clearly looking forward to an end times restoration, with a gigantic temple and large territory for Israel. I've changed my opinion about these verses over the years. I use to think they were exact predictions of things to come, now I read it as more of prophetic imagery for things to come. In any event, these verses show a unity between Jews and Gentiles. I think a better place to look for the Gentiles in God's covenant redemptive arc is in the promises to Abraham. Look at the last phrase of Gen 12:3 - 3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
@angelosedacca1940 Год назад
The Church believed Jesus was divine from the VERY BEGINNING. In 325, Constantine and the bishops did not “set” the faith and did not suddenly “declare” Jesus as Son of God.
@andyontheinternet5777 11 месяцев назад
There was a Jewish family whose oldest son wanted to marry a Christian girl. The parents were really angry. The son argued that he should be allowed to marry a Christian since Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. His parents denied Jesus was Jewish. The son did some research about Jesus and showed it to his parents. His parents looked at the evidence for Jesus' Jewish background and said, "Fine, Jesus was a Jew, but his mother was Catholic!"
@teehee190 3 года назад
Joshua= Yehoshua, Abraham= Avraham, Jewish=Yehudi, Messiah= Mashiakh, Joseph= Yosef, Jesus= Yeshua, Isaac= Yitzchak and so on. Pronounce them right guys ;)
@kingofrexdale8598 3 года назад
There is no “right” or “wrong” pronounciations... There are just the different names used in different languages. Do you say “nippon” instead of Japan ? Do you say “polska” instead of Germany? Do you say “ Cristoforo colombo ” instead of “Christopher Columbus “ ?
@tonyrandall3146 2 года назад
@@kingofrexdale8598 You are both right.. I believe. Awkward.
@tzvi7989 2 года назад
Y'shuah is the Aramaic rendering of Y'hoshuah. Notice also how I've used a glottal stop there as the e in Yehoshua is actually a shwa as opposed to an e sound in the hebrew. Therefore Y'hoshuah = Y'shuah = Joshua = Jesus.
@tzvi7989 2 года назад
@@kingofrexdale8598 unless you are pronouncing the names in any of the 6 dialects of hebrew: modern, ashkenazi, yeshivish (yiddish influenced) ashkenazi, sephardi, yeminite or samaritan, you are pronouncing them incorrectly.
@adamsantana5881 3 года назад
The recent normalization agreements between Israel and her Arab neighbors feel different than the peace accords of the past - especially in how many Arab people see Jews. The new ties appear to be more authentic and warmer. Orthodox Jewish weddings are taking place in Dubai; Morocco is including Jewish history in its school curriculum; and a sheikh is now part owner of Beitar Jerusalem, an Israeli soccer team. For the first time in history, Judaism’s greatest challenges may not present themselves from the outside. On the contrary, our difficulties may be materializing right before our very eyes.
@Nderitu.G 3 года назад
Can you do Paul of Tarsus / Saul of Tarsus. I would argue that he is the most influential Jewish man after Jesus of Nazareth. His teachings have changed nations and effect billions of people worldwide.
@MisterK-YT 3 года назад
What about, like, Moses? Or King David? Lol I know that’s a dumb question, but I just mean that when you say “most influential Jewish man,” it’s weird to then say Paul. Yeah, technically he and Big JC were Jews, but maybe just call him “(second) most influential _Christian_ man.” I don’t tend to label Paul as Jewish in any capacity other than whom he was born to. Maybe that’s just my ignorance idk.
@michaelmacias8 2 года назад
Did you know Saul is his name in Hebrew and Paul is just his name in Greek
@marchess7420 2 года назад
define "influential "
@putatdaun 2 года назад
Indeed. His teachings are just to assimilate Jews into Pagan beliefs in oder to please Romans. His teaching lead people away from fundamentals beliefs of one true God.
@BigTasty097 Год назад
There's one part of Jesus' teachings that you seemed to skim over, butttt Jesus is indeed God! He taught that he was God and we believe that he had to be God which is why we worship him! God bless everyone!
@frustrated181 3 года назад
As a Jew that believes in yeshua I really like this video thank you!!
@Bah1357 3 года назад
🤍God bless you💕
@Riverflowbythefield 3 года назад
Your not a jew your a Christian 🤚🏽🙂
@frustrated181 3 года назад
@@Riverflowbythefield thanks I know!!! 😁
@Riverflowbythefield 3 года назад
@@frustrated181 so why did u say that your a jew? Did u mean it as ethnically Jew? Or that messianic Jews bullshit
@graphics8492 3 года назад
If a Jew believes in Yeshua they are still Jew.. 😁😁
@Eleora1997Msia Год назад
refreshing idea to learn today. is true Christian are like a chameleon. As a Chinese i had my own traditional and belief of God (Chinese version of Old Testament) when i met Jesus Christ (He teached me that the way i believed in actually do had blind corner that God actually dislike to see because things we are doing is so down to earth in physical dealing way) When i was spiritual awakening things was so different Today China is atheist country and i was very Thank God Jesus Christ choose my family and blessed me , to saved me out from danger and my ancestors long ago had moved out from the dragon land. now as disapora/exile. Amen is a good thing Nice to met Jesus Christ , He indeed a Saviour. one thing i love about Jesus sent His apostles to Europe , is to stop the wolf to attack on the sheep (in spiritual awakening sense) China history had told , the man from far west are white devil, they are bad in spiritual world , they had bloody hand , and killed innocent people. that's why some Chinese had phobia of Christian cross and thought that Christian is made from European religion. but when we started to read , is from Jew... (speechless moment)
@stephenwright8824 7 месяцев назад
I like what Gandhi said when he visited London for a negotiation with a British PM over the issue of independence for India. He said that he liked our Christ but Christians were to him a definite disappointment.
@68M35A2 4 месяца назад
This is the best comment I've ever read. May God bless you! Amen
@mr.catalyst6563 3 года назад
At the end of the day, someone in somewhere thinks that *his/her religion* is the one & only true religion in the world.
@bahloulmounder8724 3 года назад
Yes indeed, but this Man or woman are making a fallacious assumption. There is only one God and one religion :submitting to God by following his commendements written on scriptures and explained by a messenger. This one religion is revealed to humanity during different period of time taking different names. The Question is: Why God had to repeat his Commandements through différents scriptures and messengers? I will be grateful if you have a response to this question.
@Eiramilah 3 года назад
A lot of what history called Christianity was Catholicism, and a lot of the practices went directly against the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. It makes no sense to be Christian and anti-semitic.
@Rakotino 2 года назад
@Allyourbase1990 2 года назад
I’m a Christian but why would a Christian be anti semitic? Jewish people are Gods people. I worship God, which means I love Jews too
@papallegatepoope3010 2 года назад
So your church has the chair of Peter? It doesn’t? How can you say we are not Christian when our church was founded by Christ himself
@davidswaroop79 2 года назад
Catholics and Orthodox Christians regard few books as a part of the old testament when the Jews themselves do not consider them to be a part of the Old Testament. When an Old Testament book does not have any Jewish foundations, you might seriously want to think about that. Christians follow the entire canon Old Testament which has Jewish foundations and ofcourse the New Testament.
@xiron81 Год назад
@@davidswaroop79 exactly they gave added books that Christ himself doesn't consider canon
@kianarose2098 Год назад
I’m a messianic Jew and Paul didn’t get rid of the law of Moses. It just didn’t apply to non Jews. Paul had a Jew (Timothy) circumcised in the NT right before he went out to preach the gospel. While Titus was a gentile who was never circumcised. Before Gentiles we’re even believers some messianic Jews believed that gentiles first had to become Jewish in order to be saved. Also Isiah 53 prophesies about the coming Messiah.
@jacksepticeyesupergay711 Год назад
Christianity got popular because of one word “Forgiveness” That’s why it’s so popular lol Easy way to heaven
@heatherbowlan1961 3 года назад
If your here to learn , you’ll be blessed , and when you find your right way to live you and your family will be blessed ! God loves you more than you could even imagine ,but will feel it warmth soon !God be with you ! Help you find your truth !
@adellaadams8018 3 года назад
@hassanalbasirjamal7013 3 года назад
And being from the Israelite race himself, Jesus a.s. was not a white person with a skinny nose. He was middle Eastern
@thebeatnumber 3 года назад
Hahaha! This is literal nonsense because nobody in Christianity cares what Jesus looked like. Only His message mattered.
@marcusrivera1510 3 года назад
@@thebeatnumber ok but it’s true he was middle eastern it doesn’t matter if you don’t care it’s a matter of fact
@Arwar555 Год назад
So basically from your program Paul is the main figure and directed the future of Christianity rather than Jesus?
@samystaschower6961 3 года назад
As a jew, and so beliver in the true Torah, i would like you to review the content based on Torah and not on Talmudic basis, based in people personal wishes.
@mariodini839 3 года назад
I just noticed your comment and reference to the Talmud....you state that you are Jewish and as such a believer in the Torah....the Talmud though is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology....so do you study the Talmudic text at all....just curious
@samystaschower6961 3 года назад
@@mariodini839 you are kidding me?men are teaching haShem? Come on. Give just one revelation of Him on Talmud and i give you hindreds on the Tanach. Gave you got any profecy on Tslmud that really happen? On Tanach you have plenty. Have ypu ever read the Tanach?
@samystaschower6961 3 года назад
@A Sojourner shalom ve shalom, yes, at school we learned Talmud more than Torah, then one day I said Shema Ysrael and had to stop and see what I said and what was the commitment, I read there Torah and not Talmud, so I go back to my question, Talmud was written by men, has not revelations, does not fulfill or make new promises, why shall I spend time with that??? if you have a clear answer great, otherwise thanks for your attention.
@leilasantoslopes2303 3 года назад
@A Sojourner I believe the Talmud was designed to be a discussion on the followings of Halaka, on the traditions and interpretations of all the revelations of the Tanakh. Although many deem important in order to really adhere to a jewish lifestyle, they are still only opinions written by normal men, not divine revelations or words of prophets which means their ideas and opinions can often be questioned, rejected or debunked like in any other theological debate, it is a series of interpretations that can be studied and evaluated and found widey accepted or rejected. Does my opinion on the use of the Talmud match with yours?
@samystaschower6961 3 года назад
@A Sojourner hi, I use to say that religion is to service men, while faith is to serve haShem. I am a full faith jew, live the perfect harmony of the Torah. Mostly to be clean of my sin, which was that has set me apart from Him. As you are a Torah reader you know that the sins neede korbanot and we do not have a new Torah instruction so I do belive and trust the living Meshaich, yes.
@kernlove1986 2 года назад
You were doing okay from a naturalist's perspective. The Council of Nicea was with in response to Arianism, not to decide canonised doctrine, that was already decided in the 2nd century.
@ivancovarrubias7374 2 года назад
It has been argued that Koine Greek was the preferred language for Jews outside Jerusalem. Hence, the translation of the Hebrew Bible to the LXX. The average Jew outside of Jerusalem read/heard the LXX rather than the Hebrew. It is not a matter of Paul's success, including gentiles changing the reading from Hebrew to Greek; instead, Greek was already the lingua franca of the Roman Empire. In contrast, Aramaic was the language spoken by Jesus and his followers. It might very well be true that they were familiar with some Hebrew but not as their mother tongue. It seems to me that you are imposing the Jerusalem socio-historical situation on all Jews in Palestine and the diaspora.
@Jay-zq2um 10 месяцев назад
They weren't just familiar with Hebrew, archeology and literary sources prove otherwise. Every parable preserved in the Mishnah is always without exception in Hebrew, even when the surrounding commentary is in Aramaic. Hebrew, it appears, was used for religious instruction while Aramaic was used for regular everyday conversation.
@mikemiguel5073 3 года назад
I have to say that this channel’s perspective of Christianity is in many ways wrong Christianity and Judaism are very similar but many people interpret the Bible differently which has blinded many people
@AyamanAmusic 3 года назад
Actually... what she said is the truth according to the history books...
@mikemiguel5073 3 года назад
@@AyamanAmusic no she wasn’t 🤷‍♂️
@AyamanAmusic 3 года назад
@@mikemiguel5073 proove it.
@mikemiguel5073 3 года назад
@@AyamanAmusic what she said was based on catholicism
@AyamanAmusic 3 года назад
So I ask you... prove it to me... give me a historical record that says otherwise
@CarlJohnson-kk4pr 2 года назад
Emperor Constantine' mother was a high priestess of the worship of Mydthra the sun godess, and Emperor Constantine remainded a Pagan worshipper behind the scenes, only for combinding political and religious perposes did he unite the people (his subjects).
@tzvi7989 2 года назад
well we don't know the last bit for sure but that is one theory
@gospelthatsaves 3 года назад
Some points are quite misleading. Paul was NOT summoned by James and Peter or others (for the mentioned reason). Read the whole context to get the whole truth. Jesus was not officially declared to be the Son of God in 325 AD as mentioned here. Jesus was declared to be the Son of God by virtue of prophecy of his coming long before He came, virgin birth, wonders, miracles, teaching, death, resurrection, ascension, faith in Him releasing demon possessed from demons, true believers freed from sin and it’s power, etc. etc. I myself being of a tribalism which worships stone, mountains, woods, rivers, and more, heard of Jesus and believed in Him and since then I’m a transformed person. The changes and the peace He gives me is something I can’t just ignore easily. Please do the proper research on Jesus Christ. You may fail any other of truth, but not Jesus of Nazareth.
@norvusordoseclorum 3 года назад
Jesus had seven siblings some of which were sisters. And Joshua is pronounced differently and is a different name to Jeshua. I think this lady got her information from a Google search.
@Meirstein 3 года назад
Yehoshua is Hebrew, Yeshua is Aramaic.
@norvusordoseclorum 3 года назад
@@Meirstein Yes well that's the language that Jesus spoke. So who knows which is more correct
@norvusordoseclorum 3 года назад
@A Sojourner Haha yeah sure. Clever 😅
@norvusordoseclorum 3 года назад
@A Sojourner It depends on what you mean by the New Testament because Lucifer was actually mentioned in Isaiah 14:12 . And if you go through many prophesies in the old testament and examine them you'll realise they match up perfectly with Jesus.
@ephy1973 3 года назад
She is correct. Variations are in transliteration and pronunciation in languages other than Hebrew. They are the same name in Hebrew.
@AJ-Gems101 3 года назад
I was so excited to find these videos. I even subscribed and was going to refer them to others. But after this one I'm unsubscribing. I am a Christian and I believe in the Bible 100%. However, I see where you have distorted the Bible's content. Very disappointing.
@UNPACKED 3 года назад
We are telling the story of the Jewish people from a Jewish perspective. We aren't distorting any content of the bible.
@cohenlevilovesyeshuahamash900 3 года назад
@@UNPACKED You sure are distorting everything based on man-made Rabbinical Judaism. Why don't you do a video about so-called Sages not caring if Rome destroyed the temple as long as they had their own little town to teach their man-made cult.
@FerozKhan-ss9nn 2 года назад
This unpacked channel is not only an open source platform that allows users to share their own personal comments and opinions with the channel and through their platform with to those who are interested in learning more about the interesting topics through this blog. Moreover, the energetic and lively presentation of this channel’s learned speaker Ms. Rivka Derary is an excellent example of a good way of making the centuries-old history of the people of Old Testament and New Testament literature accessible to those who need to know more about this subject’s origins. Pakistan….🇵🇰
@dinonazamodeen5694 Год назад
Those who believe what they see on TV is like a Dog on a leash; led by its master!
@fre2584 Год назад
@@dinonazamodeen5694 You don't have to believe to get a better understanding on a different perspective. Diversify your knowledge
@dinonazamodeen5694 Год назад
@@fre2584 If I do not believe then there is no need to pursue. And that is my "perspective" on this matter!
@mikemiguel5073 3 года назад
Actually as a seventh day Adventist, and yes we’re Christians, we keep the sabbath as our name implies and we keep dietary laws we have some similarities
@mikemiguel5073 3 года назад
@@PowerRangersFanAntiDinoFury yes you have a point it would technically still be Judaism is they had accepted Jesus
@etiblmca9267 3 года назад
@@PowerRangersFanAntiDinoFury Mathew 21:43-45 "Therefore I say to you, that the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder. And when the cheif priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they knew that he spoke of them."
@stephenwright8824 7 месяцев назад
Ahh, Millerites and their Day of Disappointment. Lovely people. I mean that sincerely.
@shellyjensen609 Год назад
I appreciate the heart behind this video- explaining the similarities and disagreements between Judaism and Christianity- but their explanation of Christianity missed many of the most important points and connections with the Old Testament. It’s simply very difficult to explain someone else’s religion because you see it all through the lens of your own world-view. It would have been much more accurate had they included a Messianic Jewish Rabbi (yes, there are many Jewish people who believe in Jesus as the Messiah and still consider themselves as Jews). If you’d like to hear about the differences between Judaism and Christianity from someone qualified to talk about both, I would suggest “One for Israel”.
@suzis5767 Год назад
This is not a theological video presenting an in-depth look at Christian doctrine. It's a Jewish ! perspective on Jesus. Judaism does not recognize "Messianic" Jews as Jews, so while their perspective is interesting, it would not be featured in a video about Jewish perspectives.
@TheDuncanmacster 3 года назад
This seems to me to be a fairly balanced summary of the history, although I would have liked to hear more about the reasons Jews do not recognise Jesus as the Messiah. A subject which is the subject of libraries! Notwithstanding, I personally acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord.
@liam9716 3 года назад
Letter of Shaul (Paul) to the Romans, 11 1 "In that case, I say, isn't it that God has repudiated his people?" Heaven forbid! For I myself am a son of Isra'el, from the seed of Avraham, of the tribe of Binyamin. 2 God has not repudiated his people, whom he chose in advance. Or don't you know what the Tanakh says about Eliyahu? He pleads with God against Isra'el, 3 "ADONAI, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars, and I'm the only one left, and now they want to kill me too!"w 4 But what is God's answer to him? "I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not knelt down to Ba'al." 5 It's the same way in the present age: there is a remnant, chosen by grace. 6 (Now if it is by grace, it is accordingly not based on legalistic works; if it were otherwise, grace would no longer be grace.) 7 What follows is that Isra'el has not attained the goal for which she is striving. The ones chosen have obtained it, but the rest have been made stonelike, 8 just as the Tanakh says, "God has given them a spirit of dullness eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, right down to the present day." 9 And David says, "Let their dining table become for them a snare and a trap, a pitfall and a punishment. 10 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they can't see, with their backs bent continually." 11 "In that case, I say, isn't it that they have stumbled with the result that they have permanently fallen away?" Heaven forbid! Quite the contrary, it is by means of their stumbling that the deliverance has come to the Gentiles, in order to provoke them to jealousy. a 12 Moreover, if their stumbling is bringing riches to the world - that is, if Isra'el's being placed temporarily in a condition less favored than that of the Gentiles is bringing riches to the latter - how much greater riches will Isra'el in its fullness bring them! -there are several videos of Messianic rabbi Greg Hershberg who has taught on a lot of the things that seem to be conflicting to the majority of jewish people that are expressed in this video. He is a jew that believes in Messiah Jesus, and has taught on how to be sensible in sharing the good news with jews because of so the horrible history of antisemitism the people that called themselves followers of Jesus had.
@swahsauce989 3 года назад
@A Sojourner Daniel 7 13 “I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him. 14 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, Which shall not pass away, And His kingdom the one Which shall not be destroyed.
@swahsauce989 3 года назад
@A Sojourner you are clearly a part of those gentiles unless you repent and accept Yeshua otherwise it will be required of you.
@swahsauce989 3 года назад
@A Sojourner Daniel 9 24 “Seventy [e]weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, [f]To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint [g]the Most Holy. 25 “Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The [h]street shall be built again, and the [i]wall, Even in troublesome times. 26 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall [j]be cut off, but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, And till the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 Then he shall confirm a [k]covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the [l]desolate.”
@swahsauce989 3 года назад
@A Sojourner Isaiah49 Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The Lord hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name. 2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me; 3 And said unto me, Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. 4 Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God. 5 And now, saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and my God shall be my strength. 6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth. 7 Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the Lord that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose thee. 8 Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;
@yakovmatityahu 3 года назад
I am a Christian and we have the same Bible and we have all the prophets of the Bible and we have Jesus Christ the way to the father...
@kingofrexdale8598 3 года назад
@A Sojourner Yes the OT is exactly the same lexically speaking. What you're talking about it INTERPRETATION. Our Interpretation is different based off revelation, but to say the text is different is factually incorrect
@kingofrexdale8598 3 года назад
@A Sojourner I'm going to ignore your first reply because it's quite frankly irrelevant, I completely agreed that the Old testament is a Jewish text written in Hebrew/ Aramaic . I'm not here to argue with you on whether the Jewish or Christian interpretation is correct. However I will discuss the verse you presented and it's 3 variations. Notice none of the text are not mutually exclusive right? You can be a young women and a virgin simultaneously, no where does it indicate that sexual intercourse has had to take place. I could also get into the "translation" aspect of the text but that's not necessary to prove my point
@yakovmatityahu 3 года назад
@CEDELIAN QUEEN Jesus is son of God and messiah sent by the father.
@yakovmatityahu 3 года назад
@A Sojourner my OT is the same as the oldest OT manuscript, i.e Septuagint translated by Greek Jews in 260 BC...the orthodox jews have Targum which was invented in 200 AD
@yakovmatityahu 3 года назад
@A Sojourner Christian OT predates Jewish OT by 460 years...so Christian OT is the most reliable OT available...Almah doesnt necessarily mean Virgin but young girl in ancient days were a virgin, and the Authors if didnt mean a virgin why does this birth is special, and why does God say that he will give a sign??? normal birth is not a sign of anything...the Birth of Messiah Jesus is a sign because he is born from a Virgin, Mary which is God's sign prophesized by Isaiah...
@tuna22lm 11 месяцев назад
Part one has been quite the history about Jews absolutely amazing twists and turns through out their whole existence to this present time it is quite fascinating and hard for me to comprehend, thank you for this educational videos on the existence of the Jewish people.
@AlexStock187 Год назад
There’s a lot of misconceptions packed in here; some examples: The sign above the cross didn’t say “INRI”, it had the full Latin phrase as well as the phrase in Greek and Hebrew/Aramaic; Saul didn’t change his name to Paul after encountering Jesus, he continued to go by Saul while addressing Jews and went by Paul (likely just his Greek name) when addressing non-Jews; Paul never rejected circumcision (he had one of his disciples circumcised, in fact), he only said that non-Jews did not have to become circumcised to join the Messiah. Since you’re not a Christian, much less a Christian scholar, misconceptions are understandable. Though I find it interesting that you suggested Bar Khova was a good model of the Messiah since the rebellion he incited led to the obliteration of Jewish Judea, put a blockage in continuity between the more ancient Temple&Torah Judaism and the Rabbinical Judaism that followed and solidified the massive diaspora that began in 70 that the ethnic Jews are just now starting to reverse…..
@AlexStock187 Год назад
It’s also worth understanding Paul’s logic about circumcision. Prominent in Paul’s ideology was God’s promise that “all the nations will be blessed through” Abraham. If the nations were to all convert to Judaism (get circumcised, follow dietary restrictions, etc.), they would become part of Israel and cease to be “the nations.” For that promise to stand, Abraham would bless the nations AS the nations. Paul saw Jesus as the fulfillment of the promise. The Messiah, Son of David, is meant to inherit and rule the nations. And as a historical fact, many non-Jews have come to worship the God of Israel. Christians, following Paul, see this as a fulfillment of the countless prophecies about “all of the nations streaming to Zion.”
@SyedMuhammadMoaz3634 Год назад
5:59 Yea but same Yeshayahu wrote 700 BC that Mashiach is gonna suffer and Rashi in his commentary on Zechariah 12 says Mashiach ben Yosef will be slain and Rabbi Moshe Alcheikh says Mashiach will die as Atonement... He is your redeemer your atonement....
@youssefgouda2785 3 года назад
proud to be muslim, all respect to all human beings♥️
@makbelmillion6534 3 года назад
I’m sorry brother You are worshiping false God you have to accept Jesus Christ in your life he is son of GOD king of kingdom he is a truth and the savior . Pls Jesus loves you read more about him and one day your heat will open 🙏
@youssefgouda2785 3 года назад
Borther I know and LOVE Jesus already. He is a holy prophet in our religion but he is not the son of god. God is one and only and can't have sons. I have already read a lot about Christianity so please brother read about islam. All love and respect ❤️.
@cohenlevilovesyeshuahamash900 3 года назад
@@youssefgouda2785 Have you heard of Christian Prince?
@zacharias9243 2 года назад
@@youssefgouda2785 "Can't have sons" so your god is a limited god?
@gamalsaad1545 Год назад
@@zacharias9243 limited god that what you worship , why does god need sons he is eternal
@jimmymays1003 3 года назад
James was not the head of the movement. She is incorrect on several points
@nikostheater Год назад
James was the head of the Apostolic Coincil Council and the leader of what today we would call the church of Jerusalem.
@zavi13 2 года назад
It was the Chi-Rho (Christogram) symbol that Constantine dreamed about rather than the cross itself, and supposedly had his soldiers paint on their shields - 'In this sign you will conquer!"
@tzvi7989 2 года назад
look up his obsessions with the helios/sol invictus cult too. He actually gives 2 accounts of his conversion
@JG13212 Год назад
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
@ahf9281 Год назад
It was the Chi Rho Symbol that Constantine wore into battle
@impsimp 2 года назад
Did she just call Pompey a Roman Emperor 😬 Pompey was a consul, the Roman equivalent to a president or prime minister who served a one year term alongside another consul. Even Julius Caesar was not an emperor, his grand-nephew Octavian became the first Roman Emperor, Augustus. Pompey was expanding the Roman Republic, the empire wasn’t forged until Octavian defeated Mark Anthony and Cleopatra.
@captainbossman1016 3 года назад
For those of you wondering about Isaiah 53 It's a prophecy about how the people of Israel will suffer from persecution throughout history while in exile
@Rotisiv 3 года назад
I KNOW RIGHT many Christians falsely interpret it as foretelling the death of Christ. And why the hell would the Jewish Messiah even be crucified?
@captainbossman1016 3 года назад
@@Rotisiv yep. He doesn't fit the criteria of a messiah
@cohenlevilovesyeshuahamash900 3 года назад
@@Rotisiv A Muslim😂😂😂
@captainbossman1016 3 года назад
@Sonia Ruth that's not possible because he doesn't even fit the criteria for a messiah. For example: The messiah needs to be from the tribe of Judah Is Jesus from the tribe of Judah? No because according to you the holy spirit made Mariya pregnant. Joseph may be from the tribe of Judah but according to you he isn't his biological father.
@anigavriel777 2 года назад
@@captainbossman1016 Mary came from the tribe of Judah. And Isaiah 53 speaks of the Messiah, even Rabbi Jonathan ben Uzziel, a disciple of Hillel who lived early in the second century noted that the context clearly speaks of God’s Anointed One, the Messiah.
@zacblakely3285 9 месяцев назад
Such an enlightening video, just enough to give me the unbiased story; also making me want for more information.
@christmastruth Год назад
Jesus Christ was Jewish just wanted everyone reading the comments to know that. Have a merry Christmas.
@Magneticitist Год назад
Jesus was the opposite of a Jew in every contextual right which matters. He strongly opposed the Synagogue leaders for more or less worshiping money as their lord. What he walked and preached about them gave rise to their desires to have him killed because he was not one of them. Jews would truly believe the Hebrews/Israelites were the chosen people of God who would exclusively be saved by a Messiah. Jesus came with a different message. Jesus will always be an enemy of the "Jew".
@projectdissention Год назад
The Jewish story,, "We jews killed Jesus the son of God. That's why we were destroyed. So we came up with a new religion creating a new story. The end."
@samuelgilliard5483 3 года назад
She is wrong on some of this
@fromtheforest3188 3 года назад
The first Christians were all Jewish
@غاليةعيدوعجم Год назад
@moehoward8691 Месяц назад
@violinow1673 2 года назад
That James is a son of a different Mary (Mark 15:40). If Jesus had a brother, he wouldn’t have asked John to look after his mother. Brethren meant wider family, relatives, cousins not just biological brothers.
@MindForgedManacle 2 года назад
That is incorrect. There is no non-theologically motivated reasons for thinking Jesus didn't have brothers. The Greek term there "adelphoí" is not used for non blood relations. Most scholars believe that reference to is to the same James, brother of Jesus.
@nikostheater Год назад
@@MindForgedManaclethe word αδελφός can be used for literal brothers, or relatives or friends or members of a group.
@saulmirandaaliaga 10 месяцев назад
According to New Testament teaching, even though it was the Jewish people who handed Jesus over to the Romans to be executed, it isn't the Jews who bear responsibility for Jesus dying on the cross, in fact, we are ALL responsible for his death and sacrifice. Jesus died to grant atonement and forgiveness for our sins, it is OUR transgressions that caused him to be nailed to the cross and suffer an excruciating death, we are all to be blame. Therefore, blaming the Jewish people for his death is entirely wrong, and persecuting them as a means of punishment is even worse, after all, while being crucified, Jesus himself asked the Father to forgive those murdering him for they did not know what they were doing, therefore, as Christians, the least we are called to do is to pray for Jews and their forgiveness of sins, through the recognition of Jesus as the promised Messiah and the Son of God. Nothing justifies hatred towards Jews, Jesus was a Jew himself and his love, salvation and sacrifice is for the benefit of Jews and non-Jews alike.
@jenex5608 6 месяцев назад
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
@Nazarene_Judaism 3 года назад
Constantine created The so called religion "christianity" in 325AD. and even persecuted THE WAY and Nazarenes which are the true believers of Jesus. Christianity Is nothing to do with Jesus or the disciples at all. and Paul did NOT create christianity either. Catholic-schism came out of Constantines roman religion called Christianity in the 15 hundreds and protestant-Schism came out of catholic-schism.
@jebediahknight2724 3 года назад
Greetings from a messianic jew!
@Nazarene_Judaism 3 года назад
@@jebediahknight2724 shalom ahk, please check out our cannel.
@jebediahknight2724 3 года назад
@@Nazarene_Judaism sure
@tonybuck1225 2 года назад
Your post is complete drivel.
@katej392 3 года назад
The letters in hebrew fron INRI is the most interedting part. It's a shame she didn't mention that
@gatogati2281 3 года назад
I found from other source, this INRI in Hebrew is YHWH. Eye opening..
@katej392 3 года назад
@@gatogati2281 I know right!!
@margaritakleinman5701 3 года назад
@@gatogati2281 I have never heard that. The initials INRI stand for "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" in Latin. It is not Hebrew.
@margaritakleinman5701 3 года назад
@Sonia Ruth Wow, that is so interesting and significant, I didn't know that! Thanks for sharing this information.
@margaritakleinman5701 3 года назад
@@gatogati2281 That is amazing and very revealing.
@Awakeningspirit20 2 года назад
It’s really sad how Jews I met associated Jesus and Hitler and often trashed them in the same breath… though it’s certainly understandable. I’m grateful I got to explore Jewish culture and ultimately hypothesize that my own partial ‘Lithuanian’ heritage is likely Jewish, based off where we may have come from down to how I and my ancestors physically look. Sadly, I have personally seen blanketed anti-Semitism even among Catholic friends, while some of the Russian Orthodox (Christian) RU-vid channels I’ve seen are outright conspiracy mongers and anti-Semites. It’s a tradition that Christendom needs to abandon… Christ WAS a Jew. If it weren’t for Jews, there wouldn’t be our religion as we know it (God would have just found some other group to incarnate through). All the apostles were Jews. It’s the ethics of the Jews we have to thank for the modern West.
@Bruce-zy5gj 2 года назад
They did not make up anti-Semitism, anti-Semitism is found in your book "Matthew 27: 24-25". Hitler himself was influenced by the so-called New Testament.
@sarabrown7488 Год назад
@@Bruce-zy5gjlol that’s funny.
@sarabrown7488 Год назад
@@Bruce-zy5gjHitler was into the occult . You can’t blame the New Testament for what he did. I mean it would make just as much sense to blame Kabbalah. Because that were the occult originated from
@surrealresonance3426 Год назад
Jews hate Jesus and hate whites
@luelzone7474 2 года назад
There is no Jew or Gentile. There is no slave or free person. There is no male or female. That’s because you are all one in Christ Jesus. You who belong to Christ are Abraham’s seed. So you will receive what God has promised. Galatians 3:28‭-‬29 NIRV
@MarcWilliams-v9w 4 месяца назад
This Millennial quickly summarizes the basic Christian story with fair accuracy, and in under 13 minutes, serves as a decent introduction for those unacquainted.
@Ricca_Day 3 года назад
As one who views Judaism from the perspective of the Torah, prophets and the poets, the idea that Messiah is Israel as a Nation without the specific Fulfillment of Isaiah or Daniel is.. incomprehensible. But we each are afforded the free will to entertain this for ourselves. For anyone interested in the Concept of Fulfillment through the individual known as Yeshua Ha'Moshiach, Christ Jesus, I suggest the YT channel Saved Skeptic, specifically the video " Isaiah 53 is about Jesus..", as a well presented examination of that passage. He shows numerous New and Old Testament scriptures that show clearly that Paul was elaborating upon the Messiah that the prophets spoke of from before the C.E., and not creating a new religion, but expounding upon the one he understood to be the " Author and finisher of our faith."
@TheTRUTHisinHISNAME 3 года назад
Also a very good reference is this book (CKJV) - The Chronological Gospels: The Life and Seventy Week Ministry of Messiah... this book truly provides an unbiased approach to debunking many of the errors insinuated by scholars and historians of their own kind. Truly a must read.
@Ricca_Day 3 года назад
The TRUTH is in HIS NAME Many thanks 🙏. I always appreciate solid references and materials, though I'm an unlikely Apologist on a scholarly level, I am an avid reader, who is never entirely sure where the next inspiration or encouragement will come from, so thank you for sharing this information. Blessings!🌻
@mohommedameenahmed2099 3 года назад
@Ricca_Day 3 года назад
Mohommed Ameen Ahmed ?
@Jesuschristgod24 2 года назад
@@Ricca_Day I agree he is not the lord thy god but the true son of god
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