
Jesus Our Substitute 

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Jesus didn’t just die for you, He died as you. He died in your place. He became like you so you could become like Him. He became your sin so you could be righteous. He was diseased so you would be well. He was punished so you could be free. He was rejected so you could be accepted.
Read along with me through these passages. This sermon is more of a meditative walk through Isaish 52:13 through 54:10.
Here is one of my favorite set of promises from this section of scripture. Notice how God defines Himself; your husband, the Lord of Hosts, your redeemer, the God of the earth, the Lord who has mercy. We must allow God to define who He is and how He wants to operate in our lives. In this selection of scripture, He makes Himself more than our Lord, He describes a very personal and intimate relationship. He is our husband, He is the one who has mercy on us.
Yes, He is the Lord of Hosts, which denotes His powerful authority, but He uses that reference to illustrate how He exercises His authority in our lives. He loves us, He wants to take care of us in the context of relationship. He wants us to be free from our past. He wants to be kind to us. He not only wants to, He swears to. This is a big deal. God swears to be kind to you, to no longer be angry with you.
Why? Because of what the Messiah accomplished in the previous chapter. He was your substitute, making you clean and holy before Him. Forever sealed in His new covenant of promise.
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26 янв 2021




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@josephkuzara2609 Год назад
He was not our substitute, He did not substitute the first Adam, but became as a new creation the second Adam for the elect specifically as their representative that the elect would inherit and be preserved in his nature(called the new creation) as participants in His life, suffering, death and resurrection as legit mortal children of God upheld by the working of God through the indwelling Holy Spirit. He did not substitute our divine wrathful suffering in life nor of what we deserve at death because he did not become a substitute of our moral corruption. Yeshua suffered as a legitimate mortal child of God who Father Loved and received , learning obedience by what he suffered even such obedience on the tree while living a sinless life through the Same Spirit as our source and example of how Father chose to exact merciful Judgment upon the mortal in order for many to fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law as the product of such merciful Judgment in granting and gifting repentance an faith. Yeshua only volunteered to endure as a consequence of His righteous lifestyle not only the hostility of sinners but the tree in death. Scripture does not teach that he volunteered to become morally corrupt to then offer himself to Father as blemished. Such is abominable to God according to scripture, that not only a wicked person presenting an offering but the offering itself being blemished. If Yeshua as a substitute of our moral corruption offered himself to Father as morally corrupt. Father would reject the offering! Nor does scripture teach that God being impassible and immutable would pour out wrath on a righteous person wether righteous of themselves(Yeshua) or that which comes from God (the mortal elect)
@ClintByars Год назад
I never said he "offered himself to Father as morally corrupt." Did you watch the video? Jesus was our sin offering. God made him who knew no sin to be sin on the cross for all mankind. He was a sacrificial substitute for all mankind, for all who will believe.
@josephkuzara2609 Год назад
@@ClintByars he made him to be a offering for sin, not sin himself as our substitute. He did not take our place of what we deserved as children of wrath. As human He is a new creation, cause although he became flesh as mortal he was not enslaved to sin nor spiritually dead. He was wholly separated from the children of wrath. He was treated as a mortal child of God under the Law, learning obedience through the agency of the Spirit by what He suffered, even such obedience on the tree as our source and example being recieved as legit children of God. No where did He take our place as children of wrath wether suffering or death. he came into the world as the second and last Adam as the elects federal head to represent the elect as our High Priest,offering His unblemished self voluntary to Father. And in doing so remitting and redeeming the elect only. For He died and prayed on behalf, for the sake and benefit of many of whom are all kinds of people who Father gave Him and not the whole world(every person to ever exist). As a general argument and not specifically toward you. For anyone to say that Yeshua took our place as a substitute wether it be of suffering or of death, knowing that before any of us are saved, are children of wrath. Would conclude everything that a child of wrath is morally, spiritually and deserves. One can't have Yeshua take ones place being a child of wrath to then suffer and die under divine wrath to then say he was morally righteous before God. Nor can anyone using sound reasoning and logic conclude that although morally righteous , he was treated by Father as "IF" a child of wrath/declared sinner. Both are injustices because God the Father according to His promises, does not teach that He revokes sonship nor does He teach that He treats who He declares righteous as a or if a child of wrath. Those who He loves and receives as legitimate mortal children He disciplines and scourged. He does not punish nor abandon as orphans legit children under His wrath. As why being participants in Yeshua being baptized into Him, we are treated by Father as He treated His Son on His narrow path in life, suffering, death and resurrection. It was certain men and women who deemed Yeshua smitten and punished by God but it was their rod that did the punishing and not God pouring out His wrath on His Son. The Cup that Father gave his Son to drink is the same cup Yeshua's brothers and sisters who do the will of Father are to drink from.
@ClintByars Год назад
@@josephkuzara2609 Incorrect, he became sin. He cam in the likeness of sinful flesh, like we are, yet without sin. He was perfect, which qualified him to be the sin offering. But unlike the temporary atonement of goats and bulls, Jesus became sin on the cross and atoned for all sin, for all time. That's the beauty of the propitiation and the core of the Gospel.
@josephkuzara2609 Год назад
@@ClintByars likeness of sinful flesh as mortal (yet without being enslaved to sin or being spiritually dead) thus not brought forth in the marred image of God being the image of the first Adam. but not the exactness of sin which involves moral and spiritual corruption in the image of the first Adam. If Yeshua took our place as children of wrath he would be conformed to the exactness of our corruption and not just mortal being it's likeness. Thus he was a new creation as the 2nd and last Adam. And those saved inherit His human nature as that new creation being presently no longer enslaved to sin nor spiritually dead yet are mortal just as Yeshua was. But also treated by Father as Yeshua was treated as loved and received legit human son, learning to obey as He did while mortal. Besides that passage is best rendered as he was made to be an sin offering who knew no sin. Which is seen in the OT involving such offerings and sacrifices. The Hebrew word chata'ah is rendered sin or sin offering, I believe hamartia in the Greek should also be rendered this way when it involves the death of Yeshua. As was understood in Hebrews 10:8 involving sacrifice and offerings. Hebrews 10:8 is a quote from OT scripture.but Yeshua being the fulfillment of animal sacrifices and offerings. Clearly you wouldn't offer sin to Father.that we become the righteousness of God. And we only become the righteousness of God through the voluntary offering of Yeshua's life, so that God can work in us to will and act toward His good pleasure after being redeemed and made spiritually alive in order to fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law by Their working . The children of wrath are not the likeness of sinful flesh but it's exactness, embodiment.