
"Jesus Was Jewish So Christians Should Become Jewish" | Street Interview 

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Jeff talks to Israeli Jews about Jesus. Hear what they have to say about it.
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3 янв 2023




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@josephj5050 Год назад
Jesus came to reconcile all mankind back to God,not just the Jews.
@SOBEIT32AD Год назад
Absolutely! 💯
@auh2o148 Год назад
He came for the lost sheep of Israel, that's it.
@Mighty18957 Год назад
@@auh2o148 To the Jew first and also to the Greek.
@auh2o148 Год назад
@mightyohmighty4851 different context. In all things, context is key. The scripture you stated goes with Peter's vision (seen); but, what I said goes with who Messiah's bride is (unseen). What you said is for the clean and the unclean; what I said is for the domesticated and settled clean.
@bundizzl Год назад
@@auh2o148 are you a black Hebrew Israelite?
@believewithyourheart5627 Год назад
I love how respectful you are toward the people you interview 🤗 truly a great example! 🙏
@yousufownzu6902 Год назад
Jesus was muslim, moses was Muslim, joseph was muslim, abraham was muslim.peace be upon all of them. All of them came with the same message. Believe only in one God. And thats what prophet muhammad pbuh said.
@Endtime-dh9lk Год назад
@@yousufownzu6902 Mohammad broke all 10 Commandments. How dare you call the Messaiah, the true and living GOD a muslim and your false Profit (yes 20% of the Spoils belonged to Mohammad) a prophet of the true and living YHWH. Also everytime he faced problems Mohammallah gave himself revelations that would help him out or continue in a life of sin.
@yousufownzu6902 Год назад
@@Endtime-dh9lk bruh he used to live like a poor. Some times had one meal a day. Tf r u on about. Go learn about him not from some biased article. Instead of throwing words
@JerubbaalgodSlayer Год назад
With all due respect, *you* Jews couldn’t even keep the Law, so how do you expect lawless, idol worshipping Gentile dogs who were never given *commandments, oracles, statutes, precepts or laws,* and who never saw the *Tabernacle of Moses* in the wilderness, who were never spoken to by Judge’s or Prophet’s, who were *aliens from the commonwealth of Israel* *(Ephesians 2:12)* to keep the law? That’s why God said to your nation in *Ezekiel 36:26* *A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.* Jesus even said, *”…Salvation is of the Jews.”* *John 4:22.* He also stated in *Matthew 23:15,* that when your scribes and Pharisees, *”compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.*” There is *no* way that Gentiles could keep the Law that *you* couldn’t. Thank God for Apostle Paul who was sent to the Gentiles to show us how to live as a Jew in our hearts. *Romans 2:29* *But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.* I am a *Jew* in my heart, and it’s a privilege to be one. 🇨🇦
@believewithyourheart5627 Год назад
@@JerubbaalgodSlayer I'm not Jewish, but I have been grafted into Israel by the blood of Yeshua the messiah. 🙌
@michaelsteckling3177 9 месяцев назад
As Christians we read the old testament as well
@MrTinmansbrain 2 месяца назад
Do you keep its commandments? for not one yodh will fall away until all is complete. there are many more prophecies that need fulfilled, so the law is still in effect. youll make it to heaven if you dont follow the law but, those who keep His commandments will be held as the most in heaven and those who do not will be held the least in heaven. also, you must adhere to the rabbi's teachings about how to keep the commandments because, you are to do as they say for they sat in the same seat that Moshe sat. You cant just read the law, you should be following all 613. You dont have to for salvation, but we are commanded to.
@benny-yj7pq 2 месяца назад
@@MrTinmansbrain First of all, you cannot keep the law (Lev 17:11), it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul; and the only High Priest you have is Yeshua (Ps 110:4), who made an atonement with His own blood in the heavenly temple for all people according to the will of God (Isa 53). The rabbis may preach, what they want, they cannot preach against the Messiah, who is a better law, a better covenant (Jer 31:31), the new covenant. No one comes to the Father than through Christ (Jn 14:6). You cannot reject the only Savor, God (Isa 43:10+11), Yeshua HaMashiach. -
@elyasaf755 2 месяца назад
But do you follow it?
@benny-yj7pq 2 месяца назад
@@elyasaf755 We have to follow the Holy Spirit. He leads us into all the truth.
@frosken8889 Месяц назад
As a Christian I don't consider myself jewish nor does the Jesus he never said that he was jewish he believed in god so you should not belive anything you saw on internet and Christians are not Jew is you think you are then leave Christianity in an instant Jew is all about Yahweh and nobody else where in Christianity it tells about some of God and God not about a guy who just split sea in half and they consider him god nor does muslims like Jew I too think muslims are better than Christians because of you people who support false things
@JLCra87 10 месяцев назад
As a Christian, I do see myself as "Jewish" in part. Like the entire Old Testament is a large part of my faith. How could I not see their core beliefs in mine. I just see their Messiah, Jesus, as my own. He's all of our savior. I wish more would realize that He is who was foretold.
@commandercheese7408 6 месяцев назад
Same. I believe Christianity to be like the completed Judaism. Unlike Islam, Christianity doesn't contradict the Jewish faith as the old Testament is the also the Jewish scripture. Jesus also taught others how to be good Jews.
@jamescobrien 5 месяцев назад
Why doesn't the Greek BIble say Iesou-Jesus got anointed with the sacred oil mixture in the shofar being poured over his head as YHVH commanded all Messiahs (Anointed Ones) to receive? Moshiach David, Moshiach Saul, Moshiach Solomon, etc... The sacred Messiah oil being poured over their heads is the single most important event that takes place to make someone into a Messiah, yet the Greeks left this out.
@user-zo4mk9iv8c 5 месяцев назад
When you say the "Our father" and "halloween be thy name" you are speaking of Haschem. Yeshuha said "Who has seen me has seen the Father ". Two branches of Judaïsm has survived since the first century and destruction of the Temple: Rabinic Judaïsm and Christianism.
@user-zo4mk9iv8c 5 месяцев назад
​@@jamescobrienChrist in greec means "The Anointed One" .
@jamescobrien 5 месяцев назад
@@user-zo4mk9iv8c Why didn't Joshua of Natzreth get Anointed then in the Greek Bible. It doesn't mention any holy oil poured over his head. Alabaster box frangrance poured on his feet and washed with a woman's hair isn't it.
@samueltujare9222 Год назад
It is not necessary for every Christian to be a Jew because Christ accepts all people of all races and of all languages !
@justchilling704 Год назад
That and contextually it just doesn’t make sense, because the mosaic law was given only to the Hebrews. And sense Christ fulfilled the law why would a gentile need to follow said law to merit salvation? It wouldn’t make sense.
@bundizzl Год назад
@@justchilling704 Christ payed the wages of sin by living a sinless life and dying the death we all deserve so who ever may accept him shall not parish
@laetitianizeye3368 Год назад
Amen Amen Amen.
@emmanuelrufai6471 Год назад
In Christ there are neither Jews nor gentile. We are all one body. The church, the body of Christ
@eliasmangot410 Год назад
Not truth ,prove what you say in the bible.The bible never says that
@hermanstrydom3519 Год назад
To become Jewish for me would be a Galatians situation Paul spoke against, yet in Christ every Jewish believer is my brother and I share in the covenant promises made to Abraham. So I'm thankful that through the Hebrew people the Messiah was born that will be a blessing to all peoples. God bless your work!
@Rajul_Jamil Год назад
Any well educated Jew that has read the NT and knows it well understands that everything about it is based on mythology. It is clear that the writers of the NT knew nothing about Judaism and from the fables about Jesus it is clear that he never existed. Of course there was a character in history that started the cult that later became Christianity but it wasn't this Jesus character. The "Prophesies" ... LOL... in most cases the curators of Christianity bastardized the writings of the Jews in order to convenes their followers the cult has roots in Judaism when in fact it has nothing to do with Judaism but is anti-Judaism. The messiah in Judaism MUST accomplish several things and if he dies before doing so he was not the messiah and the Jews must keep waiting, the messiah can not die and return. Christianity is an evil pagan cult that hates everyone that rejects their mythological messiah and condemns them to hell, read Revelations.
@bdubb5390 Год назад
Galatians 3:29. If you know Jesus. Your Jewish and of Abraham's seed. Shalom
@mauromrmr3596 Год назад
Jew means means in reality from Judah, son of Jacob. Jacob had 12 sons , ONLY One Son had jews. The other tribes were not jews, they were Israelites but not jews. Judaism is another fake religion, it didn't exist before 2nd century BC. Jessu exposed judaism
@antaug14 Год назад
The issue in Galatians was the works = salvation teaching (i.e. circumcision), not faith producing the practice of Torah. Otherwise, Paul would be a hypocrite.
@Rajul_Jamil Год назад
@@mauromrmr3596 sorry but you don't know what you are taking about. Jesus is a mythological god, he never existed except in you NT.
@amazjunelee Месяц назад
I COMPLETELY understand and agree with this man. I don’t understand why Christians aren’t going in droves to learn how to observe the mitzvot when clearly that’s what God wants us to do. Like really, what is going on there?
@Lauren-vd4qe 7 дней назад
WHY christians are NOT doing that? bc CHRIST IS THE END of the law! thats why! none of that is relevant, especially for non jews. christians can get saved, commit to Christ, obey the Bible, and go to Heaven BECAUSE they recognize/accept Christ AS the MESSIAH, so christians do NOT have to do any jewish rituals etc bc those rituals are now a moot point bc Christ is the end of the law! unless you believe/accept/obey Christ/The Bible, you will NOT go to heaven, you will end up in hell, as Christ warned many times. take notice!
@ashleyerinmaclean2663 Год назад
That guy has a really good point. Most Christians don't know even about the Lord's feasts and holy days. I have learned SO much by digging into them. I am blessed by your content, thank you for sharing!
@ChillyMilly908 Год назад
its good to learn about Jewish texts/practices, but Christians are not required or expected to become Jewish. The Bible discusses this issue in Acts 15, Galatians 5, Colossians 2 -Acts 15:...."Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” -Gal 5:6 "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love" -Col 2:11 "In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ"
True Christians are Jews .Rather if they were born Gentile or of Jewish bloodline.
@Setfree316 Год назад
They don't need to God's word very clearly tells us not to get caught up in vain traditions. The superficial things that do nothing for cleansing of the soul. They do nothing to empower the soul. Where you can learn is the spiritual meaning of those days of those practices there's a spiritual meaning behind all them that point to Jesus Christ. That point to God's New covenant that point to God making a bride in Christ. The people of God are the temple of God. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Colossians 2:16
@user-ne8vl2uh8g 8 месяцев назад
Yes he is lovely and poor thing his right their with the war atm😢🙏
@areyoukirringme7679 4 дня назад
@@Setfree316Yet the Nazarenes continued to live their lives according to Jewish law. You don’t think there’s anything to gain spiritually from keeping the 10! commandments and not 9, meaning to observe the Shabbat, fasting regularly (most “Christians” don’t even bother anymore), celebrating Pessach, not eating pork, knowing the animals you do consume (if any) were sl*ughtered in a humane way ? I’m not saying applying those rules will ultimately lead to a stronger or better faith but it sure can be an aid
@irapuri Год назад
You should have said: Jesus was Jewish but He did not come to change the religion of anybody, but came to show the way to the Father, and He’s the way, No religion can take you to heaven. Rev. Israel Rapuri- USA
@LilyAmongThorns Год назад
I hope the Holy Spirit planted a seed that will bear much fruit in his heart and life.
@remove122 Год назад
Very well said
@stepbro4978 Год назад
From what I gather Christians can decide what Jews are supposed to believe.
@LilyAmongThorns Год назад
@@stepbro4978 nope, it might seem that way but no, lol
@stepbro4978 Год назад
@RCW Sue then why are Christians trying to tell them who thier King is and that they are wrong ?
@areyeh4979 Год назад
First, he is friendly. He needs some explanation about what Christianity is to clarify things up, but the conversation could continue to a more meaningful end.🙏
@bridgetteowen5242 Год назад
What he needs is an answer to his question?
@ChristopherWallbank-di9hj 5 месяцев назад
@bridgetteowen5242 yes and that answer is Jesus simple nothing else, what Christians have been trying to say for 2000 years but they keep slaughtering us, I mean the true Christians not the mainstream pagan Christians
@julienielsen3746 2 месяца назад
We are adopted Jews. Galatian 4:4-5, Romans 8:14-17, Romans 11:11-31.
@Lauren-vd4qe 7 дней назад
exactly, i wd have given him a tract specifically tailored to jews, to SHOW them in their own torah, that Christ IS the Messiah....dont let him go away with nothing to read and research....
@Betterthangoldandsilver Год назад
Your testimony in Jesus is so much more effective because you're relatable to your fellow Jewish brothers in Israel, being a Jew in the flesh, as they are. Just came across this channel, enjoying the content. Praise the Lord!
@Randomperson-yr3gp Год назад
Christian broke off from the Jewish because Christians believe that Christ has already came and Jews are still waiting for the him to come.
@allmightlionthunder5515 9 месяцев назад
@@Randomperson-yr3gp wrong that what they wanted you to think lol no Christian never broken from Judaism
@user-it5jn2tg7g 8 месяцев назад
@@Randomperson-yr3gp Christianity was established because they were persecuted by their own brothers (JEWS). Jesus was sent to save the lost (JEWS) back then. If you don ´ t believe in Jesus then you are still LOST.
@hilda2749 7 месяцев назад
They believe Jesus as jewish, Not God.. see the different
@madcatter1 6 месяцев назад
The Jewish Messiah has a list of criteria to fit into. Meaning there are certain signs that determine that this is the Messiah. The Rambam writes: “The Messiah King will arise and restore the sovereignty of the House of David to its previous status as it was during [David’s] original rule, build the Holy Temple and gather in the Diaspora of Israel. Additionally, during his days, all the [Torah’s] laws will be re-implemented as they were previously: people will bring offerings and Shemita, and Yovel years will be practiced according to all of their rules specified in the Torah.” The first point to make is that the Messiah is required to descend from the House of David. Davidic lineage, like all lineage in Judaism, is established paternally, and therefore the Messiah is required to be a direct male-to-male descendant of David. The requirement for Davidic descent originates from Hashem’s promise to David that his royal dynasty and right to the throne would extend forever.3 While this general description provides some of the details of the requirements, the Rambam codifies that there are in fact two stages to belief that a particular individual is the Messiah - (1) presumption that an individual is the Messiah; and (2) complete confirmation thereof: “And if a king from the House of David shall arise, learned in Torah and engaged in mitzvot (commandments) like his forefather, David, according to [both] the Written Torah and the Oral Torah, and further he: Compels all of Israel to walk in [the ways of the Torah]… Fights wars of God (to restore Jewish sovereignty over the land of Israel and implement Torah law) then [such a person] is presumed (although not confirmed) to be the Messiah. If he does this and is successful and he: defeats all of the nations that surround him; rebuilds the Holy Temple of Jerusalem in its correct place; and gathers in the Diaspora of Israel then he is certainly the Messiah. However, if he is not successful in achieving all of these things or he is killed, then it is known that this person is not the one the Torah promised and he is like all the other proper and upstanding kings of the House of David who died.” This pithy - although daunting - list is everything the Messiah is required to achieve. However, this short list is sufficient to have excluded from contention both Jesus and Shabtai Tzvi, neither of whom achieved any of the above. Bar Kochba, however, did achieve the first two requirements, which is why the Sages of his time presumed him to be the Messiah. Also being crucified counts as being killed, one cannot be the Messiah if was killed.@@user-it5jn2tg7g
Why can't we have more conversations like this? So respectful!
@kashrut18 6 месяцев назад
If you really believe this, then leave the Jews alone. Every atttempt to deceive them into believing your doctrine is a step in the wrong direction. It only angers G0d and delays the eventual redemption
@TheNewYouTubeHandlesAreDumb 6 месяцев назад
@@kashrut18 Redemption is found in none other than Christ, the anointed Son of God. Your request had nothing to do with my comment, so why post it? I was happy two people with differing worldviews could sit down and have a civil conversation, and you come here to say it should stop?
@scared08ph 4 месяца назад
I love how both of them interact..Such pure and respectful. How I wish all mankind are like these.
@ClintonHester88 Год назад
That was really riveting, very powerful! Awesome video!
@p4radigm989 Год назад
Not your strongest line of arguing. should asked him how Christians are supposed to become "jewish", obviously they can't convert their genetics, but they also can't convert to "Judaism" because the Rabbis only accept very few goyim to do that and also they have to abandon their believe that Jesus is the Messiah, AND being Christian does not mean you're not Jewish in the first place if you are born a Jew, and if you are born a goyim, you can still follow the Jewish holy days as they all apply to Christianity also really...
@bridgetteowen5242 Год назад
we cannot be biologically jewish, but read Rm 9-11 and see what the apostle writes, we the goyim are ingrafted, that now we become one in Messiah. It has nothing to do with the Rabbis letting us in... Yeshua has let us in, and there are many Jewish Believers who are followers of Yeshua, and they will tell you, they are not, just "Christians" they are followers of Messiah /Yeshua just like the early apostles... they did not converst and become Christians....
@p4radigm989 Год назад
@@bridgetteowen5242 indeed. The whole question of this man "why don't Christians become Jews" makes no sense really. He should have been pressed on what he actually means and then corrected by the interviewer. May the LORD bless you.
@LightSeekers777 Год назад
I believe Jews are turned of, as they should be, by Christianity's LAWLESSNESS. After all, the enemy is called, "the lawless one." And there are verses like, "To the Law and to the TESTIMONY, if they speak not according to this WORD it is because there is NO LIGHT in them." And then of course there's Deuteronomy 13, which warns if ANYONE comes performing miracles and tries to get you to NOT OBEY GOD'S LAWS, it is a test! God will test to see if you will stray from His commands, or if you will obey Him and cling to Him. In a GREAT DECEPTION do you think Satan will be able to trick people into disobedience? He ALREADY HAS! He's convinced even the churches to teach God's Laws are done away with!
@basedkiarash8834 Год назад
@@p4radigm989 I dont believe that was his question. My understanding is that he was asking how someone could convert to christianity without converting to the faith of Christ himself, judaism. Hes effectively saying that all christians are actually just jewish
@willjimenez9013 Год назад
Yeah but these so called jews don't have genetics to even call themselves Jewish
@Maranatha7557 Год назад
I pray he will become a believer in Jesus, the Messiah. He seems to already understand some basic things. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@Alexis-b17 Год назад
Amen through the power of the Holy Spirit 🙏
@MaS-ym9uz Год назад
@NikeRunner210 Год назад
It’s like he gets it but missing the main point
@danh5637 Год назад
there’s no need for him to believe. belief really is for a jew kind of a form of idolatry. cos you’re producing an image in your mind out of belief rather than direct experience.
@yousufownzu6902 Год назад
Jesus was muslim, moses was Muslim, joseph was muslim, abraham was muslim.peace be upon all of them. All of them came with the same message. Believe only in one God. And thats what prophet muhammad pbuh said.
@AaronaCreates 6 месяцев назад
As a Christian, I DEFINITELY BELIEVE AND WANT to learn more about Jewish culture BECAUSE Jesus was Jewish and he is correct 👍🏽 Jesus celebrated Festival of Lights and Passover. If anything I believe it will foster MORE God-like compassion for both religious communities because we all serve and believe in the SAME GOD❤️💯
@SammieHusky Месяц назад
Jesus was NOT Jewish. He was an Israelite and Hebrew, but that’s not the same as the Jews of today they’re Canaanites. And revelations 2:9 and 3:9 tell us that they’re the synagogue of Satan. John 8:44 tells us that they are their father, the devil!
@jakekgope1061 Месяц назад
Maybe you should the talmud view about Jesus
@jakekgope1061 Месяц назад
Or learn about kabbalah mysticism and then find out if khazarian jews and christians worship the same God.
@TheNinjaInConverse Год назад
I enjoy learning these thoughts of people.
@Becca_Lynn Год назад
“Pity for them” agreed! 😄❤️✝️
@baiyajob562 8 месяцев назад
I'm from png Papua new Guinea I love jesus is my lord and SAVIOR ❤❤❤
@LeonGustaveStuart1899 5 месяцев назад
Hello from New Zealand
@WaseemGill-zi4ji 4 месяца назад
Thank God for my Jesus real religion truth human beings
@Poddydodger 2 месяца назад
G'dday from Australia
@Markwealthful 17 дней назад
Love the exchange with respect you guys display 👍🏾🔥🙏🏾
@Yuki-ff5lf Год назад
Thank you for what you do, brother. Could you make a video about life in Israel as a Christian? Sharing your experience or interviewing people about what church they belong to, what the community is like, how they are being treated by Jews, finding a Christian partner and so on. Greetings and God bless you.
@SOBEIT32AD Год назад
Great idea
@mauromrmr3596 Год назад
Moderno irael by the way is born from satanic rtschild ( Balfour agreement) + little moustache in Germany signing ( haavra agreement). Wihout them there would be no isra€l
@mauromrmr3596 Год назад
@@SOBEIT32AD Do jews know that Jew means in reality from Judah, son of Jacob. Jacob had 12 sons , ONLY One Son had jews. The other tribes were not jews, they were Israelites but not jews. And judaism is another fake religion that follows not the bible bu satanic talmud, plus it didn't exist before 2nd century BC. Jesus exposed judaism, and called them sons of the serpent
@byunisper Год назад
@@SOBEIT32AD show us the birth place of jesus, the church, bethlehem, and the blockage.
@davidroberts3262 Год назад
@@SOBEIT32AD how do Torah and non-Torah observant believers in Yeshua get along in Israel?
@Jesuslightshines 19 дней назад
This was one of the best interviews I’ve ever seen awesome🎉❤
@Fraevo10 Год назад
You are rising to an enormous challenge brother. God be with you as you give witness to the Christ
@AbiNomac Год назад
You are so gracious and polite it’s a pleasure watching you.
@mustangdru Год назад
I would love to see more of this conversation
@sandramarcantonio7721 Год назад
Dear Jeff and Elisha Thank you for all these great videos and for your ministry. And thank God for you, too! In this video, you mention the last supper and specifically the part when Jesus mentions the bread and wine, body and blood of the new covenant. Curious to know what Jeff and/or Elisha thinks about the Sacrament of the Eucharist celebrated in every Catholic Mass across the world?
@jessielees 6 месяцев назад
I have a strong feeling, had he been around to see it, Jesus may have been quite critical of the Catholic Church. He came to spread the word to the people, he told us the people are the Church. He wanted everybody to receive and practise the word. Then one day the Catholic Church shows up and amongst dozens of other atrocities, in an effort to keep the Bible out of the hands of common people - they forbid translating it to English and murder those who attempt to do so? ...Talk about missing the point entirely.....
@Biervor4 Год назад
Thank you. Me as catholic of course know that the last supper was the evening of Passover. And i for myself as traditional roman catholic startet to celebrate the jewish Holiday’s, eating kosher and praying with the Kippa and Tallis. Even wearing Zizit. Sorry for my bad english. Greetings from Germany and G’d bless you and your work.
@fightclub1164 Год назад
celebrate the jewish Holiday’s ??? Why. For fun or sake of religion
@kiwisaram9373 Год назад
What then saves you and is it possible to all such things and still be damned?
@iguanapoolservice1461 Год назад
Jesus celebrated all the feasts of the Lord, not just passover, even Hanukkah which is not one of the 7 feasts. All are shadows of things to come but the center of it is Christ(Messiah)
@SRose-vp6ew Год назад
No matter what language you speak if you go to Bible gateway you will find the book of John and Romans in your language. That answers the question is it what we do that can save us, the answer is no, it’s not what we do that saves us, it’s that we surrender to God through the offering that Jesus was as the Exodus 12 perfect lamb that was slain so the angel of death would passover for us. God sent Jesus to die for us, now we must live for him. To be a follower of Jesus, means you actually follow him. I always think of a relationship between a husband and wife. You can have sex with a person, you can even have had vows with them, but marriage is when you choose to love and commit to them and you don’t reject them. Yes, there are the vows in the act of marriage, there is stuff you do, but salvation, like marriage, is about more than that, it’s surrender and unity. God wants us to seek after unity to him. It says in Scripture if you want to be a friend of Jesus, you listen to him, you do what he’s saying is right. How could you be a friend to someone if you intentionally do what they say would hurt them and push yourself away from them?
@SRose-vp6ew Год назад
A few years ago many people started feeling called by simple scripture reading and prayer into celebrating and enjoying and growing from the feasts. Spring feasts point to what happened with Jesus, Fall feasts point to what’s happening and what is yet to come. They also have traditionally assign scripture parts to read that will be a blessing to read in those seasons. In the same way, in the Fall A person would be tremendously blessed by reading the book of Hebrews.
@olivierroubieu Год назад
Brother I am learning so much from your ministry! I can be a bit headstrong when I'm planting seeds and trying to bring people to Christ. But watching your ministry, I see a better way, a loving way, a patient way. May Yah continue to guide your steps and keep you safe in His hands.
@DOA011970 8 месяцев назад
Dear @Olivierroubieu, Be glad that you are also actively evangelizing with the help of the Holy Spirit and automatically collecting 'heavenly bitcoins'. Wishing you God's blessing.
@mer8795 Год назад
The new covenant is written in our hearts and minds, and Holy Spirit is with us/guides us. As said in both old and new testaments. Becoming Jewish, as in religion, would not help gentile be more Christian. Some Christians do like to follow some old ways like passover, and such. But Jesus sometimes gives other guidance, like Mark 7:19 concerning food; and in Acts God gives Peter message about food and also inferring it would also be about people (inclusion of gentiles).
@LilyAmongThorns Год назад
Yes 100% Jesus often told the Pharisees they honoured their tradition more than they cared about loving and serving the people God put in their family and social circle. Love God above all and your neighbour as yourself does not mean to use tradition to excuse neglect in other areas of life.
@LightSeekers777 Год назад
@@LilyAmongThorns No. his exact words were, "This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, TEACHING as DOCTRINES the commandments of men.’ For LAYING ASIDE the COMMANDMENT OF GOD, you hold the TRADITION OF MEN-the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do.” He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.... making the WORD OF GOD of no effect through your TRADITION which you have handed down. And many such things you do.”.... This means Jesus rebuked them and called them hypocrites because they claimed to be TEACHERS of GOD, but had ADDED on so many of man's traditions and laws that they NO LONGER OBEYED GOD'S LAWS. The Jews have ADDED THOUSANDS of laws that they hold above and more important than God's commands. We are not supposed to ADD to, or TAKE AWAY FROM God's WORD. Christianity's sin is they all take away from God's HOLY WORD which is Jesus. It is never a good idea to DISOBEY GOD, and no unclean animals are not okay to eat now.
@LilyAmongThorns Год назад
@@LightSeekers777 I won’t argue with you about it because you still think you can play a part in earning your salvation which is far from the truth. It isn’t something I argue about anymore because I don’t like where such conversations lead.
@LightSeekers777 Год назад
@@LilyAmongThorns Not earn SALVATION, but serving the one who paid MY ATONEMENT. Have you ever heard ...."26 For if we go on sinning (breaking God's Law) willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins (breaking God's Law), 27 but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries (those in opposition to God's Law). 28 Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 HOW MUCH SEVERER PUNISHMENT do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge His people.” 31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God..... Also, Christians have been taught that seeking a righteousness of their own means they are doing any works trying to EARN salvation. What God means as evident according to Torah is, they were seeking to build on their own foundation, worldly works, instead of the works God put forth in Torah! Those are His righteousness that we walk in!
@LightSeekers777 Год назад
God doesn't change. He didn't tell people for thousands of years to OBEY Him, and destroy people for disobedience, to then change and say sin (breaking God's Law) is now okay. Likewise, Satan's tricks are still the same, he doesn't change either, he still deceives people to DISOBEY GOD. And by the way, if you read the prophets, they tell you end time teachers will be wolves because they will NOT be teaching God's commandments and will do violence to God's Laws! Also God's people will want to go to the mountain of the LORD, and God's Law will go out from Zion. Don't argue, pray! Pray that you will not be deceived. Pray that you want to do whatever He asks, pray for eyes to see and ears to hear His truth! Tell Him that IF HE WANTS YOU TO OBEY, YOU WILL! It won't hurt to pray this, but it could help if you're deceived..... May God bless you and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you and lift His countenance upon you and give you peace!
@tkburn1439 Год назад
In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the law until everything is accomplished."
Fulfilled the Law Accomplished the Law There's no way to reverse the function of the Law. It's done on the Cross. now, apart from the law, God’s righteousness has been revealed - attested by the Law and the Prophets - that is, God’s righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ, to all who believe, since there is no distinction. Rm 3:25
@tkburn1439 Год назад
@Peter Agoston - Petros The Musician depends who you want to follow , the words of your lord or the words of Paul to the Roman Church. To be safe I would stick to the former.
@DanielA-yt8nq Год назад
Read the book of Acts chapter 15. Or if possible all the book. Shalom!
@LightSeekers777 Год назад
@@peteragoston-petrosthemusi8260 Actually Jesus is the GOAL of the Law, what we are to aim for. Faith means you believe in the way Jesus walked in obedience to God. And you believe the WORD of God that says obedience brings blessings. The ONLY one in the entire scriptures who lies to convince people to DISOBEY GOD is the enemy. Jesus OBEYED perfectly, and said, FOLLOW Me!
@theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад
@@peteragoston-petrosthemusi8260 Continue reading to verse 20, and you can see Jesus clearly teaching that He didn't come to keep the Law in anybody's place. He clearly stated that unless someone does a better job of living by the Law and the Prophets than the religious leaders, they will NOT be in God's Kingdom.
@TakingTurf Год назад
Great seeds, my Brother in Christ. Keep up the great Kingdom work!
@MsARC 6 месяцев назад
Through faith in Christ, we have all been embraced / adopted into the family of Israel.
@missunderstood6056 2 месяца назад
They hate Jesus, they mock him . Just goto Israel and see for yourself
@benny-yj7pq 2 месяца назад
@@missunderstood6056 They appear after a time, they are sent, mockers, not true Israel, don't be deceived. There is a veil over the Jewish people, also over the Gentiles, they do not know who Israel is in the eyes of God (Rom 11:17f).
@marypeter7957 2 месяца назад
The Christians do not need to be adopted into Israel . Holy Bible is written for Jesus Christ in both Old and New Testament , because He Is The Savior . The Jews are only example for the disobedient people to GOD. In New Testament Lord God Jesus Christ is speaking for Heavenly Israel and Heavenly Jerusalem . The Kingdom of God is not earthy and only born again believers in Christ will enter in Heaven.
@benny-yj7pq 2 месяца назад
@@marypeter7957 In the end you will recognize that there is only one kingdom of Israel and Yeshua is the King, the Holy One in the midst of Israel (Hos 11:9) in the Millennium. There is only one natural tree of Israel, both Jew and Gentile are grafted into the Commonwealth of Israel, now spirally, but then in reality. It is all about Israel (Rom 11:17f).
@benny-yj7pq 2 месяца назад
@@marypeter7957 Yeshua is coming in the form of God in the power of His Father (Mat 24:29-31) to rule and reign in His Kingdom on the Throne of David. He will destroy any enemy of God in the earth, then He will establish the new Heaven and earth.
@LostArkLover Год назад
The last supper was on Pass over! Mind Blown! Thanks for clearing it up! Amazing Conversations as usual! Even though I'm a Christian I want to know about Judaism too!
@kashrut18 6 месяцев назад
Well go to any Jewish website, there are many. But from the outset, though I respect your interest, Christianity and Judaism are critically different and are incompatible. One simply cannot be a Jew who believes in Jesus.
@childrenoflight3010 5 месяцев назад
I am a Messianic Christian and have no problems we believe in Jesus and celebrate all the feast days and the Sabbath just like Jesus did@@kashrut18
@missasinenomine 4 месяца назад
I Cor 5/7
@julienielsen3746 2 месяца назад
We are adopted Jews. Galatian 4:4-5, Romans 8:14-17, Romans 11:11-31.
@julienielsen3746 2 месяца назад
@@kashrut18 We are adopted Jews. Galatian 4:4-5, Romans 8:14-17, Romans 11:11-31.
@omnitrus Год назад
The man has a lovely heart .God bless your wonderful work !
@TiffanyRusell Месяц назад
You were gracious and kind and so was he. Loved this interaction.
@leeannehudson7314 6 месяцев назад
I love listening to your videos and just wanted to say I am fascinated and love to learn about the Jewish way of life and their beautiful traditions and observances
@cjane_world 8 месяцев назад
I'm Christian and I do feel a deep connection to Jews and Judaism, because of the Old Testament and the fact that Jesus was Jewish. Our history prior to Jesus is the same. However, there is a difference. We Christian believe that Christ was the Messiah saving us all and dieing for our sins. His teachings are the foundation of our faith, not the old testament. It's not about what religion Jesus practiced, but that we believe that he is the son of God and that his teachings will lead us to 'heaven'. I love the teachings of Jesus. It's very peaceful (unlike it has been used and interpreted over the years). I love being a Christian, but I appreciate Judaism a lot and feel a strong connection ❤
@nunya54 8 месяцев назад
So you don't believe Jesus is God?
@TheJumpRopePreacher Год назад
Just subscribed. WOW man what a ministry to have. My prayers are with you. Jesus has equipped you with His own grace and Spirit to witness to Gods chosen in a way that most of us don't have access to. The Jewish people are truly remarkable and once they've been enlightened to Christ and His Lordship, they will as you have be some of the greatest witnesses this world has ever seen. After all, it was converted Jews who gave us the west as we know it today, in so many ways that most people arent even aware of
@annieremis6487 Год назад
AMEN! GLORY to GOD 🙌✝️. GOD BLESS YOU brother in CHRIST🙏. Hello👋I'm raj mico.PRAY for me ,I preach the GOSPEL of JESUS(YESHUA) here in the Philippines. Pray for my Family salvation 🙏 #JESUSisLORD
@josephjamesfrantz 4 месяца назад
I am Irish Jewish Pagan who recently came to believe that Yeshua is the Mashiach. I never practiced any Mitzvoh. Then after October 7th, like many other non practicing Jews, I started Shabbot observance. Not perfectly, but I am moving that way. Soon I will have a Mezuzah on every one of my doors. I think I like what this fella said, at least for us Jews who accept that Yeshua is our Mashiach
@amypope9098 6 месяцев назад
I’m a born again Jew! Glory to HaShem & His Holy Son 🙏🌹🙏
@AntonioRodrigues-cc2fw Год назад
Jesus Christ is pure holy and there is no one like Jesus.
@stepbro4978 Год назад
He is everything you can never be.You will never be worthy of talking to God without Jesus blood all over you.
@johnpratts2856 Год назад
@@stepbro4978 Yes. He said that.
@stepbro4978 Год назад
@John Pratts that don't sound very appealing.
@Unknown-2. Год назад
@@stepbro4978 that’s pagan my friend god doesn’t become a man god doesn’t have a son nor does he sacrifice anyone for people’s sins that’s outrageous and disgusting and if god was like that i wouldn’t worship him
@stepbro4978 Год назад
@Unknown Jesus committed suicide by allowing himself to be executed. That's a sin.
@chriszekableyat9886 Год назад
When a person accepts Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was sacrificed for our sins to be forgiven and the last prophet and the last covenant and their savior, that person becomes part of israel(not the country but the people), just like an Israelite.
@bridgetteowen5242 Год назад
I agree 100%, that Christians should look more like the Jews although my agreement is nothing. That gentleman is absolutely correct. interestingly there is a remnant that is pursuing yeshua and beginning to look more like Him, in speech and conduct, celebrating His feast days and Shabbat and learning the ways of God... Jeff I wish you had allowed him to talk some more, my Rabbi, who is Messianic says, Gentiles say, " we can't believe that Jews dont see that Yeshua is the Messiah, but by the same token, how could Christians not see that He is Jewish?" I teach a small group to see that Yeshua did NOT start a new religion called Christianity and neither did the Apostle Paul, and its all there in the Bible. We are getting back to the roots of our faith and its beautiful!
@andrevisser7542 Год назад
Christians are supposed to become Christ like, something only He can do through His Spirit in us.
@mygirlsh65 Год назад
@Bridgette Owen Hi, why should Christians have to look more like Jews? That has nothing to do with our relationship with Jesus. The outer appearance is not what GOD is seeking after it is the heart of man. In 1 Samuel 16:7, we read this about appearance. But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 2 Corinthians 10:7 Do you look at things according to the outward appearance? If anyone is convinced in himself that he is Christ's let him again consider this in himself, that just as he is Christ's even so we are Christ's.
@mygirlsh65 Год назад
@@andrevisser7542 Exactly
@mygirlsh65 Год назад
@Bridgetee Owen, we must be very careful what we teach our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. There is double accountability. James 3:1-12. My brethren let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.
The apostolic mindset says: Gal 2:15 We who are Jews by birth and not “Gentile sinners” 16 know that no one is •justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ. And we have believed in Christ Jesus so that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no human being will be justified
@LunaandEmber 11 дней назад
That was wonderful!
@ofthewaytruthandlight1320 Год назад
Christians are already Jews, through Christ we become Abraham's seed, therefore we are Jews. Praise Jesus!!!!!
Neither Jew nor Greek.
@sshepherd7659 Месяц назад
What a load of hogwash.
@ca8547 Год назад
Romans 2:29 “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”
@LightSeekers777 Год назад
And the spirit is given to those who OBEY God (Acts 5:32 ) ..... And those who are walking in the flesh cannot please God because they do not submit to God's Laws and therefore are at enmity with God (Romans 8:7)..... You do know Jesus IS the WORD of God, Torah? Do you FOLLOW HIM, the WORD of God, in obedience? Or are you a tare, planted by the enemy, who follows the LAWLESS one? Do you see God's Laws as something you are rescued from, or are they a BLESSING when you walk in them? Read Psalm 119, or have you ripped that out of your Holy WORD (Jesus)?
@susanneguzman5339 Год назад
It’s funny because I am feeling Jewish because I LOVE❤️Yeshuah and HIS SACRIFICE FOR ME. We are grafted in and now I am celebrating Sabbath and Hanukkah 🕎. I am trying to live by the Jewish calendar but it is very difficult if I live under the Gregorian Calendar. So in answer to this man who believed SO MUCH in himself “It’s difficult” but I also think Religion has almost made a different Yeshuah and his name is Jesus. I have been seeking HIM for many years now and just kept finding traditions and not really Yeshuah Himself. I have now found Him and He was and IS JEWISH. The Holy Spirit gave me a New Name Shoshannah and told me I am Jewish. I am feeling like a New person now. Thank YOU LORD, Messiah Yeshuah I love💕you so much and now I am coming to Israel. Hallelujah!
@maciejkijak5 Год назад
Shalom brother I also keep Sabbaths (Saturdays). The pagans are grafted by faith into the body of Yahusha Messiah-Olive Tree-Israel spiritual-God's people. In my understanding, there is no such thing as a Christian church (when we read in Greek, it should be instead of the word church ecclesia-meaning assembly) Me Spirit The saint conducts and experiences in this direction and I share it. Restoration of two houses of Judah and Ephraim (Israel). Also celebrates the Feast of YHWH (There are 7 of them). I don't eat unclean meat either.We have laws engraved on our hearts and minds (the letter to the Hebrews says so) I keep the commandments of God because they are Holy. May YHWH bless you in the name of YAHUSHA MESSIAH our Savior. Matthew🙏 17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
@robertolang9684 Год назад
stay away from religions , it is the biggest problem of human kind , it was made to discriminate to make wars a world without religions will be a better world
@ercm2393 Год назад
No offense but I find it funny that women are more easy to switch their traditions and religions. Almost no man I know of any race is willing to do that.
@bundizzl Год назад
Where you Jewish before this because you can't become Jewish Jesus died for everyone
@bundizzl Год назад
@@ercm2393 thats why most Muslims don't allow women to Marry outside islam
@mylovelyvideos7785 Год назад
Praise the lord brother God bless you I'm from India
@TheCvm229 6 месяцев назад
If someone says pray for the peace of Israel, here is the prayer that they may know and accept Jesus King of Peace
@changedman6035 Год назад
Hm, this was an interesting encounter you had, I couldn't tell if he was a Messianic Jew who just had some misconceptions or was a really new believer but it's awesome that he was very open to talking to you!
@heythere6983 Год назад
He almost seemed like someone into kabbala since he seemed ok with the idea of I guess what he works consider a man being a god. I don’t think he believes Jesus is who Christians say, so I wonder why he would be so comfortable with a man being seen as a god in his eyes . Seems like he may be into Jewish mysticism
@changedman6035 Год назад
@@heythere6983 Hm you may be onto something. Regardless he needs someone to pray for him 🙏
@misterstudentloan2615 Год назад
Man we need a longer video with this dude. I don’t think the argument about if Christian’s should become Jews is complete with the tall bro
@misterstudentloan2615 Год назад
Also we need to do a height check vs Elisha and this chap and see who’s taller. Fancy hat man is definitely more stylish though, we have to give him that. Might help in the debate
@childrenoflight3010 5 месяцев назад
I am a Messianic Christian and have no problems we believe in Jesus and celebrate all the feast days and the Sabbath just like Jesus did
@reneefurrer2712 5 месяцев назад
As a Christian, I stand with the Jewish people and pray that more and more of them will come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.
@gospelwayne6548 Год назад
Apostle Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles and Apostle Paul was chosen by Christ. Yes Christ was a Hebrew being Jewish but he is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world just as Isaiah 53 had foretold his coming. Interesting insight and bless the preacher
@thomasharp3246 Год назад
There's no benefit to becoming Jewish. Hosea 2:23 I will call a people who aren't my people, my people and they will say You are my God...us gentiles serve the God of the old testament. And some Jews do as well. The only way is through Jesus. We're one together.
@SOBEIT32AD Год назад
Well said!
@heythere6983 Год назад
Idk Iv thought of what this guy said before. Why not become Jewish and celebrate that culture . Jesus never taught to stop Jewish tradition or to change the sabbath . Paul was the only one who said those traditions weren’t necessary . The interesting this is Jesus constantly said he would judge people by their works and give and reward them according to their works . Until the final book he says this . The whole Paul gospel is something that requires its own faith in itself
@DefiantAngel87 Год назад
@@heythere6983 you might be interested in Rabbi Tovia Singer's videos.
@seal9390 Год назад
@@heythere6983 Jesus was talking to the jews about the old convenant.
@heythere6983 Год назад
@sea upon his return he says he will judge /reward everyone according to their works, he also states this with his parables . I forget but he may also mention to keep his commandments and his fathers also . He doesn’t really ever say to stop doing anything . He also mentions until all is fulfilled the laws will remain I believe , which I would assume means second coming since all prophecies haven’t been fulfilled .
@theloudcry3494 Год назад
This guy is a funny character 😅 " ...all Chistians should become Jewish, because Jesus was Jewish" 😮 (That's a 1st) 👍
@robertjanssens4381 6 месяцев назад
Since Jesus and with Jesus and through Jesus....there is no need to be Jewish anymore....Jesus is for EVERYBODY....there is no more chosen people...no more distinction....we are all son of God ! alléluia !!!!!
@WordOfLife101 Год назад
I’m loving this channel! So eye-opening and informative! It actually gives you more courage and makes it easier for you to talk to Jews about Jesus more often! Looking forward to learning a lot from this channel! Thanks for posting.
@TorahisLifeandLight Год назад
Only if you talk to a religious Jew who knows the Tanakh, you will never be able to agree with us. I studied the NT writings and I found so many contradictions and many misquotes about the Tanakh, that clearly shows that Jesus was not the Messiah predicted by the Prophets. I also found out that the doctrines of Christians are not aligned with their own book - the New Testament
@MichaelWander Год назад
Love these respectful dialogues. I live as an Orthodox Jew, was raised in evangelist cult, and believe that the message of one brotherhood, mutual respect, and love between all peoples, especially the Abrahamic religions should be a beacon. Keep up the good work.
@johnsambo9379 Год назад
Orthodox Jude's is just a different cult.
@johnsambo9379 Год назад
Orthodox Judaism is just a different cult.
@MichaelWander Год назад
@@johnsambo9379 "Culture" has roots in "Cult" so lots could be included. However, the generally accepted definition of "cult", means following an individual, or doing things that are WAY outside of what is accepted as the mainstream norm. Interestingly, under this definition, something could start as a "cult", but become mainstream, and then cease to be a cult. I am not an expert in these technical definitions. The only reason for mentioning in the comment above is to give the reader a snippet of my background. Is Judaism a cult as you say? I will leave it for the professionals to debate. Good day.
@CandiceGoddard 6 месяцев назад
@@MichaelWander The term "cult" came after "culture" in English and the misused way in which it is applied today is not the original meaning of the term but actually comes many hundreds of years later. It used to refer to cultivation in an agricultural sense...
@hybriddon2608 2 месяца назад
The most respectful conversation. Both had valid points.
@HeatherR-yw9qk 17 дней назад
I'm happy to be a Christian ✝️
@rodicacalota9724 Год назад
Respect and appeciation! Glory to Jesus for Israel! And for your work! 🙏🤝
@rodicacalota9724 Год назад
@@lourebasson1916 I respect your opinion. God bless you! 🤗
@mannysspumps9924 Год назад
You are sent by our LORD Jesus Christ Praise the lord and God bless you and your family .
@nixonkukoia4925 Год назад
Thanks brother for sharing Jesus christ with Jewish, keep up the great job. Keep preaching . Watching you from Papua New Guinea ✝️✝️✝️🙏❤️🇵🇬
@SOBEIT32AD Год назад
Wow. I’ve never been there. Blessings from Israel ❤️
@TOMReefer Месяц назад
This issue is what the earlier church faced. Some gentile believers were told to follow the Jewish law by some Jewish believers in Jesus. Jesus came to forgive sins which the law could not do. 🙏🏻
@devingervangod8655 8 месяцев назад
Soo Nice this conversation !! Well, I would say to this very nice gentleman: 👑Jesus/ Yeshua makes us Jewish = 👑G🔥D-lover, because His 👑Ruach is in our heart when we are Born again , if we become real followers of 👑Yeshua 👑HE fills us completely and gives us sooo much ❤love for the Jewish people of Israel !! 🇮🇱We are grafted in the 🌳Tree = Israel ! ❤️Yes , I even started to like falafel and middle easter food more then ever before when I became a believer !!🤣 🙏Bless you and shalom ❤from 🇳🇱
@anniebenzaquen3905 Год назад
Love it Jeff...excellent job😅😁😄👌👏😊
@Hola99810 Год назад
@Amtsion 6 дней назад
As Christian my heart is with Judaism too
@LoveLove-gw2td 7 месяцев назад
I have taken Hebrew cooking classes which have given me a better understanding of the dishes Jesus may have eaten and to understand the clean way of cooking ( kosher) process which has actually helped me become a healthier eater.. I scour the internet for things like "Jesus 2023, etc, the hair cut that Jesus may have had, the customs in Israel of Jesus' time... When I meet a Jewish person, I wonder if that's what my Jesus may have looked like, I'm so in Love with Jesus & I remember his wishes were to pray for his people, though back then, they rejected him-- and so I do - I pray for them daily...
@katrinahchurch6222 Год назад
The man being interviewed is so right! If we are to be like the Messiah, we should do what he did. He is the Torah made flesh. He is the feast days in Leviticus 23. He did not come to convert everyone to a new religion called Christianity which is pagan at it's roots. We are grafted into Israel. We join the family of Messiah. We don't replace Israel. There shall be one Law for the native born and the stranger, which is Torah. YAHUSHA said at Passover, " to do this in remembrance of Him." Do what? What were they doing? They were keeping Passover, so He wants us to keep the Passover in remembrance of Him, Not Eshtar. The Messiah is the Passover Lamb, He rose on first fruits and is the unleavened bread, without sin, without transgression of the Torah. The new Covenant is the same Covenant just given to a new people. YAHUAH does not change.
@SOBEIT32AD Год назад
So good! 🙌🏻
@blad170 Год назад
Hallelujah glory to our king yeshua
@HopeS68 Месяц назад
This is what I've been seeking, thank you. So how do I begin??
@fabestrada470 2 месяца назад
As a catholic I do think that the Jewish gentleman has a solid point, definitely worth of thinking
@kambo8391 Год назад
Yes my Lord was Jewish, He came first for Jews n then for us Gentiles. Yes rt. If only Jesus was accepted as Messiah we will be Jews n in fact there would be no Christians. But book of Acts says n change it all.
@jasonrea7265 Год назад
@JJJJ-pi9qs Год назад
Jesus was a really nice Jewish man. He learned to be kind to others through Jewish morality.
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 6 месяцев назад
I enjoyed this.
@soundcheck2k7 Год назад
The only purpose for the Jewish path in the Old Testament was to bring forth Christ in the New Testament, so ALL of mankind could be reconciled with the Father. We don't need to become Jewish - I think the New Testament is pretty clear on that.
@theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад
You must be reading from a different bible then, because that's not what Paul says: "that at that time you were without Christ, _being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world_ ." - Eph. 2:12
@soundcheck2k7 Год назад
@@theeternalsbeliever1779 Read the rest of the Bible. We are Christians, not Jews. The Jewish era is over. It's the Church and its Christ or NOTHING. Have a great day.
@Rydonittelo Год назад
I've spoke to a few Rabbis in my time about their views on someone becoming or converting to Judaism and they all had the same take. They said it's not missionary religion so that dont try to gain followers, there is an ethnic aspect to being Jewish, that unless someone was marrying into a Jewish family and were absolutely adamant that they were prepared to follow the Jewish faith that they would discourage it, or at least have the person go away numerous times to really think about it. Its complicated because a gentile who converts, and embraces the religious aspects fully will probably never be thought of as Jewish as someone like Seth Rogen or David Baddiel who are atheists but are still absolutely Jewish. Its unique this way, so unlike Christianity, Islam that are actively trying to get you in our club, the Jews don't seem to bother what you personally believe
@anettevanrooyen4039 Год назад
Well said
@tylersheppard9601 Год назад
Because they're literally supremicst and obsessed with themselves was scapegoating and gasliggting christians and it's sad because they just lie to their kids and their kids kids passing it on.
@GlumWretch 8 месяцев назад
Who is more Jewish? A person of Jewish religion that immigrated from Europe to present Israel after ~2000 years (and his ethnicity is so mixed) or a person of Christianity or Islam religion that lived in Middle East for the past ~2000 years (and was Ethnic Jew that converted)? To simplify, is the Jewish ethnicity or the Jewish religion more relevant?
@DOA011970 8 месяцев назад
To Jews: Above all, let us not forget that even the best Rabbis in the world are not appointed Prophets of The Almighty God. The Rabbis are people with good and bad intentions and are sinners just like us. It is more advisable to investigate for yourself in the Tanakh and ask God Almighty for advice and answers. Wether you are a Jew or not, God is Almighty to make Jews even out of ordinary stones. What is far more important: to believe in God Almighty and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
@sciencelabvideosl7558 7 месяцев назад
There was an aggressive attempt to convert me to Islam by 2 friends. I thought to myself that Jews will always be outnumbered because of this and they need to change their outlook on Gentiles . To them Jew is a race, and that is such a mistake. I also think that Chsristian = Jew and Jews are Chsristians, they just don’t know it yet. Jews act so much like Christians ,more than any other culture or religion. Christianity is an extension of the Jewish faith.
@elizabethsmith6406 3 месяца назад
There is a distinction between Jews and gentiles. As gentiles, we who believe and accept Jesus Christ are grafted in. We are of thr new covenant. The Bible, Paul, makes it clear that we as gentiles are not and do not have to become Jews. We are not the chosen of God's covenants in the OT- but through Jesus Christ, we the 'sheep of another fold'and what was prophesied about our acceptance of Him- they are two distinct things. Jews, I pray, will become Christian- ie followers of Christ, who is God in the flesh, riddled throughout the OT. God bless you and your ministry. I thank and praise Jesus for our salvation and pray for the Jews safety and acceptance of Christ!
@Joe-pc3hs 3 месяца назад
Paul also taught the permissibility of eating foods sacrificed to idols on the knowledge that an idol is nothing. A doctrine that Yeshua condemned in Revelation 2, and attributed to the doctrine of Balaam.
@elnewPC 2 месяца назад
Hello Jeff. What your take is on the Catholics' holy communion to celebrate Jesus' new covenant on passover and said to do this in remembrance of me?
@WizzRacing Год назад
Nothing more Jewish then accepting Jesus Christa as Messiah...
@issac6395 Год назад
Keep telling yourself that .
@WizzRacing Год назад
@@issac6395 I have no idea what the post means..Maybe you should explain it better.. Thank You
@issac6395 Год назад
Would you like messianic biblical evidence that Jesus isn’t the messiah ? And that he has not yet come ? If you I’ll be glad to start a conversation with you based on facts.
@WizzRacing Год назад
@@issac6395 I’m Not sure you understand. Not only have I meet the Messiah. His name is Jesus Christ. Just as the Old Testament prophecies. So not sure what you’re trying to convince me of. As this is the difference between religion and Jesus Christ. One binds you. The other sets the captive free.. Have a nice day.
@tzel2665 Год назад
Jesus is not calling believers in Him to become Jewish. He is calling us to salvation in Him. Because that was foretold of Him in the old testament. That God was going to send a Savior (Messiah) to atone for the sins that separate us (ALL mankind) from our Creator. The traditions the Jewish people follow are not theirs but God's He taught them to them through Moses but they are for ALL who believe in Him because they are His feasts (Leviticus 23:4 KJV). It's sad that not many understand this. The only reason why we know it as the Jewish peoples traditions is because they kept them longer. The Church or believers in Jesus later accepted pagan traditions after a certain false/counterfeit Christianity arose. Therefore the Christianity we know today practices more of that pagan traditions then the ones that are God's that He taught to the children of Israel which left Egypt which was a mixed multitude (Exodus 12:37-38 KJV), so gentiles were also among them and agreed to keep them as well. And according to the book of Acts gentile believer kept the the 7th day Sabbath because Paul taught in synagogues on the 7th day Sabbath and the gentiles would ask him after to come back again the next Sabbath to teach them more. Acts 13:14-16 & 42 KJV ¹⁴ But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down. ¹⁵ And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on. ¹⁶ Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience. … ⁴² And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, THE GENTILES besought that these words might be preached to them THE NEXT SABBATH. Proving if they followed to keep the Sabbath they also followed to keep the feasts of the Lord God. Because the ones sharing the gospel to them and became their teacher to know the ways of Christ (which was Paul) also continued to keep them (Acts 18:20-21, Acts 20:6, Acts 20:16 & 1 Corinthians 16:7-8 KJV). Plus Paul mentions to keep the feast of Passover but without old leaven revealing the spiritual meaning of why God commanded leaven to not be eaten or having any leaven in your house during the feast of unleavened bread. Purge out therefore the old leaven (sin), that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened (without sin because of Christ). For even Christ (the anointed One, Yeshua) our passover (🐑🩸✝️) is sacrificed for us: THEREFORE LET US KEEP THE FEAST, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 KJV Paul (a Jewish apostle who was in charge of the gentiles receiving the Gospel of Jesus Christ) also taught... LET NO MAN THEREFORE JUDGE YOU IN meat (food), or in drink, or in RESPECT OF an holyday (the Lord God's feasts), or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. Colossians 2:16-17 KJV Great Videos! 👍🏼
@mygirlsh65 Год назад
@Tzel Thank you. Christians should stick to exactly what the scriptures teach.
@tzel2665 Год назад
@@mygirlsh65 Amen 🙌🏼, I totally agree. If you say you serve the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob (Israel) & His Messiah Jesus then follow His Holy Word only not what man says. Doctrines and commandments of men leads us astray but God's Holy Word leads us to Him. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. - Jesus, Matthew 15:9 KJV
@mygirlsh65 Год назад
@@tzel2665 John 16: 13 -15. However, when He the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. This is my favorite scripture.
@tzel2665 Год назад
@@mygirlsh65 Yes, it is beautiful! 🥰 And it's wonderful when we pray to the Holy Spirit to reveal us what the Word of God is revealing to us before we open up the Holy Scriptures to read.
@Pravin_Yeshua_BTC 3 месяца назад
Lord open their eyes to see. It’s like they have all the proof then refuse to admit the truth that Jesus is Lord. Great interview. Thank you for all you do brother ✨✝️ And yes, of course, being children of God means we also adopt some Jewish culture as well. You have Freedom in Christ. It’s not obligatory. So now we have our Lord culture and the Grace given to us by Faith ✨♥️ It’s a win / win Shabbat Shalom & Happy Purim weekend ✨🍷🍞 🎊
@tonytbt 5 месяцев назад
Truth be told it doesn't matter where your from the Lord Jesus Christ loves you no matter what whether you're Chinese mexican Italian etc...etc..doesn't mean your soul is...Amen
@Peacemakers59 Год назад
Jesus was also a Carpenter doesn’t mean we should all be a Carpenter
@LightSeekers777 Год назад
No, but we should OBEY God. The only one ever deceiving people into disobedience, is Satan. He is called the Lawless One. Jesus OBEYED perfectly and said FOLLOW Me.
@LightSeekers777 Год назад
However, I don't think we become Jewish, they added on to scripture thousands of new laws that they hold higher than God's Laws. I do believe we as Christians should not take away anything from God's Laws, which is what every denomination does. They pick and choose what parts they desire to follow.
@iLLEly0n 3 месяца назад
Yes we all need to make furniture items and build wooden things to be true Christian… carpentry teaches lessons we must learn in life.. this is secret Jesus teaching they don’t tell us about 😂😂
@catherinesikazwe86 Год назад
Christian is a follower of Christ. The first followers of Christ were Jews and first christians. So Jews and gentiles who follow Christ are Christians. He died for all nations.
@SOBEIT32AD Год назад
@NoverianSnowCone Месяц назад
As someone who's recently rediscovered Christianity, it certainly gave me a new appreciation for Judaism. Still learning the Bible of course, but even my initial impressions is that Christianity and Judaism goes hand in hand.
@frosken8889 Месяц назад
Christianity is not Jew my friend Jew is all about mosses and Yahweh and Christianity is about god son of God if you think you are half Christian half Jew then straight up convert to jewish because God himself doesn't do anything to jew nor does Jesus think he himself is jew
@KeepingWatch95 29 дней назад
@@frosken8889 Has this Messiah in Jeremiah came yet? _Jeremiah 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth._ _Jeremiah 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS._ The two English words in both Jeremiah 23:5 & 23:6 “THE LORD” had been translated from the single Hebrew word יְהֹוָה which is of course the Jewish national name of God. (The one and only true God, the Hebrew God) Has this Messiah, in whom יְהֹוָה himself has instructed _"his name whereby he shall be called"_ יְהֹוָה _"YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS"_ came yet? Or should we wait? Jeremiah 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith יְהֹוָה , that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. Jeremiah 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, יְהֹוָה OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
@KeepingWatch95 29 дней назад
Salvation is of the Jews.
@anettevanrooyen4039 Год назад
Thank you for your patience... Mine was not that well when listening to that man's reasoning... But God closed his eyes and ears as a Jew so that Jesus can have a church who will follow him forever and ever... I'd you read the book of Revelation Jesus comes back WITH the believers to reign with him and also with the remaining Jews after the Tribulation 🙏🙏🙏❤️
@Rachel-jt8bl 7 месяцев назад
Where is your bible quotes to back anything you are saying up?
@yoyeo1900 6 месяцев назад
He just happened to have dinner at passover!!! Oh the irony. He can't be a Jew, he shared his bread.
@johnvogel-yz6ss Месяц назад
Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Almighty Name, I bless the Jews, Amen.
@mirihope2018 6 месяцев назад
As a Christian, I have already celebrated Sabbath with fellow Christians, a catholic Community named "Die Gemeinschaft der Seligpreisungen". They are very much connected to Israel and the Jewish traditions. Why? Simply because Yeshua is Jewish. I don't think it's necessary to celebrate the Jewish traditions, but it gives a deeper understanding of Christianity. And it's so heartwarming, I love Judaism for the positive attitude to life and the love for God.❤❤❤
@benny-yj7pq Месяц назад
The Sabbath is not a Jewish tradition, but the right to do, the Sunday is against the 10 commandment and wrong. The 7th day was and is the Sabbath, Luther changed the text.
@ScopeLearn 6 месяцев назад
I am a gentile Christian living in Sri Lanka. I don't have genetic link to Israel. But because of my saviour I get blessing of Abraham. I always pray that blessing to my children in the mighty name of Jesus. Indirectly I belong to spiritual family of Israel.
@olusholadolapo5861 6 месяцев назад
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it". Isaiah 2:2 This is fulfilled
@whitedove4902 Год назад
I really liked this guy in the black hat's candor and his insistence on repeating the sentence. In the end, as you said they are all descendants of Abraham.👍🌹🙏
@NEChristo 4 месяца назад
This is kind of funny to watch (Jesus was Jewish right yeah Jesus was Jewish yes so Jesus believed in himself because Jesus was a Jew 😂) and I understand this man’s confusion. I so respect how the interviewer is loving and non judgmental yet sticks with the truth. It was so inspired to tell the man when he mentioned Passover that Jesus said this is the cup of the new covenant of my blood. That was perfect. I pray this precious man sees his Messiah ❤✝️
@angieb8184 5 месяцев назад
Yes!!! This man is right! When God gave Moses the Commandments for all those who he lead out of Egypt (a mixed multitude) God said the same Commandments are for the Jews & the gentiles(those from other nations). I believe that when we believe in God & Yeshua we are "grafted" into the olive tree (represents Israel). It was always supposed to be ONE people, ONE faith, ONE God. Man corrupted it all by making different "churches", religions & faiths, creating confusion, conflicts & wars because of it! So many are on the BROAD paths....😢 They changed His Holy Sabbath days, Feast Days & even His Commandments & now say His dietary Law is no longer relevant!! Be careful what/who you are following!! 🙏🏼❤️
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