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Jim Rickards: We're Probably Already In A Civil War 

The Julia La Roche Show
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5 сен 2024




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@johanfilip6805 Месяц назад
Kudos to Julia for allowing Jim to elaborate his points at length without interrupting. Most hosts would have interrupted, thereby ruining the content. Great episode with some truly unique opinions.
@TheJuliaLaRocheShow Месяц назад
That’s my whole interviewing style. I let my guests talk. The record is 22 minutes for one answer. 💙🙏
@alfreddurbyn642 Месяц назад
There's absolutely no need for a civil war, the kid down the road with green hair is not the enemy nor any other voter. The politicians that enact laws and regulations that we don't agree with is not the enemy. Yes they sell us out for money but there is nothing that will be changed by removing them when another will take their place. The enemy of the American people are huge corporations and the wealthiest among us. They meet every year at Davos and conspire how to manipulate us and laws to gain more wealth and control over the people. Companies like black rock, Bill Gates, Soros and many more. It's not even a secret what they are trying to accomplish it's all over their website world economic forum and are using the environment as a tool to gain power and control. This is the true enemies of the American people.
@MrTigerStarX Месяц назад
A true feat considering how demented his ramblings are at this stage.
@TheNecropolis20 Месяц назад
whats with the civil war in America ?
@kszatmary Месяц назад
Mr. Rickards is wrong on one point. Barack Obama is barred from being Vice President due to language in the 12th Amendment of the Constitution, which states "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." Since Barack Obama has already served the maximum allowable two terms as president (per the 22nd Amendment), he is no longer constitutionally eligible to hold that office and therefore is ineligible, per the language of Amendment 12, to hold the office of vice president.
@ls-888 Месяц назад
Kamala is an anchor baby,not eligible for the presidency under the constitution
@MrTigerStarX Месяц назад
Jim is wrong about many things, and he is not well-researched.
@pineynj Месяц назад
@@MrTigerStarX He got the Biden prediction right. so there's that. People that make a lot of predictions are gonna miss some and hit some. I don't see that he is wrong more than Schiff, Maloney, etc.
@Falconlibrary Месяц назад
Thanks, very salient point. Too bad the Constitution doesn't exile ex-presidents to an isolated archipelago so they can't be the head of a shadow government....
@thomasmetayer3631 Месяц назад
They will change the rules to suit their needs and goals.
@breand4 Месяц назад
Amazing how Jim is able to speak, in depth, about so many subjects and keep it straight. Should be a regular.
@JPJ432 Месяц назад
Fun Fact about the Civil War: It was Russia who saved The Union during the American Civil War as they sent their Navy to San Francisco and New York when England and France were just about to enter the war on the side of the Confederates since London created the Confederates. France was already in Mexico making a spear head movement to resupply the Confederates and to open up a Pacific Theatre and to create a port in California. England already amassed 11,000 troops and growing stationed at their Northern Confederacies border now called Canada ready to open a Northern Theatre to divert Union troops away from their Southern Confederacy then to attack The Unions naval blockade. The Union would have been completely destroyed and annexed by those two great powers leaving the Confederates to exist as either a puppet state of London or to be fully brought back into the fold of the British Empire. London was already courting (threatening/bribing) other countries to get involved like Spain while Russia was in talks with Prussia to ally with incase London was to intervene. Seeing all of this Tsar Alexander II wrote a letter to Queen Victoria saying “If you enter in this war it will be a casus belli for all out war with the Russian Empire”. The stage was set for the 1st World War and Russia stopped it. There is also a memorial in San Francisco for the hundreds of Russian sailors who came off their Asiatic fleet ships that died while helping the city put out a fire that threatened to lay waste to it during the War.
@JPJ432 Месяц назад
The Russian fleet also threatened to Shell Australian ports along with other British Pacific Colonies if Britain aided the Confederates. A confederate war ship spent a lot of time in Australian waters and was supported by the Australian public, some even signing on as crew members. This Confederate war ship laid waist to the US Pacific whaling fleet and is reported to have fired the last shot in the war. The name of the ship was called the CSS Shenandoah. Its surrender was at Liverpool England where Confederate Commander Bulloch was stationed. Bulloch was the head spy Chief for the Confederates and main go between for London, Montreal, and Richmond. He was heavily involved in the finance of the South with British banking and supplied the south with its warships as most of them were made by the British. He was good friends with those who drafted the Very discriminatory Confederate Constitution and those that would later create the 'Clan'. He was also heavily involved in the assassinations of Lincoln and his cabinet members. He was Also the Uncle to President Theodore Roosevelt (on his mothers side of course) and Teddy greatly looked up to him and learned much from him from a very early age. Teddy called him 'Uncle Jimmy'. This is where Teddy Roosevelt got the idea for the 'Eff Bee Eye' he modeled it almost exactly from Londons 'Em Eye Five'. Russia also helped Thailand (Kingdom of Siam) maintain its sovereignty from being completely Partitioned/Annexed from the British and French around the same time. The very word Thai (ไทย) means 'free man' in the Thai language which is partially to thank to the Russians as they might have ended up being a colony or part of another country/colony if not for their intervention.
@artmosley3337 Месяц назад
You are correct!!! The US civil war was actually the first World War.. you should watch the channels Static in the Attic, Mystery History, My Lunch Break… our history is mostly lies..
@mightyhammers3539 Месяц назад
Interesting thanks 🙏
@JPJ432 Месяц назад
@@mightyhammers3539 I think you will enjoy this quote from the Russian Foreign Minister Alexander Gorchakov writing to Lincoln in the Autumn of 1862 a year and a half into the war- "You know that the government of United States has few friends among the Powers. England rejoices over what is happening to you; she longs and prays for your overthrow. France is less actively hostile; her interests would be less affected by the result; but she is not unwilling to see it. She is not your friend. Your situation is getting worse and worse. The chances of preserving the Union are growing more desperate. Can nothing be done to stop this dreadful war? The hope of reunion is growing less and less, and I wish to impress upon your government that the separation, which I fear must come, will be considered by Russia as one of the greatest misfortunes. Russia alone, has stood by you from the first, and will continue to stand by you. We are very, very anxious that some means should be adopted-that any course should be pursued-which will prevent the division which now seems inevitable. One separation will be followed by another; you will break into fragments."
@JPJ432 Месяц назад
@@mightyhammers3539 Here is another quote I think you will like but from Tsar Alexander II in an Interview after the war: "In the Autumn of 1862, the governments of France and Great Britain proposed to Russia, in a formal but not in an official way, the joint recognition by European powers of the independence of the Confederate States of America. My immediate answer was: "I will not cooperate in such action; and I will not acquiesce. On the contrary, I shall accept the recognition of the independence of the Confederate States by France and Great Britain as a casus belli for Russia. And in order that the governments of France and Great Britain may understand that this is no idle threat; I will send a Pacific fleet to San Francisco and an Atlantic fleet to New York."
@ad6417 Месяц назад
My son is a gamer. They don't use social media to communicate. They use back channels like discord and steam.😊
@salvadormarin6807 Месяц назад
I’m a gamer, and I approve this message.
@araonna Месяц назад
like discord and steam are not monitored he he
@JamesClark-lw6sw Месяц назад
Then he is an idiot
@reich5150 Месяц назад
And allegedly his discord was empty according to discord reps... what an odd thing to say...Oooops deleted...
@artmosley3337 Месяц назад
Iv watched tooo much TV.. Every video game has a chat, message boards… people then use codes…
@kayeninetwo3585 Месяц назад
What a great interview. Politics and finance certainly are related. Nothing that Mr. Rickards says is new, but he very aptly combines it all into a cogent analysis of what's going on right now.
@DisabledVeteran-vg8vp Месяц назад
Agree about already being in a civil war. Clearly we are. Respectfully disagree about political instability, broken supply chains, and surging inflation sinking the global economy. Reshoring and population collapse are doing that and have been since the 1980s. Reshoring has been official American policy since the 90s under Clinton. Broken supply chains, inflation, and political instability are symptoms; not causes. The most significant problem is poor leadership and a refusal to let go of the global military industrial war economy. Politicians and corporate barons make billions scraping these aid packages and are not willing to let it go for a sensible, self sustaining economy that would benefit America and her immediate neighbors.
@lesleyjohnson8488 Месяц назад
Hear hear!! That. Is a perfect synopsis of the real state of affairs. As Charlie Munger said, ‘follow the incentives. They will tell you the outcome’. This is the definition of corruption.
@melaniewilliams2972 Месяц назад
So well said!
@ecosignals Месяц назад
Hope Jim may see this. I'm a fan, read the Death of Money a decade ago, and keep it nearby for osmosis! Civil war already? IDK. At very least, solid sprouts of world war? Absolutely. Possibility of it already going on for ~10yrs...... I'd say well above 50%.... if not extremely higher! IDK the exact number of hacks, crowdstrike-"flaws," waterline-breaks, health-tradgedies, crashed planes, near misses on the ISS... which we could reasonably attribute to acts of war. It's far from 0 or 100%. Let's just say 50%. So, from theater fires, to copycat killers, to people scared to fly, scared to leave the house etc.... we know that irrationally is contagious. And unhealthy. Notice, how we don't dwell on many of these things? How most mainstream media rolls on in a week or less? So, perhaps the biggest threats are not kinetic. I "get" why we/powers at be would want to downplay things. We are better worker shoper econony automatons, when not scared. However, I do not always agree with Jim. I think he may be right on a good number of things, but fair chance of things which would blind side him. I had to stop watching half way thru. I'm sure there's more nuggets of wisdom here and there, but it's a lot to mine for, when anyone starts spouting plain delusions. MANY Dems are popping out of their delusions on Biden etc about now. It appears to be slowly rubbing off on Rublicans too. That their guy actually is a convicted felon, grabs women without consent, embessles money, election interference x2 (biz records frauds). As for inciting violence, a small sampling: July 2017: encouraged police officers to be rough with people they were arresting, "Please don't be too nice" August 2017: Charlottesville, "many sides" October 2018: praised Montana's Greg Gianforte (R) - the state's governor - for assaulting a reporter. "Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!" October 2019: deliberated to keep migrants away from the border, with water-filled trench with snakes or alligators and shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down May 2020: Minneapolis ~ George Floyd, "when the looting starts, the shooting starts." June 2020: Washington, DC law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square, creating a path for President Donald Trump and senior administration officials to walk from the White House to St John's Church for a photo op June 2020: "If a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them," August 2020: Trump expressed interest in sending the National Guard to Portland, Oregon, to confront protesters, per Vox. "We could fix Portland in, I would say, 45 minutes," Trump said. September 2020: Trump lauded law enforcement officers for killing Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-described Antifa member suspected of killing a right-wing activist the previous month. "That’s the way it has to be. There has to be retribution," September 2020: When offered the chance to unequivocally condemn white supremacist violence during the first presidential debate, Trump failed to do so, instead telling the far-right Proud Boys that they should "stand back and stand by." (Many later convicted for violence at Jan 6th) January 2021: At a rally preceding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Trump repeated false claims that the 2020 election had been stolen and told supporters that "we're going to walk down to the Capitol," adding that "you'll never take back our country with weakness."
@darthstarone3532 Месяц назад
What kind of civil war gays versus straights or dope head versus cocaine users or fentanyl versus K2 users 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭
@TO-dl2gg Месяц назад
Alex Jones predicted Trumps 2016 win 10 days before the election..He claimed internal polls showed Trump victory
@timeconcepts Месяц назад
With all the banging in the background, it sounds like Jim's doomsday bunker is coming along quite well.
@davidshort9439 Месяц назад
LOL, I think that he would tell them to knock it off until the show is over 🤣
@ecosignals Месяц назад
LoL I'm confident Jim has had a bunker or three, for WELL over a decade.
@granitestateman942 Месяц назад
It would have been nice if he had addressed the knocking problem. Seems odd he didn't.
@rudysmith9377 Месяц назад
@rudysmith9377 Месяц назад
If obama came back this country would instantly be in chaos period.
@SirJamesDTech Месяц назад
I don't agree with everything Jim Rickards says but I respect the heck out of his thoughts and intel. So it's always worth considering.
@AsurmenHandOfAsur Месяц назад
Love the Yuri pfp! He warned everyone about this stuff but nobody listened.
@brandtbollers3183 Месяц назад
1860...... Neither Side Will Accept the Election Results.
@TheNecropolis20 Месяц назад
Harris 2024
@tomtravis3077 Месяц назад
In 1860, Lincoln was not even on the ballot in 14 of the 33 states.
@davidcpugh8743 Месяц назад
As a Econ wonk and retired portfolio manager, this call on a common inverted yield curve is prescient. It’s very much valid still.
@jonathanward7987 Месяц назад
Yes Julia! We do indeed love Jim. Thank you for recording this, editing it and releasing it so quickly so it's fresh in light of everything going on right now.
@terryroberts623 Месяц назад
Jim Rickards is sooo smart. He says things that are knowledegable and says them simply.
@frankyhonnolus5528 Месяц назад
@@terryroberts623 He’s smart but he rarely gets anything right. Also he tends to think after some research he figured it out all.
@mikehunt7030 Месяц назад
Do tell... What did you get right?!
@frankyhonnolus5528 Месяц назад
@@mikehunt7030 Does it matter if I didn’t make any calls openly?
@johntrolle8935 Месяц назад
@@Joseph-wu6kdMy point exactly- the amount of bullshit this guy has said is phenomenal. Maybe he is dooming and glooming because he has a personal interest in the gold trade
@DonBrott-jz8it Месяц назад
There is supposition that he was the architect of the Soviet union financial takedown.
@walkonearthofficial Месяц назад
Someone needs to look into that shorting of DJT stock right before.
@Marcus1954s Месяц назад
Nancy is probably furious that she was left out of the loop so couldn't short the stock.
@ActiveTravelWestUSA Месяц назад
Ed Dowd checked out the short, it looks ok..some people shorted the S&P which looks very suspicious
@JP-tq7ni Месяц назад
Thanks to Ed Dowd
@ecosignals Месяц назад
​@ActiveTravelWestUSA There were also unusually large VIX call buys in advance, and the Friday S&P volume was at a "busy for a regular day", way out of the usual into summer. Hard to see the Biden cluster the week prior causing that. There were some tonal shifts from Fed, to CPI, unemployment etc.
@ActiveTravelWestUSA Месяц назад
@@ecosignals ok thank you! Anyway we are on for bigger troubles now! Eyes open and no fear!
@hurcell1 Месяц назад
Mostly everything Jim says resonates with me. Thanks for giving him a platform
@fubarbrandon1345 Месяц назад
Jim is a great guest...thanks so much for having him on.
@audiophileman7047 Месяц назад
I love Jim's take on things. He's always worth paying attention to.
@twhanley189 Месяц назад
Where is the forensic proof the alleged shooter was actually the shooter
@mightyhammers3539 Месяц назад
That grouping seemed pretty proficient for an allegedly poor shooter.
@moneytrends5231 Месяц назад
They haven't finished making up their story.
@DonBrott-jz8it Месяц назад
THE WHOLE THING IS A PSYOP. this is 5th generation war..
@fredlink1036 Месяц назад
Time for Trump to hire Mercs for protection. No confidence in gov protecting Trump.
@shanejones578 Месяц назад
Yup, his own paid private security will do better.
@akforge Месяц назад
First option is the soapbox, the next option is the ballot box, and the last option is the cartridge box. Plan accordingly.
@mal7344 Месяц назад
How Is It That The 20 YO Shooter ... Has Four Encrypted Foreign Bank Accounts? Why Does BlackRock Own The Warehouse The Shooter Used? Why Was The Shooter In A BlackRock Media Commercial? WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON?
@lynnelee4390 Месяц назад
I have not seen any of that in legitimate news. Where did u get this info?
@mikehunt7030 Месяц назад
"legitimate news" good Lord you can't be that stupid!
@gmw3083 Месяц назад
Blackrock puts on the biggest shows. It's all a show. The masses buy in. Didn't learn from coof
@OpheliaTheCat Месяц назад
​@lynnelee4390 lol. You mean the propaganda news.
@c8089923 Месяц назад
The Rothschild-BlackRock partnership
@avdmustang Месяц назад
The "at worst" scenario is much more sinister. And with every day that passes, new bombshell info comes out making it extremely likely that not only were they on it, they were active participants.
@mightyhammers3539 Месяц назад
Yep. Just before the RNC, where he officially accepts the nomination and names his VP? With Nikki Forever Wars on deck? This was so much more than that patsy kid.
@donotfret Месяц назад
Don't forget the 12 million put options placed the night before
@ignitionSoldier Месяц назад
Ann Coulter also called Trump win on the Bill Maher show. Everyone laughed at her.
@13muller9 Месяц назад
Ann Coulter as a republican would have endorsed any other republican candidate to win the race; even a broken clock is right twice a day !!!
@Richest_Person_in_the_World Месяц назад
We are especially laughing at you since the 2020 defeat of Coulter, Trump and Putin.
@JamesClark-lw6sw Месяц назад
​@@Richest_Person_in_the_WorldSTOP LYING.
@ignitionSoldier Месяц назад
@@Richest_Person_in_the_World Not sure why you are laugh at me... your response makes zero sense. I simply stated a fact, but as usual it's all about emotional nonsense.
@MrTigerStarX Месяц назад
Russian social-media troll farms were underestimated.
@Rabbi393 Месяц назад
I listen to many of this ilk. Jim Richards genuinely seems like a sweet soul. I always appreciate his inputs.
@lorrainee4841 Месяц назад
Jim Rickards is brilliant!
@maxheadrom3088 Месяц назад
I recomment to Jim Rickards the Yale Open Course on the American Civil War and Reconstruction. I say this because when a civil war starts, everybody knows it started.
@chadchadchadchadchad Месяц назад
A civil war and THE American Civil War aren't necessarily the same thing.
@pjpredhomme7699 Месяц назад
that was in 1860 - there was a way that war was waged . It is very different today - where asymmetric warfare is the common method.
@jamesgardner3384 Месяц назад
When people get hungry things will fall apart. Coming 2025.
@walterjohnson6357 Месяц назад
He was a decoy so the professional could do the job. It came very close to being a successful hit and the decoy was silenced. Will the coverup succeed? It has in the past.
@dannyovryn4120 Месяц назад
Where can I find evidence about this professional?
@dustinmiller2775 Месяц назад
You seen the Illuminati cards? "Sniper" & "Enough is Enough" ones seem to correlate! Put the Sniper one next to a pic of the counter-snipers 🧐
@wickedrc7492 Месяц назад
They will definitely try again!
@detrockcity3 Месяц назад
@@dannyovryn4120 Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity is doing a good job collating evidence.
@detrockcity3 Месяц назад
The cover-up is hard this time because we were all (well, those of us who are constitutionally capable of looking at evidence rather than listening to TV sets) supposed to know it was them. It was supposed to be "yeah, we did it, don't even think about stepping to us." That's the point of the egregious amounts of "incompetence."
@Jose-hs4vk Месяц назад
What the so-called Experts do not understand is what is known as “Law that governs the Cycles of Empires”. The United States had its glory days after the second war, and it is now in a decline, this is a natural law the dictates how long an Empire can sustain itself. An Empire can prolong its life if it makes good decisions but it can also accelerate its demise by making the wrong decisions - the latter can be seen with the useless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the continuous expenditures of billions of US dollars in support of the Ukraine war and the Gaza conflict. On the other side of this coin, we have China …….…. China does not waste its resources in useless wars or conflicts, instead, it is investing in its military and infrastructure, and based on the law mentioned the day will come in which China will be the number one economy and military power, and the United States will become less relevant. Those who put in question this Law, I suggest they read the history of some of the Empires that did not understand this law such as the British and the Romans just to mention a few.
@artmosley3337 Месяц назад
Your fallacy is thinking China will be around in 10 years… the revolution is right around the corner… the government is scared.. Tiananmen Square in China…
@mikehunt7030 Месяц назад
@TrevorEMayo Месяц назад
omg!!! I hope for you and your family's sake you haven't been adhering to his investment advice all these years!!!
@laddercrane4346 Месяц назад
Never heard him give investment advice... ​@@TrevorEMayo
@shockproof1964 Месяц назад
@@TrevorEMayo That's true. I looked at the success rate, gains and losses
@JofoTubin Месяц назад
Jim Rickards is an expert in executive protection? Wow, what a guy.
@user-lp8zm9cj5t Месяц назад
Jim is a genius in my humble opinion. This interview is full of his great knowledge and we are blessed to learn from him.
@DavidAllen-fo4jl Месяц назад
Thank you Julia. What a brilliantly thoughtful man! His books are superb.
@bonjovi2757 Месяц назад
The truly sad part with all of this is the sides are so entrenched. Great speakers only reach "their side" Be that R or D. Money wants to make money. Some are completely Machiavellian in their beliefs (also that they will be spared in any significant turmoil with their money) I can not find any nation who has recovered from this level of deep, deep divide without war. I believe it's only a matter of time and no one knows when it will be or how long this country can limp along as it is. But unlike previous societal collapses, the level of sophistication, technology and lethality of weapons and societal dependence on infrastructure (power, clean water, food distribution, medicine) The end result will make the middle ages and subsequent black death look like a child's birthday party. Can anyone point to how we as a nation are going to rise above this division and vitriol ??
@elaineteut1249 Месяц назад
I am afraid you are right. Is that why people like Bill Gates are building underground bunkers?
@elaineteut1249 Месяц назад
Kamala raised money for Jessie Smollett.
@alexa.9446 Месяц назад
Excellent show, very interesting. Thanks!
@solangeamos7172 Месяц назад
"Nobody thought trump would win" except the simpsons.
@finfan7705 Месяц назад
Crazy that there are still people who would vote for Biden. I mean, I get it, people can be stubbornly tribal, but after watching the s-show of the past 3 1/2 years or remembering the 2020 "summer of love" (Floyd riots), how can any thoughtful person vote democrat at any level.
@ustuppy Месяц назад
Keep bringing Jim back.
@dangaines405 Месяц назад
Great guest! We love Jim’s depth of thinking and clear mind!
@Resmith18SR Месяц назад
What was all that banging in the background at Jim Rickards home? 😂
@Resmith18SR Месяц назад
@@Julia21d Or his wife.
@buy.to.let.britain Месяц назад
that was his wife and the pool cleaner.
@bradleyroth2125 Месяц назад
Idk. But it's driving me nuts
@artmosley3337 Месяц назад
Reinforcing the Shelter and digging deeper…this is the first time I’ve heard of this Man.. but he just said the Key 🔑… the DS is 3-4 levels deep… the entire agency has to removed.. also.. the federal agencies should all be moved out of DC .. 😂😂😂 what are left of them…
@cynthiaaiken2424 Месяц назад
Home things.
@Allie-ye8oe Месяц назад
Hallelujah 🙌🏻!!!!! The daily jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good 🙌🏻🙌🏻. I was owing a loan of $49,000 to the bank for my son's brain surgery, Now I'm no longer in debt after I invested $11,000 and got my payout of $290,500 every month…God bless Mrs Susan jane Christy♥️
@Doucette-ju3hb Месяц назад
Thanks to my co-worker (Alex) who suggested Ms Christy Jane
@Doucette-ju3hb Месяц назад
After I raised up to 525k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸and also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.
@sandalSanders-vt8ii Месяц назад
Can I also do it??? My life is facing lots of challenges lately.
@Doucette-ju3hb Месяц назад
There is her line!!!! under this comment!! combine the DIGITS
@Doucette-ju3hb Месяц назад
@hliang4 Месяц назад
Hi Jim, thank you for sharing your overwhelming wisdom!
@johngoogle7626 Месяц назад
Sloped roofs and high heels don't mix!!
@123Goldhunter11 Месяц назад
I've been listening to Jim since he wrote the Currency Wars. Great guest. Thanks.
@Zomfoo Месяц назад
We’ve been in a cold civil war since the 60s.
@artjogo Месяц назад
Love Jim, I own and read all his books, Currency Wars is still one of my favorite all time books, can't wait to read his new one.
@adkest9914 Месяц назад
Jim Rickards is very smart and a very good talker.
@donotfret Месяц назад
How often does a non-circular security turf occurs because that's extremely suspicious
@randomme0no Месяц назад
Love Jim
@MrTigerStarX Месяц назад
Jim predicted we would be out of diesel fuel by Thanksgiving 2022.
@Eyman-sy4kj Месяц назад
He is an amateur
@alanaadams7440 Месяц назад
One thing about Trump he's a fast learner and they won't fool him twice
@marianneb.7112 Месяц назад
This is hilarious.
@macverishe3480 28 дней назад
He's a fast learner for sure, just like when the whole world knew COVID was a virus, but Trump thought you could drink bleach to get rid of it, one of the top thinkers for sure!
@marianneb.7112 28 дней назад
@@alanaadams7440 😆😅🤣 You must be a "fast learner" too, bless your heart.
@MrAntonLucas Месяц назад
What about the open window in the next building? What about the difference in the sound of the shots after the first three? Where is the info on the recovered projectiles?
@marsha58 Месяц назад
Pin🏀 preparedness channel has a link to the analysis of the sound of the $hot$ fired
@johnrivinius4873 Месяц назад
Who is causing the hammering sound in Jim Rickards house. Lol
@TheJuliaLaRocheShow Месяц назад
I do apologize! Still such an important conversation.
@randywhelchel4674 Месяц назад
Look squirrel!!!😂😂😂
@mikehunt7030 Месяц назад
Jim is very wealthy, so I would assume that remodeling or adding to a portion of his home is likely during the warmer months.
@Nobody_1776 Месяц назад
fbi looking for way in
@gmw3083 Месяц назад
​@mikehunt7030 Jim is so wealthy that he just ignored a home invasion
@tommywicker1432 Месяц назад
This would definitely be civil war. So very sad. Please pray for our country
@jean-louislalonde6070 Месяц назад
The not so USA...
@randywhelchel4674 Месяц назад
Thanks always thought provoking
@jploeg8862 Месяц назад
I used to be a fed. This was embarrassing. Yes, Federal LEO Management is this incompetent managerial incompetence is ultimately why I left Federal Leo work. Its totally believable that these the useless Secret Service Supervisors left that roof uncomvered becuase of incompetence. It could also be a pure setup. To clear the way for a Nicki Haley, Pompeo ticket...
@shanejones578 Месяц назад
David baumblatt, watch and spread his story.
@leechowning2712 Месяц назад
"Hey, we got a heads up the Iranians may send an attacker in the next few weeks"... "Really, that's interesting"... "We got another email from the Trump detail asking for more agents"... "Nah, he will be fine". It was not "specifically" a setup, but it was seriously undermanned and poorly planned.
@notgunnadoit7461 Месяц назад
I was a fed to and worked for 4 agencies including a criminal investigator in the Army. I can tell you for a fact supervisors and management are very shitty. I know how bad apples get promoted it's because the people who promote them are worse and don't want anyone to shine and pass them up.
@mvexler Месяц назад
Jim reminds us about Why don't we tell secrets in a cornfield? (Too many ears! 🙂)
@mc-kz8zn Месяц назад
Jim is great to listen to. So insightful.
@RobWilliams007 Месяц назад
When jobs stay here, the velocity of money works - it doesn’t go to a foreign country after 2 rounds.
@FreedomTalkMedia Месяц назад
It also works when it goes to a foreign country. It's not like a dollar goes to a foreign country and it's like dumping it into a black hole. It gives people in a foreign country dollars to buy things from the US. They can either buy goods and services or they can invest. When they invest, we call that a trade deficit.
@Disappointed34 Месяц назад
The interviewer was very professional and polite.
@davidcpugh8743 Месяц назад
Julia very good at selecting speakers. Would make an excellent politician. You go girl. A goat speaks.
@donbosco6081 Месяц назад
Mr Pelosi's boyfriend
@Paka6267 Месяц назад
Absolutely Love Ben Carson ! I was so ready to vote for him. 🙏🏼
@pauldemeester9298 Месяц назад
None of it makes sense
@SkipDulcet Месяц назад
great show Julia!
@vivekrao6460 Месяц назад
Thank you guys for a fantastic insights into geo economics n politics
@darkwinterprepper8495 Месяц назад
He seems to have great mastery/ insight into the known facts at the time of the interview. Very impressive
@marcburns508 Месяц назад
I dont think that Thomas Crooks was the shooter that was shot on that roof. I dont know how he fits in, but the shooter that was killed on the roof looks like another man who was convicted for rioting in pittsburgh and did time in county. He was an active antifa guy, and participated in many many protests/riots, leading one in seattle. His mugshot image is a spitting image of the dead shooter photograph that was released within an hour or two of the event. Very obvious why they would not want this to get out, as it links them to the event. The same people gassing everybody up saying that Trump is the next Hitler and always making comments on how they want to kill him are all of a sudden peace loving people. BS.
@prolific1518 Месяц назад
There is no "probably" about a civil war. Nice clickbait though
@johntrolle8935 Месяц назад
The amount of bullshit this guy has said over the years is phenomenal yet people still listen to him!
@Truthhunter-w9w Месяц назад
Exactly and his dodgy newsletters and stock price predictors that track unusual activity before something big happens like 9/11. I should know cause I trusted him once with my money and to say the least it was a scam.
@cynthiaaiken2424 Месяц назад
Coming from someone named Trolle
@johntrolle8935 Месяц назад
@@cynthiaaiken2424 Good luck making money off of him
@dtlastraightahead2133 Месяц назад
What's never mentioned. Secret service was inside the bldg the shooter shot from how did they not hear someone walking on the roof
@ddprepper5227 Месяц назад
Excellent report 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@chuongthai7513 Месяц назад
Jim is the Goat. Love him
@ericknaus4998 Месяц назад
Great interview. Jim's one of the smartest guys around
@michaeljacobs4546 Месяц назад
Obama as Jarris' VP? That is the craziest thing that I ever heard, but in this environment it is plausible.
@cthornton523 Месяц назад
I've also heard this speculation in recent weeks. It's so very barking mad...at this point it wouldn't surprise me. It's on my 2024 bingo card at this point. Interesting times indeed my friend.
@joyen621 Месяц назад
Wow, this interview OPENed up my eyes...I'm learning so much. Incredibly informative... wow !!!
@jackshull1963 Месяц назад
Jim Richards is brilliant
@dazstone9331 Месяц назад
What a great interview…thanks so much Jim and Julia ❤🙏👍 - Dazstone 🙏
@archanaobso1094 Месяц назад
Outstanding Julia! If you are interested in learning more about the Hamiltonian/American System of Political Economy (coined by Fredrich List) that Jim was referring to I recommend the books Hamilton vs Wallstreet by Nancy Spannaus and Beware The British East India Company by William Wertz 👍 Thanks for all you do. You are an incredible interviewer. God bless!
@DitDitDitDahDahDahDitDitDit Месяц назад
Ronald Regan didn’t understand that “free trade” is not a religious value. A President has to do what is best for American citizens, and for the country.
@chesshooligan1282 Месяц назад
If you understood basic concepts of economics such as competitive advantage and comparative advantage, you would know free trade is the best possible policy for the USA or for any other country -- now, in Reagan's time, or at any other time.
@critterdude311 Месяц назад
It’s not truly ‘free trade’ if it’s not fair trade. For instance, if your competition, China in this example, has the equivalent of slave labor, and can undercut you by paying their slaves (employees) pennies on the dollar for the same labor, is that ‘free trade’? Anyone with common sense knows you can’t compete with that. If you level the playing field on labor costs, you’ll see real competition again.
@dustinmiller2775 Месяц назад
​@@critterdude311that's PRECISELY what tariffs are for! 💯
@ecosignals Месяц назад
​@@critterdude311Yes, to a point. The US has benefitted tremendously from "immoral" Chinese labor. Not the workers, the abuse of the workers, the system. Which also takes place in the West, but we are too deluted to see it. The US has long used currency and tarriffs, effectively as "weapons". At very least, for SHORT TERM self interest of US elites. (Branded by mainstream media, Fed etc, as, "the economy is strong and resilient," etc) This should not be confused with short or long term, accidental benefit for citizens... let alone globally. More often, it is to the detriment of significant groups of people, at home and abroad. Did Trump/Boeing forcing the hand of Canada's Bombardier C-Series over into the hands of Airbus do much for the US? It sure appears they forced much labor, raw materials, and profit out of North America, of what is the most successful narrowbody longhaul aircraft. At very least, more would have delivered domestically, but an organic match up with Boeing could always have occured.
@pjpredhomme7699 Месяц назад
Except they didn't they worked in the interests of their constituents - multi national corporations - they care less about what happens in USA
@martinleepgg Месяц назад
Brics is the future currency by virtue the current us$ and euro have printed themselves to extinction
@waynehendrix4806 Месяц назад
I'm always envious of Jim's Escher print in the background. Please tell me that was Escher...
@ForTheArrows Месяц назад
Thank you for this, it was very beneficial. Hopefully, more leadership content to follow. 👍🏻🙏🏻
@richardkut3976 Месяц назад
Democrats do not opponents. Why does RFK Jr. not have a detail?
@SmokyPemberton-te5oq Месяц назад
I think he was approved a couple of days ago.
@Have.An.AmicoDay Месяц назад
The technical reason is in law, only the two major parties have access to Secret Service protection... the 3rd parties were deemed too fickle and inconsistent.. so its not technically a RFK Jr. problem or denying him... it was law to exclude any 3rd party candidate. As a gesture of goodwill (or something else), after the 'attempt', Joe Biden allowed/assigned a detail to JR.
@lynnelee4390 Месяц назад
He does now
@jr3213 Месяц назад
@@SmokyPemberton-te5oq yeah, only after Trump was almost killed. was completely inexcusable.
@cynthiaaiken2424 Месяц назад
He belatedly does now, thank you Jesus
@michaelkohlhaas4427 Месяц назад
Audio quality is crap! 👎
@thehungergames8918 Месяц назад
This is always the problem with Jim 🙄
@michaelkohlhaas4427 Месяц назад
@@thehungergames8918 After 5 minutes I had to turn off.
@stephenengland7051 Месяц назад
What was all that banging in the background. Do off putting...
@noname-qb7ir Месяц назад
​@michaelkohlhaas4427 it really wasn't that bad
@crazygame2724 Месяц назад
Scary interview but fascinating.
@lesleyjohnson8488 Месяц назад
I’m watching this right now and literally just as Jim starts saying that ‘Biden will pull out’ - that’s exactly what just happened right now!! Can’t believe the accuracy of this guy. Love it Julia! Encore!❤
@geoffreynhill2833 Месяц назад
Speculating on what might have happened instead of what did happen. 🤔
@a.r.gentum6517 Месяц назад
Julia, I (along with others) praise your lack of interruptions. You let Rickards spew and spew his thoughts with "FEW" interruptions. 50 minutes later.... we get to economics. I admit I played this podcast @ 1.5X to "speed" things up a bit.
@Madridpepe Месяц назад
Just one word: “Brilliant”.
@JohnLin-kg5eu Месяц назад
Thanks Jim & Julia!!!!!
@jamesdonop445 Месяц назад
Who needs a range finder when its 1 to 200 yards? No one
@FreedomTalkMedia Месяц назад
Host and guest volume are out of balance.
@sammyme7276 14 дней назад
Thanks 👌 🙏
@trevordowney6425 Месяц назад
Hey Jim, she asked you how current politics affects financial markets. Pull it together man. And what's all that banging???
@peterwilson9327 Месяц назад
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤Great guest!!❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@henrypadilla7571 Месяц назад
One couldn't be faulted for wondering if Civil War was the intent!
@user-pg9yj4be6x Месяц назад
this guy needs to see someone ..............................
@hollymartin3291 Месяц назад
Pre-ordering!! Appreciate the info immensely.
@mauriciocruz3225 Месяц назад
Nice people you have. Very important people and information
@davidshort9439 Месяц назад
Wow, Rickards. called this several months ago. I was skeptical but interesting how events have unfolded over the past month. Also enjoy your contribution to Bannons War Room Show.
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