
Jodorowsky The Holy Mountain 

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okay this is epic




6 июл 2019




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@joaquinorellana7987 3 года назад
For me this is the biggest breaking of the fourth wall, all the trip to say that final message it’s just incredible for me
@PretentioFilms 3 года назад
Blazing Saddles has a comparable 4th wall break
@yayforLOL1234 Год назад
A jaw dropping ending. Nothing compares to watching this from front to end in a theatre for the first time
@Redclxxd 4 года назад
@optimisedodhran192 Год назад
The first time I watched this was on a singular blotter tab a few months ago. Right after the peak when I was sobering up. When he said "goodbye to the Holy Mountain, real life awaits us" in my substance induced head it made me relaise you can't fully live life when you are high, intoxicated. Goodbye, as real life awaits
@SBaby Год назад
I would say the message is that you can't live life fully if you're focused on one thing. Everything is life. And life is everything.
@doodoo4981 5 месяцев назад
That must’ve hit you hard
@TheDIZZYCLAN 3 года назад
I can't express how taken back I was the first time I saw this. I just sat and watched the credits roll by pondering so much. Really a masterpiece of cinema.
@christophermirkovich7290 2 года назад
"Zoom back camera" doesn't it seems like he broke a spell???
@KABOBkabob Год назад
in the age of endless self-documentation and self-broadcasting, in a constructed reality that only serves the illustration of our ideal, false self, this really hits hard
@Schardo Год назад
It's very rare for a movie to break the fourth wall and still maintain a sense of sincerity and purity in its message. The subversion is what validates the entire journey. This is one of those movies that embraces itself completely and wholeheartedly.
@emremokoko 6 дней назад
Well said. Breaking the fourth wall is usually some sort of paranthesis to the main narration. here, it is a normal part of it.
@nathanbutcher7720 10 месяцев назад
I love this ending. Ultimately all religion is about accepting truth, accepting reality, and destroying lies, deceptions, and illusions. Truth is the only real "immortal" whether you believe in it or not.
@zamiadams4343 2 года назад
The greatest ending from the greatest film of all time for me, 10/10 Gold.
@Ale-mv3gr 2 года назад
"Goodbye to the Holy Mountain" "Goodbye all of Evangelion" I wonder If Anno has seen this film.
@crud420 Год назад
this ending whips the congratulations ending with its towel and laughs
@tyretear1263 Год назад
I SWEAR I THOUGHT ABOUT THIS They both literally end with the same message "movie is over, go over and live your life now"
@JoseQuintanaMex 3 года назад
You MUST watch the entire movie before seeing the ending.
@RaptureMusicOfficial 2 года назад
Yeah it's very spoiiler'y to watch the ending first ;D
@willoverdoseonmusic Год назад
Kind of applies for every film
@SBaby Год назад
@@RaptureMusicOfficial I would say that if you saw the ending first, you probably would just be confused, since you'd have no context for anything. It would be like what this one content creator did on youtube and Twitch when he showed the clip of the guy that can pass through solid matter and gave no context for it.
@lucassurjus7692 2 года назад
Never was my mind so blown as when I first saw this.
@organicketchup5171 Год назад
My Dad compared this ending to something from a Monty Python sketch, which is a conflation I have to say I love
@Dgoc813 2 года назад
This time, I realized another significance of the Christ figure (thief) not being able to finish the journey with them. As a mythical image, an ideal, a figure to be used and idolized and exploited, He cannot come to reality. He truly exists in a different realm, partly in our dreams and fantasies. And if Christ were to enter our reality, that would be the end days of Armageddon.
@crutherfordmusic Год назад
Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Rev 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Rev 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. Rev 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Rev 19:17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; Rev 19:18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. Rev 19:19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Rev 19:21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
@dantedlane2 Год назад
How is Jesus related to this film
@tomcruise2954 Год назад
@@dantedlane2Have you even watched this film?
@dantedlane2 Год назад
@@tomcruise2954 that’s why I’m asking this
@dantedlane2 Год назад
@@tomcruise2954 because from what I heard the director wanted John Lennon butthole on video that isn’t christain
@PretentioFilms 3 года назад
@Jungian 3 года назад
Someone has been reading Jung.
@Pelendralaar94 10 месяцев назад
I interpreted the ending as us being in some kind of Truman Show. And the Pantheon Bar is symbolic for the false teachings that present themselves as opportunities to reach a deeper level of truth but they are really just distractions from the one and only true realization: Our world is a stage, we are the unsuspecting naive actors in the fake reality. We must break the veil, maya, to go back to the real dimension which isn't this TV show called life on planet earth aka open air asylum we live in right now. Indulging in little magic tricks like the man who teleported through the mountain or consuming drugs just brings us to different layers of the false reality - it would still be going by the rules / the script, instead of abandoning our roleplay completely and leaving the stage.
@SteezyFilms24 3 года назад
Zoom back camaraa
@Player6576_ 3 года назад
Watched this movie yesterday Also listened to Madvillainy for the first time like 4 o 5 days ago You commenting on this video with that profile picture is like i was destined to see your comment or something
@myndwork 2 года назад
@Benno Hulsing rip doom, hope you found your holy mountain
@perseveremediaproductions4950 2 года назад
Zumba camera
@SBaby Год назад
@@myndwork Everybody is searching for their own Holy Mountain.
@JJJackson777 4 месяца назад
"Zoom Back Cameraaah" - Gael circa 2019
@thelocustgod9098 3 года назад
Adum and Pals brought me here.
@waifai9802 Год назад
greatest ending in movie history?
@Johninadelaide2022 Год назад
I wish more movies would dare to do be so bold
@CosmicMetallMusic9919 7 месяцев назад
It is the best representation of our life now and what will happen to us after death. Our illusion of life is stable and it costs everything to break it BUT after we die, we realize that everything around us is just an act and that we have to move forward. Great movie!
@6chalkcolors 5 месяцев назад
i don't know why people interpret this as anything other than what it is. jodorowsky literally tells you when he says "maya." the whole thing is a hindu allegory, though similar concepts can be found in all religions.
@Christophe_L 2 года назад
Best ending ever.
@miojo04 Месяц назад
From a forth wall perspective they obtained immortality Because they made the movie and still there as long the film exists, immortals as form of art, written in culture and in our minds So, the alchemist, who is played by jodoworsky, made them immortals
@justfrankjustdank2538 2 года назад
love this movie, best scene in it
@ChupeTTe 3 года назад
1:40 Me after the covid 19 lockdown
@siliconvalley760 2 года назад
@cloud6060 3 года назад
Fucking chills
@danielmorse4690 3 года назад
Brilliant way to break the 4th wall!!!
@lyrilithmalache4799 5 лет назад
2 deep 4 me
@Bigvs.Dickvs 3 года назад
Nonagon Infinity opens the door Nonagon Infinity opens the door WAIT for The Answer to open the door Nonagon Infinity opens the door *BOOM*
@RafaelBeatsub1 2 года назад
Okay, im a huge fan of kg but i wasnt expecting seeing this comment xD
@RafaelBeatsub1 2 года назад
Btw that table wasnt entirely a nonagon but i got you
@rossorange2592 2 года назад
1 2 3
@Player6576_ 3 года назад
Such a mind fuck moment
@sdhere 3 года назад
Brew from the future always remember
@DamplyDoo 2 года назад
Didn't they obtain a type of digital immortality, now having this on the internet?
@hotelmario510 2 года назад
That is in fact the point they are making.
@Poirouge1 2 года назад
Low resolution immortality tho
@domoroboto8752 Год назад
@@Poirouge1 Arrow bluray is 1080p
@Poirouge1 Год назад
@@domoroboto8752 I am obviously talking about the youtube video we're all commenting here
@domoroboto8752 Год назад
@@Poirouge1 The reference to their digital immortality is in regards to the film itself, not necessarily this video. I was just trying to be helpful in case you haven’t seen a HD version
@Lurker27819 Год назад
I don’t know why the ending of fish tank reminded me of this, lol.
@wilboofficial Год назад
We must obtain the secret of immortality!
@frankuraku5622 2 года назад
Great ending. That's all i have to say.
@Desadaptado 2 года назад
Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0
@franciscocid3065 2 года назад
I thought the same
@GuamoKun 2 года назад
I love it when movies break the 4th wall
@Ale-mv3gr 2 года назад
Exactly, I wonder if Anno has seen this movie.
@SBaby Год назад
Evangelion wishes it was this.
@lelemonster03 4 месяца назад
Simplesmente genial, me impactou mt quando eu vi pela primeira vez
@findlestick Год назад
Jodorowsky’s breaking of the fourth-wall would make Deadpool proud.
@KG-yo7xm Год назад
I love this movie and I love this ending. Unique. What I don't really get is the line "This is Maya"... 🤔
@cariocadcl Год назад
ma·ya /ˈmäˌyä,ˈmīə/ noun HINDUISM the supernatural power wielded by gods and demons to produce illusions. HINDUISM•BUDDHISM the power by which the universe becomes manifest; the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world.
@david.cutipa Месяц назад
@chicomateus 2 года назад
@SmokesKwazukii Год назад
greatest movie ever made imo
@DayOldPorridge 6 месяцев назад
@user-uf1lh4tb2f 3 месяца назад
Es tan complejo que no persiste la sagrada geometria rota por la óptica del conjunto en un plano general de abrir la diégesis y explotar la meta
@Vandalizer0084 3 года назад
true saiko shet a rap song. break all the laws
@makicha10001 3 года назад
I came from Brew
@OlySamRock 3 года назад
@heytheremclovin 3 года назад
2021!... I can really relate.to what he means now, do not comply and love your lives!
@JoseQuintanaMex 3 года назад
Entirely more chilling in 2021... I just can't believe how fast they locked us all up.
@FoieGras 3 года назад
Pretty sure this means after the school/philosophical run , avoiding temptations in completing your goals, becoming more human in the struggles, you're to apply these lessons to real life, thus by breaking all illusions in real life.
@JoseQuintanaMex 3 года назад
..And to not let the media narrative become your reality! It's time for us to create culture again!
@xixie5854 2 года назад
Falling for an illusion of right wing media is surely working against the message of this film.
@JoseQuintanaMex 2 года назад
@Xi "Right or Left" it's all the same. Here they come.
@user-uf1lh4tb2f 4 дня назад
Paga no sonríe a cámara 😂
@alexanderboulton2123 3 года назад
Would have been funnier if he had said "No. It is reality TV. Zoom back camera."
@sleepymartyr 2 года назад
Lol! good one
@perseveremediaproductions4950 2 года назад
I thought he said « ZUMBA CAMERA » 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 💀
@perseveremediaproductions4950 2 года назад
Does anybody know where I could find the music of the end credits?
@onomemillion1800 2 года назад
It’s on Apple Music
@perseveremediaproductions4950 2 года назад
@@onomemillion1800 do you have the name of it by any chance?
@gustavoflorio5383 4 месяца назад
This end was blue whale shit.
@thomasjackson5204 Год назад
1 of the greatest endings ...cinema..is bull shit ..duh!!
@Oksa_L 6 месяцев назад
Would he be doing movies for decades if he thought that?
@thomasjackson5204 6 месяцев назад
@@Oksa_L I don't even know why I put this. Was a year ago lol. I happen to think it's 1 of the best endings to a film ever made. I think my hatred towards film is mixed bag!
@gm-le6fy 2 года назад
Doki Doki Literature Club's ending is literally just this in video game form.
@SBaby Год назад
Only in that, the Alchemist is a crazy girl who is obsessed with you.
@millsykooksy4863 8 месяцев назад
zoom back camera
@syglee4340 3 года назад
somebody in the comments below said during the movie they thought it was some pretentious bullshit; and then thought this ending indicates that was the point of the film. let me list the many many many things to gleam from the movie up until this scene. a religion started from a dark skinned man named Jesus. These teachings were controversial and he was killed. He preached love, equality, and spirituality on the surface and deeper things beyond that. through conquest and colonialism specifically of european decent, and Constantine, the message of this middle eastern man Jesus became a white man's excuse to enslave murder pillage and wage wars. the character who looks like Jesus in the movie is somebody who during the time of Jesus, would have taken to these teachings easily, he has the same nature. the religion of the middle eastern man to which this white man shares a nature with, persecutes him as they did Jesus, as this good natured man bounces through life trying to figure it out. he goes on a spiritual journey and learns the most ancient basic fundamental spiritual universal truths there are, that coincide with that nature that Jesus had. and it's a story of realizing that nature, and the opposite side of that nature, that the world at large runs off of, void of spirituality, overflowing with greed, dishonesty, cruelty etc. it's a journey a lot of people are familiar with, and really the movie is the antithesis of pretentious, even before this scene. now this scene, to me hit very close to home. I've had a lot of spiritual experiences, both good and bad, very real unbelievable experiences, of each extreme, if you want to say "good and evil" spiritual experiences, well sure; but it was all apart of my journey; and at the end of the journey, or the top of the holy mountain; God reveals himself as the everything, behind the seemingly "evil" experiences, and the "good" experiences; jodorowski even does a little "neener neener neener" with his hands; and it reflects a character trait of at least the exact same God I believe in, that lines up with the journey and revelations I've had myself. you see; the holy mountain and treading to the top of it wasn't just bullshit; it was necessary, look at all the people who just quit halfway up to rest in the bullshit. Ooh I'm tuff, ooh I take lsd, ooh I got money, etc. but the ones who continued to follow truth wherever it led, and correctly identified the false paths; found the real path, and then and only then will you realize truth from fiction and how interchangable those two polarities are. or sum shit
@hotjerry2750 3 года назад
“How long until you reach the summit?” “Oh no, I can only advance horizontally, and that’s enough”
@ekoeko2346 3 года назад
lmfao the last sentence
@Romencer17 3 года назад
I feel like a person's response to Holy Mountain is a great way to gauge whether or not I want their company.
@noxure 3 года назад
"the guy who looks like Jesus" - is the fool from the Major Arcana. He is the zero'th card - an empty vessel - the protagonist and an avatar of anyone watching the movie. Like him you have no clue what's going on and you're probably wrong - you can only learn by experience. He's created to resemble a Christ-like figure because the film is assuming that it strongly resonate more the viewer as someone you can identify with.
@syglee4340 3 года назад
@@noxure appreciate this. ill look further into it.
@herociouz Год назад
After hours of sitting through the entire flick, this was the revelation? The conclusion? This Jodorowsky fella was fucking with us throughout the entire shit fest. I’m extremely disappointed.
@Powerslave271 Год назад
Well, it seems that you should watch something that doesn’t make you think too much. Go watch she hulk, maybe that’s easy for ya
@herociouz Год назад
@@Powerslave271 This shit fest does not force you to think, you pretentious moron !
@alexdourado Год назад
@@Powerslave271 she-hulk ends the exact same way lol
@Powerslave271 Год назад
​@@alexdourado hahaha ohh shit. Well, its not the same tho. The breaking of the 4th wall in she hulk feels like a cheap move to try to fix the series.
@frankuraku5622 Год назад
That's the point of the movie, the journey is to find yourself. Go out there and be yourself. That's the message of Jodorowsky, it can be seen in his bizzaro flicks showing his own art whom he isn't afraid to show. You should also show your own self without being afraid.
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