
Julian Assange: Is WikiLeaks Biased? 

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Complete video at: fora.tv/2010/04...
WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange responds to charges that his website presents information in a politically biased way. Assange explains that the organization provides text summaries of raw data and edits of raw video to provide context to the material, without which most content would simply "fall into the gutter" and be overlooked by most users.
For related videos, visit WikiLeaks: Security Threat or Media Savior? A FORA.tv Series: fora.tv/series/...
A panel of experts from the press, government, and academia discuss their new and upcoming projects. They discuss different methods of promoting investigative journalism, ranging from building non-profit institutions to converting the country of Iceland into a "free press haven."
The panel features Gavin MacFadyen (The Bureau for Investigative Journalism, UK), Chuck Lewis (American University), Julian Assange (WikiLeaks), Birgitta Jónsdóttir (Member of Parliament, Iceland) and Jon Weber (The Bay Citizen). Lowell Bergman moderates. - Berkeley School of Journalism
Julian Assange is an Australian journalist, programmer and Internet activist, best known for his involvement with Wikileaks, a whistleblower website.



2 окт 2024




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@ShanghaiSpinner 14 лет назад
i love how he speaks not reading a single word he got it all in his own mind you dont see this anymore in mainstream media
@burnerdaughter 11 лет назад
History chooses its heroes, but no one who ever did anything effective met with a wholly positive response in their time. It takes bold and brazen action to get things done, and funnily enough (excepting flukes like Ghandi) very rarely are such instigators recorded to be very genial men. Personally, I feel the world would be a darker place without WikiLeaks keeping power accountable by empowering people with information, & Assange's no-nonsense talk is refreshing next to political doublespeak.
@VeracityMedia 14 лет назад
Love that man! Keep em' coming and stay safe Julian!
@imRyRy 13 лет назад
Compared to the news on TV, WikiLeaks is GOLD! We should have WikiLeaks news on TV!
@cypress8blade 14 лет назад
Gotta a love a straight forward, candid man that curses at a press interview.
@NorskSokkel 14 лет назад
Quite possibly one of the most important - and bravest - people of our time.
@kyjo72682 14 лет назад
Thumbs up for these efforts!
@ProcInc 11 лет назад
Scientific Journalism would solve more problems in than can be fathomed in this day and age. Not just in politics but in every field where media has been hijacked by special interests
@shenanickans 14 лет назад
This dude is almost a real life V (from V for Vendetta).. Minus the cool mask, awesome robe, and badass knives.
@wmfoi 13 лет назад
First time I see Julian talking, I like very much
@SupaHumanify 14 лет назад
@brainnya 13 лет назад
The true "Man of the year"
@andyrooney12 12 лет назад
You can pray, the rest of us will go out & actually do something.
@qigong1001 14 лет назад
Boycott all Swedish products including IKEA and Ericsson. Volvo still has its production in Sweden and Belgium, regardless of who owns it. Do not buy. Spread the word. That is the most powerful way of sending a message.
@sg-go5li 3 месяца назад
“The method is transparency, the goal is Justice” - Julian Assange Julian is FREE JUNE 26, 2024 Tell the world. The truth has returned
@sleek462 14 лет назад
@JuOn666 Yeah I was watching the news today and they have him in custody an he's awaiting trial... We will never hear from him again except from the CNN/Fox we will just talk down about this man. I live in America and personally I feel disgusted to be an American because of what this country has become..
@ranma763 14 лет назад
True patriots support truth.
@cptaiman 13 лет назад
Protect julian assange and support wikileaks!
@Tiger66261 13 лет назад
Assange is awesome, but he does have the tendency to say "there is no santa" to the little child...
@Karvante 14 лет назад
I love the way he says "bullshit"
@Mapariensis 14 лет назад
@SilverBars42 That's different. You're turning the case on its head. Publishing medical records would be an invasion of personal privacy. This is the exact opposite of what we want to achieve.
@yellowhue30 13 лет назад
What a world. You have no problem believing that the writings of people 2000-6000 yrs. ago is not only true, but inspired by a all powerfull creator with insight into all number of aspects regarding humanity, to which humans required answers, but had not themselves discovered through study. It seems that those of us who can, have to simply acknowledge that a large part of humanity; with all it's religious rationale, is a lost cause to the progress the rest of us seek. God rest their soles..
@4SStar 14 лет назад
@Glen2906 I agree..when the govt. is doing wrong. When the govt. is doing no wrong to the people. No. You don't have that right. If that thought went for every situation there would be no standing govt. in the world because everyone would be engaging in anarchy. IE...the UK as we speak. Hello entitlement issues. 4k to 15k on education? American colleges are farrr worse. Can you say cry me a river and get over it? Just 1 example of how anarchy is wrong...despite the mass opinion.
@chaoticpyro13x 14 лет назад
@bmcmvox ... look at how many things in life you want, or "need"... and then REALLY think about them. why do u want them? why do u need them? the newest hippest clothes, the nicest cars, the bigger tv, the faster this, the smarter that... why do you want them? i wonder... maybe its because if you didn't buy them, and people didnt work in the stores selling them, and if we weren't buying this things from china so china gives our government loans, then the government wouldn't exist.
@psford1 14 лет назад
@NathanielEverist 2) Im just thinkin of a way to answer your question. If the source of the leaks had not gone to Wikileaks, what else could he have done? What normally happens? Would I be as upset if he had gone to CNN or Fox? Unfortuantely, thinking about it now I'd have to say I probably wouldnt care as much. Thank you again for that question. It really has made me look at this from a different POV...I'll be wonderin about this one for awhile.
@psford1 14 лет назад
@MrDevlance You're right...it has absolutely nothing to do with anything, as I was talking about Assange. Also, I wasnt seriously saying that Assange is Muslim, it doesnt matter to me if he is or isnt. I was pointing out the fact that while a lot of Americans take his side now if we found out, for instance, that Assange was a member of a terrorist org. we would completely change our view of him. What wiki is doing is, to me, a crime.
@psford1 14 лет назад
@larry89 Dude you're COMPLETELY missing the point of my posts. I'll try to explain once again. I am not coming down on ANY group. I used the term Muslim to show that the people who support Wikileaks now (I do NOT) would probably not still support them if they found out that it was an Al Qaeda organization. I am trying to show the double-standard here. Do you get what i'm TRYING to get across, although I may not be presenting it the clearest way possible...
@psford1 14 лет назад
If you side with Wikileaks then I'm sure you will have no beef with learning that popular mobile service provider, Sprint, has just approved releasing 6.4 million text messages that contain approximately 34,000 specific keywords. You are a private citizen. You live in a republic, which ALSO has the right, and in many cases the necessity, of privacy. These cables are available to EVERYONE. Not just Americans. Receiving stolen material is, or at least should be a crime. ARREST WIKILEAKS!
@Maxified666 14 лет назад
@mossrun True, but he doesn't pick only on U.S., he mentioned schemes going on with Putin in Russia. The only reason he is talking about U.S. the most is because he worked in our government; therefore, he knows more about our country. Besides this was only 1 video that Assange had decrypted which took him months. Imagine what else we do to these people? I don't see the difference between strapping a bomb on someone or shooting civilians down with 30mm ammunition from a helicopter.
@TheAdmiralFilms 14 лет назад
The problem I see is that WikiLeaks is putting out information that does not need to be seen, the idea that ignorance is bliss comes into play here. Is it a crime to speak freely? Not in America no, but does it put our government at risk? Yes. What do we do when other countries start to feel America has become weak or even worse our allies see us as a threat? I would rather remain oblivious and not risk a chance of conflict than to stick out my neck over things that I cannot change.
@Fonteide131 14 лет назад
@givebirthathome well since you seem to enjoy the US to have a clean and respectable image, that is exactly was assange, who isnt american, is doing for you...right? do you have ANY IDEA how combat was in fallujah? do you have ANY idea what your infantrymen and marines went through in that town? because by the way this guy speaks he has no idea either. innocents die in war, very very very sad but true.
@jeffmay1 14 лет назад
@Nadesiko04 1) It's not MY gov't 2) I don't think anyone has rejected the material he releases as accurate or legit 3) It is up to a court to decide if he is guilty. What is shocking, is that just because you like what he does professionally, you seem to think you know him in his private life. Both complaints came from girls working with him at wikileaks. I don't think they are trying to discredit his work
@reddogloc 14 лет назад
@manoo205 No, I dont think they are traitors. I think they made a terrible mistake. But for some smug son of a bitch who has never been shot at... or be forced to kill or be killed, to call them murders! Thats outrageous! And for people to call this man a hero, thats a crime. Put yourself in the shoes of the gunner. They had been instructed that these men were insurgence. They mistaken a camera for a RPG, I would have done the same. If the camera men had on the blue press vest it would happen.
@happinessprepper 14 лет назад
We need the truth to make good decisions. The American people need the truth to make good decisions about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wikileaks helps provide these truths, we can view the tapes and make our own decisions. Few people have the expertise, experience or education to wisely summarize this material - that's why user interactions work with Wikipedia and not Wikileaks.
@zimmett 14 лет назад
Wikileaks and Julian Assange video on the 2007 WikiLeaks - “Collateral Murder” is not something most people care about. People feel that the war in Iraq is over. So much for accurate information about this. I can only hope when Julian releases his latest video about the 145 civilians killed in Afghanistan, that the American people will wake up to this tragedy and bring our troop home.
@psford1 14 лет назад
@TheWritingWriter Sarcasm doesnt come across youtube good. I'm not coming down on Muslims. I am simply trying to make a point. People call Assange a hero, but I bet if he were a Muslim living in Saudi Arabia the American public would not be so kind to him. I am showing the double-standard that Americans are perpetrating. Please understand I am in no way bad-mouthing Muslims.
@reddogloc 14 лет назад
"Yes they had weapons! You think there is a script for fighting a war without pissing somebody off, follow the rules and nobody gets hurt? Yes, Innocent people probably died, innocent people always die, but they did not exceed their orders!... They was not going to stand by and watch another Marine die, just to live by your fucking rules!" !Enough Said!
@JamesGordon9650 14 лет назад
@3122, first ad hominen attacks, strawman arguments,red herrings and circular logic...you've just about covered all the logical fallacies. You assume things not in evidence. A simple google search will tell anyone where this man stands on things.and your own words tell me you are an ideologue . Have a great life.
@3122tan 14 лет назад
@labidala An analogy to what Julian's critics are doing?: Like having cancer and ignoring it, hoping it goes away without ever addressing it and treating it correctly. No one knows you're sick but the reality is you are and the longer you live in denial and do not treat the specific problem the sicker you get and the closer to death
@echster 13 лет назад
"set poor julian free" a 21st century protest song about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. The WikiLeaks Affair may be the event of the decade and the most chilling effect of the war on terror or rather the war on our rights and freedom in the name of state security and now the openness of the Internet.
@fleurgi 14 лет назад
@CesarPhilosophe Assange is a freedom fighter and i stand by that. it is my first amendment right to speak as i will. as voltaire said "i may not agree with what u have to say, but i defend to the death your right to say it." i can say as i please in the free world
@Ralajer 14 лет назад
@my98strat I am not sure where the disagreement is in this thread. My argument was that one aspect of the scientific process is shared with WikiLinks and you response suggest that I am conflating the two completely. Is the only aspect I mentioned not similar for both science and WikiLinks?
@therealCamoron 13 лет назад
@GrowTheTruth I like how his "threat" to release cables if he winds up in jail (or worse) is seen as a good thing. What happened to your precious (idiotic) transparency of all information? If that information "wants to be free" then what right does Assange have to hold onto it as insurance? If the information "wants to be free" so badly, why is he taking his sweet time releasing it? I certainly doubt that it's because he's determining what information ACTUALLY constitutes whistleblowing.
@cr4zyd4n666 13 лет назад
@3A7C First of all he never said it wasnt okay for the press to release details of his rape charges, what he is understandably upset about is the fact that these charges are politically motivated and MADE UP! Its simple, if they extradite him to sweden, then america extradite him from there.. DUH! Also i believe julian assange is a very strong willed person with a high self esteem. If you know what people with low self esteem look like which i guess you dont, u can tell he is not one of them
@FireEyedMaidOfWar 14 лет назад
Many people react bewildered when they first learn that the real name of this dude is Lacerda and that he is in fact Portuguese, residing in Las Vegas and being involved in the MINT 400; and though he has all the details he will still be in need of plenty of legal advice before this thing is over. His attorney must advise him that he'll need a very fast car with no top and after that, the cocaine; and then the tape recorder, for special music, some Acapulco shirts and he'll have to arm himself.
@InnuendoXP 13 лет назад
@bond007db9 Wow, I love how you just totally defeat peoples points ripping their arguments to shreds with the intellectual tools of name-calling, ultimatum black&white mentality and blindly stating arguments and facts based on absolutely nothing
@ChrisPlugged 14 лет назад
The thing I love is the amount of Wikileak sourced info now being quoted on all news agencies now. ''Truth'' is finally the next big thing. We are evolving slowly as a human race, but at least some of us are starting to question things. Slowly but surely.
@3122tan 14 лет назад
Julian is a hero in my book. Anyone believing otherwise should be ashamed. You are defending a secretive government and crap journalism. So pathetic. I'm so happy julian is doing this and making it mainstream!
@Meowbay 14 лет назад
@CesarPhilosophe Yes it does.
@SotNist 14 лет назад
this, to me, is a perfect example of why information should still be in print. in tangible form. on paper. it's unreal that we've all been systematically devolved into an illiterate, superficial world. finally, information is in everyone's hands and none of us have the means or desire to use it.
@psford1 14 лет назад
@WML0418 Also, I would like to hear your answer to the question i asked. If Osama bin Laden or ANY member of a terrorist organization worked for Wikileaks would you still view them as heroes?
@albedoshader 14 лет назад
@mossrun: Jihadists don't communicate via insecure cables, that's another reason. If there were a Jihadist whistleblower with interesting data Assange would make the material available for sure.
@beancube2010 14 лет назад
Bias occurs only if you can't ask and know about it. Some interest groups professionals may crack wikileaks but they can't crack all wikiLeakers. wikiLeaks have a worldwide bench depth you can't imagine.
@insAneTunA 14 лет назад
@sleek462 The charge is something about a condom. In Sweden they have some ridicule laws about sexual harassment. For example, if a condom breaks or snaps then the man is guilty for sexual harassment. All the people from WIKI LEAKS are HERO'S !!!
@AnyoneCanSee 14 лет назад
@wildetaube So you think an Australian with the name Assange is some how British? So in your mind Assange is a British name then? Oh and while I am here Normans are not French why not google there history. So 0 for factual accuracy then.
@bartonim 14 лет назад
@p4ndiamond First of all, he's not British; he's Australian-born. Typical uneducated American response. And if he's causing your and other countries harm, what about Bob Woodward?
@MrYousafBajwa 14 лет назад
@hitppohiman "raw source material be made available so conclusions could be checkable" he is saying that they try not to be biased and let people make their own conclusions if they want
@psford1 14 лет назад
@KosmicFlux So praise him for whistleblowing, then drag his ass to jail! A crime is a crime, no matter the purpose. If he was a member of Al Qaeda would you feel the same way???
@JABM-AU 14 лет назад
What is so bias about Wikileaks? All it is is a site presenting documents. It is up to the readers to make their own conclusion. Besides, it just shows how dirty politics at any level.
@PCGamerPortal 14 лет назад
@daggyz1959 well the us government traces pohne calls and invades privacy. violating privacyin order to expose greater crimes is justified in my opinion, even though it is a crime in itself to steal information.
@shahvrus 13 лет назад
We should pray for this man's well being everyday. A honest , courageous and person with a lot of perseverance. Such people are god sent to speak out the truth. I will pray.
@clarkscoolskool 14 лет назад
Like calling a video "collateral murder" and only showing some of the video to make it look worse than it actually is, yeah great reporting there wikileaks.
@3122tan 14 лет назад
@whereismybailouttv Not enough staff. They'd have more people if it was easier to announce yourself as willing, but it isnt! I'd kill to work for Wikileaks.
@gavinmacmounsey 14 лет назад
@USADylan who are you referring too?, I sense a deep ignorance and arrogance in your words
@zimmett 14 лет назад
I read this this morning on Cuthulan's Blog James Madison (drafter of the US first amendment) once wrote that “government, without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy; or perhaps both”. This is certainly true of Afghanistan, where the US-led coalition has been able to avoid a true audit of the impact of its presence via tight control of the media combined with manipulated patriotism.
@psford1 14 лет назад
@NathanielEverist 1) I dont think I ever said Assange broke any laws so I will disregard that part. There are many avenues that could legally expose government scandals and conspiracies. One of them is whistle-blowing. Perhaps I am being too harsh on Wikileaks. If they are truly acting as only an outlet for these stories or concerns then maybe what they're doing is not bad... Thank you for that question, it is really making me think what other options there are.
@GOPsithlord 14 лет назад
Why is anyone surprised if wkileaks is biased? In the first minute of his footage the phrase "right wing reality distortion field" tells me from where Mr. Assange is coming.
@BruceLeeKills1 13 лет назад
Seems like a smart well-spoken man with his great vocabulary such as "bullshit" and "don't give a fuck" he seems like a great guy >.>
@WML0418 14 лет назад
the world is not a game-field of the "leaders".And we average people should also have the right to know what's really happening in the world!
@cybersphere 14 лет назад
@SotNist print media is in its final death throes. It's inefficient as a decimination mechanism, costly, medium constrained and environmentally unfriendly.
@chica476 13 лет назад
This guy almost never jokes... The fact that he did, must mean that unicorns, leprechauns and honest republicans must exist.
@dianasheart 13 лет назад
clear, analytical, helpful explanation by Julian, as always. sadly misunderstood by those with negatively filtered perception.
@01000001011100100111 14 лет назад
@hitppohiman At what point during the video is he asked if Wikileaks is biased?
@4SStar 14 лет назад
@Glen2906 It took more than Bush..I know it wasn't JUST Obama's fault..but it wasn't JUST Bush's either. Don't be so trite.
@hitppohiman 14 лет назад
The question the video proposes: Is wikileaks biased? The question Assange answers: Why does wikileaks write articles?
@psford1 14 лет назад
@WML0418 I am American, and i am mostly aligned with liberal democrats. Fox is definitely not where I get my info...
@Dougs90 14 лет назад
The summaries are unbiased= fantastic.. The fact that the sources are revealing information about 1 side only = biased
@psford1 14 лет назад
@Spitefox I am mostly aligned with liberal democrats. Fox news is hardly where I get my views or information
@Fonteide131 14 лет назад
@givebirthathome as to my channel, what I do with it is of no cocern of yours dear sir. have a gracious day
@RedMage8BT 14 лет назад
I love public figures who aren't afraid to tell it straight and call people out on their pure, unadulterated bullshit.
@cr4zyd4n666 13 лет назад
@3A7C Im not getting something, why are peoples self esteem coming into this???? Sounds like your projecting
@SotNist 14 лет назад
@cybersphere when the power finally goes off, have fun losing all records of human history from 2020 and on
@MexiEmpleadoCorrupto 13 лет назад
I read in some news that Julain is nominate to recieve the Premio Nobel de la Paz is that true?
@galidorn1 14 лет назад
I hope we can keep this dude & his associates safe. really despicable they are being vilified.
@YuangHonet 14 лет назад
Support u!!!
@poop121 14 лет назад
@romeosevendelta i don't think he leaves his house much - he needs to fly under the radar
@noelsoong777 13 лет назад
He is not hero though. Sure transparency is nice but somethings are better off forgotten.
@Andyeeee 14 лет назад
@psford1 that you should ask the government. Wikileaks is responsible for the information
@WORLD8NSH5KNIGHT1 14 лет назад
@MrUberPiez That is because YOU are a friend of the Taliban.
@vikitheviki 14 лет назад
@joel1923 Yes he is! But the raw truth is not for everybody fx bamatecangel7 and others.
@explosiveartsde 13 лет назад
things on wikileaks are important for all people to know the truth. Support Wikileaks!
@AirAddict101 14 лет назад
I'd really like to see somebody leak the secrets of this this soncalled pioneer lol
@s0beit 13 лет назад
wikileaks IS somewhat biased, the information they release doesn't seem to be, though.
@sixtiksix 14 лет назад
@4SStar LOL...that is a bad haircut...looks like a rat died on top of his head...
@darkmoon123321 14 лет назад
The most frightening thing ever is someone who believes in what they are doing.
@Joker10487 14 лет назад
I think Presidents should be allowed to cus! their speeches would sound so COOL!!
@HNWILL 11 лет назад
ill make one, heat transfered, ill send you a message in the next few weeks aha
@psford1 14 лет назад
@ggw08 Read my reply to TheWritingWriter if this comment was aimed at me...
@psford1 14 лет назад
@merpette I believe I heard that Assange may be Muslim, can that be true?
@nickyh165 14 лет назад
@Elder1222 look at the username before you reply. Do not feed the trolls
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