
June 6, 2024: Creating Beauty Out of Ugliness - Entrepreneurship In the Bakelo IDP Camp 

Dir Biyabir Ethiopia
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In Mid March 2024, Dir Biyabir sent funding for a second phase of entrepreneurship in the Bakelo IDP Camp. This project (as in the first phase) was implemented by our trusted local partner in Ethiopia, Adheno.
The IDP (Internally Displaced People) at Bakelo, as is the case with most of the displaced Amhara civilians from the Wellega region, are farmers and artisans and in addition to the physical deprivation of living in these camps with no reliable access to food, it has been very difficult mentally for them to sit around the camp as they are used to working hard and have many skills. The goal of this project is to enable these innocent people to use their skills to generate income for themselves and their families so they are not left dependent on scant aid, and so they have the satisfaction of putting themselves to good use.
You will see in the videos the beautiful woven baskets the women have made and are selling, you will be amazed at how much beauty these wonderful folks create while being forced to live in a very ugly situation. You will hear from men who are weaving traditional cotton blankets known as “Gabis”, an essential item in every Ethiopian household in the cool highland areas. You will also hear from tailors who have received sewing machines to continue their work. A 3-day entrepreneurship training was given to 34 people, 9 of these received sewing machines and 25 received startup capital to start their own small businesses
Phase 2 of the entrepreneurship project was implemented in early June as follows:
June 4 to 6, 2024: 3 day entrepreneurship training given to 26 women and 8 men (34 total)
Material and startup capital given to the 34 training participants based on their expressed interest:
15,000 birr (260 USD) deposited in bank account for each of 25 women after they completed their training
9 sewing machines purchased and distributed to 1 woman and 8 men
This video shows the above activity and it is most gratifying to see and hear the relief these folks feel at having some useful work to do, and the prospect of improving their lives
The video also shows follow up with traditional weavers from Phase 1 (Feb - March 2024) of this entrepreneurship. Phase 1 included the purchase and distribution of the following handicraft material:
basket weaving material for 360 women:
- 200 women received sebez (hard dry grass) and sindedo (soft dry grass)
- 160 women received sebez (hard dry grass) and madaberya (colorful plastic material)
cotton and spinning tools for 60 women
crochet needles and thread for 20 women
traditional weaving looms for 15 men
The beauty of this project is that some of these activities support each other. The cotton spun by the women is then supplied to the weavers who make it into beautiful gabis (traditional Ethiopian cotton blankets) that are always in high demand.
We are hugely gratified to see these wonderful people happily engaged in work that gives them both satisfaction and a source of revenue!



29 сен 2024




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