
Justin Welby: Praying in tongues every day, prophecy and ‘charismatic’ Christianity 

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Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, speaks to Premier’s Justin Brierley about his personal prayer practise of speaking in tongues, receiving ‘words of knowledge’ and prophecy, and why ‘charismatic’ shouldn’t be a tribal label, since every Christian has the Spirit.
For the full interview on Thy Kingdom Come, speaking in tongues, Brexit, politics, being the leader of the Anglican Church, LGBT, and church unity • Justin Welby • Thy Kin...
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@joshuaiqbal9787 5 лет назад
Glory to Jesus christ.
@michaelsladnick5482 3 года назад
Sorry to share this, but *insane* coincidence: at bus stop and someone farted and women next to me said "glory to christ" just as I was reading this commment.
@fayensu 28 дней назад
To the question posted below, “How do you know if you're speaking in tongues or gibberish?” I thought long and hard about this question, wanting to take is seriously. My answer is this: First, I can and do speak in tongues. I also, separately, can speak gibberish. And the two things feel completely different. Second, I feel very self-conscious speaking gibberish; half the time I have to try to think of what to say. That doesn't happen when I speak in tongues. Third, after ooh, let's say, half an hour of speaking in tongues, I have the same level of spiritual inspiration, joy, peace, sense of connection and intimacy with God, confidence, energy, clarity, resolve, and wholeness as I do if I were to pray passionately and fervently in English for the same amount of time. Maybe more. That would never happen if I were speaking gibberish. I would simply end up with tired jaws, a dry mouth, and a certain empty experience of feeling stupid. So yes, the two are quite different.
@ETBrothers 5 лет назад
This sounds awesome!
@GojuBob Год назад
I have heard this done several times by various religious hysterics and holy rollers. In my experience, it is gibberish - babbling. They are not speaking "with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." There is no reason to suppose that the phenomenon of 'tongues', if it happened at all, happens now.
@TheRedirect77 Год назад
Good evening, firstly I would just like to say t’s not “babbling” or “gibberish” like one might think. It’s written in 1 Cor 14:2 “ For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.” If no one understands them, then they are not speaking in a language that others will be able to understand but speaking to God himself. There is also the gift of speaking in other tongues, (1 cor 12:10) that can be interpreted. Speaking in tongues is never forbidden in the Bible . God Bless
@j.knight9335 5 месяцев назад
@@TheRedirect77 The babbling of "charismatics" has nothing to do with the tongues spoken of in Cor. "Speaking in tongues" as it is commonly referred to, is a heretical and demonic Protestant invention of the 19th century.
@fayensu 28 дней назад
@@TheRedirect77 Excellent response. There are other New Testament scriptures that back up what you are saying. God bless.
@riverpc5755 5 лет назад
How do you know if you're speaking in tongues or gibberish?
@FootyMasteryAcademy 5 лет назад
You receive it by faith. Ask God to confirm it.. try praying in it for 40 minutes trust me you will know! Life changing Gift
@reds7vn644 4 года назад
@@FootyMasteryAcademy Praying in tongues is the most incorrect interpretation of Gospels aside from the interpretation of Sheol. speaking in tongues in the ancient times just men speaking in unknown language so if you knew Chinese and you spoke that you were speaking in tongues. It would basically be like someone from Afghanistan from the Pashtun tribes coming and speaking to Hebrew they would have no clue what this person saying and they would think it was the most foreign thing in the world. They would say that person spoke in tongues. Speaking in tongues literally means speaking a foreign language. It means nothing more nothing less in all these people who go around and speaking gibberish are Faking It.
@iainrae6159 4 года назад
Worshipping mythical supernatural Gods saves you thinking. Speaking in tongues saves you thinking even more .
@trisharundle1964 4 года назад
well i had my tongues checked out and im speaking in ancient hebrew and it between me and my heavenly father.
@Fireoncityy 4 года назад
@@FootyMasteryAcademy gift....... my god you people are literally insane
@lisaatkinson52 Год назад
Hindus and Mormons also speak in tongues ..it begs the question ...who's God are they praying to.......
@FocusontheKingdom 4 года назад
Thanks, can someone ask “Does the Bishop pray to translate the message” as in I Cor 14:13? Is he sure it is real language?
@thebigfist 4 года назад
You're referring to the "Gift of Tongues", whose "rules" apply during the operation of the Church service. This Archbishop is praying in Tongues, which is praising Tongues and not subject to the "rules" set by Paul.
@CLEGG777 2 года назад
Praying privately to God ar home, is different to Publicly. When publicly there should be someone there with the gift of interpretation yes. But not at home in front of the cat! 🐈 😉
@FocusontheKingdom 2 года назад
@@CLEGG777 then you should self-interpret.
@mayal-s5284 4 года назад
"are u Anglican?" 😂😂
@mritchie85 Год назад
We are discussing Charism's and Charismatics withing the understanding of belief in spiritual gifts not the Charasmatic movement per se
@JohnWesleyBarker Год назад
Repent. Embrace. Read. Relate. Love.
@wayupduk 2 года назад
Some christians and catholics do speak in tongues but I personally think its hysteria. What purpose would speaking jibberish serve in Gods plan.
@wayupduk Год назад
@Ruth Galura not really. I think you are delusional. The reason god gave the gift of tongues was so we could communicate important messages in foreign languages, not for americans to start jibbering to their neighbour about nonsense in church
@wayupduk Год назад
@Ruth Galura Im sorry ruth but you have been caught up in religious hyperbole. Everything God does is for a purpose... what is the purpose of God causing a divine miracle to speak to someone in tongues when you already speak the same language. You have to discern wisely and be honest with yourself. Tongues was for a specific reason, to spread the word of God in foreign nations. Not for praise between friends. This is just nonsense.
@wayupduk Год назад
@Ruth Galura You are not understanding my point. I do believe praying in tongues is possible when the holy spirit descends but it is with purpose, ie to talk to someone about jesus who doesnt understand your native tongue. Speaking in tongues isnt a gift given to friends to talk about god at their local church. As you ask for scripture... 1 Corinthians 14:6, "Now, bretheren, if I come to you speaking in tongues, how shall I benefit you unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge in prophecy or teaching?" Are you honestly telling me that when you talk in tongues you are getting divine revelation?? 1 Corinthians 14:21, "By men of strange tongues and by the lips of foreigners will I speak to this people".
@wayupduk Год назад
@Ruth Galura Okay, we'll have to disagree on this one. Best of luck. God bless.
@mritchie85 Год назад
It's in the Bible are you a cessationist?
@ii.gondolkodo3169 Год назад
CHARISMATIC SPEAKING IN TONGUES /3/ The charismatic movement was called to "gather up those who did not believe the truth but delighted in injustice". If you are a charismatic sympathizer, that is where you belong, because you have no real relationship with God, you don't have the holy spirit to discern the difference between true and false. If you do not recognize this, then you have the power to go astray! The Holy Spirit is God's gift to understand the teachings of Jesus. Luk 11:13 If you then, being evil, can give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. 1Kor 2:12 But we have received, not the spirit of this world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things which God hath given us. 1Co 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring the secrets of darkness into the world, and reveal the counsel of hearts; and then the praise of God will be for everyone. Jesus exposed Satan's false schemes. The essence of this is. The charismatic movement relies heavily on the closing verses of Mark's Gospel. Mark 16:17 And these signs follow those who believe: in my name they cast out devils; they speak with new tongues. This can no longer be part of the original text because not all believers have received the gift of the NT, and here it says just the opposite. Secondly, there are terms in this passage which are not used elsewhere in the Gospel. Mark 16:18 They take up serpents; Thirdly, the two oldest Greek manuscripts (dating from 325 and 340 AD) do not contain this passage, nor do about 100 other ancient manuscripts translated into other languages. Some ancient manuscripts have placed an asterisk next to Mark 16:9-20, indicating that it is an addition to the original text. Fourthly, believers in charismatic circles are healed on the basis of this /or other/ text Mark 16:18 They take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it does them no harm: they lay their hands on the sick, and they are healed. However, IN SEASON I, THE HOLY GOD WAS NEVER APPLIED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH WHO WERE SICK AMONG THEM, BUT WERE NOT HEALED IN THIS WAY. Acts 28:8 And it came to pass, that the father of Publius lay sick with cold and dysentery. To whom Paul went in, and when he had made supplication, he laid his hands on him, and healed him. Acts 28:9 And after these things were done, others also which were sick in the island came unto him, and were healed. Sicknesses of believing Christians 2Tim 4:20 I left Erástus in Corinth, and Trophimus sick in Miletus. Phil 2:26 For he longed for you all, and was grieved that you heard that he was sick. Phil 2:27 For indeed he was sick, nigh unto death: but God had compassion on him, and not on him only, but on me also, that sorrow might not come upon my sorrow. 1Tim 5:23 Be thou no longer a drinker of water, but live on a little wine, considering thy stomach and thy frequent weakness. Gal 4:13 Now you know that it was because of the weakness of my body that I first preached the gospel to you. Jesus did not expect his followers to be healed, but to visit the sick Matthew 25:36 I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was a prisoner, and you came to me. Jesus brought spiritual healing to us in this present age of grace, not physical. 1Pet 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. James 5:14 Is there any sick among you? Call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. Jak 5:15 And prayer in faith will save the sick, and the Lord will help him. And if he has sinned, he will be forgiven. 1Co 11:29 For he who eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks judgment to himself, because he does not honor the body of the Lord. 1Kor 11:30 Therefore there are among you many who are weak and sick, and many who sleep. It is not a question of physical sleep, nor of physical sickness.
@vtino4825 Год назад
your lame and pathetic god was NOT known by the ancient prophets and the apostles and early centuries believers.
@chukwuebukanwobodo579 Год назад
Your doctrine is highly satanic
@ii.gondolkodo3169 Год назад
CHARISMATIC SPEAKING IN TONGUES /1/ Speaking in tongues was a sign of judgment for the ancient unbelieving Jewish people until 70 AD when the Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, from then on it is no sign and no work of God! So OT prophecy was fulfilled by speaking in tongues in the 1st century. After its fulfillment, there is no more function for speaking in tongues. Paul clearly says it is a sign for the unbelieving Jews who did not accept Jesus! 1Co 14:21 It is written in the law, I will speak to this people in a strange tongue and with strange lips, and they will not listen to me, says the Lord. 1Co 14:22 Tongues, therefore, are a sign, not to believers, but to unbelievers; and prophesying, not to unbelievers, but to believers. It is written in the law, so during the time of the law /where Jesus was born - Gal 4:4 - not necessarily the book of Deuteronomy, but during the time of the covenant of the law, the covenant of the law, the covenant of the law/ that he will speak in a foreign tongue to the UNBELIEVING Jewish people who mocked God's message. The sign in the first century languages was related to the fact that God had laid the cornerstone, and whoever believed in Him would not be ashamed, but whoever did not believe would be judged. There he says he will lay down the cornerstone. In that context, he does something that the Jews would not believe would happen. Notice the context: Isa 28:11 For with stammering lips and in a strange tongue he speaks to this people 1Co 14:21 It is written in the law, I will speak to this people in a strange tongue and with strange lips, and they will not listen to me, says the Lord. Isa 28:16 Therefore thus saith the LORD my God; Behold, in Zion I have laid a stone, a touchstone, a precious stone of precious nails, with a strong foundation. He who believes will not run away. Acts 4:11 This is the stone which you as builders despised, and yet it has become a cornerstone. Isaiah 28: 21 For the LORD will rise up as on the mountain of Perachim, and will be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, to do his work that shall be unusual, and to do his work that shall be unheard of. Acts 13:41 Behold, ye scoffers, marvel and be dismayed; for I will do a thing in your days, which ye would not believe if any man told you. What is the meaning of this? In Paul's time, before the judgment and fall of the Jewish system / in 70/ the Christian church received the gift of speaking in tongues, which we read in Isaiah in the law, and the cornerstone was laid, Jesus died for salvation. So the Jews should recognize the signs of the times, that now comes what they would not believe, that God will allow the temple to be destroyed because the end of the Jewish system is near. A foreshadowing sign of this regime change was the ability to speak in tongues, which had to be done properly in the church at that time, Paul coordinates how they do it. But after the judgement of the Jews in 70, the public speaking fulfilled its purpose and ceased. After that, God didn't give it anymore: 1Co 13:8 Love shall never fail: but whether it be prophecies, they shall be done away; or whether it be tongues, they shall be done away; or whether it be knowledge, it shall be done away. /Charisms are finished, they pass away!/ Besides, they only got a taste of practising the power of miracles. Heb 6:5 And they tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, The speaking in tongues was a prayer of praise to God, which could be built upon if there was an interpreter, but that was not why God gave it. 1Co 14:14 For when I pray in tongues, my soul prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. 1Co 14:15 What then shall I do? I pray with the spirit, but I also pray with the understanding; I sing with the spirit, but I also sing with the understanding. At Pentecost, the interpretation of the great things of God in tongues was also a prayer of praise to God. Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, godly men, of all the nations which are under heaven. Acts 2:6 And when this noise was heard, the multitude was gathered together, and were confounded: for every man heard them speaking in his own language. Acts 2:7 And they all dreamed and wondered, saying to one another: Are not all these Galileans who are speaking? Acts 2:8 How then shall we hear, every one of us in his own language in which we were born? Acts 2:11 Ye Cretans and Arabians, let us hear them speak in our tongue the great things of God. The list of the great things of God is also found in the case of Mary: Luk 1:49 For the Mighty One has done great things for me; and holy is his name! The speaking in tongues was not a hidden prophecy, nor was it a message, for these are things for men, but the speaking in tongues was not for men. 1Kor 14:2 For he that speaketh in tongues speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth, but speaketh secret things in the Spirit. 1Kor 14:3 But he who prophesies speaks to men, for edification, comfort and encouragement. The preaching of the gospel /or supposed prophesying/ in other tongues is specifically addressed to men, and since speaking in tongues is not addressed to men, it cannot be a means of preaching or prophesying. Preaching, as the command to proclaim the good news, is for everyone: 1Pet 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people to be saved, to proclaim the mighty works of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; Not everyone had the ability to speak in tongues. 1Kor 12:30 Or have they all the gift of healing? Or do they all speak with tongues? Or do they all interpret?
@GojuBob Год назад
The Archbishop of Canterbury also tells us that he relies on antidepressants and derives inspiration from Winnie the Pooh.
@Episcopalianacolyte Год назад
Inspiration can be found anywhere!
@mritchie85 Год назад
Cessationist's will hate this!
@dinaworkman306 5 месяцев назад
And you welby are not filled with the holy spirit, you are disliked more than megan
@tsm7964 10 месяцев назад
1:30 not true. All Christians are not filled with the Holy Spirit as Acts 19:2 plainly tells us, "He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost." Then in Acts 19:6 Paul lays hands on those believers and they are filled with the Holy Spirit.
@robertjarman4261 2 года назад
I spoke in tongues even before I became Christian. What do you make of that.
@thyikmnnnn 3 года назад
Charasmatics have no place in the Anglican tradition.
@NC-vz6ui 3 года назад
I guess, because your in control of God’s church. What in the world? Why would a Christian say someone is not welcome because they believe in the gifts of the spirit that are clearly in the bible. How do you know that Charasmatics have not always been in the Anglican tradition?
@thyikmnnnn 3 года назад
@@NC-vz6ui they are poisoning traditional liturgical worship and replacing it with light shows.
@NC-vz6ui 3 года назад
@@thyikmnnnn not a fan of light shows, but your not going to die if you don’t sing a hymn with the organ. God is flexible. I don’t see why we can’t hold on to liturgical worship and also allow for changes in worship styles. It is a a false dichotomy to say otherwise. It’s like having an argument over lighting candles on the alter. Also, all worship is liturgical. It doesn’t matter if its catholic or the most free pentecostal church. It still has a liturgy and all things must be done in order.
@thyikmnnnn 3 года назад
@@NC-vz6ui that's why I said 'traditional liturgical worship' rather than liturgical worship. It strikes me that many charismatic Anglican churches are indistinguishable from any other protestant church. It seems that what constitutes worship for them is just putting your hands in the air and singing bad music with poor theology.
@NC-vz6ui 3 года назад
@@thyikmnnnn I think you are making sweeping generalizations and are not open at all. I could say the same thing about “traditional liturgical worship” terrible music with no dynamics/expression and poor doctrine! No doubt there are some crazies, but every church as them. Ever wondered why people left and we even have a pentecostal or charasmatic movement? Because of people like you. It is this very quenching of the spirit that lead to John Wesley and his brother to leave the Anglican church and gave birth to the Methodist movement. You can not deny the influence, growth, and impact on Christianity from the Charasmatic movement. Rather then being the liturgical police, you should open your heart to diversity.
@lostandfound625 2 года назад
Paul said speaking on tongues were used for a short period of time. They have ceased and died with the apostles. Tongues were used to bring unbelievers to believe. They are not needed anymore. Correct me if I'm wrong.
@bonniea.macgregor2631 Год назад
you are wrong.
@lostandfound625 Год назад
@@bonniea.macgregor2631 Am I? How come?
@lisaatkinson52 Год назад
You are right .
@hanklhayes Год назад
Tongues will cease only means that a person will stop speaking/praying at some point. It doesn't mean the gift has ceased.
@ii.gondolkodo3169 Год назад
CHARISMATIC SPEAKING IN TONGUES /2/ One may say that if speaking in tongues builds man, it is still necessary today, so why not speak in tongues for this purpose today? The same is different, if the sun tans man today, why should not the purpose of the sun's existence be to tan man by it. But the sun was not created for the purpose of giving man a tan, nor was speaking in tongues given for the purpose of edifying man or his hearers. It may have been building, but it was not for that purpose, it was a sign. 1Co 14:4 He that speaketh in tongues edifieth himself: but he that prophesieth edifieth the church. By the gift of the NT, God was also expressing that He was supporting the Christian church to be built up. 1Co 12:28 Now God has appointed some in the mother church, first as apostles, secondly as prophets, thirdly as teachers; then miracle-working powers, then gifts of healing, ministers, governments, tongues. Ef 4:11 And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers: Eph 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: The attainment of manhood was outlined by Paul, after the gifts had fulfilled their purpose and thus ceased to be given by God. 1Co 13:8 Love never faileth: but whether it be prophecies, they are cut off; or tongues, they are cut off; or knowledge, it is cut off. 1Co 13:9 For knowledge is in us in part, and prophecy in part: 1Co 13:10 But when the fullness shall come, that which is according to the part shall be done away. 1Co 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I thought as a child, I understood as a child: but when I became a man, I left off the things that were fitting for a child. What can we conclude? Perhaps that the wonderful charisms will continue in some form or other throughout history? What a Christian should know is that when Jesus spoke of the signs of the immediate times before the end of the world system, he said, among other things: Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect. It should also be known that outside the charismatic movement, the above-mentioned eye-opening miracles are not performed in any Christian church, provided they are not connected with the charismatic movement. If they are, then they do appear there - miracles which are special signs because God stopped them at the end of the first century, when the apostles died /finished their mission/. If he had not stopped them, it would have been quite natural that miracle-working had existed within Christianity for two thousand years. Except that their reappearance and origin is striking: 'false prophets arise and perform great signs and wonders', because they come from the spirit world, from Satan and his demons! That they will reappear before the 2nd coming of Jesus could be a sign of false prophets, I mean signs and wonders /charismatic phenomena/, since they are no longer from God. If God had not withdrawn it would be natural for such things to happen, but it is just not natural because Satan's power is behind them!!! It is extremely important to understand what it means for false prophets to arise. Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets arise, deceiving many. We also read about Jesus: Luk 7:16 And they were all filled with fear, and glorified God, saying: "A great prophet has risen among us, and God has seen his people. This means that there is a beginning to the appearance of the prophets, as there is to the false prophets, and the performing of great signs and wonders is tied to this appearance. If the ability to perform great signs and wonders with a charismatic background had been given continuously from the time of the apostles until the second coming of Jesus, then the performing of miracles would be natural, and there would be nothing conspicuous about it, there would be no conspicuous phenomenon of signs connected with the second coming of Jesus. But what is extraordinary about it is that all of a sudden these miraculous signs with false backgrounds appear. But Jesus exposes them. At the same time, so does Paul, and he reveals the background. 2Thess 2:8 And then shall the law-breaker appear, whom the Lord shall devour with the breath of his mouth, and shall destroy with the appearance of his appearing; 2Thess 2:9 whose coming is by the power of Satan, with all the power of lying, signs and wonders, 2Thess 2:10 And with all the deceitfulness of wickedness among them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth unto their salvation. We can see that it is by the power of Satan that the miracle is wrought, and it is not that it is by God and Satan. If it is a conspicuous sign, it is of the Devil, that it may be recognized. Such things /prophecy, exorcisms, powerful miraculous speaking in tongues/ are clearly done by those working by a false spirit, since Jesus himself classifies these very things /accompaniments of miraculous power/ as illegitimate!!! He says: Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, "Lord! Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many mighty works in thy name? Matthew 7:23 And then I will confess to them: I have never known you; depart from me, you workers of iniquity. Satan is behind the whole charismatic movement, no speaking in tongues from God is given to anyone /his purpose was fulfilled in 70/, if the same charisms existed today they would have to raise the dead as they did in the first century. Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Ye have received freely, ye give freely. All the charisms should work together at the same time, but the Devil has no power to support the dead, so the charismatics don't propagate it, they are bankrupt. Kenneth E. Hagin and his ilk just pound the misguided to the ground, and as they writhe on the ground in demonic power, they are told by Satan's man that it is God's work. The whole Charismatic and Pentecostal movement has been given the power of deception , the power of Satan which is the judgment of God upon them!!! There is no other charismatic background of miracle working except the charismatics and where these forces move there is the Devil, Satan behind them.
@masterprophet8378 3 года назад
How can every Christian, as the bishop insisted, be charismatic seeing that every Christian does NOT have the Holy Spirit within them?
@masterprophet8378 3 года назад
@Tolulope Adebayo , even every Christian automatically has the Holy Spirit within them, why, then, do we see Jesus in Luke 11:13 saying that the Holy Spirit has to be ASKED FOR in order to be received? And why do you see the Early Christians asking for the Holy Spirit in Acts 8 and Acts 19? Think.
@doctor1alex 2 года назад
The only “Christians” who don’t have the Holy Spirit are the goats, the tares, the false converts, the professors who do not possess Christ.
@jeremywestern7067 2 года назад
Tongues in where?
@qodesmith520 5 лет назад
Does the Anglican church pray to Mary? I guess when I heard the term "archbishop of canteburry" I immediately thought Catholic. But I've never heard of a catholic praying in tongues, putting stock in prophecy, laying on of hands for healing... this is typical of my own charismatic background here in NYC. Curious how Anglicans differ from Catholics. Thanks!
@UsulJon 5 лет назад
They dont pray to Mary.
@ETBrothers 5 лет назад
I went to a discussion group at an Anglican when exchanging in England last year 😁 I learnt a lot about God-incidences there!
@chrismole1315 5 лет назад
Qodesmith there is a strong charismatic movement in the catholic church, including praying in tongues. Pope Francis had some involvement with the charismatic movement in Argentina and also used to privately attend Pentecostal churches when he was a bishop.
@michellea9857 4 года назад
Throughout the history of the Catholic church, Catholics have manifested charismatic gifts: www.amazon.co.uk/Saints-Who-Raised-Dead-Resurrection/dp/0895557983/ref=sr_1_1?crid=24QKJBB9OF817&keywords=saints+who+raised+the+dead&qid=1575100430&sprefix=sanits+wh%2Caps%2C249&sr=8-1
@backyardchickensuk2390 4 года назад
CofE is Catholic “lite” they basically took out the RC stuff Henry 8 didn’t like. The Anglican (high) Church Believe’s, like the Catholic’s, that communion wine transmogrifies into the “actual” real blood of Christ! That’s where I said “Ok then”
@iainrae6159 4 года назад
Always thought the 'alpha course ' was a bit weird. Speaking in tongues is a vast ego trip of borderline insanity by the deluded.
@CollinBoSmith 2 года назад
Tell that to Paul
@dinaworkman306 5 месяцев назад
Welby just go and shut the door on the way out traitor
@warrenwillis6636 4 года назад
He's insane.... Get him to explain the definition of the word prayer and tongue from the original textus receptus...
@robertjarman4261 3 года назад
I am very doubtful that Welby is even Christian.He is ideal for the Anglican church!
@NC-vz6ui 3 года назад
Pharisee alert! Because I don’t understand something, the person is insane.
@petercollins7848 2 года назад
The so-called ‘textus receptus’ is a myth, it never existed. It was just something written on a printed edition of the New Testament. It is made to sound profound by latinizing it. The word means ‘received text’, and it was just something written on that edition of the NT to more or less say ‘ this is the translation that most reformers agree on’, that is all. There is nothing special or ‘divine’ about it. But having said that, Welby is seriously dodgy and not to be trusted in anything Christian.
@Episcopalianacolyte Год назад
What did he say that was in disagement with the scriptures?
@reds7vn644 4 года назад
Praying in tongues is the most incorrect interpretation of Gospels aside from the interpretation of Sheol. speaking in tongues in the ancient times just men speaking in unknown language so if you knew Chinese and you spoke that you were speaking in tongues. It would basically be like someone from Afghanistan from the Pashtun tribes coming and speaking to Hebrew they would have no clue what this person saying and they would think it was the most foreign thing in the world. They would say that person spoke in tongues. Speaking in tongues literally means speaking a foreign language. It means nothing more nothing less in all these people who go around and speaking gibberish are Faking It
@timothy6828 4 года назад
RED S7VN read 1 Corinthians 14 again
@reds7vn644 4 года назад
@@timothy6828 Isaiah 28 11, 12 With men of other tongues and other lips I will speak to this people;And yet, for all that, they will not hear Me. Keep reading the 1st Corinthians 28... “With other tongues and through the lips of foreigner I will speak to this people, but even then they will not listen to me, says the Lord.” This is saying exactly what I said and this is per God supposedly. With other tongues and through the lips of foreigner... What this means is with other languages and three missionaries who are normally what foreign and speak a foreign language but it is through them teaching that they spread the word of God. This is exactly what I set up cop it's just foreign language nothing more nothing less.
@timothy6828 4 года назад
RED S7VN My dear brother, I apologise for my impolite comment from last week. I wholeheartedly agree with you, sometimes it is the case that God works in that way to glorify himself and to save someone. But answer me this “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14:2‬ How is this supposed to be a verse about a foreign language?
@timothy6828 4 года назад
RED S7VN I have to apologise again, I didn’t read your comment right. After reading again and understanding what you actually mean, I have to say I disagree with you completely. It is a supernatural gift of God and not just someone speaking a foreign language. I thought you are talking about someone supernaturally speaking another language like on the day of Pentecost. In the book of Acts chapter 10 you will see Cornelius and his people speaking in tongues after they received the Holy Spirit, do you really believe they started talking in a foreign language and praising God? And how do you explain Peters reaction to that? “While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭10:44-48‬ Do you deny the power of God to move supernaturally today?
@reds7vn644 4 года назад
@@timothy6828 No.... Acts 10 says "The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles. For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Then Peter said, Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days." All acts 10 says if they heard them speak in tongues. Meaning they heard them speak in a foreign language. Speaking in tongues in the way you are referencing it from the Bible and that it is something that God bestows upon people he's complete rubbish. You have to understand these people for the most part had only heard a handful of languages. The languages that they had hurt wear their languages of their region and those are the trading routes. So if someone from another region that was not within any of those that I mentioned started speaking people would think that was speaking in tongues. especially if someone lived in the region and spoke the native language and they never spoke their home language. the other key important thing you have to remember is the Bible was written by men not by God not even through God. The oldest New Testament scriptures are 4th Century in other words they were written in the 300s. In other words 300 plus years after Jesus died. then you have to realize that there was so many writings that all these people made up that the church had to choose what went into the Bible. I hope you can see the ramifications of that the church doesn't include everything they pick what they want to go in their Bible. Then Along Comes King James, he decides he's going to change the Bible again so that it suits his needs. So even more of the Bible is removed. The Bible is a wonderfully written book a fiction and nothing more. Then if you want to get into what most Christians believe Holy Trinity or the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost. No Christians believed in any of that prior the 325 at the Council of Nicea. In that moment one Bishop I don't to the emperor and said this is what I believe I believe that Jesus always existed he's not a creation of God like Christians believe he always existed and therefore he is a deity. The emperor rolled and told all the other dishes they had to vote in favor of making this cannon or else they would be removed from power and kicked out of the Kingdom. All but one Bishop voted for it so it became Canon/ Church law. Then in 381 at the Council of Constantinople they added the Holy Spirit/ Ghost so now the church has made up the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost and they're pushing it on to the congregation whether they like it or not. I can go on and on and on giving you examples of where the Bible Old Testament and New Testament are incorrect through actual evidence.
@hartleyhare251 3 года назад
Simply astonished. He expects to hear from God, through people via 'word of knowledge' or 'prophesy'... sometimes what is said he's "not entirely sure about... other times 'oh yes, I can sense something of the Spirit of God in that'. "Every Christian is a Charismatic, in one sense". The church has always done that [healing]. Many Christians would have the same experience... it's unremarkable speaking in tongues. Just astonishing. From his sermons and the comments he makes, there is something that appears to not be quite right... the Charismatic Movement is a serious problem. I would like to kindly suggest a watch of this video to provide a backdrop to what I'm saying. This is biblical teaching, exegesis of the bible and not exegesis of experience with the bible overlaid on top. I've been part of the charismatic church in England for many years. Nothing at all like that of the craziness and clearly false churches of Hillsong and Bethel, but mind mannered, considerate, and ever so warm and loving charismatic churches. But... the misuse of scripture and the reliance upon 'extra biblical words and activity' is alarming. "I can do anything through a misuse of scripture." ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-iXGyWWTVeoQ.html I'm at a loss just hearing this, but then again, and this may seem harsh, it kind of explains the 'broad church' approach to CofEism, I listen to so many sermons and they are sadly lacking good teaching, basic Bible truths, and then along comes charismatic ideas. No, Christians are NOT charismatics. If one looks at the history of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, one will soon see that it's based on false premises and extremely awful behaviour. It is important to see who's shoulders we stand upon... the church in England, not just the CorE is utterly lost. The message of the gospel has been lost, watered down, become woke and full of 'signs & wonder' seeking. No wonder Jesus said that most won't find a way through the narrow door and that frightening passage where he says "get away from me I never knew you" ... he says this to people who said "didn't I prophesy in your name". This is no time to be messing around... read the Bible please and get into a church which is fundamental in its teaching.
@ricdavid7476 2 года назад
he gets paid over £100,000 a year for this. so only people who think they are christians are filled with the spirit of God. hmmmm yeah thats not judging 3/4 of the world and finding their flesh not as sanctified as your flesh.
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Is praying in tongues an authentic form of prayer?