
JW 1914 debunked using the bible only. Jehovah's Witnesses got it wrong. 

Witness For Jesus
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An easy rebuttal to 1914 using only the bible. No dates or calculations involved.
Jesus return and New Light? link here to the Jw .org article www.jw.org/en/...
Jesus "not waiting at his father's right hand" quote at www.jw.org/en/...[search_id]=dc322ba5-beed-4044-af91-882e3db92d88&insight[search_result_index]=8
Please comment if you need assistance. God bless you.



16 окт 2024




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@elizabethmattingly4738 4 года назад
You can also prove 1914 wrong in the Bible in 2 Kings 25:8. Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem in his 19th year of ruling. He started his rule in 605 BCE, so counting down from there 19 years you get 586/7bce that historical documents support.
@pretoshohmoofcguy6523 7 лет назад
The problem is, You cannot falsify an invisible resurrection. There is no way to confirm or deny it. I too can say, "I am right because of the invisible dancing angel on the center of the palm of my hand told me so."
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
We accept that historical figures such as Plato based on 7 documents, Aristotle based on 49 documents....but we must reject the account of Jesus' resurrection when we have 5600 New Testament documents - which notably provide testimony of over 500 individuals who saw and interacted with the risen Jesus. Those who have studied the evidence are often convinced simply from historical evidence alone. www.desiringgod.org/articles/historical-evidence-for-the-resurrection Of course, nobody actually believes and puts faith in Jesus unless something changes in him. John 6:44.
@thefirstface4575 3 года назад
As many who have studied the evidence, reject that jesus ever existed as a specific historical man though and many scholars believe that those accounts of him are proven false by a variety of things like geography that proves the disciples recounting it had never even been in the land they refer to. I'd love an unbiased account to help me make sense of these parts. Are there any books you recommend?
@pretoshohmoofcguy6523 3 года назад
@@thefirstface4575 It's the opposite. Myths don't start movements and archeologists use the Bible to look for sites, and FIND THEM.
@darrylholcomb9076 Год назад
When Jesus comes it will be for all to see. He doesn't have to sneak in! You can also prove false JW teaching of 1914 from a calendar. JW's stressed one had to be at least 10 years old to be of the "generation". Meaning people born 1904. Now almost 120 years old. Recently read oldest documented living person now is 123. Even the JW talking head doesn't justify the "generation" as being down to the last man. They made up a ridiculous " overlapping generation" explanation that would make cat laugh! Humans are gifted enough by their creators as to overcome many of life's adversities. The one we'll never conquer on our own is death! So we scramble about, grasping to any straw of hope, & understanding. Impatient for answers, too many are quick to believe the unbelievable. God expects faith, trust, loyalty, & courage. Scripture say "he that loves his soul will lose it, he that hates his soul will find it!" God has it under control, everything is going to be just fine!
@xptweak 7 лет назад
Why JWs say Jesus won't come back to earth?.. If they agree Jesus come back to earth then the question will arise, if Jesus come back to earth then why 144,000 have to go to heaven!!!.. They can't agree that the anointed won't go to heaven so they nullified Jesus return
@MG007. 2 года назад
The Irish accent this lady has is just lovely. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
@billyroland2758 2 года назад
It's not Irish accent. As proselytiser of Yah, States it's northern English.
@jacksonrelaxin3425 2 года назад
@@billyroland2758 Irish
@mattieduffy8163 7 лет назад
Thank you everything makes scriptural sense now.
@lucashack5318 5 лет назад
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things that came into being were created through Jesus. Jesus is God. I'm so glad you have been saved! Praise Jesus!
@TimKollat 5 лет назад
Where does John 1:1 say that Jesus or the son was in heaven with God in the beginning? OR does it say that Gods word was in the beginning? John says that the word of God became the man Jesus. He NEVER says Jesus was alive in heaven existing as the word with God and that Jesus is God.
@lucashack5318 5 лет назад
@@TimKollat Notice the capital W in Word. That capital W means the Word is a person. That means Jesus was a person before he was born in the flesh. As you read on, notice the word "light." Sometimes it's capital, sometimes it's not. The word "light" when lowercased is the light of man. What is the light of man? Verse 4 says light of man is 'life'. Then the L in the word light gets capitalized. John is there to bare witness to the Light (to the life of man in flesh) We all know John is bearing witness to Jesus. So if light is the life of man, and Jesus is the Light, then Jesus is the life of man. Has Jesus always existed? Read the last verse. I capitalized two important words for you. John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. 8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. 9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. 11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. 16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. 17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which IS IN the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
@TimKollat 5 лет назад
@@lucashack5318 I stopped reading after your very first sentence. There are no capital letters, punctuation in Koine Greek. The translator adds capital letters where he wants. ASk yourself why is John 1:1 the ONLY place in the whole bible where the w in Gods word was capitalized? Its in lower case every other location except here. This is 100% translator bias wanting to make the word of God a title or a name/Jesus. This is trinitarian bias injected into scripture just like the KJV keeps 1st John 5:7 in the bible even though its a well known fact that that verse was a 16th century addition. Even trinitarian bible scholars admit this. Read John chapter 1 again. In fact read the whole book of John but throw out all your preconceived ideas you have been taught and read it as a child. Why does Jesus himself clearly say at John 20:17 that he HAS a God? Then after his resurrection to sit at Gods right hand, Jesus says several more times that he is not God but that he HAS a God..Rev 3:2, Rev 3:12
@lucashack5318 5 лет назад
@@TimKollat When a person gets saved and has The Holy Spirit dwelling in their fleshy body, how many person's are in that human being? Two. The Spirit and flesh are two different Beings that make up one person.
@RealwithAida 5 лет назад
@Lovealwayswins1 3 года назад
God bless you sister I’m an ex jw who loves God but I’ve never been more disillusioned. I’m trying to find the will to live....you helped me. Watchtower is just a group of men who hold my family captive. They don’t understand the love of Christ because they won’t feed their enemies “apostates” that expose them. I’m truly amazed that God loves us all anyways and the sun still rises for us all....amazingly gracious father we have. God bless us all...we can’t earn his blessings but he showers them on us anyways....what a beautiful free gift. Thanks for your ministry it really helps. May God bless you richly with real Holy Spirit love joy and peace and all the other ones. I pray for al ex JWs even though it isn’t sanctioned by the governing body. I also pray for the governing body members by name they are just sinners like me. I pray someday all this nonsense will all be replaced by the laughter of children and delicious food and healthy people with beards and free will. Until that day comes, expose these men for what they are....maybe God will humble them like he humbled Jonah and Pharisees and other self righteous men who insisted they were right when God was merciful. Who knows what mercies God will generate before Jesus returns. Personally I can’t believe 1914 is right. The finished mystery is too mysterious for me and Jehovah’s witnesses have made my life anything but easy. I just want us all to love each other hopefully agree on matters of doctrine that are in Gods word.....and when Jesus comes back I hope he forgives me for being wrong about so many things. The truth is that no one has all the answers but Jesus died so we could love each other. Which religion is right? I don’t know anymore. I love God and his family all my brothers and sisters....especially the sinners like me ❤️
@darrylholcomb9076 Год назад
Ex-JW here as well. God bless you also! My relatively recent epiphany. I praise God, for it has gave me peace! Nearly all religions, especially WT, make the secrets of the word of God far more complicated than it needs to be! There's a reason the Bible states the 2 greatest commandments. That's all that's necessary. Recently was made aware of the 5 points of Calvinism. Scriptural based reasonings from a theologian in the 1500's. In a nutshell, it addressed a question many thinkers ask. Respectfully asking the Creator, "why do I suffer due to Adams failing. We're I given the same choice, I'd have been faithful!" Quick answer is inherited sin! But God seemingly replies, "good question!" The 2 greatest commandments remark sum it up. Uncounted numbers of humanity have either died, or exist in a environment where they've no opportunity to meet the complicated requirements clergy of all stripes impose on them. The dead paid the death wage, but billions will be caught alive at Armageddon in that state. So long as they refrain from the mark of the Beast, & observe those 2 greatest commandments, alls well. Refraining from the mark is observing the 2 greatest commandments. Do your research, think for yourself, & pray for accurate knowledge. We face our Creator one in one. We need no mortal man to intercede for us!
@jimbobaggans1564 7 лет назад
Great explanation of how they came up with 1914. That is one date that the witnesses have to hang on to.
@loneberean3372 7 лет назад
Hi Dawn, I believe that too. I just remembered that when I was a study, they told me that it wasn't physical seeing but "perception'. I was 12 years in and now I'm 6 months OUT (hooray)
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Hi Lone Berean....you are not alone "lone". I'm so pleased you have escaped the Watchtower.
@joanflint2199 5 лет назад
I loved your expression,"numerical gymnastics" regarding the JW explanation of Jesus having invisibly taken up his throne in 1914. My lovely JW teacher tried to teach me this. She took time to get the 'evidence' so that I would believe. On returning, the evidence was based on the date of the destruction of Jerusalem. When I researched for this date from various sources I concluded a different date to the one she came up with from the JW sourced research. Apparently, she was right and I was wrong as JW has it correct and everyone else has it wrong. Notwithstanding, I listened quietly and patiently to the "numerical gymnastics" but my brain kept returning to that original date. It would not concentrate and could not follow the reckonings. She kindly left the pages with me to study over the fortcoming week. Still no sense, her starting date was the issue. I was polite and commented that I thought Jesus would have been on his throne since his ascension and left it at that. I cannot believe in so many of their teachings and a few weeks' studies were spent in endeavouring to 'straighten me out' . But unfortunately or maybe I should say fortuneately, the more I researched, the more I found holes and issues in their doctrines. I am no longer receiving instruction. Apparently this is because I am confused about JW teachings because I research from a variety of sources instead of solely from the JW sources. My Bible knowledge is so messed up. The lovely lady is so CORRECT that I HAVE BECOME so confused! Understanding the Bible is now my number one priority. I listen to people but now my number one research source is The Bible, God's Word itself. Thank you for pointing out Scriptures to me Dawn. I look forward to seeing all your videos. They make so much sense to me. My
@joanflint2199 5 лет назад
@@Peekaboo-Kitty Hi Kitty Boo Boo! Good advice. I had a Bible Study wit them for quite some time and was finding as time went on there were more and more bizarre doctrines snowballing that I totally disagreed with, including 2 or 3 "howlers". 1. Jesus is Michael the archangel 2. I must not pray directly to Jesus 3. Jesus is not my mediator. Finally my lovely ladies (I call the this because they are truly lovely people, though blinded) have decided not to continue with the Bible Study as I am not believing what they were teaching me! I have been researching on other sites instead of jw.org and have been studying other Bible versions instead of The New World Transalation! No, I won't be calling them back as I am free to do my own study now. I will have a look at more John Cedars Utube Videos as you suggest. I have seen a few but will definitely look at some more. Thank you.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
Answer these questions. Prove that Nebuchadnezzar's 7 years insanity is included in his 43 years. If not then secular dates are wrong. Prove that Belshazzar did not rule 17 years beyond his father's 17 years. Prove that Josephus is wrong in 18 years not 2 years for Evil-Marduk! Then look at all the variations of others sorting these kings and see THERE IS NO factual record for it all. So you are selectively hating one source in favor of a different source that you wrongly tag as common knowledge where it is not common nor agreed upon.
@shawnjaillet568 7 лет назад
Beautiful work again Dawn. The level of indoctrination runs very deep in the Watchtower organization. Wow! I learn so much more about their mental state with the rude, condescending language they use and their utter disbelief that the men they follow just might be wrong even after the legalistically worded "not inspired (but still follow us anyway)" speech. God Bless you and don't let them bring you down (As if it were possible once you have been saved!!!). It is so beautiful and peaceful to have faith in Jesus!
@juliac.3632 5 лет назад
Very excellent video! I resigned as one of Jehovahs Witnesses a little over a year ago and want to thank you for your excellent points! I would like to request please which page is that on from the 2017 February study article where the governing body admits they are not "inspired", please and thank you!
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
Feb 17 "Who is leading God's People today?" Quote para 12 "12 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870. Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food."
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
Jesus admitted that he is not GOOD, he says call no one good but God. Thus denying he is God, and advocating crediting God and not people for good things done. Yet you perhaps are like 9 lepers who cannot come back and say thank you if you see it was God and not Jesus who did the healing. The word wicked does not mean evil. It means of Wicca or witcha which is to trust everything as Nature such as weed must be good if natural, and cocaine must be good if natural. Being natural or wicked means you refuse to see any fruit as bad or causing death. It is the wicked who ate puffer fish until they found out how it can be eaten and no one die. People with want usually sacrifice other people instead of animals. As for me i know i am inspired of God, and i dare say that because i see many inspirations of God right here in comments as i also see inspirations of Satan. And beware which one is on your shoulder.
@maximus78028 7 лет назад
well done, but I do have one question regarding the versus at Luke 20: 41-44. Would the JWs point to those versus to show that Jesus did have a waiting period prior to taking the thrown?
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Jesus was sitting at his Father's right hand, having been given all authority. Sitting at the right hand has particular significance. See this article carm.org/what-is-the-significance-of-left-and-right-in-the-bible Therefore Jesus having been given "All authority" in heaven and on earth would not sit around for nearly 2000 years doing nothing. He has been building the church (greek ekklesia) of which he is the head, ever since the 1st century. Those verses relate to the enemies being completely wiped out, this happens at his 2nd coming. So this still doesn't prove 1914 in any sense, since Jesus was enthroned in the 1st century having triumphed over darkness Col 2:15. When he returns, the enemies of God will be under his feet.
@maximus78028 7 лет назад
okay thank you.
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Witness for JESUS--If JESUS is given all authority then why isn't he here to clean up all the mess ... Your said he has all the authority.. What is he waiting for? See that is why religion is so complex. People worship JESUS without having no proof he is alive.. They die without seeing him.. But didn't you said , he had authority? So if he had authority than how much ... cause I don't see any when it comes to people saying they believe and have Faith and their looking for relief and there isn't any,... .. LIFE See that is why I can call out the name of JEHOVAH and get a response back verse waiting for JESUS.. Not to discredit the Lord .. But JESUS doesn't have all the Authority like you say he does!!! LIFE
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Jesus himself says he has all authority. Are you saying Jesus lied?
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Matthew 28:18-20New International Version (NIV)18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
@jonathanmclean6289 6 лет назад
If you're a JW, I have a question for you regarding this teaching. Hopefully you can help. Is Daniel chapter 4 the only evidence you have that God's kingdom being established in 1914? If not, could you please provide me with additional scriptures pointing to the year 1914? I understand that their are countless scriptures about Christ's return and God's kingdom being established, but I'm looking for scriptures that point to this happening in 1914. Thank you for your help.
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
I doubt any JW will reply. Thank you for commenting, however :)
@jonathanmclean6289 6 лет назад
Thank you. It is apparent that using Daniel Chapter 4 as a basis for this teaching is flawed. It is easy to debunk this teaching by using the book of Daniel alone, so easy that I'm starting to feel that maybe I'm missing something here... I was hoping that a witness could help to "shed some more light" on this for me, because after reading Reasoning from the Scriptures pages 95 through 97 and reading the actual Scriptures, I find loads of errors with this teaching. Their has to be more evidence. This just can't be all they have.
@jonathanmclean6289 6 лет назад
nedboer I totally agree
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
1914 does not require 607bc. It is year 6000 in 360-day calendar, and it is also 50th jubilee of 537bc foundation as are all bible dates duplicated from 537bc to 32nd year of Artaxerxes duplicated from 1914 to 2009, or 2019 if you see it the world's way. That these signs are Jehovah not WatchTower is proven by Jah deserting the WT from 1925-1930 merely so it duplicates the Magi who took over Persian throne and stopped Jerusalem's temple in those years (525-520bc). They killed Cyrus' son Cambyses on the way back from Egypt (a job well done with no proof of assassination), and his brother Bardiya (having Magi priest Smerdis claim to be Bardiya) until Darius came and killed them. Darius then said Jah's name is on the temple and he will destroy the kings who touch it in 520bc and again in 1931. Then 4 years later the temple was completed. The WT has never had any explanation of why the temple selection had reached 144,000 in 1935, this here is the reason the spirit of Jah forced them to say it and hold it as true. It is Ezra who records this in 468bc and again in 1983. And since he therefore identifies the temple, it also makes him Elijah or John preceding Jesus. Congregation overseer for decades Richard DeLacy declared Elijah in mockery by the rabbit coat his brother gave him. That would be my brother Dave the homo resident with a sugar-daddy for 45 years never DFd and pioneer at that. So many of my family and JWs would mock me as if i don't see sex going on among them all while they tagged me for the plaid flare pants mom bought me (there was literally NOTHING else to buy at Sears), and tagged me as queer because their limited brains of demons insisted it can only be two cases, either total stupidity toward sex (immature, little boy, un-adult, still a child like Michael Jackson) or must be a queer. It is as if you cannot possibly have morals if you are single unless you pioneer hours baptized. Oh well explains why cousin John was kicked out of the city too. But mind you cousin Mordecai said to queen Esther to go to the king or as a bitch she'll be eliminated by God. Very easy for God to eliminate 8 rulers so the rest of the 144,000 go to the king to save the world in 40-day presence like Jesus did. If you look clearly no Christian would have left in 40 years (30-70AD) had Jesus not shown himself 40 days in flesh. This is why 144,000 are perfect if they merely comply to the fact that like Jesus they are never to appear in flesh again on earth. Big issue for humans who think marriage in heaven, sex in heaven, pets in heaven, gardens in heaven.
@MrBingo-rv4mk 3 года назад
@@richardschiller7803 I’m curious to know where did you get all the information for the first half of your paragraph? I’m just trying to do as much research as possible
@heribertocandelaria2140 3 года назад
John 12:28-31 Explains when Satan was kick out of heaven. Not 1914.
@coachwork 7 лет назад
The Kingdom is in our hearts (those who have asked Jesus to forgive our sins and commit their lives to His rule).
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
the scripture says kingdom among them was Jesus in the middle. They saw no king nor kingdom rule because they did not see Jesus was king and how he would be a king. Those who thought the kingdom wa sin their hearts was Cain who killed Abel because Cain was oldest to be obeyed. And Esau who tried to kill Jacob Israel but his mother guided him to flee despite father Isaac being a bad misguided ruler. The kingdom is NOT some Buddha theory or Moslem theory claiming spiritual life where there is none. Ritual is not faith in truth; waters of life did not come from the rule in Flint Michigan so quickly forgotten.
@joeyk4476 4 года назад
Hiya would just like to say thank you very much for your informative videos they are very helpful. Do you have any videos that prove the consciousness of the dead? Thanks again Joe
@Expert-Advisor-News-Trading 7 лет назад
Dawn, you made a very good video with clear logic and reasoning. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
@RitaMalikfour 3 года назад
I’m not sure if I commented before on this but an elder from my congregation told me that no man will see Jesus upon his return because we do not have the power to see through clouds that is the way the elders think for not listening to Jesus and his warning scriptures to not listen to men
@WitnessForJesus 3 года назад
Every eye will see him! Rev 1:7
@ericbulman1752 11 месяцев назад
Jesus isn't coming inside of a cloud . God's word written in the Bible says every eye will see Him coming .
@gabriellara1764 6 лет назад
I am dfed, The Gospels record a few times Jesus speaking about not knowing the day and the hour. Can you tell why did Jesus gave two broader time tables in Acts 1: 7 and if times and seasons here imply multiple times? more then one of each?
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Gabriel Lara Acts 1:6 So when they (the Apostles) had assembled, they asked him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” 7 He (Jesus) said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction (authority). Verse 7 is in answer to the question asked in verse 6. The question put to Jesus shows that the Jews had lost the kingdom of God and this was confirmed when the Temple of true worship in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 C.E. In his answer to the question Jesus confirms that Jehovah (the Father) is the only one in CONTROL (authority) of the times and seasons and as such the answer to their question could not come from him (Jesus). Jesus not having the jurisdiction or authority to answer this question proves that he is not almighty God....
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Gabriel Lara to answer your questions would require speculation. You may want to do that, but it is not wise to speculate on God's Word.
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
Sorry but you do go on have you never had a chat with a JW or did they miss telling you about this relevant scripture>>>>>>>>Psalm 110:1 Jehovah declared to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand Until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.” Hebrews 1:13 But about which of the angels has he ever said: “Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet”?
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
This does not refer to a period of total inactivity for nearly 2000 years. It likely refers to the period of time between him being enthroned as king and his 2nd coming, when he wipes out the enemies once and for all.
@spellbound111 7 лет назад
James JAH Avey. Hebrews 1:13 is a scripture that shows no angel sits at God's right hand, not even Michael. This shows that Jesus is not Michael as Watchtower would have us believe.
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
Do you know all the names Jesus has? Is some one like yourself bound to know if he can spell?
@spellbound111 7 лет назад
James JAH Avey. 'Is some one like yourself bound to know if he can spell?' What is this supposed to mean? Please explain.
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
How many names does Jesus have? Id it as many as you?
@heribertocandelaria2140 3 года назад
GREAT VIDEO! Wow exceptional points. Thank you👍
@johnfreeman8445 4 года назад
The latest thing in the april Study WT for june is that we cant talk to jesus he cannot hear our prayers .and he is never present with us.. yet in the same study we are told to get to know him ? How can you get to know aperson if you never speake to them?
@WitnessForJesus 4 года назад
Really? Could you link me that article? thx
@johnfreeman8445 4 года назад
@@WitnessForJesus i dont know how to do links but can send in messenger.im on facebook as john ship .send a friend reqest
@Kevin.Anthony3 4 года назад
@@johnfreeman8445 I'll be in touch shortly. God bless
@TysonIsKetchy 7 лет назад
i am studying this right now. but i came across this - luke 23:42 -what about this quote, the guy tells him "jesus remember me when you get into your kingdom" right as he is being crucified next to jesus
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
I take this to mean that when Jesus is resurrected and ascends to heaven, the man is asking Jesus to remember him then.
@leejohnson6328 4 года назад
i love the way she says authority
@richardwhiting8807 5 лет назад
Thank you. Very lovely and thoughtful.
@knowlittle65 4 года назад
Very good. Everything is wrong in JW doctrines.
@globaldemise Год назад
You are such a good teacher. Thank you!
@lindah8115 3 года назад
Some excellent points. Most interesting. Thank you again Dawn.
@loneberean3372 7 лет назад
They believe Jesus is invisible because of a scripture that says he will return in the same manner as when he left. I was taught that when Jesus ascended into heaven the disciples watched him go up into the cloud and then they could not see him. They believe that because he is in the cloud only his true disciples discern his return or presence.
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
The point is, he went up into heaven and they could see him do so. At some point he would have to go out of sight...he wasn't going to stay there in view forever! So it doesn't make any logical sense to say that just because he finally went out of view (in the clouds) that he would always remain invisible. They saw him go up ! and Rev 1:7 says every eye WILL SEE HIM. Therefore he will return in the same way, from the sky, and we will see him. That is what I believe the bible says.
@tiffanywright6653 5 лет назад
(plasms 83:18) Jehovah is the Most High. (King james Bible) (luke 1:32) Calls Jesus the Son of the Most High. (John 17:3) Eteranal(Everlasting ) Life. Amen
@joeventre538 4 года назад
Revelation 1:7 King James Version (KJV) 7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
@crystaladdy2155 4 года назад
Did you say Yahweh can somebody please help me with the origins of this God? Is Yahweh Jesus father?
@WitnessForJesus 4 года назад
Go to playlists and go to "Is Jesus God?" - This explains. Look also at Matthew 28:19 and ask yourself how many names for Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
@stephenreid7043 7 лет назад
Excellent video! Keep up the good work sister!
@JS-tb6io 4 года назад
Jesus is God the almighty...
@JS-tb6io 4 года назад
Yes Jesus is God in the flesh.and Jesus is not create he's eternal.
@saladoculichi 4 года назад
Ur crazy
@adriancampos384 3 года назад
@@JS-tb6io If Jesus was God, then why did he die on Earth. Almighty God cannot die. Why did Jesus say to worship his father. Be careful not to follow man made doctrine brother , Hallelujah, praise Jehovah in Jesus’ name.
@jacksonrelaxin3425 2 года назад
@@adriancampos384 Jesus is God.
@Puta692 Год назад
@@adriancampos384 The apostle Peter, Paul,Thomas called Jesus God Titus 2:13 2Peter 1:1; John 1:1,John 20:28. He is Alfa and omega Revelation 1:8;2:8;22:12-16 read
@spellbound111 7 лет назад
Excellent research. It's a pity that JW's are not encouraged to do such research, they are instead told to follow the FDS of the Watchtower, who feeds them whatever rubbish comes to hand. What did Jesus appoint the FDS to do? He appointed the FDS over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time. Matthew 24: 45. That is all that Jesus appointed the FDS to do and nothing more. The FDS was not appointed for anything else over the domestics. He did not appoint the FDS to be guardians of doctrines, he did not say that the FDS should demand and expect loyalty and obedience, he did not say that the FDS should have judgement over the domestics, he did not even say that the FDS should expect the domestics to eat the food provided and punish them if they don't. The FDS of the Watchtower Organisation does the above, which goes way beyond what Jesus appointed the FDS to do. Also, the proper time for feeding the domestics, as with sheep, is when they are hungry. The FDS of the Watchtower is feeding them continually, making them over bloated. The domestics are being force fed by the FDS, and if they don't swallow what they are given they are in big trouble. JW's have become 'spiritually' obese by the junk food they are addicted to as dished out by Watchtower.
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
The parable about the wise servant is just a parable about being faithful. I do not for one second believe it relates to a group of men in the 20th century.
@spellbound111 7 лет назад
WFJ. I agree with you. My comment was intended to show how shabby the 'FDS' is that JW's follow.
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Spell- How many Gods do you worship? LIFE
@spellbound111 7 лет назад
Debra Tefs. One God. What does LIFE stand for?
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Tim-- Jesus isn't any GOD.. Jesus is the Son of GOD... According to Matthew 3:17, Matthew 17:5, Mark 1:1 . 1 John 4:10, John 5:19, Luke 8:28 , There are about 26 verses or even more that I don't know about that says .. JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD!!!
@jamesbhaskar2403 Год назад
Superb , please translate in all major languages in the world particularly in Hindi andTamil . It will help to counter this false cult which is been handled by so called governing body members of 8, taking for ransome and depriving the salvation of 8.3 millions innocent jw members. It's my humble and ernest request bcoz my own blood brother and sisters are trapped in this satanic cult ruined by GB. Bhaskar Bangalore from Kammanahalli Bangalore . India . God bless your Ministries in the mighty name of our saviour lord Jesus christ. Ministries
@WitnessForJesus Год назад
Can you help me to translate please?
@jonahdab2491 4 года назад
Excellent video. Thank you.
@5winder 7 лет назад
Every eye will see Him...
@goodstuffohhyeah 2 года назад
It's not the last days, we're in the birth pangs. Last days are when beast system is in place
@NauvooExpositor Год назад
Jesus said the last days started when he was around
@homepreachhome 11 месяцев назад
@@NauvooExpositor and his disciples also said upon us whom the end of the system of things has fallen, They also stated they were in the last days. The Jewish system of things did come to an end. in the first century. If people studied properly they would see the differences between the last days, the second coming of Christ, the end of the systems of things, and the latter times. All these events have different and even opposite descriptions of what would be going on in the world and the church at each of their times.
As far as the issue of KING, Deut 10:17 and Dan 2:47 says 'Jehovah' is King of Kings . Psalm 10:16 says The Lord (Jehovah) is King Forever and Ever. So how can JESUS, a 'created being' (for the sake of discussion) be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (1 Tim 6:15, Rev 17:14, Rev 19:16) . Acts 1:11 where the angel describes Jesus return to the disciples . "This same Jesus, who you have seen taken up will return in the same way you *SAW* Him go" . SAW, of course, is they key word. How can we see what's invisible?
@jermaineknight 5 лет назад
It makes no sense to set dates but we know that the antichrist has to sit in the temple before that great day. 2 Thessalonians 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
You say dates make no sense and so evolution takes over because you have no date for Adam, no date for Flood, no date for Abram, no date for Moses, no date for Exodus, no date for the temple, no date for Jerusalem, and so you have no dates just as you wish none so you can say that is the basis to see no current dates nor future dates. The anti-Christ does sit in the temple because 11,000 fakes partake communion with 7000 true saints. And as Jesus was the temple for 3 days and Roman armies trampled him so too armies will trample the last of the bride in one day they all die and completing the 144,000 are seen for 40 days before asteroid impact changes Earth again. YOU all mutter about doubting Thomas, but it wasn't Jesus he doubted, it was the other 10 apostles he doubted. And Jesus coming to Thomas was NOT an effort to go see Herod to say see i am alive, not Pilate, nor Caesar. Those who kill the bride will not see Jesus come because the whole world that sees him is ONLY the world that survives this. THEY are the whole world just as the whole world floated on the ark, all 8 of them. This is what it means to be in the old world before the new world comes because the survivors are the new world, not the planet. Human survivors are born again just as much as heavenly survivors.
@riveravon5296 Год назад
I like your style. Thanks for sharing. I have a theory as an old pimo that are quite disturbing for my so-called brothers. We are living in the thousand years beginning when Jesus returned to heaven after his resurrection in the first century. Around J 500 the Catholic Church added 1000 years to our timeline so we are living in the end of this thousand years reign now. To read the Bible with this view is revealing and perfectly logic.
@anonymousburnerchannel Год назад
Come again? Explain in more detail what you mean
@homepreachhome 11 месяцев назад
I think it is now the short while after the 1000 years when Satan deceives the whole earth again and rules with the king that changes times and seasons (alters the historical record)
@homepreachhome 11 месяцев назад
My friend believes 1914 is important to the Watchtower as he thinks that is when satan was let out of the abyss for a short while to deceive the whole earth, he believes they reject Christ at the memorial and they reject the period he ruled and refer to it as the dark ages and that at the top of the watchtower they are a satanic order. Neither of us believes we live in 2023 C.E or A.D
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
The answer to your question is simple even though Jesus said every eye could see him he did not say they would all recognise him did he? Matthew 25:37 Then the righteous ones will answer him with the words: ‘Lord, when did we see you .
@fayelewis5476 7 лет назад
Why do JW's take verses out of context to negate the meaning of other verses? All the verses are true. Prov. 30:5-6 “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar." The Bible can also be used to prove atheism. Gen. 1:1 says, "In the beginning God...... An atheist would say that can't be true because Psalm 14:1 says "there is no God." Psalm 53:1 also says, "There is no God. How ridiculous! Matt 24:30 "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory." Rev. 1:7 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen. 8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Read Matthew 25:37 in context. 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:37 has no bearing on Rev. 1:7 or Mt. 24:30
@annabizaro-doo-dah 6 лет назад
I seem to remember them using the word "perceive," as in they will 'understand' Jesus has returned, rarther than literally see him. I think they have always taught that ( well at least since the 80s when I remember). I may be wrong though!
@jore5131 4 года назад
What religion do you belong to ???
@armandomgomezjr5667 3 года назад
I believe in the Bible alone not fable made up ideas
@Pegs76 7 лет назад
Love your videos Dawn.. brilliant!
@Jewelliet 7 лет назад
Thank you. This is incredible.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
2000 years was not a wait, but rather merely slow so that man proves wicked.
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
Got a bible verse for that assertion? There are many verses quoted in the video which prove Jesus was already king in the 1st century. You don't believe the bible, clearly.
@MrBingo-rv4mk 3 года назад
@@WitnessForJesus which Bible version do you use?
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
click here at 10:38 Russell broke from Adventist Barber because of saying the blood sacrifice had no value. Russell declared that all the saints (144,000) also lose their flesh and blood in sacrifice with Jesus. This fact is soon to culminate in a one-day slaughter 40 days before Armageddon.
@TimKollat 5 лет назад
Youre no different than all the other false prophets with all your calculations/predictions.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
@@TimKollat AND you think sitting on the side-lines of all involvement means your hands are clean while Jesus said you will die because you buried the coin as your excuse not to be liable. This is why you like Martha blamed Jesus that Lazarus died unhealed because you ignored that he was waiting for Lazarus to die to prove to you that YOU do not think right. YOU thought no resurrection could happen until the Last Day, because you think YOUR ways are how all things will happen. Most of you people think that either YOU personally KNOW, or then NO ONE knows. This is why you keep killing Christ again and again no matter who christ was each decade for 6000 years.
@thenowchurch6419 7 лет назад
The Invisible Return of Jesus is not new light. The WatchTower shares that view with Sir Isaac Newton and Emanuel Swedenborg.
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Strangely enough I found out that Emmanuel Swedenborg was seeing visions and visiting hell during his lifetime. This, from WIKI Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist. In 1741, at 53, he entered into a spiritual phase in which he began to experience dreams and visions, beginning on Easter Weekend, on 6 April 1744. It culminated in a 'spiritual awakening' in which he received a revelation that he was appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ to write The Heavenly Doctrine to reform Christianity.[6] According to The Heavenly Doctrine, the Lord had opened Swedenborg's spiritual eyes so that from then on, he could freely visit heaven and helland talk with angels, demons and other spirits and the Last Judgment had already occurred the year before, in 1757.[7]For the last 28 years of his life, Swedenborg wrote 18 published theological works-and several more that were unpublished. He termed himself a "Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ" in True Christian Religion,[8] which he published himself.[9] Some followers of The Heavenly Doctrine believe that of his theological works, only those that were published by Swedenborg himself are fully divinely inspired.[10]
@orpheusuk8762 7 лет назад
If i had one penny for each time i heard the phrase "this generation will by no means pass away" i would be a wealthy man. Since the recent introduction of the 'overlapping generation' teaching and the attempt to merge the words 'generation' and 'contemporary' to advance this new teaching i rarely hear mention of 1914 when talking with a JW (including my own family). When a wall chart and pointy stick are required to explain this New Light - in an attempt to redefine the word 'generation' - you know it's time to throw away the calendar talk and said goodbye to yet another false prophecy. Deut 18:22 King James 2000 Bible When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follows not, nor comes to pass, that is, the thing which the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.
@idrishamilton2620 5 лет назад
Good video nice job Gob bless you
@avail1. 6 лет назад
Eph.2:20/2Tim.3:16,17/ Ps.119:105/Mt.4:4 built upon the testimony of Apostles, Prophets , Jesus Christ......1John 2:27 need not that any one teach you..they shall be taught by God John 6:45
@josephtucker9612 7 лет назад
There are people still alive that were born before 1914. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_living_people
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Well when they all do die, Watchtower have already cleverly covered their bases by having the ridiculous "overlapping generation" doctrine. You know, all those 90 years they were preaching a lie. Wow.
@pauljay482 7 лет назад
Wiki says that people born in 1914 are still alive - question - how many JW's? First off, the article is a red herring and to be discounted completely. The remaining 144,000 will be caught up - ie raptured! Please read the verse Mt 16:28: Truly I say to YOU that there are some of those standing here that will not *taste death* AT ALL until first they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.... That wiki link needs to be updated based on Scripture; apparently there are people on earth today over two thousand years old. Please give your answer to this, Joseph?
@josephtucker9612 7 лет назад
+ Paul Jay Who are the ones that will be ‘caught up in the clouds,’ as stated at 1 Thessalonians 4:17? Verse 15 explains that they are faithful ones “who are left until the coming of the Lord,” that is, they are still living at the time of Christ’s coming. Will they ever die? According to Romans 6:3-5 and 1 Corinthians 15:35, 36, 44, they must die before they can gain heavenly life. But there is no need for them to remain in the death state awaiting Christ’s return. They will instantly be “caught up,” “in the twinkling of an eye,” to be with the Lord.-1 Cor. 15:51, 52, RS; also Revelation 14:13. JW’s do not call this the rapture. The Hebrew Scriptures define a kind of rapture different from Christendom’s rapture. Proverbs 2:21,22 For only the upright will reside in the earth, And the blameless will remain in it. 22 As for the wicked, they will be cut off from the earth, And the treacherous will be torn away from it The upright and blameless will remain in the earth. The wicked and treacherous will be cut off and torn away from it. Jesus promised that some of his disciples would “not taste death at all” until they had first seen “the Son of man coming in his kingdom,” or “the kingdom of God already come in power.” (Mt 16:28; Mr 9:1) This promise was fulfilled “six days later” (or “eight” according to Luke, who apparently includes the day of the promise and that of the fulfillment) when Peter, James, and John accompanied Jesus into “a lofty mountain” (Mt 17:1; Mr 9:2; Lu 9:28) where, while praying, Jesus was transfigured before them. And as they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen from the dead. (Matthew 17:9 ASV) www.biblestudytools.com/asv/matthew/17-9.html
@pauljay482 7 лет назад
I can dialogue with your last comment after the citation from your previous one, please Joseph. I'd rather build precept on precept. Otherwise there's a danger of taking scripture out of context. Hope you understand... the citation from your first 144,000 in your reply please brother? Thank you again. ps I'm UK and 04:10 in morning and should be asleep
@pauljay482 7 лет назад
Ahh just noticed your other reply (1st one) is on different thread. Can we discuss that first?
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
You ask here How can Jesus not be king in 33AD when resurrected. Correct, the kingship is the fact he obeyed to death. But the kingship of 1914 refers to having Cyrus in 537bc give a legal license and Britain in 1914 giving a global legal license making it go global in permit. That license is owned by Jehovah and Jesus and 144,000 not owned by the WatchTower.
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
You are making no sense and you are quoting no scriptures. Sorry.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
@@WitnessForJesus God is more than scripture. Jesus said so. Jesus himself was more than all scripture, and John says all of Jesus cannot be put into a book. Who made you God so that you demand if and when scripture gets used, and when and how it gets used. As for sense, Pharisees build towers and they a babble, but the devil and Satan who refuses to listen will hear babble even if it is Jesus who speaks. When Jesus said salvation depends on eating and drinking his flesh and blood, if it was really about a communion ritual, then no one would have left. But rather you people will define it that way so that no one walks away. Scripture said the wicked walked away from those words seeking fault with Jesus. Yet what he said is always true that people devour the real saviors so that saviors are killed and those that live did the devouring and consuming and ten lie and ask when did we do this. You have now sorrow at all, you say sorry like you're a world judge. Go pretend to listen to 1000s of others and tell them you hear babble from them too. I speak like my Lord did and does.
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
I simply ask for scripture to back up what you are saying. Anyone can say anything but without the bible to back it up they could be teaching falsehoods. Where does the bible talk about a "global legal license"?
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
@@WitnessForJesus In Persia the temple and city Jerusalem were built solely on Persian approval by permit and license. So the city that comes back must also have permit and license. USA is not global, British is. USA is not 1914, British is. Religious freedom for the state of New York is British proclaimed in 1763 before 1776. Like the 13-year Christian circumcision, and like my 13-year preaching 1983-1996, and 13-year WT division 1996-2009 (i divided them on 1996 internet, the same way one man Russell ended Gentile Times). And scripture does call the Persian king Cyrus and Darius as CHRIST, the return of Noah to build a temple, a temple is an astral observatory to catch the hour of an asteroid impact. This is where WT plays games with marriages on who needs to get a license to marry and who doesn't. They are double standard and game-playing which tags non-fornicators as fornicators while allowing others to be consecutive wives in hore-weddings. The same as saying a husband can poke his wife's anus in a don't ask don't tell policy as if it has a love-purpose that homo-poking doesn't have. The best answer is Jesus who talked to the disfellowshipped Samaritan's and said the future will have neither temple, not yours nor Jewish. Same when he says about sex, all resurrected will be sexless, so the condemning issue is NOT the priority since they won't have the body parts in the resurrection. The parent survivors are like those thru the Red Sea, Armageddon survivors over age 20 will die before age 240. Their punishment for not listening to Jehovah no matter WHO Jehovah has to speak thru because his GB ain't doin it.
@jacksonrelaxin3425 2 года назад
@@richardschiller7803 bro
@Deep.Purple 5 лет назад
Luke 17:20 hmm Where is Jesus? Can't be seen...
@thisbrovaluesec7162 5 лет назад
Praise Jehovah and thank you lord Jesus. All i know and all the suffering i have been throw in life in my young age of 30s . I know one thing for sure. Jehovah is God and Jesus is the lord. Satan is real and he hates us humans. So Believe in both the father Jehovah and the son Jesus. Try too Obey the commandments becuse indeed the days our being cut short. Btw you have a cute voice lol
@aj321000 9 месяцев назад
It’s like when Jehovah, creates a heavy wind storm, that’s his active force that’s how you will see and feel him. Therefore you will know who it is!
@josephtucker9612 7 лет назад
In determining in what sense the Kingdom was “near,” his words to certain Pharisees may be noted, namely, that “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Lu 17:21) Commenting on this text, The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible observes: “Although frequently cited as an example of Jesus’ ‘mysticism’ or ‘inwardness,’ this interpretation rests chiefly upon the old translation, ‘within you,’ [KJ, Dy] understood in the unfortunate modern sense of ‘you’ as singular; the ‘you’ ([hy·monʹ]) is plural (Jesus is addressing the Pharisees-vs. 20) . . . The theory that the kingdom of God is an inner state of mind, or of personal salvation, runs counter to the context of this verse, and also to the whole NT presentation of the idea.” (Edited by G. A. Buttrick, 1962, Vol. 2, p. 883) Since “kingdom [ba·si·leiʹa]” can refer to the “royal dignity,” it is evident that Jesus meant that he, God’s royal representative, the one anointed by God for the kingship, was in their midst. Not only was he present in this capacity but he also had authority to perform works manifesting God’s kingly power and to prepare candidates for positions within his coming Kingdom rule. Luke 17:21, KJ: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you [also TEV, Dy; but “among you,” KJ margin, NE, JB; “in the midst of you,” RS; “in your midst,” NW].” (Notice that, as shown by verse 20, Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, whom he also denounced as hypocrites, so he could not have meant that the Kingdom was in their hearts. But the Kingdom as represented by Christ was in their midst. Thus The Emphatic Diaglott reads: “God’s royal majesty is among you.”)
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
I didn't say the kingdom was in our hearts. You're objecting to something I didn't say.
@RitaMalikfour 6 лет назад
I looked in rev and yes that was what I was taught, this invisible coming is crackery
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
it is not about invisible coming, it is about invisible presence, and it means the christ-bride in flesh being visible (representing invisible Jesus) as the visible Jesus in flesh (represented God Jehovah) so that the flesh thru Armageddon are also visible (representing the invisible 144,000 now all dead). This is all derived from how do cities represent the living Noah who is far away, or do they twist and lie what Noah is and wants. If they do this while Noah lives, then what greater harm is now when he dies, with no way to confirm Noah's words. Then again Gilgamesh spoke to Noah directly face-to-face and his story is all twisted so that Moses had to write the correct version. And now the world lies and claims Moses got it from Gilgamesh's lies.
@mikewerndy8556 3 года назад
@BirdyBlueDay 7 лет назад
I used to have a 'witness' call on me in 1980. We had many discussions which came to an end when she told me that Christ came 'invisibly' in 1914. I brought up the verse in Rev. 1 V 7 'Every eye shall see Him'. She said 'That means the eye of faith.' I said 'Do you ever expect to see Jesus?' She said 'No, because we are other sheep. We are not anointed ones. Those are the 144,000 whose numbers were made up prior to or who saw the events of 1914. My grandfather is anointed and his mind is always on heavenly things.' She said of Christ's words in Matthew 24... 'The sign of his 'coming' (parousia) really means the sign of his 'presence' and in 1914 we were given the sign that Christ was 'present' and He began reigning invisibly.' .... Her husband was an elder and that is what they were teaching in 1980. I told her I felt very sorry that she believed this 'because it is contrary to Bible teaching.' That was the last time she called on me. Thanks for your video. It is well put together. I pray that many JWs will see it and consider it carefully.
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Thank you Marie for relating that experience. I wonder how I missed that? I think even as a JW I assumed that when he returned at the great judgement he'd be visible to all. This just highlights the fact that many JWs don't even know their own "official "teaching. Most don't know that they are taught that Jesus isn't their mediator. God bless you.
@BirdyBlueDay 7 лет назад
God bless YOU, my dear! :) Isn't it wonderful to know who Jesus REALLY is, and to be set free from the notion that we need to save ourselves by our works. I will never forget the day I finally realised that Jesus took ALL my sin upon Himself; the joy of discovering that God loved me just as I was, and not in prospect of how 'good' or 'pure' I could make myself by works! :) Witnesses are currently trying to get my husband to have Bible lessons. They are absolutely joyless and so burdened. When you take them 'off script', they are, sadly, lost for words and they couldn't tell me of the hope that was in them without referring to their booklets or tablets. They told my husband he could not come to 'accurate knowledge' from reading the Bible himself and that he needed an organisation to interpret it for him! My research in trying to talk to them led me here. Bless you in your work. :) x
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Keep up the good work Marie and I hope your husband does not carry on studying with them x
@mikewerndy8556 3 года назад
@@BirdyBlueDay hello
@BirdyBlueDay 3 года назад
@@mikewerndy8556 Helloooo! 😊
@gamingflork1746 5 лет назад
am witness We believe he already returned has sprit
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
Did you listen to the video? I know you think he already returned.
@gamingflork1746 5 лет назад
@@WitnessForJesus do video on taking blood and witness
@johnrideout7124 Месяц назад
For all those that insist that JW's have lied to them by saying that Jesus would never physically be seen again. When the Bible at Rev.1v7. Says. "Every eye will see him". Yet, at John 14v19. Jesus himself said. "The World will see me no more..." ! His disciples obviously understood he Wouldn't be seen again. Said at Matt. 24v3. Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the SIGN of your PRESCENCE, and of the conclusion of the system of things". ? So those "Looking" for Jesus, around the 1914 time area, would be searching for signs of his "Invisible" prescence, Not his actual physical body.! So you haven't been lied to, you didn't read the complete story in the Bible......(The handbook for the human race)
@leyeng1790 7 лет назад
+Debra Tefs John 10:18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Lee---- Stop throwing scriptures that you cant absorb... Life
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
I see that YOU go against JESUS own WORDS... Luke 4:8 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'",.... So who did JESUS said for us to worship? So you go against the WORDS of JESUS and then you say "JESUS is the TRUTH (not your religion). Maybe YOU need to be looking in the mirror! LIFE
@scattycat64 7 лет назад
how i see it is, jesus is loving and humble and came to teach us about his father in heaven and to die for our sins. so jesus would say worship your lord god and serve him only. but god loved his son and for his love for his father and us jesus died. because of this god has raised him up to a higher position. philippians 2 :8-11
@scattycat64 7 лет назад
what do you mean you already told me the answer.so you are the only person that knows the truth. the only person who has authority to understand the the writings of the bible. the only person to quote scripture. i said how i see it, not i am right and everyone is stupid in there interpretation of the bible. which i am afraid you have come across as saying. faye lewis.
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Jesus being tempted by GOD? Where in the bibles did JESUS say to worship him... There is only two things that JESUS said to do and its clear... John 4:21-24 (NASB) Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”.. See you worship the WRONG PERSON... Who Did JESUS worship because HE was human? LIFE
@fayelewis5476 7 лет назад
Why did Jesus accept the worship of others? Angels never do this. Mt. 8:2- the leper bowed down Mt. 9:18-A certain ruler bowed down Mt. 15:25 She came and bowed down Mt. 2:11 The wise men bowed down while Jesus was an infant Mk. 5:6 He ran up and bowed Mk 10:17 he knelt before Him Lk. 17:16 he fell on his face Lk 8:28 he cried aloud and fell down Lk. 8:47 she came trembling and fell down John 11:32 Mary fell down Phil. 2:10 "so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Rev. 5:11 " Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands, 12 saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.” And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying, “To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.” And the four living creatures kept saying, “Amen.” And the elders fell down and worshiped. Jesus claimed to be God. That is why he was crucified. It was called blasphemy. A very serious sin. The high priest tore his robe. They were never to tear their robes. Lev. 21:10 "The priest who is chief among his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil is poured and who has been consecrated to wear the garments, shall not let the hair of his head hang loose nor tear his clothes. Jesus claimed to be God. They had two choices: bow down and worship Jesus or crucify Him. God bless. LIFE- Living in Faith Everyday
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Faye- Well that isn't what JESUS taught. JESUS glorified his FATHER and made man come to know him.. It was JESUS who died and not GOD.. JESUS said the true Christians are those who WORSHIP the Father... Its clear as crystal.. John 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. You people can put whatever you want here. That isn't going to change the FACT what JESUS said about the FATHER and what he , himself said. What is sad many of you here put things out of context and call it truth.. LIFE
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
Psalms tells you that Sits at the right hand of his Father until his enemies ae made a stool for his feet and he stands up and starts to rule by casting Saran from heaven. It wold appear that the problem many have is a lack of knowledge of the scriptures do you remember the saying a little knowledge is a dangerous thing? Read Revelation 12: 7 onwards ok?
@fayelewis5476 7 лет назад
Read Rev. 12:7 backwards, ok? When you get to chapter 5 you will read: "And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people. 9 And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” 11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. 12 In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” 13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!” 14 The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped. When was the last time this was read in your Kingdom Hall? More importantly, Are you looking forward to worshiping Jesus Christ?
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
See Faye, JESUs taught his disciple to pray to the FATHER . IS prayer part of worship? If that is a YES then why didn't Jesus say " Pray like this... OUR JESUS who is in heaven? LOL Do you know how silly that sounds? I cant believe and t blows me away how you people think. So tell me this where does it say the LAMB is GOD... Doesn't the bible spells l out the LAMB of GOD? So he was slaughtered to receive an invitation to open the scrolls? I see the MIXED up and hokey, pokey of a mess you all believe in.. What is said JESUS said the truth and you all don't want to recognized it.. Sad but true..... LIFE
@fayelewis5476 7 лет назад
As a man, Jesus slept, wept, ate, thirsted, prayed to God and died. As God, Jesus raised the dead, performed miracles, accepted worship, rebuked Satan, forgave sins and even raised himself from the dead. John 2:19 Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. It is called the hypostatic union. Your writing the words, 'lol', indicate a serious lack of concern for your own soul. You are a soul. Your soul is eternal. You will spend eternity in heaven or hell. Having the wrong Jesus will condemn you to hell. The Pharisees refused to believe Jesus was God. If you refuse to believe that Jesus Christ is God, your sins will not be forgiven. You will be forever damned in hell. Please think about this. "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul." John 8:19 "Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also. 24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins." "To whom are we to pray, the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?" Answer: All prayer should be directed to our triune God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches that we can pray to one or all three, because all three are one. To the Father we pray with the psalmist, “Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray” (Psalm 5:2). To the Lord Jesus, we pray as to the Father because they are equal. Prayer to one member of the Trinity is prayer to all. Stephen, as he was being martyred, prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” (Acts 7:59). We are also to pray in the name of Christ. Paul exhorted the Ephesian believers to always give “thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). Jesus assured His disciples that whatever they asked in His name-meaning in His will-would be granted (John 15:16; 16:23). We are told to pray in the Spirit and in His power. The Spirit helps us to pray, even when we do not know how or what to ask for (Romans 8:26; Jude 20). Perhaps the best way to understand the role of the Trinity in prayer is that we pray to the Father, through (or in the name of) the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit. All three are active participants in the believer’s prayer. Equally important is whom we are not to pray to. Some non-Christian religions encourage their adherents to pray to a pantheon of gods, dead relatives, saints, and spirits. Roman Catholics are taught to pray to Mary and various saints. Such prayers are not scriptural and are, in fact, an insult to our heavenly Father. To understand why, we need only look at the nature of prayer. Prayer has several elements, and if we look at just two of them-praise and thanksgiving-we can see that prayer is, at its very core, worship. When we praise God, we are worshipping Him for His attributes and His work in our lives. When we offer prayers of thanksgiving, we are worshipping His goodness, mercy, and loving-kindness to us. Worship gives glory to God, the only One who deserves to be glorified. The problem with praying to anyone other than God is that He will not share His glory. In fact, praying to anyone or anything other than God is idolatry. “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols” (Isaiah 42:8). Other elements of prayer such as repentance, confession, and petition are also forms of worship. We repent knowing that God is a forgiving and loving God and He has provided a means of forgiveness in the sacrifice of His Son on the cross. We confess our sins because we know “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) and we worship Him for it. We come to Him with our petitions and intercessions because we know He loves us and hears us, and we worship Him for His mercy and kindness in being willing to hear and answer. When we consider all this, it is easy to see that praying to someone other than our triune God is unthinkable because prayer is a form of worship, and worship is reserved for God and God alone. Whom are we to pray to? The answer is God. Praying to God, and God alone, is far more important than to which Person of the Trinity we address our prayers. gotquestions.org
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Dawn Colossians 1:13 "transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son," can not literally mean that Jesus had allready established his kingdom and was ruling as king. For what you say to be true by now some 1900 years later we should have received the many foretold blessing and we should have seen the coming of Jesus to establish his kingdom on earth. If as you claim that Jesus was enthroned in 33 C.E then the last days would have started then, but Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:34 that the last days will only last for a generation. Dawn one generation is not some 1900 years. So Dawn the Holy Scriptures make it plain that what you say is not the truth. The truth definitely not in what you say and write.....
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Why can't colossians 1 mean that? The end did come for that generation in the 1st century when the early fulfillment of that prophesy happened in 70 AD. Once again, you are teaching a distorted view presented by Watchtower rather than what the bible teaches.
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Witness For Jesus The only distorted teachings are come from you Dawn. In Matthew 24:30 it talks about the coming of Jesus then only 4 verses later in verse 34 Jesus says "This generation will by no means pass AWAY UNTIL ALL THESE THINGS HAPPEN." All these things include the coming of Jesus Dawn. WHERE is Jesus Dawn? Yes the end of the generation of the first century Christians did pass away, but that only raise the question again Dawn. WHERE is Jesus? Surely Jesus would be true to his words at Matthew 24:34 already quoted above. Maybe Dawn Jesus is secretly living on earth and we do not know about it, but this can not be so for Jesus says "they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven." Jesus having not come in great glory proves that all you have just written is False. When I say the truth of Jehovah's word is not in you, that truth is getting brighter and brighter every time you write me. All I get from you Dawn is distorted views of your witnesses for Jesus organization rather than what is truly written in the Holy Scriptures. By the way your belief that America will rise again is not Biblical, but that is something to discuss at a later time.
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Firstly, there is no "witnesses for Jesus" organisation. What are you talking about? Secondly, you don't want to accept that Jesus was obviously prophesying about the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD? A greater fulillment yes, and this means EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM Rev 1:7. You mock me by suggesting that Jesus is "secretly living on earth" which is such irony! considering that JW teach he's INVISIBLY returned and that when he comes to judge he will remain INVISIBLE. The bible is clear that Jesus has been ruling since his ascension and then when he returns (ONCE, not twice) every eye will see him Rev 1:7. Again you say something about "America will rise again" and I have no idea what you are talking about.
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Witness For Jesus. Dawn you have ADVISERS on scriptural matters according to what you wrote me, you have followers and you are using RU-vid to promote your doctrines all of which are the works of a religious organization. This is why I said witnesses for Jesus organization. Then you bring up the "fall of Jereusalem in 70 C.E. Prophecy in connection with Matthew 24:30 & 34. Please explain to this humble illiterate servent of the most high God Jehovah how you can fit in a Generation between 33 C.E. and 70 C.E? I did not not say anything AT the time you mentioned 70 C.E for there is no connection between that date and Jesus coming and the generation in which all these things happened. You claim that in 33 C.E Jesus was enthroned as King of Jehovah's Kingdom (Matthew 28:18) because "All authority was give to him in heaven and on earth." The book of Daniel says at chapter 7:13 & 14 Jesus was given by God in heaven rulership, a kingdom and subjects (Jesus' true coronation). Jesus was on earth for 40 days before he assended to heaven ("being seen of them Forty days," Acts 1:3, 9 KJV.) My question Dawn is how could Jesus be coronated while he was still on earth speaking to his disciples at Matthew 28:18?
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Dawn are you the prophetess Dawn O`brine who speaks on "Dawn's Heartfelt Corner?" If you are then you said that America will rise again. If you are not this person then my sincere apologies to you.....
@bretherenlee1404 7 месяцев назад
Your arguments against 1914 based on the bible are sound
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Dawn you talk of nothing happening during the 1900 years leading up to 1914. As usual what you write is not the truth. The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Th. 2:3, "It (the presence of Jesus leading up to his coming) will not come unless the apostasy comes first the MAN of LAWLESSNESS gets revealed, the son of destruction." We All know about Constantine, just google his name for information concerning the Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E when Constantine introduced the doctrine of the Incarnate Christ, or God-man. This denial that Jesus was in fact a man became one of the most misleading doctrines of Christendom. (Compare 2 John 7.) Why, it has turned millions away from Jehovah God to a confusing Trinity! None of the councils held thereafter made any attempt to rectify this error. Yet the Trinity doctrine is clearly unscriptural, for Jesus said: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) Could God possibly approve of any council that obscured the truth about his identity and that of his Son? This was the beginning of the teaching of God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Man of Lawlessness becomes an Apostate Church. These teachings have tainted the churches of Christendom for the majority of them teach that Jesus is God equal to the father and the Holy Spirit is also God (A three in one God made up of three individuals, the trinity). THE DARK AGES:- This Apostate Church known as the Roman Catholic Church refused to make the Holy Scriptures available to the people (the inquisition was formed to put anyone of the people found with a copy of the Bible to death) and it was only when the REFORMATION period some 1500 years after Christ came that the Word of God began to be made available to the people in their own languages and the advent of the printing press made it possible to mass produce these Bibles for world wide distribution. The point here Dawn is that ALL this had to happen before Jesus Enthronement as King so that Paul's prophecy would be fulfilled and you leave it out deliberately to prove you false teaching that Jesus was enthroned in heaven in 33 C.E (Matthew 28:18) or it could be that you do not understand this Biblical prophecy? See quoted scriptures below:- 2 Th. 2:1-12. However, brothers, concerning the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. 3 Let no one lead you astray in any way, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. 4 He stands in opposition and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits down in the temple of God, publicly showing himself to be a god. 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is acting as a restraint, so that he will be revealed in his own due time. 7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work, but only until the one who is right now acting as a restraint is out of the way. 8 Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. 9 But the lawless one’s presence is by the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders 10 and every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth in order that they might be saved. 11 That is why God lets a deluding influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness. (NWT)
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Amazingly, during this historical period of time, Jesus STILL managed to have the gospel preached. He still preserved the bible. He was not "waiting" for some date, as the video explains the KINGDOM OF THE SON was already established. Col 1:13. People everywhere were calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus as 1 Corinthians 1 verse 2 tells us clearly. They were not calling upon the name of a spirit angel who was sitting in heaven doing nothing. Watchtower are wrong. There have been men and women throughout history who have been true Christians throughout the ages. Those who died to preserve the bible, those who were martyred because they would not deny Jesus Christ. Just because there were dark ages doesn't mean that Jesus was not King. He is king now despite all the awful things which happen on earth. In fact, I'd suggest that the dark ages were worse times than these in general and more people died during epidemics of disease then also. Evidence here www.history.com/news/history-lists/6-devastating-plagues I'm not saying that these are not the last days (because it's a composite sign) but overall you cannot point the dark ages as any proof. You say that they denied Jesus was a man. That is not true. The hypostatic union teaches that Jesus was fully God and fully man. A human Jewish male but who was also the Word in Flesh John 1:14 also he is "Emmannuel" = God with us. Matthew 1:22,23. Regarding the "man of lawlessness" here is a good explanation. www.gotquestions.org/man-of-lawlessness.html Is it Watchtower teaching that it's constantine? What evidence do they (or you) have?
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Dawn Paul's Man of Lawlessness had to be revealed before "the good news of the kingdom could be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14). Are we not living in the time of the end? All the signs are there (Matthew 24). We are living in the time of the end Dawn. But according to you we started living in the time of the end since 33C.E. when Jesus was enthrone as king (Matthew 28:18 his enthronement All authority). Are we to believe that after nearly 2000 years as king Jesus' signs of the end are only now present? If you want to debunk 1914 as the time of Jesus' enthronement then you need to come up with better scriptural evidence to do so. You have not done this Dawn. If you were a humble person you would be telling me now that your scriptural evidence is flawed. I do not expect you to do this Dawn for the truth is not in you. In my next writing I will tell you why you should use the name Jehovah instead of Yahweh..... A humble worshiper of Jehovah (God's name in English)...Harold
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Harold, you are trying to make the bible fit with Watchtowers erroneous teachings about 1914. The man of lawlessness appears before Jesus returns. ("Come Lord Jesus") He doesn't return TWICE but ONCE. He has been ruling in heaven since his ascension as the bible says (why are you totally ignoring the scriptures which speak of him ALREADY being King?). He will return IN FUTURE. he has not already returned "invisibly" that is just false teaching from Watchtower. We are to be witnesses of Jesus. Acts 1:8. It's irrelevant whether you say Jehovah or Yahweh - some people I know use Yeshua for Jesus (or Iesu, or Jesu, or Yehoshua). Regardless of the pronunciation, we are to witness about Jesus Christ and the real good news that he died for our sins and was raised on the 3rd day and that those putting faith in him will be saved 1 Cor 15:1-4. Nothing to do with any Watchtower organisation formed only just over 100 years ago.
@haroldhahn9387 6 лет назад
Dawn I am not trying to make the Bible the watchtower. I am debunking the rubbish you are preaching by quoting what Paul says must happen first. The revealing of the Man of Lawlessness. Remember you have stated that nothing happened up to 1914. What I write is fact about what has happened since 325 C.E to the time of the Reformation. IT is recorded history. I know you write English and so do I. I also know that you use the English name Jesus and not the Hebrew name. I will use the English name for almighty God Jehovah because it the right thing for an English speaking and writing person to do. Dawn do you speak and write Hebrew?
@WitnessForJesus 6 лет назад
Paul says it happens before Jesus return. You have zero biblical proof that 1914 is a significant date. Jesus returns once, not twice. You have him returning twice and both times invisibly, even though Rev 1:7. Regarding "rubbish" - if you cannot be polite then I will not tolerate your future posts.
@MorganeK 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for your videos, thank you! Your videos have been very helpful to me as a Christian speaking regularly to JWs. I pray for you, that the Lord will continue to encourage you and to protect your from all spiritual attacks.
@kovaxxtruther1646 7 лет назад
Hi Dawn, thankyou so much for your videos. I have pen and paper in hand and now eagerly awaiting a knock at my door:-) Keep up the good work. I recently wok up about 3 months ago. Was in this cult for 13 years!!...I also checked my old Reasoning book on page 342 under the title Return Of Christ. Will Christ return in a manner visible to human eyes? John 14:19: “A little longer and the world will behold me no more, but you [Jesus’ faithful apostles] will behold me, because I live and you will live.” (Jesus had promised his apostles that he would come again and take them to heaven to be with him. They could see him because they would be spirit creatures as he is. But the world would not see him again. Compare 1 Timothy 6:16.) Acts 13:34: “He [God] resurrected him [Jesus] from the dead destined no more to return to corruption.” (Human bodies are by nature corruptible. That is why 1 Corinthians 15:42, 44 uses the word “corruption” in parallel construction with “physical body.” Jesus will never again have such a body.) John 6:51: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and, for a fact, the bread that I shall give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world.” (Having given it, Jesus does not take it back again. He does not thereby deprive mankind of the benefits of the sacrifice of his perfect human life.)
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
I love your first comment! Brilliant!! However, some of the ideas you gave are Watchtower based. Please look at my video about whether Jesus lied to his disciples. It explains the bodily resurrection of Jesus.
@kovaxxtruther1646 7 лет назад
Hi Dawn. The reason I gave the comments above which are from the reasoning book was because in your video you mentioned about whether the fact that Jesus second coming would be invisible was "new light" as far as I know it has always been the case and the scriptures above explain their stance on this. These opinions are not my own I might add and that they were only quoted for your consideration:-)
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Oh! I see! Thank you
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
When was this? >>>>Revelation 12:10  .Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God. . .
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Nobody can put dates on things, but I would suggest it was at Jesus ascension. 2000 years is a short time to a being who has existed probably for millennia. Jesus went to heaven with all authority and didn't sit around for 1900 years leaving Satan alone. the bible tells us he rendered the devil powerless and triumphed over darkness by his death and resurrection. Hebrews 2:14, Col 2:15
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
What does the bible mean when it sais that Jesus stood up?
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
Then why did he stand up according to scripture?
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Scripture reference please
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
Daniel 12 ok?
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
When did God invent a religion for Christians? What is happening to all the weed Christians today?
@fayelewis5476 7 лет назад
Most Christians don't smoke weed.
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Hi, Faye . Lets chat? LIFE
@fayelewis5476 7 лет назад
I hope your day is going well!
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
My days aren't the best but it gets better when I pray and ask GOD to watch over me.. What is new Ms. Faye? LIFE
@ashley__c 5 лет назад
Why 2,520 years and not 2,540 ? 🤔😂😂🤦‍♀️
@frankknelsen2572 4 года назад
The bible says a day for a year so theres some math involved unfortunately lol, so to answer your question you have to look at the prophecy of king nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel and also look into the book of revelations. Where it talks about a women giving birth to a child, and she fled into the wilderness where god prepared a place for her and gave her food for 1,260 days now further in the prophecy of revelations it says this women will be given wings to fly to her place and she will be fed there a time, times and a half of time, so times plural means 2 so you add 1 time another time another time because of "times" meaning 2, and then add the half a time so that's 3 and a half times, now because every human king has failed god Jerusalem was destroyed in 607bce and 7 times was supposed to pass over until the new king of his kingdom was to be appointed, now take the number 1,260 and multiply it by 2 it equals 2,520 now take that number and subtract 607 from it you get 1913 but remember the calendar never counts 0 as a year so it makes out to be 1914 when jesus rules in gods heavenly kingdom. Hopefully that makes sense if it doesn't sorry I'm sure there are better people that can explain a bit simpler... 👍
@rachels2606 7 лет назад
Great job!
@NauvooExpositor Год назад
Well said. Good video
@ianthurlby2788 7 лет назад
Hi they will see Jesus in a spiritual sences of understanding not a literal way
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Maybe try sticking to scripture? Are you honestly suggesting Jesus returns once invisibly in 1914 and then again invisibly? even though the bible gives ONE return for Jesus and "every eye will see him"? If you just read the bible alone you would agree with me. The reason you don't agree is you believe the Watchtower over the bible.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
Scriptures still say that despite being the kingdom of God, that 1000 years will COME of that kingdom. Therefore, king and kingdom in 33AD does not contradict God Jehovah stating a future 1000-year kingdom will come. Otherwise how come that kingdom is successful in 1000AD or 1033AD. Where do you get that anything is complete of God in 1019-2019AD!
@WitnessForJesus 5 лет назад
I didn't say the whole plan was completed. What are you talking about?
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
​@@WitnessForJesus Then you are stupid if you trash 1000 years. Something has to be complete in 1000 years of being king. It is a base-doctrine in all religion.
@RitaMalikfour 5 лет назад
I was told because he is returning in a cloud we will not see him cause he’ll be hidden in the clouds and we can’t see through the clouds. I’m confused cause sharing anything with my sister messes with my brain and now I think I’m crazy Was it taught that Jesus was here invisably in the about years of 1919 I heard from a zealous brother this was true and I asked him to come back and show me from the bible this to be true, he never came back
@frikandelthaisaus 5 лет назад
Look! He is coming with clouds, and EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, even those who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen. (Rev. 1:7, MEV)
@josephtucker9612 7 лет назад
According to Acts 2:32-36 Jesus sat at the right hand of God after returning to heaven. And he sat there until God placed his enemies as a stool for his feet. 32 God resurrected this Jesus, and of this we are all witnesses. 33 Therefore, because he was exalted to the right hand of God and received the promised holy spirit from the Father, he has poured out what you see and hear. 34 For David did not ascend to the heavens, but he himself says, ‘Jehovah said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand 35 until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”’ 36 Therefore, let all the house of Israel know for a certainty that God made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you executed on a stake. (Acts 2:32-36) So before Jesus ascension into heaven, when he said “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth”, he was not ruling as king at that time. What is meant by placing his enemies as a stool for his feet? This is what Jehovah says: “The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool. (Isaiah 66:1) So his enemies will be placed on earth. And war broke out in heaven: Miʹcha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. 10 I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! 11 And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death. 12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.” (Revelation 12:7-12) Mt 24:3 says: “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your PRESENCE”. Most bible translations use the word coming but the word means presence. At Philippians 2:12 Paul speaks of the Philippian Christians as obeying “not during my presence [pa·rou·siʹai] only, but now much more readily during my absence [a·pou·siʹai].” So, too, at 2 Corinthians 10:10, 11, after referring to those who said that “his letters are weighty and forceful, but his presence [pa·rou·siʹa] in person is weak and his speech contemptible,” Paul adds, “Let such a man take this into account, that what we are in our word by letters when absent [a·ponʹtes], such we shall also be in action when present [pa·ronʹtes].” (Compare also Php 1:24-27.) Thus, the contrast is between presence and absence, not between an arrival (or coming) and departure. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (1981, Vol. 1, pp. 208, 209) states: “PAROUSIA . . . denotes both an arrival and a consequent presence with. If a sign is needed to know when Jesus had arrived and was present, then it would be an invisible presence. What was the sign? For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. (Matthew 24:7-8) Satan has been hurled down to the earth knowing he has a short period of time. The book of Revelation presents in symbolic expression much information relating to Christ’s presence and his manifestation and revelation. The symbolic picture of the crowned rider on the white horse depicted in Revelation 6:1, 2 corresponds to that of the rider of Revelation 19:11-16, who is the "King of kings and Lord of lords," Christ Jesus. Revelation chapter 6 shows that when Christ rides forth as conquering King he does not immediately bring about removal of wickedness from the earth, but rather, his ride is accompanied by war that takes "peace away from the earth," as well as by food scarcity and deadly plague. (Re 6:3-8) This, in turn, parallels features found in Christ’s prophecy at Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. If Jesus had become King of God’s kingdom before his ascension into heaven, when he said “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth”, why would those who have fallen asleep in death have to wait for his return to be raised? 1 Thess. 4:15, 16: “This is what we tell you by Jehovah’s word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep in death; because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first.” (So, those who will rule with Christ would be resurrected to be with him in heaven-first those who had died in years past and then those who would die following the Lord’s return.)
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Can't you see that the only reason you believe Jesus returned "invisibly" in 1914 is because some guys in the 19th century messed around with numbers? It wasn't even Russell it was Barbour! Barbour who continued being an Adventist. Are the Adventists true then? Every eye will see him means what it says. On the clouds is easy, it means he comes from above in the same manner he left. They saw him leave and they'll see him return. It's not difficult, unless you've been indoctrinated by a cult.
@josephtucker9612 7 лет назад
It does not matter who found the prophecy in the bible and calculated when Jesus would return. The fact is Daniels prophecy pointed to 1914 and the sign Jesus gave to let his true disciples know when he was present and began ruling in heaven was also 1914. What are the chances of both the prophecy and Jesus sign meeting on the same date? The apostate Jews missed Jesus 1st presence when he was on earth. They are still waiting for him to come. Apostate Christendom is waiting on Jesus to come a second time. They also missed it. Matthew 24:14 states the good news of the kingdom will be preached throughout the earth. What is the good news of the kingdom? That it has been established in heaven. Only Jehovah's Witnesses are fulfilling this prophecy because they are the only ones that recognize his presence. Did the whole world see Jesus go into the sky and disappear into a cloud? Only his disciples did. As they stood looking into the sky, not seeing Jesus but knowing he was there, the angels told them he would come again in the same manner. When it says "Every eye will see him" that is in revelation. Revelation was written in such a way that you should not take every scripture literally. The same verse says "and those who pierced him". Of course those who pierced him are dead. If he appeared over Australia, for example, he would not be visible in Europe, Africa, and the Americas, would he? The bible also refers to sight that is not physical. John 9:41 says: “Jesus said to [the Pharisees]: ‘If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, “We see.” Your sin remains.’”
@spellbound111 7 лет назад
Joseph Tucker. Those calculations using Daniel are based on the year for a day theory. There is no real basis for this theory which was developed before C T Russell came on the scene.
@josephtucker9612 7 лет назад
Will Christ return in a manner visible to human eyes? John 14:19: “A little longer and the world will behold me no more, but you [Jesus’ faithful apostles] will behold me, because I live and you will live.” (Jesus had promised his apostles that he would come again and take them to heaven to be with him. They could see him because they would be spirit creatures as he is. But the world would not see him again. Compare 1 Timothy 6:16.) Acts 13:34: “He [God] resurrected him [Jesus] from the dead destined no more to return to corruption.” (Human bodies are by nature corruptible. That is why 1 Corinthians 15:42, 44 uses the word “corruption” in parallel construction with “physical body.” Jesus will never again have such a body.) John 6:51: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; and, for a fact, the bread that I shall give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world.” (Having given it, Jesus does not take it back again. He does not thereby deprive mankind of the benefits of the sacrifice of his perfect human life.) What is the meaning of Jesus’ coming “in the same manner” as he ascended to heaven? Acts 1:9-11: “While they [Jesus’ apostles] were looking on, he was lifted up and a cloud caught him up from their vision. And as they were gazing into the sky while he was on his way, also, look! two men in white garments stood alongside them, and they said: ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus who was received up from you into the sky will come thus in the same manner as you have beheld him going into the sky.’” (Notice that this says “the same manner,” not the same body. What was the “manner” of his ascent? As verse 9 shows, he disappeared from view, his departure being observed only by his disciples. The world in general was not aware of what happened. The same would be true of Christ’s return.) What is meant by his ‘coming on the clouds’ and ‘every eye seeing him’? Rev. 1:7: “Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him.” (Also Matthew 24:30; Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27) What is indicated by “clouds”? Invisibility. When an airplane is in a thick cloud or above the clouds, people on the ground usually cannot see it, although they may hear the roar of the engines. Jehovah told Moses: “I am coming to you in a dark cloud.” Moses did not see God, but that cloud indicated Jehovah’s invisible presence. (Ex. 19:9; see also Leviticus 16:2; Numbers 11:25.) If Christ were to appear visibly in the heavens, it is obvious that not “every eye” would see him. If he appeared over Australia, for example, he would not be visible in Europe, Africa, and the Americas, would he? In what sense will ‘every eye see him’? They will discern from events on earth that he is invisibly present. Also referring to sight that is not physical, John 9:41 reports: “Jesus said to [the Pharisees]: ‘If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, “We see.” Your sin remains.’” (Compare Romans 1:20.) Following Christ’s return, some persons show faith; they recognize the sign of his presence. Others reject the evidence, but when Christ goes into action as God’s executioner of the wicked, even they will discern from the manifestation of his power that the destruction is not from men but from heaven. They will know what is happening because they were warned in advance. Because of what is overtaking them, they will “beat themselves in grief.” Who are “those who pierced him”? Literally, Roman soldiers did this at the time of Jesus’ execution. But they have long been dead. So this must refer to people who similarly mistreat, or ‘pierce,’ Christ’s true followers during “the last days.”-Matt. 25:40, 45. Can it really be said that a person has ‘come’ or that he is ‘present’ if he is not visible? The apostle Paul spoke of his being “absent in body but present in spirit” with the congregation in Corinth.-1 Cor. 5:3. Jehovah spoke of his ‘going down’ to confuse the language of the builders of the tower of Babel. (Gen. 11:7) He also said that he would “go down” to deliver Israel from bondage to Egypt. And God assured Moses, “My own person will go along” to lead Israel to the Promised Land. (Ex. 3:8; 33:14) But no human ever saw God.-Ex. 33:20; John 1:18.
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
You appear to be quoting lots of Watchtower material. I prefer the bible. What does the bible say about making MILLIONS of books? The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd. 12But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body. Eccl 12:11,12
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Do you therefore disagree with Jesus himself who said that everyone would SEE him? Matthew 26:64; “Jesus said to him: “You yourself said [it]. Yet I say to YOU men, from henceforth YOU will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
“Behold I have told you in advance. So if they say to you, ‘Behold He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:27 The first part of that verse says "wilderness" (out of view) and "inner rooms" (also out of view, invisible) Jesus said DO NOT BELIEVE people who say that! WHY? Because his coming will be like LIGHTENING. Is lightening invisible?
@josephtucker9612 4 года назад
@@WitnessForJesus I would have answered sooner but you did not prefix my name. Matthew 26:64; “Jesus said to him: “You yourself said [it]. Yet I say to YOU men, from henceforth YOU will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” the Son of man . . . coming on the clouds of heaven: Jesus here alludes to the Messianic prophecy at Da 7:13, 14, affirming that he would be the one who would gain access to God’s presence and be given rulership in heaven. right hand of power: To be on a ruler’s right hand meant being second in importance to the ruler himself. (Ps 110:1; Ac 7:55, 56) The Greek word for “power” in this context may be understood to refer to God himself, and it could be rendered “the Power” or “the Powerful One.” The Greek expression for “right hand of power” also occurs in the parallel account at Lu 22:69, but with the addition of the word for “God.” It is rendered “the powerful right hand of God.” The phrase “right hand of power” may also imply that Jesus would be infused with power, or authority, because of being at the right hand of the Powerful One, God. The bible states no man has seen God at any time. So in what sense will they see the Son of man sitting at God's right hand? The kingdom is in heaven: Matthew 3:2 (NIV) and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” See also Mt 4:17, Mt 5:3, Mt 5:10, Mt 5:19-20, ... In Matthew 24:3 Jesus' disciples asked him what will be the sign of his presence [pa·rou·siʹai] and of the conclusion of the system of things. In most bibles the word presence [pa·rou·siʹai] is mistranslated as coming. In Philippians 2:12 Paul speaks of the Philippian Christians as obeying “not during my presence [pa·rou·siʹai] only, but now much more readily during my absence. 2 Corinthians 10:10, 11 says after referring to those who said that “his letters are weighty and forceful, but his presence [pa·rou·siʹa] in person is weak and his speech contemptible,” Paul adds, “Let such a man take this into account, that what we are in our word by letters when absent [a·ponʹtes], such we shall also be in action when present [pa·ronʹtes].” Jesus' disciples asked him for a SIGN of his presence. If Jesus was going to be riding in on a cloud why would a sign be needed to know when he was present? Jesus did not say you will see him riding in on a cloud but said “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom”. The sign was a time of trouble for the earth. World War. Matthew 24:23-27 23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned you. 26 Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the presence of the Son of man will be. If Jesus was going to setup his kingdom on the earth as some in Christendom teaches then he would have to be somewhere. Why wouldn't he be in the wilderness or some inner room somewhere? Or here or there? Jesus said his presence would be like lightning that comes out of the east and shines over to the west. A global presence. Verses 37-39 37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. In Noah's day (just as during the presence of the Son of man) everything proceeded as normal until destruction. Verse 14 14 And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. During Jesus invisible presence the good news of the established kingdom in heaven will be preached in all the earth. Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones fulfilling this prophecy. Rev 6:2-4 is a parallel prophecy. Jesus is on a white horse and following him was a fiery-colored horse and it was granted to the one seated on it to take peace away from the earth. When Jesus sets up the kingdom in heaven Satan is thrown down to the earth. This is why the sign of Jesus presence in kingdom power is marked by troubles for the earth. Rev 12:7-12 7 And war broke out in heaven: Miʹcha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. 10 I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! 11 And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death. 12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time. Matthew 24:30 says: 30 Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. The previous verse (29) says “Immediately after the tribulation of those days”, This is when ALL will see the SIGN of the Son of man appearing in heaven. Again the word “SIGN” is used. What is indicated by “clouds”? Invisibility. Every eye will see him by discerning from events on earth that he is invisibly present. Following Christ’s return (Matthew 24:3), some persons show faith; they recognize the sign of his presence. Others reject the evidence, but when Christ goes into action as God’s executioner of the wicked (Matthew 24:30), even they will discern from the manifestation of his power that the destruction is not from men but from heaven. They will know what is happening because they were warned in advance. Because of what is overtaking them, they will “beat themselves in grief.” The understanding of the 24th chapter of Matthew is in perfect harmony with other scriptures. When Jesus was lifted up and a cloud caught him up from their sight, they continued looking on. They could not see Jesus but they knew he was hidden from their sight. This is when 2 men dressed in white garments said he would come in the same manner. 1914 is a modern day fulfillment of bible prophecy. Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones that recognize it.
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
I do know a lot about GOD... Jesus said " and I quote... Joh 6: 45 As it is written in the Scriptures, 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you see they will be taught by the FATHER.... Everyone WHO listens to the FATHER Comes to me..... Do you get this ,,,or are you one of them who climbs through the window.... (LOL)JOHN 10:1Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So your a robber? YOU steal something that doesn't belong to YOU.. Can you proof who is YOUR Jesus,.... I know can.. Dare or shut up! LIFE
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
I have asked you in another comment to be respectful in the way you address me. You have said you are a JW in another comment, therefore please consider what kind of "witness" you are giving here. Regarding the matter you raised, about people learning from the Father. Of course we learn from the Father. And Jesus said "if you have seen me you have seen the Father" - Jesus was 100% in harmony with the Father and every word he spoke was in agreement with the Father. John 14:9, John 10:30. Moreover, it's ironic that you quote the scripture about going in through the gate. The GATE is Jesus! John 10:9 Jesus tells us that we must go through him and we will be saved! Do you go through the gate (Jesus) or do you go direct to the Father? you seem to be saying that we must learn from the Father directly, but Jesus said to go through him! John 14:6 Jesus said to him "I am the way and the truth and the life, NOONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". JESUS is the TRUTH (not your religion). We are drawn to Jesus, the Father brings us to come through Jesus John 6:44. And we are to honour the Son JUST AS we honour the Father! Do you give the same honour to the Son as you do to the Father? John 5:23 "so that all may honour the Son just as they honour the Father. Whoever does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him".
@mariemcguire6504 7 лет назад
Witness For Jesus yes, those that accept Jesus accepts the father and vice versa. I can think where the scripture is but I think the other person has brought it out but forgot to mention the Jesus bit !! X
@fayelewis5476 7 лет назад
John 5:23
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
I see that YOU go against JESUS own WORDS... Luke 4:8 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'",.... So who did JESUS said for us to worship? So you go against the WORDS of JESUS and then you say "JESUS is the TRUTH (not your religion). Maybe YOU need to be looking in the mirror! LIFE
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
So don't be so quick ... To lay something down for you to trample on!!!(LOL) LIFE
@ianthurlby2788 7 лет назад
oh jesus said the world wont see him anymore to.
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
The passage you refer to in John 14 - contextually Jesus is comforting his disciples. He is telling them he must go away and he promises them that he will send the Holy Spirit, who he says the world will not see or know. So in this verse, he is telling them he is going away (after his ascension) and yet he will be with them, through his Spirit. Did you ever wonder why the bible often calls the holy spirit the Spirit of Christ? or "Jesus Spirit"? Romans 8:9, 1 Peter 1:1, Galatians 4:6. Other verses make it clear that when Jesus returns to judge, he will be visible to all. Rev 1:7.
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Witness for Jesus said "The passage you refer to in John 14 - contextually Jesus is comforting his disciples. He is telling them he must go away and he promises them that he will send the Holy Spirit, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is JOHN 14 .. Jesus said "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever- 17 the Spirit of truth. He will asked the FATHER,,, and he will give you.. So Jesus really needed to ask.. RIGHT.. So how can YOU speak for Jesus and say """"He will send the holy spirit when n fact ,,, Jesus said he will ask the FATHER? NOW YOU NEED to give a response to your twisted lie...LIFE
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Hi Debra, First of all, I would like to point out that your manner is extremely rude. If you wish to have a discussion please show respect towards me, a fellow human being. You stated in another comment that you are a Jehovah's Witness, what witness are you giving by being so rude? Regarding the bible points you raised. I will point out the following. Firstly, Jesus lowered himself to come to the earth and as a human being, he was under the Mosaic Law (Exodus 20:2-17). That law required that all glory goes to God. If Jesus did not give glory to his Father, he would have been in sin. We know he could not sin because he needed to be a perfect spotless sacrifice (1 Peter 1:19). The law also required other things such as prayer, so if Jesus had not prayed he would be in sin. With this knowledge we can understand many of the things Jesus did and said. Moreover, there is a relationship between God our Father and his Son which is reflected in the relationship of man and woman in marriage. The man has greater authority spiritually speaking. Yet man and woman are equal and of the same nature (both human). Now to address what you called a "twisted lie". The bible does teach us that JESUS will send the Holy Spirit and also that God will send the Holy Spirit. Therefore knowing this, it was easy for me to say Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit. Here are the bible verses (I will use the NWT) "Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the helper+ will not come to you; but if I do go, I will send him to you." John 16:7
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Spellbound -- I worship the FATHER just like JESUS said in john 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the """true worshipers """will worship the """Father """in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.... See its cleat . IF you want to go against JESUS words .. it's going to be up to you.... I will only worship the FATHER according to JESUS identifying who the true worshippers are,.... LIFE
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Spellbound--- So you can add all the scriptures you want.. I know the FATHER is please with me.. I have a relationship with him just like JESUS did... So you couldn't even comprehend what I am delivering to you right now!! :LIFE
@ianthurlby2788 7 лет назад
wow how could everyone see him if l am in UK,an Jesus comes visiable in USA.how can l see him dont make sense unless l got special EYES.
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Are you suggesting that Jesus cannot make himself seen to the entire world all at once? Are you putting restrictions upon what God can do?! Even humans can project an image around the world at the same time. My faith means that I believe that with God, nothing is impossible. Matthew 19:26
@ianthurlby2788 7 лет назад
Witness For Jesus so jesus is go to use the internet then but whot if the internet is down how can he send a image if there is no tv..
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
LOL!! You didn't just say that surely! ha ha ha honestly that is funny. I didn't say he'd use the internet. But thanks for the laugh.
@estherpeterson7164 6 лет назад
I asked the elders what he been doing? Sleeping, playing tennis or just catching up with what happened since he came back to earth 😁😁😁😁
@user-lq8xl1fz9l 6 лет назад
Mis interpretation NWT - Yesus = a creation . NASB-Col 1:15 first born of all creation(not means Yesus = a creation ) .. Col 1: 16 - 17 to explain first born of all creation ( in Yesus all creations began/ will be created in Yesus/Word so if no word ;no creation & if yesus/Word just a creation ; when word not yet exist so created by what?) Psalms 33: 6/9 - creation by Word only. Same meaningJohn 1:1-3 and Rev 3:14 - Yesus = beginning of the creation of God ; not the first creation by God. If a creation ; Yesus will be called "the 2nd exist" ; not "the1st exist" or not match with john 1:1-3; Col 1:15-17.
@TheBighappy4u 5 лет назад
He’s invisible because he will only grant everlasting light to the true believers who are close with god! If you see him how of course you would praise him and his father. That’s why we don’t see him now.
@TimKollat 5 лет назад
Where does the bible or Christ ever say he would return invisibly so that no one could see him? Jesus in fact said that people would be saying these things and called them false prophets at Matt 24:20-24. He said that he is going to return and there is only ONE second coming and EVERY single eye will see him.
@howardstern9129 7 лет назад
A JW told me Armageddon will be in 2091
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
@coachwork 7 лет назад
Howard Stern This is a joke. Google Howard Stern.
@howardstern9129 7 лет назад
Candy Irish No it's not....He and his Kingdom Hall have predicted a boatload of things that have happened and that will happen in the near future. JW are very smart and articulate god fearing people.
@richardschiller7803 5 лет назад
1914 is not a fallacy. Add the years up, the year 2370bc is the Flood year 1656am. Every 480 years are 487 of 360-day thus the year 1913-1914 is year 6000 before 1975 arrives as Julian year 6000. Further, more proof is that Daniel says the city is rebuilt in 7 weeks. A week of Jubilees is 350 years and 7 weeks is 2450 years so that 537bc foundation counts to 1914, as does all dates to Artaxerxes year 32 count either 94 years (to 2008/2009 according to WT or 104 years (to 2108/2019) according to secular claims. The difference according to Olaf Jonnson is Egyptian 365-day and Jewish lunar or 9 years earlier as Persian 365-day and Babylonian lunar. The Armageddon does not have to come just because all Bible ends with year 32. Clearly it did not come in 2009, but more evidence does indicate 2019. When you all die then you will see why this sudden animosity has risen so rapidly. Think about it this way; Ham must have been a sex pervert out of his mouth for his son Canaan to have abused drunk Noah. (100AD midrash found online that says Ham told Canaan that was grandpa's fishing pole so Canaan tied a string around it. Shem and Japheth never untied the string, so of course Noah found out and wanted to know who put the string on his dick. The story is to explain why all nations want the land of Canaan; aka promised by Noah means promised by God.) Yet Ham was on the ark and survived the Armageddon Flood. The curse of Ham came after surviving. But all you people curse the other 7 people of the ark for letting Ham onto the ark, as you do not cursing any pedophile that gets on the ark to live thru Armageddon. How does your smashing all 8 people of the ark for the one pedophile result in ANYONE then surviving Armageddon Flood then (2370bc) or Flood now (2019AD)? Please prove how it would save the world if you destroy ALL options with what you claim is YOUR love for OTHERS!
@ericbulman1752 4 месяца назад
7 weeks is not 2520 years . Don't let yourself be deceived by the watchtower and the governing body . There are only 2 scriptures that mention a year for a day and both were for a period of 40 years and the Bible says nothing about using a year for a day to another scriptures . You can't pick and choose what ever scriptures you want and apply year for a day. You can't use the 7 times in Daniel 2 different ways .
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Witness for Jesus said "The passage you refer to in John 14 - contextually Jesus is comforting his disciples. He is telling them he must go away and he promises them that he will send the Holy Spirit, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is JOHN 14 .. Jesus said "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever- 17 the Spirit of truth.He will asked the FATHER,,, and he will give you.. So Jesus really needed to ask.. RIGHT.. So how can YOU speak for Jesus and say """"He will send the holy spirit when n fact ,,, Jesus said he will ask the FATHER? NOW YOU NEED to give a response to your twisted lie...LIFE
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Hi Debra, First of all, I would like to point out that your manner is extremely rude. If you wish to have a discussion please show respect towards me, a fellow human being. You stated in another comment that you are a Jehovah's Witness, what witness are you giving by being so rude? Regarding the bible points you raised. I will point out the following. Firstly, Jesus lowered himself to come to the earth and as a human being, he was under the Mosaic Law (Exodus 20:2-17). That law required that all glory goes to God. If Jesus did not give glory to his Father, he would have been in sin. We know he could not sin because he needed to be a perfect spotless sacrifice (1 Peter 1:19). The law also required other things such as prayer, so if Jesus had not prayed he would be in sin. With this knowledge we can understand many of the things Jesus did and said. Moreover, there is a relationship between God our Father and his Son which is reflected in the relationship of man and woman in marriage. The man has greater authority spiritually speaking. Yet man and woman are equal and of the same nature (both human). Now to address what you called a "twisted lie". The bible does teach us that JESUS will send the Holy Spirit and also that God will send the Holy Spirit. Therefore knowing this, it was easy for me to say Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit. Here are the bible verses (I will use the NWT) "Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the helper+ will not come to you; but if I do go, I will send him to you." John 16:7
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Le " stop" adding into the equations. That isn't what Jesus said ... The Father is the one who gives holy spirit ... whom the Father will send in my name...John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever-- Acts 1:4 And when they were gathered together, He commanded them: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift the Father promised, which you have heard Me discuss. Luke 24:49 And behold, I am sending the promise of My Father upon you. But remain in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high John 1:33 I myself did not know Him, but the One who sent me to baptize with water told me, 'The man on whom you see the Spirit descend and rest is He who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. Seek truth .... Life
@massagetherapyforinjuriesf8197 2 года назад
@@debraannmartinez7157 my sister we are blessed by Hod and Jesus… thank you for this awesome explanation about the Gods spirit and Jesus spirit ..I was slave to the lies of WT since I was born 50 years.. stick to Jehovah and Jesus the time is coming pretty soon now.. 💗
@debraannmartinez7157 2 года назад
@@massagetherapyforinjuriesf8197 AMEN. No one can go against what God WORD. If Jesus is the WORD of God why are they going against JESUS? LOL. That is why JESUS said IT IS WTRITTEN! Isn't Jehovah awesome. I give all my praise to God like JESUS did no matter who says what . If I glorify the Father , also the Son of God receives honor and respect because he gave his life destroy the acts of the devil!
@debraannmartinez7157 2 года назад
@@WitnessForJesus What does Mark 14:36 says ' "Abba, Father," He said, "all things are possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will-- Jesus testifies about his Father "and says "all things are possible for You. Look, You are not a servant of GOD so don't speak! LIFE
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
You need a bible study! LIFE
@WitnessForJesus 7 лет назад
Debra Tefs - what things do you disagree with? Are you willing to enlighten me?
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
Yes... I would love to.. the Word of GOD is a LIGHT to my path... Prove something ... Then I will deliver. YOU wont be the first to get enough of me then RUN... So witness for Jesus and I will Show you the real Jesus..... IN THE BIBLE!! LIFE
@debraannmartinez7157 7 лет назад
But don't speak of the WT that has nothing to with me even though I am one... I am a servant of GOD and only that... ... LIFE
@spellbound111 7 лет назад
Debra Tefs. How can you be a servant of God when you speak with such hatred and venom?
@coachwork 7 лет назад
Every mention here of the Comforter shows He is loving, comforting and real, not just an "it," as Watchtower religion states. As for the haughty person bragging that you have knowledge of God: being a Christ worshipper as the disciples were and all orthodox Christians seeking to emulate Him and be His hands and feet to the world since His triumphant ascension do, THIS IS A HEART THING. You can have all the knowledge possible from years of reading Watchtower religion's literature. But the moment you pray to Christ to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and make you a new creature IN HIM, He (Christ's Spirit/God's Spirit) will enlighten you. At that moment, you will need to stop identifying as one of [them] and want to be my sister IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD. You will find joy filling your soul and compassion for fellow man. You will understand why I visit prisoners and welcomed a dying veteran into my home. Then you will daily pray, "More of you, Lord and less of me." This is what Paul means when He says you must humble yourself and die to self and put on Christ. You will never lack knowledge again, because as you fill yourself with an actual translation of sola scriptura (sadly, Watchtower religion's "Bible" is not, as, for one thing, NONE of the Gov. Body has ever had knowledge of Koine Greek) and pray to Creator to give you His words and His servant leader manner, you can begin to share what a transition Christ is making in your life. He will give you His words, which are not Watchtower religion's words. There are myriad extra-Biblical writers from the time of Christ whose writings we have that tell us over and over how His disciples worshipped Him. The spirit of arguing and putting orthodox Christ followers down is not from our Lord and Master. Rebuke Satan. He is not Spirit brother to My Lord and My God. Will you join us right now?
@martinboudville8830 3 года назад
The only ones that didn't go to war and kill are JEHOVAH'S witness.Jesus said by their fruits you will know my disciples.I come from a Muslim country and they are the only ones I listen to.
@fayelewis5476 3 года назад
Mennonite and Amish do not go to war. Muslim's don't kill? The relevant reference is in Chapter 9 Verse 5 which states: “And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. - Quran 2:190 Permission to take up arms is hereby given to those who are attacked because they have been oppressed - Allah indeed has the power to grant them victory - those who have been unjustly driven from their homes, only because they said: "Our Lord is Allah". - Quran 22:39-40
@timd3895 2 года назад
You should be listening to the Bible not to man. There are lots of Christian groups who don't take up arms ever. One example is Russian Protestant Christians. In Russian there is only one word for kill and no word for murder so they understand the command as "do not kill" period but in English it's understood as "do not murder" which is unjust killing. So who are you going to listen to now. You have multiple groups that never take up arms with opposite theology. Let me guess you're going to listen to the ones that deny the deity of Christ because that's all you really cared about all along.
@Puta692 Год назад
You listen to their false teaching?
@ericbulman1752 8 месяцев назад
You are being deceived by the governing body who have proven themselves to be false teachers , false prophets and liars
@misterauctor7353 3 месяца назад
Are you sure?
@MrFunNightcore Год назад
After Jesus become Kung of Heaven and all the host of heaven/Angel and the Authority of heaven he can Judge the people on the end days In the authority in earth he has control to earth land , wind , water include outside the earth/Space The 1900 years is earthly years but in heaven it's just hours or days the time of heaven is different to earth The Armageddon will happen when Israel build the third temple
@nestorlozada8441 Год назад
@homepreachhome 11 месяцев назад
Zionist 1947/48 Rothschild created fake Israel and their temple plans have nothing to do with the Bible or Prophecy, they are not even real Jews.
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