
Katrin Davidsdottir and the Liver King are no Different 

Andrew Hiller
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Hold on to your seats.
Both of these individuals have 1.7 million followers on Instagram.
One of these two IS healthy and well.
The other.... promotes health and wellness.
All of use know who they are, and why is that?
Becasue they know how to play the game.
As the saying goes.... don't hater the player, right?
Katrin Davidsdottir and the Liver King are no Different
-Coach Andrew



29 сен 2024




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@mixedbeatz16 Год назад
I think it boils down to a similar thing as the Chris Hemsworth fitness app. Deceptive marketing is unethical. I don't feel bad for this guy. His whole marketing plan is based on selling the idea that if you workout hard, follow his "tenets" you too can look like him. He will get no sympathy from me. Especially when there's a whole generation of young men looking at him as the ideal body goal.
@hillerfit Год назад
I like the Hemsworth comparison! I guess to push back a bit I would ask what people like Chris do to actually push health and wellness? Becasue when we look at the Liver King there is a lot of good that comes under the hood (the car is gassed the hell up).
@DJRS2178 Год назад
he's not looking for your sympathy, just your attention, he has it. he won by saying he wasnt taking steroids and he wins now by being "exposed" to taking steroids.
@KalispellBarbell Год назад
@@hillerfit because he has gone on record and said he has not done these drugs and says his lifestyle is 100% why he is the way he is.
@MRBarton369 Год назад
Pretty much this.
@mixedbeatz16 Год назад
@@hillerfit I would retort, at the very least, Hemsworth doesn't claim natty. And provides a product that honestly can help people get fit. The whole premise behind the liver king's brand is that he is in fact natural. That 20 years of hardwork and dedication, he is "peak human form". Which is not true, most body builders cannot even afford the amount of juice this cat is on. I think more harm than good is done here. He's spewing misinformation that this carnivore diet does not have cholesterol risks, that his working out 2 times 6 days a week is not maintainable for the average person, let alone, healthy long term. Other things, like peddling over priced supplements and protein powder for profit. All the while young, impressionable boys are looking at his body and thinking this is what they need to look like to be a "man". He does more harm than good.
@dannyb2005 Год назад
Wait. Pause at 7:45 - Under the "non bodybuilding related foods" he notes that his wife makes a colostrum ice cream. Isn't colostrum breast milk? Did we just gloss over that his wife makes breast milk ice cream?
@hillerfit Год назад
Holy shit..... hahahaha I totally did
@chickytendy5513 Год назад
Human women are not the only creatures that produce colostrum. Technically it’s the milk that’s produced in the first days after baby it born that’s more nutrient dense and more full of antibodies than traditional milk produced by mammals.
@williambirksiii9455 Год назад
All animal milk is breast milk and all lactating animals produce colostrum. Colostrum isn't exclusive to human women.
@jannisarie Год назад
The problem with the liver king is he tells everyone he is natty and he tells teenagers you can get like that naturally. You just need to keep following his 9 tenants for 30 years. I saw a pic of him from 2018. His wife was bigger than him.
If he came out from the start like a rich piana type character they would still be attacking him for encouraging kids to take peds!
@jannisarie Год назад
@@namelessfacelessyoutuber6017 I don't know.. there are loads of people on steroids talking about it. Liver King makes 100 mill a year selling supplements to people who believe his natty status. He could have told people he spend 15k a month on drugs and it would have been unattainable.
@jannisarie Год назад
@@namelessfacelessyoutuber6017 I get what you are saying but no teens have 15k a month. Loads of them are buying his supplements.
@@jannisarie It don't cost 15 k to get on your first cycle and you can recreate his cycle by buying the black market equivalents for far less ! he was buying name brand and he didn't start off with that dose ! Those other people talking about cycles have gotten their channels and accounts shut down and suspended left and right ! Look at Derek and Greg now compared to what they used to be and all they admit to is taking trt even though people think they still are taking much more especially Greg and they be exaggerating the effectiveness of turkesterone !
@jannisarie Год назад
@@namelessfacelessyoutuber6017 I understand mate. I dont have any problem with his stack or other people taking what they want. Zero issues with it. If you are selling supplements and making 100mil a year based on lies though its an issue. The dude has said so many times he is natty and made multiple videos about it. Yeah I have seen the videos of Greg advertising Turkestrone but he isn't saying that it is what made him huge. He has run through all the different sarms and what they were like. Multiple steroid videos to go with them. Greg isn't saying that Turkestrone made him huge.
@ErikDoesStuff1711 Год назад
Sorry Andrew, I may get pelters for this but I can’t agree. It’s not the message that’s the factor here - it’s the lies. The denial. And the selling of an image and lifestyle which he suggests is achievable without the assload of steroids. Cutting him slack here on the basis of his mission statement or on his good intentions would be a bit like saying that if it turned out that after all the speculation and rumours that you’ve covered so well around the heart rate monitoring of the latest whoop were in fact totally true and their numbers were totally inaccurate, that it then doesn’t matter because whoop have got people moving and got people monitoring their sleep and listening to their body etc. We all knew he was on gear. Much like we all know the latest whoop doesn’t work. However valid the mission statement - the confirmation that it’s based on lies is what matters. And, making money or whatever other kind of personal gain based on lies and other peoples willingness to believe them to be truth is not ok. There’s already far too much of this in the CrossFit and fitness space in general. Let’s not normalise it or make excuses for it please.
@katefoster9743 Год назад
Love your point on the Whoop considering Andrew shits on it so much.
@santiagoferrari1973 Год назад
100%. He sells BS. Because even though what he sells it will help, the expected result is faked
@jeremytiedgen8647 Год назад
This! You destroy the message if you claim to be living the message, but in fact, are not. He's completely undermined the legitimacy of the 9 Tenets.
@hillerfit Год назад
Wellllll to b ecompletely fair I think that I do a bit of saying that. I say the buttery bros commuity is cool for the fact that it may push them. But I do see the comparison and it is a very fair statement
@hillerfit Год назад
@@katefoster9743 Kate idk what you mean. I love the whoop......
@thatguyforsure7819 Год назад
Kat and LiverKing are different, Bro. The LiverKing's juice is all based on a lie. Its as if he said I'll show everyone how a build the best house in the world for free with materials that comes from the forest. Then LK shows you the materials he used, how he assembled them, how to overcome the issues he encountered, but at the end, you find out someone gave him $10M worth of store bought materials and that's how he built it for free, technically. Would you be mad that he said you could build the same beautiful house for free or would you say to yourself, okay, I just need to get $10M?
@ZenWaveCinema Год назад
He has a great message. And no good reason to lie to his followers and consumers. He chose to lie about steroids for personal gain. I think people are just tired of being lied to. It's not just about Liver King. No hate here. But, imo, he's just another (hard working) charlatan. The world is a circus sideshow at this point. He just wants to pitch his tent.
@hillerfit Год назад
But would we know about him otherwise?
@mickfrombrisbane1733 Год назад
"charlatan" - great application of the word. Presenting himself deceptively to the public with the objective of gouging from their pockets.
@tefyescudero4395 Год назад
We need to start following people for the message and science behind them, not their looks.
@TheSevanPodcast Год назад
People are not being tired of being lied too. And the point is that he stands for something which is better than the people that stand for nothing.
@danielsparks1848 Год назад
@@TheSevanPodcast What are you talking about? He is a total fraud.
@BlackElon1 Год назад
Liver King sounded desperate AF in those emails... what a clown... the dudes a Salesman through and through
@hillerfit Год назад
Which is why I have sympathy for him.
@BlackElon1 Год назад
@@hillerfit the guys rich... he doesn't need our sympathy... he needs to fix his broken soul... but he's too Egotistical to even think like that
@BlackElon1 Год назад
Hilarious reading the excuses Liver King Stans will use for that clown
@Slater417 Год назад
Natty or Not - Noah Olsen
@chumbanga Год назад
I think the issue is there’s a slippery slope. When he starts to play like he’s never done drugs and saying it’s beneath him it’s a form of narcissism. He’s saying do what I do and be a super human like me. We are saying it’s okay to be a liar and manipulate people as long as you have a good message. I’m big on integrity so for me personally I think it’s unfortunate.
@ChetLeeKowalski Год назад
Here’s the thing. He’s misrepresented his entire ethos. That there is the issue. Mission statements are always fun to look at. I remember when red bull got sued bc someone didn’t get wings haha
@hillerfit Год назад
Haha to be fair I think that was a slogan. But I get it
@ChetLeeKowalski Год назад
@@hillerfit yup and someone still sued them
@prideofalion Год назад
My female comparison to the Liver King, is Stefi Cohen. She is genetically gifted, yes. But it's so blatantly obvious she's enhanced. But not only does she deny it and pretend like her physique is totally natural, but if you even comment on any of her posts about it, your comment gets deleted and you get blocked. She is doing exactly what LK did. But she's an attractive female so all the simps let it go. She needs to be outed just as he was
@Superfitcouple Год назад
Dude watch your video and tell us what the hell is going on with the eyebrows that move 8 inches in either direction constantly.
@katefoster9743 Год назад
I can’t believe that you are rationalising his behaviour. Boy as a society we have gone backwards so far. Anyone defending his out and out lies drop a notch in the respect stakes for me.
@hillerfit Год назад
To my knoweldge the only person that I know of with a following that large who is clean as a whistle is Mr. Beast. Everyone else has some sort of play. Not saying it is bad. Just offering perspective I guess
@pogo55555 Месяц назад
@@hillerfit HA! Mr. Beast is in big trouble. Maybe you can talk about how great he is and how you feel sorry for him.
@themoreyouknow4183 Год назад
Did he screw anybody? In my opinion ye. He set unrealistic expectations for young body builders "who don't know". Which could lead them to steroid use because they conclude they have bad genetics.
@DefferJohn Год назад
Hey Andrew Hitler. I love your channel! 😃🙏
@ukaserex Год назад
The only way I feel bad for the Liver King is that he doesn't appreciate what he has. Dude was fit before the TRT. And the lying about it - comes off as being done to promote his brand, which lines his pocket. He needs to just put a shirt on and recognize he's human and doesn't need to look like the Hulk every day. And to just be open about the TRT. Nobody cares when you admit it. Not like he's competing in any athletic events.
@santiagoferrari1973 Год назад
before? how do you know when he started? he might be on peds since forever
@swimstart1 Год назад
I hated the Katrin and Tia and many others did that shit
@amorfati4927 Год назад
Gotta virtue signal… It’s massive currency
@hillerfit Год назад
Very annoying. They shouldn't have competed. I'm unsure, did Tia as well?
@swimstart1 Год назад
@@hillerfit tis didn’t say she wasn’t going to train but complained about the issue when I’m her position it wasn’t needed especially when I feel it was not what was said
@khubble8265 Год назад
Good or bad message, I can’t handle a hypocrite. For me it’s the worst. If your message is good and really changes lives for the better, then that all you need. All he’s showing people is that the ancestral tenants are not really enough. Actions always do the talking.
@chrisdawson9312 Год назад
I get that he wanted to get his 9 ancestral tenants out there, but those are very basic fitness things that people already know, like we all know sleep is important. And guys like James smith, Layne Norton, and Peter Attia, didn’t need to take steroids to get their message out about their principles, so the blatant lying is a problem, that’s assuming he didn’t want this to get leaked like you alluded to
@santiagoferrari1973 Год назад
thats how he sells it, its a good message. Unfortunatly he lies to everyone.
@cahiroleary1629 Год назад
James Smith has taken steroids and has admitted this
@chrisdawson9312 Год назад
@@cahiroleary1629 he didn’t lie at least!
@benher6934 Год назад
Protein shake is not ancestral living.
@JoyceElFer Год назад
Giving Greg the credit for any Crossfit Athlete success is just not true. They are famous for being good at their sport, just like any other sport. Their hard work got them their.
@CraftLulz Год назад
Fake nattys, all of them
@alexgalant2922 Год назад
Even when I don't agree with you, I usually appreciate the perspective you bring to an isssue. This wasn't the case with this video. The Liver King is a liar, a manipulator, and a purveyor of false and even dangerous information. To compare this to Katrin Davidsdottir criticism of Sid Glassman is bizarre. You said the only reason she had the kind of impact she did is because she's a two time games winner. SO WHAT. Colin Kaepernick was effective because he was a starting NFL quarterback who'd played in the Super Bowl. Mohammed Ali brought more eyes on the war in VietNam by refusing to be drafted becquse he was the heavyweight champion. Greg Glassman's comments got so much play because he was the head of crossfit, not some old guy in a bar. Katrin took a courageous position- risking being blackballed by CrossFit to take a stand. If you admire Gregg, regardless of his racist comment, great. But, it is unfair, and beneath the person I thought you were, to criticize Katrin as being the shame as a liar and charlatan. You should watch the Sika Strength video "Liver King Apologizes....Not Really.
@323johnnybravo Год назад
The Liver King should have just gotten into CrossFit and literally nobody ever would have questioned his drug use. It’s just hard work bro, he’s genetically gifted, he’s the male Dani Speegle.
@hillerfit Год назад
Good god this is good.
@323johnnybravo Год назад
@@sothis1448 Come on dude, the female athletes have 5oclock shadow, squared off jaws , full on turtle shell stomachs, shredded to the bone And squat 400lbs.
@pogo55555 Месяц назад
OMG. Stop it. Just stop. I can't watch this anymore. Defending a thieving liar, you have a questionable place on the moral spectrum, sir.
@joshgolo Год назад
I agree, I think the "leak" is to perfect
@hillerfit Год назад
Glad I'm not the only one
@joshgolo Год назад
@@hillerfit Did you see the confession, sounds to me like hes lining up for a new business to capture people wanting TRT
@DanielSmith-ft8wj Год назад
liver king - the ultimate altruist. lol an ethos -- and supplement *sales* -- dependent on fraud. (cool story, tho, andrew.)
@pogo55555 Месяц назад
You also talk too fast and you create the effect of an extended rant. You totally support lying to people and you believe that LK did it for us. Not to make money. He did it for us. Your reasoning is off on so many points. Not worth going through each one. Don't have time.
@wyan79 Год назад
This is such a fucking stretch.
@hillerfit Год назад
Liver King isn't flexible
@tylerochs5253 Год назад
I actually commented on Annie’s post about Greg saying exactly the same thing you say around 17:10 and got blasted. Nice to know I’m not the only person with this view.
@hillerfit Год назад
We will be heard!
@stephenkowalski2448 Год назад
It's disgusting, these people mess up young peoples heads with unrealistic body images and expectations
@bonniemacmillan8821 Год назад
Maybe he should work on his sleep hygiene before trying to take some further help with his "extra fat", just sayin'.
@hillerfit Год назад
The GH will do that to ya
@battams1 Год назад
Another day another snake oil salesman
@thebarbellspin Год назад
@hillerfit Год назад
Hahaha you got it
@jerseyjustin26 Год назад
Can we get Tovar on the Sevan Podcast? Or is there bad blood there? No pun intended
@jeffgiardina9035 Год назад
Jesus Christ dude
@yttup Год назад
@hillerfit Год назад
Goddamn dude. But yes?
@TheSevanPodcast Год назад
She's been on 3 times since that original podcast
@jerseyjustin26 Год назад
RU-vid only shows the og episode from HQ
@jethrocardona9063 Год назад
I don't know who has the better message, but the notification alerts were funny af.
@hillerfit Год назад
@jethrocardona9063 Год назад
@@hillerfit The ones you got while recording w/ the music.
@liz9147 Год назад
It really doesn't matter what Tovar thinks about her interview. She cool? Good. As a listener it was skeevy as all get up. Stevan's questions were downright sexist, intrusive and way WAY out of line. I'm glad that Tovar was cool but man that was one shitty interview to listen to.
@torringtonstonekeeper Год назад
Money n greed
@Reppintimefitness Год назад
So many imaginary influencers Pinocchio 🤥
@polloduh Год назад
Has Kat confirmed, she's on gear
@mancerayder5751 Год назад
This video seems like aderall-fueled stream of consciousness nonsense.
@calvinstump3323 9 месяцев назад
Are you giving him a pass for cheating Mr no-rep?
@claydupuy7327 6 месяцев назад
Don’t care who KD is, irrelevant.
@suedenim6590 Год назад
*EVERY* internet fitness guy - "Calling out the liver kings steroid use whilst using them himself" 🤣👍
@marvistadutch Год назад
12 hours away at that time of year is Thailand >> VigorousSteve
@VanVeenTraining Год назад
People should start THINKING for themselves more and stop drooling over the stories that help them sleep better at night. Honesty starts with taking a hard look at and a hard talk with the person in the mirror.
@hillerfit Год назад
Critical thinking yes?
@mattpeters6224 Год назад
On the JP video you stated that you would lie for $250k, pretty low price to sell your integrity for. Liver king sells his soul for $100 million. Lesson, put your effort into listening to people that don't have a price. #TRUTH
@hillerfit Год назад
Woah woah. I didn't say I would peddle their products (I think), I said I would wear their shoes! Also, I do like their shirts and pants. The shoes do suck. Taking money to wear them wouldn't change the words I use to discribe them.
@mattpeters6224 Год назад
@@hillerfit I quote. “For me to say NoBull makes the best shoe ever it would cost like two hundred and fifty thousand dollars “. When you say as much as you do the occasional thing may be said that upon further reflection wasn’t such a good idea. Certainly understandable from someone like yourself. I think you are a good dude. Wanted to point out what I observed that seemed out of character.
@frannelk Год назад
Your vid is very good 👏👏👏👏, I can respectfully suggest you to avoid introducing those loud noises, I believe that you don't need them, you are a well spoken guy and the rest of your edition is very good too, no need to overload, cheers.
@hillerfit Год назад
Okay thank you!!!
@MajorTyree Год назад
The end does not justify the means. This guy lied over and over about how eating liver could give you the physical image he has. The guy owns a supplement company so his only goal was to sell supplements. According to your logic if I kill someone take their money and give it to charity it's cool. The guy did deceitful things to line his pockets. Disgusting.
@gregrcurry Год назад
Couple things…. 1. He never says “do this and take this and you’ll look like me.” Never. Not once. He never references his own physical appearance. 2. If anyone thought taking his vitamins and protein powder were going to make them look like him then they are an idiot. Absolute idiot and there’s not helping them. Literally almost every single athlete and fitness influencer is on or has taken PEDs. So do all the action role movie stars like hemsworth and the rock…. That’s just part of the game. This is just the new thing for people to have recreational outrage about 🤷‍♂️
@MajorTyree Год назад
You do you homie. If you want to idolize a liar and thief that is your personal choice.
@gregrcurry Год назад
@@MajorTyree what a clown. I don’t eat liver, sleep on the floor or buy his sups 🤷‍♂️ I follow for entertainment and laughs. If you were dumb enough to think he was Natty or buy his sups that’s on you.
@TheSevanPodcast Год назад
@@gregrcurry bingo, so many idiots out there can't distinguish between the story they tell themselves and what was actually said. thank you
@MajorTyree Год назад
@@gregrcurry I now see why you love the Liver King. Both of you love the Neanderthal life. Liver King eats raw food and when someone tries to have an adult conversation about a topic you result to name calling and bullying tactics. I wish you well in life my Neanderthal loving friend.
@nicholasscott4301 Год назад
But he cheeeeaaaaateeeeed!!!
@IAMBDVX Год назад
The I AM OUT thing was hilarious. Bunch of smooth brains thinking they are making a point. Backfired deliciously
@CoachSteveWB Год назад
What exactly is your point here? That the Liver King's end justifies the means? Despite the fact he doesn't practice what he preaches and repeatedly denies the real path he took to getting house af in order to sell supplements to the common person? And Katrin is 'the same' because she took a stand against the undoubtedly racist and misogynistic CEO of the company that provided the platform for her original success? You made a name for yourself calling out bad reps and drug cheats, only to stay relevant by openly going on drugs and no longer needing reps as you can't compete again. Talk about that for a video.
@hillerfit Год назад
Sounds like we have a Katrin fan.
@CoachSteveWB Год назад
@@hillerfit not hugely, respect what she’s achieved though. I’m a Hiller fan for the most part, just don’t get where you’re going with stuff lately. The Hippensteel stuff was great, but this is just super left field
@ChetLeeKowalski Год назад
Mike “natty for life” o’hearn hahahahahaha
@hillerfit Год назад
The best of them all!
@ShinSuperSaiyajin Год назад
Those damn duck eggs are “natty” LOLOLOL
@ChubbyfitKing Год назад
Katrin is the worst. Had her run, now she's latched on to the B.B. and that pro hockey fella trying to hang on to whatever "fame" she has left.
@hillerfit Год назад
BB??? HWPO?? lol
@ChubbyfitKing Год назад
@@hillerfit lolol you get it.
@ZakUpdegraff Год назад
That was really well done 👍
@RR-hk3jj Год назад
Why don’t you own a CrossFit gym anymore?
@hillerfit Год назад
This is a video itself.
@IanDaviesRules Год назад
We in this community understand that doing all the things under the sun to be healthy the way he was doing is going to go much further than just adding GH to your normal, sedentary routine. I think adding in his 9 tenets to your life is good, but he's undermining his business, meaning his supplement companies, by his hormone use. He could have gotten 99% of his gains by walking around barefoot and eating liver, and gotten the last 1% from pharmacology. But we'll never actually know, because he's taking tons of GH and who knows what else now. He just turned his own product into snake oil by not being natural.
@hillerfit Год назад
We need someone to be a full on Liver King to see if it works. Maybe he can sponsor someone.
@darrenhilton9402 Год назад
@@hillerfit exactly!
@mannyc.serrano1295 Год назад
Great video Andrew!
@Lollonman1 Год назад
"He has a good message and he found the way to spread it to the world", yeah, or maybe he wanted to become rich and he has found the fastest way to do so "Say some basic shit about living healthy, start talking about eating raw liver and then start selling a raw liver look-a-like supplement". Then repeat with every other supplement by his company. I'm honestly done with this pletora of gurus trying to tell you how to live your life at its best, I would say everyone at this point knows they should be eating vegetables, walk outside, and other basic stuff you can find on any other fitness social account, the only difference here is how effective you are at selling your image and how much money can you make with marketing. That's it. There's no "he had good intentions", cause what he's doing here is selling the shortcut so you don't have to eat liver like him, and that's the mentality of 70-80% of people buying these kind of supplements online. Same goes for the rest of his messaging. Good messaging is effective and free when it comes to healthy lifestyle. You don't need my supplement or my book to eat better and walk more.
@Gg_strong81 Год назад
Best video yet!
@PinnitMoto Год назад
I do not see the relevance at all between the two. “No different”? Greg made a bad call, even Reebok pulled their sh*t. How do you compare the lies of Liver King to her as “no different”?
@I_am_fani_speegle Год назад
Oh phck … where is 🦇going with this one?
@hillerfit Год назад
Up up and away
@bobbeardsley3926 Год назад
EXCEPT - one lied about PED use in what looks to have been an attempt to increase his popularity and sell his products based on a fraudulent persona, and the other just showcased what hard work and committed dieting can do for the human body. So - actually pretty far apart on the scale of humans.
@mzmPACman Год назад
I think he genuinely got busted and was forced to make a public apology to save face. I do not think this whole ordeal was premeditated; he was simply careless in the beginning, rubbed some people the wrong way, and kept doubling down on his natty status. If he just would have evaded the question like any other celebrity people would care a lot less. But his decidedly non-natty appearance and boldface lying about PED is just too much for people especially when it contrasts so sharply with his message. He's in damage control mode now and who knows if the liver king persona will survive. What I think he'll do is make a disclaimer that everything he takes is "doctor-prescribed" and it helps him live his best life and you should talk to your doctor too before starting anything. And maybe he'll recover if he's honest with the public and finds some way to integrate that with his whole ancestral living message...but it will take some time for people to see him as something other than a charlatan.
@leonardstein5245 Год назад
A message can be good for you but if the message comes from a charlatan who has lied the entire time the message disappears into the background of the conversation just as his message is no longer the topic of conversation. Also what was the main goal and I'd disagree as to how much the personal gain was his main goal. Agree on the Katrin and others within the industry as well though, he did have a message that he is basically following, kind of, though I am fairly certain his message was follow these 9 principles and you can be in as good of shape as me, not true, not even close to true. You are right though, the problem isn't liver king, or Katrin or any other influencer, the problem is us. Why do you have to look like him or her in order to be listened to regarding health.....
@Rosalieburke Год назад
He shouldn’t have lied. but here is the thing: gen pop will believe if he WASNT on steroids that he would look 10million times different. He would look different, but looking at his lifestyle, it wouldn’t be 10 milxxxxx diff lol. he would still be yoked
@mikehuff9793 Год назад
I’ve followed him the whole time. I suspect that a lot of people followed for the same reasons I did…to see how long he could hold this grift up. Anyone my age who’s also worked out for decades already knew. We been waiting for this moment for a while
@chiseen Год назад
I think we are slowly being open to the use of steroids, and this is a good spot for the liver king since it shows the extent of what one can do esp at mid life. I wouldn't be surprised if he went with it and sold it (directly/indirectly)
@creatinecara Год назад
4:50 hiller's got all that roid rage now (this is a joke)
@Coachrupertwilson Год назад
Can you do a video on eating raw liver? Love ya videos
@JoanParker48 Год назад
Thank you for giving an honest opinion! Great job!
@StoryArtOnline Год назад
You and Sevan rock, love y'all's stuff! However - what's your take on him directly lying about not taking PEDs? How much do you weigh that in the large scheme of things? Curious to know! Where I grew up overseas honesty isn't as valued as something like loyalty, for instance (sounds kind of funny but it's true).
@Corinna-Mom Год назад
I never bought any of the liver kings products. But at the end of the day...he’s a LIAR. I would have rather seen what the 9 ancestral tenants actually did if he didn’t use PEDs. Now the world will never know. 😅
@hillerfit Год назад
This is a level take. True
@toddbryan959 Год назад
Nice thumbnail!
@tonyminutola9515 Год назад
Riod rage?
@mhill2468 Год назад
@15:40 lol
@vndk8363 Год назад
Speaking of Katrin. Her posts have become nothing but overly rehearsed videos and/or posed photos. Zero substance.
@hillerfit Год назад
She isn't the only one....
@ficklepickle6290 Год назад
He’s not exactly the boogeyman… He’s the guy you sent to train the boogeyman in elite fitness
@hillerfit Год назад
@blinehop927 Год назад
This is probably the best take I’ve heard yet. The Dude had a plan to get his message out and has actually helped people. The steroid thing doesn’t really matter. For me, it’s just hard to listen to a liar.
@IanDaviesRules Год назад
But he hasn't necessarily helped people achieve THEIR goals. If their goal is "look like liver king" but they're getting "marginally healthier on the inside", they're not getting what they're paying for from him. I think dabbling in his tenets is fine and good, but buying his supplements expecting a certain result is where the fraud lies.
@jakedragon8753 Год назад
Eating raw liver and stuff is a bit much and unhealthy.
@0009bambam Год назад
This is a really cool take. Most anyone who has been around a gym for a significant part of their life knows when somebody is using no matter what they actually admit (insert the Rock clip). That doesn't change the work it takes (which Liver King is obviously putting in). The blatant dishonesty about using does bother me though. I can say with certainty we all have our blind spots. There are things in my life where I'm not even truly being honest with myself. I think that's where people like Katrin may fall and it speaks to what you pointed out about her. Take the log out of your own eye, then you can see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
@ltd2757 Год назад
I felt bad for the guy too.. yeah he lied about it but still he’s just a regular dude with his own problems. Nobody’s perfect and he had his business before the lover king figure was a thing and it didn’t gain him very much more money by saying he’s natty. He should’ve just came out and said it. But still he’s just a regular guy that dug himself too deep.
@Expliz Год назад
Did you see the liver kings apology? Cringe
@richfroningsr4387 Год назад
Interesting and accurate commentary as always!!! Good Job!!
@hillerfit Год назад
Who has got the better message?
@Liftingandlandscaping Год назад
Walmart for sure
@hillerfit Год назад
@@Liftingandlandscaping Walmart vs Costco.
@DarkLordRevan Год назад
Hillerfit ;)
@DarkLordRevan Год назад
Patagonia and Walmart
@DarkLordRevan Год назад
You're the best keep it up! I fully agree with your messaging here.
@szubal Год назад
you are so good
@realDesertRat Год назад
The notifications were awesome XD
@hillerfit Год назад
@adamguerra3004 Год назад
I think the Liver King set the bait and MorePlates MoreDates took it.
@hillerfit Год назад
@katie7674 Год назад
I think Liver King calculated. He is a good businessman, and does not seem naïve, so he had to have known that he could not keep those e-mails secret if he was signing his name and using his company e-mail address. I do not like that he lied, but his methodology is great and I will still buy his products. Interesting comparison to Greg Glassman!
@wordsmith9360 Год назад
I really like your message about the liver king. He had a mission and he accomplished it. His intentions were good however he did it was somewhat questionable. He influenced people to do better less electronics, more bare foot, eat more organ meat instead of only the muscle meat. I for myself eat plantbased however I’m always open and eager to listen to people who do the opposite. Ofcourse I knew this man wasn’t natural but still his philosophy is something else. I liked the fact that he said from head to tale. I am from the Caribbean and we always ate like that. Eating the stomach, liver etc we used the whole animal not like the meat industry today how we throw the things away or process it to something that is unhealthy for the humanbody. All by all I think the liver king message should stay eventhough he has lied about his “nattyness”. Be healthy everyone and have a nice day.
@bradleyjackson8696 Год назад
Great take Hiller!
@hillerfit Год назад
@imperfectstillworthit Год назад
Wow, this is my favorite Video you have made so far - while everyone is giving him shit you first break down neatly what happened and then give a wholesome way to approach the matter - I'm actually thinking about following the liverking now - he just became a lot more approachable for me!
@hillerfit Год назад
DUDE. This has been the most cool comment to have read so far. THANK YOU
@crossfit4654 Год назад
Go buy those dick pills to from porn ads while you are at it. Its false marketing. Watch the first half of the expose video, it outlines exactly why the liver c u n t did wrong and why
@imperfectstillworthit Год назад
@@crossfit4654 I'm a woman - but thanks. I watched the whole one. Andrew makes a good point here. Marketing is fake almoast all of the time, and as said - If you belived him not beinh on anything with those veins, I can't help you bro. Peace and love
@TheSevanPodcast Год назад
@@crossfit4654 thats on you because of your expectations. You are blaming him because YOU feel betrayed. That's a personal issue you have because you are not whole, so you look outside yourself. The point is, which you can't see because of your expectations, is that the liver king stands for something and he did his best to share that message. It sounds like you would rather have people who are sell outs be your role models than people who try but fail.. what's that say about you?
@felixvelasquez3627 Год назад
Great video Hiller!
@hillerfit Год назад
@jamesdimarzio3181 Год назад
Killin it @hillerfit
@patricklang7162 Год назад
Great way to look at it all. Dammit you almost blew my car speakers out with that John Cena thing though hahah.
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