
Kokushibo Vs Animes 

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15 сен 2024




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@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
Esse vídeo é uma continuação desse vídeo: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-G0WM_sJilO0.html, vão lá por favor ❤️ Vou traduzir só as coisas que na minha opinião, são essenciais pra saber o que está rolando no vídeo. No começo: As pessoas estão subestimando o Kokushibo, mais hoje vou quebrar tudo e mostrar o seu real potencial. Vou provar o por que dele estar em tal lugar de comparação. Durabilidade: Centenas de vezes mais duro que o diamante, ser mais duro não significa que será mais frágil. Resistência: "Demônios nunca se cansam", eles podem lutar sem parar por centenas de anos antes que sua regeneração desacelere. Capacidade de destruição: Facilmente nível cidade pequena. Ataque + Defesa: Ele tem a Manipulação de sua espada, pode Manipular o que quiser dela, pode manipular a Afiação ao ponto de cortar tudo, além de ser capaz de criar espadas a vontade em seu corpo. Alcance: Consegue manipular o tamanho da espada, ou seja, deixá-la do tamanho que quiser. habilidade: Pode prever o futuro, não importa se o Eren não tem correntes sanguíneas, os titãs colossais tem, 16 formas da respiração da lua, Pré instantânea Regeneração e entre na outras... (Peguei especificamente no debate com o Eren) Capacidade de destruição/defesa do Eren: Milhares e milhares de titãs colossais. 80% da população mundial foi de F (Multi continental). Força: Gyomei podia mover uma pedra com mais do que o dobro de seu tamanho por uma cidade inteira com facilidade, sem a marca. A marca do caçador aumenta em 100× as capacidades físicas do usuário, Conforme afirma Tanjiro, ou seja, Gyomei poderia mover uma pedra de 5 metros de comprimento e 500 metros de altura, com facilidade, por uma cidade inteira. Os fãs dizem que a pedra pesava 60 toneladas, 100 × 60 = 6.000, ou seja, ele poderia facilmente empurrar uma pedra de 6.000 toneladas na maior tranquilidade por uma cidade inteira. E Kokoshibo era mais forte que Gyomei Marcado, facilmente, então Kokoshibo poderia carregar aquele pedregulho enorme para qualquer lugar, pois ele não se cansaria. Velocidade: Hantengo afirma que Mitsuri foi capaz de acompanhar o raio, além de cortá-lo antes que ele atingisse o solo. (Uma façanha massivamente hipersônica+, ainda na forma base), Velocidade do relâmpago é Mach 1168, 400.000 quilômetros por hora (o mais próximo que consegui chegar), Mach 1168 × 100 = 116.800 Mach (velocidade dela), aproximadamente 15% da velocidade da luz. Kokoshibo deu conta de 3 hashiras que no Rank oficial da autora, eles estão acima em velocidade, e Kokoshibo só morreu por Roteiro, por causa de seu próprio poder, (Se quiser detalhes, eu falo), mas mesmo assim, mesmo seu "máximo"sendo 3 hashiras marcados e um basicamente hashira não marcado, ele só morreu por Roteiro, ele após ser encurralado, era para matar todos em um único ataque, mas não era isso que o autor queria, então na minha opinião, ele é equivalente a pelo menos 5 hashiras marcados. Ou melhor falando 75% da velocidade da luz. Relativista+/Velocidade Dimensional. (Não sei o segundo feito, mas a pessoa responsável pela minha inspiração para criar esse vídeo sabe). @jaygito2362 Usaremos isto como base para todos os feitos relacionados a raios da nossa wiki. Segundo Harvard a média da velocidade de um Relâmpago natural ramificado (o mais comum) é de 440.000 m/s, ou Mach 1282, ou seja, Massivamente Hipersônico+. ( eu especificamente, usei 400.000 m/s, mas usando exatamente 400.000 quilômetros por hora, fica Mach 323 e o Resultado final fica em torno de 40% da velocidade da luz ). Capacidade de destruição + Potencial do Garou: Cidade gigantesca + Continental. Força no combate contra o Guts: "É só Guts cortar sua alma", o corpo do Kokoshibo pode se mover por conta própria, independentemente de ter alma ou não. ( Graças ao Sangue de Muzan ) Capacidade de destruição do Guts: Múltiplas cidades. Texto final: Antes de me chamar de fanboy, tenha certeza que você realmente sabe algo sobre Demons Slayer, cansei de ver pessoas que colocam até Spy x Family acima da força deles, sendo que em força esse anime nem se compara. Personagens usados na comparação: Pochita mangá, Meruem pós bomba, Eren Titan fundador, Garou humano, Luffy segunda marcha (Arco Ennies Lobby), Guts mangá e Naruto modo Sennin (Pain) Minhas teorias: Também posso citar outras formas de calcular o peso dessa pedra, Bom, se ele consegue empurrar essa pedra de 5 metros ( de altura e comprimento ), facilmente por uma cidade, sem a marca, e como eu falei a marca do caçador aumenta em até 100× as capacidades físicas do usuário, então em tese, o Gyomei conseguiria empurrar uma pedra com meio quilômetro de altura e 5 metros de comprimento, se fosse colocar em uma linha reta teria 5 metros de largura e 500 metros de comprimento. Se fosse pra fundir todas essas pedras em uma, ela teria 50 metros de altura e 50 metros de comprimento, praticamente um mini morro. Pra quem é brasileiro, fica mais fácil pra explicar, esse vídeo ru-vid.comIuxMkgIdHaY?feature=share, mostra o feito impressionante lá em marineford, Basicamente ele mostra um dos comandantes do barba branca levantando um gigantesco pedaço de gelo, praticamente um pequeno Iceberg, lá diz que em teoria, aquele pedaço de gelo teria facilmente 300 mil toneladas, comparando ela com os gigantes da marinha (Gigantes que estão em torno de 20 metros de altura), ela seria 10 vezes maior que eles, 200 metros de altura, aquele gelo tinha uma ponta, parecendo um diamante, então em si aquilo não era uma bola, não tinha os seus lados iguais, um era menor que o outro lado. Então em tese minha, pedra são mais pesadas que gelo (eu vi isso sobre densidade na água), o gelo tinha 200 metros de altura, então a pedra tem 1 quarto de seu tamanho, 200÷50=4, 300 mil toneladas seria o peso desse gelo, 300÷4=75, ou seja, a pedra que o Gyomei poderia empurrar com facilidade, teria 75 mil toneladas, possivelmente muito mais, como eu falei, pedras são mais pesadas que gelo. Mas também eu posso ter errado sobre o tamanho do gelo, então fica muito difícil saber o peso certo da pedra no qual o Gyomei poderia empurrar. Gostaria que alguém me explicasse sobre a Akuma no mi dele, é dita ser a Akuma no mi de diamante, ou seja, ele transforma todo seu corpo em diamante, ele conseguiu aguentar um corte do espadachim mais forte do mundo, então podemos concluir que o Gyokko seria mais imortal ainda no verso de One Piece, já que ele diz que suas escamas eram mais resistente que diamante, ou estou errado? tem alguém disposto a debater sobre isso?
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
In English: This video is a continuation of this video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-G0WM_sJilO0.html, go there please ❤️ Force Feat:Gyomei could move a boulder that was more than twice its size across an entire city with ease, without the mark. The hunter's mark increases the wearer's physical capabilities 100× As stated by Tanjiro, that is, Gyomei could move a 5 meter long boulder 500 meters high with ease, for almost the whole of a small country. Fans say the stone weighed 60 tons, 100×60= 6.000, that is, he could easily push a 6.000-ton boulder across most of a small country. And Kokoshibo was stronger than Marked Gyomei, easily, so Kokoshibo could carry that huge boulder anywhere, as he wouldn't get tired. Made of speed: Hatengo states that Mitsuri was able to keep up with the lightning, as well as slashing it before it hit the ground. (A massively hypersonic+ feat, still in base form), Lightning speed is Mach 1168, 400,000 kilometers per hour (as close as I could get), Mach 1168 × 100 = Mach 116,800 (her speed), approximately 15% of the speed of light. Kokoshibo accounted for 3 hashiras that in the author's official Rank, they are above in speed, and Kokoshibo only died for Script, because of his own power, (If you want details, I speak), but even so, even his "maximum "Being 3 marked hashiras and one basically unmarked hashira, he only died for Script, he after being cornered, was supposed to kill everyone in a single attack, but that was not what the author wanted, so in my opinion, he is equivalent to at least 5 marked hashiras. Or better speaking 75% of the speed of light. Relativist+/Dimensional Velocity. (I don't know the second feat, but the person responsible for my inspiration to create this video knows). @jaygito2362 (I specifically used 400,000 m/s, but using exactly 400,000 kilometers per hour, it's Mach 323 and the final result is around 40% of the speed of light). Characters used: Pochita manga, Meruem post bomb, Founder Eren Titan, Garou human, Luffy gear second (Ennies Lobby arc), Guts Manga and Naruto sennin mode (Pain). My theories: I can also cite other ways of calculating the weight of this stone, Well, if he manages to push this 5 meter stone (in height and length), easily through a city, without the mark, and as I said, the hunter's mark increases by up to 100× the user's physical capabilities, so in theory, Gyomei could push a stone half a kilometer high and 5 meters long, if it were to be placed in a straight line it would be 5 meters wide and 500 meters long. If it were to merge all these stones into one, it would be 50 meters high and 50 meters long, practically a mini hill. For those who are Brazilian, it's easier to explain, this video ru-vid.comIuxMkgIdHaY?feature=share, shows the impressive feat there in marineford, basically it shows one of the white beard commanders lifting a huge piece of ice, practically a small Iceberg, it says that in theory, that piece of ice would easily have 300 thousand tons, comparing it with the marine giants (Giants that are around 20 meters high), it would be 10 times bigger than them, 200 meters high, that ice had a point, looking like a diamond, so in itself that wasn't a ball, it didn't have equal sides, one was smaller than the other side. So in my theory, stones are heavier than ice (I saw this about density in water), the ice was 200 meters high, so the stone is 1 quarter of its size, 200÷50=4, 300 thousand tons would be the weight of this ice, 300÷4=75, that is, the stone that Gyomei could easily push would have 75 thousand tons, possibly much more, as I said, stones are heavier than ice. But I could also be wrong about the size of the ice, so it's very difficult to know the right weight of the stone that Gyomei could push on. I would like someone to explain to me about his Devil Fruit, it is said to be the diamond Devil Fruit, that is, he turns his whole body into diamond, he managed to withstand a cut from the strongest swordsman in the world, so we can conclude that the Gyokko would be even more immortal in the One Piece verse, as he says his scales were tougher than diamonds, or am I wrong? Is anyone willing to discuss this?
@rickdbs_ Год назад
Achei meio estranho esse cálculo de velocidade aí, mas tudo bem. E o que seria dimensional speed? Ele atravessa dimensões? No vídeo que tu mandou tem um cap do caramba vey, nunca que o kokushibo leva o verso de mha, shigaraki nem precisa chegar tão perto e usaria o decaimento, pode ressurgir, tem regeneração absurda, pode se adaptar ao inimigo, ficando mais forte, mais rápido e mais durável. A akuma no mi do jozu pode transformar seu corpo em diamante, e somado ao haki do armamento - que amplifica a durabilidade - ele conseguiu resistir um ataque normal do mihawk, parabéns pra ele. Kaidou possuem escamas com uma maior durabilidade doq diamante, e o zoro cortava elas com facilidade, e isso com ataques medianos. Mihawk >> zoro Tem um feito de força parecido com one piece, quando luffy é derrotado pelo kajdou ele levado pra udon, e lá ele é forçado a trabalhar levando pedras, usando algemas feitas com uma grande porcentagem de kairoseki que enfraquece usuários de akuma no mi. Luffy carregou diversas pedras - que são maiores que ele - várias vezes durante vários dias, isso nerfado pelas algemas e sem nenhum forma. E vale lembrar sobre esse feito de força do jozu, que ele ainda arremessou aquele iceberg gigante pra muito longe, isso upa o feito dele. E em minha visão o iceberg é mais pesado doq isso.
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
@@rickdbs_ Eu apenas peguei feitos que a obra não refutou, e eu encontrei feitos maiores e que não tem furos, eu só quis replicar o que a maioria do pessoal faz. ? Onde eu coloquei Boku no Hero nisso aqui? Se tá falando de um vídeo de algumas semanas atrás, observe os feitos eu ainda errei, Deku 5 temporada e o verso, Deku 100% era o mais forte daquele tempo, e sua velocidade era hipersônica, de longe ele leva o verso da 5 temporada de Mha, então isso anula qualquer argumento que você tiver aí, veja os feitos da 5 temporada pra baixo e comente. Sim, eu não irei mudar isso, muito pelo contrário seu comentário tá destacado pra refutar um erro que eu tinha dúvida e só estava querendo debater. Não sabe lê? Luffy antes do time Skip, arco Ennies Lobby, ele sequer sabia o que era Haki, todos os seus argumentos estão indo pro lixo. Gyomei empurrou uma pedra de 5 metros de altura e comprimento e a pedra fazia caminhos de terra em sua frente por uma cidade inteira e sem dificuldades, a marca do caçador aumenta em 100× as estatísticas físicas do usuário levantar uma pedra assim não era nada pro Gyomei. Se o bloco de gelo é mais pesado, então automaticamente a pedra seria mais pesada, eu só supôs o tamanho que o gelo era atravéz dos gigantes, nunca cogitei em aumentar ou diminuir o peso do gelo. Eu só comparei e demonstrei o real potencial de Kimetsu e que não deve ser subestimado a nível de Spy x Family.
@rickdbs_ Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 Esse link que tá no teu comentário aí boy, o cara falou "no diff + verso" no deku. E não, hax do shigaraki de decaimento, e outra cacetada de poder, deku é fraco mesmo. E falei errado, eu acho que o tamanho do gelo era maior que 200m. O peso gelo é menor que da água,
@rickdbs_ Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 Eu não estou falando do luffy do vídeo, eu só citei um feito de força do luffy. Que é parecido. Realmente, é demais comparar com spy x family Kkkkkkkkkkkkk
@RIP_ALEX209 9 месяцев назад
Now this guy who made this have my respect finally someone who understand the power of Kokushibo
@Zhoppyedits 9 месяцев назад
I do
@ayyazbinharis7402 8 месяцев назад
Absolute Fax
@ayyazbinharis7402 8 месяцев назад
Absolute Fax
@sesshomro 8 месяцев назад
Kok all the way
@BijoyAkterblx 8 месяцев назад
@newsic1716 Год назад
Drugs don't effect my child. The child:
@lordfox2088 Год назад
Its fax
@mtablet8313 Год назад
@@lordfox2088 It's not
@tronrooblox Год назад
U might have an misunderstanding on what fax means@@lordfox2088
@Zeo-o6b 8 месяцев назад
💀Yep I mean i could even believe kokushibou beating all of them for once but naruto and luffy literally they are planatery level naruto one tailed beast rasengan is enough to destroy kokushibou and luffy can change reality
@hypermechslayers 7 месяцев назад
​@@Zeo-o6bfrom when luffy started reality wrapping 💀
@errorash__ml 11 месяцев назад
after seeing this video. my respect for kokushibo:-📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
@AniMurderChannel Год назад
Meruem > Kokushibo, Base Garou > Kokushibo, Kid Goku > Kokushibo, Luffy > Kokushibo, Bulma > Kokushibo
@tanmaychakraborty7933 Год назад
Kokushibo : joined the chat Base Garou : left the chat Cosmic Garou : joined the chat Kokushibo : ☠️
@Poopy_EDITZ Год назад
@findthedifference939 Год назад
@joshuamyers3043 Год назад
base garuo solos demon slayer verse and red haired is overkill
@akimid7207 Год назад
​@@joshuamyers3043kokushibo>garou base
@joshuamyers3043 Год назад
@@akimid7207 nigga no
@GodOf_ShinobiHashirama Год назад
Luffy in gear 5 Naruto baryon mode And other side Base Garou vs kokushibo What a comparison demon slayer fan boy , wake up to reality 😂🤣 Today kids ☕
@muzan127 Год назад
Fr man
@ricardolockhart4714 2 месяца назад
Whats crazy is that he never mentioned that he can beat those forms he just put forms weaker than that
@ramialasali-mz2nt Год назад
No way there is actually someone in this world who understands the power of Kokushibo
@ace7810 Год назад
There r still people around the world who knows the true power and potential that a ds character can have
@otaku-san123 Год назад
@communistyugoslavia5301 Год назад
Ture true
@ahmedalmohammed203 Год назад
Alr can he beat Zeno? Rimuru? Anos? Anti spiral? Saitama? Goku? Or even Pucci?
@ace7810 Год назад
@@ahmedalmohammed203 bro is bringing out op characters just to bully kokushibo💀
@macariomesinajr8431 Год назад
-Kokushibo has 6 eyes which is good for battles so you can see your enemys attack -Kokushibo has 300 years of training -Kokushibo can make his sword taller when it brakes -Kokushibo has permanent access to the transperent world
@sahilkamuni Год назад
He is 480+ years old so has a higher experience
@devilmaycry5509 Год назад
Kokushibo have real 6 eyes unlike gojo who claim to have six eyes but having two pair only🙌🙌
@drago.8344 Год назад
+ brand
@devilmaycry5509 Год назад
@@drago.8344 🙌🙌
@macariomesinajr8431 Год назад
​@@devilmaycry5509how does Gojo have 6 eyes when he is not a monster or a demon he's just like a human
@Eyepoolism Год назад
Hmmm Kokushibo…let’s see: - Has the strength to cut through 70000 giant boulders with single swing - Has dimensional speed - His speed is close to the speed of light - His neck is tough is tougher than 70000 thousand giant boulders - His neck has to be cut off with a fragile and very specific weapon - He can regrow a stronger head with ease in seconds - Has the permanent demon slayer mark which makes him ridiculously boosted all the time without having to pay the curse - Has 6 eyes which means he has a much better vision - Has infinite stamina - Has access to transparent world - Can basically see the future - Has 450 years of combat experience - Has unpredictable moon blades - Can manipulate his sword making it big or small as he wants to be - Sword is made out of flesh which means there can be multiple or a giant sword can have little swords in it - Is serious all the time and he is very intelligent and has very high Iq - Has GREAT battle Iq - Can jump about 1 to 2 kilometres into the air - Has INSANE regeneration like he can regenerate his whole body in the blink of an eye - Basically is immortal unless sun or a red blade cuts him and I already told how tough his neck is - Can mentally weaken his opponents in a single stare - The best part is me having proof for everything I told u above
@valera_animation Год назад
-never was fucking showed nor stated, cope -dimensional speed is not even a thing lmao, he is hypersonic at max, cope some more -never was stated nor showed -vulnerable to cell destruction just like every other demon -ok -demon slayer mark is so fodder compared to other anime it's funny -10 year old logic -facts -fuck no who said he can see the future lmao, you're making shit up -the whole flesh sword shit is as useless against other anime as the demon slayer mark -yeah his IQ is pretty high -BIQ too -literally every other anime character can do that - cell destruction -again, cell destruction -useless if his opponent is more powerful - and the best part is - you have zero proofs, most of your "proofs" You made up because you can't accept Demon Slayer is one of the weakest verses in anime. Have a nice day!
@Broly-ssj4 Год назад
Bro can you tell me plz where these words are written that kokushibo can see future? Where these words are written that transparent world slows down the world around user? Any proof?
@Eyepoolism Год назад
@@Broly-ssj4 so if u read this thing called the demon slayer manga-
@Broly-ssj4 Год назад
@@Eyepoolism chapter name
@devilmaycry5509 Год назад
@@Broly-ssj4 Read it yourself You will eventually find 👍👍
@Pizza_exe69 Год назад
This guy proved that kokushibo is not overrated , he is really 🔥🔥 Just faxxxx bro 🔥
@GorbTV-x5f Год назад
He is underrated because not enough people read the manga.
@akirafreya Год назад
Nigga you a Fan
@bingchillingofficial3219 Год назад
@@GorbTV-x5f agreed Kokushibo is a menace to the point other demons fear him and Muzan views him as a business partner
@WalterJ.Moriarty Год назад
@@bingchillingofficial3219 Kokushibo is the one demon Muzan would trust his life to also Muzan is underrated beyond belief
@brandiewilliamson6761 Год назад
@yadhuavin8550 10 месяцев назад
If koku is so powerful just imagine yorrichi 💀
@sharkzeditz 10 месяцев назад
This is cap
@Exxay9000 9 месяцев назад
​@@sharkzeditzu can't accept reality
@sharkzeditz 9 месяцев назад
@@Exxay9000 Kokushibo is not this powerful my guy
@sharkzeditz 9 месяцев назад
luffy base mode can solo this whole verse neg dif💀
@Exxay9000 9 месяцев назад
@@sharkzeditz "kokushibo is not powerful my guy" "luffy base can solo neg diff" 🤡🤡🤡 this is proof u are an autistic one piece fanboy 🤣
@zanetti776 Год назад
1:22 * Luffy actives gear 4 or 5 * Kokushibo: 💀
@yobaldaperez6496 8 месяцев назад
Kokushibo: sees the transparent wrld Luffy: 💀
@mshahmeerrazikhan2172 6 месяцев назад
kokushibo will easily kill luffy before he even uses gear 4 or 5
@SacramentumAccedunt 5 месяцев назад
​​​@@mshahmeerrazikhan2172 Luffy podendo prever Kokushibo chegando com o Haki da Observação e o interceptando facilmente: 🥱 Kokushibo não teria velocidade e muito menos AP para dar blitz no Luffy. Enquanto que Luffy precisaria de somente um golpe para incapacitar de vez Kokushibo. Isso porque eu nem estou falando do Ryou, que pode negar durabilidade interna. Luffy sequer precisaria do G2. Mesmo se você considerar que Luffy seja apenas nível Ilha como muitos nerfadores dizem, ainda estaria muito além de qualquer um do verso de Demon Slayer :) Fãs de Demon Slayer ficando menos inteligente a cada dia, como sempre.
@SacramentumAccedunt 5 месяцев назад
​@@yobaldaperez6496Isso se ele tivesse tempo de usar, porque em um milésimo de segundo, ele já teria tomado one-shot. E mesmo se conseguisse, não adiantaria nada, ele jamais conseguiria causar o mais mísero arranhão nele de qualquer forma.
@darkwinter2009 Год назад
Kokushibo is fodder lmao. And if you want Kokushibo to solo CSM, JJK, HXH, and other anime verses, get him past the MHA Verse.
@Blankseeker Год назад
Fax bro this dude said he beats meruem and base garou when kokushibu can't even beat mountain level opponents💀💀
@lilymacdonald422 Год назад
Kokushibo is small building level. And his speed is only around the speed of sound
@ChicBoost 8 месяцев назад
​@@Blankseekerkokushibou city level fodder
@ChicBoost 8 месяцев назад
​@@lilymacdonald422city level and hypersonic speed read the manga baby😂😂
@pipethegadoll1376 8 месяцев назад
​@@ChicBoostactually Koku is town level with MHS+ speeds. He easily bodies so much of the MHA verse. They can have AP over him all they want but their speed is ass. For example it took the combined efforts of Tenya and Shoto to break the sound barrier and hit transonic speeds. That was like chapter 370-380 something out of the 411 chaps there is. Also not ONE human in MHA has shown praise worthy PIERCING dura feats. Koku straight up blitzes and slices them like butter sticks.
@sham5219 Год назад
"I think Kokushibo is underrated a lot"🤓 Proceeds to overrate the hell out of Kokushibo. Literally all of them slam and solo the verse
@dal6059 9 месяцев назад
Denji (Rengoku victim): fax mereum: cap Eren: fax Human garou: cap luffy: cap Guts(negs in writing): fax Naruto: cap
@sham5219 9 месяцев назад
@@dal6059 Denji and Guts slam I'm sorry lil bro
@dal6059 9 месяцев назад
@@sham5219 with appropriate scaling koku blitzes, and even if he doesn’t they got nothing on Koku’s experience and hax
@SoldierAngle112 4 месяца назад
​@@dal6059 Hajun (Debunked) Vs. Kimetsu no Yaiba + CSAP Yoriichi (with Hyperbole Statements) alright then you told me who wins? 😂😂😂😂😂 I'm just testing you to see how much you are willing to go far higher by dick-sucking DS Verse.
@stb401 2 месяца назад
Nah cmon truth hurt
@yurihadria7105 9 месяцев назад
Someone bring this guy a trophy for the best "🧢🧢🧢🤓" of all time.
@RebootedKing 9 месяцев назад
Congratulations! You won the most dumbest person on earth award!
@martinezseymore3007 7 месяцев назад
@@RebootedKinghow when he ain’t wrong?
@Thelagenking Год назад
This Guy's Source: Trust me bro Sorry my guy, but I really gotta call you a Fanboy on this one First of all, lets list the caps 1:41 You literally made this up, there has been nothing stated like this in the Manga or even shown, you're saying he is immune to Soul manipulation but not the sun? When you take Kokushibo's soul away, there is nothing piloting his Body, meaning he is dead. You constantly kept on saying Trust me this, Trust me that, not a single bit of info on his feats or why he got this one category 0:15 You do know that diamond despite being Strong is also Weak as well? If you were to hit a diamond with a Hammer in a specific side, you'd easily able shatter it like glass, like how Car windows can't be broken when punched but can easily be broken if you use a sharp object. 0:53 No, why do you KnY fans keep on saying that characters who have See through World can predict the Future?? so you're telling me that Superman who has the same kind of Vision but in a superior length can apparently predict the Future? The See through World just allows Kokushibo to see & analyze his opponent's Movements, their Physique & how predict their next Movements! Not the literal future, If Kokushibo was able to predict the Future, there is no way Sanemi & Gyomei could've missed so many of Kokushibo's attacks 1:05 I really don't see a single reason on why this is even important as every scaler knows that Lifting Strength is absolutely pointless (not totally) & what most matters is Striking Strength, what you just showed is just of Gyomei's lifting strength & his stamina feat & compared it to Kokushibo, nothing about Kokushibo's actual Strength in his Attack Potency & destructive capabilities. 1:23 I wonder just where you got this feat from, I have certainly not seen this in the Manga or the Fanbooks & again, Lifting Strength is not equal to Striking Strength & is essentially useless, It's like saying the world's stronger weight lifter can beat Mike Tyson, which he can't Another Note: It doesn't matter if Kokushibo is 1000x harder than diamond or whatever, If Muzan, someone who is 1000% Stronger, Faster & More durable than Kokushibo, got 75% of his ENTIRE Body vaporized to a normal Ancient Japanese Mansion Explosion (smaller than current day ones) then no way is Kokushibo is surviving the characters that you're just pinning him up against when even just Metal Katanas cut through his flesh like Butter. Another Note again: Haxs outweigh all the other Stats by a lot & I do mean by A lot just look at Murphey Lawden. Shinobu solos the SxF verse, why was this even a debate? Kokushibo vs Denji: Denji wins, Kokushibo gets Speed but not by a Long shot, Denji was able to keep up with Quanxi, who was at most Hypersonic at best & Denji's durability is Much higher than Kokushibo, seeing that he Tanked a explosion which destroyed a entire Mall & later on he got even more durable, Whatever Denji Eats, he essentially erases from History, His Ap & dc is much higher than Kokushibo too as Pochita was shown to effortlessly destroy buildings when fighting Makima (Denji & Pochita used the same body so Feats are same) Kokushibo vs Meruem: No comment, don't know his feats but Kokushibo ain't not way soloing the verse Kokushibo vs Eren (Founding Titan): Eren wins, no contest, Kokushibo isn't going to be beating Eren while 10 Million+ Colossals who's Steam is hot enough to instantly vaporize literal Metal Ships & stretches on for Miles & reaches to the head of the Colossals. & I've never seen Kokushibo Jump 300 Ft into the air that he can just reach Eren by jumping a lot of times, lets not forget the 1 Million+ Titan Shifters Eren can summon up, which Includes Colossal Titans, & as in the Rumbling Eren used a smaller scale of it, he should easily be able to Summon & use the Colossal Titan Explosion thousands of times if Kokushibo were to ever reach him. Eren wins purely because of his Haxs & Because Titan Crystals are much harder than anything Kokushibo has faced Garou vs Kokushibo: Not even going to explain this, Human Garou before joining Monster Association Loses, all other versions of Garou wins with Negative diff, Monster Association Garou before even Monsterization was able to literally tank Nuke level attacks from Orochi, on top of that Garou's Adaptation is incredibly fast, fast enough to Beat Kokushibo till Sunrise, All the other versions just straight up Vaporize him in a few seconds. Cosmic Garou No Concept of diff Luffy Gear 2 vs Kokushibo: don't know much about Luffy because I haven't started One Piece just yet, so Kokushibo wins, Gear 3 & above beats him tho Kokushibo vs um this Black Figure: don't even know who this is but as he has Soul Manipulation, He easily gets the win, There is no info whatsoever of Kokushibo being Immune to Soul Manipulation, If the literal Sun Light is able to kill him then someone literally stabbing his Soul can too, demons can't regenerate their fu*king soul. Sage Mode Naruto vs Kokushibo: You're telling me that Kokushibo wins against a guy who before acquiring Sage mode, in his Mindless State was literally able to Vaporize Mountains, & who as a child was able to react to literal Light? Are you fucking with me right now? It isn't even a debate, Sage Naruto is clapping Kokushibo's cheeks for dinner, His Rasenshariken can literally destroy you in a molecular level! Kokushibo isn't beating Naruto Sage mode in a Million Years
@Jesus_Is_King684 Год назад
that what I was thinking he is a demon slayer fanboy *kokushibo fanboy* Even if it is stated There is no way kokushibo has dimensional speed
@Muigoku12 7 месяцев назад
​@@Jesus_Is_King684even if he doesnt then still koku is ftl
@Muigoku12 7 месяцев назад
​@@Jesus_Is_King684Diamond is strong yeah but it isnt weak at all lmao and u can shatter dimeaond if u hit on a specific side but it is because of there shape and design. Kettle logic fallacy and circular reasoning . , Cuz he can lmao it is because of transoarent world and six eyes + kettle logic agn. , So lifting strength matters also it still doesnt change the fact that they would still qualify for those tons . And even if not i still have many scales of being. Large mt level. , Again jettle logic and circular reasoning
@Muigoku12 7 месяцев назад
Denji ap is city block level lol and muzan taken a explosion was wild by u ngl as it landed on muzan offguardly and it has spikes onto it and i could make same argument for goku like he is 6d and ap = dura so he got injured and got scratched in top arc and got injured by rock and a laser could go through his chest lmao
@Muigoku12 7 месяцев назад
And denji still lacks in speed while koku has ftl speed and a diamond can be found under a mountain lmao . And that boulder feat still count for ap
@nebbygalaxymusic Год назад
as a kokushibo fan i am impressed. well done
@EdgarLok-le7oo Год назад
Me too
@karthikram8439 Год назад
Me three
@sm0l_bEanTvT Год назад
Me four
@radiaafroz2036 Год назад
Me five 😑
@harvinder-_- Год назад
Me six
@Bruh-se1bi Год назад
⁠you speak about luffy enies lobby ? In gear 2nd he can move instantly and can attack instantly So he’s higher than speed of light Luffy at enies luffy have gear 3th that can mountain easily so a boulder rock is nothing for him Also he can beat tekai users that are more hard than diamant so he can hit kokushibo With this he can just instant beat kokushibo with 1 hit in gear 2nd Now Naruto His rasenshuriken vs pain can cut large mountain or diamant or anything like this so cut kokushibo too His strength is also ultra big with his 4 tails kurama mode Both have better range , hax , ability’s Also luffy has more durability Like he’s stretchy so he can resist bullet and punches but low to swords Kokushibo can be hit by bullet , punch and sword So luffy wins and Naruto idk Now Denji have infinite regeneration and can resist sun He can also project his heart to revive so he win by sun I’ll add some character than win later Garou in cosmic mode can copy all skills and capability And strength and speed Or whatever you want and make them better Pin?
@RenjoReader Год назад
looks like he never saw this comment that means no pin😅
@arcana_archer 11 месяцев назад
In base form he can solo ds verse😂😂😂😂
@Iampacklord 11 месяцев назад
Wrong 😂😂😂
@Strom28-isaeditor 10 месяцев назад
But the main thing is he has permanent Transparent world access and he can manipulate his sword and he has super fast speed .And at his monster mode💀💀so denji.Naruto they still will defeated
@Iampacklord 10 месяцев назад
@@Strom28-isaeditor that’s what I’m saying I scaled kokushibo to small town lvl and they saying they can touch him 😂
@kazuhero Год назад
Finally someone doesn't underestimate koku
@akirafreya Год назад
He’s getting slammed
@Devulini Год назад
@Kauann64 Год назад
Nakime >>>> kokushibo
@user-bg7kh6hb2v Год назад
@Thelast3ambender263 Год назад
@Gunzzz_5 10 месяцев назад
Kokushibo against 3 pillars and a demon hunter lost, Muzan against 5 pillars and the Kamaboko squad was like nothing Where do you get that evidence that Koku's destructive capacity is small town, Wtf 💀
@Exxay9000 9 месяцев назад
exactly, they dont even know demon slayer so well lmfao 🤣
@mrfikleborg6273 8 месяцев назад
he was the reson he died andhe was using only 30% of his power
@Gunzzz_5 8 месяцев назад
​@@mrfikleborg6273 No, because he looked overwhelmed And cornered, that's why he was shouting that he refused to die now, he was not kidding, he wasn't using 30% of his power.
@platinumvoid1648 Год назад
Bro said Kokushibo could beat Naruto 😂😂😂
@Agenorkeppi Год назад
He clap sage mode naruto bro
@patrykkacp Год назад
​@@Agenorkeppionly can beat base Naruto, sage or kurama would destroy monster koku
@peinzeditz2144 Год назад
He was using sage mode Naruto, which Kokushibo destroys
@platinumvoid1648 Год назад
@@peinzeditz2144 When has Koku ever scaled to town level like naruto in sage mode.
@peinzeditz2144 Год назад
@platinumvoid1648 has never been scaled to town but has the potential to be scaled to town due to the fact that he can manipulate his blades length, and he could control the size of the Cresents he creates.
@kopirka2286 Год назад
Finally, somebody Who knows The True Kokushibo strenght
@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash Год назад
Even Jack Hanma has more strength
@WalterJ.Moriarty Год назад
@@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-TrashI don’t get you Baki fans you see a guy see he’s muscular and think he can beat everyone based on that logic Jonathan for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Solos every Verse
@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash Год назад
@@WalterJ.Moriarty I'm not saying that Jack Hanma can take on kokushibo, Jack could barely take on Akaza, but Jack has greater physical strength than a guy who can make diamonds with the pressure of his hands and caused an earthquake Once, and if we talk about muscular men, Kenshiro neggs Baki and KNY verse
@WalterJ.Moriarty Год назад
@@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash Ok then sorry for the hostility I don’t get many reasonable people who are willing to hear opinions and listen
@caster6026 Год назад
Kokushibo is nowhere near Naruto scale power😂
@iblemairplayz6351 Год назад
Wait if it's Garou human form then Kokushibo wins If its Cosmic Garou then cap
@Vergil0168 Год назад
His first awakened form is enough
@dd.cosmyynn Год назад
Yea but Base got destroyed
@cephh3842 Год назад
​@@Vergil0168 semi monster*
@raisefanfics Год назад
@reimarc6606 Год назад
Cosmic garou is overkill
@broken7464 10 месяцев назад
Yes kokushibo killed Naruto clone😂😂😂
@Starlight_Moon-o4x Год назад
Well I like Kokushibo very much and he is my 2nd favourite demon(My 1st favorite is Akaza). As a demon slayer fan, thanks for explaining so well!
@cosmo9916 Год назад
my day ended with this colossal W, I watched this before sleeping and had a good night :D
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
What an honor mine! I thank! and I hope you have more nights like this!, thanks for the comment 🗿👍🏻❤️
@priyanshudutta5007 Год назад
​@@xaropadob3ta823 what is kokushibo going to do against light speed characters here, can you explain me please.
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
@@priyanshudutta5007 Calm down, I'll get a comment already made... I'll also get the sources, at least some, in the meantime, can you get the feats of the characters that have the speed of light?. I confess that I made a mistake and underestimated the characters in the video a lot, but still, Kokushibo wins each one of them, just take the "no diff".
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
@@priyanshudutta5007 We have to take into account that Kokushibo also has a considered level of speed, well, Kimetsu's animation confirmed that Tanjiro dodged lightning without the hunter's mark, the mark in chapter 93 was said to increase the user's physical strength by 100×, So Tanjiro easily enters the Sub relativist level through the mark, Also, it was said in the databook and manga that Zenitsu is fast as a flash of light, or better speaking, speed of light still without the mark, using its 7 form, taking into account shinobu's speech, that it takes at least 3 hashiras to face a superior moon, Easily Kokushibo would be at the FTL++ level... Tanjiro dodging unmarked lightning, happened in EP 6 of the third season, shinobu's speech happens in chapter 160+ of the manga. Zenitsu Speed: imgur.com/a/L1mC28U Well, I think that Kokushibo leaves a lot to be desired in this regard... But I found a fan who moved Muzan at the country level, Using Enmu's speech, where he says that Daki could bury mountains..., Using this, Kokushibo would easily fit into the Island level.... Video I took the information: ru-vid.comzQopLPMVoVs?feature=share part 3 ru-vid.comFiEgUIlce3Q?feature=share Part 2 ru-vid.comQF4tRe1x7-w?feature=share Part 1 Of course, if you disagree, you can comment and say why I'm wrong, but remember, Strength and speed is not everything in a fight....
@priyanshudutta5007 Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 can you prove zenitsu, travels in a speed of light. And i mean lightning isn't the speed of light. Light atleast travels 10,000 faster then speed of lightning.
@swastik420 11 месяцев назад
Let the infinity castle arc come 😈😈
@mariacrislynvillanueva1981 Год назад
Imagine luffy and naruto that can destroy a goddamn planet and kokushibo cant even then making them win💀
@realkinglama Год назад
@pomi2031 Год назад
pretty sure thats like start of series base naruto and luffy so yeah makes a lot of sense
@priyanshudutta5007 Год назад
​@@pomi2031 yea, think so because even haku was light speed and luffy is also light speed, what the hell is he gonna do about it
@faxorcap555 Год назад
The dickriding is crazy bro Luffy dodged attacks from kizaru which were speed of light and he also used kaido (hybrid form) as his punching bag lmao he is continent or planetary level meanwhile muzan vs others. In there not even a village was destroyed and kokushibo is way weaker than muzan so kokushibo is street Level or house level.
@matiasruzsepulveda2719 Год назад
​@@priyanshudutta5007 lo mismo que respondí lo de que si la velocidad de la luz estubiera reducida llegaría a la luna en menos de un segundo y aparte yo me preguntó porque hay discusiones con personajes ficticios de su poder o su velocidad pero cada uno tiene su opinión y no es como si fuera muy pero muy importante cada uno puede tener su opinión
@fondometa Год назад
wtf is this debate, we all know kokushibo stops at denji💀
@Ryuzaki3737 Год назад
Fr, bro really said kokushibo> meruem 😂
@Aneagleyouneversawbefore Год назад
Ikr bro said that Kokushibo can beat naruto 💀
@Solaris69 Год назад
@fondometa Год назад
@@Solaris69 wdym no?
@smskrson Год назад
kokushibo speedblitz denji
@prajeenac.c5096 7 месяцев назад
Kokushibo who lost to 4 demon slayers going up against people who destroy universes and planets
@arifrana4458 Год назад
Guts broken sword>>>>>>>>>demon slayer whole verse
@amenrezgui-tn6ur 7 месяцев назад
@carlosdavid8279 Год назад
Best scaler from uganda.
@hypebeastuchiha9229 Год назад
Scaled in Ohio
@ЗаурМуриев 8 месяцев назад
Doctor: It won't affect the child.Child:
@I_will_defeat_everyone Год назад
Denji loses to kokushibo, but chainsaw man (hero of hell) absolutely negs Im only a few seconds in, and the video is so cap already. Chainsaw man verse negs kny verse. Reze (11th strongest of the csm verse) literally solos the verse edit : this video is probably a joke nvm
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
To take Kimetsu's verse, it's just a being from the verse that has the power to destroy a country, which is not the case, so it automatically becomes a Cap 🧢
@I_will_defeat_everyone Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 The gun devil is the 6th strongest character of the chainsaw man verse : Him at only 20% of his power : - killed 1.5 millions of people in 6 seconds - destroyed multiple cities and shot hundreds of thousands of people in 2 seconds - shot Makima from 500km away - moved at 1,6 x the speed of *light* (kokushibo isnt even moving at the speed of *sound* ) Kokushibo cant do that, so how do you expect him to win against the gun devil ? Btw, Chainsaw man negs the gun devil, so how is kokushibo winning against Chainsaw man aswell ?
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
@@I_will_defeat_everyone Dude, seriously do you know what an anime battle is? I just want you to tell me one thing, where is the evidence? I'm just going to speak the truth about the first one and what I want more is for life to teach you the truth about what you said. All of that, it took 5 minutes, him traveling between countries took 5 minutes, this feat is massively hypersonic, roughly Mach 200. Source: metagalaxia.com.br/anime-e-manga/quem-e-o-demonio-da-arma-em-chainsaw-man/#:~:text=Velocidade%20imensa%3A%20O%20Gun%20Devil,corpo%20enquanto%20ele%20se%20movia. He in Japan only killed 57,000 people in 29 seconds. An area of ​​200 meters can contain 1 million people, exclusively at dances, so killing that many people means nothing. He was never nerfed to that level, quite the contrary, he just gained more and more strength, so much so that they made a pact with him that gave him more than 100 years of human time.
@I_will_defeat_everyone Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 the website is saying absolute cap. Source : Chainsaw man manga chapters 75 and 76 OR Gun devil motion animation from Vitotcher on RU-vid. It takes 6 seconds (3:18:21 pm - 3:18:27 pm) for the gun devil 20% to travel accross Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of people and destroying entire cities. Official manga source >>> random website found on the Internet source
@I_will_defeat_everyone Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 "so killing that many people means nothing" Kokushibo cannot kill that many people even if given an entire minute. Source for the fact the gun devil shot Makima from 500km away : chapters 76 and 77
@RyukLee Год назад
Naruto and luffy
audience🗿 views🗿 anime🗿 commentators🗿 author🗿 people who disagree🗿 fax🗿 cap🗿 kokushibo🗿 Ohio finals boss🗿 saitama🗿 goku🗿 I🗿 you🗿 me🗿
@onii_chan379 Год назад
Friend: What is the Cap 🧢 level? Me: Yes
@Steadfast123 Год назад
Not cap
@priyanshudutta5007 Год назад
​@@Steadfast123 yea it's the king of cap.
@priyanshudutta5007 Год назад
Like what the hell, Naruto in OG Naruto solos the Verse, Garou base solos the Verse, and luffy solos the Verse. All this character are faster then light. What the hell.
@pide5960 Год назад
​@@priyanshudutta5007 was it stated that they are faster than light? I'd agree if we were talking about stronger versions of them, but you're saying their "begginers" version can do it. How so?
@Nick-Brkk Год назад
the guy showed 1 million proofs of what he said and you only send a cap, at least write a wall of text to say that this is cap like the channel owner put it
@D_ragneel Год назад
I ain't gonna explain anything but everyone here slams koku beyond low - mid diff
@jvqroz1933 Год назад
Explain please. I want to see what you have to say
@D_ragneel Год назад
@jvqroz1933 I can't explain everything ( it's gonna take lots of time and I'm lazy) Denji slams, Meruem slams, Garou slams( Even human garou slams) pre-ts gear 2 Luffy slams( I already explained about luffy in other comment) Shippuden sagemode Naruto slams, Guts slams.....the only one that's debatable here is eren( koku is faster than eren but their ap is around same and the massive size difference is insane, anyone can win depends on the situation)...Anyway kokufodder is absolute fodder compared to anyone here( except eren and guts)
@jvqroz1933 Год назад
@@D_ragneel I believe you haven't read Kny's manga, tell me, why do you underestimate Kokushibo so much?
@D_ragneel Год назад
@@jvqroz1933 you have to believe I completed the manga long ago and I can say he is really weak ( compared everyone in this list except eren and guts)
@jvqroz1933 Год назад
@@D_ragneel Maybe you misinterpreted the manga. Kny's characters are much faster than most anime characters. The slower hashira is already capable of dodging lightning.
@Official_REdits Год назад
Literally I thought 2nd one is black freiza😎😈
@MALE_07SIGMA Год назад
This guys is the biggest kokushibo fan bro said kokushibo beats garou 😂😂😂😂 and Luffy 😂😂😂😂 everybody in this vid solos him and his verse
@spectator6552 Год назад
The edit is 🔥 but the 🧢 level.... Its over 9000!!
@ahkheriata Год назад
nah read ds manga the only reason why ppl dont understand the true power of demon slayer characters because their scale which is a huge cap for sure for exp they scale muzan and akaza at the same level and douma lower than akaza 💀
@Eyepoolism Год назад
💀Cap level is about to go negative
@tronrooblox Год назад
There could be a few reasons to why, like Muzan 4th drug not showing many high feats and because we havent seen prime muzan do anything that scales him high which could be why he is at the same scale as Akaza, Akaza has exceeded douma once he was able to regrow his head, if he didn't give up Tanjiro and Giyuu could of died@@ahkheriata
@ahkheriata Год назад
bruh muzan feats will neg akaza feats at any thing + its clearly that muzan way more stronger anyONE can tell that @@tronrooblox
@Pheonix554 8 месяцев назад
@MARVELTV533 Год назад
People really say baki hanma > ds verse 💀💀💀💀
@hanymohammad9204 Год назад
No way Kokushibo can't defeat meruem or garou Meruem has a strong body, which makes Kokochibu have difficulty cutting his body, and also that strength that he obtained from eating the bodies of his guards and obtaining their strength, so it is very difficult for him to be able to defeat him. I don't need to talk about Garou because he is a cosmic being even Saitama had a hard time with him
@AnhTuyet-jq4yx Год назад
He meant human garou
@lilymacdonald422 Год назад
@@AnhTuyet-jq4yxhuman garou scales way higher than Kokushibo 😭
@AnhTuyet-jq4yx Год назад
@@lilymacdonald422 debate with me. Kokushibo blizts. Scale higher =/= automatically win.
@lilymacdonald422 Год назад
@@AnhTuyet-jq4yx absolutely not 😭
@AnhTuyet-jq4yx Год назад
@@lilymacdonald422 garou got outspeeded by watchdog man whose speed is said to be 250 km/h. While kokushibo is multibe times faster than mitsuri who dodged a lighting ( an average lightning is 270,000 km/h). This shit is not even a debate.
@anis_joestar Год назад
I Lost my Brain when i watched this vidéo But cool édit 😂
@smskrson Год назад
@justarandomdrag0n Год назад
Naruto Uzumaki in his Kurama Chakra Mode (KCM) and Goku in his Ultra Instinct form are both formidable characters within their respective verses. While it's difficult to determine a definitive winner in a hypothetical battle, let's explore some notable aspects of each character's abilities: Naruto's KCM, specifically when combined with the power of the Six Paths, grants him a tremendous boost in strength, speed, and durability. This form allows Naruto to harness the immense chakra of the Nine-Tails, enabling him to perform devastating attacks such as the Tailed Beast Rasengan. Additionally, his Six Paths abilities bestow him with enhanced sensory perception and the ability to use various nature transformations, making him a versatile and formidable combatant. On the other hand, Goku's mastery of Ultra Instinct (UI) showcases his unparalleled reflexes and instinctual fighting style. In this state, Goku achieves a heightened state of focus, allowing him to swiftly dodge and counter attacks with pinpoint accuracy. His attacks become immensely powerful, capable of overwhelming opponents with sheer speed and precision. The energy output and destructive potential of his attacks in this form are awe-inspiring. Both Naruto's KCM with Six Paths and Goku's Ultra Instinct have their unique strengths and capabilities. Naruto's form grants him an extensive range of abilities, including powerful defensive techniques and versatile jutsu. Goku's Ultra Instinct provides him with unrivaled agility and reflexes, enabling him to evade attacks effortlessly while delivering devastating blows. When comparing these forms, it becomes evident that the outcome of a battle would depend on various factors such as strategy, experience, and the specific circumstances of the encounter. Each character has their own distinct set of skills and techniques, making them formidable opponents in their respective universes. In the end, it would be a captivating clash between two iconic characters, each showcasing their incredible powers and determination. The ultimate victor would likely be determined by the narrative and circumstances surrounding their encounter. Let's appreciate the unique qualities of Naruto's KCM with Six Paths and Goku's Ultra Instinct, celebrating the captivating abilities and indomitable spirits of these beloved characters from their respective verses. I think they slam Kokushibo when compared.
@ifureadmynameuranidiot898 Год назад
Naruto scales to planet to star and Goku scale frokhigh uni to low multi so they solo the verse with no diff
@ajaidenmatthews5328 Год назад
They easily slam
@Ralnpr Год назад
What bro talking about why did u include Goku here. Goku is overkill plus Goku base form is like 22 kurama in Naruto verse💀😂
@masteryo4982 Год назад
​@@Ralnprnah bro, Baryon Mode Naruto/ Six Path Naruto is planetary level. Piccolo destroyed a moon when he was training kid Gohan after Raditz was defeated. Piccolo at that time had 400+ power level. So at 400 power level you're already moon level. Plus Vegeta (Saiyan saga) was able to destroy a planet with no effort. With a power level of 18,000. Destroying a planet was like breathing for Vegeta at that time. Goku (base) at TOP had a power level of 100 trillion. Honestly even Saiyan Saga Goku can solo Naruto verse. Goku at that time had a power level of 8000-9000. Kaioken X3 Goku had a power level of 24,000. X4 Goku had a power level of 32,000.
@user-eb9vw2vn6j Год назад
Someone who knows kokushibo properly, people say that eren founding titan can crush him using other titans. Kokushibo has the potential to overcome the Sun. He does not die by getting his head cut. But Kokushibo cannot defeat luffy gear 5 and garou in cosmic fear mode
@peinzeditz2144 Год назад
I think he was using the versions of them in the picture- as Luffy was jn gear 2 and Garou was in his human form
@user-eb9vw2vn6j Год назад
@@peinzeditz2144 Yea I r right but I am just telling that he can't beat the final forms of all these characters
@peinzeditz2144 Год назад
@@user-eb9vw2vn6j oh, alr, Gatcha
@i.e.r2969 Год назад
Gets melted by the 600 degree titans
@SalvatoreRed3 8 месяцев назад
Kokushibo (fanboy force) 😂
@stb401 2 месяца назад
Its sad these fax arent enough for you cry
@ctavi7039 10 месяцев назад
Naruto wise mode was already a country or city level threat 💀
@LEAPS2610 Год назад
Finally someone who understands the power of kokushibo he’s crazy with super strong hax but I think he loses to garou and Naruto
@lolpopariel Год назад
it's base garou and naruto
@rahuljassi-cd7wf Год назад
All base garou luffy Naruto and guts solo him he took it to far for koku then
@joshuamyers3043 Год назад
@@rahuljassi-cd7wf "B-BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE N-NIRCHIN SWORD!!🤓"- the avreage demon slayer fan
@CornXO Год назад
@@Giga_Cheditz Thats not gonna work they fighting in his domain = ass whooping
@Aneagleyouneversawbefore Год назад
Baryon Mode Naruto solos kokushibo
@rainedrop1487 Год назад
Koku casually beating Naruto has to be the funniest thing I've seen today
@smskrson Год назад
kokushibo one shots naruto verse
@younginn9220 Год назад
​@smsjskkjdksj you should do stand-up
@Eyepoolism Год назад
@@smskrson fax
@Eyepoolism Год назад
@@younginn9220 cap
@Eyepoolism Год назад
@Lifegotmid Год назад
2:20 Bro.... 💀 People Actually Think: ♿"Yor > Muzan"♿ ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
@kingk670 Год назад
This guy is a mega kokushibo meatrider
@wallBO Год назад
Pre time skip zoro vs Kokushibo Metal bat vs Kokushibo Miyamoto musashi vs Kokushibo Deku vs Kokushibo Killer sans vs Kokushibo Speed o sound sonic vs Kokushibo Akame vs Kokushibo Iaian vs Kokushibo Deep sea king vs Kokushibo Winner ?!
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
Any character from the Straw Hat gang, before Team Skip, Kokushibo wins, after him, Luffy still at the beginning dine made above the light. kokushibo wins. kokushibo wins. It takes 75%-100% Deku from One For All, above that Kokushibo loses. (My opinion). I don't know... You decide. I don't know how to answer... You decide. Kokushibo wins. I don't know... You decide. Kokushibo wins. Thanks for the comment ❤️🥀
@densvarian6081 Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 metal bat can easily beat kokushibo, you fangay kokushibo
@densvarian6081 Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 kokushibo is only at the level of multi block city, look at the latest manga opm,metal bat even with fighting spirit mode can keep up with sage centipede whose level can even destroy the country, you really look like a clown, tank top master will destroy fooder kokushibo
@jammyjameditz Год назад
Cosmic Garou >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kokushibo
@cocochan6238 Год назад
Kokushibo is literally so underrated! He would have one against all the hashiras but he gave up after looking at how hideous he looked in this final demon form.
@Mikeetakaza Год назад
C tellement vraie pour moi il bag muzan et ai il veu battre yorichi je suis dsl mais il a le potentiel
@shiro.mimic.f Год назад
I can’t stop watching this 😭
@021.irzinn Год назад
Sun:i am a kid for you? Zoro:im a kid for you? Goku:i am a kid for you Saitama:i am a kid for you? Rimuru:i am a kid for you? Dark saitama:i am a kid for you too? Madara:Wake up to reality Bills,whis,zeno,daishinkan:I AM A KID FOR YOU?
@Qwev852 Год назад
Naruto>>>> no diff Luffi>>>> no diff garou>>>>>neg diff
@averageearthling Год назад
Slightly agree
@kenwao542 Год назад
City block level fodder lmao
@mustafamhmad603 Год назад
Thanks for this great video❤⚘🔥
@williamvictor5513 Год назад
Very good, amazing
@gamingwithujj1724 Год назад
Finally someone who understands the true power of demon slayer characters I’d like you to do a mha vs demon slayer verse competition and see how far mha gets
@lastbruh62 Год назад
Meydoria or Shegaraki can solo the verse , they legit can destory the world
@gamingwithujj1724 Год назад
@@lastbruh62 nah it depends on speed against shigaraki I think shinobu or Sanemi since they are the fastest hashiras Douma kokushibo muzan or Yoriichi any one of them can solo shigaraki one strike Idk who memorial is
@lastbruh62 Год назад
@@gamingwithujj1724 Deku* , Bro Shigaraki was taking strikes that can destroy whole cities and dont get effected let alone his regeneration, Muzan or Yoriichi have more speed but if they can't harm him , he would erase them from history after he sees them
@gamingwithujj1724 Год назад
@@lastbruh62 shinobu can beat shigaraki by landing a couple hits which she easily can land cuz of her speed and the poison can kill shigaraki the poison is not harmless to humans Sanemi will literally rip shigaraki to shreds with his speed Gyomei can destroy shigaraki but maybe at a cost of his limb or something Douma can create 6 clones equally as powerful as him ice buddhas freeze shigaraki,s heart and kill him cuz he’s a human and make the temperature so low shigaraki wouldn’t be able to fight Kokushibo is like gyomei,s power and Sanemi,s speed combined plus he’s demon so the decay wouldn’t effect him as much cuz he can just regenerate Muzan has op regeneration and so many brains and hearts If he somehow makes shigaraki a demon then he can beat shigaraki and shigaraki can be an op upper moon in muzan,s arsenal Muzan is basically too op for any mha character in history till now he’s just too much for them he is kibutsuji muzan the one who died after 1000 years of struggle Yoriichi basically speed blitzes the mha verse lol he’s a god both in demon slayer verse and in mha verse the true incarnation of god Tbh I think even akaza holds a chance against shigaraki since akaza can sense his fighting spirit and pretty much avoid the decay or just break shigaraki,s limbs off or make him a donut Hantengu with combined efforts of his clones can defeat shigaraki too imo
@hyperman5752 Год назад
Bro the guy who made the video is seriously on drugs he literally said Koku > luffy g2, naruto sage mode, garou base. He is literally making kokushibo more powerful than dtk
@Ilt7-ntv 7 месяцев назад
IF Kokushibo doesnt hold back he will use speed to get near and chop theyre organs
@Kssjejrjjdjdndjrkeisi Год назад
Bro thanks you for showing kokushibo only can defeat their base form
@abobusss. 4 месяца назад
Bro, what? Makima (Chainsaw Man) > DS beyond neg diff Meruem (HxH) > DS beyond neg diff Eren (AoT) > DS beyond neg diff Human Garou (OPM) > DS beyond neg fiff. Luffy (OP) > DS beyond neg dif Naruto > DS beyond neg difff DS very overrated, Apparently bro was smoking something
@Criosantss Год назад
Finally put some respect on demon slayer geez 🙄
@marlenegonzalez8675 Год назад
Deku >>> kokushivo
@Eyepoolism Год назад
@HAL160 Год назад
@@marlenegonzalez8675 deku overkill
@rhrafim20 Год назад
Zoro can Solo whole DS verse
@singingmaster4496 Год назад
Naruto Baryon Mode joined the chat 💀💀
@Chip_chapa_rubi_bum Год назад
Cara, como fã do Koku, você editou e explicou muito bem, parabéns, e realmente, vc está certo 🎉
@midoriyaizuku4394 Год назад
@AndreaBarros-x5q Год назад
​@@midoriyaizuku4394जापानी के बा???????
@mae_tem_cafe_444 Год назад
@ALEXANDRELIMA-gh7mb Год назад
@mae_tem_cafe_444 Год назад
@raisefanfics Год назад
I disagreed as soon as I saw the 2 of the big three put on the mud. However, you got on me on the fact that I haven't read the manga, so I'll hold my tongue until either I finish the manga or when the anime comes out. The other MCs I saw here were without a doubt true.
@i.e.r2969 Год назад
He doesn't get any stronger He's large town lvl with massively hypersonic feats He's fodder 💀
@lordfox2088 Год назад
Its gear 2
@Ermwatesigma-y1r Год назад
The Naruto and Luffy one is hella cap Base luffy defeated Enel who electrocuted the entire moon You included the gear 2 eniess lobby luffy who is three times stronger than that luffy Eniess luffy low diffs kokushibo and sage mode mode mid diffs kokushibo because kurama wont let him die lol
@mrmoon3587 Год назад
Finally someone actually know how powerful is kokushibo 🔥
@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash Год назад
Multi block city level fodder 😂
@alifrahaman8148 Год назад
​@@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash outer with philosophy
@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash Год назад
@@alifrahaman8148 saitama With Platonic concepts (webcomic)>>>
@alifrahaman8148 Год назад
@@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash non cannon
@ahkheriata Год назад
@@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@kewlestbmgo896 Год назад
D-did he just Put Garou in there A man that could solo the whole Demon slayer Verse
@faggottron2395 Год назад
Base garou
@Uyuyuyu43 Год назад
kids debating 😂 lol
@alguienxd4995 Год назад
Base Garou,Not the cosmic Garou
@evilblackgod5020 Год назад
@@alguienxd4995even base garou claps he doesn’t need he’s Cosmic version
@Agenorkeppi 11 месяцев назад
​@@evilblackgod5020base garou gyutaro victim
@Nothing_Change_inWorld 10 месяцев назад
cosmic garou:Mode saitama Kokushibo:hell nah
@tokta-kun 8 месяцев назад
Demon dosent have infinite stamina they can be tired by forcing them to regen or using blood demon art but it take sometime for some uppermoon because they are stronger than a normal demon but a demon have infinite stamina in the sense he can do annything a human can do without never tire source chap 125 or 124 of demon slayer
@Vixtricity Год назад
You know it’s just a bunch of demon slayer meat riders when they say he has “dimensional speed”
@tokta-kun 8 месяцев назад
Hello just here to say that kokoshibo is not hundred of time harder than Diamond because he is stronger than gyoko because gyoko said himself that the scales on his body were harder than Diamond not gyoko himself otherwise muzan who is stronger than both kokoshibo and gyoko would tank the explosion of ubuyashiki mansion without scratch so gyoko has the ability to grow scale harder than Diamond only the scale are harder than Diamond not gyoko himself so kokoshibo is not harder than Diamond but he is stronger than gyoko tho so dont use that freaking argument again have a good day to people who read this
@daniel-go6ys Год назад
Kokushibo é uns dos meus personagens favoritos dis animes, mas isso aí já é fanboy d+
@Nick-Brkk Год назад
Leia a muralha do que escreveu que está no fixado cara
@ldkiaoaoaoa Год назад
Meu deus cara ent refulte
@ldkiaoaoaoa Год назад
@Kauann64 Год назад
Kokushibo tem literalmente Regeneração instantânea Velocidade do som Força para destruir uma região inteira Se gyutaro lua superior 6 com um golpe destruiu uma cidade inteira, kokushibo faz muito mais. Kokushibo sola todos aí pode usar qualquer poderzinho sem o sol não ganh
@ldkiaoaoaoa Год назад
@@Kauann64 kokushibo é acima da luz cara daonde se tirou do som?
@Conquestor234 Год назад
Stops At Meruem
@faltutalks1557 10 месяцев назад
Bro really comparing a demon who can't even conqueror japan or one city to gods like naruto & luffy one single attack from them would annihilate the whole ds verse
@lalitasharma4467 Год назад
I am a big fan of kokushibou but bro the size of him is literllay smaller than the EREN'S FOUNDING TITAN's TEETH and yeah my favourite character is always EREN YEAGER he can beat kokushibo' s ass million of times
@ace99887 Год назад
@onii_chan379 Год назад
@@ace99887 Eren's founding solos your dumbass demons including your ass..now cry Mr Jackson
@SOLO_L3V3LING Год назад
Erens Founding titan>>> Can turn into any titan at will can use the war harmer abilities to create anything he wants, can manipulate all titans create any titan to fight against his opponent his strength can take down huge cities, dura is able to tank 1000x of dinamite, he can easily break the ground without much effort. He has access to future memories and past memories. Eren will be able to hold out til sunrise, Eren>>>>Kokushibo Mid-High Diff
@berserker1511 Год назад
Kokushibo can grow his swords and cut him easily
@Scarlet0012 Год назад
And koukushibo moon breathing solo kill aot
@seerks4040 Год назад
army of buddhas [120m]>Army Titans [60m]
@onii_chan379 Год назад
@@Scarlet0012 kiddo Founding Eren solos DS verse mid-high diff.. now cry
@sinchansram9208 Год назад
​@@onii_chan379kokushibo can slice all titan and eren 🤣
@onoff12424 Год назад
"I will prove Kokushibos true potential" Main part of the video: "no debate", "need expl?"
@lordfox2088 Год назад
He explained them before and some dont even need explanation like speed and strength strength is bc he is a demon and speed is bc demon slayer characters are so fast
@ademmerah1596 10 месяцев назад
​@@lordfox2088bro theres no explaination he s just a fan of koku
@Wakeuptorealityman 8 месяцев назад
​@@lordfox2088 what explanation he gave was just utter b.s lol. Like cmon , koku hundreds of times more durable than diamond then Hashiras can't cut through him and " speed to koku when compared to luffy and Naruto"?
@SOLO_L3V3LING Год назад
Love the video tho man, great edit and fax are mainly all true u just be missing sometimes but overall good job Koku does get underrated sometimes.
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
Great! Thank you!, Well I apologize, I'm still studying, so it's a little difficult to reserve time for this, but I always do when I have time, and I always try to improve my content, I ask you not to give up on me yet... Yes, unfortunately.
@flameze5019 Год назад
Ok i do respect and see why you came to this conclusion on these match ups, and some are true but some are cap, let me explain so first onto the Koku scaling, we know gyutaro unleashing his auto body destruct with his bda at full power able to destroy the entertainment district who from what i've seen is the size of a small town or giving benefit of the doubt i would say town level with a the calc for this feat that i've seen is 9.5 KILLOTONS of TNT which is indeed town level, despite gyutaro being upper six i think thats the case only because of daki holding him down, gyutaro at full potential can beat gyokko in my opinion, so top tiers of demon slayer would scale above town level in terms of AP alone, we see another feat from muzan HIMSELF is shaking a town with an earthquake with the calc for this feat would be 1.4 MEGATONS of TNT which is small city level so scaling Koku off of that i would give him in base considerable large town level, maybe at full power he can reach small city, because muzan is probably city level because even tho it was a serious attack he was drugged as for speed he is for sure HS+, with zenitsu being faster than lightning which was a 270 000 mph feat, koku would scale around 700k mph or somewhere in that zone being HS+ ok the first matchup with denji, i haven't read the manga completely i can't say anything but he deffinitely stomps anime denji with him being max multi city block or multi building level at max, but what was cap was for sure the verse?? no he doesn't solo the verse, espeacilly not with the hero of hell true form pochita who outscales the heck out of 100% gun devil who only at 20% he was already CITY LEVEL with the calc for that his feat of almost deatroying a large city being 5.4 MEGATONS of TNT and pochita in prime is WAAAY higher than that and as for speed he could be high balled to 1,118, 468.56 mph as being gun devils firing speed and he upscales that, and its not only pochita who can beat him there is the darkness devil as well being scaled above 100% gun devil as for meruem if i scale him lets see, base gon was able to (with a single janken) sending a chimera ant officer across several countries therefore calcing at about 123 KILLOTONS of TNT which is around Large Town level and remember this is gon like not pissed off not amped by blood lust or adult form since we know that from the moarel test he does get more powerful the more he is pissed, so adult gon scales waaay higher than that, i would estimate city level or large city even, but given the benefit of the doubt to koku lets put city level, and thats adult gon stated equal in power with PRE ROSE bomb meruem who was able tank it which comes at around 1.2 GIGATONS of TNT which is around Large mountain level and we know mereum gets a huuugee boost in power after the rose bomb, so full power meruem estimated at around large city or above mountain range level, i think koku loses in AP, but as for speed koku bitzez the HECK out meruem, thing is i think meruem can stall him until sunrise given the massive gap in durability As for eren, there is no debate i have nothing to say koku blitzez all of the collosel titans goes to eren and eradicates him, no diff so that is fax so Garou, i believe you're refering to human garou, cause even half monster garou stomps koku, but human garou can be debatable i guess, well seeing as he was rezisting BOTH bangs and bombs attacks WHILE being heavely injured and poisoned speaks a lot ,since, bang alone was powerful enough to go toe to toe with monster garou and is more powerful than half monster garou who overpowered full power darkshine who fought gouketsu who split a large ammount of clouds with the power needed to do that being at 715.8 MEGATONS of TNT which is Large mountain level, even if human garou was signifficantly weaker that bang he still tanked his attacks while being very injured and poisoned, and not to mention bag and bombs feats regarding the elder centipede with his size being calcled at near small city in size with his surability being higher and bang and bomb were able to crack that shell which would be 1.566 MEGATONS of TNT which is small city level and Garou also fought fully upgraded Genos which is pretty powerful because at the begining of the series he was able to blow the musquitos overall the whole city area with this calc also being around 1.2 MEGATONS of TNT which is small city level and that was base genos with no upgrades whatsoever, if we put fully upgraded genos we can scale him to city level quite easily, and he fought him while being very fkn injured and even poisoned so his full human healthy body should be around city to large city level and for speed there is no debate, koku is HS+ l and Garou is freaking FTL, because genos has fough with the cockroach monster staetd at light speed and garou easily surpasses that as for G2 Luffy, his AP is not on kokus level with at being at small town level maybe, but he blitzez koku, because luffy at gear 2 is FTL++, because base luffy was able to dodge at point blank fox's photon beam which was stated light speed in the guide book or OP compas, with that calc being at 7x the speed of light with G2 10x multiplier for speed we get 70x the speed of light, Pre time skip[ G2 luffy can probably stall him till sunrise with speed but cant really beat him And Guts i haven't fully read the manga so i can't say much And Pain arc Sage mode naruto, if we don't include kurama, koku should be able to destroy him in terms of AP, but he doesnt blitz, since naruto was had reacted to haku going through the mirrors stated at light speed, so pain arc sage mode naruto could probably stall him until sunrise as well but cant really win the battle the right way If you would like to correct me on something feel free i would like to debate whatever it is
@hypernova_x6597 Год назад
Kokushibo is better
@illmentaly Год назад
​@@hypernova_x6597 no offense but imagine writing a hole ass essay for someone to just say "kokushibo is better"😂😂😂
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
ru-vid.comzQopLPMVoVs?feature=share Part 3 ru-vid.comFiEgUIlce3Q?feature=share Part 2 ru-vid.comQF4tRe1x7-w?feature=share Part 1 If lines are to be considered, then Kimetsu cannot be left behind... vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Meritune/Gyutaro_destroys_all_of_Yoshiwara
@flameze5019 Год назад
@@illmentaly i didnt write the essay for him tho and by better he prolly means as in writing, and im saying as in power
@flameze5019 Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 i dont understand spanish And also yeah i said koku is above town level, did you read my comment?
@ManUnitedForeverfr Год назад
Kokushibo ain’t even going to last long against baryon mode naruto, Gear 5 Luffy and the fact is that without his sword he ain’t doing a lot to other anime verses
@YuvrajPro-le4te Год назад
bro where did find that whale lifting fact(btw I'm in your team) I can use that in my debate
@44ckssakedammitall31 Год назад
Well it wasn't actually done he just PROBABLY used the fact that Tanjiro in Mugen train can cut something that's hard as heck with enough SPARE FORCE TO THROW A LOCOMOTIVE UPWARDS ( I looked around and based on the model that inspired demon slayer Mugen train the locomotive ALONE is around 50 TONS) but anyway rengoku whiles trying to protect 2 hundred people can lift the train ( has 8 cars the average car is 30 tons ) so 240 tons plus 50 TONS that's around 290 tons and he did this casually in the rengoku DATABOOKS he is stated to be able to do this with just STEPPING FORCE only and according to author ranking he is stated to be average ( rengoku sanemi giyuu mitsuri are on the same interchangeable) note he did this unmarked he also used tanjiro statement that the mark allowed him to draw 100 times his power and the fact that kokushibu is LEAGUES stronger than him So assuming rengoku got a hundred times it would be 29000 TONS and kokushibu is STRONGER
@YuvrajPro-le4te Год назад
@@44ckssakedammitall31 when did tanjiro states that the mark increase your power 100x
@44ckssakedammitall31 Год назад
@@YuvrajPro-le4te if you watch the gyutaro fight when tanjiro was beheading gyutaro he says using all your strength won't be enough summon a hundred times your power NOW he starts shouting then the mark appears ( now it's easy to doubt this but consider that in the Rui he went from his sword doing NEGATIVE damage to just the threads which are less durable than his neck even with blood on them to being able to just scratch his neck with the hinokami KAGURA if not for nezuko blood he would have just chipped it so if he has ten times the strength boost a tenth of Rui neck was probably chipped on his first try without hinokami kagura when Rui gave him a free try now he couldn't even scratch it same with the gyutaro fight except no nezuko he attempted it twice the first time and didn't even scratch it if he needed just 10 times prolly a tenth of gyutaro would be gone on his first try would be gone just like rengoku if he had a two times boost instead of cutting akaza neck half way he would have finished it)
@Comedora_de_pastel Год назад
Man naruto literalmente tankou um atack de nível lunar a equeima roupa e não se ferriu seriamente tá mandando real que o kokushibo tanka ele?
@xaropadob3ta823 Год назад
Tá pegando isso de onde? Naruto modo Sennin não conseguiu aguentar golpes do Pain que são pelo menos Nível edifício, o Kokushibo corta, a manipulação do seu corpo pode deixar a lâmina da espada tão fina que qualquer força feita por ele pode cortar simplesmente tudo.
@Meu_nome_nao_te_interessa Год назад
Kokushibo e imortal
@Comedora_de_pastel Год назад
@@Meu_nome_nao_te_interessa imortal tipo imortal?
@Comedora_de_pastel Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 ata confundi aí meu mano pensei que tava falando do alge
@thenameisriyad Год назад
@@xaropadob3ta823 what are you saying ? Pains 1 blow was enough to destroy the whole hidden leaf village and naruto just resestence it on ending of the fight and naruto was able to lift 2 giant monster with just 2 of his shadow clons and can make rasengan that is a building level big . ( can make atlest 50 of that much big rasengan ) and can make 2 rasen shuriken that can cut any chakra points in his body and rasen shuriken can be made way big so dodging it will be so hard . and yeah naruto won't get any speed boost from sage mode so yeah speed goes to kokushibo
@darambazarn9880 Год назад
Kokushibo: joined the call Luffy: joined the call Luffy: left the call Gear5 luffy: joined the call Kokushibo: 😱
@seerks4040 11 месяцев назад
Kokushibo: Monster form
@AleandroVata-rc8gq 10 месяцев назад
@wagizdd5959 Год назад
Kid naruti > demon slayer
@ahkheriata Год назад
average boruto fanboy : + LEARN HOW TO SPELL
@44ckssakedammitall31 Год назад
Someone: calls demon slayer weak Me ; crying 😭 Also me : remembering we don't have boruto😎
@ahkheriata Год назад
@@44ckssakedammitall31 the fact that demon slayer verse still neg fodderuto 💀💀 + way better anime
@44ckssakedammitall31 Год назад
@@ahkheriata bro I don't know about them negging Naruto verse But I do enjoy demon slayer more
@ahkheriata Год назад
@@44ckssakedammitall31 what a chad 🍷🗿 + W opinion demon slayer >>>>> midruto
@brpabloffsantos1888 Год назад
Obrigado por mostar o veidadeiro monstro que o kokushibo é
@davialmeida9341 10 месяцев назад
Kokushibo vence da maioria que apareceu, mais porra vencer do naruto SM é sacanagem, naruto derrotou a kurama com o modo sennin, ele levantou ela com as maos, a kurama tem 100 metros de altura imagina quanto pessa essa merda, com o komitê dos sapos, usando a energia natural, porrada de clone com rasengan gigante, rasenshuriken, assim como ele lutou com a kurama KSKSSKSKSKKS coitado do kokushibo Naruto>kokushibo + verse Negative diff
@ajtaylor1010 Год назад
W edit bro people really need to understand how powerful kokushibo is
@Cz1fy Год назад
@D_ragneel Год назад
Almsot everything is cap but I completely disgaree with koku beating gear 2 luffy, he can't even beat pre-ts gear 2 luffy, luffy was lifting and pushing more than lakhs of tons in skypiea while dodging lightining speed attacks and while dispersing island sized electric ball that can destroy islands, and base pre-ts luffy was dodging light speed attacks without even trying, just imagine gear 2, pre-ts luffy was tanking multi mountain lvl attacks...pre-ts luffy slams verse
@lastbruh62 Год назад
Luffy couldn't dodge Eneru's lightning , in the opposite it was said that Eneru's attacks are un-dodgebale bcz they are lightning speed , but Luffy had resistance against lightning
@D_ragneel Год назад
@@lastbruh62 Luffy stated that in beginning of the fight, in the middle of the battle he starts to adapt and dodged lightining speed attacks, he even kicked back those attacks and by the end of the fight Enel stated that luffy's attack was too fast for him
@lastbruh62 Год назад
@@D_ragneel Luffy's attacks were just confusing also i rewatched the fight and Luffy didn't dodge lightning but was only dodging Enel's golden stick , the only thing Luffy adapted to was Enel's lightning speed teleportaion , Luffy cant stop Enel while he is teleporting but barely was able to see where Enel was moving to bcz then Enel becomes normal again and then starts attacking with normal attacks
@D_ragneel Год назад
@@lastbruh62 i'm not Talking about how he countered enel's observation haki but talking about his lightining attacks, he dodge those attacks while climbing big tree with those 2000tons weight gold in his hand and he was even fast enough to kick back lightining attacks and again I'm not talking about his teleportation speed but his lightining speed, luffy dodged multiples of lighting speed attacks, he even kicked back those lightining attack and by the end of the fight when enel used his strongest form, luffy amped his attack by spinning and the fact Enel mentioned that attack "too fast"...and I also gotta mention after few arcs from skypiea pre-ts luffy and Zoro was dodging light speed attacks without any effort
@kuramalegend Год назад
Kokushibo tier 8A ( Multi-City Block level ) Garou 4A ( Neg + Verse ) 4A = Multi-Solar System level Luffy High 6A ( Neg + Verse ) High 6 A = Multi-Continent level Naruto 5A ( Neg + Verse ) 5A = Large Planet level Denji low 7 C ( Extreme Diff or Kokushibo win Extreme Diff ) low 7C = Small Town level I don't know what you thought when you made this video but you are wrong in most places.
@Godzilla-Is-Mid-And-Trash Год назад
Pochita true form is mountain lvl
@mik966 Год назад
I've alvays thought that the demon slayer verse is underrated if we're talking about power
@ramialasali-mz2nt Год назад
Just one thing that I wanted to mention is that kokushibo has inf potential and this ain’t just him but every demon has infinite potential
@Kim_Dokja51499 10 месяцев назад
Where was it mentioned? What infinite potential he is dead
@glasscanon1369 Год назад
Fax + W Video + W Edit🔥🔥🔥 Kokushibo is Outerversal (lowballed) and he beats dc and marvel and anime combined no diff
@Hajime_Kashimo123 10 месяцев назад
Fax + W🔥
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