
Kris Vallotton on 1 Timothy 2 vs 12 -13 

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Kris Vallotton of Bethel Ministries takes a close look at 1 Timothy 2:12-13, unveiling the real, raw, relevant truth behind Paul's statement "I do not allow a woman to teach." Fasten your seats belts and brace yourself for a truth encounter!



8 сен 2024




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@MorrisandApril 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this ❤
@heatherwarrenwooten2573 5 лет назад
Such a great word! Thank you for speaking truth, And encouraging others instead of oppressing and knocking them down. If our purpose is to win souls, why would anyone try to put a limit on whom someone can witness to, based solely on their sex. God must look down and shake His head so much of the time. Thank goodness for His never ending grace!
@BiblePsychology68 3 года назад
Paul busted up on the screen in Greece with the radical message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Gal. 3:28 sums it up.
@sunithagirish2139 4 года назад
Excellent teaching!
@sjarjoura9188 3 года назад
Thanks for the video, and I appreciate and pray for Kris and Bill - they helped me in my faith. I would however like to offer a supplemental interpretation of these versus and passage. I believe Paul is using Teaching and Authority as one topic, and specifically addressing the ability of the women of that time to teach - and there's a reason why versus 11-15 are lumped together. Many read this passage and automatically jump to the negative narrative, and assert that Paul is being misogynistic, when in fact, he is actually trying to protect the women of that time from judgement. I believe that Dickson’s argument of the difference between “teaching” and “preaching” is valid and applicable. We know this when we look at other passages where Paul makes the distinction between Spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:28, Rom. 12:4-8, etc.), and as you read his and others’ letters, it is clear that this distinction was understood among 1st Century Christians, and that “teaching” was a higher platform. In James 3:1, James strongly cautions the brethren/believers about not seeking to become “teachers”, because there is a greater judgement for those who teach incorrectly. “Teaching” is meant for those who can correctly read, interpret and explain the Word and have the authority to do so, whereas “Preaching” is intended for witnessing and sharing the good news after one has been taught. Paul is discouraging women of that time from “teaching”, not “preaching” (and not from prophesying, speaking in tongues, performing miracles or any other gifting/ministry either). It is clear from the passage that women were not in a position to be properly equipped to teach. You need mentorship to become a “teacher”, similar to how Paul studied under Gamaliel, but this was not available to women of that time - only to men - and he didn’t want women to use their new-found freedom to assume the role of teaching without proper training (additionally, considering the very low literacy rates of the time among men, women would be even less privileged to have an education, making matters worse). So given the opportunity, there’s no reason why women can’t teach or be Pastors. Paul uses the illustration from Genesis because God told Adam directly about the forbidden fruit in Genesis 2, prior to Eve being formed. Adam would have shared the knowledge about the forbidden fruit with Eve after she was formed. When Eve was tempted/questioned by the serpent/devil, she was unable to correctly respond/deceived, and eventually sinned, causing judgement on herself and Adam (to be clear, Adam sinned as well, as men are also prone to being deceived and sinning). Paul is basically trying to explain how important it is to have a full understanding and knowledge of the Word, otherwise you will be prone to fail/sin, which the women of that time would have been in a position to do so. Paul ends the passage about women “saved through childbearing”, not in the context that this is their only purpose (as Augustine incorrectly interpreted and asserted), nor that every women who gives birth gets saved and goes to heaven, but rather imploring women of that time that, if they want to do good, then they can carry out a very important role of “teaching” (without facing judgement, and thus “saved”): which is to raise up Godly children “in faith, love and holiness with propriety”.
@byroneveson 5 лет назад
If Authority originally meant ''to murder or commit suicide', why then was it only ever applied to women? Are men not guilty of murder and suicide? The truth is, as expressed in 1 Corinthians 14:33-38, is that this is the Lord's command and if we ignore it, we too shall be ignored. Ask yourself this; If the command was for men to worship in silence, not speak, not teach or have authority over women... would you disobey God's command? 1 Timothy 2:13-14 tells us the reason for his command. Do not doubt God's word, do not rationalize God's commands. If you do, you risk judgement. If you don't believe me, read 1 Corinthians 14:38. God made you and all creation, he knows every hair on your head. He tells us how to pray, how to believe, how to worship, how to conduct ourselves, how to speak, how to even think. This is the Law and when we are guilty we are deserving of death. God is a just judge who will not let go of even the smallest wrong. If he did so he could not be called just. If someone steals a car, he goes before a just judge will condemn the thief. If another man agrees to pay the fine, the man can be set free, still guilty but washed clean of his punishment. God is both merciful and just. Ask yourself how you can possible by both merciful and just? If someone hits you, justice dictates you hit them back, mercy dictates you forgive them. If you hit them lightly it serves neither justice or mercy. What God did was become a man so he could both uphold his just Law but also show mercy through allowing himself, as a man, to 'pay the fine'. All that needs to be done to be saved has been done. Our responsibility is now to repent of our sins, trust Jesus and sin no more. When we sin no more, we do not try to rationalize God's commands with our own reason. Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 1 Corinthians 1:20
@5457kj 4 года назад
B Eveson , if you have ever known what it is to be “under” men... at times it is hopeless . A woman was property, under men who could be tyrannical as well as physically abusive. Many have felt helpless
@BiblePsychology68 3 года назад
@@5457kj it's never meant for men to be verbally or physically abusive and use the word of God as a weapon to do it. My heart goes out to you and the millions of others who have suffered from religious narcissistic abuse.
@johnmarknielsen 2 года назад
Listen to the whole segment, not just the first 60 seconds, and you will have you answer.
@tdstone8910 Год назад
Oh my goodness, I could only make it three minutes into it, Paul meant what he said, he said what he was inspired by the Holy Spirit,
@johnmarknielsen Год назад
And what KV preached was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Maybe if you listened to the whole clip you would appreciate what KV discovered from his deep dive into the text. Context is king.
@bertheyboer519 Год назад
Artemis was worshipped widely in Greece but only as a secondary deity. A temple built in her honor became one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.” At least two festivals were celebrated in her honor of Artemis: Brauronia and the festival of Artemis Orthia. Artemis was called “the mistress of animals” by Homer.
@kawikapahk4155 3 года назад
No! Women should Never speak from the pulpit! Eve never talked to God and Adam never talked to satan! There was NO women Disciples! Eve was created for Adam’s help mate! Although we should love our wives like Christ loved the Church and died for it. That doesn’t mean allow women to speak from r pulpit! Yes Jesus loved and cared for the women. He even went to the women at the well to reveal himself as the messiah to. Women first in public! And yes he even waited for the men to leave the tomb before he revealed himself to Mary a women! He also accounts a women breaking the alabaster jar and anointing him with oil (perfume) But no where does it say women preached to anyone ever! Not only that but every single time there has been a women pastor speaking from the pulpit? I’m thinking to myself? What is her relationship to her father? Is she also the spiritual head of her household too? Why does she want to be over men? Is she a controlling women who like to control men due to her never being affirmed by her earthly father? Then the sermon ends and we didn’t like it or learn from it!!!!! No! No! No! Men need to rise up and BE the men of God that Jesus Discipled! Men need to be the teachers here! Women have so many other rolls to play that are so vital it insane, BUT BUT BUT, NOT by speaking from the pulpit I’m sorry! No waves man!! Sorry can’t get behind this teaching no matter how much you say about men causing wars!!! Those men weren’t being Godly men unless they were given a dream or a vision to start the war! Jesus would have had a women disciple fo sho! If that’s what he was teaching!!!’ So since Jesus didn’t teach us that, Kris stop your sac-religion Today!!! Repent this instant!!!!!! Ps. The reason Adam didn’t reason with eve but just ate it, should give you a clue why women shouldn’t speak from the pulpit!!!! Men of God Rise up and take the pulpits BACK!!!! Hosea 6:1-3
@bertheyboer519 Год назад
Did women have power in ancient Greek? Greek women had virtually no political rights of any kind and were controlled by men at nearly every stage of their lives. The most important duties for a city-dwelling woman were to bear children--preferably male--and to run the household
@johndennis5182 6 лет назад
I agree with what has been said below. this man has a argument that will fall under its own weight. this is not a culture thing, all tho, paul is teaching to a pagan culture. the exegesis of this verse is found when you keep reading, that it is the woman who was deceived not the man, and that the man was made first then the woman. That is the reason that woman are not allowed to have authority over a man. I mean come on, lets use logic here, who spoke for God in both the old a new testament? MEN. Woman who want to rebel against this teaching, are showing the very reason why woman are not to have authority over men in the church. How can a woman be an elder when a elder has to be the Husband of only one wife. Case closed!
@BiblePsychology68 3 года назад
Dear John, Please read John chapter 4. Not only was a woman the first person the messiah revealed himself to, he told her to go tell it so, based on Johns account, God uses women to tell the good news gospel. Your beliefs are illogical when hermeneutics is applied. Here's the whole point we have missed, Gen 3 the Devil lied on God and blamed it on the woman and the church has been talking about Eve ever since. The woman was deceived but in order to be deceived you must first believe. At least the woman believed God, Adam did not and God told him straight to his face, eat it you die. Adam was standing right beside the woman why did be not say "Hold up Honey, God said...." It's because he didn't believe God to begin with. At least the Woman believed what God said.
@mikekash2612 5 лет назад
If Paul was talking to the Greeks then it should not be in the scriptures read genesis 3:16
@overcomingone7058 5 лет назад
Mike Kash You need to go back and read that part again. Those were the curses mankind brought on himself because of sin. It was never God' intention for man to rule over his wife. Jesus addresses this in Matt. 29:25 and Peter in 1 Peter 5:3. Otherwise you should never eat unless you are sorrowful with sweat running down your face.
@rauldhulecalvinist48 4 года назад
@@overcomingone7058 haha bro you kidding me there is no 29 chapter in Matthew
@overcomingone7058 4 года назад
Raul Dhule 🙈 Matt. 20:25-28
@BiblePsychology68 3 года назад
@@overcomingone7058 exactly, thank you. He flat out disagreed with hierarchy.
@Bublee1111 7 лет назад
So good!
@TheGatheringPlaceGP 5 лет назад
Women can preach, and prophesy to all men and women but they cannot teach to men. They cannot Pastor (become Bishops).
@briellejacobs1045 5 лет назад
Wrong. Did you listen to this at all?
@thomashummer7774 7 лет назад
He says, "if paul meant this...he would have used that..word. Kris has completely missed the Key to all truths of scripture...that it was not Pauls word, used here, but the Holy Spirits, which he gave to Paul. The narrowly defined Greek mithological cultural relevance used to misinterpret this verse, is jsut another example of the lack of reverence given to the Holy Spirit inspired Word of Truth.
@SelwynAbraham 7 лет назад
2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
@carolinetoledo9670 6 лет назад
This is dumb. You can't push this under the rug. He said what he said. And also saying "I don't allow women to -" is completely idiotic. Women don't need men's permission to do anything.
@worcestershiresauceaddict2811 2 года назад
His prayer at the end is immensly laughable.Continue to twist the Word my awoke leftist.
@FreedomForumUSA 2 года назад
I thought his closing prayer was awesome. Just saying.
@TheGatheringPlaceGP 5 лет назад
Come on man, stop with the foolish interpretations.
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