
Lawyers, What Is the Nastiest Divorce Case That You've Handled? 

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@tidepodpadthai2633 3 года назад
The fact that euthanizing a dog or other animal out of spite is a somewhat common thing just upsets me. There should be rules in place at a vet's office that say you can't euthanize an animal that is healthy
@saltyrainbow6367 3 года назад
At least in Germany, and I think in other European countries, it’s not allowed to kill an animal without a reason... i don’t know much about usa... their animal protection does seem worse to me
@chenjohnson2787 3 года назад
They do it because there's the fear that if they don't, the spiteful spouse will do it themselves - much more painfully. Either way, it's a no-win situation.
@chenjohnson2787 3 года назад
@Sand Hanitizer Ah, how innocent.... Well, that's good if that's the norm in your area but remember there's never a limit to human evil.
@iangoldfish4829 3 года назад
That man that wanted to cremate the dog wasn’t allowed to right? Like you can’t just have a animal killed because you want to spite your spouse/another person, can you? That doesn’t seem humane, how would any judge sign off on that?
@taylorgrace1523 3 года назад
When people arrange custody without asking kids it makes me furious. I've lived with my mom my whole life and used to have every other weekend at my dad's. Well he decided this wasn't enough and fought for 50/50. He didn't get it, so he decided that I would spend an ENTIRE MONTH of the summer with him. Worst month ever. After that he stopped seeing me and I couldn't help but think it was my fault. I developed bad abandonment issues and all that fun stuff. My fraternal grandmother always tells me how he tries to see me but I know he never does because me and my mom never get any message. Thanks Darin, you suck.
@jamiesheerdon1321 3 года назад
Same, my dad fought like crazy for his rights yet when he won and got public and school holidays he dumped me onto my stepmother or my grandparents. I can only think of one good time in my whole life. It was a waste of my childhood I missed out on so much. If I was asked I'd have gone for supervised visits at a contact centre for an hour or 2 .
@alexismyers6053 3 года назад
Since my grandparents’ lawyers are probably dead, here’s what was probably their craziest case lol My grandpa kept receipts for EVERYTHING from when they were married and kept them in a shoebox. During the divorce, my grandma told her lawyer about it, but he didn’t believe her. Until the other lawyer called and told him about how my grandpa came in with the shoe box to try to sue my grandma to get the money back.did matter what it was that was bought, if his money was used (which as the main source of income, was more often than not) he kept the receipt, even if it was for their children. His lawyer originally had my grandma so terrified, she was having panic attacks in the shower. She got tired of it and learned how to stand up to him without coming off as uncooperative. During a meeting with grandpa and his lawyer, one of the two (most likely the lawyer) said something REALLY bad and pissed my grandma off. My usually clueless grandpa must have seen something in her expression because he JUST got out of the way of the punch my grandma threw at him, which nearly hit his lawyer (not who she intended to hit). He started yelling about how she’s crazy and he was going to get her thrown in jail. Grandma’s lawyer had to holder her back as she screamed “get over here so I can knock you teeth in, it’ll be worth it!” After that, if grandpa’s lawyer ever saw grandma walking door the same street as him, he would run to the other side of the street to avoid her. They were in court for several years because my grandpa kept being her in for every little thing, most likely on the “advice”not his older sister who thinks she knows everything. When he’s with her, he isn’t allowed to breath unless she approves of it, that’s how controlling she is. It all ended when my grandpa tried to get the house, a home that had been in my grandma’s family and was an inheritance to her. Her wanted her to sell it and give him the money. Well, grandma dug in her heels more on this because it’s her family home and the house she raised her kids in. Somehow, it was considered “marital property.” Well, during the marriage, grandpa had bought a trailer home, which he was living in. Grandma’s lawyer got all the information about the property and got my grandpa to confirm in court that that was the trailer he bought. Grandma’s lawyer then told him that since it was bought during their marriage, it was also considered marital property. Therefore, if he demanded my grandma sell her home and give him the money, then she could demand he sell the trailer and giver HER the money. He got so mad, he stormed out of the courtroom, then came back and got in my grandma’s face (which she told her lawyer to allow, since she could knock him on his @$$ before he even got a swing in). He screamed at her that what he hated the most about her was that no matter what he did to her, she always landed on her feet and made the best of it and made him so mad. He told her he was done, she could keep the house, he just didn’t ever want to see her ever again. This was all back in the early to mid 80’s, I think. Was definitely before I was even thought of. She still lived in the same house... and he lives several houses down the road from her lol
@meowwaffles6040 3 года назад
"You owe me child support" "Ho, it's physically impossible for me to have made those babies"
@deettekearns9092 3 года назад
2:56 - Okay, I LOVE that kid. 18:52 - Clean out the joint accounts. Is that legal? If it is, that's just shitty.
@Jose04537 3 года назад
Yes, it is in a lot of states, if the account is "X OR Y" any of the two call pull out money, if the account is "X AND Y" none can pull out money without the other's permission. That's why you do your research before getting married, Google Community property states (where you loose half of everything), opposite of separate property.
@carschmn 3 года назад
22:57 many African, especially East African countries like Ethiopia eat primarily gravy type food using a bread called injera. They don’t use silverware. Those kids might have bad table manners because they just weren’t taught differently.
@morganrobinson3066 3 года назад
Facts. That irritated me.
@carschmn 3 года назад
@@morganrobinson3066 I felt bad for the kids for having to live with people who didn’t bother to learn the smallest thing about their culture. I found out by going to an Ethiopian restaurant so it’s not like it took a lot of hard searching.
@morganrobinson3066 3 года назад
@@carschmn right. They must have felt out of place.
@pensandshakers Год назад
...Did you just miss the sexual abuse by the older sister on the younger one or were you just ignoring that to make an irrelevant point to the main horror of the story?
@carschmn Год назад
@@pensandshakersno, I’m hypothesizing that being part of a household that may not have tried to learn the smallest thing about their culture may have contributed to the problem.
@MeowthRocket 3 года назад
2:56 That kid have may inadvertently stopped his dad from committing suicide. Awesome job.
@PikachuLittle 3 года назад
My mom’s divorce from her first husband scared the crap out of their lawyer. The reason being was that it was an amicable divorce where they had already divided up everything and they were just going to the lawyer to deal with the paperwork. Confused the hell out of the judge as well because they showed up to court together instead of sitting across the room from eachother like a normal divorced couple
@morganrobinson3066 3 года назад
"eating with their hands" it's part of their culture. Not bad manners.
@mirrorflame1988 3 года назад
Yeah, eating with your hands is not dirty. It's one of those things that really pisses me off!
@chenjohnson2787 3 года назад
Did you not read the rest of the account?
@stinkmymeat 3 года назад
The guy wasn’t actually a girl. What was the point of talking about it like that lol
@AtlasAlexS. 3 года назад
Yeah. It's transphobic. Whoever wrote that was misgendering the guy.
@GiordanDiodato 3 года назад
@@AtlasAlexS. *Bolivia*
@AtlasAlexS. 3 года назад
@yeetusfeetus7877 Год назад
Yeah, reading that was really uncomfortable for me. The dude was obviously a dude, even if he didn’t have the expected genitalia. I’m a cis dude and have been misgendered before, so I know how much being misgendered sucks. I really don’t like it when people misgender others because I know how bad it makes them feel. Especially when the person misgendering others is going out of their way to do so because they’re a POS, which sadly isn’t unusual.
@eburel506 3 года назад
I hate the parents that want to turn against the other parent just to hurt them. Leave this kids out of this. Or the courts the automatically differ to say the mother and not even check if she’s a good parent. I heard a few stories from friends that happened to and the mom had some bad mental problems. Do what’s best for the kid. I also don’t like the people that just take something cause it will hurt the other (like the dog story) horrible vindictive person.
@alexismyers6053 3 года назад
I once heard a child custody case that broke my heart. Mother was absolutely abusing the baby, had it taken away at least a few times, but because the courts want to keep families together, she kept getting it back. No supervision, not entering programs, no welfare visits. Just back to mom it went. The baby ended up dying and it p!sees me off that the courts would allow that just because of their picture perfect ideas of family. I hope that baby’s death weighs on them every day, because it would have lived had they not just given it back to mom. People like that should NOTE be in those positions.
@aaronfuller881 3 года назад
First time with an experienced woman is the funniest thing I've seen in these videos
@emileelamica7701 3 года назад
The guy wanting 50% of the dog is absolutely savage. That being said, you can kill/take my dog over my dead body.
@alexismyers6053 3 года назад
Same. My pets are my babies. And now my bad@$$ grandma who has threatened both an abusive husband and a (formerly) local dr*g dealer into fleeing loves them, too. She calls my dog her grandson. I would love to see how she deals with anyone who hurts them.
@PowerStruggle555 3 года назад
no divorce (they never got married) but costudy. My sister dated a loser in high school during her rebelous stage. of course she got pregnant with my niece. they tried to make it work but she finally saw he was bad for her so they split. she got main costudy mon-friday and he got her on the weekends and some holidays...fair enough. but after 4-5 years or so....she decided he wasnt a good father (which is 100% true) so she decided to fight for full costudy which she knew would be an uphill battle....till a blessing in disguise (horrible circumstances). he got arrested for animal cruelity (he took my niece to disney world....but left their puppy in a cage with very little food...so died by the time they got back.....his landlords found it and called cops with them waiting when they came back).....she quickly got custody with him getting some visitation when he got out. fast forwards to now. Niece is 23, is happily married....wants nothing to do with him
@FaydOgolon 3 года назад
So I have to use my imagination to figure out the conundrum regarding the woman who's trying to marry the man so she can get his house. I figure he's only marrying her for the convenience of having his tax liability cut in half. So what does she mean by he won't let her in the house? I can only picture after the wedding, he tells her they're going to go to her new home, and it turns out to be this really nice apartment. "I thought we were going to live at your house." "Oh, no. That house is worn down and not suitable for you to live in, so we're going to live here. And if anything should happen, you get to keep living here and paying rent!"
@kokitrees7394 3 года назад
I was going to say that with the 65 year old man who got paranoid, could be a kind of frontotemporal dementia
@nikkiwilson6523 3 года назад
Warnings for assaults/sexual abuse should be listed if it’s not related to the title of the video. That can be triggering for some survivors.
@7esseanime 3 года назад
Will never get married, and will always say single on paperwork. No matter how serious I am with someone.
@LordSkella 3 года назад
Yo, same!
@chelseanwankwo666 3 года назад
Don’t like how the last story talked about those kids. Felt very off
@selenalulamoon1167 3 года назад
The transphobic one was also bad. The lawyer was a dick who kept misgendering the husband.
@markchang2964 3 года назад
18:50 yoooooo
@4GamingPaws 3 года назад
This reminds me of that divorce a few years ago that I think was on the news? The husband and wife were fighting over..... Beanie babies, yep. Might not seem much at first but their were A LOT of them and a lot of them were quite rare and worth quite a lot of money, If I remember correctly they halved the beanie babies. I apologize if I got any information wrong, hope your having a good day/night. :)
@PowerStruggle555 3 года назад
newspaper one was the best.....best way to tell them something like you are being served. make it something they will read.
@BR.1991 Год назад
The one with the dad who thinks he lives in a Columbian novella the person said it might be medical has a good point. A woman my mother works with, her husband literally woke up 1 morning and was a different person. He went out and in one solid day bought a new boat, ATV, and put a down payment on a new Porsche.. He called his work that he was a CO owner of and told them to sell everything he bought 1 way tickets to Vegas for just him she thought he might have been cheating and wanted a divorbeen cheating in 1 of the divorce until they were talking One night and she realized that he didn't remember anything that he had done that didn't remember anything that he had bought and was a completely different human being . They're doing medical tests for dementia and Alzheimer's timer, and hes now on is now on an entire pharmacy of medication and still isn't the same.. Now that hes on on medication hes back to how he used to be somewhat but has no recollection of anything when he was sick . My mom's coworker said when she looked him in the eyes it was like he wasn't there and was even speaking differently, there were No signs whatsoever until the one day he woke up and was completely different. So medical issues are a huge possibility
@KcLee677 3 года назад
Our mom just yell at our dad.. until his just left.. never came back.
@RandomMackem0069 Год назад
So the “therapist” lied about the kid preferring his mam the judge should’ve asked the kid who they really preferred
@brettlarch8050 3 года назад
Straight people: Marriage is sacred and must be treated as such! Also straight people: This whole video
@Jose04537 3 года назад
Aren't you aware gay people also divorce and suffer domestic violence? Also lesbian couple suffer even higher levels domestic violence.
@brettlarch8050 3 года назад
@@Jose04537 Really? I never thought of that. (Sarcasm) Aren’t you aware that straight people have for centuries been oppressing us and that the straight people who constantly speak out against gay rights and gay marriage are hypocrites or gay themselves? Nice try though 👍🏻
@Jose04537 3 года назад
@@brettlarch8050 I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you where so invested in your prejudice and stereotyping and that's why you needed to spit lies and myths, have a nice day.
@brettlarch8050 3 года назад
@@Jose04537 It’s okay straight guy. You clearly don’t understand things. *pats you on head*
@brettlarch8050 3 года назад
@@Jose04537 By the way, you wrote were with an h and that’s grammatically incorrect.
@scotthag1993 3 года назад
7:50 my 70 year old step grandma was a fricken gold digger
@thatluckysnxiper7840 3 года назад
18:39 upvote for professionally fricked over
@chaseellenburg4075 3 года назад
I’m 14th
@potatokitty 3 года назад
Bread board
@sirenofthesea7802 3 года назад
Bread box. 🥖
@bananapee86 3 года назад
@fambam6753 3 года назад
7 th
@MrSmooth273 3 года назад
@random69920 3 года назад
@liathepurplegalactichybrid3321 3 года назад
Yay I'm early
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