
Let's Add Class & Personal Storylines To ESO! 

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15 май 2024




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@jeffreymccambridge9012 17 дней назад
For starters, I agree. I like not being the main character in an MMO *and* I like the idea of having a personal connection. I play and DM a lot of D&D and characters work best when they're invested in the world/story and have a reason to stay in the party and complete the quest (because just walking away is usually the smart thing to do) Here is what I want (but don't expect to get): 1. The thing we won't get but would be fun. Race-specific backgrounds (something as basic as alignment so not all NPCs treat me the same) as a substitute to subclass 2. Class-specific intro quest/tutorial. Model it on the Vampire or WW quest, which unlocks the skill line and lets you play around with it before you go out and level it up yourself As for the class storyline: I love it. And it doesn't have to be you learning your class as an initiate, it can be your character meeting with the guild or school and have that lore baked into the dialogue and quest
@acember 17 дней назад
As a lore junky I love the idea of having class story lines.
@cookingkoalas1380 17 дней назад
2:41-2:43 your comment is spot on. Love the idea of diverging into smaller stories not just a final end boss.
@gooddoctor7731 17 дней назад
I think it would be cool if characters during story quests referred to you as the title you have selected. Maybe even a line about what you did to earn that title.
@TurnipCasserole 17 дней назад
I really like the idea of class storylines. I still have fond memories of doing the shaman quests in WOW vanilla. They helped bring me into the lore and sparked interest in the character I was playing. It was a loss when they decided to remove them in my opinion.
@eelco_de_haan 17 дней назад
finally!! Ser Halfsharkalligatorhalfman is born! half man, half shark, half alligator....full nobel!!
@jahloveinfla 17 дней назад
i'd like to see class stories, it would create a sense of story in the world even without you being "the hero." As a newer player what i'd really like to see are the class lines being "buffed" to provide most of what the guild or weapon lines provide. you should be able to build a healer, tank or dps archetype fully through the class lines so it has an identity and then supplement it through the guild lines instead of feeling like you have to have this dead skill on your bar just for the buff it provides. I think that's what I like best about the Arcanist and the Nightblade at the moment, you can use those lines but don't "have" to.
@siniister710 17 дней назад
It's not as much related to additional story, but I do love when you're running through a city or town and people will mention some of your exploits. One that sticks out is by the crafting in alinor the woman that mentions no one survives the crypt of hearts, how did you? or something similar. I wish there was more of that so on my toons that have done a ton of questing and dungeons/trials I feel like an actually recognized character in my travels.
@tracylamb2971 17 дней назад
One of the things I loved the most about the single player TES games is the small stories you find everywhere. In Oblivion I did the full MQ once, but I found plenty of other things to do for years, all people that will talk to you. Morrowwind.. Good Lord, you can spend hours just talking to different people in the same town and get some different dialogue depending on what you've done. Skyrim.. the Stories IN stories.. the small vignettes that unless you look around and read everything you miss. I've talked to people that started 11/11/11 and never realized 10.. 12 years later that the smaller linned wrapped bodies in Forelhost where children that had been poisoned. Would I like the same kinda thing in ESO? Heck yes! Would I like Class specific stories/quests? Heck yes! ( starting with the tutorial area) One of the things I tell new players constantly is not to grind their fist character as high as possible, as fast as possible.. You don't learn the Class OR the game mechanic's well... if at all. A decent tutorial on class would help. So a small quest with rewards that are Class specific would help people from skipping the turtorial. I love NOT being the main character in a game... Years ago there was a mod for Skyrim that let the Player's Companion be the Dragonborn.. right down to them choosing to either keep Party-snacks or side with the Dragonguard. I played the heck out of that thing.. My character? A Bard. So yeah, I'd like to not be the "Hero of XXXX". And Yep, I DO like the long term story arc's.. but I'm a Role Player at heart.. so their's that.
@TANAN0. 17 дней назад
I agree with the idea of class story lines. i think another MMO to do a good version of this is SWTOR. if you could even do a fraction of what that game does it would be awesome. It would also be nice if there were more choices to make, and if your companions would react with our choices.
@gamevids7814 16 дней назад
Your companion reacts. Bastian for example dislike you killing innocent people but like you read books.
@vulpesser 9 дней назад
I would love that. I come from lotro and lotro has those distinct classes, like most mmos, and every 15-ish levels you get a letter from your class trainer, which gives you a class quest. It's nothing big nowadays but still it is unique to each class, you progres through those quests, and all of them are tuned thematically to that class so a loremaster (a mage, sort of) gets those artifact-seeking, ancient knowledge, animal-lore stuff, warden has a theme of being a lon defender in the woods, burglar has the obvious rogue-like bilbo theme. It adds so much immersion imo. Agree 100%. What is a DK? Why is a DK? Lol. Feed them those ideas, maybe some will sprout! Awesome ideas as usual :)
@alexbrowne9566 17 дней назад
Last year we saw the introduction of class sets. I think they're going to be playing with the class specific theme into the future. Yes class specific quest line would be just great. Something that explains what it really means to be a dragon knight, for example
@_invinciScribe_24 17 дней назад
Facts 👍🏾
@Just4Kicks80 16 дней назад
I agree, I loved the wow class storylines however it would be tough to deliver on this in ESO because the classes are more thematic than being actual classes since you can use any weapon or gear and do any quest. Class identity is a bit difficult in ESO and now with spell scribing (which I’m pumped for) will only blur the lines between classes more
@juliebeans7323 16 дней назад
@jeffreymccambridge9012 17 дней назад
Re: 3:00 mark, High Isle and political intrigue Blackwood's main plot drained me. I hated it. Well, that's dramatic. I was disinterested up until the boss battle and I hated that fight. I'm a small bean, I shouldn't be defeating multiple daedric princes. TF? It felt like nothing was really at stake. That said, Blackwood is a lot better than I'll ever give it credit for. The dungeons and trial were fantastic, the zone is boring but beautiful, the zone bosses were challenging, and the delves were alinear. Plus, Fargrave *was* a great addition even if it's mostly a non-combat zone that just has a bad neighborhood Then High Isle shattered my motivation to play. I was really excited to move away from Blackwood's boss battle and these daedric incursions every 5 minutes that we already know are going to fail. Political intrigue on a remote island? I'm here for this. And then I got there and the character development was so bad that (1) the dramatic reveals were vanilla and (2) I had no investment because the characters had no charisma High Isle introduced great quality of life updates, fun dungeons, a fantastic trial, and another stunning zone in addition to several new enemy types and races. But ESO's vision of druids feels off and the writers are terrible at writing palace intrigue. The side quests for High Isle and Galen are great but the main quest feels like filler. The rug pulls are obvious, the dialogue is forced (well delivered, just poorly written), and the plot isn't very sophisticated, which is a key requirement in intrigue Coming off of two disappointing expansions, I loved Necrom. I didn't want to go back to daedric threats but it's what the writers are good at and they nailed it. The palace intrigue in Apocrypha is somehow better than High Isle and Galen. Necrom restored a lot of my faith in the game and has me excited for Gold Road
@alexbrowne9566 17 дней назад
Hot take 👍
@vupartsupermud1995 17 дней назад
Cute wood elves everywhere
@jdm8702 17 дней назад
Dark Elves tho
@ericv738 17 дней назад
What are the lore reasons for each of the classes being in the world?
@Cooperharley0204 17 дней назад
Exactly That’s why I want a story line for each class that explains their origins and how they’ve fit into the modern world of tamriel
@ericv738 17 дней назад
@@Cooperharley0204 No I mean but like. Didn't you imply that there are lore reasons for them? Because I kinda am a massive massive lore fan (more on the classical side, Kirkbride lore etc) and I don't know what they are, nor* did I know they existed. *fixed typo
@Cooperharley0204 17 дней назад
@@ericv738 I imply that there MUST be lore reasons for them - reasons I’ve never found/heard and that’s why I ask for in game content like this. I love the lore of TES and everything about the series. I made this video because I feel like adding these in game informative/lore based quest lines would be super cool/beneficial :)
@ericv738 17 дней назад
@@Cooperharley0204 oh okay, thanks, sorry I misunderstood you in the video
@alexbrowne9566 17 дней назад
They've been mad vague about all of the classes from a lore perspective. They fleshed out the arcanist lore to the point where we understand that they're basically agents of hermeaus mora and their powers come from apocrypha. As a DK main in ten years of playing I've formed a loose understanding that the dragon knights are something related to the recent akaviri invasion (ebonheart pact warriors and anyone wearing akaviri armour will almost always be a dragon knight), but this hasn't been set in stone As for the rest? No lore links that I've been able to grasp Maybe if I read the in-game books something would become apparent
@gamevids7814 16 дней назад
Well I think to learn about your class which could be none at all in your RP way and you absolutely can effectively build that way is enough to read some books about the potential class you have. The returning NPCs are very welcome for it gives a slight immersion space for the illusion of knowing them. Btw they do a bad work with connecting the players with their NPCs emotionally. If a npc would be killed I would never cry like for example I do each time in fallout 3 concerning father. I would be ok whatever let's move on . I would like to see a quest line where I am assisting the hero without being him like in oblivion main quest.
@derpy_mushroom531 17 дней назад
You said that High Isle's trailer had the most views because of it promising not to be yet another Daedric plot. I have to disagree, that one went beyond ESO, it got memed to hell and analysed beyond reasonable scrutiny. High Isle's trailer is popular because of the fight scene, less so the promise of the story
@rezlov_ 17 дней назад
Yeah, the meme is definitely what made that trailer popular
@Cooperharley0204 17 дней назад
It was popular initially too but yea people thinking about possible naval combat and memeing it was definitely a huge factor
@Howdy8008 17 дней назад
Id love to play a bad guy in a storyline especially if its just a side thing that lest us role play. So we ain't the center of attention or the "hero" or "the one". So it wouldn't be about saving the world and literally any joe shmo could get the job done. It can still be hard but the lore would be it's just another job.
@jadedj5385 17 дней назад
Daedric elephant in the room: Sorcerer should be called Daedrologist. Necro is more sorcerer with a bit of death magic. Maybe a shaman. Warden is druid. The rest are fine but that undaunted line is suspiciously necromantic. Reading all the moves before Summerset lead me to believe the game was originally supposed to be mortals vs daedra in pvp but moved onto alliance focus because it mathed better among the races.
@derpy_mushroom531 15 дней назад
There is actually a book in the game called "Sorcery is not Necromancy" Sorcerers have nothing to do with death magic where Necromancers naturally do. The books do explain a lot if you read them. The only thing is that Sorcerer shouldn't have the pets, that should be a necro thing
@maxr7527 17 дней назад
My main issue as a new player is that there is almost no guidance as what to do when. You just get thrown is this big ass world with 10 years of dev and storylines and the game just tells you to figure out the order in wich to do things wich is bonkers because I have npc recognising me when we haven't met and npcs I've already seen acting like strangers. From what I understand this all relates to the old one tamriel or tamriel unilimted update that was intented to make the game more "open" but to me it feels like a cacophony of content. I had to look for an online guide to actually have a coherent narrative stream. You can tell that the game was not intended to be like that from the get go by how moronic the Harborage check ins in the main quest are; for each quest in the main questline you go back to the harborage, they tell you they need time check back later, you do a quick walk to the nearest city "quick vestige, come back to the harborage", WHY DID YOU ASK ME TO LEAVE THEN YOU OLD FARTS? and that's bc the Main quest is now no longer synced with the alliance questline/zones. All of that to say that I'd rather they fix and patch the issues and incoherences on what they already have first (especially when it comes to recurring npc) than (then?) add new storylines for your classes and or/race.
@dragonriderabens9761 17 дней назад
Class story lines I could see personal...ngl, the game is too open ended for that.
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