
Let's brief the EU press about how Jean Claude Juncker tried to cop off with Theresa May 

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WELL, Jeremy Corbyn got one thing right, at least.As the Prime Minister stood before the House of Commons to report on the latest Brexit negotiations, Jezza said: “I get the feeling of Groundhog Day.”Reuters EU monkeys keep leaking rubbish to the press about negotiations Yes, quite.But Corbyn was right for the wrong reasons. Because the real reason for feeling it’s Groundhog Day comes from the behaviour of the European Union negotiators.A pattern has been set - and they do it every time. What happens is this. The Brits meet up with their EU counterparts.They talk for a bit. Our side emerges and says the talks have been constructive and we’re progressing a bit.The EU monkeys say nowt. But then they leak to the press a stream of spite, nastiness, untruths and patent b*****ks.Reuters We could easily make up ridiculous rumours about Jean Claude Juncker too This time it was to suggest that our Prime Minister was despondent.She looked like she hadn’t slept. And she “begged” Jean Claude Juncker to help her.Listen, if I was sinking fast in a gigantic vat of pig excrement and Juncker was the only human being in proximity, I still wouldn’t beg him to help.I’d rather drown in the s**t, frankly. And I suspect Theresa May feels the same way.This latest lie was so absurd even Juncker was forced to deny it, point blank. And yet it happens every single time the talks take place.We are dealing with people without an iota of principle, without scruples or common decency.Third-division politicians from third- division countries and gravy train bureaucrats.AFP or licensors Leave her alone, Junker! I half think we should do the same sort of thing at the next talks.Say nothing officially but later brief the European press. “Juncker was incredible.First he tried to cop off with Theresa, then he started snorting some weird substance at the table.Later he sicked up his dinner, farted and just passed out. Incredible performance.”Something like that would redress the balance a little. The EU pols do it to undermine the confidence of our Government negotiators, to sow division among our ranks.One week it’s briefing against Boris Johnson, the next David Davies and now Theresa May.The problem we have, of course, is that this isn’t a united Government. And it is not being very well led.Even without the likes of Juncker and the idiot Donald Tusk, our negotiating position is being undermined.By members of Theresa May’s own Cabinet. AFP or licensors Even without the likes of idiotic Donald Tusk, our negotiating position is being undermined Philip Hammond and Amber Rudd, both saying it is “unthinkable” we would walk away from talks without a deal.When threatening to do just that is the biggest threat we have to offer. You can’t play poker against a monster if you have no cards.And that’s what Hammond and Rudd are ensuring - that we have no cards. We should be far more bullish in our approach to these talks.The European Union is in crisis. One by one, new governments are elected which reject key elements of the EU project.Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czechia. One of the biggest members, Spain, is falling apart.And, in its treatment of the Catalans, returning to 1970s fascism. Whatever problems Theresa May has, they are dwarfed by the crises engulfing the EU.So call their bluff. Threaten to walk away. And begin striking deals with EU countries which respect our position.PM Theresa May tells MPs that a Brexit deal 'is going to happen' - A MAGISTRATE has been sacked as an NHS director because of his views.Christian Richard Page expressed the opinion that children were best brought up by a mum and a dad.Now, I wonder what proportion of the UK population agree with that sentiment precisely? My guess is somewhere in the region of 80 per cent.Including me, for example. And almost everyone I know. But to hold that common-sense view now means you can get sacked from your job.Fear isn't consent Miley Cyrus is just one of the women to have been snapped by photo perv Terry Richardson SO, glamour snapper Terry Richardson is the latest ’orrible bloke to be caught up in the whole sexual harassment business.Richardson is famous for his sexual depiction of women, such as Miley Cyrus straddling a ball and chain.And models fondling themselves. Xposure Seedy Terry insists it was all consensual He admits to getting up to a bit of hanky panky with the endless parade of totty in and out of his studio.Everything was consensual, he insists. But it’s not my meaning of consensual,



25 окт 2023




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