
Let's talk about Elizabeth Cochran, pinky, Nellie Bly and the white rabbit.... 

Beau of the Fifth Column
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24 янв 2020




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@dinorancher5560 4 года назад
Well behaved women seldom make history.
@thehellyousay 4 года назад
Badly behaved men make too much history.
@thehellyousay 4 года назад
@michael dowson Dunno. Do you? Without having looked it up first? Yeah, sure, right...
@lodragan 4 года назад
I think that goes for men too. Of course, "well behaved" is relative to the status quo at the time.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
@michael dowson Mrs Gandhi?
@ahmedamine24 4 года назад
Eliza Hamilton?
@BeauoftheFifthColumn 4 года назад
I've just realized we're at the generational shift point and "white rabbit" now references Neo instead of Alice.
@suzettemorgan4423 4 года назад
Fortunately both Alice and Neo can deliver the same point.
@jannegrey593 4 года назад
Some of your audience is too young to remember the Matrix (and haven't watched it). Funny thing is I never liked books i had to read in school, so I never read Alice in Wonderland (and that is despite the fact that I read 150-250 books a year). But since in English speaking world the term "white rabbit" is quite prevalent, I learned fast what it meant - before the Matrix, which I rented from VHS rental on September 10th 2001 and decided to watch next day. Obviously there was a lot of news "flying" that day. So in the late evening, I thought I will catch a break and watch it. I was sick with images of something flying hitting the tall buildings. Let's just say that it took me a while to watch this movie in whole (not to mention appreciate it) and I still feel weird when Helicopter hits the building and deforms it in slow-mo. As a movie quite good, but being already well read in philosophical sci-fi (mostly Stanisław Lem) the idea of world within world and dreaming various layers of reality and waking up wasn't as groundbreaking to me as to lot of People. Sorry, I just saw Matrix and remembered THE SCENE. P.S. Polish Television showed that evening "The Independence Day" - I didn't watch it, so I don't even remember if they cancelled it or not (I know there was stink regardless). But I knew the movie, so I was like: No thank you.
@Myrddnn 4 года назад
To be fair, they both represent chasing an adventure...
@dyeeb 4 года назад
*sigh* Adopt, adapt, and improve.
@charlesparadise969 4 года назад
I'll go ask for you.
@gileshabibula7006 4 года назад
“It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” -Mark Twain
@fredericrike5974 4 года назад
@88Gibson LesPaul Not so sure your Alexander reference is the one you want. Young Alexander, not long after his fathers assassination, left his home in Macedon with 30-33 K Macedonian troops. In the next dozen years he conquered most of the known world- several times losing large portions of that 33k army. And always was able to recruit it up from the remains of the conquered. He had no home, Alexander, so where ever he went, he founded an Alexandria. And he did such a good job of it, most are still named Alexandria, many leagues away from Ancient Macedon. Alexander is fascinating- able, at 16, to convince most of his late father's generals and leaders that he had promise and he was worth their loyalty. Those men followed that boy to the ends of the earth and he died. I suspect Alexander is not you average Bronze Age war Lord at all, we've only hints left now.
@fredericrike5974 4 года назад
@Snaggle Toothed And after being "punished" the army (that was at least 60% non Macedonians by then) didn't desert. As to a 16 year old boy being "in the mix" of his father's assassination, that conjecture has been raised many times since the '50s- no substance I 'm aware of- the bloody knife so far doesn't have any recorded"fingerprints" to tie it to Alexander. A's mom, the Queen has also been named and there are bits and pieces that "sort of" support that- but no visible proof. The Armies of Antiquity have largely been loyal or faithful to good leaders- leaders who led them to victories. Leaders who allow themselves to be diminished by "caving" to the demands from the Army lose that loyalty and cohesion- Alexander's Army didn't do that. Why? Which is a better question to be asking than whether Alexander should be remembered as Alex the Damned or Alexander the Great. What ever his flaws, the Army and those pesky generals, largely stayed by Alexander. If you can come up with some credentialed source that is willing to stick his/her neck out in print, I'm willing to plow back through it. Me, I'm a reader; Alexander the Great has been the subject of innumerable graduate papers and books over the years- Harvard Light Publishing (I believe that is the way Harvard U's internal publishing house is styled) has published dozens of papers and several of those books alone. There is lots of material, but not one real "witness"- what little there is seems tied to people who had direct stake in that murder- that (I think) 3 or so of Phillip's generals were executed for the crime and the rest seem to have voluntarily joined Alexander's cause. Since I'm just an Armchair Historian, I'll leave the floor for anyone from that world to enlighten both of us.
@fredericrike5974 4 года назад
@Snaggle Toothed And most of them were not Macedonians and much closer to their homes. Why didn't they revolt and dessert?Why, 2400 years after Alexander and his conquest ended, are all those cities named for that one foreign conqueror still called Alexandria? ST, I'm not ducking or downing you- Alexander leaves almost as many questions as answers in his wake, and I find it difficult to take any "hard and fast" analysis w/o references. You retelling about the desert punishment comes from on of Alexander's court secretaries, I believe; some one at least as trustworthy as Julius (who would become Ceasar) Greek slave secretary that actually wrote Julius' Letters to the Senate and People of Rome. Another fine political puff piece from antiquity. Never forget that sources like that are what that era would consider the "PR Dept". At the end of the day, for you and I ST, I suspect that we've had very different instruction backgrounds about Alexander- their have been at least two competing "Alexander theories" since I was a youngster ('50s). More than one of my instructors, including College, had differing views than the "Alex is a Hero" story- some were as dark as you have laid out, some were about a child King, elevated at his father's murder, but sent out of his kingdom to perish or fail, but not come home. The truth is somewhere[ likely somewhere on the plain that lies between those two goal posts. Have a great day and thanks for helping a retired old fossil get through his day!
@fredericrike5974 4 года назад
@Snaggle Toothed Lot of detail, which I believe is largely correct- I think Alex's age at his father's murder was 16, but it makes little difference- Phillip's old generals chose Alexander, even thought hey knew he might not be able to return to rule in his own name. The murderous nature of that era's political class is breath taking, and not only in Greece- Egyptian dynastic history is pretty bloody too! Again, the only texts we have, from some very partisan witnesses, are not to be wholly trusted. There is not likely to be any better archaeological evidence to be found- those partisans are about all we have - and all those Alexandrias, which have kept that name for 2000 years now- a name , not of a local hero or founder, but of a conqueror. How many towns etc are named for William the Conqueror? Or Attilla the Hun? All the conquerors I'm familiar with loved "leaving their mark". Maybe I'm doing this wrong; I'm trying to say that really old history from a time when literacy was likely under 1% is more iffy than not. You would like to be "The Right Answer". There is a reason I have not characterized any of what you have said as "mistakes"- neither of us, with college libraries full of papers and books can definitively say this or that is "the truth". And even if you were substantially correct (and you may be), all those conquered places accepting and keeping that conquerors name long after he died and his armies disbanded, tell me and others there is something not quite visible in the sketchy written pieces on Alexander and why he became what he did. PS If you want to do your detailed "list of my sins", please give me a bibliography to work from- you have not presented any credential so far that makes you any more or less authoritative than my sources. As I said several times, we could both be somewhat right. BTW , testimony after a murder from people who likely are part of the plot (Phillip's second wife, or first for that matter) are highly suspect of being very self serving. No court sat and deliberated that whodunit- just 2300 years of historians, and they never got things wrong, did they?
@fredericrike5974 4 года назад
@Snaggle Toothed But the army and his father's old generals followed him to the literal end of the world, even after the desert punishment- that I had forgot, honestly. Then there are all those Alexandrias that have never thrown off the conqueror's name.
@theinquisitor18 4 года назад
I know I post a lot of positive comments on your videos but I gotta add another one. I've been binge watching old videos that I've missed or just re-watching them anyway cause your videos are so informative. Currently recovering from a neuro-trauma Surgery so, sleeping has been rather difficult. Appreciate the content as always.
@kellymaldia128 4 года назад
Sending good thoughts your way.💜
@theinquisitor18 4 года назад
@@kellymaldia128, thank you, so much. So far the recovery has been rather easier than I remember as this is my 12th time dealing with this issue. The previous times occurred while I was an infant child.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
The lengths people will go to just to binge on Beau!!! I wish you a speedy recovery.
@joaquincortada1483 4 года назад
Bingeing Beau is good for the mind body and soul
@theinquisitor18 4 года назад
@@joaquincortada1483, in my case gotta keep that mind active, Lmfao.
@katiekane5247 4 года назад
A heroic woman who deserves wide exposure. Thank you again Beau!
@jessica3548 4 года назад
Fun fact, I'm related to Nellie Bly through my grandmother, Shirley Cochran. Her grandfather was Nellie Bly's oldest brother. So she was my grandma's great-aunt. (I literally just checked my family tree to dig up the exact relation, lol.)
@jodir7620 4 года назад
What a cool person to have in your family tree! A true adventurer!
@EastSider48215 4 года назад
Jessica Lutseck : I am a deep admirer of your great-great-great aunt. She was a badass from the beginning. My grandmother had the Nellie Bly Round the World board game when she was a little girl - loved it!
@judyponceby5532 4 года назад
I just read her book about being in the "Madhouse". Being a psych nurse I found it particularly interesting and her courage and bravery remarkable. I had no idea she lead such an interesting life afterwards but am not surprised after reading her experiences. Your "just a thought" makes me feel as though I need to start following a few white rabbits, that I have usually watched pass by. Especially, in this time of upheaval..... Thanks for sharing your thoughts Beau. Much appreciated.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
Now there's someone you'd want round your dinner table. Much respect to her and her courage and her imagination which let her chase the white rabbit.
@HisameArtwork 4 года назад
I doubt she'd be content to be your entertainer for the evening.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
@@HisameArtwork You must be very young.
@kellymaldia128 4 года назад
Sending this to my daughter. I'm always telling her take risk. You never know where the world will take you.
@kellymaldia128 4 года назад
@Snaggle Toothed I'm trying really hard to get her take chances while she has "backup," her dad and I since she turns 16 tomorrow. She's been cautious since birth. I never treated her as fragile or a "girl." She is 2nd degree black belt. She wants to be an engineer and I know she will be. She is more hard wired like her dad. My son lives life to the fullest. He always jumps at chances to try anything new. He a risk taker and a strong moral compass, right and wrong. He wants to make a difference. He is wired like my side of the family. It's always strange to have 2 kids raised the same, but their hard wiring is so different.
@c.b.- 4 года назад
@@kellymaldia128 it is good that you recognize their differences, just be supportive and she'll find her feet once she gets finished with the gauntlet that is high school.
@theinvisiblequeen 4 года назад
Tell your kids that it's never too late to find your bliss. I didn't figure it out til I was 30. But everything I did gave me a broad education and a group of supportive friends that when I was ready, everything fell into place. Never give up.
@maggierezac5820 4 года назад
@@kellymaldia128 Bless you for your recognition that different is sometimes difficult, but not bad! I had twin girls when my son was only 17 months old! From birth on, I strongly encouraged them to be the individuals that they truly are. Even baking separate birthday cakes! Happily, the are fraternal & appear not at all like sisters, much less twins! Today? One of them is a successful Funeral Director/Mortician! I think the other is still working for the State Department, but that is a sad Hole I won't go down today! 😢
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
👋🏽 Add: Huh...interesting. No fear of the unknown and commitment to following the truth to any end. Magic combination.
@autohmae 4 года назад
Hey there first comment. :-)
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
autohmae 🙂
@mirithilrose54 4 года назад
Howdy Beau from The Netherlands. Learning something new every day from you. :)
@nathanielsizemore8594 4 года назад
Thank you for educating me about this outstanding woman and the advice.
@themaddane1550 4 года назад
Badass lady.
@dsmith3614 4 года назад
The Invincible Nellie Bly! Right up there with Hedy LeMarr! Thanks for the memories and keeping their history alive, Beau.
@michel3691 4 года назад
Great story. I guess I didn't recognize my chance, but I am happy when I look at my adult kids raising their own now.
@DennisMoore664 4 года назад
The moral of tonight's thought - GO FOR IT!!!
@gepisar 4 года назад
doesnt always end well.... and you cant get back the time.... Meh.. Regrets....
@DennisMoore664 4 года назад
@@gepisar That's a good advice if you want to live a mundane life. Nothing wrong with playing it safe, but most people will regret doing that even more than trying to something and failing at it. Fortune favors the bold, my friend. And failure builds character - and leaves you with some amazing memories!
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
@@gepisar Better to have tried something than spend your life regretting not trying. Now that really is a waste of time.
@gepisar 4 года назад
@@DennisMoore664 ive tried PLENTY... just sayin, it doesnt always have an happy ending. SOMETIMES, i would have been better off staying in bed - at least no damage or losses would have occurred.
@DennisMoore664 4 года назад
@@gepisar I get what you are saying. I absolutely agree that things don't always work out and we should have done things differently or not at all but you'll never know if you don't try. Good on you for trying PLENTY (don't get all uppercase about it - no one appreciates being yelled at and it makes you look bad). But just because you might fail is a terrible reason for not trying. You also might succeed but if you don't try you'll never know. Nothing ventured nothing gained. There will always be damage and pain and lose in life - that's part of being alive and will happen regardless of whether you stay in bed or not. Hopefully we learn from the failures and don't repeat them. But sometimes it takes falling down a few times before we figure it out - sometimes we never figure it out. Sometimes we only hurt ourselves but sometimes we get hurt by others or even worse we end up hurting others and we have to try and fix the damage we've caused the best we can. But sometimes you can't even do that and if you are a decent person you have to carry that burden with you for the rest of your days. No one gets out of here without regrets, but that's no reason to advocate staying in bed and not trying. Meh - you'll probably complain about this too because I'm just an asshole who doesn't get it, right? Do me a favor and keep your bad attitude to yourself, please. I have enough problems staying positive and not falling into a bad place and I don't need any more of your negativity and advocacy for burying your head under your covers. Just stop - you aren't helping.
@MunyekaMarie 4 года назад
OMG I have a public speaking class, and I decided just last week to talk about Nellie bly for the biographical speech assignment! Thank you for making this video 💕
@2vectors708 4 года назад
She also got extremely lucky that nothing too bad happened to her. A lot of people seem to forget to factor in luck when they tell amazing stories about people in history. Good story beau.
@justsomeinternetchick9741 4 года назад
New heroine for my list. On getting committed alone, she took a huge risk to help people who were being abused by a system that was supposed to be helping. I need a CW for these stories, they always make me cry. Where are these types of people today?
@justsomeinternetchick9741 4 года назад
@42 jade that's true. Sometimes it just seems like there are so many less. Thanks for the reminder.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
Sadly you'll hear about more of them when they've gone.
@justsomeinternetchick9741 4 года назад
@@margaretnicol3423 true. That kind of thing rarely gets recognized while the person is alive.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
One group of women I do admire are the foreign correspondents and camera women. They go right into battle zones just to make sure we get informed of what's happening there. Many have been killed over the years but they just keep doing the job.
@evilsharkey8954 4 года назад
She was also extremely lucky. A lot of women wouldn’t try to do what she did out of fear of being assaulted and/or murdered.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
If you felt that way you'd never leave the house.
@gagrin1565 4 года назад
@@margaretnicol3423 Lots of people never leave the house.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
@@gagrin1565 True. How sad is that? That's when neighborhoods need to come together.
@gagrin1565 4 года назад
@@margaretnicol3423 I don't disagree, but there is also a sentiment here that everyone should be striving towards the same goal (i.e. adventure and opportunity) and I certainly don't have the temperament for that and I doubt I ever will.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
@@gagrin1565 Nothing wrong with having a goal but it could be to read one of the old classics that you've been meaning to do for years or having a good game of chess with another good player. It could be learning to crochet or decorate a room. Anything that let's you tick a box and makes you happy when you've ticked it. However, if you get offered a ticket on the next flight to the moon ...?
@sqlblindman 4 года назад
I've never understood why Blye's life has not been made into a major motion picture.
@Sailor-Dave 4 года назад
“She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.” I want the same marvelous life for my daughter.
@EastSider48215 4 года назад
I am delighted you highlighted Nellie Bly! She is one of my heroes, and she should be remembered as IdaTarbell and the other early muckrakers are.
@PaleRider54 4 года назад
While working in a small telephone switching maker's company computer room, I became acquainted with Mark, one of the programmers. He played classical guitar. He made a very comfortable living and had a job that promised the lifestyle most aspire to until retirement age. He was invited, after auditioning, to go study classical guitar with one of the all-time great masters, Andres Segovia. This was an invitation that would come only once. He quit the comfortable job, sold the house, and made the trek to Spain. I never heard from Mark again, but I suspect his choice came with no regrets.
@narfvader8651 4 года назад
Beau... You always bring up the coooooooooooooooooolest people i've ever heard of and(probably) have ever lived on mother earth.. Thank you.. Keep collecting subscribers!!!
@DJNaveE 4 года назад
I love how you tie your t-shirts to the topic of the video. You have an impressive t-shirt collection I must say.
@julietfischer5056 4 года назад
I read 'Ten Days in a Madhouse.' She worried that the judge and the doctors would see through her act. Maybe someone should have looked into why they didn't.
@SunflowerSpotlight 4 года назад
I loved this video! I knew about her life story, but it’s always a good story to hear, and I knew you’d have your own perspective on it. Hearing stories of lives like these is like lighting a match when you’re stuck in the dark, it helps push the shadows back for a while until you work up the courage to go get those lights back on for good.
@serenasorensen6734 4 года назад
You captioning is...interesting. "Hello hood it's bubble again..." is what showed up on my screen. 🤣
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
Serena Sorensen 😃
@AllieMetcalfgoogle 4 года назад
You cannot know how timely this video is for me. Cheers, Justin. I'm off down the hole.
@Capt_Caveman205 4 года назад
Love this video because i love the story of this woman. Shes amazing!!
@Sage8981 4 года назад
Always a shirt for the occasion ^_^
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
Sage898 __ I have seen this one before though. Apt as always.
@bravejango12 4 года назад
I just watched the episode of "West Wing" that talks about her.
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
bravejango12 What??? I loved that show! I don’t remember much of it now. It’s been what 15 years or more? Probably time to go back and re-watch it.
@briansmutti 4 года назад
@bravejango12 Great show! It’s on NETFLIX! Which episode was that?
@bravejango12 4 года назад
@@briansmutti Season 2 Episode 5. The scene starts at 32:15
@moimeself1088 4 года назад
That's the first thing that came to my mind when i saw the reference to nelly bly. Great show! I miss the bartlett administration. 😥
@theinvisiblequeen 4 года назад
@@moimeself1088 being from New Hampshire, there's a plaque right down the road, the Bartlett house is right there too. I always thought that the tv show captured some of our new England spirit. And he reminded me of JFK. Not perfect, but he always tried to make things better for all Americans. Imho, Bernie's probably the closest to that are going to find. Sometimes I just hate politics, ya know what I mean? In NH we do take our obligations to go see the candidates, meet them, and ask questions that haven't been asked yet very seriously.
@lunepoulet4787 4 года назад
"Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life. " Mary Oliver
@chezmoi42 4 года назад
She is a hero of mine, and an inspiration to write.
@r-pupz7032 4 года назад
Makes me think of Glenn Greenwald, persecuted by the fascistic Bolsonaro regime for documenting the case of the political prisoner and former president Lula da Silva, imprisoned on trumped up charges, and shaming the Brazilian Supreme Court into releasing him. I stand with Glenn and Lula, and all journalists across the globe risking life, limb and freedom to shine a light in the dark places ✊
@peachion2 4 года назад
What a time it is for us. I’m getting some of your tee shirt, I think it is part of history.
@cummings_144 4 года назад
Outstanding video Beau! I enjoyed the refresher of that story. Drunk History also did this one on one of their episodes. You're right about the white rabbit..
@kellyalves756 4 года назад
❤️ Nellie is one of my long time heroes. Like everyone I guess.
@janeguarnera7700 4 года назад
The contributions women have made whether with renowned recognition or quietly in everyday life is phenomenal...a daily affirmation which would truly be of benefit to our species.
@EIBrown 4 года назад
Well-timed. I kind of needed to hear this.
@theelephantintheroom8016 4 года назад
Manufactured the first practical 55-gallon oil drum
@RyanBile 4 года назад
Thanks for the thought Beau.
@brontesegard8305 4 года назад
Two roads diverged in a wood. And I...I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.
@danajohnson3799 4 года назад
y'all have a good night too. Thanks for the video.
@cford2765 4 года назад
This makes me very depressed about my own mundane life. Especially because I know it is entirely due to my own choices.
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
Cheryl Ford Ditto. I like my known order and my ducks that I count over and over again.
@evilsharkey8954 4 года назад
Cheryl Ford, don’t feel too bad. She was also lucky. Some who go down the rabbit hole get buried there.
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
Evil Sharkey 😱
@dontcare3430 4 года назад
Never to late for change. Just remember, the only people that fail, are the ones that tried. Never be afraid to fail. First Attempt In Learning.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
It's not too late.
@andreww9104 4 года назад
I see what’s happening here. I don’t know who was needing this but go for it!
@TheSuzberry 4 года назад
An amazing person.
@QueSeraSera2010 4 года назад
They didn't want a journalist who told the truth. She didn't give up.
@AppliedMetaphysician 4 года назад
Good story Dude, Good story.
@ssc4153 4 года назад
@phaedrussocrates7636 4 года назад
Good night, Beau👍
@ronaldtoney8976 4 года назад
Beau,.. WOW, talk about following your dreams at all cost.. 😁😁..I truly admire that woman's perseverance..Too bad we don't have many journalists with the same ambitions anymore like (Walter Krnokite)..JMT..
@jeffkeil1595 4 года назад
Baeu, I should tell you the story when I lost my electrical system while flying through thunderstorms, did an emergency landing at a military electronics warfare training installation, was intercepted on the ground by two F16's and a helicopter, then was interrogated by the cia and navy for seven hours. Then when I was driven back to pick up my plane after the repairs my driver went nuts and I had to Baker act her. That was a heck of a story. Lol!
@jakejones66 4 года назад
Thank you Beau for taking something always viewed as crazy (chasing a white rabbit) and turning it into an act of bravery and truth seeking! Now if I could just figure out which white rabbit to chase🤔😬
@elroy9173 4 года назад
You might have confused Cochran for Lilian Gilberth with the mention of the trash can. Gilberth, author of Cheaper by the Dozen, was arguably the mother ignored modern ergonomics. She invented the foot pedal trash can and shelves on fridge doors.
@LindaB651 4 года назад
Well howdy there Beau! Nice to hear from you again!
@jima1135 4 года назад
The idea of "luck" comes down to taking chances. It is a cliche, but you miss 100% of the chances you don't take. That isn't to say you won't fail the majority of the time, but "lucky" people keep trying after they fail. You only generally only remember their successes though, not their failures.
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
Jim A 💯 I fear failure so much that I have stayed on the sidewalk for most of my life. Oh well, too late to change my entire life.
@evilsharkey8954 4 года назад
Jim A, unless they die. Then they stop trying. She was extremely brave but also very lucky, especially at that time.
@habid91 4 года назад
You Just answered a question for me, thank you
@daiakunin 4 года назад
Follow the white rabbit Neo... Seriously though, what an amazing, courageous woman!
@ajohnson153 4 года назад
Reminds me of my favorite passage from Lord Of The Rings. 'It's dangerous business Frodo, going out your front door. You step out onto the road and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you'll be swept off to.'
@clarissagafoor5222 4 года назад
Oh - i get it! - Alice in Wonderland and her white rabbit!
@thehellyousay 4 года назад
@borisbadenov8613 4 года назад
@maggierezac5820 4 года назад
@@borisbadenov8613 Thank you for the link! Dammit I truly am old af! I did watch The Smothers Brothers in my youth, but seriously? 1967? My usual go to for that song is her performance at Woodstock, two years later!
@ryanb7186 4 года назад
I wish I were as brave as she was.
@quirkygeekgirl 4 года назад
OMG Nellie Bly is amazing, the book Eighty Days by Matthew Goodman introduced me to this amazing woman.
@twgardenia 4 года назад
Thanks :)
@kranzonguam 4 года назад
This one goes to #1 on the extra credit watch list! The economic, political, social videos are important, but this one is the first step to discovering them all! Without the willingness to "follow that rabbit", either physically or intellectually, we don't discover, and thereby don't grow... Thank you, Beau!!!
@teresathomley3703 4 года назад
Good shit.
@robcrawford7780 4 года назад
Do me a favor and look up Hedy LeMarr, she was more than just an actress.
@margaretnicol3423 4 года назад
Another very clever woman.
@robcrawford7780 4 года назад
@@margaretnicol3423 thank you. She was amazing
@craigcorson3036 4 года назад
@Brexit Refugee Do yourself a favor, and do as the OP suggests. It's Hedy, not Hedley.
@craigcorson3036 4 года назад
@luvcheney1 Yes, but HEDY was a woman, you ignoramus.
@theinvisiblequeen 4 года назад
@Brexit Refugee omg. You think that the fictional character named Hedley Lamarr (a male) is REAL? And the REAL actress Hedey Lamar's - a REAL woman - is fictional? You do know that they made fun of this in the movie, right?
@dbrice71 4 года назад
I've always felt content about my life choices, now I feel even better. At about 16 the white rabbit came calling, without hesitation I followed. As a man on the verge of 49 and not near in good or great financial status , I possess way more wealth than the average.
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
Darryl Brice 💐 That is lovely to hear.
@trevorjarvis3050 4 года назад
@D123 Mahesh Atta boy! may your grandchildren want to know your tales!
@dbrice71 4 года назад
@@trevorjarvis3050 My children already know my tales, so it's a start.
@rjkona573 4 года назад
I think Nellie Bly was a crusader, not an adventurer.
@allhumansarejusthuman.5776 4 года назад
I followed that white rabbit from the first moments of freedom I was able to wrestle out of my parents hands; till my son asked me to stop; that he just wanted a quiet life in the country. I told him, Id get him and his brother a house in the country side... And that as soon as he turns 18 I'm following that rabbit again.
@troymiller7972 4 года назад
Great observation! I’m fighting advanced lung cancer and before this I had a heart attack. Im only 50 years old and everyone couldn’t/can’t believe either happened to me, because I didn’t hav any risk factors and I live a fairly healthy life. But, it happened. I’ve lived my life working for tomorrow and there is a lot of good for everyone in being a good person and planning for the future. But, the biggest regrets I have are not appreciating enough how important people are and how limiting life is if we allow fear of risk and failure to interfere with our life. In the end it will only fill us with of a lot of what if’s? So, get out there and do it.
@jodir7620 4 года назад
Twice in my life, I had the money, the means, and the freedom to follow the white rabbit......and both times I was an idiot.
@lutemule 4 года назад
That's what I did, I retired and bought a small house and are living happily ever after...
@Raven25250 4 года назад
I own that book.
@conversationsfromthefringe3180 4 года назад
Great story about someone that had all odds stacked against them and she still managed to break the stereotype. How many male counterparts in her day are more apt to have name recognition.
@autohmae 4 года назад
Hello Beau, here is the Internet people again. :-)
@rickc2102 4 года назад
She didn't just follow the rabbit. She studied the rabbit and articulated the life of the rabbit to us.
@Mellowcanuck33 4 года назад
"And with dust in throat I crave" "Only knowledge will I save" "To the game you stay a slave." "ROVER, WANDERER," "NOMAD,VAGABOND," "CALL ME WHAT YOU WILL!"
@alltradejack 4 года назад
When Neo followed the white rabbit, he had to make a choice which pill he was going to take. Then he spent the rest of his time learning that there was not really a choice at all.
@Caperhere 4 года назад
There’s a vid about this woman faking insanity to gain access to the asylum, but I don’t recall her going on to achieve other great feats.
@EastSider48215 4 года назад
Kelly Hudson: That was just the start of her career, and she was well known in NYC, but not as much outside. Her trip around the world, however, brought her international fame, as she was also racing another reporter from a rival newspaper. People followed her trip through the newspaper, and turned out in huge crowds to greet her. There was a board game made of her trip, and the newspaper didn’t know quite what to do with a journalist who was also a world-wide celebrity after she got home.
@helenpatterson3858 4 года назад
Thanks for that history lesson. Inspiring.
@lynneperg6853 4 года назад
Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn't mean you're fearless. I've done that many times in my life. My older sister says I'm brave. I'm not. Sometimes my adventures have ended well, sometimes not but I've learned to enjoy each day to the fullest. There's an old saying: nothing ventured, nothing gained.
@SandraNelson063 4 года назад
Back in the day, one of the WORST things you could say about a woman was that she was an "adventuress"! Meaning, that she lived an exciting, interesting life, and was VERY alluring to married men! THOSE women were very dangerous to "nice" sedate women who had done EXACTLY what they were told and had gotten married to boring men with secure careers. They settled in, created lovely homes, had children, had their lady friends in for tea, volunteered at nice charities, donated to the "deserving poor" and NEVER read the newspaper or had an original , exciting idea. An adventuress went to bed when she chose, got up when she chose, dressed to please herself, chose her own friends, READ NEWSPAPERS!!!, traveled wherever and whenever she liked, often worked for a living, HAD RELATIONS WITH MEN OUTSIDE OF WEDLOCK!!!!, engaged in political discussions, had her own opinions, wasn't afraid to learn more, THOUGHT OF HERSELF AS EQUAL TO MEN!!!, and would quite happily pursue a MARRIED man if it suited her fancy. An adventuress was a terrible threat to all "nice" women. Nelly Bly was a complete unabashed adventuress.
@DreadMerlot 4 года назад
Amen. Never know where it leads, but you know it'll be more interesting than nowhere.
@danielchrist8651 4 года назад
Beau must have watched the matrix today lol
@jonathangarmuth8975 4 года назад
Oh Mr Rabbit
@andrewbell2712 4 года назад
Wow! So Nelly Bly defended the rights of women factory workers, of a Mexican journalist who spoke truth to power, and the rights of the insane who had no rights, and lived to tell about it? What would happen to us if a woman like her ever became president? Would that be a country you'd want to live in, or do you prefer this one?
@nicolewuelleh8637 4 года назад
She also never had kids to support. I totally respect this, but it's way easier when you only have yourself to worry about.
@d123mahesh2 4 года назад
Nicole Wuelleh It isn’t a commentary on our mundane lives just on the interesting brave life of hers; but I just finished bemoaning my boring life in a couple of other threads here so I am being a hypocrite. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Sorry! This is a work in progress : I have to tell myself what I tell the kids all the time: that every life counts and is special in its own way. Hearing about the fantastic adventures of one person does not make my life any less. I can be happy for that person, admire them, learn something good from them if I can but ultimately I will live my life and I will leave my mark on this world in my own way. I really wish there will come a time when women’s psche is healed generation after generation until hearing about each other’s success will just be that without any subtext from the evil twin inside of us called self doubt.
@jakejones66 4 года назад
That response is beautiful!👏👏👏.
@PolishLucy1221 4 года назад
We don't live anymore, just exist.
@penzotoko6619 4 года назад
Makes a man really wonder what the Hell he's been doing with his life....
@johnpear8921 4 года назад
Always interesting - Thank you
@michelewalburn4376 4 года назад
She's a heroine.
@totonow6955 4 года назад
Good thoughts as always
@africaart 4 года назад
Deep 🤯
@laurajarrell6187 4 года назад
Some people are just brave and determined! 👏💝☮️🎃
@jannettsnow1330 4 года назад
I did not know this thank you.
@100perdido 4 года назад
In the 1960's a man named Arrington High who lived in Jackson Mississippi and operated a small newspaper of interest to the Black community decided to blow the whistle on a brothel operated by Black women which catered exclusively to White Mississippi politicians and business people. Mr. High was brought before a probate judge and pronounced insane based on the theory that any Black man who would do such a thing much be off his rocker and was committed on the state prison farm for the insane. A Black doctor in Detroit intervened on behalf of Mr. High and hired a crew of White men to spring Mr. High from the farm, drive him to a Black mortuary, have him placed inside a casket and had his "body" transported by train to Philadelphia Pa. where the train was met by a hearse and transported to a mortuary in Philadelphia where Mr. High was released from his casket. Mr. High lived out the rest of his life as a free man in Philadelphia. I suppose the point of this is to remind us that challenging the status quo has consequences when you step on the wrong toes.
@100perdido 4 года назад
@@ranz2355 Don't know. Maybe he was just tired of hypocrites in general. But of course you could question his motives to discredit him.
@deanaoxo 4 года назад
@AvangionQ 4 года назад
When the chance for adventure finds you, take it. What to do for those who never saw that opportunity?
@denisewalker7235 4 года назад
I am from Pittsburgh and never knew her story!😢
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