
Liberal VS. Conservative Catholics // Catholic In America 

Saint Dominic Media
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@toddinde Год назад
My view is that Jesus was strong on the separation of church and state (“render unto Caesar …”). The more the church gets involved with the state, such as telling people how to vote or supporting authoritarian regimes, it weakens the Church. I also believe that reforming the treatment of divorced Catholics is essential.
@evagisele6584 Год назад
As a generally liberal Democrat, I appreciated this informative, sane discussion. Thank you!❤
@Dink1963 2 года назад
Like your style I check in on all religions Thanks fir the info
@SaintDominicMedia 2 года назад
Thanks for leaving a comment. Come back and see us again. We have seven shows we produce here at Saint Dominic Media, so there's plenty of of content covering an expansive list of topics. God bless!
@agak9974 Год назад
Great talk
@jenniferflower9265 Год назад
I think it should be looked at like a principal. For instance, a liberal might suport legalizing abortion and teaching sex Ed in school because they believe it really reduces abortion. When it's illegal, abortion still happens in huge rates, just nobody knows about it. You might be against the legalizing of abortion because simply it's wrong and you don't believe in it. In principle, both groups want abortion to be done with. There's more in common than meats the eye. They are both fighting for the same principal. Stop fighting, stop demonizing eachother, get educated.
@SaintDominicMedia Год назад
Thanks for leaving a comment. I have to say it's hard for us as Christians to paint the abortion industry in such a positive light as you have here. I understand where you are coming from, but ending an innocent life is just never acceptable, regardless of the goal, motivation, or principle behind it. Abortion lacks creativity and love.
@WesleyGospel146 3 года назад
15:38 - nailed it - liberal vs conservative (mainly an American political terminology) / heresy vs orthodoxy (strictly theological understanding)
@brianparent 2 года назад
Encyclopedia Britannica: 25,000 Catholics in 1776 out of a population of 4,500,000 people. Of course, The Pew Research Center states there were just over 20% Catholic in 1776. Heck, I bet you don't even know why that is.
@IsaacFlores-to2nb 12 дней назад
What beliefs make you outside the church.
@cristhoperdelvalle9781 Год назад
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895 - 1979) (p. 1919 - 1979) (b. 1951 - 1966, 1966 - 1969) (ab. 1969 - 1979).
@JP1974-GRUNT 3 года назад
You circled a meal for 45 minutes but never took a bite. Milk Toast conversation,
@margyrowland 3 года назад
Ask them a “real” question
@jackiegay1405 Год назад
My son's Catholic school has decided to promote the OBOB reading program this year despite the fact that there is a book on their list which portrays a homosexual relationship between two teen girls. How is this all right with the Archdiocese of Portland and the Catholic church in general? What am I missing here?
@SaintDominicMedia Год назад
Thanks for leaving a comment. Sorry to hear this. Maybe you could speak with the principal or the bishop.
@jackiegay1405 Год назад
@@SaintDominicMedia I did speak with the principal. She said they she and our priest decided to leave it up to parents whether they wanted their child to participate or not.🤦‍♀️
@SaintDominicMedia Год назад
@@jackiegay1405 Sounds like you should be able to choose not to let your child participate. Did you raise your concern about the book in question? Ask why this would be considered? If you feel they haven't adequately responded to your concerns, you can always request a meeting with your bishop. God bless!
@danielchoate7452 2 года назад
Catholicism is for Everyone. Love is Love, and all love comes from the Lord. 🏳️‍🌈😌
@ryanrogers3610 2 года назад
@YouTubehandles1 2 года назад
Liberal is individual in their life, in their thinking, and has personal choice in how they live.🕊️up💛🔐👋
@agnessadang310 3 года назад
Prefer conservative catholics.
@morph628 2 года назад
Digging Fr. Michael..loving that hairy barey daddy!
@vkorchnoifan 3 года назад
Liberal meant freedom from oppression, now it means progress towards a good goal. Politically, more taxes and more spending. Conservatism meant to conserve what is best and brightest in our lives. Politically, to be prudent in taxes and spending. Today, out society is becoming more permissive. Allowing our culture to be more sexual. Conservatives think our culture is more nasty and more violent. Liberals want more social spending with no consequences (or accountability). Deficit spending is ok if it is for social benefits. Conservatives understanding that the national debt will not or can not be paid off ever. 40 years from now we may go broke.
@Brokenlance 2 года назад
You say the word truth as if it is observable fact, here’s my issue. Point to the quote in the Bible that says SPECIFICALLY “aborting an undeveloped fetus is murder” because if the Bible does not say that VERBATIM, the all you’re doing is coming to a conjectural conclusion by deciding that an undeveloped fetus is a person and then applying “Thou shall not commit murder”. That’s not truth, that’s conjecture. Very big difference. Because remember while the lord says he knows you and what you will be before birth, he also says life begins at first breath. Even psalms 139:13-16 he states that god formed him in the womb and knew the days that would mold him even when there were yet none of them. When there were yet none of them. Saying god knows you before you are born does not suddenly equate to “you are a live human individual”. Also, God has aborted children via the trial of the bitter waters. It doesn’t just say the women become infertile, it also says that the womb itself will turn to blood and empty, child and all. Remember this in reference to an unfaithful wife, meaning if she cheated and got pregnant, the bitter waters would not only abort the child but make the woman infertile. So no, pro life isn’t a dogma, it’s a conclusion, and an out of context one at that.
@SaintDominicMedia 2 года назад
Condottieri08 thank you for leaving a comment. We know that abortion is a very sensitive topic, especially for those who've gone down that path, and that it can cause much pain and discomfort to even mention. We as Catholics believe in the sanctity of life and that every life is sacred, from conception until natural death. We believe that only God has the power to give and take life. The issue of abortion is a non-negotiable in the Catholic Church. If you would like to learn more, we suggest you look over the following articles: www.catholic.com/search?q=abortion God bless you! Peace and grace.
@Brokenlance 2 года назад
@@SaintDominicMedia I see, so since God is the only one who has the power to take life, what is your stance on soldiers? How about the church militant during the 11th-16th century’s? What about the inquisition? What about Psalm 144:1 “Of David. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle”? How about the armies of Canaan that, with the lords blessing, defeated their enemies by slaying them in the field of battle? This seems to be a clear contradiction that the lord will allow us to take life if they are an enemy of the church, yet somehow we are playing God by aborting an unformed fetus? A fetus that the Bible never says verbatim is a person before birth.
@SaintDominicMedia 2 года назад
@@Brokenlance You can learn more about just war here: www.catholic.com/video/when-and-how-can-war-be-just Here's something on abortion: www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/refuting-religious-pro-choice-arguments
@Brokenlance 2 года назад
@@SaintDominicMedia I appreciate the links. I read them but I just cannot agree. In the link regarding abortion, it states that reading into the context of the pro-choice Bible quotes is wrong because you are misinterpreting the true meaning, but then in the link regarding just war the line of logic is flipped and suddenly you need to read between the lines and realize the difference when the Bible says “kill” or “murder”. I appreciate you trying to engage with me but this feels like the same cherry picking when the church said in the past it was wrong to allow women to vote, or when the church said it was wrong to allow slaves to be freed, or when it said that mixed race marriages were a sin etc. The Bible clearly does not tackle abortion, the quote regarding the fee for killing an unborn child should absolutely be read deeper than face value and it 100% suggests that an unborn fetus is not considered a full life given the punishment only being a fine, and it’s very obvious that God in the Bible has condoned us taking life as well as him depending the circumstance. I’m sorry but I am not swayed. Too many contradictions.
@NotANameist Год назад
Where does the Bible say not to kill Koreans? Or steal cars? It doesn’t need to.
@donaldschoonover1095 2 года назад
I enjoyed this…but while we are being led by the wrong peoples such as Father James Martin, and Pope Francis who have both committed heresy yet they have surrounded themselves with liberals who are bending the Holy Church down to the world. Why is it that you never hear about Demons, Angels, Hell, Heaven, or the wages of Sin?
@EuropeanQoheleth 2 года назад
It's dissenters on either side who lead people astray, not the Pope or Fr James Martin. Contra what his critics say Fr Martin never actually dissented from church teaching.
@rubenmartinez4346 Год назад
@@EuropeanQoheleth please defend the Pachamama. Thanks.
@matthewbroderick6287 Год назад
Donald, as lies were told of Jesus Christ at His trial, so too even now of Pope Francis by modern day elders like yourself! Those who claim Pope Francis teaches heresy are themselves ignorant of Catholic teaching and Canon Law and Holy Scripture! I challenge you to a debate on the teachings of Pope Francis as being Biblical, if you are open! Jesus Christ also surrounded Himself with grave sinners! Your point? Pope Francis teaches that abortion is murder and is likened to hiring a hit man man and that marriage is for man and woman alone, to be open to both love and life and that no other sexual union outside of this is ordained by God! Pope Francis simply teaches we are not to judge the hearts of others! He got that from Jesus Christ! Pope Francis has dedicated his papacy to the Mother of God and last year to the protection and intercession of Saint Joseph! Pope Francis advocates for the refugee and the poor and sick and dying and outcast and unborn! You are in my prayers as you journey toward Truth! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink
@matthewbroderick6287 Год назад
@@rubenmartinez4346 sure, for even Pope John Paul II, also held ecumenical services in honor of God's creation, Mother Earth, as Saint Francis put it! Pope Francis teaches that Jesus Christ ALONE saves! Where is the alleged heresy? Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink
@rubenmartinez4346 Год назад
There’s no such thing has a liberal Catholic. Period.
@toddinde Год назад
Liberation theology.
@GnosticLombe Год назад
Toad energy 😂 people who say this then hold the most hateful, least Catholic political views and justify it
@rubenmartinez4346 Год назад
@@GnosticLombe show me how I am hateful?
@lisawalls4194 Год назад
I’m a liberal Catholic.
@rubenmartinez4346 Год назад
@@lisawalls4194 what makes you a liberal catholic?
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