
LIFE AFTER DEATH: Rae Carruth and The Son Who Survived, the investigation and the crime 

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8 сен 2024




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@stroNg2thaBoNe2thaMax 5 лет назад
He tried to wipe out his son's entire existence and had his mom killed. He doesn't deserve to be in his life. He's been doing just fine without him. He doesn't need to bring his evil spirit around that boy.
@verawallace9055 5 лет назад
Right about that ,God bless her mom for taking such good care of her Grandson,
@Submitkingz 5 лет назад
And i smell child support from my phone yuck
@robbinshamburger5065 5 лет назад
It should have been a permanent restraining order on him he doesn't deserve a relationship with his son my bad you tried to kill your son move on with your spared life cause you don't deserve this child in your life
@myckalaross8973 5 лет назад
But I don't understand why would he have his baby mama killed & cover up the fact that he has a son & screwing another girl while the mother of his son was fighting for her life in the hospital ??? I don't understand.
@Submitkingz 5 лет назад
@@myckalaross8973 ok....y the b.m want child support knowing that she dont do nothing but b a stripper
@NikeviaPlays 5 лет назад
You can never make this situation right. You can never right this wrong you did. You got this woman killed & you are the reason this child has faced so many issues. You can never right this wrong.
@abaabeebeauty9170 5 лет назад
Exactly he is selfish for even wanting to be a part of the sons life he tried to kill
@gracelove3192 5 лет назад
Nikevia McNeil Amen!!!!
@lyndelljones5483 5 лет назад
Right on!! He'STILL selfish!! He wants to get forgiven and see his son to purge his guilt!! He blew it the day he wanted his son and girlfriend murdered. He didn't wanna see his son then so he shouldn't see him now!!! He's lucky he didn't get life in prison or the death penalty 'cause he deserved both!!!
@robertreeves7675 4 года назад
T Pain She Sexy Fuck Fun Studio Hits Drake Cryp
@Darmartin09 2 года назад
You can say that again💯
@sodomandgomorrah3945 5 лет назад
Screwing another woman while his baby mama & son is lying in the hospital fighting for their lives, now that’s a true definition of cold hearted!
@andrepierce6713 5 лет назад
Dominique Hunter this is why nobody like to take a look with black esp Jamaica men's look what usher did you his wife .
@ldmoss3706 5 лет назад
True Brother hello Rae Carruth’s dick. 👋🏽
@sodomandgomorrah3945 5 лет назад
True Brother but he lead her on to believe it was more to their relationship! And if that’s the case, he should’ve definitely worn a condom
@cleopatrafahm4564 5 лет назад
Well he ain't with that woman any more
@darthraider2050 5 лет назад
Rae was wrong for that shit, his son is disabled because of the actions of his father. That child could have kept his legacy going on. He could have left his mom alone and been a father to his son. Murder was unnecessary.
@Aokoebor 5 лет назад
You can tell that poor child loves life he can’t express how much he loves life but with the smile in his face means that he’s happy because the grandmother who raises him loves him with all her heart and he loves her back he doesn’t understand hate all he understands is love and compassion I hope evil doesn’t cross his path
@mariohill9212 5 лет назад
what a selfish man!!! the day my girl tell me she pregnant. i'm going to be the happiest man alive...
@erfbgu2643 5 лет назад
@True Brother Bro why is that relevant? I'm for men's rights all day but this was foul bro. How could you even give the appearance as if you feel that this was justified?
@erfbgu2643 5 лет назад
@UClssqj-I-cmp7j5fOF3nqlA Are you saying she is a bad woman for fornicating? I'm not following your logic and I'm a man for scripture...but how does these words of wisdom you keep posting directly relate to what this woman did in becoming pregnant?
@erfbgu2643 5 лет назад
@True Brother Jesus is about restoration though...just like he restored 2 immoral women...But you don't seem to be into Christ...you come off as a hebrew israelite. Thanks for the convo but I'm going to bow out. Peace...
@erfbgu2643 5 лет назад
@True Brother *EDIT* I’m not judging Rae Carruth. But bro…it seems that you are contentious…why do you feel the need to argue? You need the peace of God…and the only true way to receive that is by surrendering your life to Jesus Christ. You quote a lot of scriptures but it’s without love (see 1 corinthians 13:2). The Pharisee’s knew the scripture like the back of their hands but they didn’t understand GRACE. Jesus came across sinners and he loved on them all the while *condemning their sin*. It was the “religious” people that he spit that venom for *and called wicked*. Don’t be self-deceived. You are saying all of what you are saying to me seemingly to somehow justify the judgmental things you were saying. As far as your disdain for white people wrapped up with religion...I’d understand it better if you were a (black) Hebrew Israelite because their foundational values are all about race. You say you are not one but you share the same values with regard to race. Because if you don’t subscribe to that…then why do you put an emphasis on race with regard to God? You said you are a black son of god…so are you black first or a son of God first? The Bible doesn’t address pigmentation in this sense at all. It isn’t of God. *Ephesians **6:12* *For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.* I know the record shows that blacks have had it bad in America and that our experience with the white race has been atrocious on many levels…this isn’t up for debate…but don’t allow that to allow *you* to miss God. A God that created this universe is so much bigger than mankind’s quarrels and SIN. I hope you consider what I’ve said…Peace.
@erfbgu2643 5 лет назад
@UClssqj-I-cmp7j5fOF3nqlA *_"I'm for men's rights all day but this was foul bro."_* *That's judging, bruh.* I’m not judging Rae Carruth bro. First of all you must represent the context accurately….why did I make that statement in the first place? It was in response to your callous comments (sprinkled throughout this page) You responding to the original commenter on this thread who said that if his girl was pregnant he’d be happy not kill her. You then say…”It wasn’t his girl but one of various girls he was f’ing…it is callous and misplaced. Whether this woman was a whore or not…it is foul that she had her life snuffed out by the person who laid with her without a condom all because he didn’t want to have a baby (ALLEGEDLY). *Erfbgu 2 said, "it seems that you are contentious…why do you feel the need to argue?"* I said this because I said I bow out yesterday yet you continued to reply comments to me…I get the one comment…but another an hour or so later…then again in the morning? It seems as if you want to argue when you do that. *As the Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu once stated, "True words are not fine-sounding; fine-sounding words are not true."* *Luke 18:9-14 New International Version (NIV)* *The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector* *9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I* *thank you that I am not like other people-robbers, evildoers, adulterers-or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’* *13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’* *14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”* Encounter and surrender to the Christ of the Bible bro…He will set you free. If you want to discuss how you could do that we could speak but aside from that I don’t think there is anything else to talk about. Peace.
@adaaguilar1250 5 лет назад
His son is a miracle angel sweet kid😘
@erinjones6705 5 лет назад
Ada Aguilar. yes he is
@lionelkennedy1394 5 лет назад
You can see the gleam in his eyes. He’s a miracle!
@boomerang905 5 лет назад
Yes this child is a miracle but it breaks me into pieces to see this child trying so hard every single day of his life. I truly hate to say that l hate Carruth. God forgive me 😢😢
@robertreeves7675 4 года назад
He Works He Works
@92camaro100 5 лет назад
He never should be let out of prison.
@missmsmrs.7309 5 лет назад
IKR..... He's used to getting whatever he wants without regard for others.
@mirrbaby9854 5 лет назад
point blank .
@sandrabaker869 5 лет назад
19 years was not enough
@shaaronsimmons6677 5 лет назад
He will justic said the Lord praying the family
@albertareid8776 5 лет назад
mark simms I agree with you 100%
@ShesAbsurd 5 лет назад
You get her pregnant, put a hit on her & kill her, alter your sons life DRASTICALLY... now you want a relationship with him. It’s mind boggling to me y’all. You literally did this to your son!
@MonetOnAJourney 5 лет назад
You don't deserve to call him your son. This man should had got life with no parole
@ysmithriley 5 лет назад
Nah, that's too good for him. It is mindboggling that he didn't get the death penalty. I guess they didn't have the death penalty.
@MonetOnAJourney 5 лет назад
@@yansatoussaint2266 he should have no doubt
@PureNapture 5 лет назад
Sad thing....he looks just like him!!
@brandyyolidio4213 5 лет назад
He's a good looking boy he does look just like him with gorgeous eyes
@noonie9370 5 лет назад
He does but handsome
@La_to_the_Bay 5 лет назад
Girlllll! He probably would have grown up and followed in his fathers footsteps and made him so proud! Just like Devin booker did like his father! His dad is so proud of him
@noonie9370 5 лет назад
@@La_to_the_Bay I really believe he would have made him proud by being a better man. His beautiful soul , how he is always smiling is so touching and makes you know things you complain about are so minimal. I really hope really that even if this didn't happen he would have been nothing like a man who could think of doing something like this.
@bobbiebutler3912 5 лет назад
Gospel music
@darcandelaria 5 лет назад
He said the only reason he wants to see his son is because of HIS conscience? Because of how HE feels? He doesn't care about his son! Still SELFISH and heartless! all he says is because HE wants to clear HIS conscience, HE wants to be forgiven. He never once said because I love my son and want to take care of him and be a father to HIM! I want HIM my son to have someone be there for HIM and possibly make HIS life better with love and support! not ME to be able to sleep better at night because of a clear conscience. Prison did nothing for him! His heart is still evil and selfish. It's all about HIM and it always has been. He needs to stay in prison for life! Maybe lock him up again and ask him why he wants to see his son when he's 80 years old and see what he says then? Probably the same thing because of HIS conscience NOT HIS SON.
@aniekag1184 5 лет назад
Exactly! What a waste of a human being. He needs to serve life.
@QueenDivineLove 5 лет назад
Yes All of that
@paulataubegomes718 5 лет назад
He does'nt have consciense and no feelings. He's evil actor
@melissawalker4163 5 лет назад
Darlene you spoke the gospel truth.. 🙏🙏🙏
@misled6190 2 года назад
Well said!!👏👏👏
@marisawoods 2 года назад
He was arrested in my hometown. My heart breaks for the grandmother. She lost her daughter, and has cared for her grandson. Bless her sweet heart. You can tell how she loves him and her daughter. She didn't deserve what happened to her, and neither did her baby boy. Rae is the cause of all this pain. God bless the victims and their family.
@sammygaudino8906 Год назад
He should of gotten the death penalty.
@JamieMamie2008 5 лет назад
This is so heartbreaking. This poor baby nor his mother didn’t deserve this 😢
@MoneyComethToshelia 5 лет назад
That's why you should use protection...
@alicewashington220 2 года назад
My Lord what? A $100. For a Pregnant woman life/ her unborn child.. just so 😭.. He played them all like a fool... He was the doll rag.. He Got Life in prison....
@berdellfleming5074 Год назад
@@MoneyComethToshelia or not have sex with wrong guy!
@emilliontv 5 лет назад
He could have had a life with his son but he chose to take a cowardly way out. You did make a difference in your son's life its because of you he doesn't have his mother its because of you he's having the difficulty ways of life. If you wanted to be in his life 19 years later why did you do that to him and his mother. Was it really that serious? Your a monster
@8td8tr Год назад
He said he didn't want to pay child support. That's why he was worried about money.
This is so sad and horrible.... God be with the grandmother and that Beautiful boy.....❤️☀️
@melissawalker4163 5 лет назад
@hsmathis 5 лет назад
A true narcissist. He just wants to be forgiven.
@robertreeves7675 4 года назад
U New In Boston
@robertreeves7675 4 года назад
Don't Born
@robertreeves7675 4 года назад
Romeo Harsh He Ignorant Baby Sham Not U Happy Lucky Happy Lucky Tell Everybody Hunnington Ave
@SUGAR_XYLER 4 года назад
😂 McDonald's won't even hire him !!
@darlenee.l.3131 4 года назад
He actually feels entitled to be in his son's life. He is an idiot.
@cynthiadean19 5 лет назад
Omg! Chancellor is remarkable and very handsome.Bless Him and His Grandmother whose a very strong woman.
@AteezheadlinesMAWAZINE 5 лет назад
Props to all the grandparents that have had to step up to take care of the grandkids regardless of the cause.
@marquelabruce1880 5 лет назад
She was so beautiful
@dvictoria4537 5 лет назад
Very beautiful😞
@virginiahall4030 5 лет назад
@dvictoria4537 5 лет назад
@@donwal2016 Wow!!!
Don Wal if she was like that use a condom
@delpemdog3544 5 лет назад
@@donwal2016 explained please
@lisapina7050 5 лет назад
I wouldn't dare let him around my grandson period!! How can he be trusted around him, he didn't want him in the first place not wanting to pay child support, well he still owes child support, so....... Her mom can forgive him in the name of the lord, but I hope she never forgets!
@GreaterPurpose_313 5 лет назад
Including you I'm sure.
@lisapina7050 5 лет назад
@@GreaterPurpose_313 I'm sure
@GreaterPurpose_313 5 лет назад
Somebody get this man some medication...quick..fast.,, ASAP... pronto because this fools membrane has been tampered with🙄 @True...BOTHER
@GreaterPurpose_313 5 лет назад
@True Brother No your stupidity and lack of sympathy makes me MAD....that's my TRUTH you FOOL. I'm going to leave you alone with your own idiotic thoughts and comments, but understand that any young males reading anything that you post will take your words like this...."that's what she deserves for putting that poor male on child support, he is the real victim." That's the message that you are putting out there. I don't care how many times you say that you're sorry about what happened to her....it's not believable because of your TRUE message sticks out there more than the fake sympathy BS for her..... Making you a monster just like lil boy Rae Rae that hides in trunks....except u hide behind a computer you devil 👿👹👺
@Anonymousthough 5 лет назад
You sound stupid asf !!
@xcannon4813 5 лет назад
I went to school with Cherica Adams at WSSU. No matter what it was just really sad all the way around. Ms. Adams was a Very Strong Young Lady & I pray for nothing but the BEST for her their son together. Her Mom...a rock ...a true woman of God that knows the power of forgiveness.
@bigbway9619 3 года назад
I always wanted to know more about Cherica!!! This documentaries never really showcase the victim’s life. Did you get to know her well at WSSU? What was she like?
@sunnysideblusky435 5 лет назад
His son looks just like him.... This is soo sad.
@ChristianMosi 5 лет назад
SunnySide BluSky omg for real like his twin wow what a wicked man to harm his son !
@sunnysideblusky435 5 лет назад
Tru that Veryyyy wicked to harm a female he leward with LOVE... he gave her his "lovin" she created his lovin and he tried to erase his lovin...his son is soo beautiful.
@judewilliams3911 5 лет назад
the boy look like his mother that,s why he,s beautiful like that
@deescott3856 Год назад
Just like him.
@CB40611 5 лет назад
In bed with another woman while Cherica and his son are in the hospital fighting for their lives...this man is sick and beyond selfish.
@tiffanymoore1904 5 лет назад
SMH....All because he didn't want to pay child support
@verawallace9055 5 лет назад
No one should have to make some one pay Child Support they should do it willingly.
@Submitkingz 5 лет назад
Yup and....
@mskeewee28 5 лет назад
True Brother it is sad that men today dont want to take care of their kids whether they are on child support or not you should not be screwing anyone if you or not ready to take care of a child whether on child support or not this is very sad case because so many kids grow up fatherless single parent household and the dads steady making kids with multiple women to not take care of and then have the nerve to be mad about child support
@mskeewee28 5 лет назад
icononthemic that stupid because he destroy his own life in the process the only difference is he still breathing so you rather go to jail ruin your life than take care of your responsibilities make it make sense he may still be breathing buy I know he regret the decision he made and mentally he may never recover from what he did and I know he became somebody bih in jail 😂😂😂 he then all that to still suffer this will haunt him for the rest of his life and yall clowns agree with him
@Solutions3000 5 лет назад
@True Brother: What makes "child support...demonic..."? Are you saying that a parents' provisions of support for their offspring is evil?
@neteri8052 5 лет назад
OH PLEASE!! His conscious will never be free because he keep denying the fact that HE conspired to have Sherika & his OWN son MURDERED simply because he didn't wanna pay child support, my God!!! And now this ANIMAL is free to live his life?!! He should still pay child support from day one as long as that Child lives. And keep him away from rae because he might just try to finish the job....MONSTER! The system TRULY FAILED CHERIKA & CHANCELLOR! 🌹🌹🙏😢
@lovelygemini6429 5 лет назад
He has no conscious
@facetedperspectives9950 5 лет назад
I don’t understand the surprise in this. Statistics are frighteningly shocking on how many pregnant women are murdered by the baby’s father whether they are husbands or just baby daddies. The Lacey Peterson case is an example, but there have been so many more. Most of the time it’s that the guy really doesn’t want a child. Women shouldn’t assume that men are always happy about a pregnancy. It’s a harsh reality and many women don’t realize the possibility for serious violence. Sad, but history bears this unfortunate fact out...... so very sad and it isn’t just in these difficult times.
@fookyu1691 5 лет назад
Neteri I disagree. He did the crime and the time.🤷🏾‍♀️ She tried to force his involvement with a child he didn’t want. lol Why not just have your baby and move along? Right? If it’s nit about milking him for money, or trying to keep him...why try to force his involvement with the child.
@jeanandre6998 2 года назад
@@facetedperspectives9950 that’s no excuse
@emulatemetheuniverse.3670 5 лет назад
Before there was ever any government or religion there was an understanding that a man must protect women and children. Period.
@jodiethierry4994 5 лет назад
@True Brother , and what did Jesus say???" Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her" And Jesus said," Neither do I condemn you." See all these men had been with this woman! The Bible speaks of fornicating and that includes all!
@jodiethierry4994 5 лет назад
@True Brother , please show me where I stated that! I just pointed out that formication is a sin not just for women but men too! I'm married and obey God's laws!
@jodiethierry4994 5 лет назад
@True Brother , you're attacking a sister in Christ young one!
@jodiethierry4994 5 лет назад
@True Brother , I'll remember that. Blessings
I agree ....but way before any religion, any system, humans were killing other humans over God knows what...this system was to help control against certain acts and structure us from certain acts...this is all about a man's pride and greed....the government has nothing to do with that...
@deblibra6884 5 лет назад
Why always bring up OJ. She was nothing like Nicole.. You media need to stop that crap.
@loriellajames6978 3 года назад
Both victims were gold diggers.
@mosessupposes2571 3 года назад
How could he possibly be allowed to be part of the life that he tried to have killed? That must be such a heartbreaker to the lovely son to know that his dad wanted him dead. God bless him and the wonderful Grandma who raised him.
@saundraleonard4487 5 лет назад
this grandmother has to wake up this morning and relive this horrible time about her daughter because this man has gotten out of jail and the media is just covering it over time I hope she doesn't give any interviews at all and as I said before if this man wants to get in touch with this beautiful thumb of his let him do it through the courts I would never say another thing online I would never give another interview ever and God bless you my assistant all the work you have done with this beautiful child love you most
@cynthiadean19 5 лет назад
There's NOTHING U can do Rae to make it right!!!😠😠😠
@kj.3755 5 лет назад
@@donwal2016 you are one EVIL INDIVIDUAL!!!
@Datgirl0922 5 лет назад
@@donwal2016 you're asinine and a diabolical individual
@DubBeats 5 лет назад
Don Wal Bro shut the fuck up she didn’t say all that the man didn’t want be a man take care his responsibility...
@DubBeats 5 лет назад
Don Wal You saying she deserves it you sick dude that lil boy could die also glad he still living....
@DubBeats 5 лет назад
BlqWidowBeehive club I watch her story on murder of the thirst it sad plus he too busy wilding out because he a nfl player the man lost a lot of money because he too busy buying this in buying that instead being smart, then he got injured then his girl was pregnant in he about too be a free agent he could of waited but he didn’t. Everything is his fault he been smart everything will go right with him...
@sexxshooter3387 5 лет назад
Their son is indeed very handsome and he seems to be so full of life❤️
@Blessedtruly3000 5 лет назад
I love you soooo much Chance!!! I will NEVER forget this case... I was a paralegal in this case!!!! THIS IS MY SWEETHEARR!!💛💛💛😇
@cassandrabryant5263 5 лет назад
With tears in my eyes, he looks just like his father
@soniareneelee5044 5 лет назад
He should be still in jail
@saleemahmuhammad6656 5 лет назад
Definitely. He is just as guilty as the trigger man.
@Daiseyslife 5 лет назад
saleemah muhammad but he’s now out
@mirrbaby9854 5 лет назад
shole should be !
@nicolewarren5049 5 лет назад
He should have gotten the death penalty
@Sleeppoetry 5 лет назад
He should still be in jail...👌
@brendarobinson909 5 лет назад
She knew what he did so Sad R.I.P
@robertreeves7675 4 года назад
Alot Family Stay Shelter So Rae
@kozellafirms5590 5 лет назад
His strong son is the only reason he is out today!
@teresagary7158 5 лет назад
Kozella Firms I’d be afraid he’d try to kill the son to get all the money the son now has as the only beneficiary to his mothers estate. The grandmother would only be his payee, the money still comes in the sons name.
@lionelkennedy1394 5 лет назад
Bless that young man Chancellor. He is absolute miracle from God. He didn’t deserve what happened to him and I’m so sorry about what happened to his mother. I’m no judge, but Rae Carruth does not deserve to have a relationship with his son. It is a father’s job to love and protect his children and their mother... Regardless of what happens in the relationship. What happened here is just utterly horrific and evil! Carruth should be left alone to think about the heinous crime that he committed for the rest of his life.
@cc-hg3cj Год назад
Totally right
@sunshineroyal494 5 лет назад
I remember this trial like yesterday, I cried 😥 but our Heavenly Father gave Shareka Adams the strength to write out who did this to her.
@sinethembamagasela1833 Год назад
The most painful thing in this situation is that the baby never got a chance to meet his mother. To add salt to the injury the baby looks identical to his cold hearted father. 🙁
@brendarobinson909 5 лет назад
This is what money do to people
@MsEliteForever 5 лет назад
Broke people do this too.
@brendarobinson909 5 лет назад
I hope his Son gets Better
@lorrainebanath-yasharahla9561 5 лет назад
@marietaylor5174 5 лет назад
Keep that monster away from that young man. He should have gotten life without the possibility of parole.
@stefaniefreebird6687 5 лет назад
I'll never Eva for get this case, around this same time. My ex husband side chick called me at work and told me she was pregnant by my husband and my husband told her to get an abortion. She told me, to tell him, when I see him, that "her appointment was coming up soon", cuz she didn't want to end up like her this lady....... Also, to lead police to him if somthing was to happen to her. After I told her 100 reasons why she should KEEP HER BABY, I told her, he was just using me as an escape goat because, we had been separated for at least 18 months.
@sydalia3729 5 лет назад
He is a true wack job! He had his son's mother killed. The reason for that is because he did not want his unborn son. Now this wack job wants a relationship with the child he tried to murder. He is proving that he's not sane. He needs to be admitted to an insane asylum. If he wants to do anything for his son, he should stay away and provide financial support.
@torch504 5 лет назад
i said that too he need to reach out from a distance...his parental rights are terminated.... chancellor is loved by many....i will support chancellor and ms adams..chancellor dont know what going on..i'm glad he dont because he dont need to feel anymore pain...Ms adams said she never went into details with chancellor and i'm glad he dont have social media because he will be hurt seeing these video I will help support them...the lil guy came along way
@robbieunderwood8349 5 лет назад
No way! He can't be getting out of prison! He should serve his whole life. MONSTER. I watched this trial live. It was surreal.
@MsOctober30 5 лет назад
Omg I still cant believe he's out smhh
@ysmithriley 5 лет назад
Travesty of law - grave miscarriage of justice.
@its1ofgodsfreckledbeauties587 5 лет назад
The son is very handsome. God bless him. If I was Rae, I wouldn't want my son to see my face. Due to the fact of him causing him to live his life that way. This is emotional. Too bad he looks like him
@mikemitch1486 5 лет назад
It is so hard 2 watch this story I remember it like it was yesterday time go by so fast this man needs to go somewhere disappear you have ruined a lot of people life's some sick people in this world he's one that's leading the pack may God be with that grandmother and that child.
@trinaj9749 5 лет назад
@True Brother Still no reply to the comment that Rae could have refrained from having sex with this woman if he didn't want a baby with her.
@tinaschlindwein2113 5 лет назад
I hope they hurt him in prison
@briesthoughts2261 5 лет назад
The son looks like such a kind young man. His father lost all rights to seeing him when he planned the hit. :(
@stormieinapril9626 5 лет назад
People really just don’t think. He killed this woman, caused his own son to have life long complications and destroyed his own life over the possibility of paying child support.
@jeanandre6998 2 года назад
And still has to pay him any way
@mimilache2925 4 года назад
Athlete or not, your troubles will always come back to haunt you!! Couldn't of possibly thought you were gunna get away with this! May that beautiful lady rest her soul, and God bless her miracle of a son, Chancellor 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@CondiBeans 5 лет назад
Unfortunately the son looks a lot like his father.
@spiralrose 5 лет назад
Damned shame. That poor boy could have done so much, and his own father reduced him to this.
@_reignstorm_ 2 года назад
Honestly, if l was Chancellor's grandmother, l would be so very afraid for Chancellor to even be in the vicinity of his father. Totally afraid for the child's safety. She's so strong. I couldn't do it.
@moniquekiev1068 5 лет назад
The *WILL POWER* she had to make that call and go on to write down who it was...NEVER could he have custody-MR. WIGGINS!!!!🤬😑
@kdeloris2225 5 лет назад
Rea didn't want his child that's why he had her murdered in cold blood. that 911 call is chilling and heartbreaking
@dubbs8294 5 лет назад
i'm all about forgiveness and second chances but this guy really tests that belief. what he did was evil plain and simple. i can't find it in me to say this man deserves a second chance with his son.
@ysmithriley 5 лет назад
Because he doesn't. He caused his son and their family unbearable pain. Now he wants to claim " he's grown a CONSCIOUS" that he never had so that he can feel better about himself! WHAT A HYPOCRITE! SMH
@chocolategold1291 4 года назад
You know some people act like having a baby is the worst thing in the world, it’s a blessing
@greengoblin6292 4 года назад
God I'm SO FOR reform. With that being said, I feel like carruth should have had another 5-10 slapped on his sentence, A much longer and strenuous parole, and be allowed to see his son ONLY WITH strict stipulations. God this story grinds my gears. God bless chancellor, may Ms. Adams rest in paradise
@Dimples411 2 года назад
I won’t ever forget watching this trial. It was horrible what he did to this beautiful young lady and baby. So cruel
@lydiasantana1410 5 лет назад
Aw man. And the son is so damn handsome and blessed. He looks so happy and healthy God bless him alwayss
@rledmonds8610 5 лет назад
The grandmother has lost her mind.....she must have had a mental breakdown no one in their right mind would put their grandchild back into the arms of the man who killed his mother or tried to kill his son before his first breath this is a madman and I fear for this young man and anyone that comes into contact with him...........And OJ was found innocent and should not have been brought up unless you're going to bring up several more people that were accused of murder and not found guilty
@mjparham6430 5 лет назад
There's not A faith on Earth that would allow me to do this that's just Stupidity and some other underlined reason she's doing this insanity #Dogma.
@hildapompa4236 5 лет назад
The grandmother NEVER DID have her grandson have a son n father relationship!!!! THANK GOD SHE DECIDED NOT TO!!!!
@jeanandre6998 2 года назад
@@hildapompa4236 yup and Van Brett Watkins advised her not to. How ironic
@powelldewain 5 лет назад
I see her face and all I see is sunshine. What could she have done to you!?
@kiemarianedwards7245 5 лет назад
Father God I thank u, he kept that young man alive for a reason! N continuing prayers for the family!!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@YouSuck-uj1sy 5 лет назад
He doesn't deserve to call himself a father. You killed you baby mama and disabled your son for the rest of his life. You obviously don't care, especially about his mother. Your conscious won't be okay until you have a relationship with you son. That sounds so selfish man. You deserve to stay In prison for the rest of your life and of course it happened in Charlotte nc.
@tawanascott754 5 лет назад
That bastard should've never been released from prison.
@jodynanci 5 лет назад
She was gorgeous! My heart goes out to her family
@lorielogan1816 5 лет назад
I hope his son will be safe whenever RC gets released from prison. If child support is still an issue I pray his son will not be harmed.
@kimmaria2582 5 лет назад
If that was my daughter and grandson there's no way I would forgive him or give him the satisfaction for his piece of mind. This is to evil of an act to forgive.
@FaliciaN 5 лет назад
How low to the floor can you go... Comes to the door completely naked with another girl in the house while your girlfriend and son fighting for their lives in the hospital? This a cold world we live in..
@ldmoss3706 5 лет назад
🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 God bless Lee and Ms. Adams. May the splitting image Lee is haunt Rae for eternity. He didn’t want Cherica for a pregnant girlfriend, but now his whole existence is identified with her as being just that.
@TheRmjr 5 лет назад
Asai Kumai True, he will always be associated with her. They have a child together, to child he didn’t want. So sad...
@TheRmjr 5 лет назад
True Brother They are forever tied together though by Chancellor Lee...
@ldmoss3706 5 лет назад
True Brother either way. She’s still identified as his pregnant girlfriend. Post mortem. Go tell your story somewhere else. I said what I said. U bitter about something here? Are you the Halloween spirit of a Rae carruth? 👋🏽
@TheRmjr 5 лет назад
True Brother Some kids are conceived out of lust in a marriage too, they are not necessarily planned for at the time.
@TheRmjr 5 лет назад
True Brother I don’t believe that. She said she would raise the baby with or without his support. Either way, she didn’t deserve to be killed nor the child disabled. That is cruel.
@maaniiigill5898 4 года назад
That phone car gives me chills every time I hear it
@fkburton 5 лет назад
Carruth should not be allowed to see is brave son and his grandmother
@tuesdayjanae3676 5 лет назад
He wants a relationship with the son he tried to kill .... Lord
@paigesummers7580 5 лет назад
Tuesday Janae he does not DESERVE A MILLISECOND around his son.
@saleemahmuhammad6656 5 лет назад
@@paigesummers7580 No he does not.
@feliciamoore8796 5 лет назад
He cant see him period. According to the judge
@rledmonds8610 5 лет назад
Tuesday Janae if the grandmother allows this she should be committed
@justme-nx7ry 5 лет назад
@@rledmonds8610 agree 109%
@sheilaann9449 5 лет назад
@guiltyuntilproveninnocent. 3 года назад
He should have never been released from prison
@6ixfoot234 5 лет назад
i hope rae reads the comments bc ppl like this dont deserve nothing. Not even the dirt under ppls fingernails
@Msvalentinemua 5 лет назад
Rest In Peace Angel ♥️
@annettewilliams1986 5 лет назад
He would never see him...he tried to kill his unborn child with the mom.. .God kept that baby boy alive for a reason and let her tell what happened.Now he wants to see his son to FIX his evil demon of murder and try to feel remorse after what this child been and still going through.... He's SICK!!!!!!
@thatbemefool 5 лет назад
Cherica’s game cost her her life, her Mom’s golden life and her child’s healthy life! **This is such a sad story but the best lesson known to (wo)man: we are the vessels, we should practice reproductive responsibility and choose wisely!
@moniquereid7161 5 лет назад
This is so sad he should have never gotten out of jail. I’m keeping this young man (lil Ray) and family in prayer. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@joehernandez7770 5 лет назад
Jesus wants us to forgive and love one another like Jesus love us amen glory to God
@ohthatkendra7774 5 лет назад
I'm not forgiving a SOUL who decides to harm innocent people! Period.
@mickeyateixeira4066 5 лет назад
I agree Jesus..Does want us 2 forgive!! but he also gave us Wisdom!!! Joe Hernandez..
@mickeyateixeira4066 5 лет назад
Joe Hernandez
@sanaaray8121 5 лет назад
+oh ,That Kendra ? God said if we dont forgive others then he wont forgive us. We are called to live perfectly and holy but we sin against him daily but he still forgive and loves us
@gleawhite 5 лет назад
Forgiveness does not mean I trust you nor does it mean I put myself in harms way. God gives us common sense. Forgiveness is about me not seeking to destroy the prepartrator. It doesn't mean there are no consequences or jail time. If a woman is abused by a husband forgiveness is NOT remaining in abuse or going back to someone that is still abusive. Wake up that is foolishness not forgiveness.
@lyndelljones5483 5 лет назад
Rae needs to rot in prison. Despicable that he's getting out and wants to see his son. He's still selfish and narcissistic wanting to get forgiven. It's enough he didn't get the death penalty or even 20 years but now wanting out of his guilt is outrageous!! Chancellor is such a strong, handsome and resilient young man!! The grandmother is a saint and did a wonderful job at raising him. Cherika is smiling from above at her beautiful son.
@TeamYELLOW17 5 лет назад
Whoa!!!!!! That shape of Rae’s head.
@gracesullivan2818 5 лет назад
She was very beautiful and didn’t deserve to be murdered and her child disabled. He should NEVER be allowed near HER son!
@saintann5684 5 лет назад
He put a hit on his baby, now wants to be apart of his life. at what point do you think he gave up parental rights? And what's up with the music...
@DubBeats 5 лет назад
Saint Ann I think felt guilty about what he did...
@mrstevens70 5 лет назад
That dude isn't sorry. He should see his son, but he doesn't deserve any unsupervised visits. Not ever!
@godschild9932 5 лет назад
@GodsChild1159 5 лет назад
I do not believe anyone who could commit such a heinous crime has remorse. He should have received the death penalty because that is what he gave her and the baby has severe mental/ physical lifetime issues. I wonder if there is a monetary benefit of him being in his son s life now. The love of money was his motive then and it may be now.
@mccowenmful 5 лет назад
@acsmooth110 5 лет назад
Death would had been too good for Carruth. He should suffer on this earth for taking the life of another person because he didn't want to pay child support. And try to take Chancellor Lee's life..... his own son that is something that is not understandable. How in the hell is he going to make a difference in son's life when he tried to kill him and did not want him in the first place?????? The judge over this case should have given him life in prison. I just don't know how Rae could live with himself.
@SapienSafari 5 лет назад
Well done, humanity. We're doing great.
@joehernande-721 2 года назад
Rae was accessory to a murder his girlfriend and then his son who is totally disabled & he is going to be released from prison it's a travesty of Justice he should've gotten life without parole it's sad he didn't.
@elaine3642 5 лет назад
He look just like his dad! Correction: That monster!
@sannerissa1120 3 года назад
I had my experienced with athlete, I got pregnant for him and he didn't want me to have the baby. He told me to have abortion, but he didn't try to kill me he was migrated to the USA. My son is now 39 yrs old and I am glad I didn't have the abortion, when we're young we wanna be with a athlete. But most them are a player that has multiple women, therefore its best to use protection. I didn't plan getting pregnant, he had her killed while pregnant because he didn't want the responsibility.
@msvee2455 5 лет назад
All because he did not want to pay child support...😤😤😤
@sharinaaguasvivas 5 лет назад
He doesn’t deserve to see him. if he was able to kill his mother while also trying to kill him that shows he didn’t really care for him to begin with what makes people believe he cares now? Smh
@adaaguilar1250 5 лет назад
WTF happen to his head 😲
@sonyabattle9600 5 лет назад
Its almost as if his head and jawline did a flip flop (like his life). #FlipTurnedUpsideDown
@deeliciousgrapes 5 лет назад
She was so beautiful. He's going to look at that young man and see what he's done. That's worse than a life sentence if u ask me. God bless him and his grandma. 💘
@yvonnedcave6394 4 года назад
I agree.he needs to outside to really feel the pain of what he has done.
🎙А не СПЕТЬ ли мне ПЕСНЮ?🍂
RAW VIDEO Rae Carruth released from prison
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