This is an important reminder. I stopped many years ago to compare myself with others. It never helped me to get on with my life, but instead made me sometimes feel miserable. I also stopped caring what some people think of me. It makes me feel free and being thankful for what I have is important to me 🙏 Have a good week 😉
My mum has recently become disabled and can only walk very short distances. I am now always grateful whenever I walk anywhere, we truly take it for granted!
Here's to all those "Failing Society" Opting to live a life true to themselves. .. You are my people 😍 Sadly this took me far too many years to embrace, but better late than never! Caring a lot less what others think & doing a lot more that makes my heart sing. Being true to myself & all that I am, is Freedom. Thank you, as always, for sharing & keeping it real xx
Social media is horrible. I’ve recently removed FB from my phone...I only use Instagram to track my progress of my knitting and crochet , and I love YT for all the inspirational podcasts. I’m a homebody , and these podcasts bring me so much joy and peace. Thank you for sharing your life with us. You are quite lovely 😊💕☀️💫
Although I am way older than you I truly enjoy going on the walks with Skye. I’ve been vegan for years now and I enjoy new recipes. Please keep doing your you tube videos…..they brighten up a dreary day!
Thankyou Molly, I totally agree, we all need to be true to ourselves and stop comparing. It's taken me many years to find that out, I now don't look back and wish, if only... i look forward and im so grateful. You are such a kind spirited young women and definitely authentic. 💚
Dear Mollie, thank you for your video,s! I found your channel because I like Scotland and I am building a Tiny House (i should say: Tiny House Belgium is building it...). So I am 63, vegan, minimalist, and indeed , I am not like most people around me. I like to be myself. Authenticity is much more important than ,,conformisme,,. It makes me happy. It is wonderfull to see young people like you who choose their own ways! It inspires me💝 Greetings from Belgium xxx
Like-minded community,i loved this phrase,makes me know who i am and who i want to be and what life i wish to live,as you are mirroring our authentic ones,thank you Molly🙏
Molly, this was such a lovely vlog. The cinematography was gorgeous, the music was perfect and what you talked about was important and well said. I agree with you about everything you spoke about. I look at all the ways I’m working on being happy, fulfilled, and content in my life as a practice. Every day I practice gratitude. Every day I practice slowing down and living mindfully. By looking at it as a practice I find that it helps me see my life as a journey where it’s the journey itself, not some destination, that really matters. Also, the soup recipe looks delicious! I can’t wait to make it. Thank you!
Very encouraging!! I'm always trying to live my life authentically, the thing that holds me back is money. I work the least as possible, part time, so I can live the life I desire. Though sometimes I need more money, like to buy new glasses or go to the dentist, I find this part of life a balancing act.
Hi Molly, just wanted to say I love your channel so much. Your videos are like chatting with a close friend. Thanks for the encouragement you give. Have a lovely day. Libby from Australia 🙂
What a lovely vlog Molly I must confess I was someone who tried to keep up with others in life fashion, cars etc, but it does not create happiness , now I am older and my little dog Stanley he's much smaller than your beautiful girl Sky... but walking each day, being in nature money can't buy the happiness that brings you are an amazing young lady don't change Molly I look forward each week to your calming vlogs , I love individual people who live the life they wish rather than all being the same Have a safe and happy week x x x
"Giving us the courage to keep going". You make the world a better place! Thank you SOOO much... I heard a quote recently that I like - "Passion is found in gratitude"
I live your footage and stills of the highlands. Authentic, with positive intentions, and honoring gratitude. Good daily practices. You have my full support.
I need to see skye the collie more. Thanks for your authentic videos. I think this topic about not comparing ourselevs is very impotant and Im happy for you to further expand on it in other videos. Bless
I woke up feeling so insignificant and your chat really helped a ton! I’m one month off Instagram and it’s been nice not comparing my life to others. Although now I wanna live in Scotland 😂 love your RU-vid channel, I even read that book your recommended about not buying anything for a year. What are you reading now a days?
The stunningly beautiful scenery around you on your walks with Skye just takes my breath away. I love those peaceful, quiet surroundings; even on the farm where I live there is considerable air and road traffic noise. I'm 64 and love your videos; you are so honest and open about your journey. I have been a "square peg" all my life, and have been lucky enough to have a small group of friends (from all over) who are also unique in their own ways. I'm so grateful for them and their constant support and encouragement...they are what's most precious to me! I've never been drawn to social media (other than a select few positive-minded RU-vid communities) for exactly the reasons you've given for quitting. I wish you all the best as you continue your journey, and look forward to more beautiful, thoughtful videos from you (and Skye, of course)!🥰
Lovely video and a good message. I have fibromyalgia so can't (fairly) compare my life to other peoples, but it can be hard with social media - even though mine is super curated to be inspirational and/or motivational.
Another lovely video. I agree sometimes our life choices can feel isolating. I am the only 65 year old vegan I know and that can be tricky especially when at my age the emphasis is on eating oily fish to help as you age. I don’t eat it but there’s always a doubt and comparison to others. Comparing can be really debilitating and I have been compared from being a young child and never in a positive way. It’s awful and very ingrained so I do it to myself. I’m learning not to, but it’s hard. Your video is so encouraging to people (even though you are so very much younger than me). Thank you. Love the music by the way. xx
I'm 61 and vegan, yay! It can be a bit isolating, online groups help. I take a vegan omega 3 tablet. I'm in Cornwall, love Scotland, hoping to retire there and live the minimalist life.
I love your channel Molly and this community! ❤ Your definition of success is the same as mine and it's so nice to know others share these values. I agree 100% with your views on social media. You inspired me to quit Instagram and I'm so glad I did. With gratitude, from Victoria, British Columbia (Canada). 💕
Another beautiful video with stunning scenery and of course gorgeous Skye! Also your lovely, honest chat about life is very inspiring and I'm sure a lot of people will. take comfort from your very wise words. I'm so glad I found your channel ❤
I do enjoy your channel. I too am older than you and have mobility issues but love your walks with Skye. I wish when I was younger I had chosen differently BUT I am now changing how I view and live my life. A lot of thought goes into most decisions. Curbing impulsive behaviours is key for me. Not comparing myself to others in any way has freed me. I live each day one at a time and am a happier more content person for it ❤
Your conversation at the end was as beautiful as the images you showed us at the beginning; yes, yes, and yes to all-of-it! I was just remarking to my husband last week how wonderful it is to find communities such as the one you have created here. As with all human creations, technology can be used in positive ways, and in horrific ways. Speaking for myself, I really enjoy the way I use the Internet/technology. It has added to my life with communities such as this one, and the many ways that one can learn: skillshare, language apps, music/instrument apps; I even have a geography app... books... (I have paper ones too). And I love how you added that: comparing oneself to others isn't always a negative; in the words of Anne of Green Gables: "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery..." 😊 ... in otherwords, to aspire to attain the positive attributes of those we admire; and you are among these! x
I appreciate seeing channels like yours, Molly. I recognize kindred spirits, and it definitely makes me feel less alone knowing that other people think and feel the same way I do. When you were breaking your thoughts and feelings down, they really resonated with me, and having thought the same things myself. I also love seeing other people in other nations (I'm from the States) who are this way too. You live in a stunningly beautiful country! Thank you for sharing, kindred spirit! Namaste 🙏🏻
Thank you so much for this video, it was so helpful to me. The first point about defining what success means for you really struck home and made me realize that I’m doing great! I also left all social media except for a carefully curated list of RU-vidrs. But I don’t have a community of like minded people other than on RU-vid.
I always enjoy your quite, peaceful videos, love the life you love, thats all that matters. Not everyone wants to be part of a big world. Just a small part. Do what you want to do, love the snow , and as always your content. Ps. Your not weird…you have a beautiful outlook ☃️⛄️xx
As the oldest sister of three, something about your content feels like guidance from an older sister I myself haven't had. Seeing you live your life with authenticity and courage despite the fact that it can be isolating to be a non-traditional person (especially with regards to things like being vegan, minimalist and tee-total, which I am as well) has made me feel exceptionally validated in my own choices as a much younger person, and excited for the future! Thanks for being such a reassurance and inspiration, Molly
Interesting thoughts on social media because my present usage morphs into an overall short attention span for me. Plus, I actually love to read so it's back to the books! Thank you for your motivational advice. (Beautiful dog/companion)! Greetings from Tennessee, USA.
Beautiful ❤️content as always Molly. Comparison is the thief of joy I believe is the quote. It is very brave to turn our backs on comparison as we so often get told this is what to do! It's bonkers isn't it!! Now I'm in my 50's I truly don't compare myself, I just do me. Unfortunately I was diagnosed with MS nearly 10 years ago and even the medical professionals 'compare' me with other MS'ers. Sending hugs and love to the beautiful community here and to you too, we are not alone 😘❤️xxxx
Hi Mollie, loved your walk and the wonderful view from such a high point. Thank you for sharing your thoughts which are inspiring. Take care and have a lovely week!
What I have realized is just because some people need different things to make them happy, if I don’t, it doesn’t make me less if I also don’t want or don’t get those things. Take plastic surgery, or ballet dancing. It seemed to me like many women who did this developed an ego of entitlement as well as how normalized it has been made in many circumstances. However, I never wanted or felt I needed to be the ballet dancer. Plastic surgery too. Maybe it was a sense of achievement for confidence or success for these people, but that’s all relative to the unique person, their desires, and life. Although I felt the pressure somehow as if maybe I needed that too, I’ve come to realize that I am happy, no cliche intended, with just as I am. I think for a long time, I waisted time and effort maybe because I let myself feel as if there was something wrong with me that I may not want these mainstream or popularized things or because I truly was not even impressed, but annoyed rather. I still think that people need to prioritize healthy self esteem rather than accomplishments to fuel their ego, but once you realize that, maybe you really don’t want to be famous, for example,-what do you really want??? Do you want/need things or just want love and are searching for it in all the wrong places? ❤ I believe it’s the latter. The inner work is so important and staying focused on our unique passions and goals is so important in this fast paced, social media world.
What stunning scenery! Being vegan (as I am also) or any non mainstream lifestyle can be isolating so it is lovely to connect with kindred spirits. I wonder why humans compare themselves with others. I am assuming it is essentially just a human trait and it would be interesting to know when/why it developed. Obviously animals can be envious when they see another individual with something they want but I don't know if they look at another and feel bad about themselves per se. Does a young stag looks at an older successful stag and feel inferior?
I don't have any problem with Social Media. I think it depends how you use it. I run a group on Facebook and post my LEGO creations onto it. I don't spend much time looking at other people's posts - It's mostly me posting things - so it's like a broadcast medium for me like RU-vid is. But then a lot of people on RU-vid never uploaded any videos - they just watch other people's content. I don't make RU-vid videos myself on a regular basis... I have done in the past but I tend to use my website as my main broadcast medium. It doesn't get much reach directly... but people who encounter me on other platforms might discover it. Like you I stopped watching the News. I am very addicted to watching RU-vid though. It's hard to say whether this is causing me to not do as much - as I do my hobbies and get outside as well. When I go for a walk - I never check the internet from my phone. I'm out to enjoy the outdoors - I can look at the internet when I'm back at my desk.
1 Timothy 6:6-11 [6]Now godliness with contentment is great gain. [7]For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. [8]And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. [9]But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. [10]For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. The Good Confession [11]But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.
I llike the video i make videos too. Iwas thinking today would i be happier if i was tom Brady the answer is no hecause he cant be automatic for the public image whoch is the title of a morrissey song
Beautiful as always Mollie🩷 I would've loved that 4hr walk with you and glad you have your girl for company🐶 I miss walking with my dog, not quite the same without her. Not long home from a pet-sit in Yorkshire looking after other people's dogs! Was fabulous🥹