
Locating a "safe" 0.5 system for running Tier 6 Abyssals 

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Hi All,
This is my method to locate a reasonable safe 0.5 system to run Tier 6 abyssal in.
Dotlan EveMaps: evemaps.dotlan.net/map
zKillboard: zkillboard.com/
#eveonline #abyss #abyssal #tier6 #cerberus




2 июн 2024




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@bombicusbombicus8345 20 дней назад
Island systems (surrounded by lowsec) with a station seem fine. And go on offensive. Like @Amathylar described, I have hull brutix and hecates in npc staion. Having a ocuple of logi there might be a good thing, but never actually got to that point.
@EskaronVokonen Месяц назад
In addition to the system location, another thing to consider is the abyssal spot(s) you want to run from within that system. I usually rule out systems that are 60 AU radius) (radius = distance from the star to the furthest planet orbit). So I would either warp to the sun or to the farthest-ish planet/stargate/mining belt and check the distance in AU. The wider the system is, the more room you have to bookmark interesting spots. Second, you want to be at least 15AU away from any celestials (well, any easy warping point, so could also be away from a structure, or from a jove observatory for example). This is only to be out of d-scan. Moreover, you don't want to bookmark a spot in between 2 celestials, because anyone using the same path could find you on their d-scan while they travel between these 2 celestials (say you have a 60AU wide system and you put a bookmark roughly at 30AU from the furthest stargate and the sun). A ganker warping to the star to see if any lazy abyssal runner is at the star will find your abyssal trace on their d-scan... and might even see it pop for a fraction of second on their overview, lol. Actually, you can use such spot as a temporary spot to be used "before downtime" (I bookmark those as "Downtime Bookmark Maker". Only to be used within 20 minutes before downtime (I prefer waiting until the 15 minute notification before jumping in. As you may be aware of, any pilot found in an abyssal site during downtime will be expelled anywhere in the system, randomly, and you and your ship will be safe and sound when you log back in. Check your "Warp to" overview tab and your d-scan as you log in, and cross your fingers for a nice spot out of any possible route. This is highly random of course, so you can end up 1AU from a celestial, but you can also hit the jackpot and find yourself up to ~20 AU "outside" the farthest orbit of the system. You may have noticed that many systems in Eve are "inline" meaning all the celestials are pretty much in line from one extremity to the other. And because Eve systems are "static" (planets don't move around their star, they remain in the same location forever), you could be very lucky and get a safe spot that is "perpendicular" to that virtual line that the system is forming and have nothing in sight from you to the star (so if a 60AU wide system, you could have a spot 20AU farther than the farthest orbit, hence ~80AU away from anything. Of course, Gankers can use combat scanner probe to find an abyssal trace, and those combat probes can be set up to 64 AU. So if they simply conventionally put their scan from one of the celestials, you ideally want a spot >64 AU from anything (+ some more for buffer). Sure, gankers can also spend some more time to thouroughly cover the entirety of the system, but then that ganker really is not a lazy one and will definitely earn their kill. Another way to create safe spot (DT bookmark maker or permanent ones) is to casually do missions in the system (any level security and mining agent). Keep in mind that the agent might send you up to 2 systems away for any missions, but you can take that as an opportunity to build your bookmark portfolio in the constellation (and if there is no agent in the target system you want, an agent in the next system might send you time from time to time). When you get to the mission location, check your d-scan and Warp-to overview tab and decide if this is an interesting spot for later use, and bookmark it if desired. This method can also help build your name as a mission runner among the local players who are based in that area. At least if they are cautious and watch their d-scan in whatever they do, even in high-sec and see the same ship you fly on their d-scan, but don't see an abyssal trace once you are off their d-scan, they are not going to build the suspicion that you are an abyssal runner. Many times I have been out there doing anything (mission, escallation, etc.) and I would see an abyssal trace on d-scan, then minutes later something like 2 Worms and an abyssal trace, then second laters only 2 Wroms, then second laters just an abyssal trace again, untill 10-15 minutes when I see 2 Worms again, and repeat. One thing I like to do, whenever I'm running abyssals, is to clear out the combat sites in the system (at least those that can give an escallation). Not simply for variety of activities, but this can also help build your reputation among the locals as an escallation hunter: they see you entering the system, minutes later the combat anomalies are down, and then you are out of the system). Because of this, I do not always rule out systems that are on commercial route (obviously not using commonly ganked system like you explain in your videos (I was using zkill already but will now use dotlan as well for additional data). as a mather of fact, my prefered spot at the moment is a travel route with two gates, and has regularly at least 5 people and >20+ at times. I have a mining ship and a heron that I use to do the daily challenges, so I try to blend with the locals. There is quite a bit of stations in that system, so I picked one with level 2 and 3 security agents from a security corp. I use different ships for whatever abyssal I'm doing, so people using the same station may think I'm just using a ship appropriate for the mission. Sorry for the wall of text, maybe I should have made my own video referencing yours as a starting point, but I'm not good with that and don't want my face and voice out there (your tool is pretty could I must say though, whatever you are using)
@EskaronVokonen Месяц назад
Dang... I forgot to mention using one ore more alts for "Incusion spying". Incursions occurs mainly in Amarr space, but also in the other empire space (Gallente is pretty frequent, followed by Minmatar and very rarely Caldari space). Just avoid the Mothership system, unless you use a cloak ship (ideal to avoid suspicions), cause the sites there are ungated and they are strong and agressive (can even one shot kill a corvette from 100km away (I do not warp at zero)). In any Incursion system, you will find sites warpable through beacons directly on the overview, but I use the probe system map to better locate the best ones. Again, if you can, ideally use a cloaky exploration ship (mainly if using your main character). These systems seems to be avoided by combat anomalies runners and by explorers and the regular combat anomalies and signatures can accumulate. Even if you get spotted at a gate with an Astero or Stratios, people will likely think you are there for scanning or escallation hunting. This method is much faster than the downtime trick, since you can find many spot >20 AU farther than the farthest orbit in the same system at the same time. And if the incursion runners are busy and keeps completing the sites, new ones pops all the time. Keep in mind that you may not be the only one bookmarking the spots though. This method helped me found many amazing spots like >80 AU and even >100 AU away from anything.
@2Kraeze Месяц назад
Thanks for the additions and I do use the DT / BM way of getting a spot outside of any celestial btw,. I also found a list of system in order of their size, making it easier to find the large .5 systems to get max range. Just not had the time to create a vid about all the other methods to make it harder ;-)... and at the end any good ganker still drops their 64 au probes in the right format to cover 100+ au's. I'm the same with the webcam, I'd like to my identity hidden so I use Animaze for the tracking. I actually don't remember where I created the avatar... I uploaded a screenshot of my EVE char and it came back with what you see... so pretty simple and easy.
@EskaronVokonen Месяц назад
@@2Kraeze for the system size, is it dotlan as well?
@Amathylar Месяц назад
The method that works best for me is to have alts. Its not a viable solution if you dont have alts. 2-3 alts in gank fit 1200 dps, hull tanked brutix and 2000 dps shield Naga that I warp in on my trace if gankers are there. Alts proceed to kill all the gankers in short order. Often only need to use only one of the brutixes. Basically I gank the gankers. Sure, I get concorded but its fun and better to lose a 80 mil brutix than a 4 bil abyssal ship. 1 Brutix can kill 5-6 cocercers before dying to concord in 0.5 space, as they insta pop first volley. If gankers come in oracles, tornados or taloses, I bring the nagas. So gankers have two choices, leave or get ganked. I dont really give them the option to leave. 🤨
@2Kraeze Месяц назад
Yes, there are a few options available and bringing more is always best ;-)... however not all have the luxury of having a few alts unfortunately.
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