
Long-Haired Rebellious Absalom Attacking His Parents 

Truth In Genesis
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A lot of people are saying a lot of dumb things right now regarding Pastor Steven Anderson. This video is a biblical response to the nonsense.



2 окт 2024




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@FaithfulServantsOfChrist День назад
5:50 - 6:01 is the clip which will come back to haunt Jiminy cricket Roger Jiminez when his own sin is exposed before all.
@samk.4158 3 дня назад
Seriously? You have the nerve to chastise the kids , when Steven, a 50 year old man who is a shepherd of Christ, is viciously abusing them and sinning behind closed doors? Wouldn't you want to know if your pastor was secretly a bad person??? You then use bible verses out of context to try to defend pastor Anderson and scapegoat the victims...how sad. Maybe they shouldnt have went public with it. I understand that, but Anderson is 50 and a career pastor. people need to know what type of guy is shepherding them. If he is actively abusive and shows no signs of stopping, this is a person who shouldnt be preaching. I get what you're saying about respecting parents, but you're wrong for mainly chastising the victims of this guy instead of talking about his behavior. Then to use verses that loosely fit the situation to try to shame the kids for their actions, is actually messed up. Maybe this guy shouldn't be preaching either.
@oshea2300 2 дня назад
He's not a shepherd of Christ he was never even ordained according to his pastor. He has a bad spirit.. and he needs to step down. According to the Bible he can't rule his own home
@sarahduhay5150 2 дня назад
He's 43 actually.
@christianpreaching8502 2 дня назад
@els7362 2 дня назад
He cares not for the Anderson children. He cares for himself far more. What happened to the fear of the Lord???
@jeffswartz8564 2 дня назад
@@christianpreaching8502 not biblical, but CULTISM! CULTS TOLERATE ABUSE!
@scullyfox4271 2 дня назад
This sermon will come back to haunt you. You'll be counted with the guilty.
@anita121265 2 дня назад
Wrong comparison 😂... To begin with, Absalom rebelled against his father David because he didn't punish the other son who abused Absalom's sister.. and what was David's response? He didn't cal his son a liar and throw him under the bus. To mock and use someone's appearance as a yardstick to judge their character is not biblical. 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. What would you expect from an abused and troubled kid ? Judge righteous judgement.John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement. Don't support someone just because he's your friend!
@DaleJ1976 3 дня назад
Wow he doesnt understand the interpretation of the verses hes reading. Zero to do with what hes talking about.
@scullyfox4271 2 дня назад
@DaleJ1976 That's because nobody in these churches understand. I stopped going to church after these kinds of sermons.
@357trent 3 дня назад
So basically since john gave his testimony, he’s attacking? Got it. But calling him names and attacking him isn’t attacking? Got it.
@bigbaby496 2 дня назад
He's attempting to circle the wagons to protect Steven Anderson, but anyone with half a brain can see what he's doing. Cares more about an abusive terrorist's reputation than he cares about the safety and wellbeing of children. Remember that whenever he talks about LGBTQ people being evil and hurting children - he doesn't care about children, he just wants to hurt people who are different than him. They'd happily have every child in America molested if it means some trans people are hurt in the process.
@archivechannel839 День назад
@@bigbaby496 nice username, cry more beta male 🤣
@eternalgospel1611 4 дня назад
All due respect, Pastor, listen to the interviews. Listen to the one of Pastor Shelley’s phone call. He’s not just mad because he got spanked, he even said “nothing wrong with an ass whipping”. He’s talking about beating his wife and small children with an electrical cord. You cannot defend this. Even if they are all lying, he’s obviously not ruling his house well when 3 adult children feel the need to tell the world their Dad is abusive. You know how hard that is for a child?
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад
Hey bro, any evidence that Pastor Anderson hit his wife?
@christianpreaching8502 3 дня назад
"If you beat him with a rod, he will not die. THOU SHALT BEAT". I would prefer to see a solid rod used rather than an electrical cable (more biblical), but if nobody dies you need to just close your mouth and not come against a man of God.
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 3 дня назад
@@christianpreaching8502 Good point also.
@eternalgospel1611 3 дня назад
@@christianpreaching8502 No I’ve been saved for 30 years, read the Bible cover to cover several times in English, once in Spanish, and won hundreds of souls to Christ. So I think I won’t shut my mouth but call out very obvious problems. If you think b34ting your wiife or children until they pass out is fine, YOU are not right with God. Unbelievable people defend this
@johnsmith5215 3 дня назад
​@@christianpreaching8502 'like i only beat the kid to the point where he has a scar on his head, its not like i killed him' how are half of you people not in jail?
@danswallers6961 3 дня назад
A true andersonite
@archivechannel839 День назад
God bless pastor anderson!
@lindamerritt5242 3 дня назад
dangerous ...gives anyone every excuse to be an abuser...
@bigbaby496 2 дня назад
That's the point. It's not a coincidence members of this church keep getting caught abusing people, and it's not a coincidence his Nazi son who he's close to got in trouble for paedophilia. Making sure victims can't speak out is the whole reason for this sort of control.
@bigbaby496 2 дня назад
That's the point. Based on local rumors and Steven's defense (in his own words, his kids were mistaking the violent sadistic sodomy he was having within earshot of them with his wife) what the kids are saying is just the tip of the iceberg.
@JCA1147 3 дня назад
Bro, All 3 testimonies agree with each other. Can't defend Pastor Anderson on this one. Instead of being one sided just pray for this family 🙏
@35mayocynthia 4 дня назад
I Don't know how to feel about this whole situation with pastor Anderson I have learned a lot of truth from listening to his sermons but the accusations made against him are something that I have to take seriously.
@angelsoldierofchrist1983 4 дня назад
Don't be fooled by these false accusations from these false witnesses.........Mark 14:59 etc. Mark 14:55 And the chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death; and found none. 14:56 For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together. 14:57 And there arose certain, and bare false witness against him, saying, 14:58 We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands. 14:59 But neither so did their witness agree together. Shared via Bible KJV Matthew 26:60 etc. Matthew 26:59 Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death; 26:60 But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses, Shared via Bible KJV
@jhildebrand7447 4 дня назад
​@@angelsoldierofchrist1983your example proved that NO witnesses were found... but 3 of pastors 4 adult children have stepped forward. Either A. He is truly guilty or B. He has raised up liars, and accusers. Either way it's a bad deal. And what about spousal abuse? If you're thinking Spousal correction is biblical: give me a chapter and verse proving your opinion. I'll go first: Ephesians 5:28-30 KJV So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. [29] For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: [30] For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. *** If your wife is super annoying- tough- you married her.... here is another suggestion FROM GOD Proverbs 21:9 KJV It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house. He says this twice: Proverbs 25:24 KJV It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house. I can't find a place where a woman is supposed to be beaten. Instead it's better to just go live on your roof top. Make a better choice before you're married. Here us another example from JESUS... (And I'm sure Zsu wasn't a A WHORE)... John 8:7 KJV So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад
@@angelsoldierofchrist1983 Yes, I agree.
@jhildebrand7447 4 дня назад
@@angelsoldierofchrist1983 2 Corinthians 13:1 KJV This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Jesus has no accusers to be found. Anderson has 25% of his children stepping out... (so far)....
@Reprobatedestroyer 3 дня назад
Nah you’re allowing the powers that be to deceive you. I’ve heard all of the interviews. If they are telling the truth why are they telling their stories to reprobates?
@amyjames9333 4 дня назад
It's like you think yelling makes your point come true.
@dylankjv 4 дня назад
Have you not read? Good preachers yell when they preach because that's what the Bible teaches. Isaiah 58:1 "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад
@@dylankjv It depends whether it is fleshly or boldly. When I think of bold yelling, preachers like Curtis Hutson or Leonard Ravenhill come to my mind. There however likewise is a bad form, which comes from the likes of jacksmack77. The fruit of the spirit is self control. Anderson's yelling sometimes reminds of the charismatic speaking in tongues. This is not biblical hard preaching.
@Reprobatedestroyer 3 дня назад
@@AlphaStudios-lh1rzHis yelling comes from the heart. You are just weak and worldly. Be honest your kids take it in the a$$ 😂
@amyjames9333 3 дня назад
@@dylankjv yeah because in the Tanakh, we are reading from people who spoke to the assembly without microphones. He's got a microphone, so he can use a normal voice. His words are so hateful!
@amyjames9333 3 дня назад
@@AlphaStudios-lh1rz speaking in tongues is from the Holy Spirit, it's in the Bible. Anderson's yelling shows he wasn't given very much of the spirit of God, for God is love.
@tamiamaral617 3 дня назад
This kind of preacher are just preaching hatred 🤮. That is all they do anymore. Why do people give this kind of man a platform to spread hatred. Pastors are just horrible and disgusting anymore. Listen to how he talks.
@archivechannel839 День назад
Truth is hate for those who hate the truth.
@chimpkjv1603 День назад
If a woman had the hair of John we’d consider it short. (He doesnt have long hair)
@romanc.5074 2 дня назад
These people are shameless. There are three more kids. They are long hair too? Cultists.
@FaithfulServantsOfChrist День назад
Talk about ignoramus. Abselom was a result of David's sin. So yes-man Roger Jiminez unwittingly admitted Anderson is in sin and God is raising up a "long haired Absalom" against him.
@alt-monarchist 2 дня назад
Jimenez and Anderson give interviews to Phigs all the time, but the children talking to a fig with a big platform is bad all of a sudden
@Pablo19625 3 дня назад
Shame on this so called pastor. Judgement starts in the house of God. This is NOT a pastor.
@File001 3 дня назад
I really thought Jimenez was better than this... What a shame. Just another Anderson's yes-man.
@somethinginteresting8151 2 дня назад
Narcissists are surrounded by enablers
@muhacnt7988 2 дня назад
Pastor Jaminez was a long friend of Anderson family.For him to speak this is truly heartbreaking,for his friend Steven.Pastor Steven will not compromise no doubt😅
@christianpreaching8502 2 дня назад
Shame on you. He's another great man of God
@File001 2 дня назад
@@christianpreaching8502 If he's defending Anderson and attacking his violently abused children, he's without natural affection is what he is.
@els7362 2 дня назад
It was obvious with covid to me. He was spewing such vile words! I only kept 2 pastors from NIFB in my subs...Pastor Berzins and Pastor Robinson.
@johnramirez2539 4 дня назад
I am disappointed by Roger Jimenez and I believe Steven Anderson need step down as a pastor , apologize to his children, and repent of his wrongdoing
@johnramirez2539 4 дня назад
Roger Jimenez is admitting that Steven Anderson was bad husband and father
@slickbill9488 4 дня назад
What exactly did they do?
@EvoS76 4 дня назад
@@slickbill9488the accusations are child abuse and endangerment. There are several interviews with his older kids. You should watch them and come up with your own conclusions.
@eternalgospel1611 4 дня назад
@@slickbill9488Anderson is being accused of beating his wife and small children with an electrical cord, smashing his son’s face into a concrete window sill, and throwing bar stools around in fits of rage.
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад
@@eternalgospel1611 I have my doubts if those accusations are do. Anderson indeed is an angry man, however, those accusations don't sound true. The Pharisees also accused Christ and John the Baptist of a lot of things.
@romanc.5074 3 дня назад
Shame on the person who put this on. And those Pastors who keep supporting the abusive behaviors of Steve Anderson against a woman and children. Taking the bible out of the contest to excuse sin. That is a cultist strategy, deceiving and misleading to cover up the wrongdoing of a leader. I was an Anderson supporter, but I am no longer. There are three witnesses As the Bible requires. 2-Corinthians 13-1. 1-Timothy 3-4. Ephesians 6-4. Ephesians 5:11. Suddenly, they forgot about these passages.
@fasteddymunoz8547 3 дня назад
@@romanc.5074 How do you know his kids are telling the truth
@romanc.5074 3 дня назад
@@fasteddymunoz8547 He did not deny beating them. Did you hear pastor Shelly's conversation with his son Jonh? please he has been beating his wife and kids. Anderson told Shelly he had used an electrical cord to beat his kids. Shelly asked about physical discipline to his wife. Anderson answered he would not talk about private matters that happen with his wife behind closed doors. And whatever happened, was with mutual agreement. He is telling without saying, yes, I use physical discipline with my wife. Stop with that cultist and unGodly mentality, the pastor is always innocent. 2-corithians 13-1.
@kingofnpcs2547 3 дня назад
Remember when Noah's sons saw him passed out drunk and they were told to cover their father's nakedness. There was 3 witnesses there. Not what these demons are doing.
@kingofnpcs2547 3 дня назад
This is the problem with protestant theology and why it turns into 40k sects because your all wrongly interpreting the Bible with no final authority or rules. Hence you twisting the Bible to justify the evil behavior of his kids.
@muscledollpuck 3 дня назад
If Steven abuses his wife so much, why hasn't SHE (the victim) said so or gone to the police? Because it is false, plain and simple. "Witnesses" are worthless if the person it is about said they were never abused. That's called being a false witness/lying.
@johnramirez2539 4 дня назад
I’ve listened to Steven Anderson since 2018 and I loved his preaching but after hearing the testimony of Isaac, John, and Miriam I believe that Steven Anderson and his wife are in the wrong and need to change.
@roneldell5137 4 дня назад
You would rather believe a literal n4z1, a partyboi, and a feminist interviewed by a trainee?
@baptistbob1038 3 дня назад
Me as well. Listened since 2018.
@chriscrawl3732 3 дня назад
He's always been a hateful hypocrite, why listen to him?
@GBody-sn5ok 2 дня назад
Nah, you all are wrong and you all are just the common weenies of today! Pastor Jimenez is right! As soon as I saw these kids of PSA going on these reprobate channels, that was all I needed to know!
@akkadian4709 4 дня назад
Man all these videos of his kids, what is happening?!!
@Youtuber-le9xx 2 дня назад
Steven is being exposed, a good teacher but a bad father Solomon now too.. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-z4YrNilMKKI.htmlsi=VUSYY9AcpT87M-xg
@somethinginteresting8151 2 дня назад
Do not provoke your children to ANGER
@Reconstructing-101 3 дня назад
Parents who subject their children to this kind of "preaching" really need some serious self reflection. Yelling and screaming condoning child abuse. You are damaging your children and ruining their veiw of Christianity. Think of what you are doing. God have mercy
@swagmanandy 2 дня назад
Worry not God WILL judge him and YOU.
@elecelec5581 4 дня назад
Amen 🙏 I’m praying for Pastor Anderson and his family ❤
@BloodBoughtMinistries 3 дня назад
he is a devil
@archivechannel839 День назад
@@BloodBoughtMinistries yet he's outperformed your worthless ministry🤣sounds like a video game
@Mason-1611 День назад
This is cult behavior 101 in action
@coondawg 2 дня назад
Amen pastor.
@fasteddymunoz8547 3 дня назад
I’m going to pray for Pastor Anderson and his family
@Milkywaybeauty 2 дня назад
Prayer does nothing.
@archivechannel839 День назад
@@Milkywaybeauty found the atheist
@Milkywaybeauty 12 часов назад
@@archivechannel839 for good reason.
@1611KJV 4 дня назад
Bro I’ve subscribed to you for years. You’re wrong. Go listen to Miriam and tell me she’s lying. She carries the burden that her Mom hates her.
@Reprobatedestroyer 3 дня назад
Im sticking with Anderson no matter what. He got me saved. I was repent of your sins before him. His kids have done nothing for me. Where is this “testimony “ of miriam
@Reprobatedestroyer 3 дня назад
His brother stole her. Go look it up. She’s being manipulated into saying this stuff. She’s a female.
@abaddontheannihilator8144 3 дня назад
​​@@Reprobatedestroyer "I'm sticking with Steven Anderson no matter what because he got me saved." Translation: "I'm going to continue being stupid on purpose because I want Anderson to be my messiah. So excuse me as I disable my common sense and critical thinking."
@abaddontheannihilator8144 3 дня назад
​@@Reprobatedestroyer"Her brother stole her, go look it up, she is a female" Go ahead and change your profile name to @Reprobateretard because that's what you really are.
@dionysian222 3 дня назад
@@Reprobatedestroyer You’re hell bound if you believe Anderson saved you.
@user-ce9xe1qe8i 2 дня назад
Watch Issac Anderson's new interview
@archivechannel839 День назад
not interested, you busybody
@ippolittowray7063 3 дня назад
Luke 12:53 KJV The👉 father 👈shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
@eric-cn1fv 4 дня назад
Thank you for standing up for the truth!
@romanc.5074 3 дня назад
You don't know the truth. There are three of his own kids testifying against that abuser Anderson.
@philippeboursiquotbeauvais 3 дня назад
Amen ! A lot of haters only wants PSA to step down . Through PSA preachings I believe on Jesus for eternal life and I believe he's one of the greatest preachers alive today . Though I do not agree 100% with all what he teaches, I believe Steven needs to be preaching hard on the pulpit till our Father take him Home . From Brazil , São Paulo
@Youtuber-le9xx 2 дня назад
What truth?? Defending an abuser isn't standing up for truth why don't you grow a brain
@logankaylor9571 4 дня назад
This is a really untimely upload, have you not been staying up to date with what’s been going on???
@MattyJohn146 День назад
Spousal & child abuse are both wicked and condemned by God. Any man that ever engages in these sinful practices is NOT qualified to be a Pastor (no striker, no brawler, blameless, loving, ruling your home well!). Eph. 5.25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it, Eph. 6.4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, 1 Tim 3.3 ... no striker, ... but patient, not a brawler... My heart goes out to all who are effected by this scandal, both in faithful word baptist church & the Anderson family. Follow Jesus Christ, NOT fallible men.
@user-ce9xe1qe8i 2 дня назад
He regularly beat his little children unconscious, if you think that's o.k, the you need to deeply reflect on yourself. All 4 of the children who have left home say the same thing
@archivechannel839 День назад
@blus3r 4 дня назад
I have a question Pastor Jimenez, what if the parent is a reprobate? What if a parent wants you to do something wrong like join a false religion, do we still need to obey them? I know that in every way we ddont have to be disrespectful, but in my opinion if the parents wants their son or daughter to join a false religion I dont think they should obey their parents. Common sense applies of course.
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад
Hello. If the parents command something that is against God, of course they should disobey (Acts 5:29). If not however, they are to obey it. If a father wants his children to wear red, they ought to wear red.
@blus3r 4 дня назад
@@AlphaStudios-lh1rz Acts 5:29 KJV Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад
@@blus3r Amen.
@GeneralTantor 3 дня назад
Obey parents? ANSWER: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13 : 1 We are to obey parents for sure but if they contradicting the higher power then we should Obey God.
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 3 дня назад
@@GeneralTantor No one disputes what you just stated. But I believe issues that are commanded by the earthly authority, but do not contradicts God's law, should be obeyed.
@FaithfulServantsOfChrist День назад
4:13 in other words, you can't ever rebike "the Lord's anointed" when he is in unrepentant sin. He is "the man of God" and questioning him is questioning God in the minds of these wicked New IFB sin-enabling cultists.
@lastdays806 3 дня назад
Well said brother jimenez good point about going to the reprobates for help.
@murfam79 3 дня назад
That was the first thing that jumped out at me.
@colonalklink14 3 дня назад
Steven Anderson's false reprobate doctrine is just another cleverly repackaged excuse to deny the gospel to people who sin differently than he does.
@RayRay-g9d 3 дня назад
God is exposing these Devil pastors 👿
@jeremybourgeois-w5w 3 дня назад
Roger jimenez is a reprobate himself!
@dermotmcquaid3692 3 дня назад
Isaac Anderson and His Trash Excuse of a Wife are COMPLETE HYPOCRITES...They're Publicly Backing John and Miriam, but for SURE Will Do to their son what they have falsely ACCUSED Steven of!
@BiblicalErudites 4 дня назад
poor response
@Overfl00d 2 дня назад
So refreshing to hear Pastor Jimenez and his common sense. Those kids chose to go to a trans person, of all people... Goes to show how wicked that generation is.
@Overfl00d 2 дня назад
It's ironic how Issac was joking around about hiring a "working girl" and then beating her, in a group chat with 13 year old girls, then goes crying, on a trans person show, that his dad beat him too hard. Something went terribly wrong with that kid. I don't think Steven Anderson beat him hard enough, apperently.
@Krullerized 2 дня назад
There's another angle that's chilling... What if they didn't go anywhere but the man of Satan ran after them, and they answered the call without being as scared as they should have? What if they were simply blissfully unaware of the gravity of their sin? 😬 It is evident the Satanist wanted to destroy the family. However I predict this will be a Genesis 50:20 moment. Eventually things will get right, and pastor Anderson and his wife will become better parents than they've ever been and they'll be role models for all to see and they will forgive each other. What was a weakness will become a strength. God loves to handle false victories to the children of Satan. Let them rejoice. Their fall will only be from a higher point as they'll witness their strongest ennemy's family reborn like a Phoenix, but this time much stronger than ever. To the man of little faith, what I'm saying is insane, but pastor Anderson has saved hundreds of thousands of souls. God will chastise him so that he humbles himself, and learns from the right sources. Watch him fall so low before rising higher and stronger than ever before with the support and respect of his family. I believe this is a Biblical moment and we get to witness it together 💖 Courage pastor Anderson, Zsusanna, Isaac, Solomon, Miriam, Josh. The happy ending is coming really soon, just as soon as you understand why the Father allowed the scourge. No this is not a Job moment. This is a consequence of sin. Him whom he loveth He chasteneth. And I can barely start to even comprehend how much God loves someone whom has brought the news that God wants them well to hundred of thousands of people, and to whom much is given, much is required. But we learn from consequences and do better 🤜 No more yelling and insults in this family. Yelling at the pulpet, not at each other 👍 There is no verse that encourages insults and yelling between family members. The rod has never been the problem. It's all the rest.
@ippolittowray7063 3 дня назад
2 Samuel 12:7-15 KJV And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul; [8] And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things. [9] Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in his sight? thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon. [10] Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. [11]👉Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun. [12] For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel, and before the sun.👈[13] And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD. And Nathan said unto David, The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die. [14] Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. [15] And Nathan departed unto his house. And the LORD struck the child that Uriah's wife bare unto David, and it was very sick.
@andrewloza 3 дня назад
u missed something.. Thus saith the Lord, Behold, >>I will
@Archive2iqqk 4 дня назад
Amen. God bless your ministry, glad you are not gullible and know the truth.
@angelsoldierofchrist1983 4 дня назад
@Dermot-vn6rx 4 дня назад
God Bless You Pastor Jimenez. Praying for you and Praying for Pastor Anderson.
@tondbaptist3169 3 дня назад
@jeffswartz8564 2 дня назад
how about those numerous wife beatings?
@elenalazar7767 2 дня назад
Wasn't absalom the result of Davids sin?
@Alex1611AD День назад
Let's see how well this ages.
@philippeboursiquotbeauvais 3 дня назад
@民民-j4k 3 дня назад
☝️🤓 "Child Abuse"
@Cameron-o2w 3 дня назад
Of course Robert would support the pope of the NIFB. These guys don’t care about Christ they only care about the cult of personality. NIFB Pope Steven Anderson.
@AlphaStudios-lh1rz 4 дня назад
Now, while never having been a fan of Anderson, I feel him. I wouldn't know how to handle this either. We can only pray for their repentance and for Anderson to overcome his anger issues. Likely ADHD, I have no idea, but we should pray for both sides.
@stephenmauro1770 3 дня назад
Steven, I know exactly how you're feeling because I’ve been in a similar situation. My two daughters were influenced by my enemies who wanted to turn them against me, convincing them I was a bad father. When I sought help from the police, I learned that in Cameron County, TX, the District Attorney has a standing order instructing officers not to intervene in cases of child withholding. Like many, I hired a lawyer. The advice was always the same-document everything and keep contacting the police. But as you pay for the legal services, you find out that most of the lawyers in that courtroom make campaign contributions to the DA and the judge. Meanwhile, the DA ensures the police remain uninvolved, and the cycle repeats. In Cameron county tx the DA gives every policeman a written order to not do anything when there is any kind of child withholding. This keeps the money machine going. In my case, they were after my money. In your case, they despise you, just as they hated Jesus first. Children are taught to use key phrases to trigger CPS, teachers, police, and therapists, saying things like, “I’m uncomfortable with my dad,” “I’m scared,” or “He beats me.” This continued for me for nine years. I found solace in Jesus Christ and the Bible. Your videos were, and still are, a source of great support for me during that dark time. When I lost my daughters, my money, and my properties, the only thing that gave me light was the salvation I found in Christ. Now, my daughters, their husbands, and my four grandchildren love me deeply, and I see them regularly.
@Reprobatedestroyer 3 дня назад
I doubt he’s going to read this lol but I agree with you
@archivechannel839 День назад
@@Reprobatedestroyer 🤣
@MikeMitchell-y3m 2 дня назад
Many of us black children are beaten like slaves by our parents but to get grown and attack your mom and dad is pure evil.
@jeffswartz8564 2 дня назад
You should listen to several videos coming from multiple Anderson children. Was it ok for your dad to beat up your mom?
@bigbaby496 2 дня назад
Being silent about your abusive parent who still abuses his other children is evil. Clearly the abuse you suffered warped your brain, but you don't have to pass that evil on to the next generation.
@MikeMitchell-y3m День назад
@@bigbaby496 OK. I get my mom put in jail today. Thanks
@archivechannel839 День назад
that's because white people don't honor their parents.
@bigbaby496 День назад
@@MikeMitchell-y3m If she's a child abuser you should. Dunno why this is so hard for you to understand - oh right, because you were abused as a child and are now repeating those patterns subconsciously.
@walkman1984 3 дня назад
Good preaching tonight! often putting 3 year-olds under cold showers during winter, and making them feel like they are drowning for punishing something they might have done and letting them wet on the bed and removing the blanket, it's a very Christian thing we all do. I'm sure there are verses that support waterboarding in the Bible, i just can't find right now, but i'm sure you have it on the tip of your tongue, such amazing preacher you are.
@soulh4838 2 дня назад
Wake up! Those are false accusations!! Miriam is LYING!!
@rositadensi9087 3 дня назад
im so confused. but God is not a God of confusion God is with pastor Steven Anderson. 🙏 🙌
@ethelrod1648 3 дня назад
May ☦️God comfort Pastor Anderson as his world falls apart. A very sad story.
@mathewmclachlan7352 8 часов назад
These guy is sooooo far in the the closet
@Joshua.duciel 4 дня назад
Booooo booooo boooooo
@BloodBoughtMinistries 3 дня назад
Steven goes where hos father goes, and its not heaven.
@CarrieLaffs 4 дня назад
The sound is too screechy to listen to 😢
@bernardgallert6277 4 дня назад
Put it on your TV, it sounds fine that way, I really don't like the sound from my phone.
@kingofnpcs2547 3 дня назад
I'm a catholic and dont like Anderson but the kids are the evil ones here. Embellishing what happened publicly to ruin their dad's reputation is a mortal sin and seriously evil. No excuses.
@scullyfox4271 2 дня назад
What proof do you have of embellishment? Are not the defenders of Steven Anderson embellishing too?
@Youtuber-le9xx 2 дня назад
But Anderson didn't make a simple boo-boo, he was way too physical with his kids which needs to come to light because it disqualifies him as a pastor
@NathanLongacre-jo6cx 2 дня назад
It’s one thing to be a fundamentalist and defend this horrendous behavior; it’s another thing to be part of the Catholic Church - Christ’s True Church - and dare to defend this satanic behavior. One Catholic to another… shame on you!
@animationunlimited2958 2 дня назад
If that is the case why don't you sell them some indulgences so the NIFB does not have to complain about them anymore ;)
@bigbaby496 2 дня назад
@@NathanLongacre-jo6cx the person you're replying to is actually evil.
@TRUTHbomb2.0 3 дня назад
His daughter wants to date a great long haired guy who wears eyeliner, his one son has long hair, has tattoos, wears nail polish, has earrings and a nose ring, the other has a fascist tattoo on his chest. They are all rebelling against their Christian upbringing.
@scullyfox4271 2 дня назад
@TRUTHbomb2.0 who cares who she wants to date? Why are you so hung up on outward appearances? Jesus said the pharisees were whitewashed tombs, looks good on the outside but inwardly are full of deadmans bones. You people are full of hypocrisy slander and malice, yet you polish your outward appearance. You strain at gnats (long hair & tatoos) while swallowing camels (wife beating & child abuse) Man looks at the outward, but God sees the heart.
@sarahduhay5150 2 дня назад
False! She turned him down. FYI, she was dating a normal church goer at the plant in SC. A listener for years to her fathers sermon with short hair, no piercings or anything. She shows the receipts on her Facebook. And by the way, her brothers are probably experiencing PTSD. A result from beatings and such like!
@jessematthew6995 3 дня назад
If Andersons kids were right, why did they tell the story to a perverted queer instead of going to God and let Him handle it.
@GTOberfest 3 дня назад
Was a poor choice to go that route...and to disclose dirty laundry to the world...still I believe what they are saying is probably true.
@RaptorJesus 3 дня назад
@@GTOberfest Of course it's true. Steven has had tantrums in *public.* What do you think he'd do behind closed doors?
@andraste6746 3 дня назад
Because abuse thrives on shame and secrecy.
@Creques 3 дня назад
@Youtuber-le9xx 2 дня назад
Now 4 of Steven's children confess.. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-z4YrNilMKKI.htmlsi=VUSYY9AcpT87M-xg Steven Anderson is the best Bible teacher I've heard but goes down as a horrible Father, and Pastor Roger is disgusting for standing up for him.
@archivechannel839 День назад
I'm sure pastor anderson is devastated by your worthless opinion 🤣
@Youtuber-le9xx День назад
@@archivechannel839 Good thing I'm not talking to Anderson but all others who see this, I'm helping just a little to expose him for what he really is. Your loyalty to him after all this is pathetic
@archivechannel839 День назад
@@RU-vidr-le9xx literally nothing will happen, God is not with you, cry more busybody 🤣
@knowledge858 3 дня назад
Tell me you preach at Steve Anderson’s church without telling me you preach at Steve Anderson’s church!!!!!
@christianselfhelp753 4 дня назад
this is why kids need to learn self improvement. then they stop caring about little things and focus on improving themselves
@archivechannel839 День назад
all the busybody people who don't even go to pastor anderson's church, writing essays on how they renounce pastor anderson
@christianselfhelp753 День назад
@@archivechannel839 when did i renounce him?
@christianselfhelp753 День назад
@@archivechannel839 i never renounced him
@MatthewDeanCrabb 3 дня назад
There are the two parents, CPS who's often been and found nothing wrong, there's John's first video where he said PSA was pretty chilled... but nobody is interested, just blindly believe the 3 rebellious kids whose videos contradict. I support PSA.
@suzannebehrens9413 3 дня назад
Brian denlinger of kjv ministries has steve and his family figured out!
@kylej8135 3 дня назад
can the nifb pastors stop saying “pisses me off”. It belabors the point, and most people consider it a light curse word
@karlbrust1810 3 дня назад
did you spit out your soy-based beverage when you heard him say piss?
@chriscrawl3732 3 дня назад
They're hateful, wicked, demonic sinners. If course they curse, and abuse their children.
@archivechannel839 День назад
sounds like you have low testosterone
@somethinginteresting8151 2 дня назад
1 Timothy 3:22A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of GOOD BEHAVIOR , given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3Not given to wine, NO STRIKER , not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a BRAWLER , not covetous; ONE THAT RULETH WELL HIS OWN HOUSE, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
@johnrocketz7143 3 дня назад
this man defending a man by using the scripture out of context. Sober - means more than just drinking means also being angry how about - Good behaviour How about - no striker how about - given to hospitality - 1Ti 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 1Ti 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 1Ti 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 1Ti 3:3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 1Ti 3:4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
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