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Look Beyond Borders - 4 minutes experiment 

Amnesty Poland
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When talking about the problem of refugees, we use dehumanised language, which reduces human tragedy to numbers and statistics. But this suffering concerns real people, who - just like us - have families, loved ones, friends; their own stories, dreams, goals... Only when you sit down opposite a specific person and look into their eyes, you no longer see an anonymous refugee, one of the migrants, and notice the human before you, just like yourself - loving, suffering, dreaming...
20 years ago, psychologist Arthur Aron discovered that 4 minutes of looking into each other's eyes can bring people closer. Using this discovery, we decided to carry out a simple experiment, during which refugees and Europeans sat opposite each other and looked into each other's eyes. Clearly, it is most important to give each other time to better understand and get to know each other.
The experiment was conducted in Berlin: the city, which - first of all - is a symbol of overcoming the divisions, and secondly, seems to be the centre of the contemporary Europe. We wanted the movie created on the basis of the experiment to be as symbolic as possible - and to touch upon the general divisions between people.
The experiment participants were ordinary people. The situations were not staged; we wanted to get natural, spontaneous reactions. The people sitting opposite each other had not known each other before and saw each other for the first time during the experiment. What is important, the refugees mostly came from Syria and had not been living in Europe for longer than a year.
Mówiąc o problemie uchodźców używa się odhumanizowanego języka, który ludzką tragedię sprowadza do liczb i statystyki. A przecież cierpią konkretni ludzie, którzy - tak jak my - mają rodziny, bliskich, przyjaciół; swoje historie, marzenia, cele… Dopiero kiedy siadasz naprzeciwko konkretnej osoby i spoglądasz jej w oczy, to przestajesz widzieć w niej anonimowego uchodźcę, jednego z migrantów, a zauważasz w nim człowieka, takiego, jakim sam jesteś - kochającego, cierpiącego, marzącego…
20 lat temu, psycholog Arthur Aron odkrył, że 4 minuty patrzenia sobie w oczy potrafi zbliżyć do siebie ludzi. Wykorzystując to odkrycie, postanowiliśmy przeprowadzić prosty ekperyment, podczas którego uchodźcy oraz Europejczycy usiedli naprzeciw siebie i spojrzeli sobie w oczy. Najważniejsze bowiem jest danie sobie czasu, żeby się lepiej zrozumieć i poznać.
Eksperyment przeprowadziliśmy w Berlinie, mieście które - po pierwsze - jest symbolem przezwyciężenia podziałów, a po drugie wydaje się być centrum współczesnej Europy. Zależało nam na tym, by powstały na bazie eksperymentu film był jak najbardziej symboliczny w swoim wyrazie - i dotykał podziałów między ludźmi w ogóle.
Uczestnikami eksperymentu byli zwykli ludzie. Sytuacje nie były reżyserowane, zależało nam na naturalnych, spontanicznych reakcjach. Siedzące naprzeciwko siebie osoby nie znały się wcześniej i podczas eksperymentu zobaczyły po raz pierwszy. Co istotne uchodźcy pochodzili głównie z Syrii i nie mieszkali w Europie dłużej niż rok.
Director: Bartosz Dombrowski (Papaya Films)
Agency: DDB&tribal Warsaw
DOP: Kuba Kijowski
Editing: Katarzyna Orzechowska | Mateusz Romaszkan
Music: Atanas Valkov
Sound Design: Błażej Kafarski
Producer: Siasia Seyfried
Production dept. Kasia Wac
Production Manager: Ania Stylińska
Casting | refugees: Ania Alboth
Camera Operator: Patricia Lewandowska
Camera Operator: Magda Górfińska
Camera Operator: Casey Cambell
1st Camera Assistant & Focus Puller: Nick Dietz
Assistant & Focus Puller: Katharina Hauke | Yuri Salvador
Gaffer: Konrad Pruski
Digitalization: Haman Wawrzyniec
DIT Martin Hecht
Sound Engineer: Konrad Serowiecki
Post Production: Rio de post - Sylwia Skrzypek
Cinegate Berlin (Sebastian Enke | Gösta Hess | Florian Wimmer | Daniel Sippel | Andi and Stefan)
Ewerk | Elaine Mathe
Rio de Post
Papaya Films | Kacper Sawicki
Cut Cut | Maciej Kozłowski | Paweł Szczypek | Robert Cacaj
Central Park Berlin | Sascha Wolfram & Roland Patzelt
All participants
All translators
Isabella Sobieski
Frank Hellwig
Nicole Czop



5 сен 2024




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@mariannebar2910 4 года назад
I loved when the kids startet playing around 😭😭😭
@foxytackernadel1249 5 месяцев назад
at that point I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my face 🥹
@Chai-hc8rq 7 лет назад
Am i the only one that could see love between the girl with the red curly hair & the pretty man she was talking to? ❤ i ship them
@Appleloucious 3 года назад
She looked especially touched and moved ( :
@rollerturtle Год назад
You don't ship real people
@ingevanmarle1639 10 месяцев назад
@opwwjiwhdhdwwiei2675 8 лет назад
This is what I'm watching when I should be doing my maths homework
@laurawaldvogel3827 4 года назад
This is my school, my homework :D
@peixe_956 4 года назад
my homework is about this video lol
@Appleloucious 3 года назад
Way more important than maths ( :
@Bozewani 3 года назад
you can srtill work for Amnesty intenritronal afeter shcool amnesty is hiring! ( ia pplied)
@user-of5mj5nl6r 5 лет назад
That was so emotional , I had to cry
Very very moving video, a beautiful message sent to humanity. Never forget to look beyond borders and show your solidarity!
@tipi8340 8 лет назад
+Cécile Coudriou how many immigrants have you already let into your home? :-)
+/ˈtiː piː/ The same old argument again? So only people who can have refugees in their my own apartment could express themselves.. I don't see why I shouldn't try to encourage a change in the way we look at refugees and advocate a change in European migration policies which have such devastating effects.
@tipi8340 8 лет назад
+Cécile Coudriou I agree, we can show solidarity BUT by helping them on the spot - in Syria, where there is war, NOT by importing them in mass amounts! Not mentioning that there isn't war in Erythreia or Morrocco where many economic immigrants come from. Europe is not made of rubber!
+The Mirage I pity you for being so full of hate...
+The Mirage Insulting the other will never make you stronger or more right, on the contrary. I will answer one last time (since you seem unable to have a real dialogue): it's very ironic that you called me "anti-European" when you are the one who betrays all European values of solidarity and peace... As for "faggot", just another evidence that you hate everything that is different
@Lily-vv8pr 3 года назад
I watched this video in my class of language school. I couldn’t help crying. I hope all people live happily.
@kroolini3678 Год назад
@whatsthestorymorningglory61 10 месяцев назад
@@kroolini3678True. You are.
@kroolini3678 10 месяцев назад
cry 😂@@whatsthestorymorningglory61
@soviettobi8304 4 года назад
The video is soooo beautiful, it shows that everybody is such a kind person and nobody is really alone on this earth, amazing video!
@R__A Год назад
Right? Brings me to tears
@kroolini3678 Год назад
Even though a certain religious group is responsible for 95% of all terror attacks :)
@karol92z 8 лет назад
Great campaign which should be played in rich countries such as Saudi Arabia , Qatar, the United Arab Emirates , Kuwait , Bahrain. Maybe then they realized that the refugees need help.
@robokopo 8 лет назад
+Karol Zieliński Why haven't you mentioned Israel? Why should everybody be merciful to "refugees" but Jews?
@karol92z 8 лет назад
+robokopo Thanks, i forgot about Israel :)
@sushi5196 8 лет назад
Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait etc. are the Reason for Refugees.... Saudi Arabia finances the I.S which leds to the fall of Syria, which leds finaly to the refugees. Get some Education before spreading that "lovely and wise" words.
@lamismoq1844 7 лет назад
Su Shi Saudia arabia tok in over a million refuges when the war started so they did entry want to take in more
@fouad258 5 лет назад
@@sushi5196 the US contributes as well. a deal with Saudi Arabia over more than 100 billion dollars worth of artillery and more harmful things. sorry, but it is a vicious cycle. get education, yes, please let that be proper education and not only half. thank you
@craigjkharris 7 лет назад
I love this. A reminder we are all human.
@franekpp8893 8 лет назад
Piękna akcja, jakże pozytywna! Rozpłakałem się, nie ma co. Uchodźcy mile widziani!
@Wiktor_Klugowski 8 лет назад
+franek pp Co znaczy tylko że bardzo łatwo ulegasz manipulacji opartej na emocjach.
@franekpp8893 8 лет назад
+Wiktor Klugowski Widzę, że ekspert się znalazł. To TVP z nim!
@franekpp8893 8 лет назад
+Onyx 887 Znakomicie zatem. Właśnie ukazałeś swój wysoki poziom- bardzo kulturalne zachowanie.
@franekpp8893 8 лет назад
Onyx 887 audycje.tokfm.pl/odcinek/36805
@tipi8340 8 лет назад
+franek pp audycję sponsorowała AGORA SA, wydawca GWna, promującego lewactwo, multikulti, antypolskie KOD-y i inne .Nowotwory oraz nagonki na chrześcijaństwo :-) wzorcowo się dajecie łapać na łzawy lep
@trottamig 8 лет назад
Wow, from the comments it seems like a lot of people never went abroad, never talked to another human being who was born somewhere else on the planet? They actually find it incredible that people from different countries could meet and connect? I feel genuinely sorry for them, caught in their prison of fear and hatred. It only goes to show how important the message of this video is - people need to meet eachother, not just hear about eachother on the news.
@mollyh6010 8 лет назад
This comment section is beyond hateful. If these uneducated people sitting behind their screens would go out in the world a little more they would realise that people are just people, no matter where you are.
@trottamig 8 лет назад
***** Nah, I'm gonna stay put in my safe, nice country that makes a fortune selling weapons to the Middle East.
@DennyVlogs 6 лет назад
Emotionally driven female - these are invaders - they are taking over cities in France in England in Belgium - they are here to replace you you fools.
@todddavis4586 5 лет назад
@@DennyVlogs say thanks Jews for the Kalergie plan.
@M4Nt4INA 4 года назад
thanks for this beautiful video. I had to cry so much. So emotional.
@alazarkiewicz 8 лет назад
Piękny film o prostej, ludzkiej prawdzie, która kryje się za wielkimi liczbami. Każdego rasistę, ksenofoba, antyislamistę, antysemitę, nacjonalistę, chciałbym móc posadzić na jednym z tych krzeseł. Mam głębokie przeświadczenie, że dla wielu z nich byłby to moment przełomu i uleczenia z tych chorych fobii.
@uczenyhwh1376 8 лет назад
+Antoni Lazarkiewicz Mam jednego wielkiego islamofoba na imię mu JAHWEH / JEHOWAH - Jezus Chrystus. Syrach 11 29 Nie wprowadzaj do domu swego każdego człowieka, różnorodne są bowiem podstępy oszusta. 30 Jak złowiona kuropatwa w klatce, tak serce pysznego: jak szpieg wypatruje on słabe strony, 31 podając dobre rzeczy za złe, przygotowuje zasadzkę i najlepszym twym zaletom przygania. 32 Przez iskrę węgiel napełnia się ogniem (DŻIHAD), a człowiek niegodziwy czyha na krew. 33 Strzeż się człowieka złego, który knuje niegodziwości, by nie sprowadził na ciebie hańby niezatartej. 34 Przyjmij obcego do domu, a wtrąci cię w zamieszanie i oddali cię od twoich najbliższych. 1 Królewska 11 1 Król Salomon pokochał też wiele kobiet obcej narodowości, a mianowicie: córkę faraona, Moabitki, Ammonitki, Edomitki, Sydonitki i Chetytki, 2 z narodów, co do których Pan nakazał Izraelitom: «Nie łączcie się z nimi, i one niech nie łączą się z wami, bo na pewno zwrócą wasze serce ku swoim bogom»2. Jednak Salomon z miłości złączył się z nimi, 3 tak że miał siedemset żon-księżniczek i trzysta żon drugorzędnych. Jego żony uwiodły więc jego serce. 4 Kiedy Salomon zestarzał się, żony zwróciły jego serce ku bogom obcym i wskutek tego serce jego nie pozostało tak szczere wobec Pana, Boga jego, jak serce jego ojca, Dawida. 5 Zaczął bowiem czcić Asztartę, boginię Sydończyków, oraz Milkoma, ohydę Ammonitów. 6 Salomon dopuścił się więc tego, co jest złe w oczach Pana, i nie okazał pełnego posłuszeństwa Panu, jak Dawid, jego ojciec. 7 Salomon zbudował również posąg Kemoszowi, bożkowi moabskiemu, na górze na wschód od Jerozolimy, oraz Milkomowi4, ohydzie Ammonitów. 8 Tak samo uczynił wszystkim swoim żonom obcej narodowości, palącym kadzidła i składającym ofiary swoim bogom. Pan ostrzega i zapowiada karę 9 Pan rozgniewał się więc na Salomona za to, że jego serce odwróciło się od JAHWEH, Boga izraelskiego. Dwukrotnie mu się ukazał 10 i zabraniał mu czcić obcych bogów, ale on nie zachował tego, co Pan mu nakazał. 11 Wtedy Pan rzekł Salomonowi: «Wobec tego, że tak postąpiłeś i nie zachowałeś mego przymierza oraz moich praw, które ci dałem, nieodwołalnie wyrwę ci królestwo i dam twojemu słudze. JUŻ NIEDŁUGO USIĄDZIESZ Z JAHWE NA JEGO SĄDZIE 13.05.2018! Mam nadzieję, że jesteś przygotowany? :-)
@es3t 6 лет назад
@UCZEN YHWH , Jahweh to Bóg, A Jezus Chrystus to Syn Boży a nie Bóg. Tak na wstępie cytujesz stary testament i mylisz Chrystusa , Syna Bożego z Bogiem. To dopiero propaganda niewiedzy. @Antoni Lazarkiewicz popieram.
@xza5687 6 лет назад
@kroolini3678 Год назад
I watched this video and instantly forgot about the recent terror attacks in my country. Thank you!
@dstuartbrig 8 лет назад
The comments section for this video should be closed, none allowed to post. The hatred and negativity displayed here by some is revolting and truly sad. They say when a human no longer possess empathy and loses the ability to care, he's no longer a human. Those of us who are rich in empathy and love allow our minds and hearts to broaden tremendously through the edification of our fellow human begins. Thank you for posting this video, it's changing minds and lives.
@jazzi_0453 6 лет назад
David B Yeah, let us censor free speech. Propaganda should not be commented or called out!
@josesilvat.3898 6 лет назад
Free speech don't exist right? Typical leftist... Hate opinions and RIGHT TO SAY to the people for put their opinion . For the left hate = opinion different to the mine.
@jamesMaine 2 года назад
I've participated in exercises like this at men's retreats. The best are the ones where you don't speak at all, except through your eyes. It's uncomfortable and powerful. Humans create fabricated and unnecessary barriers based on differences and things that don't matter. If everyday we would speak less with words and more with our eyes and our faces, the conversation would emanate from our hearts, not from fear or protection.
@blackjohnny0 8 лет назад
At that redhead i could look whole day.
@blackjohnny0 8 лет назад
te pe :(
@anirudhgoud5035 8 лет назад
It's OK. I can understand your pain and desire
@lukaszsztwiorok9456 8 лет назад
Redhead was horny :)
@eviannafaye5269 7 лет назад
I just want to send love and blessings to all these people. If we can all learn to reach out to each other and help one another, there will be less misunderstandings and loneliness in this world....
@claudiao.9191 7 лет назад
Wir sollten unserem Gegenüber länger in die Augen schauen👀 WOW dieses Feeling🙏🏼☺️
@billythunderchode2569 8 лет назад
As a cuckold, this video nearly made me cry. Absolutely lovely work by Amnesty Poland. Wish those racist statisticians would leave their racist crap out of this.
@SoniaKatiMota 8 лет назад
@numkie 8 лет назад
+Sonia Mota you don't realize he's being sarcastic? Not very bright are you? Like a typical leftist. Let enough Muslims in and you will enjoy taharrush. If that is your picture, they would love to play with you!
@SoniaKatiMota 8 лет назад
I said that on purpose as a shock tactic for people to stop and think what they actually said. People tend to distance themselves to other peoples' suffering, bringing it back home closer was the intend. Ofcourse I mean not harm to anyone at all, ever.
@oday682 8 лет назад
Hello Sonia, I'm a middle eastern man from Iraq and I fully appreciate your warm-heartedness and your sympathy. You are a true human being. I'm a very anti-Islam atheist and I realize that middle easterners don't have the most advanced culture in the world but still reform is possible and cultures are subject to evolve. We are human beings and we will eventually grow out of this radical Islam bullshit just like Europeans grew out of Christian theocracy, nazism and communism. I hope that Europe will be safe and prosperous and that terrorists will fail to make you lose your good heart and humanity. Thank you again with lots of love from Iraq. Hey and by the way if anyone does to Taharush on u I will rip them to pieces whether middle easterners or Europeans.
@OPTSXFilosoofis 8 лет назад
Sonia Mota ofcourse... It is a shame a white girl like you is this naive. You look like you could have been a good redpilled person
@yoga4healthcoach 3 года назад
I'm very proud to be a member of Amnesty International 💜
@saritah7887 6 лет назад
tears rolling down my face!
@littleflyingone 8 лет назад
I work with refugees and this made me cry so much!
@junterzet2669 8 лет назад
Fuck politics, fuck religion, fuck established barrier that blocks the love between us, nothing is able to eradicate heart full of love and intentions. Praise humanity and ppl of tenderness who wish to offer to the world and all around their heart. Dont let our soul be dominated by people of the ruling class with bad intentions and confined attitudes. peace and love still current, forever, greetings from Iceland.
@vindicator2470 3 месяца назад
hows the rabbi in there pigskin?
@120clicks 8 лет назад
Großartig! Ich bin begeistert. Vielen Dank!
@agnieszkadombrowska5903 8 лет назад
Piękny i ważny film. Najprostsze bywa najtrudniejsze. Brawo!
@Flauius 8 лет назад
wielkie serce dla twórców tego filmu.. Refugees being human... You are welcome !
@paulinaczapska8027 8 лет назад
dziękuję Wam za tą kampanię. Super, że jesteście!
@andymeet2145 8 лет назад
+Paulina Czapska z twoim wyglądem to chyba jedyna szansa na "ubogacenie"...
@paulinaczapska8027 8 лет назад
+Andy Meet szkoda mi Ciebie
@andymeet2145 8 лет назад
Mi Ciebie też...
@piotrpuszcza5580 8 лет назад
Oglądam ten film któryś już raz i za każdym razem ryczę ze wzruszenia.Cieszę się że są jeszcze w Polsce normalni, życzliwi ludzie.Dziękuję...
@Robert_koelbel 4 года назад
We are all Brothers, we are all Sisters. We are all One.
@Fantomas369 8 лет назад
Film jest cudownie emocjonalny a ludzie piszą nienawistne komentarze, a potem się dziwią że młodzi wyjeżdżają do cywilizowanych krajów gdzie jak ktoś płacze albo przytula inną osobę to nikt nie krzyczy żeby ich wsadzić do getta albo wysłać tam skąd przybyli. Czasami nienawidzę tej naszej polskiej cebuli.
@es3t 6 лет назад
Niestety ludzkość wraz z rozwojem nauki staję się bardziej płytka, pozbawiona uczuć. Obejrzałem, przesłanie trafiło a złość jaka się pojawiła z powodu bezczynności jaka ogarnia mnie jako obywatela gdy inni cholera jasna cierpią oraz debilizm ludzi piszących komentarze, bez grama emocji.
@lauma7210 8 лет назад
beautiful video. please report every rasist comment for hating speech or violends / mobbing. don't loose the humanity guys!
@johnstuart4914 4 года назад
Burn in hell
@gutesachen 8 лет назад
I am crying now for about 8 minutes - thank you for this wonderful video full of love and sincere contact / happiness / beauty :)) )
@gutesachen 8 лет назад
Wow, that sounds pretty stupid.
@lekhoniacharya7320 5 лет назад
Am I the only one who cried after watching the video?
@northernheartfilms 4 года назад
No ;)
@lucynaskawinska615 8 лет назад
Piękne, wzruszające obrazy z ludzi.. wystarczy chcieć....relacja z drugim człowiekiem to największa wartość w życiu:) I niech sobie mówią , że jestem "naiwna" itd zdecydowanie chcę żyć w takim otwartym na człowieka świecie :) Gratuluję i dziękuję za ten film :)
@robokopo 8 лет назад
+Lucyna Skawinska Jesteś naiwna i głupia, ponieważ nie rozumiesz, że sprowadzasz sobie pod dach wroga i poczytujesz to sobie jeszcze za cnotę.
@es3t 6 лет назад
@robokopo jak widzę taki hejt pisany przez porąbanego rodaka ze swojego kraju to wybieram naiwność i głupotę i sprowadzenie , jak to ująłeś tzw. "wroga" pod swój dach - chodź gdybyś miał IQ trochę większe niż Żaby to byś zrozumiał, że nikt nie mówi o sprowadzaniu do własnych domów. I tak z mojej strony w kierunku Twojej osoby to też był hejt. Możesz się teraz wyżyć jeśli poprawi to Tobie humor.
@bilalhadid5675 7 лет назад
Brought tears to my eyes I don't know why
@YannDortindeguey 8 лет назад
Thank you so much. The essential is here. One to one in relation, in communication. (fictive borders dissolve) Beautiful, touching… Right.
@RicoGade 8 лет назад
It should be made mandatory for all Europeans to spend 5 minutes today - right now - to watch this film... #Makesyouthink
@g.v.m7935 8 лет назад
this touched me this is a beautyfull thought
@joefitzpatrick416 8 лет назад
Whilst the message is well intended, it doesn't deal with any of the real issues that the migration crisis is causing. Sweden initially opened their borders to let in as many migrants as possible to show the rest of the world that they were a humanitarian superpower. They've now stopped after realising that economically, this is just unsustainable. And when taxes rise, housing becomes harder to find, healthcare becomes harder to get, the people are turning to the far right to look for solutions. It's having the reverse effect! Not to mention the difficulty of helping these people integrate into a vastly different culture, different religious beliefs and values, and helping them support themselves when many have a low education and do not speak the language. Of course we should help who we can, but it makes no sense in crippling our own countries. We need to stop blaming ourselves for the world's problems and come up with sustainable solutions.
@richardcoudenhove-kalergi145 7 лет назад
I'm proud of this video, and Amnesty International ✡ is too.
@emelinemrc Год назад
💛 Comme les gens sont magnifiques ! L’être humain est une espèce complexe et pleine de paradoxes, mais on a tellement d’amour et d’or en nous… Je souhaite qu’on continue dans les générations qui suivent à se concentrer de plus en plus sur ces axes comme des phares dans nos vies pour évoluer vers un monde plus harmonieux que chaotique, plus dans la conscience que l’ignorance. Ça prend des millions d’années visiblement, patience, nous sommes justes des êtres humains. 🕯️😌
@MsZoizoi 8 лет назад
De manier om elkaar te zien letterlijk......brengt je dichter bij elkaar en schept mogelijkheden, we zijn allemaal mensen. Lukky me, dat ik hier geboren ben...
@Ritermann 8 лет назад
The Redhead is beautiful.
@jariyajames91 3 года назад
Everyone is beautiful too 🌷🌹💐🌻🌻🌸😊
@swetaagarwal2754 Год назад
Love it. ❤ thank you for this connection beyond borders
@TVTracks 4 года назад
One of the most beautiful videos on RU-vid. Thanks for that. ♥️
@theowitte71 6 лет назад
Wat een impact geeft het als we elkaar eens echt aankijken in de ogen. Geweldig wat er dan gaat gebeuren. Mensen er is hoop!!
@Cob_123 Год назад
Very moving!
@mariagraca6909 5 лет назад
Imagine all the people....como dizia John Lennon
@luiscantero 8 лет назад
Wonderful video Amnesty Poland! The cute redhead and Jon Snow make a lovely couple! ;)
@7318ify 7 лет назад
#RememberParis #RememberBrussels #RememberSanBernadino #RememberNice #RememberCharlieHebdo #RememberMunich #RememberFatherHamel #RememberOrlando NEED I SAY MORE?!!
@anselmgeske2842 8 лет назад
Love your next as you love yourself - not only valid for Christians. Better start with yourself to learn the capabilities it takes.
@ghazwanaldolaimy3951 8 лет назад
Its very nice video Thank you
@BavaB011 8 лет назад
So many people here want the best in their lives, but are sooo against others wanting even a fraction of the same. Not realising that it is not their right but pure luck that they're born in a country that is (relatively) rich and safe. How can you not forgive them for wanting to go somewhere else to live a better life when it isn't safe in the place they were born? So many here did exactly the same during WW2...
@lalilu1231 8 лет назад
You need to realize that there is no real rich country. Even in the richer countries there are alot of poor people with problems. Jobs dont grow on trees, if you bring in alot of refugees, the ammount of jobs created is by far not enough to match the incoming people. This means you create unemployment, so you have more and more people unemployed that stress state debt because they need social welfare. If more and more people live on welfare, there will be less and less social support for this people because the state cant pay this. The main sufferer from this will be poor people, that have to compete with refugees on the lowend job sector and housing sector. Cant you understand that people dont want a even more unsecure future with no jobs, and no decent housing? Some people just dont want arrogant politicians craving for recognition, that make decisions above their head, in an attempt to rescue the world like Merkel.
@BavaB011 8 лет назад
You're definitely right that even in the western countries there's a lot of poor people with a lot of problems who have to live from day to day and try to get around. But these refugees are going through the same thing, if not worse, losing family in the war and all. They also want to live in a country where the state can help them with their basic needs, because, as opposed to here, they often do not have a roof over their heads and clean water anymore. And it's not an easy decision to leave everything you still own behind and walk to Europe for three months, but you'll have to agree that it is a better option that to stay in you're ruined home when the bombs are dropping in you're street. On the topic of jobs, a lot of refugees have gone to university and are accountants and engineers and such. So they do not all compete on the lowend job sector. On top of that, in a lot of European countries there is a growing group of older people and an ever declining amount of younger people. A lot of schools in my neighborhood had to close, because there just aren't any children. Many in the old baby boom group are retiring and younger generations will have to take care of them. Refugees could help balance out and ease this situation.
@BavaB011 8 лет назад
Makes me wonder what these people did to you for you to have such opinion on them. I doubt you know any of the refugees personally. But you live your life however you want to, I just feel better knowing I have been able to help other people, even if that only means not preventing them to come here.
@Emmanuel73 Год назад
@minbym 8 лет назад
Poryczałam się. Bóg stworzył każdego z nas abyśmy się kochali ... gdzieś głęboko w naszym sercu... kiedyś jest taki czas to odkrywamy...
@Haelvori 8 лет назад
These two kids
@sandradavis847 8 лет назад
We never know when will be in that situation .
@yesyesmarsha 8 лет назад
Beautiful. Thank you.
@WednesdayNewt 8 лет назад
really touching video, this brought me to tears
@yasemincakir4939 8 лет назад
This is very moving , I liked.
@farinaamelia5968 4 года назад
found this video through Genos. Beautiful video :)
@inmigracionyvisas1101 8 лет назад
Excelente campaña, Una mirada supera y derriba cualquier frontera
@mavimai5 8 лет назад
the world, all of us destroyed their homeland and now we don't want them because we have a fear that they can destroy our home, what a hypocricy!
@Niras8 8 лет назад
So deep, much tolerance, wow. Now I'm waiting for the version with Cologne rapists and their victims!!
@mohbens7683 5 лет назад
r u victem 😂
@FrogeniusW.G. 4 года назад
Wie süß die alle sind. Und wie süß Menschen sein können, wenn sie mal nicht "so tun als ob".. (How cute they all are. And how cute humans can be, if they put their "mascerade" down for once..)
@pajamalama2027 8 лет назад
great activism there
@whatsthestorymorningglory61 10 месяцев назад
The beauty of humankind
@BrigitteCASSIGNEUL 7 лет назад
Splendid film, congratulations
@johnsswno1756 5 лет назад
beautiful video, comments full of hate. what a shame
@johnstuart4914 4 года назад
Rightfully so. Moronic twats like you should make people angry
@malirahmandj 8 лет назад
this is beautiful, we all human beings, no matter what color or religion, too bad the comment section is full of xenophobic cowards..
@JudittiK 8 лет назад
that's hard-touching.
@adamfarah2065 7 лет назад
"Are you alone" that had me crying for hours..
@thewholeshubang 8 лет назад
Its easy to type hurtful comments behind your computer and judge people you don't even know. There is so much hate in the world and congratulations, everyone in the comment section is making it worse. Instead of being understanding and sympathetic, you all are mean. You can never walk a day in their shoes and may you never have to.
@thewholeshubang 8 лет назад
Sorry you feel that way. My parents taught me not to be racist and judge a group as a whole is something I hope to never do. Individuals have so much worth discovering. I would much rather get to know someone before i make up my mind. Have a good day.
@MehdiBRS 8 лет назад
The reaction at 1:14 says it all
@JalilWahdatehagh 8 лет назад
Just disable comments next time. So sad.
@discountpotato5680 6 лет назад
@alessandrapinetto1660 10 месяцев назад
Gesù, fiore dell umanità ci ha insegnato queste esperienze
@19HurdyGurdyMan46 7 лет назад
Beautiful Amnesty Poland, Love from the Welsh mountains.
@susanneschmidt8141 8 лет назад
zu den Posts: ob gespielt, oder nicht, ob Propaganda, wen interessiert`s. Den Menschen in die Augen schauen, sich eine eigene Meinung bilden, Gefühle zulassen, andere Menschen treffen, Freunde finden...das ist schön
@angelgirld 8 лет назад
anndddddd.....i cried
@jazzi_0453 6 лет назад
dee nunyofukinbidness Aaaaaaand, you're weak and fooled by propaganda way too easily.
@bitacoras 8 лет назад
@hussam8833 8 лет назад
ابلغ اللغات للتواصل لغة الروح ولغة العين .. وليست لغة الحروف والكلمات لا احد يتقنها الا من غذى روحه بالانسانية والرحمة والحب والصدق ... نحنُ بحاجة الى روح تُصغي إلينا بمشاعرها وقلبها .. إن العشق رأس مال أبينا آدم .
@MrGeorgeAntonov 6 лет назад
I think this is great, putting political side of it aside. I think it would have been even stronger without it. The message comes naturally, forcing it is not neccesary, hence the backlash. But once again, putting it aside, I think it's great.
@tenpawlak 8 лет назад
Eksperyment Arona w ogóle nie dowiódł, że "4-minutowy kontakt wzrokowy zbliża ludzi bardziej niż cokolwiek innego." I choć nie ma to żadnego znaczenia, to dla ludzi ciekawych wszystkiego, krótkie streszczenie: Eksperyment dowiódł czegoś innego. Otóż jeśli człowiek zacznie się pozbywać swojej skorupy, jak gdyby poszczególnych warstw cebuli (pamiętacie Shreka?), to bardzo szybko, nawet nieznający się ludzie, mocno się do siebie zbliżają (a nawet, cokolwiek to znaczy w psychologii, zakochują się w sobie). Rzecz oparta jest na bardzo precyzyjnie ułożonych 36 pytaniach (nie można żadnego opuścić ani żadnego zmienić), które powoli, mało zauważalnie, mało inwazyjnie, ale bardzo zdecydowanie "pomagają" uczestnikom eksperymentu odsłonić się w rozmowie z nieznajomym. 4 minutowe patrzenie sobie w oczy po 1 godz. otwierania się na siebie jest w tym eksperymencie jedynie końcowym elementem, jakimś takim testem szczerości, potwierdzeniem oraz działaniem zmuszającym do wyciszenia, przesunięcia koncentracji uczestników eksperymentu z aktywności werbalnych i racjonalizujących na te emocjonalne, do skoncentrowania się i poddania się już mocno rozhuśtanym emocjom. Zaskoczenie wynikami tego eksperymentu polegało na tym, że do zbliżenia duchowego dochodzi tak szybko i na tak dużą skalę. Gdyż podobne efekty pojawiają się często w dłuższych procesach, np. treninigi interpersonalne lub pacjenci zakochujący się w swoich psychoterapeutach. Stanowczo trzeba powiedzieć, że podstawą tego eksperymentu jest 36 pytań podzielonych na 3 zestawy. 36 pytań, czasem bardzo intymnych, po których relacje między dwoma osobami są bardzo pogłębione. 36 pytań i godzinna albo nawet 3 godzinna rozmowa plus 4 minuty patrzenia sobie prosto w oczy po niej. Eksperyment ma różne interpretacje i sami autorzy zachęcają do wyciągania różnych wniosków. Niemniej 4 minuty patrzenia w oczy bez tych pytań lub nawet ze zmienionymi pytaniami tak nie działają. W powyższej akcji zarejestrowane na filmie mamy manipulację na poziomie doboru osób, kompletnie niereprezentatywego dla problemu. Cóż moim zdaniem w efekcie nieprzekonani pozostaną nieprzekonani, a przekonani jeszcze bardziej przekonani. PS Bliżej temu jest do Mariny Abramovic. W jej działaniach artystycznych emocje są różne, wynikające z niezwykłej dla współczesnego człowieka nagłej bliskości drugiej osoby.
@sousleszarbres 8 лет назад
Humanity is beautiful!
@MultiKingfull 8 лет назад
*hand rubbing intensifies*
@DidierChapon 8 лет назад
Si simple et bouleversant !
@misskabalan 8 лет назад
I'm not crying...
@ricovmader 8 лет назад
#vida é mais que #fronteiras e #limites... é compreender que somos todos um e buscamos as mesmas respostas: #amor #fraternidade #troca e #felicidade, syn!
@ladislasnalborczyk8573 8 лет назад
When I read your comments, when I hear local news, I am ashamed of my Polish origins...do not lose your humanity, please.
@MM-vs9lk 8 лет назад
When you come to another country, you are to be a guest and act as such. These European countries are not treating them like guests. They are letting anyone in recklessly.
@Rozmic 8 лет назад
And the guests can't go five minutes without shitting on the carpet and humping a child's leg.
@Rigalad 8 лет назад
The comments here are so terrible and ugly. Humanity seems to be lost.
@broswein2896 8 лет назад
@almamaupas4655 8 лет назад
yeah it's horrible...
@es3t 6 лет назад
not all..
@lewisj1252 8 лет назад
Why don't you put the refugees that sexually assaulted German girls on New Years eve in this vid? they need some lovin' and hugs too :)
@shadihanna839 8 лет назад
The point of the video is to show the good examples. Too much of mainstream media already features the negative.
@lewisj1252 8 лет назад
I think it's the other way around mate, the mainstream media shows how miserable and depressing the current situation in Syria and Iraq is (which is true), but never seem to report the massive prosecution of non Muslims living in those countries as well. Anyway, back to my point the Cologne New Year's Eve incident is a prime example of how the leftist mainstream medias are too scared to call out the perpetuators. The MSM covered up the story of how most of the attacks were committed by asylum seekers.
@sammyp67 8 лет назад
Remind anyone else of Marina Abramovic?
@MyNameIsJ3ffrey 7 лет назад
This would be a great game to play in Riyadh. Maybe they would show more sympathy for refugees then...
@seraphimaschannel4001 4 года назад
Why do they cry? Why do I have to cry?
@mersihaf5912 3 года назад
Because eyes are doors to one’s soul... ❤️
@PJski 7 лет назад
The fact this video was Made in Poland, is probably the most incredible thing about it. I've lived in and travelled to more than 30 countries thus far (and I'm merely in my 30s). And while, every country is 'known' or at least, associated with one thing or another, lately Poland is seems is associated with one thing more than anything else: massive xenophobia, racism, and simple-mindedness. Millions of Poles escaped to other countries over the last few decades, often demanding to be accepted. Yet, when a fraction of those from other nations now wish to find shelter in Poland- countless Poles take to the streets with signs like "Polska cala, tylko biala!" (Poland is only complete, so long as she remains white). Many Poles say "But, they don't to want to assimilate... they have different faith... different language... we are not racist- we just, don't feel they are compatible.". Odd, considering the first thing most Polish refugees/immigrants seek out when they emigrated to Germany, Italy, US, Australia... was a Polish church so they can pray in their own language, in their own faith... or a Polish store, where they can buy their Polish food, or read their favorite Polish magazine. I get it: the message is clear in Poland; do as we say, not as we do. How do I know this ? I was born in Poland, and I was among those lucky enough to leave the country at a very young age. I've since lived a great life, seen and lived in many nations, interacted with people of every race and religion. But I remain genuinely sad, when I hear- in my travels, anytime Poland is brought up in a conversation, it's not our economy, or our innovation, or social order we are known for. The first thing most people associate Poles with today, is xenophobia, racism, and intolerance. Skiheads, hooligans, and racist comments on RU-vid are what Poland is best known for today on the global scale. Maybe today's Polish youth should ask their grandparents, what this kind of 'thinking' can lead to. You don't remember, what they'll never forget. With that said... it is for this very reason, that I find this video incredible- because, it was made in Poland, by Poles. I tip my hat to those of you behind it, who have the incredible courage to stand against the growing tide of hatred in Poland.
@sayckeone 8 лет назад
Typical feels propaganda. Not a shred of logical reasoning present. Him 'em with pure emotion so they're not capable of clear, rational thought. Unfortunately for Amnesty Intl., this only fools the already fooled.
@Errox358 8 лет назад
Hey Rob, I'd say there is definitely truth in your words. However, what about the deliberate irrationality? I'm talking about those pure emotions you've mentioned. The perfect rational "thought" can be found in maschines or computers, robots, whatever. I guess that pure emotions on the other side are what make us human. It is probably a correlation between those two things which can actually solve problems. Unless you're not totally deadlocked in your point of view, you might consider this. By the way Amnesty Intl. is not the one and only for everything. It reminds us of certain things. You remember this correlation? Push in both directions in order to find the ideal problem-oriented setting. Push in only one and you're disharmonious - like utopian totalitarians and libertarian fundamentalists.
@SoniaKatiMota 8 лет назад
troll, if this was your family you wouldn't say that. I wish it back on you and your family, I curse you!
@rjones2209 6 лет назад
Sonia clearly belongs to the Religion of Hate founded by Allah's personal own Hater M. Meanwhile Amnesia Int only care about the rights of those who are wrong.
@Pichococas 8 лет назад
people do not make wars wars make them the leaders of a country, people alone can resolve conflicts, governments lso chide racist hatred
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