
Looking At The Positives and Negatives of Anniversary 9 

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Cool Anni Facts: There is a number of changes that can be made to the system but I do not believe in denying all that is good for the one that is bad
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12 сен 2024




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@PlushieMistress Месяц назад
NP8 requirement to max a unit and the ability to swap appends basically turned me off from having any desire to push further for perfection. I'm pretty much only going to keep the max amount of copies i get even for my favs to 6 at max for 3 append skills. From a practical standpoint, even as someone who does high end min turns, fully maxing a unit with 5 appends is not worth it.
@orga7777 Месяц назад
I refuse to roll any character above NP5, if I do that at all for anyone to begin with. I think it is even more so now.
@otterwaffen8612 Месяц назад
I really hope they add like a blank coin system or smth
@aizeroth8858 Месяц назад
You are saying people are overreacting, they are absolutely not overreacting. If people didn't say anything and only "looked at the bright side" we wouldn't even have gotten the apology letter or any of the promised changes. This was a scam and they need to be called out on it. The reason why not many people are talking about the good side of the anniversary is because they're pretty standard changes nowadays, they're not that special. Pity change was almost a slap to the face though technically nobody is affected negatively by this.
@Novariest Месяц назад
It's bizarre to think people are overreacting to quite possibly the worst addition to FGO since servant coins. QoL improvements and anniversary goodies does not outweigh a horrendous system that's going to require people to get NP8 for SSRs or NP18 for SRs. That's insanity and an absolutely awful slippery slope. Sure this might benefit 3 stars but it's net negative for anything higher. The worst thing you could do now is give the devs/Aniplex an inch when they're perfectly willing to take a mile and then some. Also very telling how the bandaid they give does not address the underlying problem that is going to make them more money.
@Truck-kun11 Месяц назад
It's hard to get excited when almost all the "good changes" are things considered standard in any other game, I understand that FGO is an OLD game but you have other games almost as old that are much more up to date with the times.
@narutardkyuubi Месяц назад
Big agree. Some argue that FGO shouldn't be compared to modern production gachas like Hoyoverse stuff due it originating from 2015. However, it should be noted that FGO was massively behind the curve even by 2015 gacha standards. It's barely climbed to the level of its contemporaries.
@hmmmooops Месяц назад
Pity be like: Whenever you receive a million dollars, receive 1 dollar more.
@okitasoujialter Месяц назад
A counterpoint to the argument that there's a lot more good than bad: it's an anniversary event, there shouldn't BE any bad. There should only be positive or neutral changes to the game, they should not be making the game actively WORSE, especially for an anniversary.
@johnmattson8280 Месяц назад
Props to you sir for rallying for summer Medea and Medusa. They have a fairly myth easy route for Medea to use for summer. Make her an Assassin, have her NP be pouring the super poison she used on a towel and throw it at the enemy. And for Medusa summer, they've done small, medium, large with the two former Beasts so just do that with Medusa as Anna/Medusa/Gorgon and boom. Easy solve on which version to pick from.
@123armyoftwo Месяц назад
A lot of the positives are QoL that should have been there years ago NOT 9 years later. They are doing the bare minimum that's it, they can do sooooo much more to make the game better but decide to give them in pieces. You are wayyyyy to optimistic tbh, its disappointing that you're fine with mid updates and being feed bits and pieces instead of more substantial ones
@klidge Месяц назад
I’m optimistic because I’m under the belief that they are focusing on a system overhaul that’s taking up most of their time and resources. With the 10th anniversary I believe we will see it come to fruition with a bunch of qol and fixes to the old system. If that is the case then they either give us 0 updates and the community is mad or they give minor updates and the community is less mad. At the very least that’s the copium I’m huffing and if it’s not the case I’ll eat my own words. I’m still going to try and look for a silver lining regardless
@123armyoftwo Месяц назад
@@klidge I really hope you're right tbh. I still love the game and will probably play toll EoS, I hope that they do a major update in anniv 10 unfortunately Im not all that hopeful but wish I will be wrong.
@klidge Месяц назад
@@123armyoftwo we’ll just have to wait and see. Like I said, if I’m wrong I’ll be the first to admit it and it’ll put some damage on my goodwill to the game. But for now I’m just going to wait and cope
@coconut_tv0564 Месяц назад
my idea on how to solve the coin issue. I call it Coin cleansing and Coin conversion. How it works is that you can "clean" your servant coins so that they are no longer bound to one servant but to one/two rarities of servants. 1 and 2 stars becomes bronze coins, 3 stars becomes silver coins and 4 and 5 stars becomes gold coins. You can also "uppgrade" them to a higher value so for example, you could use 100 bronze coins to make 1 silver coin and 100 silver coins to make 1 gold coin. And then you could turn the "Blank coins" back into servant coins. Bronze coins into servant coins for 1 and 2 stars, silver coins into servant coins for 3 stars and gold coins into coins for 4 and 5 stars. As an example, you could turn gold coins into both a let's say Kriemhild coin and a Castoria coin.
@need_coffine Месяц назад
we have that thing in touhou lostword it's call blank mirror use for rebirth on old unit (increase stats and give skill/passive new effect)
@EugeneKurlikin Месяц назад
Problem with getting NP8 is they don’t serve purpose for NP lvls. Like they gotta raise NP LVLs then. I can see whales rationalizing one wasted copy. But 3 wasted copies for basically passive skills just feels hard to rationalize. Like even if the NP increased by 5% it be at least easier to trick urself but with np5 being the limit u can just feel the diminished returns more than ever
@gran1009 Месяц назад
I will have to disagree on you in regards to both the Material stage finder and the Command spell changes being good things. The issue here isn't that they are positive changes (cause they are) the problem is that you look at them in a vacuum. The Material stage finder only stays a good thing as long as you ignore that this kind of feature has been an industry standard for more than half of FGOs lifespan (Arknights had this feature at launch in 2019). Within this context this change is an admission from the devs that FGO is severely behind the industry standard and has been for HALF A DECADE. Finally catching up to that standard is not a good thing, it's the bare minimum and at best neutral since this is not done because it's a good decision but because they have to implement it eventually. Now regarding the command spell changes the issue is also a contextual one but not with the industry but the game itself. It's mighty convenient they decide to introduce this change right when they try to sell you a servant that actively rewards you for using Command spells in a fight. What I'm trying to say is that the change is purely made to shill Eresh and get more of your money. Imo that means the change is in a similar ballpark to adding new appends without adding more ways to earn coins (which they won't ever add btw). The change is made purely cause they want to make more money and therefore I just can't call it a good thing.
@Chronopie Месяц назад
Sure, an SSR needs NP 8 + Bond 15, or just NP 10 to 'complete' (NP5 B14 // NP6 B9 for 5 appends only), but Limited and Story-Locked SRs need NP _18_ (NP12 for appends), and gen pool SRs need _NP30_ (NP20). My sole USO is off Mordred spooks, and the highest I've pulled on a limited SR while fishing for the five star is NP9. And Welfares have no way to get enough coins for 120 AND all 5 appends.
@dakotadoyle7573 Месяц назад
When we getting more ways to get coins for Mash?
@yujiandou4658 Месяц назад
What are the current ways?
@dakotadoyle7573 Месяц назад
@@yujiandou4658 outside her Bond that is capped at bond 9? None
@yujiandou4658 Месяц назад
@@dakotadoyle7573 ok thanks, havent cleared lostbelt 6 yet. Its a shamw we cant max her out yet.
@nurventilatoren Месяц назад
Pros: + Spereshkigal + a tiny, shitty little Pitycounter + a few more SQ through new quests Neutral: ~ more stuff to level up ~ repeatable Pity (like any other gacha game in existence) ~ new Append Skills The Bad & Ugly: - No lowering of Pity - No Gacha-rate changes - Still no carry-over of the Pitycounter from Banner to Banner - Still no real update to the shitty coin system - Still no answer to the Welfare-question - No additional sources of coins or a Blank Coin System - the Artoria-buff bait and switch Worst Anniversary ever. Not as bad as a Genshin Anniversary, but still pretty shit.
@Truck-kun11 Месяц назад
The difference is that Genshin never made or intended the Anniversary to be a major event, whereas FGO announces and uses the Anniversary as a source of hype to vitalize the playerbase and bring players back to the game, which is why expectations are always high and disappointment it's so bigger
@amai2307 Месяц назад
Move repeatable pity to negatives, as it would be used as an excuse to avoid improving pity.
@AoiLucine Месяц назад
I am going to keep working towards perfecting Napoleon cause he is my forever himbo, but knowing I can shift his appends as needed (that crit up with his crit star per turn AND his np star bomb is MASSIVE, not to mention the cool downs...) is a huge relief. And honestly I hadn't seen other vids talk about those other QOLs! Those are massively useful and will take a lot of the time out of the guess work of grinding for mats and enemies. Klidge, thanks for being a bro
@lovethatdarkness Месяц назад
Wellfares, Ultra Rares, and/One Time servants really got thrown into a desert with no oasis in sight.
@Therealkingk909 Месяц назад
Shoutout to Klidge because i thought i was tripping. It was a pretty strong Anni save for the coins and getting a little more sq
@agustinzapata2687 Месяц назад
I'm concerned because there are quite a few improvements that should be made to the game and yet they don't seem interested in doing so. 1) Story/stage replay 2) Ap refound. 3) Update the interface 4) Improve pity (share between banners or reduce the amount of pulls) 5) Improve the drops of items from certain stages (example: bronze items and golden gems) 6) Make the pure prism shop reset (weekly or monthly) 7) Remove unnecessary animations. (example: leveling) 8) Improve the level system (not limited to only 20 experience cards) 9) Alternative ways to get coins (universal currency or a coin shop) 10) update the menu. The "improvements" I mentioned are actually in most of the gacha games I play but for some reason FGO doesn't seem to want to implement them (1 and 2 should be mandatory at this point considering the game is 9 years old!!!) The truth is that on this anniversary they didn't introduce any improvement that was that substantial for the game (except finding the item you need and the appends) the other changes didn't introduce a gameplay improvement and if they didn't introduce them now I think they never will. They were too greedy with the append thing.
@jvts8916 Месяц назад
Thanks guys, it's not as if I was struggling to get *one* copy
@bandoneple3217 Месяц назад
Sorry in advance for the MASSIVE comment. While I can appreciate your optimism ( lord knows we need more of that in this community ), I think your giving the devs a bit too much credit. From my perspective a lot of the stuff you put into the ' Positive ' category, is way more ' Neutral ' for the average player. Pity update: I agree with you on this. ' Technically ' a good thing, but in actuality, it feels more like a slap in the face. Most people don't roll more than 1 copy at a time if they hit pity anyway, so it's pretty pointless. Neutral, leaning slightly towards positive. New missions for SQ & other resources/bonus success chance/half AP daily quests/Rank ups/Old CEs in shop: All very good. This stuff is the ' Anni standard ', so while it's undeniably a positive and something we shouldn't take for granted, it does lose the IMPACT of being special because we're so used to it. So while I would still put it in Positive, I can also see some people would probably put it into Neutral. In kinda the same way you wouldn't think twice about a car to have tires on it, if you buy a car and then see that it doesn't have any tires, you'd probably go WTF!? Old CCs in shop: Very good, hope they keep doing this. Positive. Old Mystic Codes in shop: So this sounds nice, but realistically, it's largely irrelevant. 90% of the time, you're not gonna want to use anything other than one of the plug-suits or Atlas. Sure it's nice for collection purposes, and yeah there is that 10% the of the time that you would want or need more options, but those aren't super common. Neutral, leaning slightly towards positive. Main acquisition source: So I'll preface this one by saying that I don't play JP so I can't test out how this works, and I can't seem to find much info on it to verify. To me this is ONLY a Positive IF it takes you to the best place to farm what you need. Considering that in this game, even IF you're at THE BEST place to farm something, it's still VERY possible to spend ALL of your AP and not get a single drop for what you want ( at least for silver and gold mats ), means that this is an ABSOLUTE Negative if it takes you anywhere else. Cause at that point it's just wasting your AP, and more importantly your time. Now again, I can't seem to find out if it does this or not ( if someone is able to test it out, let me know ), so I have no choice but to put it in Neutral. Reward roadmap: It's...cute I guess. It's also pretty pointless for most people. Just seeing what you're gonna get ahead of time doesn't really change much. I guess it's nice if you're planning out how to get specific mats you need, but in those cases, most of the time you're gonna need A LOT of those mats, probably way more than the next story chapter will give you. So you're still gonna need to look up where to get the rest anyways. Neutral. Command Spell Recharge: At face value it seems really good, but in practice most people don't have a whole lot of reason to use command spells anyways, so getting them faster doesn't really help. For me personally the only times I use them is when I die, ether in a CQ or a hard Story fight. Well these days we almost always have lots of Blue Cubes for Story so we don't really need them for that anymore. And for CQs, most people only do it them once for the Lore, so it still doesn't matter. The only time this would really be useful is in an event with multiple CQs or if you're a new player without a good account trying to force blitz your way through the story. Neutral. Challenge button for Master missions: Same as with the ' Main acquisition source '. It's ONLY good if it takes you to the best place for it, otherwise it's bad. Again, can't test it. Neutral. Space Best Girl: Very good! Still kinda wish it was Summer regular Eresh instead, but this is good civ too. Positive. Support picker: You put this in half Positive-half Neutral under the assumption that it'll be janky at first, but they'll go back and fix it later. But that is a VERY OPTIMISSTIC assumption to make ( there's numerous things that have needed tweaks/fixes for YEARS and still haven't been addressed. So until we KNOW that it works optimally it CAN'T be anything but Neutral. GSSR bonus': Probably the best thing we got. Huge Positive. QP cap: I actually didn't even know about this. I'll trust your word that it's a thing, but I didn't see it anywhere, or even see anyone even MENTION it until now. Weird? Positive. New Appends: I don't even need to explain this. Negative. So where as you as an optimist, put almost everything in Positive, most people would probably have a couple Positives, but mostly Neutrals. I think THAT'S the main problem, it's a whole lot of mediocre QOL stuff that doesn't/barely even effects most players. For the majority of players, a good chunk of this stuff is almost totally worthless. It's expected that most if not all the stuff we get from Anniversary will be good, so the fact that a lot of people can look at what we got this year and see only a handful of good things, and the rest of it as a big pile of useless crap, means that yeah, I can definitely see an argument for why a lot people would say that this Anniversary was kinda bad. Now for the people, RANTING AND RAGEING about how the Anni was " totally garbage " and didn't give us ANYTHING! ", those idiots are just blowing smoke out their ass'. Or however that saying goes. Anyways, love the content, love you, keep up the good work Goat Dad.
@RoyalEmber Месяц назад
I know I may get eviscerated for this but and I say this despite loving her character to death. But Summer Eresh does NOT deserve to be an Anniversary Servant and the fact that they added Ciel so casually as a regular old Summer Servant is absolutely ridiculous. The Anniversary is supposed to be reserved to be for servant's of GREAT importance. And now KNOWING that the 3 star caster strengthen ISNT GERONIMO this is absolutely garbage. Whats worse is that now we know that all of these changes and restirctions are thanks to ANIPLEX AND BY PROXY SONY. WERE FUCKED.
@alexobiacoro6338 Месяц назад
As a fellow Eresh lover, who /LOVES/ her to death. She does not deserve the Anni slot. Like my one bestie said, should have switched her with Ciel
Ugh.....if this is 9th Anniversary, WTH will happen in 10th Anniversary of F/GO JP?
@Sasorislovery Месяц назад
And I don’t understand how people keep going “well let’s wait til 10th anni they’ll fix it then” …and what if they don’t? How long are we going to keep working on blind faith when they act like communicating anything with us should be a last resort? They said coins would be fixed a long time ago, and now they’re saying it again in their 120sq bribe post. How long are we gonna wait? And this is just a straw that broke the camel’s back in terms of features that need to be added.
@okitasoujialter Месяц назад
37:20 this did not age well
@ninjablade2 Месяц назад
The issue with the argument "don't throw the baby out with the bath water" is that they went into this anni expecting people to just eat another essentially dagger into the back with more uses for coins when people casually already didn't have enough to go around; this in turn makes for an extremely bad experience and the feeling that "the devs are trying to milk us" And once you have a bad experience, you can't just undo that bad experience, humans just don't work that way; I do think the speed and the compensation they gave out matched the upset enough to quell most people, but if there are people that want to claim this is the worst anni i would not blame them simply because that is how they feel, and their feelings are valid The coin issue here has been growing and growing over the past... 4? 5? years now and they essentially popped it and all the frustration players have been feeling came out; You cannot say "well there were other good things announced" in the face of years of ignorance to a broken game system players care about and have been asking for fixes to for that long The positive changes they made are great, but I do believe if people felt this ruined their Anni that they do have the right to feel that way All that being said, i think they made the right moves to change most people from angry mob mode to just simply hoping and waiting again... but this time with their purse strings tightened until they show some more good faith changes to the systems they know need adjusting
@Kojirouchiha08 Месяц назад
“Never attribute to malice what could most easily be explained by incompetence.” I genuinely don’t believe the append/coin situation has anything to do with Sony. And I’m not defending them. I’m pissed at them still about Fate visual novels not being on PlayStation. It’s just that now Lasengle has to spend development time and resources implementing features that don’t benefit them in any meaningful way just to appease angry players. Which says, at least to me, that they did not expect people to respond so overwhelmingly negatively to the new append skills. And if they weren’t aware enough to know that not making a fix for coins BEFORE they add more ways to spend them would piss people off then I can only assume this is incompetence. If they had just announced during the livestream that these changes they’re now going to work on would be coming as soon as they could implement them I don’t think the backlash would have been AS severe. People still wouldn’t have been happy obviously but it would at least instil some confidence/copium that they were planning some kind of coin fix in the future. This reeks more of “stupid decision” than greed to me since the pity change should in theory (I don’t roll past NP1 so I don’t have the averages for NP copies 🤷‍♂️) let whales potentially spend less to get extra copies of servants. Still, I get why people are angry even if it doesn’t really affect me personally and we do desperately need a new method of attaining servant coins. Hopefully it becomes more of a priority for them to work on one now that the internet is justifiably setting itself on fire over this.
@orga7777 Месяц назад
You shouldn't be mad that the VNs aren't going to be on Playstation. After the Tsukihime Artbook censoring fiasco ONLY on Playstation, why should they release it on Playstation if Sony wants to force changes the devs don't want? I am more surprised Extra Record is on Playstation after that than anything, personally. And while I mostly agree with what you said for the rest of it, I do think greed played a BIG factor here. Lasengle KNOWS people don't like the Coin System, even at release. They know that the only way to get a large amount of coins is to keep rolling for Servants. This is not new information to them. They just didn't think through the consequences because the JP playerbase usually doesn't complain enough to force change. This was so bad that they finally did. Hope they keep their feet to the fire about this, too.
@Kojirouchiha08 Месяц назад
@@orga7777 Wasn’t the censorship just weird stuff involving child characters? That’s what I’ve heard anyway and I didn’t see anyone complaining about it but I don’t think I follow any lolicons. My main complaint is that PlayStation is my preferred system and it’s where all my other Type/Moon games are. The fact that Tsukihime isn’t on Steam and Fate isn’t on PS4 basically means fuck me for not buying all my games on the Switch I guess. I don’t see why Extra Record wouldn’t be on PlayStation if both Extella games were but that’s just me. Maybe you’re right and greed does play a part to it. But I don’t think this change with the anniversary specifically will move the needle for them all that much even if people accepted it. If so many Japanese players already roll NP10-20 of their favourite servants anyway I don’t see NP8 instead of NP6 making them a ton more money for the people who want to complete their favourite servant. But hey, again, maybe that’s just me. I’m not a spender outside of GSSRs and roughly every 6 months letting Castoria brutalise me because I can’t afford to hit pity so my opinion on the issue likely doesn’t go very far and that’s fine.
@orga7777 Месяц назад
@@Kojirouchiha08 No. It wasn't a loli at all. It was Ciel possessed by Roa. I bought the Switch version due to the unneeded censorship and got the Art Book with it. It was just forced because Sony has been a disaster since they moved to California when it comes to censorship. And I don't think the majority roll of NP10 or whatever. That is a VERY small group of people. The majority of whales seemed to stop at NP6 to max everyone out. That is why the blowback was so big. Those people were not just angry, but very upset that they didn't have "perfect" servants anymore. Some of which Ryou was showing on his stream Sunday night and many were completely sapped of motivation to even roll again. It was that bad. That is why there was such a quick turn around after the announcement. They were probably getting A LOT of heat that they normally wouldn't. If they make whales unhappy, the game won't exist for long. They better fix coins.
@Kojirouchiha08 Месяц назад
@@orga7777 The two things I heard were censored were something about body switching and another about a child in a swimsuit but that’s second hand information I have no context for. Either way I haven’t played Tsukihime yet and didn’t get the version with the digital artbook so that’s not gonna stop me being pissed at them for their seemingly random choices for platform releases 🤷‍♂️ I never said a majority of people play that way just an alarmingly large number (not percentage) to someone who barely spends. Saw a level 120 10/10/10/10/10 Morgan from a JP player on Twitter like 2 hours after maintenance ended and apparently that’s not uncommon. People who choose to play that way are well within their rights to but if you’re intent is to “perfect” EVERY servant in the game, or even just a lot of them, you’re already spending so much money BY YOUR OWN CHOICE that it probably wouldn’t matter all that much. And I have no idea who Ryou is (unless you mean Ryo the FGO artist? 🤔) but if people don’t want to roll for more copies of servants then they shouldn’t roll. Like nobody is forcing them to spend the money? But again, I’m not defending the lack of a proper method to obtain servant coins that isn’t just spending, nor am I saying that people shouldn’t be angry. Even as a very low spender it would help me out tremendously to have more servant coins for append skills. My point was exactly what I said it was: feels more like they made a stupid choice without thinking of the consequences rather than greed. And if Sony had mandated them to get more revenue out of players there are way easier methods to do it that would cause less friction even if people were still unhappy about it. Again, I’d say it’s incompetence and it will likely lose them money in the long term rather than gain it if there’s no fix people end up finding acceptable.
@orga7777 Месяц назад
@@Kojirouchiha08 You heard wrong on the artbook, then. The artbook is just literally art from the game. So no swimsuits. Not sure where people got that. probably just making stuff up like usual to defend a scummy company doing something scummy. It also wasn't a Digital Artbook. It is a Physical Artbook, and the main reason I shelled out extra money for the Limited Edition physical release of the game. And again, that is only a small fraction of the whales in the game. People do it for their favorites, but only a fraction of that fraction tend to go overboard for NP10. Most go for the bare minimum needed, which was NP6 for their favorites. Now they have to roll for two more copies years after the fact to finish their Servant? That is a trash move and the outcry was very big due to that. I also hope they fix it even though it doesn't affect me, either. It puts a bad taste in my mouth.
@thepersonwhocomentz Месяц назад
Wild that it took them several years to realize their pity system was so bad that it actually made them money instead of saving the players' money.
@emperorbubblegum4312 Месяц назад
I don't know how hard to program this would be, but if I was in charge I'd make it so you also get a couple coins based on how much your servant sees active battle. Like maybe its based on how many turns they last or something.
@beersmoker4444 Месяц назад
If Ishtar can have a space and summer version Please believe they are saving actual summer Eresh for later.
@LegendaryBossHunter Месяц назад
I'm not one to stew in the negative, but rather look at the negative and how to fix it. Personally I think an option is to give coins for leveling your normal non-append skills. The basic 3, and scale it similarity to bond coins, So level 1-6 gives 5 coins each, level 7 to 9 gives 10, and level 10 gives you 20. This adds another 225 coins to the pool that you can get for your servant without rolling an extra copy. This means NP1 has access to a total of 490 coins when accounting for this new addition, the 90 they start with and all the ones you can get from bond. And this makes the bare min to do everything which is 900 coins, only take Bond 13 and NP6, which is just a tad more than the previous Bond 12 and NP6 we had before. I don't this is the actual solution they will use, but it's a potential option that offsets the issue quite a bit. While also enticing players to level their skills, which is something important they should be doing anyways.
@rhoem1353 Месяц назад
Price entry and luck need for me max servant even higher is annoying and it pain me still waiting for there solution to this np 8 thinf and then be good alot good people are mad need more copy then anything else
@Vaquita_Vibes Месяц назад
thanks for the run down of all the stuff, I was only aware of a few things and only the append update. Overall, its a shot to the wallet of the collectors/completionists, but a pretty solid update for everyone else
@jheicobguzman6132 Месяц назад
28:45 i love children
@Firelava88. Месяц назад
39:49 as someone who was watching this while playing on their computer, thanks
@elijahmiller323 Месяц назад
Have you forgotten about story lock silver servants when discussing about the coin situation?
@klidge Месяц назад
I have a grailed Izo so no. And my heart goes out to everyone else in the same situation
@nehemiahsalters1350 Месяц назад
You've said this before but how are typemoon fans spoiled? Like if you're talking in general we barely get content. We get no updates on the announced animes. Games are barely marketed after being announced. Multiple light novels are in limbo because the writers just arent writing for them. All we've gotten are VN remakes and English translations years after fans already translated VN's for the community. And if you mean fgo I don't get that either. Like to be fair greedy company being greedy the sky is blue. But the story updates at a snails pace. The devs refuse to give model and animation updates to older characters. Moving away from proper anni servant and new characters to make pseudo summer servants that will generate more spending. I don't see Complaining about any of this as spoiled. I do agree that it can be tiring to constantly hear negativity that completely ignores the good. And fgo has its good sides wouldn't even make it to annis if it didn't but the game has real flaws. And yes fans complain over silly things at times (like a character losing armor like we haven't watched it happen to literally every other character in the game) but that doesn't make the flaws any less real just as the flaws don't completely invalidate the good points of the game.
@amai2307 Месяц назад
Tourist be bitching about community, thats pretty generic. Doesnt change anything if that tourist is farming game for views on youtube.
@minhakos Месяц назад
I follow someone on twt who is a Takasugi stan, and they immediately had LVL120 10/10/10/10/10 on TWO copies of NP5 Takasugi 🤪
@akshatkumar7938 Месяц назад
Append 4 might be a little overrated, Crit buffs are plentiful so people should definitely not unlock this one before 2,5 and maybe even 1 for solo servants and 3 if its against Berserkers. As for Zerktoria like that one commenter asked, i say only Append 2 and put the rest into grails.
@Dragonsofchaos852 Месяц назад
*Finishes watching the video. And looks at the other comments.* Okay, I see where some of your are coming from when it comes to certain added features. But better late than never.
@akshatkumar7938 Месяц назад
Append 4 might be a little overrated, Crit buffs are plentiful so people should definitely not unlock this one before 2,5 and maybe even 1 for solo servants and 3 if its against Berserkers.
@amai2307 Месяц назад
Pity change is strictly negative. It has no positive effect, but at the same time its an excuse to not improve pity.
@ryanhaeberlin2729 Месяц назад
I have NP 8 Musashi, I love her and she continued to come home after np 5. made max original append and lvl 120 easier. However, I dumped her extra coins into grail casting....
@ryanhaeberlin2729 Месяц назад
even with them coming back and saying that they'll refund coins used for grail casting, why didn't they find a different resource for grail casting from the start?
@flom1501 Месяц назад
I'm not a completionist or anything, I just wanna max my favorite servant, but that'll be literally impossible for me now. Though I do think people should direct their anger towards Aniplex/Sony/Lasengle, not devs like 2san.
@giladmachluf3663 Месяц назад
36:28 PREACH
@vladimircaelum7465 Месяц назад
Welp, silver Caster wasn't Medea
@ChuddAnon Месяц назад
"positives" lmao
@navatheramenguy3127 Месяц назад
i think most changes are good but theyre only old content accessibility and menu navigation QoL, in the grand scheme the game doesnt feel better or upgraded, we didnt get a meaningful change that makes things fresh like a gameplay mechanic or like bond ces on a separate slot aside from the new apppends, so that makes the fact the only gameplay intensive change is paywalled behinfd the coin system that already was problematic drag dawn all and every one of the bad changes and it really sours the taste i couldve had for anniv 90% good stuff but a 10% so bad it single handedly ruins everything
@arcrogue28 Месяц назад
00:00 Borp
@cutepapaya4224 Месяц назад
I still don't know how I'm supposed to buy Sq 😭😭😭😭
@d4clovetrain900 Месяц назад
The append skills thing didn't make me rage since it got me the title of Clairvoyanve EX of getting NP10 Arc in NA for seemingly no reason (gambling high)
@aizeroth8858 Месяц назад
If you paid for NP10, you need to seek help. If it was all free SQ then I salute your determination.
@d4clovetrain900 Месяц назад
@@aizeroth8858 zero money spent on the game. Started playing during Cinderelly event. Saved quartz since, only spending some (a lot) at Melusine and Castoria's banners. After that it's all for Arc whom i got NP10 in under 1k quartz
@ceoofheadspaceco.901 Месяц назад
Overall those changes are pretty cool! It’s a shame they are getting overlooked by the append one. While I do want more and think overall all those changes aren’t THAT great, with the few exceptions of more rewards, easier mats search… it’s undeniable that they are in majority positives. And I agree, this video made me realize the overall negativity is very exaggerated lol. Thank you for spreading the message and helping people like me realise that. Peak background noise for challenge quests as usual btw 🔥
@aizeroth8858 Месяц назад
It wasn't exaggerated, this was a scam and they need to be called out on it. The apology helps a lot but the incompetence from them is truly outstanding.
@ceoofheadspaceco.901 Месяц назад
@@aizeroth8858 I see. I guess I’m being too positive then.
@thepolishlithuaniancommonw8986 Месяц назад
No Ado Edem 0/10
@ghostshrimp5006 Месяц назад
Isn’t Chloe a manifestation of illya’s subconscious who’s 18 because her memories were suppressed or some such? Or am I getting that mixed up with someone else?
@Chronopie Месяц назад
She's a supressed fragment of _Prisma_ Illya... Who's literally a child. FSN's Illya (i.e Sitonai) _is_ 18 though.
@Fureiji88 Месяц назад
Other than plushie is negative about everything in his life so him complaining doesn't really mean much since he never seems to be satisfied with anything given to him, I don't see people going out of their way to use saber gilles outside of memes and unless fgo starts making it so you "have" to absolutely no questions asked use gilles in your set up to clear a challenge quest, his upgrades are for the most part pointless in my opinion.
@aizeroth8858 Месяц назад
Plushie's negativity is fully justified. This was a scam.
@amai2307 Месяц назад
"Only hyperwales raise their servants to 120" "You get 15 coins per bond level" Now the question - why the f random noname, who has never played the game is dishing out hot takes on important matters?
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