
Lovecraft & His Racism - 2008 Clip 

Frank H. Woodward
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A clip about Howard and his racism from the documentary "Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown (2008)" featuring Neil Gaiman, Guillermo Del Toro, and Caitlin R. Kiernan



2 окт 2024




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@dcut75 2 года назад
The people who hate Lovecraft and would rather dismiss him and his work outright deliberately choose to ignore his growth as a person as he got older. His xenophobic and racist views were strongest in his twenties, but softened as he got older and began to travel. Things to consider: 1. He was raised in almost total isolation by his mother, two aunts, and grandfather. His mother and aunts were wealthy elitists who despised anyone not white, rich, and educated. (one of them is responsible for that infamously named cat, he was a toddler when they got it) Racism and elitism was instilled in him at a very young age. 2. He suffered severe psychological abuse at the hands of his mother, who told him he was too hideous to go into public because people would ridicule and taunt him. When she did take him into town she dressed him as a girl. The attention this drew to a the young boy created a crippling sense of self consciousness and was the root cause of his agoraphobia. She started this when he was 4 and it lasted for years. The psychological toll it took was massive. 3. When he was in his teens and early 20s he wrote vile things about the Irish, African Americans, Asians, Jews, Eastern Europeans, white people who didn't live in cities, etc. But later he became very close friends with Robert Bloch; who was Jewish, Robert E Howard; who was Irish, James F. Morton; an African-American and early member of the NAACP who authored a tract against race prejudice, and married Sonia Greene; a Jewish woman. 4. While suffering an almost crippling case of agoraphobia as a youth, he later came to regret not traveling more and experiencing other cultures. 5. In his letters he expressed a developing focus on cultural unity and eventually denounced the biological racism he had learned in the textbooks found in his grandfather's vast library. 6. It's often said that his racist views made their way into his work, however the only true examples of this are 'The Street' and 'Horror at Redhook" and these are xenophobic, not racist. Shadow Over Innsmouth is incorrectly cited as an example, but the protagonist in that story finds that he is a descendant of the hybrid race he feared. He eventually comes to embrace his mixed heritage, and as a result becomes truly free and experiences happiness never thought possible. This ending directly contradicts the idea of racism against "mixed races." In truth, the themes in these works were not based on the fear or hatred of race mixing, but of regressing into insanity as both of his parents did. 7. The poem "On the Creation of N******" was found after his death and dated 1912. However, he wrote nothing between 1906 and 1914 after suffering two severe mental breakdowns. The second one may have been a suicide attempt. During this period he never left the house, and rarely even got out of bed. Every story, essay, or poem he ever wrote he spoke of in his letters to friends or in his notes. This particular poem was never mentioned by Lovecraft, ever, and the only copy in existence of this seven line poem is a crude, cheaply made copy produced by hectograph duplication, which was obsolete even by 1912 standards. It is, in all likelihood, a forgery. 8. He was a mentor to several homosexual authors and tried to help them overcome their own perceptions of being societal outcasts. In closing, there are examples of his growth as a person in regards to these matters in his late letters and notes, three of the most profound are these quotes: "What I had thought morbid and shameful and ignominious is in reality awesome and mind-expanding and even glorious - my previous estimate being merely a phase of man's eternal tendency to hate and fear and shrink from the utterly different." And "I used to be a hide-bound Tory simply for traditional and antiquarian reasons. The depression jolted me out of my lethargy and led me to re-examine the facts of history in the light of unsentimental scientific analysis; and it was not long before I realized what an ass I had been." And (Upon reading one of his own letters from 13 years prior) "I did not faint-but I looked around for a 1924 photograph of myself to burn, spit on, or stick pins in! Holy Hades-was I that much of a dub at 33 … only 13 years ago? There was no getting out of it-I really had thrown all that haughty, complacent, snobbish, self-centred, intolerant bull, & at a mature age when anybody but a perfect damned fool would have known better!"
@finnmchugh99 Год назад
Sounds better than JK Rowling cuz at least he changed as he gotten older and experienced more and became more accepting. Also sounds like he had a worse upbringing than Dr. Doofenshmirtz
@schwellenangst1605 Год назад
​@@finnmchugh99 I don't remember JK being racist
@rickkennett8505 Год назад
It would have been interesting to see how he would have reacted to the Holocaust had he lived to see the liberation of the concentration camps.
@leighbelk769 Год назад
@@schwellenangst1605 She’s a known transphobe if I remember correctly.
@gachapinCUEVA Год назад
@@leighbelk769 She doesn't have to agree or be a fan of other's ideologies. Regardless of what you think of her, she has the right to believe in what she believes. She can respect it, but that doesn't mean she has to believe in it or like it.
@GhettoFabulousLorch Год назад
Frankly, Lovecraft is not in any way significant to the history of racial politics, civil rights, social justice, or even racial supremacism. No one reads his work for the racism or xenophobia.
@JohnWMorehead Год назад
Still, these views must be acknowledged.
@gachapinCUEVA Год назад
@@JohnWMorehead and his realizations of his racism and change of heart before his death should be known as well.
@JohnWMorehead Год назад
@@vFANGv Of course not. I never said otherwise. Curious comment.
@jediburrito Год назад
Yeah this is where "death of the author" can happen. They separated their problematic personal ideas from their work so nothing problematic is attempting to be taught.
@playerone2772 Год назад
"No one reads his work for the racism or xenophobia" I do
@HkFinn83 Месяц назад
I’m a big fan of Lovecraft (not the racism - I’m against that sort of thing). Like this comment if you agree with me that fun stories are good but racism is bad, or just ignore it if you’re in favor of the racism but indifferent to cosmic horror.
@MrPhemropit 3 месяца назад
In later life poverty forced him to live in cheap areas populated by immigrants and he mellowed a lot in his views.
@cobaltprime9467 22 дня назад
In a way it was him reflecting his writings. A fear of the unknown. He didn’t know much of these people and when he had to be around them that fear went away. Like someone being afraid of heights and getting over it by going up ladders frequently.
@FilmObsessedLucy Год назад
Lmfao y'all in the comments are so pressed. We all engage with problematic media. And it's ok to appreciate and be a fan of Lovecraft's writing while also acknowledging his strong prejudices.
@GreatOldOne9866 6 месяцев назад
Acknowledging, and not caring. The guy is long gone. His work remains and that’s what matters.
@KuroNekoExMachina 3 месяца назад
But Lucy, that way they can justify their own bigotry.
@jaysoncolbert6187 Год назад
People still listen to R Kelly, so im still reading his storiess about tentacles
@krethro Год назад
he was so racist that even people at the time thought it was absurd😭
@snakes3425 10 месяцев назад
Part of why I feel like I can seperate the art from the artist with Lovecraft is because the Mythos has grown beyond him thanks to the contributions of other writers, artists, game programers, and film makers. That said it's important to acknowledge his growth as a person over his life, but remember he held outdated and unacceptable beliefs during his life due to his upbringing
@SuperDoggy99 Год назад
The Lovecraft critics who decry him for his early racist position need a history lesson or two. In the so-called Progressive Era of America, racism was very much alive. There were countless amendments, acts, local legislation, etc. that, to today's "ear", were completely racist. Racism was promoted in many ways, politically, psychologically, socially, etc. Presidents (like Wilson, etc.) were markedly racist, as were many people in power. Racism was a common thing, promoted in every way, from segregation to the Birth of a Nation. The idea that it wasn't part of the culture is absurd. Race wars (along with wars against striking workers) were a real thing, with hundreds killed in several skirmishes. Public sentiment was easily swayed. Lynching, back-woods justice, etc., were all real, too. Hell, the anti-lynching act wasn't even signed into being until fairly recently, by Biden, because, for every presidential candidate prior, it was political suicide. America was a racist cesspool in the early 20th century. This fact has been completely wiped from the history books, from public education, etc.. The result? You now have these virtue signaling morons who claim that Lovecraft should have "done better". It's laughable.
@zionleach3001 Год назад
Yeah I've been told that I'm "defending" his xenophobia. But I mean he's been dead for decades. What are they gonna do? Put his corpse on trial. Regardless of his views he's inspired multiple writers from comics like Hellboy, games like Bloodborne, and even anime like Soul Eater.
@SuperDoggy99 Год назад
@@zionleach3001 There are three things that critics of Lovecraft are unable to do: (1) - separate the man from his work (2) - understand what being a product of the early 20th century actually means (because most people are ignorant of history) (3) - understand that, despite his early position on race (and other questions), Lovecraft actually was more progressive, in his later years, than most Americans at the time. From his marriage to his friendships, we see this clearly in the years leading up to his death. Meanwhile, America was a racist cesspool that would go through traumatic change over the next 100 years. But, somehow, the activists and virtue signaling idiots of today, can only focus on Lovecraft's early stories and letters, and refuse to acknowledge their own country's failings. History is very clear. America was a racist hell hole. Lovecraft should be lauded for changing his position later in life, not held to the adolescent raving of his younger, isolated self. Not in a country where such things were commonplace. The guy died fairly young, too; he didn't have a chance to develop as an older thinker, critical of America.
@user-wj1zn1vx9u Год назад
​@@SuperDoggy99 not many people even bother reading about the mans past and upbringing before calling him and his fans racist
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
​@@SuperDoggy99Your comment shows that you need therapy
@reymartluad4984 23 дня назад
No you🤨
@saggyshaggy Год назад
Honestly, I don't find his racism as prevalent in his stories as it's sometimes made it out to be. I've read a fair bit of his work, and the worst I've seen is a handful of rather unnecessary and distasteful passages about his view on race. Also, I always think it's crazy when people say his racism was racist even for his time. Like are people forgetting that the president at the time endouresd the movie the birth of a nation, I.e. one of the most racist movies ever and the movie often blamed for reviving the kkk
@jordanthomas4379 9 месяцев назад
In the majority of cases, you will only find racism in his writings if you specifically look for it and read carefully between the lines, for the majority of casual readers, you are definitely not going to do that.
@samaelsevanhadar 8 месяцев назад
I have to disagree here. Racism and classism are the very basis of a fair share of Lovecraft's work. Sure, there are some stories with hardly any racism in them at all, but lots of his works are based on the very concept of "degeneration", which is inherently chauvinist. The concept more or less runs along those lines: There are certain groups of people considered "degenerate" at least by the narrator. These "degenerates" are especially prone to being corrupted by Eldritch forces. They often act as "gateways", eventually "infecting" even the (presumably) upper-class narrators. The whole point of "The Call of Cthulhu", for instance, is that it is a bunch of "degenerates" who worship Cthulhu (and the narrator takes the time to assign that term very explicitly to a specific group of people, also suggesting quite frankly how to... deal with them). In "The Rats in the Walls", the corrupting force of Nyarlathotep is compared to Voodoo (or at least what the narrator mistakes Voodoo for, just as many people do up to the present day). And the plot of "The Picture in the House" consists basically of a "degenerated" farmer who adapted cannibalist rites which he read about in a book that connects these rites to indigenous groups in Africa. That certainly is a lot to digest (pun intended). However, I think you still have a point in regard to some stories. In "The Dunwich Horror", the cultural, ethnic, and class backgrounds of the Eldritch force's minions appear rather arbitrary and irrelevant to the plot. They have been touched by - or reached out to - something from beyond reality, and this is what corrupts them. Similarly so in "The Colour Out of Space". And in "The Whisperer in Darkness", it's even a high-class member of society who falls victim to Eldritch beings - and even seems to enjoy it. My general opinion on the matter of racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, chauvinism etc. etc. in literary works is: These things are unfortunately part of our world, so it is futile and dangerous to try and ignore it or push it away or even erase it from all the records. The best way to deal with it is to confront it critically, reading these stories with some careful guidance by someone who is aware of the problematic aspects of it.
@saggyshaggy 8 месяцев назад
@samaelsevanhadar damn . . . Can you write my English essay? But in all seriousness, I get what you're saying. I still don't find it as big a deal as it's made out to be, but at the end of the day, either way, I still love his stories
@samaelsevanhadar 8 месяцев назад
@@saggyshaggy Haha, thanks :D As a non-native speaker, that means a lot to me :D I guess I was just in my "literary criticism mode" or something. That's totally fair! I enjoy some of HPL's stuff myself, even though there are some aspects of it that make me want to punch a pillow. What actually itches me is that most channels on RU-vid that deal with his works completely avoid to mention any of these problematic aspects and almost worship HPL in some weird personality cult. He definitely had some cool ideas that were absolutely revolutionary in his time, and he shaped modern horror a lot, though, adding new nuances that gave the whole genre some direly-needed fresh air. Even though he published mostly in pulp magazines. *shrug*
@saggyshaggy 8 месяцев назад
@samaelsevanhadar now that it's daytime where I am, I'm not groggy anymore and can write an actual response. On the topic of the whole degenerate theme, I don't think that inherently is a problem. For example, the call of cthulhu, the cult being painted as the degenerates of society, isn't a problem. I mean, most people would paint them in that light if they were murdering people and trying to summon a great old one. The problem arises when lovecraft makes all the members of the cult groups of people he doesn't like, inserting a hidden agenda into his work, if that makes any sense. Wich would then further my original point, it's not really built on racism classic ect, it's that he finds a way to stuff it unnecessarily into his works, wich can ruin some of his storys for me. At any rate, I appreciate having an actual nuanced conversation with someone on the internet. Also, for a non native English speaker, your English is better than mine, and I grew up speaking the language! Lmao
@thejawgz6719 Год назад
In my head, Neil Gaiman still looks like that lol. Hard to believe it’s been 15 years since this documentary. RIP Peter Straub.
@Josh-fp2qn 11 месяцев назад
It’s incredible how time has passed. I remember watching it when. It first came out.
@REVOisMYname Год назад
Honestly don’t care - the guy is long dead and his work is amazing. It’s not like he’s making childrens developmental books
@GreatOldOne9866 6 месяцев назад
Lmao right! Some poor fool replied to me other another video saying his evil beliefs and gross life were reflected into his work, and I was like, “it’s horror, if anything, that makes it even better. It’s supposed to be messed up and freak out the reader.” 😂😂😂
@ninjathanch Год назад
Me don't giving a fuск about Lovecraft's racisim.
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
Go to therapy
@ninjathanch 11 месяцев назад
@@larissasplaylists NEVER
@Drobo01 Месяц назад
Neither I give a damn about you.
@funtanjan 5 месяцев назад
I get many tourists from Italy, and Lovecraft barely touched the surface with his comments about them, Which are not wrong.
@Drobo01 Месяц назад
Get a better job.
@gachapinCUEVA Месяц назад
He was a troubled man, raised in an elitist family, afraid of what went on outside his comfort zone. When you're raised in a culture like that, you pick up the unpleasant characteristics. But like every man, he grew and slowly changed his views. He wrote in a letter regretting his old beliefs before his death. I became a fan of his when I was in 8th grade, and over the years, I learned of his controversial life. But I didn't judge the man. He was a product of his time, and that's that. I forgive the man and am glad to know that he changed his views. But these days, people are so eager to jump on the cancel wagon without bothering to know Lovecraft's life.
@selwynr 7 месяцев назад
Let's not excuse his white supremacy. Let's just not excuse it in anyone, any time, anywhere. It's quite simple and it's a sign of maturity when you can admire what someone did on one level and disparage them on others. And LC wasn't a good writer but there is a certain atmosphere of cosmic dread that is impressive and doesn't have to be racist at all, as many of his heirs have shown. It's pretty easy, and seeing these notable figures bending over backwards is as embarrassing as watching or reading philosophers trying to excuse Heidegger's Nazism. Just, NO.
@weignerleigner3037 5 месяцев назад
He wasn’t a supremist. Supremists want to rule over others not related to them. He just saw what we all see today except back then you could be honest about it since the white population was a strong majority and wasn’t being replaced yet by leftist globalist scum
@MichaelMyers-pj2uk 3 года назад
Many people don’t realize that this was how some people were raised
@pennyc11 2 года назад
How most of us were raised.
@pennyc11 2 года назад
@SkyNet General I think we can see that illustrated well in his stories. When you see how foriegn people were portrayed to people who have never met people of different cultures? Not too surprising. Obviously, Lovecraft took those beliefs to a whole other level. I remember maps depicting sea monsters and well mermaids. In a child's imagination and the fear and fascination of the unknown? I mean remember, Dante's Inferno? Lovecraft wasn't the only child with a broad imagination. Stephen King will tell you his stories are so popular because he writes with common elements and just twist them around a bit asking us, what if this happens?
@MichaelMyers-pj2uk 2 года назад
@SkyNet General you don’t realize this was the norm back then. He wasn’t the only one who was like that. Seriously think for a second, he grew up and lived around those ideals.
@pennyc11 2 года назад
@SkyNet General Now, I can deal with Lovecraft monsters but Dore's illustrations. Yuck. I have to admit as a kid, they did help to cement my religious teachings. Until I studied the Bible enough and my kids stated religion is too prejudice and ignorant to keep supporting. Ending the Bible with Revelations? It always made me wonder what kind of acid trip John was on and I can see where Lovecraft must have found some of his revelations. I only play D&D style monster games. Their monsters, like in the Dragon Age series, keep me busy enough.
@cof... 2 года назад
@@MichaelMyers-pj2uk Lovecraft's level of racism was actually not as normal as it was in his time. His racism was very excessive and obsessive unlike other racists back then who just had a negative bias because they didn't understand poc. The reason why is because his racism was rooted in deep fear, as he was a very anxious individual with many odd lists of phobias. He was terrified of anyone remotely different from him in some way, which was very unhealthy. Most people certainly were not like this.
@orpharion-l4t 29 дней назад
Look at any major American city today and try to tell me he was wrong.
@zionleach3001 Год назад
(*taps mic* *I'M NOT DEFENDING HIS RACISM* )I'M NOT DEFENDING HIS RACISM BUT HE WAS A RACIST 1930'S MAN WHO IS NOW A CORPSE. How can you punish a guy who's already dead? (I'm not defending his racism, or applauding it, nor will I dumb it down for you.) Well he was a *1920-30's white guy.* It would be surprising if he wasn't. Also they guy's been dead for decades. I mean he's dead, how are people gonna punish him. But without Lovecraft we wouldn't have so many influenced works. Like the Necromorphs, Mass Effect Reapers, and the Ogdru Jahad. Plus the guy was isolated most of his life. He was afraid of EVERYTHING.
@rodrigosb3071 Год назад
let's applaud the racist and be grateful for his racism?, IS THAT RIGHT???
@zionleach3001 Год назад
@@rodrigosb3071 No, I'm not defending him. Don't get me wrong racism is one of the many terrible things humans can do to each other. But the most people back then were very racist. Not saying he was right. But the guy was from the 1930's a lot of people back then were racist. He wasn't the only racist person, he was just a very xenophobic. Plus what can we do about it. The man has been dead for decades. I'm sure there's older writers that were just as racist as him.
@zionleach3001 Год назад
@@rodrigosb3071 Not sure how you came up with that. But I like I said it was the SUPER RACIST 1930's and he's dead. Can't exactly punish a corpse.
@zionleach3001 Год назад
@@hardyflight True. I was talking about Rodrigo SB. Who somehow thought I was applauding his racism, which I am *NOT*. He sounds like an awful person to meet in person. But he was born in a time where that was seen as okay. Not saying he was right. Dude hated anyone who looked different than him. But I mean WHAT can we do? Nobody can punish him he's already dead of mal-nutrition. It's a little too late to start burning his books. He was racist xenophobe. What are people supposed to do, erase him from history?
@Tasorius Год назад
@@rodrigosb3071 He changed later in life and hated his old self. So you have no right to judge him.
@Spoomis Год назад
I've read several of his stories, and he is no more racist then any other writer of the time.
@zionleach3001 Год назад
Exactly. They guy lived during the 30's and is dead. But some people think I'm defending his racism. But they get offended when you try to "dumb it down" for them. If they hate him so much then put his corpse on trial. The man has been dead for longer than any of them were alive.
@haroldgarling1063 Год назад
He was extra 🤣 but I don’t care. I’m extra racist as well.
@Tasorius Год назад
He also changed in the end, and despised the person he used to be.
@Tasorius Год назад
He also changed, and wasn't very racist when he was older, and he hated his old thoughts. People find it really easy to mindlessly judge others these days, without knowing anything about their history.
@goyonman9655 Год назад
@@zionleach3001 @@zionleach3001 Wrong He was far more racist than people of his time Stop coping Lovecraft was a racist genius who would loathe your anti-racism
@Saturnia2014 Год назад
Lovecraft's stories are awesome His fans? not so much
@finnmchugh99 Год назад
Depends on the type of fans. You have the ones that simply love the stories on the mythos or thr ones that praise him for his ideologies. Cuz of his works I'm a big fan of the Call of Cthulhu RPG and the descriptions in some of his works like The Colour Out of Space (one of my faves) is simply chilling
@Tasorius Год назад
I am a fan, and I know his history, so I cannot hate him. He doesn't deserve to be hated.
@Reprodestruxion 8 месяцев назад
Mark Twain didn’t support racism despite writing about it
@Mrcryptidsarereal Год назад
Overly Sarcastic Productions missed this when they did their crappy Lovecraft Halloween video.
@joonas5660 3 месяца назад
Lovecraft was smart.
@Josh-fp2qn 11 месяцев назад
Lovecraft should see the state of immigration in 2023!
@Lurker27819 Год назад
Didn’t Lovecraft become a bit more pan-European in outlook later on in his life? I remember once hearing that his views on the Irish and Welsh became much less harsh (still, he thought they were inferior, but to a much lesser degree. Maybe due to him finding out he was slightly Irish/Welsh himself), and he actually came to like Germans, I believe. He never came to like Jews, blacks, and just most non-Europeans and probably most south-euros too, though.
@AngloSocDem Месяц назад
This is probably accurate. He later thought that there existed people who could assimilate to Anglo culture in America but it’s not like he became an anti racist.
@michaellanger5671 9 месяцев назад
Funny that the same people who would love to cancel Lovecraft, turn a blind eye to the racism of Karl Marx!
@AnthonyBlamthony 7 месяцев назад
Dude, you’re completely lost. Nobody’s trying to “cancel Lovecraft”. Literally read any of the comments you’re talking about, they’re not even going after Lovecraft, what people are arguing about is if his level of racism was normal or not(which it was not, even for pack then).
@AnthonyBlamthony 7 месяцев назад
I recommend that you kick that red pill addiction, it’s straight up starting to warp your sense of reality.
@michaellanger5671 7 месяцев назад
@@AnthonyBlamthony Who ask you?
@weignerleigner3037 5 месяцев назад
@@AnthonyBlamthonywarp sense of reality? I think believing we are all the same and can live together peacefully after hundreds of years of race riots and wars between cultures is a warped sense of reality
@blastermaster5039 2 месяца назад
Holy based.
@jeandeville807 Год назад
Yes Lovecraft, No woke.
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
Your comment shows that you need therapy
@nordicfrost 11 месяцев назад
@@larissasplaylists attacking a strangers mental health in a comment section is as disgusting as it projection.
@blazecraftworks8944 6 месяцев назад
@@nordicfrost We are criticizing how the reaction to Wokeness is being more lenient and accepting to racism
@RoyalKnightVIII Год назад
Robert M Price?! Didn't expect to see him outside of the atheism circles
@liambrowning6962 3 месяца назад
@cobaltprime9467 22 дня назад
I frankly don’t care. He kept it to himself. He didn’t let it impact his writing. And his writing founded a genre. What he gave to horror and literature far outweighs his prejudices.
@teddyjackson1902 2 года назад
Lovecraft did nothing wrong.
@Tasorius Год назад
He very much didn't, and later he changed and became a better person, who understood how ignorant his views used to be.
@teddyjackson1902 Год назад
@@Tasorius I don’t even care about that. There’s a puritanical fire burning right now that is darker and more insidious than anything we’ve seen in the modern era. At some point an ideological faction became zealots and lost sight of the fallibility and complexity in being a human being.
@Tasorius Год назад
@@teddyjackson1902 "The deepest darkness is born in the brightest light." Having all the morals handed to you without a though, and nothing but hatred, means that you will mindlessly chant what is "good" and "evil" and believe that it's completely black and white. So they basically became what they hated.
@FishOfTheSea 3 месяца назад
Yall are weird
@homborgor День назад
Smells like B.O and Virgins here...
@johnathandoe6034 3 месяца назад
It was awful how racist he was, at the time it was normal, but he was especially horrible for the time... However, it's important that we don't look at people as if all their wrongs make up their whole... HP Lovecraft also held incredibly progressive views towards Woman at the time, and spoke negatively about the mental institutions of the time... There is no justifying his racism, he was even bad for the time... But there's so much more to a person than one bad deed.
@frizzlefry2436 Год назад
Everybody was racist in the 1930s though
@Josh-fp2qn 11 месяцев назад
I know. These progressives need to chill out.
@JohnInTheShelter Год назад
Some seem to think that THEY wouldn't be impacted by reading such things, but Other People Not That Smart could become full-on KKK members by reading the fiction of a racist, which Lovecraft certainly was. I come across the racism in his work and just keep reading the story. Every single piece of fiction you've read was written by someone who has/had ideas you would either disagree with or hate. So what? Let me know when you come up with a long list of perfect people who've created anything, ever. Meanwhile, read what you like. You're not dumb, you'll know when to think "That's bullshit" or "That's vile," reject the idea, and continue enjoying the piece of art. (Or not. The point is it's up to you, not The Smart People.)
@ricedbroccoli Год назад
I mean literally if you consume any old piece of media, you are almost guaranteed to find some like really bigoted take. The biggest one that I can think off the top of my head is in the Divine Comedy, in the Inferno book, Dante put gay people on a lower level of hell than murders because he viewed homosexuality as violence against God. Which the Christian church has renounced many times.
@cheriepeden6384 Год назад
The German composer Richard Wagner was anti-semitic, but everyone and his dog was probably anti-semitic in Europe at the time. It's a little tiresome to be lectured about the wrongs of the world when you insist on using the past to make yourself feel better. I am not a fan of Lovecraft not because he was a xenophobe but because I think he's an overrated windbag. Wagner was a great composer, its underwhelming that he was antisemitic, but it can never detract from his music. Where are your minds.
@remc0s Год назад
Lovecraft was right! 🐙🦑
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
Your comment shows that you need therapy
@markymarkali 9 месяцев назад
@@larissasplaylists Something tells me you have a toll to pay
@ChaseNada Год назад
He was a product of his time. A lot of these people that call him out on his outdated views tend to conveniently forget this.
@AnthonyBlamthony 7 месяцев назад
No, it’s because people incorrectly assume that because racism was more accepted that must mean *everyone* was racist, right? No that just was not the case. We know that as a fact, even this video said that Lovecraft kept a lot of these views private, because “his peers didn’t except them”. You don’t hide something you don’t think is wrong or morally questionable.
@AnthonyBlamthony 7 месяцев назад
The “product of their time “excuse is just that an excuse. One that has some merit sure, but still an excuse.
@kaimagnus 8 месяцев назад
It's true that people who read Lovecraft's work for his stories don't read it for any happenstance descriptions of anyone of a particular group. Unless that person has issues that bring them to seek out things of that nature or they are researching into the subject of the views of that group. Even after finding those various descriptions in his writing it kind of becomes obvious that he is expressing the popular understanding of those things at the time of his intended audience. We still don't understand it all correctly and thus we are applying a currently desired condition to the understanding of it. As short lived as it is and this should be expected. Too much of it comes from a broken state that has managed to become prevalent and nothing developed by and carried on by any people who are deeply broken human beings can last long by it's very nature. If you have a deeply broken person build a vehicle, that vehicle might run at first, but it is doomed to not keep going for very long. Just be careful it isn't allowed to also bring doom to those exposed to that vehicle! Again, by it's very nature brokenness will inherently seek brokenness because it's incapable of doing otherwise. Unless it's just by random chance! Unfortunately the broken people beget more broken people who beget more broken people and it carries on until the world reaches a breaking point. The current state of things may be the result of about being at that breaking point. Perhaps due to the saturation of brokenness has come to a level that it can and has infiltrated the ranks of those who are supposed to lead out of and away from these things. Now what? Perhaps that's where much of "tradition" comes from. Ancestors who have already had to face, suffer and deal with much of what we are dealing with all over again and they passed on to warn us what to do to avoid and prevent it from happening again, but we have both forgotten and we have reached a level of brokenness that is severely hindering and complicating being able to prevent and/or properly deal with it now. Just hope we don't have to see the day when and if it should ever come to the point that it is decided that enough is enough and to completely remove any potential for the same issues and brokenness to return. Of course this would be a Lovecraftian event.
@duskdweeb1368 4 месяца назад
If people are offended that Lovecraft is a racist, then consider that Susan B. Anthony and Dr. Suess were racist. With Anthony being described as a severe and outward racist.
@FeltDownHard 2 года назад
I didn't know Kazuhira Miller liked HP Lovecraft
@FiggsNeughton 2 года назад
People who like living in densely populated cities with out of control crime and endless racial tensions will never understand based Lovecraft. Love the mental gymnastics in this clip, keep 'em comin'.
@goyonman9655 2 года назад
Thay feel that all creative people must be progressive
@FiggsNeughton 2 года назад
@@goyonman9655 No. Progressives can't create functioning societies, but only disorder, dysfunction, and a sense of endless, angry revolution. They burn down cities and leave in their wake a sense of smug superiority. Postmodern art is the final nail in the coffin of the idea of progressives having a monopoly on creativity.
@totallynotalpharius2283 2 года назад
@@goyonman9655 what’s creative about conservatism ?
@2xRainb0w 2 года назад
@@totallynotalpharius2283 idk bro a conservative created a mythos with lore and events that get referenced all these years later in story’s and still has a lot of people love those stories and ideas behind the horror. Did you miss that part? The part where a conservative created something?
@mr_reborn 2 года назад
@@totallynotalpharius2283 You think conserving ones culture and values exclude creativity? Have you read The Lord of the Rings? Chronicles of Narnia? Winnie the Pooh? Conan the Barbarian? Tarzan? Shi? Or indeed Lovecraft's works? Practically all of the culture that has laid the base for our cultural understanding in the west was created by conservatives and traditionalists. You dont find an eye for beauty in the progressive mind. Just look at architecture ... the progressive's idea of beauty is a cement box rowed up with other cement boxes. Then look at classic architecture from centures past ... Look at comic book, literature and film of the current day. You mean to tell me you prefer a woke piece of trash, where the quality of story has been replaced with ideological check lists and talking points? My dear fellow, you have it the wrong way around entirely. Creating art requires an eye for beauty, an insight into something more than just politics.
@CarnivalofLVX 8 месяцев назад
@AngriestEwok Месяц назад
I think he has every right to his opinion. Mass, uncontrolled immigration has been a disaster. Diversity is NOT our strength, it is a weakness - a means of mass human 'quantitive easing' and a modern form of slavery in all but name without the benefits. Our modern pearl-clutching attitude is the exception in history, not the rule, and we will return in time to a more common-sense approach - the only question is whether our civilisation survives that or not.
@Lycurgus1982 7 месяцев назад
It's no wonder that he harbored these views at least for a while. Beyond being a common view amongst people in those times, he was creating a world inside himself of mystery, darkness and out worldly beings. Who wouldn't feel fear and terror of outsiders engrossed in this mythology. Lovecraft would be blown away with just how influential and long-lived his writing has become long after his death.
@funtanjan 5 месяцев назад
Its not racism. It is just the description of what he sees.
@markw.loughton6786 Год назад
I honestly don't care about the "Woke" cancel culture narcissistic psychopaths, Lovecraft is eternal.
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
Your comment shows that you need therapy
@user-bk2vk3xl5q 16 дней назад
He got less raciest
@s.m.g.2166 Год назад
Lovecraft did nothing wrong...
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
Your comment shows that you need therapy
@s.m.g.2166 11 месяцев назад
@@larissasplaylists 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
@mattgilbert7347 Год назад
Peter Straub nailed it.
@TCITCP.Kh15 6 месяцев назад
Lovecraft was born in an old time a different time
@weignerleigner3037 5 месяцев назад
A time where people were actually truthful
@wade_west 11 месяцев назад
Your contextualize of the subject matter saddens me all of you that vouch for hos behavior you get 1 5th 2 not 3 and H.p had his chance to change his editor's saw his racism clear as day and did nothing ETHIER . You can separate art from an artist , but until they themselves into it, their canvas
@Reprodestruxion 8 месяцев назад
Guess he would have loved Bandera Stepanov and Miguel Serrano. I don’t.
@cetviesauthor-writer.3043 8 месяцев назад
or would it be an impression on how humanity would organize themselves and not on particular groups, but particular ways? Humans are humans but their racing for domination can be portrayed in so many uglinesses, that do not spare anybody wherever they are or come from.
@darkbornelines4587 Год назад
Racism gave birth to eldrich horror, horror of the other unknown
@jiggerinokobalis609 Год назад
To s liberal arts major maybe
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
@deprivate Год назад
lovecraft was right
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
Go to therapy
@Albion89 Год назад
Lovecraft hated Irish people 😮‍💨
@Tasorius Год назад
Until he didn't.
@Albion89 Год назад
@@Tasorius I love Lovecraft and Irish people
@Tasorius Год назад
@@Albion89 Agreed.
@abhimanyukarnawat7441 2 года назад
@CertifiedSkank 4 месяца назад
He sounds like a prophet, not a racist.
@googamer_r 7 месяцев назад
Все люди которые указывают на то что Лавкрафт был расистом просто пытаются получить популярность на фоне Величайшего писателя.
@AnthonyBlamthony 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for proving that you have no idea what were even talking about here
@googamer_r 7 месяцев назад
​@@AnthonyBlamthony одно я знаю точно - я люблю Лавкрафта и его вселенную.
@googamer_r 7 месяцев назад
​@@AnthonyBlamthony ах да. Я не понимаю по английски, а субтитры на русском убогие.
@manymany4879 4 месяца назад
lovecraft was right
@benhuether5474 3 года назад
HP Lovecraft was not a racist, he was xenophobic. He never wrote or expressed his racial views out of hate or malice but in the form of fear and anxiety. He had several documented panic attacks as a child and was constantly paranoid of outside forces infiltrating his comfort zone (sometimes in the form of people). He only expressed these concerns through the first person perspectives of his characters instead of his own opinions and would later regret that he wrote against immigration as a journalist in the 1910s. Before his death he allowed himself to step out of his comfort zone and became pro diversity in the last year of his short life.
@jazzlaugh6578 3 года назад
He did get better about it later in life and became far less xenophobic, but I think it's a bit misleading to say he was never racist. Let's not forget his poem (NOT STORY) "On The Creation of N****rs" and the name of his cat "N****rman." Yeah he was xenophobic, but he was racist as well.
@kiklonio 3 года назад
Pretty sure he also wrote some really antisemitic things for newspapers or conservative outlets. I think he also wrote about the Nazi party later on. Not sure if that's also mentioned in this documentary or where I heard/read it... Edit: after a bit of research - those examples are from his letters
@janvancura8412 3 года назад
No he was insane
@SourFrog42 3 года назад
his cat's name was literally the n word
@benhuether5474 2 года назад
@@SourFrog42 No, that was the fictional cat of a main character in his short story "Rats in the Walls".
@funtanjan 5 месяцев назад
There is almost no racism in his books. Have a walk through any Italian or French city as a non Western and you eill see racism.
@Drobo01 Месяц назад
Did you?
@funtanjan Месяц назад
@@Drobo01 Did I what, my darling? Hurt your little woke feelings?
@VelikiDim Год назад
He is just like me fr fr
@larissasplaylists 11 месяцев назад
Your comment shows that you need therapy
@VelikiDim 11 месяцев назад
@@larissasplaylists 😜😝
@jnestor481 2 года назад
God forbid someone didn’t want their race/culture to go extinct.
@notataco4203 Год назад
Wtf are you taking about lovecraft was a racist piece of crap, now I love his writing anyway and If you try to cancel someone who died in 1930 you’re an idiot but if you agree with his white supremacies ideals sorry buddy but you’re the bad guy 🗿
@RoyalKnightVIII Год назад
Oka nazi curr
@frizzlefry2436 Год назад
As much as I love Lovecraft's work that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Lovecraft lived in a time when only white men had complete control of anything so for him to fear that his culture/race will go extinct is stupid as shit especially back then. Stop denying that you're a raging xenophobe.
@jnestor481 Год назад
@@frizzlefry2436 Never denied anything. Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard were well known in Lovecraft’s day. Thoughtful people saw the future and correctly predicted the demographic doom of western man. Lovecraft was one of the sensitive people that also saw it coming. So if you want to sling names at me go ahead. Being unable to hate means you love nothing.
@RoyalKnightVIII Год назад
@@frizzlefry2436 you read any of his letters? They're hilarious to read. He was a such a weak and feeble boy and him writing about how perfect the anglo, not even all white people, was is hilarious
@weignerleigner3037 5 месяцев назад
Love craft was right
@zionleach3001 7 месяцев назад
🤦Now apparently I'm defending his racism. Cause now a bunch of white saviors are attacking anybody who points out how he is dead and was raised that way. I'm mixed so he'd absolutely despise me. Only trolls are saying he was right. Howard was a awful person who died broke. But he died way before most of us were alive. Should we just ban or burn his books. What about those who are influenced by Lovecraft? Should we accuse them of also being racist.
@Dixondoesthesektur 28 дней назад
The 2:13 guy before the troon is great
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