
Loving your lady parts as a path to success, power & global change: Alisa Vitti at TEDxFiDiWomen 

TEDx Talks
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Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP (Holistic Health Counselor, American Association of Drugless Practitioners) founded Laughing Sage Wellness, now the FLO Living Center LLC, in Manhattan, ten years ago-this, after battling the frustrating health symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and then healing herself through food and lifestyle changes. Alisa has degrees from Johns Hopkins University and the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where she fine-tuned her unique approach to helping women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s correct their own hormonal imbalances and chronic GYN issues using medicinal foods, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle modifications. Since then, Alisa and her team have worked with thousands of women on four continents to help them regain hormonal balance, get pregnant naturally, lose weight, clear skin, heal cystic ovaries, eliminate PMS, heal fibroids, regulate periods, and boost their libido. In addition to specializing in reproductive and hormonal health, she helps women connect to, and express their feminine energy. She teaches women how to live their best and most powerful lives by owning and operating their biochemistry. Alisa's five-step program, FLO Living, is currently the subject of a clinical study in conjunction with a reproductive research scientist from Columbia University in conjunction with the Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine.
Beyond her clinical work, Alisa is also a transformational speaker who debunks myths about chronic GYN issues and inspires listeners to take control of their health. Alisa has spoken at numerous colleges, workshops, corporations, online virtual summits, health fairs, and women's organizations and sororities. She was recently selected as Hay House Inc.'s first-ever "Mover & Shaker"-and was invited to speak at the "I Can Do It" conference, along side other notable figures like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Cheryl Richardson. Alisa has spoken at the Women's International Summit for Health, presented the keynote at The Reveal Conference hosted by Donna Karan's Urban Zen Foundation, and has spoken at American Infertility Association's annual conference.
Alisa's media and social networking exposure is rapidly growing. She's been featured in various traditional media outlets including CBS News, Huffington Post, Fox Business News, Life & Style, and various internet radio shows and blogs. She is also an expert blogger for CrazySexyLife.com, SavvyAuntie.com, and contributes to FertilityAuthority.com, HealthyStyleNY.com, People.com, and other prominent sites. In the publishing world, she penned a chapter on preserving and protecting fertility in Melanie Notkin's Savvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great Aunts, Godmothers, and All Women Who Love Kids (William Morrow, 2011) and is a featured expert in Dr. Christiane Northrup's newest edition of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom (Bantam, 2010).
She is currently expanding her new online healthcare venture for women as CEO of FLOLiving.com.
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29 сен 2024




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@Vaibik 9 лет назад
Fascinating talk and new information. These are the cultural teachings a mother should be passing on to her daughter, like it used to be in the old Indian society. And yes, I cannot resist to admit that she's lovely.
@dbdj1007 13 лет назад
You are so brave and bold to take this on. You are giving a huge gift to all women. You are a role model for women to take charge and ownership of their own health. BRAVO
@alexatru92 7 лет назад
Loved this talk! menstrual cycle phases for a woman: Week 1:Follicular phase, eggs are maturing and getting ready to travel through the fallopian tube (you feel like you have the most energy, begin new projects at this time, dream big!) Week 2: Ovulatory phase (best communication skills and good energy, have important conversations at this time, go on a first date) Week 3: Luteal phase- need for B Vitamins as uterine lining is thickening, you may feel detail oriented and have the urge to engage in organization tasks. This is the phase where you are PMSing. Week 4: Menstrual phase- Left and Right hemispheres in brain are talking to each other, ability to look back to see how you are doing during the month.
@enzobonetti742 2 года назад
@100zerubabel 2 года назад
Thanks for the summary 💝
@BrandyManuel 10 лет назад
You look great! Glad to see women loving their bodies :)
@bobjose6442 2 года назад
you look and see how osemly beutlee
@bobjose6442 2 года назад
Spechel you are
@carmelpule1 11 лет назад
I do believe that our mental powers may cure ailments in our bodies. I had a motorcycle incident when I was twenty years old and doctors at East Grinstead Hospital declared that I would never walk again. Well, I decided that my system had forgotten how to walk and so for many months, I did my best to learn to walk from scratch and somehow I am still walking at 74 years of age. Incidentally my brother faced the same problem and his surgeon kept contact to fully understand what healed us!
@sybillambert4857 9 лет назад
Dear Alisa, this video was a really interesting discovery and although I was surprised at first when you spoke about that idea of a month planning,now that I'm thinking about it , it begins to make sense! We certainly need to take our body into account and doing it that way doesn't seem wrong at all! Thank you for what you do, and keep up with the good work!
@jessicawind8183 11 лет назад
sometimes i don't bother reading the credits until after i watch the video. Than that way i still get to watch an intresting speech without being bombarded by slanderious opinions of something thats suppose to enlighten, not to be taken so analytically. She did her best and she was spot on about many things that i have noticed in the changing of my life choices and body. why can't you all learn to enjoy and be silent?
@hlbowers 11 лет назад
One of my favorite Ted talks! Great speaker and an inspiring subject!!
@nouraali6502 8 лет назад
omg Im on the follecullar week and I've been planing to start reading more books and get off my phone for a while for a long time and it happens that I decided to do it this week and I've never being so commeted this much !!
@josshouse 7 лет назад
The section about which parts of the cycle give women which strength emotionally/psychologically...holy shit. Life-changing.
@abbyslater4408 7 лет назад
i watched this a few weeks ago and then bought the book the other day not realising it was written by her
@diddiemcfly6584 3 года назад
This video is mind-blowing. Thank you Alisa Vitti.
@Kayla4217 11 лет назад
The definition of holistic is relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts. A health counselor to help an individual personalize their nutrition needs based on the needs of her body. Since this is not a traditional profession, conventional education is not required. However, health counselors generally obtain certificates in one or more health related programs. The more you know!
@mozart5474 10 лет назад
is this a commercial for her center? or is there anything else actually?
@arcsingh3269 10 лет назад
Thats what Louise Hay says...Loving and approving yourself will resolve everything in life ...disease...relationship and career
@beverlymcdaniel1404 6 лет назад
Deer hunting
@sahrashams 11 лет назад
By far, the best channel I am subscribed to.
@SaraFaithJacobsen 10 лет назад
i do this work with myself, so i know how powerful it is!
@carobumius 11 лет назад
this is so fascinating! awesome lecture!
@LoukiaLemos123 9 лет назад
she is wonderful !
@b43xoit 10 лет назад
The gold standard for testing protocols of treatment is double-blind randomized clinical trials.
@myadegarin 11 лет назад
TED should ask to stop or limit the advertising in speeches.
@ZapatosVibes 7 лет назад
What great energy and attitude!
@Addsz17 9 лет назад
Great talk!
@LivAlexa32 8 лет назад
Has anyone here read her book? I want to read it but I'm only 17 and obviously the aspects of increasing your sex drive aren't applicable to me, regardless of that it it still a good read?
@barbaragrace4446 8 лет назад
+olivia alexa I thought sex was the very least important aspect. I wish I had heard of this when I was younger. Sounds like a ladies manual to management of her own life and energy through proper care of the primal body. I clearly see that if I'd had this information, I could have done better for myself. I think it's good info for young women.
@KusogeMan 8 лет назад
lol i think it's applicable even if you're not sexually active,someday you'll be and the lessons will be relevant then
@MeiinUK 7 лет назад
Olivia, get the book. It is not just about sex drive, but it is about women's health too. The sex drive is just a feeling.. but you will get to know your body and how it feels as you get older. Just get the book, even if you are 17... to start playing with the amount of those food items, and to regulate your own period. It is important to learn to regulate your own period. It is very self empowering.
@unikutellemato91 6 лет назад
dat would be a good read, didnt know she had a book
@dayanaraviera3840 4 года назад
I have the book and been taking notes, I highly recommend it.
@IExplodeLikexD 9 лет назад
She is so intelligent, it is so attractive.
@sarajay7631 8 лет назад
one of the best talks..thnx alot!
@biancas2639 7 лет назад
Love it!
@reflections509 9 лет назад
does she have a book???
@ultravioletspirit 7 лет назад
Love her! I have her book the woman code :)
@AllOneOnline 11 лет назад
Unclear what her "protocol" involves, but the information she provides is sound. Most people think of hormones only in respect to the reproductive system, whereas it's a whole-body, systemic process. AncientMotherWisdom
@Tomassi7 11 лет назад
you best believe it
@crr5062able 11 лет назад
This could apply to men as well.
@nochaneladdplease 11 лет назад
good info unless it's menopause time
@morganbaerga5561 10 лет назад
I am a female and I don't like these motivational speaker types. I felt that she has a valid point but I feel like you personally already have everything you need. Just like she said but I think you don't need someone to tell you such a thing.
@DAREDARVIL 12 лет назад
excellent, this means your in touch with your mind and body, whereas the aim of patriarchal education separates the two in order to facilitate female dis-empowerment. why? via abstracting and incorporating that disconnection over into their profit sphere, they have control but if we reject their subjectivism, we regain our wholeness. we have too longer been conditioned to make life easier for them... it is up to us to not look at the problems from their reference points, but from our own.
@rottenshrimp420 9 лет назад
Do men have similar hormonal cycles?
@lai_strength_training 8 лет назад
Yes but with other hormones like testosterone and not as drastic as a woman's
@spiritvisionart 11 лет назад
i just want to see sources cited for these grandiose claims of the horoscope of the body...like we must conform to its ways...i don't see how brain function depends on a certain time of month as much as the amount of effort we put into exercising our minds and bodies.
@sanck209 9 лет назад
you are very beautiful miss Alisa :)
@LogarAcc 9 лет назад
***** And very smart, that's ALL that should matter :)
@kasandraolson9526 9 лет назад
Beware there a man know as MWCrazyhorse harassing feminists. Goodness forbid I have an opinion or open my mouth to speak. This person recently lashed out and ranted over a single non hateful comment I made for no good reason. I hope that one day he finds peace lol. Not all feminists are crazy. They just get driven to that point.
@alexbarba607 6 лет назад
Funny ... or cute ... ya call em parts, i call em bits ... lady parts ... lady bits ... it's all good ... as long as it's in the spirit of communicating there's everything right there 💝 the heart with a golden ribbon is for the bits ... or parts ... as wonderful within the body as a whole ☺
@hannaherwin13 10 лет назад
She's happy, confident and trying to share that with everyone. Why do people get so threatened by that and feel the need to tear her apart? Work on your self instead of trying to tear down others.
@mienmiennn 10 лет назад
because she speaks the truth.
@ravindrajadhav1436 6 лет назад
I think she is right
@TJtheBee 10 лет назад
Alisa Vitti is an incredibly intelligent and talented woman - and the fact that she has an immense wealth of confidence only makes it all the better. She's smart; she's honest; she's even funny. This is a lady that, honest to God, I'd love to sit down and have a chat with, even if only for a half hour. . . . and everybody in the comments is talking about her body instead of her brains??? I'll agree that she's attractive, and that she's made me realize that something I value in an attractive woman is confidence. But she's got something going for her far beyond her body - she's gone in a direction that most people don't go, and the fact that her knowledge and ideas are being trumped by how people view her body . . . That's just sad.
@AtomicBoogaloo 9 лет назад
Tamera Janneff Oh absolutely - I just wanted to mention she was gorgeous in passing, as people said such awful things - but i DID listen to the whole talk, and ... Oh how can I say this without sounding vain or pious .. Its a kind of Human share that I absolutely LOVE.. (and its wonderful to make safe space, and learn how to let that .. blossom?)
@spoidalbynature 9 лет назад
Tamera Janneff I was thinking the same thing. Self confidence and intelligence changes how people think about you. Vitti will definitely go far in life. When I first saw her, I did think her thighs are so huge, but then I continued listening to her, I didn't even noticed them, not because I felt sorry for her, but because she was interesting and informative. That to me, she became like a fat guy, you still know she's fat, but that like a man, she brings more to the table than just her looks, so it doesn't become important any more as she becomes not only a woman, but an expert, scholar and doctor.
@zahrasivoryscallop1615 8 лет назад
+Cortney Gibson you do know that a lot of women don't have thunder thighs right? It doesn't say anything about womanhood.
@butu808 9 лет назад
Reading the comments I've come to one conclusion: Most of the people who wrote those negative attacks on her physical apparance failed to finish the video. No one is talking about the content, only about her legs, her body, etc. I was so fascinated by the menstrual cycle thing I paused the video and took notes. It's really depressing that so many people (teenagers?) cannot stop talking about her weight. I'm sure these attacks are just projections of whatever suck in your lives. I urge you to not take it out on this brilliant woman because you are only hurting yourselves.
@MsCordially 9 лет назад
Commenting on her weight is not a personal attack. don't be so sensitive. Facing realities is a good thing most of the time. Don't project your own emotions onto comments, just face them as if they are observations and make a normal reply .
@kaijurajinx 9 лет назад
You're right. They are projecting. Her weight is irrelevant. Calling her 'porkchop', is a personal attack. It's not being sensitive, it's calling out stupidity. Only a simpletons only thought watching this would be her size. She also has brown hair and skin, should we talk about those observations too?
@hannagrantham2816 9 лет назад
I couldn't agree more! I always get sad and angry when people make absolutely stupid comments. How great that here are still people who realize the real message of it. And I think so too that many of them are (bored) teenagers. XO
@imasaucy1 9 лет назад
Stefanie Krauth PCOS already puts women at a hormonal disadvantage for losing weight.It is actually very difficult to lose weight if you have PCOS or are menopausal.It has been researched and is biologically proven.The reality is that the weight can be lost but it takes time,patience and good medical support along the way.
@ThereIsNone241 9 лет назад
I took notes too! She is sexy and smart and I hope to work on this and get in touch with myself to be as confident as she is. OUTSTANDING TED Talk. One of my favorites for you. So true what she said about women having to constantly work on their bodies and men just use them as tools.
@cherylsuahhh 10 лет назад
It's so upsetting to see these body shaming comments on a video encouraging women to take charge of their bodies.
@shoshanabloom8669 4 года назад
Cheryl Suah I think she has a perfect body and looks great 👍
@prettygirlrock195 10 лет назад
i don't understand why some people that are commenting "she's obese" or "she shouldnt be proud of her lady parts, bc she's fat"? WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!! when that video started, first thing that pop in my mind was that "she's beautiful, and look at these sexy curves of hers" i love it!!! i feel sorry for those who feel otherwise about her and this video....(shaking my head) looking at some broom stick girls(not even women) on social medias, what's the deal? really?
@amieHERSELF 11 лет назад
I would love to actually learn more about optimal eating during the four phases of the estrous cycle. If anyone has any links that would be great!
@Tryingtolovemyself107 4 года назад
She has a book coming out Jan 28 I think.
@hannahn7375 3 года назад
It's in her book. Woman Code
@junkmailre 11 лет назад
The 4 monthly cycles make total sense! My wife and I had identified her ultra productive time of the month, during which she got super excited and started big projects and committed us to them, and then lost interest a week later. We learned to write things down and not act on them for at least another week. It helped us. The other three make so much sense.
@treacherousjslither6920 2 года назад
Sounds like a hassle
@Artauraiamnyc 10 лет назад
It takes a woman to understand a woman.
@JadeWong88 10 лет назад
Interesting, but not surprising how many people below missed the value of this talk but instead choose to bash & bully the deliverer of the message. And people wonder why there are so many things wrong with popular American society. It only serves all of us to better educate ourselves and open your minds to concepts that may seem unconventional. And it's also very sad that many of you have to hide behind obscure usernames & the anonymity of blank pictures to post your opinions because you have no freestanding backbone to stand behind them.
@lockandloadlikehell 5 лет назад
Lol New YT user I see. That's not how it used to be.
@l.tayloradzima4013 10 лет назад
Wait, so being on birth control, I don't ovulate, so I'm missing out on my "irresistible" super powered phase? Fuck, man.
@channabenard9506 9 лет назад
I love her story and her curves! I am thankful she shared this talk with us
@zrajm 12 лет назад
I'd like to hear less fewer sucess stories, and more about the mechanisms involved in changing hormones through food. The stuff about cycles is interesting, but I wonder to what degree those opinions would be self-fulfilling?
@KeeRaSha 9 лет назад
why do people leave mean comments? i just think its important to hear and be heard. we all have different experiences and opinions. it would help our species if we could agree to disagree and share who we are without ridicule.
@hanson61 9 лет назад
This system is totally amazing. I wonder if there is something like it for men. For those of you who are calling her fat, I disagree. I think she is beautiful.
@richardmcdaniel737 10 лет назад
anti Pharma nutritionist and scientist. wow, hey nice, and healthy body and mind = happy life. also, not just for women. men as well.
@searching4answers79 6 лет назад
I'm a middle-aged guy who happened upon this video while looking through my RU-vid homepage. And because women have played such an important part in my life, Positive and negative, I have an occasional interest in information that might teach me how to understand or appreciate them better. And this is that kind of information. Most notably, the knowledge regarding the (4 phases of the month) and why it's Urgent that more women know about them and begin to align their lives with the Empowering Aspects of each one. Very Enlightening! Thus, I'd like to thank you Alisa Vitti, for sharing your Wisdom about Women, especially with a guy like me who's striving to not be so clueless. And in return, I'd like to share a simple insight about men, that perhaps some women, for whatever reason, still may not know of, and that is this. Most men are INSTINCTIVELY and strongly attracted to Women with CURVES! Trust me on this one, I'm a man. Of course there can be a few exceptions to anything, but in general, this is the rule. FYI, I have also been in relationships with women who weren't as curvaceous, but were Extremely Attractive in other ways, even personality wise. Btw, Alisa Vitti, you are a gorgeous woman! In conclusion, Ladies, Love Your Lady Parts as a path to Success, Power and Global Change. Thank You
@lockandloadlikehell 5 лет назад
You sound like a 12 year old.
@annmiller1516 5 лет назад
@@lockandloadlikehell You sound like a 5 year old.
@gemmamaree9130 8 месяцев назад
Curves, full lips, thick hair etc are all signs of fertility this is why :)
@gemmamaree9130 8 месяцев назад
Curves, full lips, thick hair etc are all signs of fertility this is why :)
@gemmamaree9130 8 месяцев назад
Curves, full lips, thick hair etc are all signs of fertility this is why :)
@veragrig8645 7 лет назад
Its so pleasing to see someone feeling so good about their look!
@natalie4464 5 лет назад
What a beautiful, powerful woman! Imagine if all women had that confidence! The world would be a very different place
@seds94 4 года назад
imagine men had confidence. then the world would be heaven
@rachelfritz7131 11 лет назад
She has a book called Woman Code that thoroughly explains the diet! Great book, I highly recommend it.
@renehenriksen1735 9 лет назад
Eve Lister>>> These trolls know no other feeling but hate. They´re neither rational or humanistic. And YES many things about our society need to change.....Many reactionary forces need to be replaced with something more fluid and dynamic.
@DynamicDesignz585 11 лет назад
She is very attractive for being as confidant as she is to talk about something so intimate and close to any woman and be as open about it as she is... :) speaking from a man's point of view.
@ravindrajadhav1436 6 лет назад
Jeremy confident is good for you also
@justinekim8744 8 лет назад
This woman is fantastic - I love her
@ravindrajadhav1436 6 лет назад
Justine Kim she is confident also
@libertyblueskyes2564 12 лет назад
Also, to those women who are commenting about her hips, you are the ones who dislike your own bodies. Hips are hip. Look at ancient art depicting women and you never see a woman that is rake thin with no hips or breasts. Women have lost the art of being women. Instead they mold themselves to other standards, to fit swim suits or tight pencil skirts, 6 inch stillettos, bleach their hair, remove their hair, surgically remove fat, surgically implant fat. Women, your bodies express who you are.
@gittel_malky 10 лет назад
I think her message is important and I also am in favor of more natural health modalities in general and when appropriate. I had my baby at home with a midwife (who had MD and hospital back-up if necessary), and I see an acupuncturist on a regular basis. But "lady parts? Really? Why not use the words, "female genitalia" or "the female reproductive system".I think this cutesy term is revolting. It's a dis-empowering and embarrassing term if I ever heard one. Ugh.
@BrittKatSlat 6 лет назад
Been an ethical vegan for 5 years. My husband gladly went too! Best decision/force of will in my life!!! Easy. Healthy. Feels amazing. Tasty food. KINDER. I’ve gotten in touch and connected with my core.
@Doerenee 10 лет назад
its the age of the woman :D
@Doerenee 10 лет назад
***** wow wow wow, i am getting chills just reading the first line. a good sign. i am personally very called to leadership and I have declared I will run for an office after i practice as an engineer!! We ladies will be the change, we shall no longer choose the role of victim
@Doerenee 10 лет назад
***** thank you mariska !
@TheLexieWilson 9 лет назад
This was excellent and I LOVED what you were saying. I do notice GREAT differences in my mood and abilities based on the time of the month that I am and I would love to try and pay attention to my cycle to coincide with my life. Thanks for this!! :)
@RosieBattista 12 лет назад
I love your story and how you are helping women!
@alaayassin6131 10 лет назад
thank you for this great advice
@GeorgiaRoseBeauty 11 лет назад
sorry but this woman is literally the definition of curvy. you're actually blind if you can't see that - yeah you can have a flat stomach and be curvy but look at her hips in comparison to her waist and shoulders! thats the biggest and most flawless fucking curve i've ever seen on a woman.
@Jahnavixt 10 лет назад
***** I think they are trying to promote something other than patriarchy for once..
@IngridGeronimo 13 лет назад
Alisa, I wish you were around when I was experiencing all the turmoil with my hormonal imbalances but I'm sure glad you're able to help others now. Keep on keeping on! Your message to women is invaluable.
@dayanaraviera3840 4 года назад
Her book is amazing, I been reading it and taking notes. I learned so much about my body.
@MB-bd8zh 4 года назад
can you please tell the book name
@dayanaraviera3840 4 года назад
M B The Woman Code
@MB-bd8zh 4 года назад
ok thanks
@seds94 4 года назад
try "the way of the superior man" instead . then youll know something valuable
@shannonmelanie 10 лет назад
Fantastic talk! I must share it. This woman is so intelligent and exuberant, sexy woman!!!
@meredithanthraxelrod 12 лет назад
OK, so... what do we eat, then? For god's sake, tell us.
@AllGrowing 10 лет назад
She's fabulous, and shared valuable info - thank you!
@BerryTrekkin 10 лет назад
Very interesting video! I was diagnosed with PCoS at 13 and it was initially controlled by the Pill. For other health reasons I can't take it anymore and my symptoms are back in full force. Weight is definitely my main concern, so I'm going to look into nutritional genomics and managing the condition through diet. I love her attitude and message!
@rx0788 10 лет назад
Fantastic Brilliant Woman!
@bloominwild7 11 лет назад
This is the worst TED talk I've ever seen...and I've seen a lot.
@Aprinsa 10 лет назад
I'm very skeptical of anyone pushing a universal diet that's the same for everyone. VERY skeptical. Especially if they don't even explain what the diet is.
@lilacclorceta679 10 лет назад
From her words I didn't interpret it to be a "universal diet", more of a plan to systematize your life. As she said, a "protocol". I suppose her website, which another person in the comments discovered for us (thank you!), floliving.com/ can provide more information.
@mirih3223 10 лет назад
The Diet is not the critical element of what she wanted to bring across - I find her speech VERY inspiring! Maybe you didn't really get what she's talking about?
@mirih3223 10 лет назад
I guess you're male… so you are not able to understand what she's explaining because you don't experience those things.
@angelcool128 10 лет назад
i think was more talking about how the food you eat affect how your body feels. she actually says that she makes a specific diet plan for each of her clients, so its actually the opposite of a universal diet. its more like an individual diet made for your specific system.
@RyuRong 7 лет назад
A protocol is not a universal diet, it is a system of rules governing an entity. How each individuals body interacts with the rules is different.
@ksy4747 10 месяцев назад
Wow. I have bought your book like 4 or 5 years ago and never read it (its a habit of mine to buy books and never read them), but today I finally decided to take a crack at it and reading the introduction I began to notice that Alisa and especially her journey sounds very similar to this one Ted talk woman that I love to occasionally rewatch and share with my women friends. Lo and behold. It IS you 😂😂😂
@libertyblueskyes2564 12 лет назад
Awesome. A woman in touch with her body, a population in touch with the earth. If you want to know what to eat, eat from the earth not from machinery or labs. Pure, organic foods, clean water, clean air and exercise creates the body wholesome.
@tsvetelinayordanova3783 9 лет назад
It is so courageous and brave to address your own genetic and acquired weaknesses. And it takes so much selflessness to go out there and talk openly about them in order to help other people relate, understand regain control over their lives. This is a great contribution to making people become more empathetic and kind. Thank you for being the person you are!
@twodogzdogue8710 4 года назад
Women used to have their cycles in tune with the moon & these phases work in alignment with the moons phases, as anyone educated in the effect of the moon on our physical bodies can attest to. All very fascinating stuff to be aware of. Its just not very helpful to someone who has gone through Menopause. There arent any phases after Menopause as far as i know. Please correct me if i am wrong. :)
@JessicaPastura 9 лет назад
Loved to know about women cycles and which activity will be facilitated by my hormonal conditions in the specific part of my lady month! Certainly a knowledge that I'm going to use to plan my life even better! Thanks, Alisa! I loved her energy, inteligence and comunications skills (she speaks in an expressive and empathic way! And she is also funny and serious! Loved her!). Besides the knowledge, she also inspired me by these qualities! Thanks!
@rockmyworld80 10 лет назад
ı just love to watch ted's videos it gives me bigger perspection of live... evethıugh ım not native speaker and ıve never been out of my country still can understand veryw ell-with my own hardworkıng.. it makes me proud :) ı spent hours and hours in thıs channel .. thanks TED :)
@cressidaC 10 лет назад
A woman who rips the page out of the book in the library that provided her ta-da lightbulb moment? So a future student insomniac consulting that library can't find that information and get help? Go back and stick that page right back in!!
@alaaalsarraj3286 10 лет назад
OMG this completely put me in tears .. and PS I never cry .. I'm so moved by this :)
@susanpendell4215 10 лет назад
Where were you 20 years ago?! Some of us never had cycle problems, but everything else. But then I never really liked being a girl.
@midi510 4 года назад
I see beauty in all women and wish they could see it, too. I wish all women could own their bodies and learn to master their assets. Everyone has good and not so good aspects. We all need to accept ourselves the way we are and only then can we start to make the most of what we have.
@twodogzdogue8710 4 года назад
Start watching from about 10minutes into this video, if you really want to understand the workings of the human body. Good information & something our Teachers Doctors & Mentors should have taught all of us.
@mellisamabhikwa2630 3 года назад
Probably the most important video I've seen my entire life.
@dilipupadhyay 4 года назад
In India Ayurveda has clearly mention that food changes and keep healthy. There in detail diet is given for different illness. Western medicine people should study that. You guys are thousand years behind.
@malumania 10 лет назад
Too bad I found out about you a little late.I feel you could have helped my wife who passed away on dec.,28th 2013.
@suikidog 11 лет назад
Genuine question: does Polycystic Ovary syndrome cause very wide hips / large deposits of fat in the hip region?
@melissaternier402 7 лет назад
powerful information for women to leverage. The more intuned you are with your body the better you can utilize it ... change agents... leaders... many will see that nature is intuned as well....women's phases at times correspond to the moon, but don't take my word. Learn your inner blueprint language as men & women, activate your journey.
@yvenalouis 4 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m in jersey pretty soon I will try to visit you. No one could tell me what in the world was wrong with me and my life was simply falling apart for over 20 years. You are beautiful and I am grateful for sharing your truth and knowledge.
@chegovecb6880 3 года назад
Hi u nice u looking 😊
@mariepariefanpage2552 10 лет назад
how amazing.
@ParisLatka 12 лет назад
... nutritional advise isn't the point of this talk ... it is how by loving our 'lady parts' and coming into partnership with our bodies we can become more successful.
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