
Mahatma Gandhi - ONE WORLD 

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Famous Speech of Mahatma Gandhi



10 сен 2024




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@vengeancien 12 лет назад
@rihamnaguib 13 лет назад
great man..great men are only known after their death by their great actions.. Gandhi is one of a kind..his non-violence and forgiveness were the signs of greatness..and thats why i think GOD looked into his heart and showed him the light of the divine presence.. RIP Gandhi.. for all hate comments..men like him worked suffered and died so that men like u would have abetter life..and as curses don't hurt the dead..sins of cursing hurt u alive..
@Noah82309 12 лет назад
If one would listen to this a dozen times, he/she would find it different each time with more meaning and truths to add to what was previously learned. God Bless such a person.
@PureAlbanianWarrior 10 лет назад
I love how he said, "Not to attempt the impossible." If you knew what state of mind he was talking about in the end. It would make better sense to you. Do not change the universe because you can't change it correctly. You'll destroy it if you try to and fail. This doesn't make sense until you've reached new dimensions spiritually. I'm not there, but I know. It's in ancient history even and relates to aliens and our history as humans. Sounds weirder? Perfect. Maybe now you'll do some f****** studying and learn that this makes sense.
@thinker2925 7 лет назад
Hmm... you act as though people do not believe such things because they do not research even though I believe that to be utterly wrong. It seems many people who believe in such things as that do "research" but not dedicated research. Dedicated as in checking who is writing the article, what is his background, is he trustworthy? Then cross reference all "evidence" he claims. Sorry i know this sounds disrespectful and i am sorry for that but I am curious as to whether people who believe in the higher dimensions and aliens relations to humans do dedicated research? Most I know simply watch an audio clip by Allan Watts then suddenly think they understand something normal people do not.
@AYEMang 13 лет назад
I just started reading gandhi's autobiography, really interesting....much respect for the great gandhi
@mollyleaf 16 лет назад
It's incredible that somebody could be that low, that insecure about themselves and their life, that they could take the life of somebody as wonderful as Gandhi. Rest in peace, you'll forever be remembered as a hero.
@shriphanip 14 лет назад
Greatest human being to walk the earth. This man loved all mankind, and was not blinded by his love for his country. He risked losing support of orthodox hindus when he campaigned against untouchability. This man's moral and ethical standards were second to none. His grasp of the issues of the day was far superior to that of any other man.
@BrokenSouls 15 лет назад
I am not Indian, but I think you have lots to be proud of. The country has an amazing and beautiful culture. :)
@JayLivesInJames 13 лет назад
A very interesting and informative viewpoint, made all the more potent by the fact that it is Mahatma Gandhi who is speaking, who made such an effort to be true to himself. Thanks very much for uploading.
@uilium 13 лет назад
Yes, the evidence to laypeople is the way these deeply spiritual people are...Recorded in "Kingsley" hall. Good way to remember who played Gandhi in the movie...
@TheHersey 12 лет назад
I was not expecting the top rated comments to be so aggressive on a Gandhi video, much less one of this calibre. My two sense, no matter what you think of the man, if we all lived with his mindset the world would be extremely better off. Namaste.
@MaximusDisplay 13 лет назад
Gandhi's vision: a vision of pure love for one another, even through pain and suffering, even towards enemies who are in fact simple human beings like me or you. It's from this vision I say to you all, from ordinary youtubers to trolls, I love you.
@dsethi05 12 лет назад
Thank you very much . Inspirational speech and words of a wise man far ahead of his times . " It is not important how long you live , but how you live "
@TristanDesnos 13 лет назад
Inspiring. I believe, he is of the same calibre of character that spawned the legends of Socrates etc. His personal discipline must of been crazy.
@tvcelebrity90210 13 лет назад
I am still learning the meaning of life - I am still learning about awareness - I am still learning about friendship - I'm still learning about love - but what I do know - I am a man of peace - sending you my blessings worldwide PEACE ☮ --- David Harrison Levi - STARMAKER☆
@34jitender 14 лет назад
i think we dont have that pure soul that we can judge him.he was a practical man not just just taperecorder.he is the only man in world who had support of millions of peoples and was the leading leader of indian freedom struggle but didnt except any post.he was a karmayogi.he was the man to live with poorest people.
@GoonSquadFTB 13 лет назад
We, not one human being excluded, are all brothers and sisters, both young and old, rich and poor, are all the children of God. Love is the only truth. Peace and Love, here in this moment, now and forever.
@MrSatrajitgupta 14 лет назад
Whatever people say here, Gandhiji stands tall. No matter some can spit in the sky because they are mad. Gandhiji is the glowing Sun and none can throw dirt at Him.
@lialammas 14 лет назад
For sure it was not easy to be Gandhi or have his life. We must learn to appreciate people with these talents and gifts. They all make sacrifices in the course or their life in order to make a difference in the new generations to come.
@skiprecords 15 лет назад
"to reject everything that is contrary to truth and love" Thank you God for Gandhi ! - zeitgeistmovie
@troopershq 15 лет назад
We are all human This man was human But his mind and logic was superhuman
@SKbex 13 лет назад
He sounds like Dr Mahathir,former prime minister of Malaysia who had been in power for 22 years and is still playing important part in Malaysian's politic
@TobiasLars 13 лет назад
Ghandi did his role wonderfully - and spirituality moves forward - he was the right man for the right time. If we did our roles as well - we would have an awakened world.
@minhali 14 лет назад
Even though Caesar had been a flamen dialis (priest of Jupiter) and served as pontifex maximus, these were more political than truly religious in nature, posts of prestige, something like what the Papacy was during medieval and renaissance times.. From what I have read, and I did teach Latin (language, history and religion of Rome) in university, GreatGrumbledook is right on the mark.
@Tcheuchter1 16 лет назад
When asked by a Journalist from a Western Media Outlet, "What do you think of Western Civilisation?" He replied, "I think it is a great Idea, when is it going to happen"
@GravDiga 13 лет назад
if god is light then god must be the sun.. Light comes from heat and the sun is the hottest thing we know which also holds our life together.
@augustinemanassee598 7 лет назад
the greatest man that never lived
@madmaxninja08 15 лет назад
The British did in fact move a good portion of Indian forces to Africa and the Middle East. They even moved many into Europe during both World War I and World War II. Some African troops were also moved into India as well.
@oceanblues70 15 лет назад
the greatest man of the twentieth century. we make to live forever his ideas!
@carmenlidia13 14 лет назад
RIP Mohanda Ghandi So many have listened & followed his wise teachings e.g. Martin Luther King Peace Be upon them Both as well as all our precious peace keepers...
@darjeelingtenenbaums 15 лет назад
I don't think so. These people are all built up to be something unattainable, but all they ever wanted you to remember is that you can do what they did. It is just a matter of how much love you have in your heart.
@sarmanvisakh 15 лет назад
gandhi's greatness can only be known if u know honesty, be honest atleast to yourselves.
@ijkcenam 12 лет назад
Marvelous words said in a soft manner which furthers the effect of the idea being conveyed. I hope and pray that I continue on such a wise path.
@oneirishpoet 15 лет назад
Happy Birthday Gandhi-ji!!!
@plopnod 13 лет назад
@AYEMang The best book I've ever read,it changed my life,and how I live it!
@wesmatron 13 лет назад
An eye for an eye only made the whole world blind
@timothyleew 15 лет назад
gnamp, every hero has a shadow when they stand in the sun. it just shows we're human =]
@behemoth2299 15 лет назад
Ghandi was truly a strong man - Homage to him and his courage for everything that he has done. He is truly one of the most courageous man that has ever lived, one who had transcended death perhaps - or maybe he just did not think about it? I suspect both... Respect to you and R.I.P., Ghandi
@avianmorales 12 лет назад
Ghandi's speeches are truly inspirational! If only we could practice what he preaches so that our world would be peaceful and safer.
@WarmongerWW3 13 лет назад
his non-violence is UNFORGIVABLE
@mdthaker 15 лет назад
The knowledge of Universal knowledge...
@Prema61 15 лет назад
I love You my Bapu
@britishstallion 13 лет назад
He was a man with some BIG balls ! R.I.P.
@shamen- 13 лет назад
one power which governs beyond the 5 senses. this is where religeon trumps science, the fact that religeon cant be disproved is stemming from the fact that it's an explination for the unknown, and an infallible fact of life is that the more we know, the more we realize we have yet to find out, religeon will forever exist due to this unsurity, and science will forever exist to explain it, they are two opposing constants which are necessary for human thought to remain higher than that of beasts
@MrJasondark1 13 лет назад
The power that rules is nature, not who, nature... Just because we don't understand how the universe operates doesn't mean there an out side force governing it. Things happen at random, or else those who believe would be much better off than those who don't... But it's not that way...
@babymookie7176 8 лет назад
subtitles would be much appreciated
@LeoGMaster 14 лет назад
@bobakkow it is meant to be by the mighty people, that we are envious...in the deep human soul we are maybe a little bit envious, but all the material things made this envy grow so strong...
@m5sheri5m 14 лет назад
we love u gandhi and he was really really great
@lloydterry 14 лет назад
all truth comes from within, you can hear it from outside, but only within do yuo know the truth.
@LittleDesertFlower78 13 лет назад
Also, being pacifist does NOT mean "standing by & doing nothing".. If he believed in 'doing nothing' then he'd nevr succeeded in defeating British Empire & freeing India. His philosophy, satyagraha, advocatd an alternative 2 violence as a means 2 gaining positive change. Passive resistance/civil disobediance.. Like MLK used in his struggle for civil rights. I do see how this method may not have been successful re:Nazi's.. But it CAN work! "There r many causes Id die 4, but none Id kill 4." ~G
@grantsteward 12 лет назад
If my original posting is still up, there was an error on my side, not the uploaders.
@ivlfounder 15 лет назад
In his youth Gandhi served in the Battle of Spion Kop. So much for his being a "nancy boy".
@foketesz 15 лет назад
-"What kind of soldier were you in this fight?" -"Not a very good one. That is why I am so tolerant of other rascals' misfits" That's beyond religion. Way beyond. And yet, that's in all religions. That's human. Pointing at evil outside makes evil within feel smaller.
@xjpnfanx 13 лет назад
What's with all the hate, this great man did so many amazing things.Yes, he was married at young age, well take a look at the time century he was living in! Young marriage was common almost everywhere due to the medical care, and other reasons. He made of vow to remain abstinent when he came back from Africa, which he had stayed for 21 years. Praised by Nelson Mandela and was a influential person to Martin Luther King Jr, tell me why these two well known African figures would praise a racist?
@AnetinkaKytinka 13 лет назад
I just love the accent!
@EanurAinumathar 13 лет назад
Incredible voice he had!
@PhilHunter2015 15 лет назад
Ah, thank you. Appreciated.
15 лет назад
every person that gave u a thumbs down, just confirmed everything u said.
@Citizen_X. 14 лет назад
@gusramose he is referring to Sir J C Bose (Jagdish Chandra Bose), an Indian Polymath. Cheers
@vasukidada 15 лет назад
jay hind, My India is Great
@PhilHunter2015 15 лет назад
At 1.50, who is the guy he is talking about?? Sir Jasee Goose? Please reply to this if you know who it is, I would like to research him. Many thanks in advance.
@oorakukka 16 лет назад
wow great....
@pradeepkumarmailsu 14 лет назад
bappuji you are my god...
@doughboy206 15 лет назад
Just as my denial or ignorance of the existence of an earthly power will avail me nothing,even so,my denial of God and His law will not liberate me from it's operation.Where as humble and mute acceptance of divine authority makes life's journey easier even as the acceptance of earthly rule makes life under it easyer.
@goofball944700 15 лет назад
Gandhi ji was a great man, hands down
@JacobTheIndoAmerican 14 лет назад
@madeinhinduindia No matter what legendary man out their, if you knew the "full" story you would find out people like Buddha,Jesus,what ever are not the perfect human beings they are out to be made by. Its reality...
@2233h 13 лет назад
@TheY2Jerk yet, there is still hope. It is up to us, people who have a real perception of the meaning of life, to help our diverted brothers. That is our duty to then.
@Caesar88888 15 лет назад
I cant say that Gandhi is ideal person and example for imitation, but you should understand that religion is not just "sitting in the corner" and "leading a shadowy existence". I follow Karma-yoga - that means active unselfish service to God and people.
@ANEWWORLD2012 15 лет назад
see 2012 the song - harry loco PEACE IS THE WAY !
@Caesar88888 15 лет назад
Its good to be Brave, its good to be strong, but if you use this qualities to feed youg egoism, that lead only to suffering. true religion is using your nature to serve God. My example of worthy religious leader is Shrila Prabhupada.
@AdamJones514 14 лет назад
They are still fighting for land and no sign of peace in sight. What the Nazis did can in no way be justified but hate never ceases by hate. Hate only ceases by means of love.
@minhali 14 лет назад
Er, GreatGrumbledook, notice that I mentioned that you were "right on the mark" in my reply. Yes, the state religion was just that, as I stated, "political," continuing Etruscan rituals, all show, but among the people, the household spirits ruledy, respect for Lares and Penates, Ianus, Vesta, personal connection to the forces of nature and ancestors, MOS MAIORUM, superstition, omens, readings of entrails, etc. So what did I forget? PS, Homer is not writing personal memoirs!
@gnamp 15 лет назад
Nicely put my friend. No one can deny that Gandhi was a good man- maybe even one of the best their ever was. But there is something truly repellent about the ugly hypocritical shadow he cast from these revelations, isn't there?
@kings2601 15 лет назад
happy birthday bapuu ,
@MutantNinjaFly 13 лет назад
@chitrakuut i think that gadhi would not care what people think about his sexuality because he preached compassion and acceptance.
@gorillashop337 14 лет назад
Absolute Wisdom
@LittleDesertFlower78 13 лет назад
@MrCope456 Gandhi realizd that the level of nonviolence he advocated required incredible faith & courage, which he believd every1 did not possess. He there4 advisd that every1 need not keep 2 nonviolence, especially if it were used as cover 4 cowardice. - Gandhi guarded against attracting those who feared fighting, or felt themselves incapable of resistance, 2 his satyagraha movement. "I do believe that where there is only a choice between cowardice & violence, I would advise violence" he wrote.
@supercava90 16 лет назад
of course i believe in one world
@felixfaster 15 лет назад
totally did not know that. Where did you learn that, a biography, or encyclopedia?
@WesternFrontMusic 13 лет назад
notice how most of the negative comments start by insulting others!
@flowerpowermeid 14 лет назад
he's great!
@whydid666 14 лет назад
@quarterexchange you where correct right up to that mid point India was released from Britain by diplomatic means because the English looked like slave masters in front of the world embarrassment made them let go of India, but India is still a common wealth country means it military is still allied with the British, same with Canada, Australia and other commen wealth nations.
@desunz 15 лет назад
This is a legitimate recording? very good quality for 1931...
@unematrix 12 лет назад
not exactly, he also said that you had to love him more then your own family, etc.
@GravDiga 13 лет назад
@totz2 Very true, thanks for reminding me of that.
@gnamp 15 лет назад
how about 'two wrongs don't make a right'? I maintain that mine was not a negative comment. It was a cold, hard, factual one- that has surprised his fans who didn't know it- pretty much all of them because a great many will cease to be fans afterwards. That was perhaps a little tactless on my part. "Hey kids! No Santa!!!" XD. We should be positive and good to one another though and that's something I agree with you both on. Pay it forward :)
@Cataclysm31 15 лет назад
i think thats a very appropriate way to punctuate their names. :P "He spell's his name with a ... lower case g"
@Asapoo 13 лет назад
@46Mongoose Thats because your a real man
@Mrityunjay143 13 лет назад
@PKPMom Tell me from where he was.Ican't imagine
@24lothrup 14 лет назад
there is no minority there is only mankind you who believes in this has allowed the man of goverment to persuade and devoure the very thing in wich god has put in front of us and that in it self is something i can not tell but something in wich you must find in your heart.
@iffypatel 16 лет назад
Lovely work Ibrahim!!
@Caesar88888 15 лет назад
p.s. I use this nickname of Caesar just because i like personality of Julius Caesar, and i'm sure he was religious person.
@kingsley2009 15 лет назад
Jesus was much more than a man, and in what way did he want to keep peace that would ruin so much?
@ashokbabuasp 13 лет назад
Does anyone know about Martin Luther King? Gandhi was the source of inspiration for him. Gandhi ended british imperialism, Gandhi controlled 30 million Indians by his mere principle of non violence. If he was evil I DONT THINK HE WOULD BE CALLED AS THE FATHER OF A NATION (India).
@BANTYxROOSTER 13 лет назад
Gandhi would make the best world leader.
@geekymarianne 13 лет назад
@chitrakuut, even if Gandhi truly *was* bisexual, i doubt it would matter to most rational, unprejudiced people. And he'd still be the great man he always was :)
@JattSpirit 13 лет назад
ghandi was just tutti, his looks and his words.
@357mes 14 лет назад
@MrGursud I don't, what is it?
@yoyoholck 14 лет назад
@aYsDigital well they have nuclear proof bunkers inside of mountains with every single seed thats on earth stored in containers, do resaerch on it
@Jamzkangster 16 лет назад
Ghandi is truly a hero to humanity!
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