
Hadith Rejecter Came Back from Sweden To Challenge Sheikh Mohammed On Hadith! Speakers Corner 

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@MrQ8center 3 дня назад
The policies implemented by Khomeini led to the alienation of the Iranian people from the broader Muslim community, resulting in a sense of isolation from the Muslim world. Jazak Allah Khair Sheik Mohammed 💐
@unconscioususa8903 2 дня назад
@@MrQ8center only isolated is the so-called Arab countries allowing the Shias to fight for Palestinians brothers and allow Israel to truck goods to Israel through Arab countries, so they all are weak and one day Israel will attack them they will have no help.
@ShoaibAhmedNZ 3 дня назад
The guy that doesn't even know the language or studied wants to teach. Insanity knows no bounds.
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
Do you need to know language to know Quran was protected? But they say it hasn't been protected.
@ShoaibAhmedNZ 2 дня назад
@@perfectdawah4535 That's a comprehension issue on your part. They do not say it is not protected. You've simply failed to understand the nature of abrogation, because you've decided you do not want to follow the sunnah due to your ignorance. And yes, the basic requirement of understanding a text is to have the ability to read the primary source material.
@perfectdawah4535 День назад
​@ShoaibAhmedNZ what this Hadithe says? Sunan Ibn Majah, Book of Nikah, Hadith # 1934) Narrated Aisha 'The verse of stoning and of suckling an adult ten times were revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept under my bed. When the Messenger of Allah (SAWW.) expired and we were preoccupied with his death, a goat entered and ate away the paper." For me it means that Quran is incomplete because two verses are not in the Quran because they were eaten by a goat 🐐.
@ShoaibAhmedNZ День назад
@@perfectdawah4535 As the Sheikh explained - it is not a Sahih hadith. Even excusing that, your understanding of the text as is, is faulty. It does not say it was revealed immediately prior to the incident of the goat. You're reading it into that. We know from other hadith that the prophet pbuh revised the whole Quran with Jibreel pbuh twice in his final year. And there were many huffaz, who memorised the entire Qran. A goat eating a piece of paper doesn't lead to mass selective amnesia. Hence your conclusion is invalid.
@perfectdawah4535 День назад
@ShoaibAhmedNZ man you are not using your brain but using your beliefs in your scholars. The Hadith is Hassan. It means it is in the level of Sahih. Just Google what Hassan Hadith means. Tell me what this verse says? Quran 4:25 .......If they commit adultery after marriage, they receive half the punishment of free women...... If a free woman gets stoning for adultery, then how can you stone your right hand poses wife half?
@MrQ8center 3 дня назад
English is not the source of knowledge. It's not even the language of Jesus. Jazak Allah Khair, Sheik Mohammed. 💐
@Thomas20249 3 дня назад
Even Greek, in which the earliest New Testament manuscripts are written, is not the language of Jesus. Jesus spoke Aramaic
@GeorgeLeRoux-x2v 2 дня назад
Mohammad is allah
@GeorgeLeRoux-x2v 2 дня назад
Mohammad is allah
@GeorgeLeRoux-x2v 2 дня назад
Mohammad is allah
@Thomas20249 2 дня назад
@@GeorgeLeRoux-x2v hhhhh I have never seen an ignorant like you
@KnowledgeBoutique 2 дня назад
This guy is looking for an Ahh Haa moment against the Sunnis that just will NEVER come. Allahu Akbar,.the Quran and Sunnah are perfectly complete.
@waleedsharif618 3 дня назад
This man seems to be Iranian 😅 ! Only they behave like this
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
@waleedsharif618 like being clever and not having blind faith? Yes, I am Iranian, and I don't swallow every lia these people feed me with.
@qwittaice7672 День назад
@@perfectdawah4535 Volume 9, Book 92, Number 382: Narrated 'Abdullah: The best talk (speech) is Allah's Book 'Quran), and the best way is the way of Muhammad, and the worst matters are the heresies (those new things which are introduced into the religion); and whatever you have been promised will surely come to pass, and you cannot escape (it).
@perfectdawah4535 День назад
@qwittaice7672 yes, the Hadith is about those who wanted to enter stoning in the Quran and because they couldn't do that, so they said the verse was eaten by a goat 🐐.
@waleedsharif618 День назад
@@perfectdawah4535 im not Iranian BUT i have lived in Iran for 6 years and i know exact reason why Iranians hate Islam and that reason is SHIA ! Shia is not Islam and its invented thing ! They have their own version of everything what sunnis have, example: shia people have karbala which they love more than Mecca, shia people have 3 times a day praying while Sunnis 5 times, shia people start and finnish ramadan one day before or after Sunnis, they have different wudu… let me tell you that they even have girlfriend and boyfriend system and its called Sigha ! People of Iran have seen fake Islam there which is Shia ! (Shish sal Iran budam wa khub midunam dalile nefrate mardome Irano), go and study Islam and hadith then you will know real Islam which is not Shia !
@momonasri8611 2 дня назад
What forced such elderly man into such insanity subhanallah.
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
The man asking him questions is me and he was very rude because he didn't have the right answer and he was lying.
@jojoahmd123 2 дня назад
@@perfectdawah4535 If you know the right answer why asking 🤔😂😂 you guys are so pathetic
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
@jojoahmd123 I am asking to show they don't have any answer to my questions and save people like you from these extremists. Didn't you see when I asked him, "Would you carry the penalty on me?" He refused to answer because he was ashamed of his barbaric beliefs? I he is proud, then why not saying yes?
@GeorgeLeRoux-x2v 2 дня назад
The old man discovered he was lied to and now seek answers ,and the sheik prooves without lies Islam don't just dies but spells hell
@GeorgeLeRoux-x2v 2 дня назад
Wow what a shame on the sheik and the one who whisper in his ear.
@Al_Ghifari_Al_Kinani 2 дня назад
Ignorance is bliss, and this man has issues. "You want the answer or you want to tell me the answer?"
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
@Al_Ghifari_Al_Kinani Ignorant are those who believe Allah S.W.T. couldn't protect his book from a goat. Those who believe in those barbaric acts are ignorant. Those who believe a goat eat the verses of the Quran.
@abuAbdul-Mumeet 2 дня назад
I am against hadeeth rejectors 100%, they are kaafir, but that ignorant man just described الحديث حسن لغيره which is actually hadeeth DHAA`EEF raised to the level of hasan. A hadeeth graded hasan is NOT weak like al-hadeeth hasanun li-ghayrihi. If we are going to argue with such people then we MUST impart the TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH and we MUST convey it correctly ALWAYS remembering we are passing on what we say in the good faith it is the deen of Allah and we are preserving it correctly. There is NO substituting true and correct knowledge! Ikhtilaaf is fine, so long as it is not a strange ruling that drifts away from the consensus of the respective school of jurisprudence the ruling is from. It is better to follow one set of fiqhi usool lest doubts will arise in the subconcious since all fiqhi masaa'il are derived using a specific set of usool and mixing up rulings foundational upon different usool will cause contradictions in the deen to arise and therefore doubts, which is why even mujtaahid mutlaq imaams adhered to ONE school. NO scholar in the history of islaam ever since the formal codification of fiqh has EVER claimed to adhere to multiple schools or multiple fiqhi masaa'il from the already existing schools, nor have they ever departed from the four surviving schools (there were more that fizzled out, eg. fiqh of Sufyaan ath-Thawri, fiqh of imaam al-Bukhaari, etc) except they were mujtaahid mutlaq and had their own set of usool formulated entirely upon the qur'aan and the sunnah. The thaahiri school is not considered a valid school of jurisprudence by the scholars of the ahl us-sunnah, although the manuscripts/books of the thaahiri school have always been invaluable to all scholars for research into the thaahir of texts and for mere consideration only in making rulings pertaining to modern matters if a thaahir text is required. The thaahiri school is famous for baatil fiqhi positions such as "Only the penis and testicles and anal hole of a man is awrah and a man may walk publicly covering them with his hands and may even pray in the masjid like it" - this is one of the more very extreme rulings of the thaahiri school, but it is a good example of why their school was never given credence by the ahl us-sunnah. They are deviants in fiqh to such an extent that it enters almost into mockery of the shari`ah. They say "The hadeeth says you cannot urinate in a bucket of water and then drink from it or make wudhu with it, therefore you can defecate in it and still drink from it or make wudhu with it"... These things are obviously very strange rulings and are rejected by the consensus of the ahl us-sunnah.
@MrManny075 День назад
This is so thick he can't get it, the truth is within him and he can't see, they all told him no one would kill you if you didn't go around spreading lies and hatred if you left Islam but if you become an enemy that is a different thing
@mohammadjangda2253 2 дня назад
Best is to state the facts avoiding the arguments and rest the case agreeing to disagreement. These ppl and many more weird ones exist and Satan wants an argument. This man when asked to stay away does not understand. May Allah help. Aameen! May Allah Guide. Aameen!
@moneyslaves1945 2 дня назад
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
No I want to save my religion from extremists who damages my religion.
@moneyslaves1945 2 дня назад
@jojoahmd123 2 дня назад
I believe he is from Iran and these people are known for their hypocrisy,..or a Jew ….he isn’t a Muslim at all…..maybe he is working for someone just to waste the Muslims time no real argument maybe just to Stop Muslims from talking with other people
@moneyslaves1945 2 дня назад
@@jojoahmd123 AGREE
@perfectdawah4535 День назад
@jojoahmd123 I believe you are very young and ignorant from a developing country, that is why you make these ridiculous accusations. I have been doing Dawah in many years, and I am well known. Only Islamophobs and extremists Muslims don't like me because I show people a beautiful religion.
@eelmohamed 2 дня назад
Vanilla latte, vanilla latte.😂😂😂
@samirhachad643 2 дня назад
Can you please ask this guy, if he returns, how did he knows that the Quran is from Allah?
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
Thus man is me. What was your question? I didn't understand what you meant.
@samirhachad643 2 дня назад
@@perfectdawah4535 why bother if you didn't understand question so simple
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
@samirhachad643 what do you mean by if I return, how do I know Quran is from Allah? Explain more, please, so that I can give the right answer.
@samirhachad643 2 дня назад
@@perfectdawah4535 how did you know that the book called Quran is a divine book, a book revealed from God? Please answer directly without asking me about my believe😑
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
@samirhachad643 Because of the scientific facts in the Quran. Like there is an end to this universe, and there was a beginning for this universe. How the universe ends also in the Quran. Parallel universes are in the Quran. But that is not all, but the beautiful moral teachings in the Quran also make it from God, not a man living 1400 years ago.
@ubdKingKong 3 дня назад
I think, this man is not a Muslim. He is a missionary
@waleedsharif618 3 дня назад
This man seems to be Iranian 😅 ! Only they behave like this
@mcegypt20 2 дня назад
Yea, seems that way. His energy towards Islam is really strange
@yusufahmedhaji8382 2 дня назад
This so-called Shekh is laying. Nothing wrong with Xadiith Hasan wether its لذاته او لغيره. However, he is right on the Rajmi(الرجم)
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
@yusufahmedhaji8382 He is laying about everything, even Rajam. If he is not laying, then where is the verse?
@Imaddongai 21 час назад
Yeah right, people doing taqiyah accuse other to be laying 😂😂😂 Can I do mut'ah with your mother?
@TheDragonaf1 2 дня назад
This is repeated no?
@singalongme1 3 дня назад
There is no Abrogation of any verse in Quran, these are all made up stories since each and every verse is as applicable as it was 1400 years ago. When Allah says that "If We ever abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten" means before Quran was completed and the process of revelations was still continue not with the completed Holy Quran itself. Secondly this Sheikh also Quoted a verse of Quran 4:43 that "Don't go near salah if you are intoxicated" is not abrogated instead it is still practiced if someone living in a non-Muslim society is intoxicated by mistake (because there is no ban of alcohol in non-Muslims societies) or if someone taking it as a medicine effecting the mental condition of the patient. Sheikh how is it abrogated ? And when Quran says in 5:90 it means that the application Must be applied in the Islamic society for Muslims by banning it completely. In these alcohol three verses Allah is telling people how to deal with them in three different stages but Mr Sheikh is abrogating them ? There is another verse in Quran which says if a women does adulatory lock her in the room and then wait for the next command, the next command is to lash her. So in normal circumstances people do not go on lashing without locking and interrogating? So where is abrogation ? When Quran speaks about abrogation it speaks to abrogate the previous LAW which was Torah or Injeel instead of abrogating its own verses.
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
@singalongme1 exactly, brother. These people are fools. You see how rude he was to me. If he had the power in the UK, he would eliminate me.
@mcegypt20 2 дня назад
Supposed to go with the understanding if the Prophet SAW and sahabah, not your own interpretation of the translation
@singalongme1 День назад
@@mcegypt20 No one is asking to not to follow Quran along with Sunnah though I am not a Sunnah rejector. But unfortunately there is no Hadith available on this subject nor the companions of Prophet were following the way we were taught the meaning of abrogation. There is only one Hadith on this subject in regards to the ruling of stoning since the companions took the ruling of it because it was believed to be the revelation of Allah but then Allah made it forgotten as it is mentioned in Quran too. Companions took the ruling of stoning but the final version of the punishment for Adultery was revealed in Quran in the form of whips or lashes instead of stoning. Even the verse of Quran says that “we made it forget or reveal something better than it” and in that case Allah made the revelation of stoning forgotten and revealed something better to it which was whip or lashing. We cannot play with the verses of completed Holy Quran by abrogating its own verses and rulings. This was later invented by imams trying to justify the ruling or verses which were not included in Quran or forgotten even lot of Imams disagree on the ruling of abrogation as well, but if we analyse and understand Quran through those Hadith the law of abrogation is no more than a fabrication. Quran only speaks of abrogating previous law which is Torah and injeel instead of abrogating itself. If we abrogate the verses or Quran like this sheikh is teaching then we are creating contradiction in Quran that how come Quran be the completed book which is “Kamil” or how Allah made it “Akmal”. When it was in the process of completing there was things that have been taken out but when it was completed it’s the Final accepted version. Allah did it based on the situation because lot of people non-muslims argue that did Allah not know what is he revealing? The answer to it is that Allah did not revealed something completely new in those abborgated verses which were made to be forgotten or not included in Quran since it was the same old ruling from Injeel and Torah similar to stoning.
@samirhachad643 2 дня назад
He's a sellout of the west
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
@samirhachad643 If I believe in the most merciful and forgiving God not in a barbarian God who orders you to stone other humans, am a sellout of the west?
@thehourglassfan3515 День назад
You have no evidence to say that.
@perfectdawah4535 День назад
@thehourglassfan3515 This guy is asking me for evidence that God exists, but here he plays God. 🤣🤣🤣
@justiceequalspeace 3 дня назад
The layman understands the Holy Qur'an better than the narrow-minded hate-preaching arrogant self-appointed Sheikh.
@Ismail-1983 3 дня назад
@@justiceequalspeace what have you been smoking?
@justiceequalspeace 3 дня назад
​@@Ismail-1983 The Sheikh believes that if anyone leaves the religion of Islam, they should be killed. He preaches hate and terrorism. He is a disgrace to the religion that means Peace. The visitor was correct in his arguments that the Qur'anic teaching is based on "There is no compulsion in religion".
@alhomsiyyah 3 дня назад
Sorry, are you trying to imply that this idiot who doesn't understand Arabic and is trying to teach an Arab Arabic has "understanding"? Please, don't make us laugh.
@rifarira9160 2 дня назад
@@justiceequalspeace pass the blunt dude
@mcegypt20 2 дня назад
Idk which video you watched. If he understood the Quran he would follow the Hadith and wouldn’t be behaving the way he is. We should strongly oppose the ppl who are spreading lies about Islam. Period
@shariengodfried4899 3 дня назад
Jehovah, our Father, and His Son Jesus Christ are alone to be exalted. The knowledge of God is eternal life to those who receive it. His holy banner is to stand elevated above all the greatness of the greatest men, above all the honor and glory of the world.“THE 3 GODS ,TRINITY IS OF ROME, THE VATICAN .satan WANTED TO BE THE 3 GOD SO he GET WORSHIP .THIS IS OPEN NOW BEFORE WE CHRISTIAN BY THIS IN REVELATION 14 : 6 - 7 WE READ : THE FATHER SAID TO HIS SON JESUS , LET US US MAKE MAN IN OUR OUR IMAGE IN LIKENESS , GENESIS 1 : 26 THE EXPLAIN US CLEARLY WHO WAS THERE IN GENESIS 1 : 26 READ , HEBREWS 1 : 1 - 3 WE SEE JESUS THE EXACT IMAGE OF GOD , COLOSSIANS 1: 15 - 16 THE GODHEAD THE BIBLE TEACH US IS THE GOD THE FATHER AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST,,THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OF THE FATHER AND JESUS ,JOHN 20 : 22
@moneyslaves1945 2 дня назад
Simple Reasons Why Jesus is NOT God 1- God Doesn t Change His Nature (Malachi 3:6) 2- GOD Almighty is Greater than Jesus. (John 14:28 ) 3- No one is "Good" including Jesus.Only GOD is" Good" (Luke 18:19) 4- Jesus said he doesn't know when the Hour will come. Only GOD Knows. (Mark 13:32) 5- Jesus said that" OUR God is One GOD (Mark 12:29 ) 6- Jesus also said "My GOD and your GOD" (John 20:17) 7- Jesus bowed his face down to the ground to GOD Almighty. (Matthew 26:39) 8- Jesus was tempted by satan for 40 days (Mat1:4), while GOD Almighty can not be tempted (Jacob 1:13) 9- Jesus said he is a man (John 8:40) 10- God is neither a man nor a son of a man (Numbers 23:19) 11- No one can see God (1 John 4:20) but people saw Jesus 12- God is the living and everlasting (Habakkuk 1:12) 13- Jesus always confessed he is just a prophet sent by God (Matthew 21:10-11) 14- God Declared Himself to be God, Jesus didn't (Ezekiel 20:20) 15- Jesus told his real mission was to preach not sacrifice Mark1:38) 16- Jesus desired Mercy not Sacrifice (Matthew 9:13) 17- Jesus refered to himself as Servant: Matthew 10:24, 24:45, 12:18 John 13:16 18- Referred to himself as Prophet: Matthew 8:20 13:16,21:11, Mark 6:15, 6;4, 9;37, Luke 7:16, 9:8, 9:19, John 13:17, 7:16, 6:14, 7:40 19- Referred tohimself as Son of Man: Matthew 5:9, 17:22, 8:20, 18:11, 26:2, Luke9:22, John 5:27 20- Referred to himself as a Slave: John 13:16, Matthew 10:24 21- Referred to himself as a Student: Matthew 10:24 22- Father is Grater than Jesus (John 14:28) How can someone be greater than God? 23- Jesus was taught by the Father (John 8:28) 24- Jesus can do nothing by himself (John 5:19, John 5:30) 25- Jesus does not even has his own doctrine (John 7:16) 26- Jesus ascend to his God (John 20:17) 27- According to Christians, Jesus died as recorded in Matthew 27:27-56 but Bible says that God is infinite Pslam 102:27-27 28- Jesus needed to Pray, Eat, Drink and Was Helped by Woman, as stated in Luke 8:1-3 but God in Bible is self-sufficient Psalm 50:12 29- The God remain the same in nature (Hebrews 1:12) 30- Jesus is the same human today, yesterday and forever (Hebrew 13:8) 31- Jesus could not saved anyone as he was even not able to save himself (Hebrews 5:1-8) 32- Jesus said he was sent to lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15:24) 33- God can not be born and perhaps form his own creation 34- Jesus never ask people to worship him 35- Jesus did not Teach Trinity 36- God is the essence of the worship. He is the object of worship. Had Jesus been God, he would have told people to worship him. Truly, he did the exact opposite as in Matthew 15:9 37- Jesus never call his followers Christians, Paul did 38- Jesus as a servant of God (Matthew 12:18) The word "BEGOTTEN" has been removed from all new print Bibles!
@Imaddongai 20 часов назад
"His Son" ??? Did He donate sperm ??
@YeshuaIsLord7777 2 дня назад
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Perfect Dawah should leave islam. This religion is nonsense and they refuse to condemn terrorism 27:36
@Imaddongai 20 часов назад
"The Way" is the key word. Along the way, there are many gas station.
@perfectdawah4535 2 дня назад
The man asking him questions is me and he was very rude because he didn't have the right answer and he was lying.
@thehourglassfan3515 День назад
Salam Aleikum. Peace Be with You, brother. You exhibited some real patience there. All thanks and praises be to Allah, whoever wrongs only does it at the expense of their own souls.
@Kirk-d7v День назад
@@thehourglassfan3515 He was very upset with Avery trying to get him explain simple questions *God Logic* podcast
@reshmaakthar6970 3 дня назад
Asalamualikum sheikh, hazelnut latte , stop the vanilla latte please. JazakAllah
@shariengodfried4899 3 дня назад
John 3:16-18 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
@moneyslaves1945 2 дня назад
Simple Reasons Why Jesus is NOT God 1- God Doesn t Change His Nature (Malachi 3:6) 2- GOD Almighty is Greater than Jesus. (John 14:28 ) 3- No one is "Good" including Jesus.Only GOD is" Good" (Luke 18:19) 4- Jesus said he doesn't know when the Hour will come. Only GOD Knows. (Mark 13:32) 5- Jesus said that" OUR God is One GOD (Mark 12:29 ) 6- Jesus also said "My GOD and your GOD" (John 20:17) 7- Jesus bowed his face down to the ground to GOD Almighty. (Matthew 26:39) 8- Jesus was tempted by satan for 40 days (Mat1:4), while GOD Almighty can not be tempted (Jacob 1:13) 9- Jesus said he is a man (John 8:40) 10- God is neither a man nor a son of a man (Numbers 23:19) 11- No one can see God (1 John 4:20) but people saw Jesus 12- God is the living and everlasting (Habakkuk 1:12) 13- Jesus always confessed he is just a prophet sent by God (Matthew 21:10-11) 14- God Declared Himself to be God, Jesus didn't (Ezekiel 20:20) 15- Jesus told his real mission was to preach not sacrifice Mark1:38) 16- Jesus desired Mercy not Sacrifice (Matthew 9:13) 17- Jesus refered to himself as Servant: Matthew 10:24, 24:45, 12:18 John 13:16 18- Referred to himself as Prophet: Matthew 8:20 13:16,21:11, Mark 6:15, 6;4, 9;37, Luke 7:16, 9:8, 9:19, John 13:17, 7:16, 6:14, 7:40 19- Referred tohimself as Son of Man: Matthew 5:9, 17:22, 8:20, 18:11, 26:2, Luke9:22, John 5:27 20- Referred to himself as a Slave: John 13:16, Matthew 10:24 21- Referred to himself as a Student: Matthew 10:24 22- Father is Grater than Jesus (John 14:28) How can someone be greater than God? 23- Jesus was taught by the Father (John 8:28) 24- Jesus can do nothing by himself (John 5:19, John 5:30) 25- Jesus does not even has his own doctrine (John 7:16) 26- Jesus ascend to his God (John 20:17) 27- According to Christians, Jesus died as recorded in Matthew 27:27-56 but Bible says that God is infinite Pslam 102:27-27 28- Jesus needed to Pray, Eat, Drink and Was Helped by Woman, as stated in Luke 8:1-3 but God in Bible is self-sufficient Psalm 50:12 29- The God remain the same in nature (Hebrews 1:12) 30- Jesus is the same human today, yesterday and forever (Hebrew 13:8) 31- Jesus could not saved anyone as he was even not able to save himself (Hebrews 5:1-8) 32- Jesus said he was sent to lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15:24) 33- God can not be born and perhaps form his own creation 34- Jesus never ask people to worship him 35- Jesus did not Teach Trinity 36- God is the essence of the worship. He is the object of worship. Had Jesus been God, he would have told people to worship him. Truly, he did the exact opposite as in Matthew 15:9 37- Jesus never call his followers Christians, Paul did 38- Jesus as a servant of God (Matthew 12:18) The word "BEGOTTEN" has been removed from all new print Bibles!
@Al_Ghifari_Al_Kinani 2 дня назад
See my response above to your claims.
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