
Marjorie Trailer Greene for Christian Nationalism 

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian
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22 окт 2024




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@MusicfromMarrs 2 года назад
When they tell you who they are, believe them.
@thomasgallipoli8376 2 года назад
This is chilling…it fits like a glove! Thank you very much again dear Sister Betty. Proud to be a Patreon supporter
@gabrielmaroto18 2 года назад
There’s no hate like Christian love!
@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism 2 года назад
American Indians know this all too well.
@Notsoshady4891 2 года назад
Oh that's because they didn't read that book they like so much. I heard there is this guy that's in that book, I forget his name, that was a socialist. That same guy is the one that they talk about all the time, but like that he's like great and all that. So they talk about a guy that is "great" but don't do anything he said. I read it a bit myself. Job really should have stood up for himself. God was being a really jerk for incredibly selfish reasons. Was that an allegory about having job?
@user-fx4qz8pt3w 2 года назад
Can I get an AMEN?!
@spacemanspiff2137 2 года назад
Anyone know where this line originated? It sounds like something George Carlin would have said, but I couldn’t find anything linking it to him.
@5150cappie 2 года назад
For the trump cult denominations, don't forget biblical idolatry and hypocrisy - Herr Yahweh's favorite human qualities, I understand.
@darttoyou1398 2 года назад
"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion." Professor Steven Weinberg
@chrislaprise398 2 года назад
Amen to that!
@Echo81Rumple83 2 года назад
And bad people who use religion as a means to an end, like power and control, then they know damn well that god is full of buulshiit.
@nickpacitti3247 2 года назад
Love it 👍👏✌️
@Bob-of-Zoid 2 года назад
It was said long before Stephen Weinberg was even born! Not that it's a bad one, or not true, but it just wasn't Weinberg! Hitch used it too, and said the name of the person who said it originally.
@darttoyou1398 2 года назад
@@Bob-of-Zoid really? But you don't know? Sigh
@batgurrl 2 года назад
Thank you Betty. Brilliant use of her own words with ironic background images of hate. Scathing commentary👏👏
@zeideerskine3462 2 года назад
I am happy to have found this this channel. When I first came to America 25 years ago I got scared that all white Amerikkkans were like her because where we lived they certainly were. Now that we moved to coastal central California I see that there are some intelligent people still around. That gives me joy and hope.
@leticiagarcia9025 2 года назад
I’m an atheist. I have respect for those of faith. This vile woman and others who think like her have hijacked Christianity to use whatever they want under the guise of religion. This is evil.
@teresabates1498 2 года назад
I agree it is
@SaddleInTheRain 2 года назад
@Leticia Garcia I am too. If god and the devil do exist (for arguments sake), I'd say religion is the biggest con job perpetrated on god by the devil. The jokes on god...
@reaper411b 2 года назад
That's literally how religion's always been.
@christopherheckman7957 2 года назад
Friedrich Schleiermacher's approach to Christianity established two important principles that were to have great impact. First, there was his disengagement of the content of faith from historical witness to events which could have a controlling or guiding result. This led to the second principle, the implicit notion that one could legitimately detach Christianity from its historic matrix of Scripture, creed, and doctrine and still have a valid claim to being a Christian. What Schleiermacher accomplished in reality was to promulgate a new religion altogether, while calling it "Christianity." -- Richard Terrell, Resurrecting the Third Reich
@leticiagarcia9025 2 года назад
@@christopherheckman7957 Exactly sir. This is how fascism starts.
@a.g.m8790 2 года назад
These people are getting *real* bold. Overturning Roe vs Wade was like a rallying call for these weirdos
@gabriellen.2886 2 года назад
Yes. And since THAT completely worked for them, I've little doubt that the plan is to hammer away other rights: I can imagine evening curfews and "mandated proper attire" for females someday, as they've now become Holy Vessels of Birth Which Must Be Controlled. I can envision a time when "undesirables" (pick one) will have to carry papers in order to move around in public. I believe we'll see many men become penniless as they're forced to support the new millions of births coming. The states certainly won't help at all. And death. Lots and lots and lots of death, all while we holler pro-life and pro-AR-15 and anti-mask and anti-vaxx in the same fetid breath. Can't leave out book-banning, and teachers being threatened if found to be teaching...! I'm waiting these days for some fool to get in front of a mic and yell, "Let's bring back slavery!" @@
@a.g.m8790 2 года назад
@@gabriellen.2886 yea and all the while Democrats will keep telling people to “go vote” 😤 Anybody who thinks that isn’t possible hasn’t been paying attention to history OR current events
@DogmaDisputant 2 года назад
Good people will do good things and bad people will do bad things but if you want good people to do bad things that takes religion.
@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism 2 года назад
Or Nationalism. Greed will work too. The colonial US terrorist organization who call themselves your government, uses lies. They trick their citizens into fighting and exporting other countries around the world with the lie that's it's for your "freedom." Those are good people too. Deceived by the evil terrorists. Tricked into oppressing other nations and killing for greed. There's little wonder the boys come home, after learning what they've done and take their own life's.
@5150cappie 2 года назад
And a greasy salesman to work them, and boy, did he ever.
@SCS-1964 2 года назад
BOOM>>>> “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” ---- Voltaire Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world. ---- Voltaire Of all religions, the Christian should of course inspire the most tolerance, but until now Christians have been the most intolerant of all men. ---- Voltaire As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities. ---- Voltaire If you have two religions in your land, the two will cut each other’s throats; but if you have thirty religions, they will dwell in peace ---- Voltaire Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. ---- Voltaire “Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” ― Isaac Asimov “The Bible has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies.” ― Mark Twain “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” ― Steven Weinberg I feel that we should stop wasting our time trying to please the supernatural and concentrate on improving the welfare of human beings -------- Ruth Hermence Green The Bible. That is what fools have written, what imbeciles commend, what rogues teach and young children are made to learn by heart. ---- Voltaire The truths of religion are never so well understood as by those who have lost the power of reason. ---- Voltaire
@5150cappie 2 года назад
@@SCS-1964 Agreed wholeheartedly.
@Labor_Jones 2 года назад
*It's pretty simple... as the RICH GOT RICHER our Democracy became Weaker!*
@SapphWolf 2 года назад
"It doesn't mean we're perfect, it just means we can do no wrong and our authority can't be questioned." MTG (basically)
@carlwinters8632 2 года назад
People like her actually make me like religion less and less. I don't live in Georgia, but man I hope Marcus Flowers unseats her. If people like her and Trump actually got everything they wanted the U.S would be the Christian equivalent of the Middle East. It frightens me how many Americans actually want that. Because I don't want to live in a theocracy.
@imrankh68 2 года назад
That's exactly why they are called the Christian Taliban
@fatslapper49 2 года назад
I think the bulk of them that support this really don't fully understand the world they're fighting for. Many of these people have just been brainwashed into this cult.
@edwardmiessner6502 2 года назад
Not just any place in the Middle East, but Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, or ISIS back when it was a thing.
@unclejimmy5778 2 года назад
Soon every GOP rally will include book burnings and public executions(by crucifixion naturally). Rocks will be distributed upon departure to be thrown into the nearest structure owned by a scapegoated demographic.
@markwilson6237 2 года назад
That was brutal. Thank you, Betty.
@sashineb.2114 2 года назад
Thank you, Betty! 💯👍🌺
@hotdrippyglass 2 года назад
I don't think it is possible to have found a better way of saying it ! Thank you Mrs. Bowers.
@DanyaelChancellor 2 года назад
Best campaign add ever 🔥 👍 Thank you Betty.
@randallremix 2 года назад
It writes itself doesn't it? And everyone knows that margarine is NOT real butter.
@Meridian83West 2 года назад
This is brilliant! Once again I'm reminded of the quote from Mahatma Gandhi when he was asked about western religion: "I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
@dafttool 2 года назад
*Ever since the Chosen One miraculously showed up,* *Fulfilling the “Christian” wishes of the morally corrupt,* *A Golden Idol was lifted up for the Evangelical Taliban* *To become a false prophet of invidious command.*
@MichaelS-pr9qn 2 года назад
What an awesome review of the, now, clearly least best part of North America.
@nhlcbj 2 года назад
These mad dogs need to be put down
@gabrielmaroto18 2 года назад
These mad dogs need to be re-educated!
@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism 2 года назад
@@gabrielmaroto18 No "re" just educated. The colonial US "government" doesn't want it's citizens educated. That would be very bad for them. Very, very bad. It would lead to their demise and they know it.
@wllm4785 2 года назад
"Are you trying to make Jesus cry?" "The only thing Christians ignore more than Jesus is their waistlines."
@jazznjive 2 года назад
The dilemma: Do you continue to notify people when this woman distorts the meaning of everything & everyone or do you ignore this type of propaganda & hope that the lack of air time shuts MTG down? This is the best correlation of MTG and bigotry that I've seen to date. Thanks
@richardblanke5521 2 года назад
Thank you Betty
@merrittn6397 2 года назад
Glory be Mrs. Bowers!!!
@GM-cj1qf 2 года назад
Margarine Tater Green Bean is a side dish that needs to be thrown out before November. I hate that s***!
@dama9150 2 года назад
Ha! The perfect title... A dish best served cold with a side of crap.
@nowthenzen 2 года назад
aren't all the Dunce Caps kind of a self own?
@SaddleInTheRain 2 года назад
@Robert They absolutely are and it would be funny if so many voters didn't believe the same crap she does...
@willdejong7763 2 года назад
They’re just like the rest of the folks who voted for MTG, dumb and proud of it.
@brooks8792 2 года назад
Phal lic replacenents
@1Tomrider 2 года назад
She ~might~ not want to use this in her campaigns, but that isn't for sure, and certainly with anyone who voted for her, it'd be a decent bet that she'd have a thumbs-up reception!
@mamapetillo8675 2 года назад
They may air it at rally’s, but I think that they may have figured out that the general public doesn’t find this to be a turn-on.
@ArcaneWolf9 2 года назад
"This message has been paid for by the campaign to re-elect Margarine Tater Greed." Oh, and the polling says she's going to win in a landslide.
@mamapetillo8675 2 года назад
@@ArcaneWolf9 🤢
@sethsassy 2 года назад
"Illinois Nazis...I hate Illinois Nazis." - Jake and Elwood.
@gabriellen.2886 2 года назад
I loved that line from the BBs. I'm in St. Louis and years ago we had a Nazi enclave right on a main throughfare here. They walked around unmolested in their uniforms, with flags and all. Brownshirts, I think they were; Sturm Abteilung. Amazingly awful.
@thecrowpit24 2 года назад
"I like your Christ but I don't like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." ~ A wise man
@user-em6ie2be7x 2 года назад
Hey Marjorie you know what Good Christians don't do?....Have Affairs. 🤣
@perryegolson833 2 года назад
You know damn well “Christians “ do whatever the hell they want.
@cheeseschrist2303 2 года назад
You're confusing "Christians" with "christians".
@5150cappie 2 года назад
Or associate themselves with an old testament special needs golden idol.
@tygrkhat4087 2 года назад
I doesn't matter. She has chosen Jesus as her personal savior; so she, and others of her ilk, think they can do what ever heinous shit they want, because Jesus will save them.
@cheeseschrist2303 2 года назад
@@tygrkhat4087 Yes,they know that Jesus died for our sins, and if they do not sin, he died in vain.
@ravingcyclist624 2 года назад
One nation "under god".... We need to get that out of our allegiance to the flag. Eisenhower put "under god" into the anthem.
@dragondancer1814 2 года назад
And restore our motto from the equally-divisive “In God We Trust” (added at the same time by the same McCarthyist chuckleheads whose boogeyman of choice was the Communist under the bed) with our original and far more appropriate motto “E. Pluribus Unum.”
@lanetower3411 2 года назад
I always say “blah blah blah” during that bit.
@dragondancer1814 2 года назад
@@lanetower3411 I just skip those words altogether and then pick back up with “indivisible.” I taught my kids to do the same thing on the grounds that those two words are not part of the original Pledge and they discriminate against anyone who isn’t a follower of the Judeo-Christian monotheistic faith (which includes us).
@jimgoff1170 2 года назад
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. (Beau of the fifth column). Nothing else needs to be added
@DesertPackrat 2 года назад
I am sorry to say that calling yourself a Christian as a political badge is exactly what Christianity is not supposed to be. I believe in loving my neighbors and not casting judgement upon them. I will let God determine if I achieve this and can be seen in His eyes as a disciple of Christianity. Be wary of anyone that self-proclaims themselves as such or more importantly judges others as not.
@sfkeepay 2 года назад
Betty nails it again.
@KonaMark1 2 года назад
What I find most troubling about this woman is that she is an elected Republican; none of these people should hold public office. Anywhere. At any time 🤷‍♂️🤬👎🏻
@kosmokritikos9299 2 года назад
Perhaps someone should tell MTG that the word Nazi was derived as a contraction of the German word _Nationalist,_ which translated into English is _Nationalist._ Or perhaps not.
@averagefanenjoyer8696 2 года назад
She literally has the "I want to speak to the manager" stereotypical karen voice
@stefr13 2 года назад
She is Queen Karen.
@michaeldeignan7922 2 года назад
klan karen
@nineparr3110 2 года назад
@@michaeldeignan7922 emphasis on the Klan part
@brunozeigerts6379 2 года назад
I'd heard that racist elements talked to George Bush(the second one) about helping his campaign. His response: There's the door, get out.' Trump's was likely, 'Sounds good ... when do we start?'
@Ubotit_Unaymit 2 года назад
I'm not a veterinarian, but I believe she may have rabies.
@henrytawnn8694 2 года назад
We might just need to put her down, then.
@AlbertaGeek 2 года назад
Neither am I, but I must respectfully disagree your diagnosis. Rabies attacks the brain, doesn't it? Well...
@cherylcrawford5383 2 года назад
@mamamheus7751 2 года назад
Andrew, as ever you hit the nail on the head. This is so true and so scary, and I'm not even American. That woman is --- you know? I've run out of words.
@dayaautum6983 2 года назад
We here in America describe her as Beavis, and Matt Gaetz as Butthead.
@saneasthenextguy196 2 года назад
MTG doesn't understand either the constitution or the bible.
@AZOffRoadster 2 года назад
HOLY CRAP!!! We're paying her salary. And I thought Michelle Bachmann was insane, wanting the "End Of Days" to happen in her lifetime. Religion (imaginary friends) will be our Great Filter if we don't squash this idiocy. It's dragged on for too long. Grow up, people. You are responsible for your own actions. Your imaginary friend didn't make you lose that football game.
@gwine9087 2 года назад
And you will be paying it until, at least, 2024.
@scottanthony3426 2 года назад
Oh no, no, no. the imaginary friend only gets credit when something GOOD happens. When something bad happens, it is just a mystery. Ever see an athlete point at the sky after shanking a FG or striking out? When people miraculously survive some disaster, they cite the invisible man intervening. But never question why this all powerful invisible man didn't just prevent the disaster to begin with, or explain why thousands died in the same event. Oh, that's right, it's because he's working in "mysterious ways". Yeah, MGT is scary stuff - from the standpoint that too many people think she's brilliant.
@loriw2661 2 года назад
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ………Voltaire There’s no belief more absurd than a belief in god
@harrypsaros2255 2 года назад
So true
@martynjones8560 2 года назад
"Our magic sky pixie ordered us to have no gun control, but to control the reproductive rights of women - it's what Jesus would've wanted". Chilling stuff.
@danieleveritt2823 2 года назад
I truly CANNOT fathom that this woman ACTUALLY thinks that she is a "christian" in any sense of the word. This woman is expert at twisting and turning questions around onto anyone who challenges her; evades accountability at EVERY turn - even when her hypocrisy is shoved right under her nose. She just evades, sidesteps, diverts, etc. There is absolutely NO point in having any conversation with this woman. But there is EVERY point in reminder her, at EVERY opportunity, that she is seen for the hate-mongering bigot she reveals herself to be - and to expose her at EVERY turn. Sadly, there are plenty of people JUST LIKE HER, who voted for her. And I'm sure that things have been done to make sure that those living in her district continue to keep her in power. The ONLY legal that will get rid of this fetid lump of bleach-blond flesh, is that there will be enough in her district who will vote her out of office.
@Blake-Urizen 2 года назад
Not just MTG, but the morally dubious people who turn up and cheer her malevolence. It's like applauding the devil.
@teresabates1498 2 года назад
She's too full of hate to be a Christian.
@ElCapAddict 2 года назад
Kellyanne Conway is still the OG of deflection.
@mark99k 2 года назад
Well, reminding her directly would be pointless, since it presupposes that she can feel shame.
@JustWasted3HoursHere 2 года назад
Like her Lord and Savior Donald Trump, MTG has *NOT ONE* Christ-like attribute. Not. One.
@5150cappie 2 года назад
Wish I wrote this: Question: What's the difference between trump republicans and Ukrainians? Answer: Ukrainians don't attack their Capitol.
@rebbeshort 2 года назад
If Trump gets off, the punchline of that will change to, "Ukrainians defend their Capitol".
@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism 2 года назад
Their own government didn't deceive them into believe someone was attempting to steal their country. Put the blame where it belongs; on the US terrorist origination from Europe, who call themselves the "US Government." Don't blame the low IQ uneducated, blind followers for just following the orders of who they thought were their leader.
@5150cappie 2 года назад
@@rebbeshort I think I've seen a couple versions of that floating around. LOL.😁
@slackjaw703 2 года назад
I almost hope she gets her wish, just to watch her loose her right to vote or hold a job, & be forced to bow down completely to her husband at all times. When they don’t allow women to drive or leave the house unaccompanied maybe she’ll see the error in her ways? Because these things never stop until total control is reached under the guise of religion, & then only war can change it. Theocracies always turn out the same. Always.
@gman6081 2 года назад
Sadly....she and many many others just like her would probably be quite content having to always bow down and become subserviant to men in addition to losing all their rights and freedoms, including their own right to have a logical /decent/humane thought travel through their own heads....how in the hell did she get elected?!?!?!....how in the hell did we arrive at this juncture?!?!?!?!
@slackjaw703 2 года назад
@@gman6081 When an animal gets cornered they either try to run or get vicious. This is the far right Christians fighting for their lives, because they are literally losing people in droves. They pretty much own the right because of the voting block they’ve formed. What’s crazy is the “nones” are a bigger group. We just need to coalesce immediately.
@SaddleInTheRain 2 года назад
@Slackjaw Handmaid's Tale, anybody? It's not just dystopian fiction anymore.
@dama9150 2 года назад
She's an authoritarian, so will accept any role she is told to. She would become the person who 'trains' the women.
@dama9150 2 года назад
@@SaddleInTheRain It never was, societies like that have always existed.
@jenf2857 2 года назад
Absolutely frightening, and I live half way across the world.
@rellikinvictus1057 2 года назад
I seem to remember another historical figure who considered themselves a Christian Nationalist. It ended up being a very bad thing.
@coolaunt516 2 года назад
I googled it and the parade is from 1926. This battle has been going on for decades.
@steveharrison3007 2 года назад
You tell it like it is. I worry for America.
@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism 2 года назад
Do not worry for colonialism. Rejoice for it's eventual, inevitable, demise.
@stinkymccheese8010 2 года назад
She needs to read the United States Constitution.
@sheitanecalmas 2 года назад
Hearing MTG (which really stands for Mountain of Total Garbage) saying she's a Christian is an insult to my faith and an assault on my intelligence.
@phantommensa 2 года назад
Please send this video to Traitor Green, she needs to see what the propaganda slogans she uses are really about! Christian Nationalism = the KKK America First = the KKK, the American Nationalist Party (aka the American Nazis Party) Traitor Green would fit in well with either of those groups!
@danjosephson6910 2 года назад
M.T. Greene.
@sheitanecalmas 2 года назад
@@danjosephson6910 It seems that the 'joke' flew right over your head. I don't want to assume anything but that would be consistent with someone who supports MTG, and her racist zealot rhetoric. In my book, every time she opens her mouth, she demonstrates her egregious ignorance, and I would dare say her low level of intelligence that she flaunts with complete misplaced confidence. Her discourse is full of bigotry, racism as illustrated in the video where she proudly proclaims to being a Crhistian Nationalist the definition of which I'm sure she has no idea of. To each his own. Stay safe.
@danjosephson6910 2 года назад
@@sheitanecalmas M.T. spoken aloud sounds like empty. I'll forgive you for missing the joke.
@sheitanecalmas 2 года назад
@@danjosephson6910 ????
@vincentray5226 2 года назад
Dear God, please save us from your followers.
@GM-cj1qf 2 года назад
@teresabates1498 2 года назад
@tenofivelips 2 года назад
This woman made a name for herself by chasing traumatized Parkland students down the street yelling at them. Vile woman.
@kaylandry3142 2 года назад
Christians wake up everyday asking themselves, who do I want to hurt first?
@captainandthelady 2 года назад
You can almost hear "Deutchland Uber Alles" playing in the back round
@scottklocke891 2 года назад
Not Deutschland Uber Alles, nat Die Fahne Hoch, a.k.a. Horst Wesel Lied.
@gabriellen.2886 2 года назад
@@scottklocke891 Shhhh don't give MTG any "ideas" for upcoming political rally music.🙄
@usgary567 2 года назад
Notice she had to ask her audience "Isnt that right?".......she had to feed the response from her audience. Anyone who speaks and asks questions like " right?" or "You know what I mean?", "are you with me?" means they are not confident in not only what they are saying but how they look at themselves.
@athetitsforechrist243 2 года назад
I got 3 days in Facebook jail for sharing this post. They called it "Hate Speech" ..
@molliethomas2585 2 года назад
Considering where Marjorie's from this doesn't surprise me in the slightest
@marilynphillips988 2 года назад
See the Handmaids Tale, people. That’s where this monster would happily lead us to.
@SaddleInTheRain 2 года назад
@Marilyn Phillips I just made a similar comment. Chills the blood, doesn't it?
@dama9150 2 года назад
Or better still, read the book.
@ccarta192 2 года назад
Awe ...this is a wake up call for all who are persons of faith and those who are not..the supreme court is more then willing to make this happen...WE CAN NOT LET THIS HAPPEN...this women and her ilk need to be dealt with by any legal means possible...!
@soblu1914 2 года назад
Damn this is spot on!
@jefferyschic 2 года назад
EmptyG, always breaking that oath!
@TomO.3678 2 года назад
EmptyG...excellent, Linda!!
@dawnjohnson8739 2 года назад
It’s SO NOTHING what Marjorie pee is saying, you wonder why all those people are there listening - to what? About now, I’d be ashamed to call myself a Christian. And if Christ hadn’t risen, he’d be turning over in his grave.
@teresabates1498 2 года назад
These people don't realize Christianity is supposed to be about loving your neighbor as yourself. It's about love not hate. These people are twisting Christ's teachings to fit their own agenda.
@mikeboate208 2 года назад
@@teresabates1498 nothing personal, it's only business . they are only selling you, their belief
@strangerbrothers9902 2 года назад
When asked for comment, Jesus said, "She's not my fault, her claim of being a Christian is hers alone."
@williamdavenportii764 2 года назад
I can't believe she said she is a Christian
@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism 2 года назад
Then you probably still haven't learned true, Christian history..... They don't teach it in church lol. The same as the colonial US government doesn't teach true history in it's schools either.
@lisaboban 2 года назад
This is intensely creepy. Accurate. But creepy.
@tygrkhat4087 2 года назад
Scary as fuck. 😱
@allanfoster6965 2 года назад
Scary. On so many levels.
@fishinghuntingfool 2 года назад
Nailed it!
@Pippins666 2 года назад
It is Christians like MTG that make me proud to be an atheist...you know...someone with a mind of their own and able to think for myself
@QuarrellaDeVil 2 года назад
We're overdue for an update to "Schichlegruber - Doing the Lambeth Walk." Josh Hawley can star.
@louisanow 2 года назад
Wikipedia has at least one article about Germany's N@zi-era christian nationalists. Guess which denomination was the *most* active and prominent N@zi supporting? Yeah, the same one we have here.
@robertsteele474 2 года назад
Thule Society begs to differ.
@krisbest6405 2 года назад
The faith flag makes me gag , l will next vote for a person who keeps their magical beliefs private. Hail Russell Brand.
@SaddleInTheRain 2 года назад
@kris best Right there with you! Although I'd say the false faith flag.
@zachariahwade8482 2 года назад
Brand is just as bad as MTG
@richard1472 2 года назад
This will not stand!
@tickytacky8078 2 года назад
The Bible never Ever mentioned lynching. But I was raised catholic. So maybe my Bible wasn't soaked in BBQ sauce, vitriol and hatred. Just guilt 😔.
@SaddleInTheRain 2 года назад
@Ticky Tacky Former Catholic here, too, and you just made me spew iced tea! Ah... Thanks, I needed that. 😁
@PabloSanchez-qu6ib 2 года назад
It does mention stoning, quite a lot.
@AlbertaGeek 2 года назад
It also doesn't mention abortion, except to give a recipe for an abortifacient.
@lonewolffang 2 года назад
This video fits Crossfit Crazy Greene perfectly in every form of her "Christianity".
@Mr_Snarky 2 года назад
"Religion poisons everything." ~ Christopher Hitchens
@lpronovost84 2 года назад
Wow! That is so scary and horrible
@gwine9087 2 года назад
A look back at where America was and may be returning to.
@prestonnorris9822 2 года назад
Glory ✋🏼
@brooklynbummer 2 года назад
Hitler had a Christian nationalist government to start but that did not last long.
@rodbeachler4272 2 года назад
Where to start about this? Pretty much what they're working towards, sad to say.
@buckiesmalls 2 года назад
Missed you Mrs Betty.. Praise Jesus.
@michaelbartlett6864 2 года назад
Betty is the best at what she does!
@ZubairKhan-vs8fe 2 года назад
Betty. You spoke loudly without saying a single word.
@foppishdilletaunt9911 2 года назад
The poor dears are so persecuted… Lead with faith Proceed with ignorance…
@chrisose 2 года назад
Faith is ignorance. Green is ample proof of that.
@guitarmike37308 2 года назад
I live in her district. Her type of thinking is rampant here. Critical thinking, not so much.
@bonniebrush94 2 года назад
I'm sorry. Be safe! Good luck!
@guitarmike37308 2 года назад
@@bonniebrush94 Thanks
@kepler186f4 2 года назад
"And that's a good thing... right??" No Marge, it's an evil perversion.
@HTownCharlieBrown 2 года назад
These people are getting sicker and more dangerous by the day.
@SomaruChase 2 года назад
Please someone tweet her this
@walterfoyt5985 2 года назад
When fascism comes to America’s it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Sinclair Lewis 1935
@ThumbSipper 2 года назад
Absolutely fucking unhinged. She should be in jail, a person like this is far too dangerous to be left alone spreading hate.
@jameschan9634 2 года назад
The term Christian Nationalism is an Oxymoron. So is MTG/Decent Human Being.
@oyvey764 2 года назад
you cold simplify to say "and MTG is a MORON...." lol
@kevinreese8224 2 года назад
Yep sounded so KKK-ish to me just reading the title alone - she nailed it 🤣
@rwspal 2 года назад
So, that First Amendment, just scrap it??
@suzibikerbabe8073 2 года назад
This is a secular country marj, if you want a theocracy self deport to Iran. Now.
@TonyKuehler 2 года назад
Good on you, lay it out there. Jesus weeps.
@marilynphillips988 2 года назад
Welcome to Gilead, American Woman.
@uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад
"The NWO will begin Sept 17th 2001 during Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets, Resurrection of the Dead, the year 6000 of the Great Pyramid Calendar, in order to cleanse the Earth and Humanity in preparation for his Kingdom on Earth" British Israel Foundation memo 1922. "Furthermore we declare we proclaim we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation, that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff" Pope Boniface VIII, "Unam Sanctam" (Rome 1302) "There is no graver offense than heresy... and therefore it must be rooted out with fire and sword" Catholic Encyclopedia volume 14 (1911): 767-768 "A heretic merits the pains of fire... by the Gospel, the canons, civil law and custom, heretics must be burned" American Textbook of Popery p164 (quoting from the directory for the Inquisitors) "The true baptism is not by water but fire." Prophyry of Tyre 300AD "I propose an Aryan Semitic Alliance to create a superior Caucasian race" UK PM Benjamin Disraeli 1890 "Today I declare the Crusades won" General Edmunde Allenby upon capturing Jerusalem 1917 "But they want nothing but Palestine, because Palestine constitutes the geostrategic center of world control" Dr Nehum Goldmann, 1957, founder of the World Jewish Congress and President of the World Zionist Organization "Israel has no natural enemies, so in order to create them we must adopt a strategy of provocation and revenge" General Moshe Dayum Just coincidence the Bin Laden family was doing brunch at the Bush family Mansion that morning, and were on one of only 2 flights allowed during the no fly period. Not to mention Guiliani's Civil Emergency Center which he had built for $100 million dollars, and designed to withstand a direct nuclear blast, and complete with it's own *Air Traffic Control* Center. Then there's Pentagon Comptroller Rabbi Dov Zakheim who lost the $4 Trillion dollars, and whose company CPS rolled out remote hijack tech in the AA Fleet in June 2001. It was also Dov Zakheim that Edward Snowden worked for at Booz Allen Hamilton. Kushner's father Charles was on the Port Authority Board that gave Lucky Larry his $100,000 purchase on the twin towers, which had an asbestos removal bill estimated at around $1.2 billion dollars. He sure did well didn't he, maybe he got the Odigo warning hours before like Lucky Larry. To date the US govt has provided no evidence linking Bin Laden to 911, no one has faced trial, no investigations into the farcical reports that say fire collapsed 3 intact skyscrapers, or the countless reports amd evidence of demolition charges. And you'll never guess who was in charge of the renovations done to the elevator shafts in the months leading up to that day, where workers complained about copious amounts of dust coming from air vents into offices. Or the Israeli "Arts groups" _Gelatin_ and _B Thing_ who infiltrated countless FBI and Security installations across the country, and later photographed with hundreds of boxes of electrical fuses inside the Towers, and who removed a window to erect a platform, which a helicopter then flew towards on the exact same trajectories as the first and second planes. On the day VHS recorders captured a laser target drifting across the face of the South Tower moments before and after the second plane hit. A white Command and Control plane was also captured flying high above moments before and after the impacts. Oh, and the man in charge of security at the WTC? Marvin Bush. Bush was using 911 to blackmail Iraq as early as 2000, as per CIA whistle-blower Susan Landauer, whose videos are on YT, and who almost got ten years under the Patriot act when she revealed this information. There has also never been any empirical evidence provided for the invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, or Ethiopia, all countries bordering either Iran or Palestine. All these countries had also turned down major oil pipeline projects, and the Bin Laden family Construction firm handles the Pipelines being built through isis occupied Syria, whose Stolen Hieghts Trump ceded to israel on israel's 70th anniversary, and also where israel treated Isis soldiers from the Syrian Conflict. Bill Mayer even went over and shook their hands. The Stolen Heights, are also home to Genie Oil, a reference to Solomon's Temple on the board sits Bill Richardson, Texas Senator, and Epstein associate, who gave Elon Musk Billions in Tax subsidies. Also Dick Cheney, Sec Def under Bush, Larry Summers, US Treasurer under Clinton, Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox etc, Jakob RothschiId, Micheal Steinhardt, and James Woolsey, ex Director of the CIA. _“For decades, Michael Steinhardt displayed a rapacious appetite for plundered artifacts without concern for the legality of his actions, the legitimacy of the pieces he bought and sold, or the grievous cultural damage he wrought across the globe,” said District Attorney Vance. “His pursuit of ‘new’ additions to showcase and sell knew no geographic or moral boundaries, as reflected in the sprawling underworld of antiquities traffickers, *crime bosses, money launderers* and tomb raiders he relied upon to expand his collection." _ Not to mention the mossad hijack expert accidentally named as a hijacker, based on the seat number given by a hostess during one of the impossible phone calls, probably intentionally. But sure, "foreign terrorists" Anyway, who needs evidence before genociding millions of innocent people for their perceived beliefs anyway. It was also a Democrat controlled senate that went to war with Iraq, 76% of the country agreed. Once that call was made, the rest was academic. *_"you're either with us, or you're with the terrorists"_ GW Poppy Bush Jr, who was being investigated for cocaine trafficking when his Daddy won the Presidency, the charges were quashed. And we wonder where the fascists came from 🙄
@kimwit1307 2 года назад
A seriosuly disturbing character that has no business being anywhere near politics. Should not even be elected as a dog-catcher...
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