

The Gates Of Mordehay
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The five groups of Erev Rav Jews holding the Mashiach and the redemption back



3 июл 2024




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@vadimbrusilov7876 5 дней назад
Thank you Rabbi , it is interesting what in some nations certain parts of ego worshiping is more dominant then others , and Shabbat Shalom Rabbi
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
Shabbat Shalom tzaddik 🤩💪
@vadimbrusilov7876 5 дней назад
@@mordehaydarwish1389 Thank you
@jfmudey 5 дней назад
Deuteronomy 29 19 When such a person hears the words of this oath and they invoke a blessing on themselves, thinking, “I will be safe, even though I persist in going my own way,” they will bring disaster on the watered land as well as the dry. 20 The Lord will never be willing to forgive them; his wrath and zeal will burn against them. All the curses written in this book will fall on them, and the Lord will blot out their names from under heaven. 21 The Lord will single them out from all the tribes of Israel for disaster, according to all the curses of the covenant written in this Book of the Law. 22 Your children who follow you in later generations and foreigners who come from distant lands will see the calamities that have fallen on the land and the diseases with which the Lord has afflicted it. 23 The whole land will be a burning waste of salt and sulfur-nothing planted, nothing sprouting, no vegetation growing on it. It will be like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboyim, which the Lord overthrew in fierce anger. 24 All the nations will ask: “Why has the Lord done this to this land? Why this fierce, burning anger?” 25 And the answer will be: “It is because this people abandoned the covenant of the Lord, the God of their ancestors, the covenant he made with them when he brought them out of Egypt. 26 They went off and worshiped other gods and bowed down to them, gods they did not know, gods he had not given them. 27 Therefore the Lord’s anger burned against this land, so that he brought on it all the curses written in this book. 28 In furious anger and in great wrath the Lord uprooted them from their land and thrust them into another land, as it is now.” 29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. A NEW COVENANT has been given, and just as Moses needed to establish the Law, so too must the Son of Man establish the Law and the Court. Once fulfilled, then God will reveal the Final Temple, made not by the Hands of Man, but by the Spirit of God.
@mordehaydarwish1389 4 дня назад
@@jfmudey וְאַף־גַּם־זֹ֠את בִּֽהְיוֹתָ֞ם בְּאֶ֣רֶץ אֹֽיְבֵיהֶ֗ם לֹֽא־מְאַסְתִּ֤ים וְלֹֽא־גְעַלְתִּים֙ לְכַלֹּתָ֔ם לְהָפֵ֥ר בְּרִיתִ֖י אִתָּ֑ם כִּ֛י אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵיהֶֽם׃ Yet, even then, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or spurn them so as to destroy them, annulling My covenant with them: for I יהוה am their God. www.sefaria.org/Leviticus.26.44
@jasminthelemaque 6 дней назад
By Menachem Shuchat Well here’s food for thought, assuming that as a frum group we’re Jew first & American 2nd. We know that everything in this world is guided by divine providence, including the date, time & day. There is no coincidence! Well let’s go back to the date of July 4, 1776. The Hebrew corresponding date is none other than 17 Tammuz 5536, which is the start of a 3 week morning period for the destruction of Jerusalem & the 2 holy temples. The Gemara lists the 5 occurrences 1)The first tablets of the law were broken because of the sin of the golden calf. 2)The cancellation of the daily tamid sacrifice that was brought during the first temple. 3) The fortified wall of the city collapsed during the destruction of the 2nd temple. 4)Julian the apostate, the disbeliever burned the Torah scroles. 5) An idol was placed in the sanctuary. Like I said the timing of this & everything else all cannot be coincidental. I hope we all will give this sincere, honest thought 4m4 minutes ago Reply Great Discussion, Chazak u Baruch:)
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
Tell him on this I agree with him 😜🤣
@AbelbenAdam 6 дней назад
About the 5. point... the silent abomination is not removed. And it's placed there in 692. C.E. So few more years..
@YirahtheAri 2 дня назад
They are also like that Raven ערב connected to those hairs that are black like a raven… rooted deeply in the place of the Midot instead of the higher light of the Atik… Like the evening ערב… Baal Ha Turim says this is Esau… they are like Esau… who despises יעקב… assuredly ישראל and those who are ישר אל… it was hinted at by chaim vital…. Esau will be Cohen in the future…. Mesakot Berachot states Hashem is only found in the four Amos of Halakah… 2 Ravs has 13 synagogues in Tyberius and would only pray between the pillars of the place they would study. Much could be said here.
@mordehaydarwish1389 2 дня назад
Can you tell me where Rav Chaim Vital said that about Esav?
@YirahtheAri 2 дня назад
@@mordehaydarwish1389 Shaar Ha Gilgulim Chapter 35 Section Nine Kayin: Future Kohanim. “Know that in the time to come the root of kayin will be Kohanim, and the root of Hevel which until now has been Kohanim will than be Levi’im. All those who until now have been on the level of levi’im from the side of Gevurah, for example Korach the levi and the root of Kayin, all of them will then “take” the priesthood which is the portion of the firstborn, as it is known from the Targum on the verse, “Reuven, you are my firstborn”… … “In the time to come those who until now have been Kohanim will then be Levi’im and those who have been levi’im will be kohanim… the entire root of Hevel which is now the Kohanim will then be levi’im” Regarding what he wrote: the name קין In its squaring i.e. ק קי קין With its 6 letters is the value of עשו (376) who was the firstborn.
@davidsimmons5936 5 дней назад
The doctor is the worst one jew Roman type of people from every nation
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
The Torah says that the good doctors 🥼 go to Gehenom (Hell) Please subscribe share and like if you haven’t already 🙏
@hamdojasarevic8408 5 дней назад
@mordehaydarwish1389 4 дня назад
Only worship of Gd is good Please subscribe share and like 🙏
@SAL.O.MAN-BOOKS 5 дней назад
What's the correlation of the video to the title of Mashiach being an antisemite being a proper title more than just for clicks??
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
On its face, it’s always “just for clicks”. Behind the scenes is that the Erev Rav who are Jews who aren’t doing the right thing, are hindering the coming of Mashiach. If you say anything against these Jews in our society, you’re deemed an Antisemitie. Please subscribe share and like 🙏
@jfmudey 5 дней назад
You must understand that I am not coming for nations. I AM here for individuals and united, they will be the Church of God. You all have taken my Father's recipe for LIFE and added filth. I search for those whose Hearts are on Fire for Hashem. We are at the end of the recipe and 1 Jew needs to step out of their Religion and submit to Hashem. My Father sent me to collect, but the Jew is stubborn. They think they know better than me, just like the Christian and Muslim thinks that they know better than me. So, I say okay, continue down your path Pharaoh, because my Father has sent his Winds. They will help you understand that you are against God and the King he sent.
@mordehaydarwish1389 4 дня назад
@@jfmudey וְאַף־גַּם־זֹ֠את בִּֽהְיוֹתָ֞ם בְּאֶ֣רֶץ אֹֽיְבֵיהֶ֗ם לֹֽא־מְאַסְתִּ֤ים וְלֹֽא־גְעַלְתִּים֙ לְכַלֹּתָ֔ם לְהָפֵ֥ר בְּרִיתִ֖י אִתָּ֑ם כִּ֛י אֲנִ֥י יְהֹוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵיהֶֽם׃ Yet, even then, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or spurn them so as to destroy them, annulling My covenant with them: for I יהוה am their God. www.sefaria.org/Leviticus.26.44
@jfmudey 4 дня назад
@mordehaydarwish1389 Why do you think I keep knocking on your door? For my own health? NO! I come knocking because my Father sent me to retrieve the Judean. My Father has hardened the hearts of all in the World so that when I come, you all will reject me. Just like Pharaoh, the Cup of my Father will be poured on all the Nations. In this, the True Torah will be revealed to the Few that have been scattered, and they will awaken to obey my Command. Then the Blessings my Father has promised from the Beginning will be given. The Evil One deceives. He made you all come to hate or worship my brother. Both are evil. You all were supposed to listen to his teachings so that you may understand Torah. Instead, you all made a spectacle of him and pushed yourselves further away from the TRUTH. I have come to fulfill Malachi 4. The Elders must take their seats in the Court. My brother and I are 23 for 24. 1 more seat needs to be filled. Because no one has come forward, my Father's Cup overspills and soon will pour completely on the land as it was written in Deuteronomy 29. I Pray that someone wakes up before then, but it was written that no one will, and you will all know that you are against my Father.
@jfmudey 3 дня назад
@mordehaydarwish1389 The enemies gather at the doorstep. There is no coincidence that it is finally happening now. All the while, I AM suffering, for the Sins of Man, I carry. The Yoke is on my brother's head and mine. Don't forget what happened nearly a hundred years ago. My Father is still angry with you. You all continue to make a mockery of his Torah. Wake up!
@hamdojasarevic8408 5 дней назад
@mordehaydarwish1389 4 дня назад
Submitting to the Will of Gd is the purpose of life. Where do we find His Will and not someone’s interpretation of His Will?
@Solomon_animated 4 дня назад
The Mashiach is a Cherub. Fact.
@mordehaydarwish1389 4 дня назад
What’s your source?
@LaiviShor 6 дней назад
That is a shocking title
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
Gotta shock em from their slumber 😜🤣
@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 6 дней назад
Netanyahu is sharp reincarnated and Mashiach is King David ! Two king at once , so king David will claim his kingdom like old time 😊
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
@@sonofdavidfromegypt1726Mashiach can never be someone who doesn’t keep the Torah Please subscribe share and like if you haven’t already 🙏
@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 6 дней назад
@@mordehaydarwish1389 for 80 years Moses not even know who was the the God of his father ! So the Mashiach for the first 36 years of His life he didn’t know who is His God not even read Torah for the first 36 years of his life ! YahWeh. Take him understand everything quickly ! Mashiach is with jewish people right now infact he is in Chabad In Richmond and sitting on the Last seat and praying with Jews but they don’t know Him yet as he didn’t reveal his self ! But when He do many teachers will parish and many will falls !
@josboersema1352 6 дней назад
@@mordehaydarwish1389 How are you going to feel, when suddenly 'moshiach' is there, and you accuse him of being an anti-semite for "shock value" for your own video and attention. Will you enjoy it if I post videos and posts everywhere, with the title "Mordehay Darwish is an anti-semite !!!", just to get attention ? Is this the right way to treat people ? Hahaha it is so much fun, to accuse you of being an anti-semite, a mindless hater ? Is this what you want to inspire people to do ? You have a lot of these bizarre titles. I suggest you give it a rest and stop lying about things in your title.
@Deenafg 5 дней назад
I'm wondering if there is any connection between refaim and Rafa.
@LaiviShor 5 дней назад
could be a connection, interesting insight
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
Good question. It seems like they have the same root of letting go just like Refidim. Please subscribe share and like 🙏
@danzeladams856 5 дней назад
God in the book of Jeremiah promised the Israelites a new covenant, Jeremiah 31:31-,when the time came for the new covenant Yeshua introduced it but the Jews rejected both Joshua and the new covenant, the old covenant was from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (fig flower tree)which became the law of Moses with its Levital priesthood and laws/rules,and according to the Levitical priesthood God did not except human sacrifice, you needed to have a altar/temple for sacrifice, you needed to be anointed with oil to be Mashiach, but Yeshua came under the authority of the Melchizedek priesthood in which God the Most High(Father)did except the blood offering of his sinless son, in which you do not need a altar/temple for sacrifice and which you do not need to be anointed with oil but with water when Yeshua was baptized during his baptism with water,also Yeshua was send to the lost sheep of the house of Israel(the 10 tribes taken away as slaves by the Assyrians),Yeshua during his "lost or missing years" went and preached to them,Yeshua was never send to the Jews therefore he spoke in parables to them but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,he spoke plainly,also to his disciples he spoke plainly, Yeshua said he was the vine,christians are the branches of the grape tree(tree of life)So the Jews who was represented by figs(Jeremiah 24:1-10),still rejected the grape tree of life and kept the fig flower tree,but God in Genesis said to only eat from fruit trees,not flower trees,after Ezekiel 37,when Yeshua raise the Jews back to life,out of their graves(valley of dry bones)and join the stick of Judah&Israel with the stick of Ephraim &Israel will the veil of the Jews be removed and they will say --"Who would have believed-------etcetera "
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
He already wrote in His original work that the original covenant will never expire. You have to read it in Hebrew to avoid any misunderstanding
@AbelbenAdam 3 дня назад
...and they will say --"Who would have believed...'' Who's speaking here? And about who? When you answer these two questions, take out your hand, spread it and slap yourself continuously on the forehead until it changes colour. OK?
@mordehaydarwish1389 2 дня назад
@MICHAEL_MAY_8 6 дней назад
Some believe Moshiach is an incarnated archangel
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
Hi. Interesting. We don’t go by what we believe, only what’s told to us by Gd. One should always consider the source Please subscribe share and like if you haven’t already🙏
@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 6 дней назад
Those some are correct , Daniel 12:1 is the Mashiach in Flesh
@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 6 дней назад
@@mordehaydarwish1389Jacob become mighty after wrestling! Jacob is El the Angels who can defeat another Angel and over power! Only Arc Angel Michael can over come any other angles ! And Daniel told you who is Mashiach (Daniel 12:1 ) for the end time ! The one who fly over the turn of YahWeh is Michael the most high ! And Jacob the Michael is the Father of all Jews and will come to save His people ! Michael was with Moses on the top of pyramid he is the one left Israel in the time of Jeremiah and become the enemy! Door pees him of this time as He is her Again ! 41 years old with wife and two kids !
@scottdwyer4776 6 дней назад
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
@@sonofdavidfromegypt1726Daniel died and didn’t redeem the people or build the Temple
@eminikol3014 6 дней назад
STREAM Don't cover me with a roof in your house don't wall me in for there is wisdom old, that the song in a cage does not ring. Even if the cage is gilded free only above the world flies. Don't scold me for my awake nights that I'm cramped in the soft bed that dream, when it lies in your eyelids, I fly with my tiny wing and distant people are different to me, and I stop joyfully at every threshold, and I send many, many kind words after every departing train. I embrace the warm earth with both hands I dip my eyes into the bright stars and all I strive to the impassable heights. Don't judge me for my anxiety for the thirst already to strive. I carry defiance in my blood, poured into me from my land. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-iGwy06DHzjU.html
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
What do you think that means in your own words? Please subscribe share and like if you haven’t already 🙏
@kunjimoncm1501 6 дней назад
He cannot break the covenants of God to Abraham and David, but he may be a more better agriculture man. He will put the seeds at the suitable places
@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 6 дней назад
@@kunjimoncm1501 Mashiach is Abraham and Jacob and David at the same time infact he is Adam and Noah to ! Mashiach is the one renew the Covenant with YahWeh as any time he come in new flesh he lose all his memories so he have to His God again and make covenant again ! But this time in the last time as Mashiach pray to YahWeh and ask him to not delete his memory any more and it’s mean not more reincarnation for him and this is the last time ! So on the second sabbath He will be standing on the right hand of thrown for ever and ever
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
@@sonofdavidfromegypt1726do you have a source for this?
@kunjimoncm1501 6 дней назад
@@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 you said that almost truth. then are you Mashiach?
@kunjimoncm1501 6 дней назад
@@mordehaydarwish1389 that is God 's ambition or like, Bible says that. We can see the mind of God in Bible
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
@@kunjimoncm1501we definitely get an insight into His will
@michaelmessenger24 5 дней назад
Even a sinner feels pity for the innocent Only a man of sin can know redemption To judge fairly is to weigh both sides equally You're as hateful & as unruly as eachother And neither of you are fit to govern anyone Both Israeli and Palestinian children alike are of equal worth & have a right to life Children women and civilians slaughtered Because of you both teaching your offspring to suspect hate & destroy the other side Rather than loving thy own neighbour And your own kinfolk living side by side
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
We taught the world that man was created in the image of Gd and needs to be respected. Everyone else changed the message
@michaelmessenger24 5 дней назад
@@mordehaydarwish1389 Our Maker will not mind disturbing the Sabbath if it's to teach teachers the truth It wasn't the Israelite people who revealed to the world that our blessed Maker is one It was Him and His chosen few prophets & kings who taught the world about HaShem Just as Moshe taught the commandments Commands only few have the will to keep Does Israel obey these same commands Who are these atheists governing Israel backed by fanatical zionist christians. A land purchased by Rochild from Britain the great coloniser indebted to his family This isn't the return & land promised by Him A torch burning places isn't a light to nations
@davidsimmons5936 5 дней назад
I am
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
You certainly are
@JackAtkins-tt2vg 6 дней назад
Hashem is in Iran
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
Only there???
@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 6 дней назад
@@JackAtkins-tt2vg wrong and right ! YahWeh is with Mashiach as Mashiach born in Iran city name Mashhad by the border to Afghanistan the city name Heran or Herat ! But Mashiach right now is in Spiritual Egypt preparing to reveal his self , he did couple time but as He is the Man of rejection many deny even the top rabbi as they don’t understand His letters and his invitation! Mashiach is in smallest synagogue right now , in Chabad Richmond in the second flower praying with Jewish who don’t know who is He yet !
@venuscraig748 5 дней назад
@@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 yes we know, your channel promotes yourself as moschiach. i did not know u were born in iran. i thought u werre sephardic from spanish root. you are dangerous person, in my opinion. . thank Hashem your influence is none. for now...
@davidsimmons5936 5 дней назад
You don't know to say no you can not covet me my family go this one makes people piss your dragon man like queen ant dragon you are supposed to only believing God healed you your family only
@mordehaydarwish1389 5 дней назад
Please elaborate
@RPS-ul2is 5 дней назад
SMH NEITHER OF YOU are credible. You have too many open ends Degrading WHO TMH WAS AND IS. Well what does it matter anyway. TMH GAVE AN OATH. think THE IAM is going to break HIS/HER OWN WORD? we’re ALL about to find out. FACTS.
@mordehaydarwish1389 4 дня назад
What are you trying to say?
@KingDavidTheOrderOfMelchizedek 6 дней назад
@KingDavidTheOrderOfMelchizedek 6 дней назад
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
Nice. What do you think it all means? Please subscribe share and like if you haven’t already🙏
@johnny5isalive7 6 дней назад
No he is need of help read Daniel 10:21,12:13
@mordehaydarwish1389 6 дней назад
Can you explain?
@sonofdavidfromegypt1726 6 дней назад
@@johnny5isalive7 He is the one who helped Gibrael! But as you said in flesh He do need help but the Help Of YahWeh ! Many rabbi will go against Him and the students are the one excepting Him mostly!
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