THere was a sudden death tiebreaker on Match Game PM that Gene said, though the tiebreakers were no celebrity matched the contestants were edited out, that they had to go to four questions to get a match from the celebritiies. Sudden Death tiebreaker questions had a Super Match like fill in the blank and two contestants wrote down their answer(if both wrote down the same answer, they were told to write another answer) and Gene went to the celebs(Richard, Brett and Charles only from 1975-78, all the celebs one at a time from 1978-82 on PM and on the daily syndicated version) until one celeb gave an answer that matched a contestant.
This is about when Richard Dawson turned into a jerk. He was doing Family Feud and he was tired of Match Game and wanted out of his contract. As a result he acted like a spoiled brat. The funny thing is, Match Game 73 - 77 was what made him successful. Back in 1973 nobody was looking for Richard Dawson.
Thankfully for the syndicated versions they limited how many tiebreakers it could have and if time ran short, a short tiebreaker was used that reversed the gameplay, especially on the PM version for the second season on.
They had to do that on the PM version from the second season on because they played three maingame rounds and had to get the game in in 22 minutes as there was no straddling on MGPM.. MG syndicated used the sudden death tiebreaker on shows later in the week, as while games straddled during the week, they didn't straddle Friday into Monday and three sets to two contestants each played in two games, and they had to get six maingames and SUper Match rounds in in the five days, and were editing out banter during the celebrities writing their answers to get everything in.
Brett never used to bother me when I was a kid in 1977. But now watching these it seems she always has to be the center of attention and it gets irksome. The end here is particularly bad.