
Miraluka Species | Star Wars: The Old Republic 

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Though sharing common genetic history with humans, Miraluka have evolved into a significantly different species because they are born without eyes. On their home world of Alpheridies, the only source of light is a red dwarf star which emits light only in the infrared spectrum. Over the centuries, the Miraluka adapted and developed the ability to see their surroundings through the Force. Though they retain vestigial eye sockets, Miraluka wear decorative veils and generally have little trouble assimilating into human society.
🔗 Written guide: swtorista.com/articles/miraluka/
Miraluka have lived primarily in isolation over the millennia, but because of their Force sensitivity, they have had relations with the Jedi and some Miraluka have even joined the Order. That relationship has grown even stronger since the Jedi Civil War when the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus destroyed the Miraluka colony on the world of Katarr. The only survivor of that attack-a Miraluka named Visas Marr-was known to have traveled with the Jedi Exile and later to have helped rebuild the Jedi Order.
Miraluka Classes
Miraluka Masks
Miraluka Dark-Side Corruption
Miraluka Naming
Miraluka Name Examples
Miraluka Name Generator
Miraluka Notable Miralukas
Miraluka Lore
Miraluka Near-Humans
Miraluka Force Sensitivity
Miraluka The Force
Miraluka Force-Sensitive Species
Miraluka Jedi
Miraluka Personality
Miraluka Homeworld
Miraluka Language
Miraluka Force Sight
Miraluka Luke Sene
Miraluka Visas Marr
Miraluka Destruction of Katarr
Miraluka Lucien Draay
Miraluka Krynda Drey
Miraluka Half-Miraluka
Miraluka Q’Anilia
Miraluka Shoaneb Culu, Jedi Knight
Miraluka Jedi Council
Miraluka Tremendous Suffering
📖 A majority of this lore comes directly from the various Star Wars books and in-game resources and have been compiled here to help you learn about this Star Wars species when creating your own character or project.
View the source of each quote in the written guide! swtorista.com/articles/miraluka/
- Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia
- Star Wars Ultimate Alien Anthology
- Star Wars: The Essential Atlas
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Lore Codexs
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Handbook
- Excerpt from the Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic comic between Krynda and Lucien Draay
- Power of the Jedi Sourcebook
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16 янв 2022




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@phyreblade 2 года назад
I usually play my Miraluka as Jedi. But there's something particularly amusing about a Miraluka gunslinger or sniper lol. The notion of a keen marksman who doesn't even have eyes just amuses me to no end.
@revan0890 2 года назад
@starwarsrebelain9020 2 года назад
Scene they have no eyes and can see through the force do need scoop or long range weapons sense shoot people easy with no easy
@mattk6719 2 года назад
Star Wars canon has shown us that in order to make precision shots you must either be partially blind or off-screen somewhere.
@XxX-vi9if 2 года назад
Well they do use the force to see...perhaps they could guide the bullet or laser towards the target using their mind?
@starwarsrebelain9020 Год назад
@@XxX-vi9if that a cool idea what made you thought about that
@crazyoptimists6896 2 года назад
There's a Miralukan Inquisitor trainer in The Citadel standing near one of the personal story phase points. She's also wearing an unobtainable robe set.
@mikereyes2269 2 года назад
bioware need to add a simple blindfold to this race. one white and another black. would make it easier for fashion.
@mattk6719 2 года назад
I want one with two individual eyepatches.
@james739123 2 года назад
My main Jedi Knight is a Miraluka, Helen Purl, she would me the MAIN character of the story, the alliance commander, the one who has Valcorian in her head, dose most of the main missions with the others handling recruiting companions and aiding in some of the main ones, but she is the true leader and focus of the story of SWTOR in my book, been the hero and bringing the alliance and Republic together to end the threat of the sith... for about 1500 years give or take
@anodysseyofsteven1985 2 года назад
I LOVE LOVE Miraluka!! I can understand them more than other species because I am legally blind myself.
@NCRVeteranRanger 2 года назад
If that’s the case, then how are you able to type this comment? I mean no offense, I’m just genuinely curious. Did you get someone else to type it, or are you not completely blind, & can still see somewhat?
@anodysseyofsteven1985 2 года назад
Yes I am legally blind and I have no peripheral vision whatsoever I do have very little vision in front of me but it’s not very good. I usually use voiceover on my cell phone to dictate messages and or other things
@NCRVeteranRanger 2 года назад
@@anodysseyofsteven1985 Ah, fair enough. I appreciate you replying, BTW. 😁
@tiquezgraham7963 2 года назад
Miraluka inquisitor or counselor is the best to me I imagine you being able to see with the force gives you a special connection so the idea of you being a warrior type is unlikely that and the idea of your sith ancestor not being human but miraluka further summits the idea the empire needs reform to my inquisitor
@nonamegiven202 2 года назад
Oh Miraluka, well known as the buyers of kreia's robes ;) but yeah I do love the my Miraluka sith assassin who just runs around the empire peeking at people's alignment and seeing how many of us can't do dark side. Maybe after combat styles I'll finally make a sith warrior one because jaesa's whole deal, like i doubt there will be any actual acknowledgement about it but i would find it amusing ;)
@MeAndMira 2 года назад
I know many who uses the Kreia robes to make their human or other races to look blind as well
@nonamegiven202 2 года назад
​@@MeAndMira you know funny enough i never thought of that despite being from a blind character, tho i was more just talking about using the robes to hide the masks.
@nonamegiven202 2 года назад
@@cal2127 yep it's their social ability, only useable on other players but when use it creates a aura on them in color of their alignment.
@warlockengage5802 2 года назад
Thank you so much for your videos and podcast. I just started swtor and have been balls deep into your content. Thank you again and keep up the awesome work! 🤘
@Swtorista 2 года назад
@moneybunnyman 2 года назад
I love Miraluka species cause it makes a lot if since that some humans have evolved because they lived on other planets and that made their genetics change
@NCRVeteranRanger 2 года назад
IIRC, there’s a theory in Star Wars legends that the Chiss are descended from humans that evolved into the Chiss, due to the freezing climate & icy geography of their homeworld. Not only that, but in the lowest level of Coruscant, there is a species of hostile feral creatures that evolved (or devolved) from humans trapped under there countless years ago. They don’t have any eyes, & rely on their other senses to hunt prey.
@RoninMidzu 2 года назад
I only have 1 Miraluka as a Jedi Sage Healer - Luceferia the Light Sider, she has a Kathar Blade instead of a Light Saber, to remeber the tragic past to not relive it once again. )))
@sofaking1627 Год назад
I love the roleplaying tips, thank you. I think I'm going to drop a few dollars to get a Miraluka, the game has given me several hours of fun in just a few days so I can justify a little support.
@kmac169 2 года назад
My Miraluka was created to see what the Jedi Shadow was like and I chose the race just for something different... the funny thing is that as I plan to restart (or just get rid of) the majority of my character and start fresh when the new update comes (if it manages to make it's new deadline) she is the one of the only (if not the only) character I don't plan to get rid of or start over with. I liked the look I achieved with her (and had for the majority of the game), I'm happy with all the story choices I made with her so far, and most surprising of all I actually enjoy the Shadow/Assassin play style... so yeah, funny how things work out.
@frederickramirez6799 Год назад
Thank you for this video ❤
@rangerslayer2260 2 года назад
My Miraluka is a Jedi Guardian, Lonzahl Karr, she's a sassy Knight. Quite hyperactive and surprisingly outgoing. She has a tendency to make blind jokes lmao
@frederickramirez6799 Год назад
this was a great Video there is so little content about them online !!
@RexVenge95 2 года назад
I've always considered making a Miralula Assassin/Marauder, give him long hair and green lightsabers, and name him after Illidan from WoW. Lol.
@jaysgamingcorner8539 2 года назад
A dark side Miraluka sounds like a fun role play. They're an interesting species with a unique outlook. Playing a ruthless Inquisitor or more neutral Warrior would be a fun challenge. Great video. 👍👏👏
@mattk6719 2 года назад
I see what you did there...
@moviemaniacdjp 2 года назад
One of favorite characters I ever made was a Miraluka trooper with the first mask option.
@artstudent1255 2 года назад
I have a character that I rp that's a Miraluka Luka Sene. It's very interesting working with a character when there isn't all that much lore. I have vision issues in rl that both makes rping one a bit of an inside joke, but also inform some of how I envision her seeing. Great video for my favorite species in star wars! They don't get used near enough. When they finally bring them to live action, I'm going to be thrilled.
@dyldragon1 2 года назад
First character I made (and only character so far) is a Miraluka Jedi Defense Guardian
@mattk6719 2 года назад
Thinking about creating a Miraluka character for a D&D: Star Wars 5e campaign. Seems more like a subrace of human rather than an "alien" species.
@moviemaniacdjp 2 года назад
I love these species videos
@MeAndMira 2 года назад
I have a female Miraluka Sniper, called Georgina LaForge because she was inspired by Geordi LaForge from Star Trek the Next Generation
@MeAndMira 2 года назад
There’s even an eye gear on the pub adaptive vendor that looks like a SWTOR version of his VISOR
@vinirafael4205 2 года назад
@@MeAndMira I did use that one too (not because of Geordi though, just because it hides the hood).
@mattk6719 2 года назад
The DM for my SW5e campaign has never seen any Star Trek. Therefore he is completely unaware that for 2 years I have been openly roleplaying a Trek-based character as a joke. To him, my character is just a homebrewed Balosar/Chiss hybrid. In actuality, the character is Andorian. 😂
@Dudeover30 2 года назад
Do you guys know if there are going to be any new customization options in 7.0 like new eye bands for Miralukas or sth?
@WookieeRage 2 года назад
I couldn't help but notice your 2B recreation so had to try that. For the leggings I'm guessing you used shorts of some kind or did you try to replicate the stockings? And for the shoes, I never realized how impossible it is to find something that looks like a shoe since every footwear is a boot of some kind. So I'm curious what you used for your legs and feet. I've been thinking of doing a cyberpunk themed Miraluka but don't have a cool backstory yet. On an rpg note, a friend was playing a Miraluka Jedi in a rpg group I'm in and hearing you describe their force sense I would think they would have more of a 360 vision than light sighted beings.
@Swtorista 2 года назад
A lot of these pictures were submitted by other players, so I couldn't tell you the exacts!
@marty2129 2 года назад
And here I thought we would hear more about the inquisitor Jerec, the main antagonist of Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II video games and one of the very few more famous Miraluka characters in the lore... damn shame we got only name-drop and a thumbnail... :( I get it is Legends and not the current Canon under Disney-owned Lucasfilm, but so is SWTOR. And honestly, I would have preffered to hear a bit more about Jerec than having three times the retelling of Destruction of Katarr. Damn how much I would like to like this video if it wasn't for this issue...
@animeguy10000000 2 года назад
I made an interesting background for my Miraluka characters. Their father is half Sith Pureblood-half Human smuggler who was living in Republic Space. One of them went into the Jedi Order, and the other one, who didn't have as strong of a connection to the Force joined the Republic Army.
@wargamesmaster 2 года назад
I also plan to make a Miraluka Sith Sorcerer once the 7.0 update is out, really hope the level of allignment in the Force needed to get the Light/Dark side equivalent of a Force class isn't level 5 (mostly because the best "Dark side" looks in my opinion is the level 1 but also I do not want to put a LOT of effort to be able to play something like a Dark Side Jedi Knight/Sith Juggernaut or a Light Side Sith Inquisitor/Jedi Sage).
@lexy99 2 года назад
If you have the Light 5 and Dark 5 achievements, you can create a light side using sith or dark side using Jedi from the start :)
@wargamesmaster 2 года назад
@@lexy99 Wait, that's an achievement thing? Where did you see that?
@lexy99 2 года назад
@@wargamesmaster Swtorista talked about it in a video :)
@wargamesmaster 2 года назад
@@lexy99 Really? and this change of Force class can be done from the start?
@lexy99 2 года назад
@@wargamesmaster If you have the achievements, yes. Then you just start creating a force class and instead of just having the alignment fitting your faction, you'll have access to the opposites as well. Luckily I already have Dark 5, sorc is my favourite class which I'm probably gonna run on most of my force users, but I'm currently working on the light 5 achievement, just to have if I should need it ^^
@avishaikahane7714 2 года назад
can you make a video about cathar?
@vonderfaak6357 2 года назад
So if you place 3 scarfs infront of them, and tell them to grab the red one. Would it be impossible for them to pick out the right one if the thing is not infused with the force?
@J_Calvin_Hobbes 2 года назад
I want to play an Ortolan gunslinger & bounty hunter with Czerka CZX-4 Blaster Pistols :D
@andytorres2395 Год назад
My first character when the game came out was a miraluka shadow. My main now is a miraluka assassin/sorcerer.
@Swtorista Год назад
@salenstormwing 2 года назад
6:55 "Their ability to see through the Force would make them excellent spies." Yes, because giving the blind alien a sniper rifle is a great idea. I'm sure this won't end badly for anyone.
@_HisMajestythecat 2 года назад
Well... spies can specialize in shotguns... and after 7.0, apparently double blasters and that big blaster gun too.
@andreumuntaner5600 2 года назад
I prefer Miraluka as Jedi or sith inquisitor. The rest feel very contrived
@n7revan829 2 года назад
Btw you forgot to put this in the species playlist
@GG1315 2 года назад
Hey SWTORISTA if you don't mind for the next one of these can you please do Twi'lek, it'd be appreciated if you see this please respond.
@Swtorista 2 года назад
Hello! I'm not doing them in a specific order sorry :)
@GG1315 2 года назад
@@Swtorista ok that's fair so thanks i guess but i can wait for the twi'lek video when you get around to it no rush. Also thanks for the reply it's rare for me to get some form of interaction from my favourite content creators.
@joparojopstar239 2 года назад
where is the update?
@jimjoyce4423 11 месяцев назад
Can you play as Rakata?
@elnoralavelian9320 2 года назад
I wish we could have extra hair coloings like u can for humans on cartel market
@wampiroindoril Год назад
I thought you would talk about their culture, but man, watching this video they sure squeeze a lot of money out of you!
@Swtorista Год назад
There's plenty of clture! Just the most common question is "how do I unlock Miraluka" and the answer is complicated lol.
@tobarstep 2 года назад
Just went on the PTS today for the first time and decided to make a new character. Oof... trying to play without all my legacy unlocks is tough 😅. Some observations: I got my character from 1-15 and was still unable to select a discipline. Maybe it was a glitch and I should try again. I also noticed that you can't unlock your second combat style until you've completed the class story, so make sure you're happy with your initial selection! Overall I'm unimpressed by the combat style system after all the initial hype. Finally, my legacy technically unlocked at level 10, but I couldn't actually do anything with my legacy until I completed the starter planet (not even name it). So, to update this: being unable to select disciplines does seem to be some kind of glitch. Resetting the UI will sometimes fix it, so will changing to a new zone/instance. But not always. I went ahead and copied over a toon so that my legacy would completely unlock and now I can select additional combat styles, even on brand new characters. I still find it somewhat disappointing in its current state. Weapons still do not appear to be working in the Outfitter at all. I'm a bit worried about event the delayed release date now.
@Ravenhill171 Год назад
So Miraluka can even see screens and stuff? An Holos? Because they'd have it REALLY bad in the universe of Star wars then :D
@Gael_Ultima 2 года назад
In all of these, you say buying them on the Cartel market is the least recommended... Well, shit, coulda told me that last year, I just bought all of them except Zabrak and Cyborg. (To be fair, I didn't think I'd subscribe by now... oh well, at least I can continue creating them even after unsubbing without needing a lvl 50 character).
@bigjim6177 2 года назад
They should let us play as trandosians
@shawnkoiswilliams1414 2 года назад
Blind samurai
@superbad8008 2 года назад
I didn’t know this was a different race. Every time I saw them I thought it was a fashion thing (haven’t played the game for very long)
@voltaire9176 Год назад
So how does f2p players do the last unlock option?
@Swtorista Год назад
Essentially you don't. Essentially you either subscribe, or save up the 600 CC to get the legacy unlock item (don't forget you get 100 free CC per month from having a security key on your phone).
@firestargaming9521 3 месяца назад
Why do you sound like the ai voice that introduces the collector in thor Ragnarok?
@4x201 2 года назад
@crazyoptimists6896 2 года назад
If you delete your comment, then recomment, you can be first and second.
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