
More than 1,000 children were victims of priest abuse, according to grand jury report 

ABC News
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Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who was accused in the report of allegedly concealing abuse, said in a statement he "acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse."



27 сен 2024




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@theonenonly5640 6 лет назад
these so called men of the cloth should be publicly shamed and degraded Sorry wont cut it ! for the victims involved !!! they should have their private parts removed and anyone else who thinks its ok to abuse children ...
@orlandobabe 4 года назад
The Vatican must be brought down. Jesus didn't live in a palace or have royal wealth.
@aceous99 6 лет назад
0 tolerance for hurting kids, keep ur kids away.
@sharonmickey4566 6 лет назад
Why everyone acts so surprised is beyond me..... this has been going on for hundreds of years.....
@anonymoususer7670 6 лет назад
Tax churches
@alexthompson8434 6 лет назад
You want to make it harder for churches to afford to purchase supplies for humanitarian work? The kids in Africa won't thank you for that.
@valkia-innos4972 6 лет назад
@Alex Churches purchase supplies for humanitarian works with money donated by members, but some churches have become straight business at the moment we're talking. Yes, many Churches need a tax as every other business.
@valkia-innos4972 6 лет назад
Religions have nothing to do with God itself, but those represent human societies seeking for God. All depends on the way people seek for God.
@bownoworbowlater8870 5 лет назад
This is NOT a Biblical church. Should be obvious.
@rominavallejos9295 5 лет назад
Bro no these Catholic churches need to remove the pledge of abstinence that priests make. Only then will the amount of sexual abuse will filter out
The hell with them saying theyre sorry. Arrest them all. Lock them up
@cvetkojovcevski645 5 лет назад
It's been a cover up for 2000 years
@sharonmickey4566 6 лет назад
Old news... this has been going on for CENTURIES!!!! The church paid off my ex husband's family in 1983 when a priest from a Catholic HS in San Antonio molested him... He died at 50 from alcoholism in 2015. Father Jim, Antonian HS SA..... Oh and this priest was promoted through his career!! They just move them around.
@50froggy51lilly 5 лет назад
They say they are "sorry" it happened, more like they are "sorry" they got caught!
@siro3286 6 лет назад
Religion has done more harm than good in this world.
@zerepa541 6 лет назад
If Catholics can't see thru these demons they are part of them. Matthew 7:13-14 13. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it . 14. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to eternal life, and only a few find it. (True worship leads to eternal life. False religion leads to eternal destruction) MATTHEW 7:21-23 21 "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23. And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ (Not all religions do the Will of God) John 13:35 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” ( God's people show true love for one another) 2 Timothy 3:16-17 16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. (Believe and teach only what is in the Bible.) Revelation 18:4 4 And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her , my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her PLAGUES. (Since ancient Babylonian worship spread throughout the earth, modern-day Babylon the Great can properly be identified as the world empire of false religion. And God has foretold that this empire of false religion will come to a sudden end.) Revelation 18:8 8 Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Mighty is the Lord God who judges her. (God has foretold that soon all false religion will be destroyed. He wants us to leave false religion before it's too late. ) Isaiah 52:11 11. Depart! Depart! Go out from there, Touch no unclean thing; Go out from the midst of her, Be clean, You who bear the vessels of the Lord. THESE SCRIPTURES ARE THE TRUE WORD OF GOD. We must prove our love for God in righteousness and with love.
@bownoworbowlater8870 5 лет назад
@Ronin4614 6 лет назад
So, the Roman Catholic Church says the are sorry, “deeply sorry”. Should any of the violated, raped, sexually abused children accept the apology? Accepting the apologies carries the unstated intention on the part of the church, that they will see that it never happens again. I am a Roman Catholic over the age of 70, and if any of this had happened to me, I doubt that I would accept the apology from the church. How does one step into a confessional and ask for forgiveness for my sins when on the other side of the screen is a representative of the church I would not accept an apology from? Maybe I have this all wrong, but I have trouble with what the church is saying about their sins.
@Ronin4614 6 лет назад
Ardent Fan, As a Catholic I can raise the question, and in a sense, it is asking forgiveness from God. I promise to say nothing against religions and their belief and practices, The Catholic Church does not have a corner on the pederast market. My angst is pointed at the Ordained and lay leadership of my church.
@Ronin4614 6 лет назад
Jean Schmalzried ~~~ Well, Jean your rant is way out of place. I said not one word about or your religion, if you have one. I made it a point to not say a word about other religions and I stick with the high road here. To be honest here, I could not care less about your religion, if you have one. You have decided to take up a sniping position which is the cowards way of blasting away from the safety of this forum. So I will tell you that your rant is out of place and blaming me personally for anything is cheap and below the belt. If you want a discussion, and can do so without getting personal, then fine. I don’t believe you can debate this issue without going off on a personally degrading rant. Feel free to come back at me with more mud and judgements that are not yours to make. Without an apology, and yes you do owe me one, all you will hear from me is crickets. I’m done here.
@Ronin4614 6 лет назад
Ardent Fan ~~~ So you have decided to tell me to “grow up”. The one trying to come across as God Almighty is you. Some how you feel you have been granted the power to stand in judgement of me. I speak my mind and you have no problem in passive aggressively sniping away from cover, cowards do that a lot. To be frank, you sound exactly like the non-ordained leaders of just about any church group. As such, you are very much the kind of person, holier than thou, that most of us have come to hate so much. I have not done anything but have simply share an opinion. You can reply to this or let it be, in either case, cue the crickets for passive aggressive “Ardent 💩 🤡. That is all.
@dianareid2365 5 лет назад
Jim Perry apologizes go to hell. It is childish just like the priests they hire. Ho about changing laws as an act of prevention.
@cynthiaerickson3646 5 лет назад
Why do u go to a priest to ask for forgiveness?only 1 mediator for man and that is Christ,go to Him and confess.no man on earth can forgive sin
@barbmckenzie2635 6 лет назад
The Catholic Church through their adoption agencies still keeps birth children from their birth mothers even if both parties want to reunite. It's their policy.
@tmedwards8426 6 лет назад
Barb McKenzie, you are wrong. It is not. There are ministries with the Church working without pay thru tens of thousands of case files reuniting families.
@cocochick3612 6 лет назад
Open your eyes Catholics. It's about power and money.
@tamarathomas7157 6 лет назад
@billa1870 6 лет назад
When are these offenders going to jail?
@markcruzjr.7754 6 лет назад
How is this news?
@jacobadam4556 6 лет назад
right, for it to be "news" it has to be new
@markcruzjr.7754 6 лет назад
Jake Martin I mean it’s stupid and obviously a terrible thing but I don’t just blame the church or people doing it it’s a whole damn mess of people around them INCLUDING the media
@jacobadam4556 6 лет назад
Joe, yes I agree. I live here in PA and its running rampant with child predators. not just in Churches here in PA but school teachers, court officials, and people in general are all coming out of the woodwork. It makes me sick to my stomach. You can't trust anybody anymore including law enforcement. I teach my children if you and me don't know them by their first name and where they live they are strangers stay away and do not talk to them. You don't know what these people are doing behind closed doors. World is going to hell that's for sure
@paulgibbons2320 6 лет назад
Should be illegal to teach any kind of religious views to children. It should be an informed choice made from the age of 16+. Outlaw Indoctrination.
@thatguy3581 6 лет назад
Paul Gibbons Yes!!!Stop indoctrination
@alexthompson8434 6 лет назад
And people say that religious liberty isn't under attack. I'm guessing you're all for teaching kids evolution? Parents have the right to teach children their beliefs. Now, if the child is exposed to pornography, or trained in a facility to be a killer, that's a different story. It's sad that you want to take away the one thing most likely to teach children to grow up good.
@alexthompson8434 6 лет назад
It's me, Joolz ... What are you talking about? I didn't say public schools should teach theology. But it's only fair to present the evidence supporting Creationism, and let the teenagers make up their own minds.
@thatguy3581 6 лет назад
Alex Thompson Out of all the religions in the world which story of creationism should be taught,all religions have different interpretations of how the world was "created”
@alexthompson8434 6 лет назад
Clorox Bleach ... I didn't say teach a thorough story of Creation. Just point out the evidence that the planet and universe came about through Intelligent Design instead of random accident. That's the common ground of most religions.
@bobcatbobcat217 6 лет назад
So many people now of days have only have evil in their souls, they will be sent to the pit
@diysy9431 6 лет назад
Its crazy so sad it nothing new though happens all the time you can’t trust no one
@JerjerB 6 лет назад
That is the church of the devil
@josephvallejo3929 4 года назад
No it's not from the devil. Its founded by Jesus Christ himself it's the true church. Priests who molest children are from the devil and they don't deserve to be priests to serve God.
@Jayphil1 6 лет назад
only 300? i'm suuuuuure there are more
@mariaisabelcmc7372 5 лет назад
Everywhere child and youth are victims of abuses, abusers must go to jail for ever
@erikriza7165 6 лет назад
wuerl is not the Church. and the church is not defined by the sins of its fallen members. wuerl cannot blame the church for his own sins. he has to answer here on earth and before God for his sins
@flournoymason8961 5 лет назад
Over thirty years ago I was thinking of converting to Catholicism in those days there was a shortage of Priests as the church said they were having trouble recruiting young men to go into the priesthood. After these stories have surfaced and Priests go to prison or leave the Priesthood it must be really bad by now.
@markross2124 4 года назад
Why has this vanished from the news and media over the past year.
@johnmcclellan8423 6 лет назад
Cardinal Wuerl protected predatory homosexual priests who were sexually abusing innocent victims. Yet he has no sense of shame and continues to preach down to the common folk while living a lavish lifestyle. May God judge him harshly for he deserves punishment for the abuse of power. He did not use his power for good but did great harm. SILENT NO MORE.
@letsgo6998 6 лет назад
Lock all of dem up..
@deniseg-hill1730 5 лет назад
Scrap the no marriage rule for priests it's nothing to do with the bible. A nun told me that the church made these stupid rules up. I asked her where in the New testament did it say that Jesus prayed via priests and venerated Mary she said it doesn't so I said well why do Catholics do it. She didn't answer.
@emmanuelokine8096 3 года назад
@king-exe7171 6 лет назад
Out of all the things of abuse I've heard of, this, this one is the worst one yet
@jdastro 6 лет назад
The Church is long overdue to put the abusers out of action and into the hands of the courts. It has to eliminate this scourge and do some real house cleaning. Part of the problem is that truly spiritually inspired young men are being turned away from some seminaries for not being politically correct, for not being liberal enough, and this has been going on for more than a generation.
@matimus100 3 года назад
@NicholasWingComposer Год назад
Disturbing. My father was secretly a member of the Knights of Columbus and engaged in sectarian retaliation against my mother who devoted her life, career and legacy to protecting child victims. Mom expressed her views against the Roman Catholic Church ecclesiastical child abuse coverups, even while immobile in hospice. How can Libero Milone sue the Vatican directly, while child victims in the U.S., France and around the world are systematically denied the ability to directly sue the Vatican and Vatican City State foreign government? Could U.S. courts determine the Vatican City State foreign government status claim to be invalid? For example, the VCS does not have a domestic tax base. I would support child victims rights marches within the Vatican City State, or Rome, until new child endangerment laws are enacted, public hearings are provided for all child victims and jury trials via a jury of peers are provided within the Vatican City State justice system for all child victims worldwide. All child victims must be empowered to pursue the full measure of justice within the VCS justice system.
@blackjesus8832 6 лет назад
Shut it down.....and it will end. Keep it going and it continues.....shut down the Roman Catholic church.
@georgepenton808 5 лет назад
This is what happens when homosexuals are allowed in the priesthood.
@RealMe-sd9nm 3 года назад
Homosexuals are not necessarily pedophiles like the roman catholic priests.
@nuthainguyen7770 5 лет назад
Buhdism is the best religion. I wish this video can translate in vietnamese language and different languages so the parents around the world can understand what happening about Vatican crimes. 😥
@matimus100 3 года назад
Nonsense! Buddhist go to war to and have over hundreds of year's!
@wondon5997 4 года назад
Hurt so much being one of those children 😢😢😢😢😢💔💔💔✝️
@Redorgreenful 6 лет назад
Is there a massive public confession session for these clerics? Confession as in the Sacrament of Confession where there is imposed penance.
@cametientaucoeur Год назад
Celibacy is the issue. It is unnatural to ask anyone to refrain from normal relationships. It attracts a certain type of person. The Church needs to change. The seminaries are empty. Jeanne
@rowdeo8968 6 лет назад
Repressed sexuality, misanthropic misogynistic ritualistic religion throw them in prison. And should be reported to the police.
@m.a8544 5 лет назад
Mental illness and religion combined make a horrible combination.
@jackiescott6862 6 лет назад
@jojosaylor8996 6 лет назад
@alexgreece794 6 лет назад
fall of evil in catholic church, predator priests & their accomplices must be punished ... God will judge them .. so shameful. May God heal the victims.
@hungvu2774 5 лет назад
Stand for justice
@theiloth1 5 лет назад
Is there a video on the sexual misconduct of the catholic church in Kerala India too? Pl;ease make one ABC and save some nuns and kids.
@tdolz 6 лет назад
Hollywood is worse.
@kencarson2479 6 лет назад
The gig should be up, but ideas are tenacious. It's a shame, because the men who composed, published and sell the new testament don't believe in it themselves. To be clear, that's called fiction. Would you buy a car from a dealer who wouldn't own one herself?
@mariamcarthur670 6 лет назад
Come out from underneath them.... This what happens when you worship Baal
@fjohns11 6 лет назад
These RAPES did not start from the bottom and worked its way to the top. This crap started from the Top and worked its way down to the bottom
@J1mlakers 6 лет назад
if you’re catholic and being abused please speak up tell the cops your parents won’t listen if you tell the cops they’ll investigate the charges
@purpleflwrz690 5 лет назад
As a Catholic, I am completely devastated by this. Completely devastated.
@littlegirlthatcould2176 5 лет назад
please stop saying masses for the victims! Enough is enough of this false religion forced upon us. I could not say no when I was a child, but I say no now, as God is my witness! They have no permission to say ritual masses over me summoning up dead saints, fallen angels and calling on false gods and idols to assist me. I reject their assistance in Jesus' Name. Jesus took this all on Himself on the cross for us all! HIM Who is without sin! how can a sinful priest doing a ritual do anything. it is a dead work. "What must I do to be saved? believe in the Lord Jesus and thou shall be saved and thy house" (Acts 16:29-31)
@Ibrahim-km9mu 3 года назад
What kind of religion will tell a human not to have sex?
@dabosue05 6 лет назад
@adqueen2548 5 лет назад
In our village a lot of people are religious (we are not). One girl came home pregnant at 13. It turned out if was the priest. So they did the DNA test when little girl was born and they found out that the priest was also the father of the girl he impregnated. Shock
@tonyjames5444 6 лет назад
Do you think the film 'Sleepers' would be made today? Its the one where a Catholic priest in New York comes to the aid of four boys who were abused in prison. Im sure when people watch it now its uncomfortable viewing simply because it portays the church as savours of abused children when its clear they are often the perpetrators.
@lookoi9363 6 лет назад
Probably going on for centuries
@umakapil2434 6 лет назад
This perennial problem of sexual abuse is going on in the world at so many places. On cursory glance you can see this in many Countries. In India you will see also abundantly in that the whole kingdom of Bhakti of Baba Ram Dev, Baba Ram Rahim & Baba Devinder has been shaken. These rapist Babas have been caught & sent to incarceration. And, there is no difficulty in coming across these numerous examples of the same kind in other parts of the World. So, what is the tangible or appealing reason for this problem? . The actual problem is this the real God does not come in these types of Bhaktis or devotion as being praised by numerous clouts as there is actually nothing in it although it appears to be is very attractive, appealing, devotional & passionate. Because it is all outwardly & artificial. The natural life is different. Men like women & women like men . And, there is no difficulty. Therefore, Milton is right. He said in his Paradise Lost & Pradise regained that “ until the heavenly Seat is restored, sing heavenly muse” Therefore, these Bhaktis are not natural to the basic nature of Men & Women. In the different-2 Bhaktis, many people cheat & do fraudulent activities but their basic nature wants to enjoy like other men & women. Either in marriages or as Friends. But doing sexual crimes is bad. If you want to enjoy , you do not have become predator. It is good to live a natural life rather doing Bhaktis or devotion or meditation s.Only thing that it has come out & shaken the faith of every body. Here the real God differs & action will keep on emanating on the basis of the crimes. LGBT is being decriminalized now a days. This will ensure the safety for large number of such persons. Therefore, if people like this , they may start thinking differently or rather leaving differently as Pujaris, Bhakti persons or Mandir’s Priest or Church , Majid or Gurudwara Priests. In nutshell, these Priests may abandoned the restriction of the religious boundaries because they can not enjoy what the Nature in them wants or demands except the criminality. However, leaving these false ,hard & fraudulent sexual matters or crimes to the justice of Him is wise & O.K until the heavenly Seat is restored. No other explanation seems to be staying in arena of these gruesome sexual absuses news occurring now & then . However , it is natural & cardinal desire of every Man & Women to enjoy as explained above & the more it spreads & stays, the less & less crimes of these sorts will happen. .
@bituinmarana2540 5 месяцев назад
Shame on your deedsd leader who receives ur letter covers everything up
@burning4rmwithin 6 лет назад
The devil is in the church.
@andreiquizon7538 6 лет назад
+Ardent Fan don't say that church is the body of Christ, blame it to the priest by himself because the devil was attacking him to do that evil thing.
@ismelltrouble7266 6 лет назад
Religion is great isn't it
@alexthompson8434 6 лет назад
It's better than atheism. I wish news media would point out whenever a criminal isn't religious.
@ismelltrouble7266 6 лет назад
Alex Thompson I don't define myself by things I don't believe in. Besides, Im willing to bet you only believe in one of the many gods that people claim exist. Which mean there are many gods you don't believe in. Like Zeus or Buddha or allah. That make you an atheist to some people.
@minorperez5998 6 лет назад
Morty: you know Rick this isn't easy for me , ah geeez Rick I thought you knew the definition of atheist ...uuuhhh geeeezz maybe we're in a different dimensions where everything isn't as is seem or maybe uh maybe we're in a world where my intelligence surpasses your omg!! Rick what do I Rick ahh Rick why did you leave this comment Rick.
@ismelltrouble7266 6 лет назад
Minor Perez a·the·ist ˈāTHēəst/Submit noun a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. I can’t see. Does it say gods with a s. Because if it did it would mean that I just proved you wrong using nothing but a dictionary. Just because you only believe in one God doesn’t mean that you do not hold atheist beliefs about other gods.
@minorperez5998 6 лет назад
Eeehhhh ummmm no, Actually Rick that would make me a monotheist To other religions. Bc an atheist still doesn't believe in the existence on "any" God. Geeeez wait to go rick Looks like I corrected your little dictionary argument.
@rosephoenix4634 6 лет назад
It looks like someone had just tell the truth everything about it and one state is Pennsylvania and it's telling the truth everything that was going on over 1,000 church and over 300 priest and someone reported just one state is that is Pennsylvania this is whoever that was someone had just step up and got all the information collected all the records and papers and someone has just tell the truth whoever that was someone is doing a great job I do because the truth always matters right there because if you cannot trust of your friends or anyone that you know them all these years then how are you going to trust them but someone had just do the right thing and I hope it does whoever they are to bring bring for justice and always tell the truth and they shouldn't get fired or retirement already oh I set them to jail or a house arrest
@annieadams1470 6 лет назад
I’m surprised it wasn’t a mormon priest 😐
@syx-to1500 6 лет назад
I Literally hate those people who blame on religion for the cause of this abuse, i seriously do. This has nothing to do with religion and if you think religion is the cause, I clear your Doubts
@mirares782 6 лет назад
No matter who they TO pray to they are in hell.
@Ryguy-lg2xz 6 лет назад
This is going to be one toxic comment section
@maricelaruiz7197 6 лет назад
El castigo para McCarrick: una vida de oracion y penitencia???? A LA CARCEL DEBERIAN DE MANDARLO!! Que frustracion Dios!!!
@uchibauki2515 6 лет назад
That's why follow God not human!!
@JamesPetrycia-zj7yq 6 лет назад
The devil was winning the war against clergy. Fr. D. Wuerl has secret.
@wiffleduster 6 лет назад
This has been an ongoing event since the 90s were people were coming out saying that priests were touching them what I don't get is why the parents never did anything about it yeah the priests walked free but you're out there too and definitely switch religions
@romant142 2 года назад
Or give up religion it’s stupid anyhow
@ESMCoronado 6 лет назад
Get rid of all religions... so much evil in the name of God.... it’s simple... be and teach to be a good person. Forgot to mention these people of the cloth pray on the poor and ignorant by also taking their money. Wake up people!!!
@alexthompson8434 6 лет назад
The Soviet Union, Cuba, and North Vietnam tried to destroy religion. Look at what happened. Atheists forget that so much goodness has also been done in the name of God.
@minorperez5998 6 лет назад
Bc there aren't non religious pedophiles ? Lol (face palm)
@nomercy2968 6 лет назад
Marriage is honorable in all (Hebrews 13:4), God never imposed celibacy on his priests. If you are still going to this filth of church, run while you can!
@semorgan2088 6 лет назад
Why do they have to mention grooming? I don't need to hear about some dude shaving his bag.
@bituinmarana2540 5 месяцев назад
All investigations. Nothing happened
@martharodriguez4737 6 лет назад
The second fall of Rome will soon cometh.
@martharodriguez9485 6 лет назад
@MyAb111 6 лет назад
Why didn't white Jesus stop this
@gai_ninja 6 лет назад
Let the priest get married!
@maggieblueskies5034 6 лет назад
Nova superb pedophiles need therapy don't you think?
@ColoradoAquarium 6 лет назад
Well conservatives... Here is your pizza gate.
@bituinmarana2540 5 месяцев назад
D culprits are scotfree
@ringrangmark7628 6 лет назад
May God forgive them and give them a new life to protect from evils eye so that may Glorified name of Jesus Amen !
@abrokenandacontriteheart1308 6 лет назад
We have to worship God and read our own bibles and have a personal relationship with JESUS. REPENT turn from sin and cry out to the LORD JESUS CHRIST ONLY! King James Bible Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Be baptised emersed in water not sprinkled turn from our sins. JESUS said call no man FATHER! except GOD your FATHER in heaven! and no man Rabbi except CHRIST JESUS! Hint hint!!! My people perish for lack of Knowledge!!! No church saves JESUS CHRIST SAVES! the temple built without hands! We have have truth the word that became flesh JESUS HIS WORD THE BIBLE!!! Read KING JAMES VERSION BIBLE. How many people did they kill in the past? And you went back to them??? Insanity!!!
@jamesalexis3041 6 лет назад
When Judas is gone,the church will grow again. Prayers from India
@rinolinda1850 4 года назад
Where is God in all of this ? Shouldn’t God step in ? Apparently God is good !!! Where is he when all of this happens ? Is he on vacation or just turns the other cheek ?
@Sir_Loin_ 6 лет назад
"survivers" lol
@barefoot6745 6 лет назад
Trump supporters say Trump is a man of "god" too. I wonder why.
@HarbringerOfMischief 6 лет назад
Help her reach her goal! She suffers from Lupus And Pulmonary Fibrosis gf.me/u
@TheChevere25 6 лет назад
Peter you are the rock, and this is my Church, 1,300 billions catholics
@tmedwards8426 6 лет назад
And the biggest growth comes from ex-protestants seeking an authentic faith. Catholics will always be the biggest Christian community in the world.
@johnpaton621 2 года назад
Don't forget that your figure of billions of catholics includes over one million paedophiles.
@miguelarevalo9238 2 года назад
The great harlot
@ikbaris1176 6 лет назад
I feel sorry for the Catholic Church. Who told you that Peter was the first pope? Jesus healed his mother in law. Read the Bible
@ikbaris1176 6 лет назад
Means that he was married. Popes don’t get married.
@hashimbenjamin61 6 лет назад
And they claim to serve god lol 😂
@davidmmm8 4 года назад
Bruh the Hareling There is no such thing as Hell nor Heaven. These priests are Twisted deviants of the Holy cloak. Quite simply.
@josephvallejo3929 4 года назад
Hashim Benjamin Priests who rape children are the ones who claim to serve God but they don't serve God. They serve the devil and they don't deserve to be priests. The catholic church was truly founded by Jesus Christ and most of you Anti-Catholics accuse the catholic church for no reason.
@splitfries69 6 лет назад
@tammywhatever8602 6 лет назад
@BP-1972 6 лет назад
And this is not exclusive to Pennsylvania either.
@kpps2341 6 лет назад
Wow and the Catholic Church is supposed to be the greatest but yet their always in trouble...their the worst on backsliding...
@Ennello 6 лет назад
Mr. White, she's just a realistic christian I guess...
@geraldnichols2722 6 лет назад
kp ps--- LOL you are very funny!
@Ennello 6 лет назад
@Gerald Nichols, she's kinda right though... We had an era of hundreds of years in which christianity was an excuse for torturing and killing (crusades, catholic-protestant wars etc.), not to forget the decadence of the Vatican... It would be far from the truth to call christianity 'the greatest'...
@skywalker2676 6 лет назад
kp ps the Catholic Church is evil responsible for the most deaths in human history out of any institution
@bownoworbowlater8870 5 лет назад
They're NOT a Church. They're imposters.
@glenjeremiah2234 6 лет назад
Great job, bring them to shame. Respectfully disturbing their peace of mind.
@user-tt5li8hf2f 6 лет назад
Can you imagine being a little kid and have to go through this. I that all priests do?
@stonedprophet2463 6 лет назад
And you enabled them. This is gatekeeping.
@jackiescott6862 6 лет назад
Heartbreaking. But finally, the painful truth is out and must come out - all of it. And it is so painful, especially for all those poor victims and their families whose lives were destroyed by so called clergy who were sick and predatory and allowed their vile evil inclinations to act and abuse young and innocent people who wanted to live and learn their faith in our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church. I, like all of you are devastated as we put our trust in these men who we thought loved God and feared His judgement. I am a mother of an only son who is studying for the priesthood with the Dominicans. He is 25 and has done 3 years so far and loves his Faith. He prays the rosary everyday with the brothers who are all dedicated to bring people to Christ and to salvation. Please don't abandon your beautiful gift of faith in Jesus and Mary our mother. She and Jesus is with us and will never leave us in this dark time. Saint Pio is also with us - talk to him about how difficult this is for you and through the his intercession ask him for the grace from God to help us cope and keep the best gift we have been given, the gift of faith. Pray the rosary as much as you can, go to Mass, receive the sacraments, confession, adoration, trust, pray, hope and don't worry God has it, all of it, Let go let God, channel it all, the hurts, the pain, the anger, it's too big for us. Do God's will not yours. Love God love your neighbour, forgive all and focus on our eternal destination- heaven, the bigger picture, this life is transient but life after is forever. I'm not saying we must ignore the horrible truth of abuse by members of the church. we must fight against evil always and the cleansing must happen but make sure it is Christ cantered always. Jesus and Mary help us, we love and trust you.
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