
Muslim CHALLENGES Christian On Jesus Then THIS HAPPENS... (Amazing Response!) 

Daily Dose Of Wisdom
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In this video, Sheikh Uthman and ‪@GodLogicApologetics‬ discuss the question of whether or not Jesus is God.
Here is the Original Video (much love to GodLogic for doing what he does): • Sheikh Uthman vs GodLo...
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@Dr_Igasaur 2 часа назад
It's great to see they are using the bible, the word of God, because it will only point them to the truth, whether they know it or not :)
@JesusisGod-yf5bk 2 часа назад
They NEVER DO allow anyone to answer. It shows a blindness that is continually sad.
@bulkyzero Час назад
@@JesusisGod-yf5bk True, but I came here to mention how respectful and friendly they are as they debate. Very healthy. The guy on the left seems like a very respectable person only slightly misguided, but still a Human being, and something about him was flooded with respect and wholesomeness. Cool dudes, those two. Great job. 😎
@UnknownsoldieroftheLORD Час назад
He let Avary answer the objection tho, the fact he didn't listen and understand is another topic
@JesusisGod-yf5bk Час назад
@@bulkyzero perhaps he is not as bad as other's I have seen, but I would not go so far as to say he was respectful and friendly, interrupting is not characterized as respectful or friendly. Imo. Just because he didn't get violnt doesn't make him respectful, again, imo
@JesusisGod-yf5bk Час назад
@@UnknownsoldieroftheLORD he laughed in a scoffing way. I feel like I need to say just because he is of that relgion does not mean he should recieve a pass for rude behavior, that is a very warped way of looking at a relgn that has a book which tells the followers to off Jews and Christians. I like the way this Christian conducted himself, I think HE was the reason it did not get to a negative place in the conversation, he get the credit here. God bless
@bulkyzero Час назад
@@JesusisGod-yf5bk I respect your point, also consider the fact that interrupting during passionate debates such as these is really just a Human thing that we all have tendencies to do so, or have done it at least more than once. Interesting look at it though, thanks.
@garfieldbraithwaite8590 Час назад
This Muslim isn’t arguing in good faith, he doesn’t listen, he’s waiting to speak.
@jonS-42 2 часа назад
Man he really laid it out and had multiple points to back it up. That was impressive and articulate
@Toxicitymaxed 2 часа назад
What that Muslim fails to understand is that when Jesus was born in the flesh, he imposed on himself the same human limitations that the rest of us have. Meaning he had to experience what it was like to grow up like us, to learn like us, to eat like us, and most of all to suffer like us. As a human, he might not have known when that day will come. Who's to say that he doesn't know NOW, since he's currently seated at the Father's right hand?
@SojiRo23 2 часа назад
Was waiting on the Jewish wedding context in his explanation. Happy he was able to bring that up without interruption.
@davidresendiz7989 2 часа назад
proms to the muslim. He found where the passages where, and reads the bible. That's a huge step. In time the word will produce seed
@ROMANS3-25KJV 2 часа назад
Only Jesus saves from hell (Acts 4:12 KJV). Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV). Jesus Christ shed His blood for our sins (Ephesians 1:7 KJV). Water baptism DOESN'T save us (1 Corinthians 1:17 KJV). We are saved by grace through faith, not our works (Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV).
@peanutpablo9596 2 часа назад
Even as a Christian going into this video, I thought that there wouldn’t be an argumint to change my mind on what JESUS meant with this. I took it as literal; that, to me, didn’t detract from my faith that He is God, though. But that argumint that he gave as to why Jesus said it like that actually makes since, at least enough to consider.
@gsquat 2 часа назад
And it all HAS happened up to Revelation 20. Be deceived no more. Pray and research!
@Sci-Filip 27 минут назад
Yes and Amen. Tertullian lived around 200 AC and gave the Spiritual reality of Love, the Holy Three-Unity of Father, Son and Spirit a Name: Trinity. A century later Christianity became a state-religion and the biblical canon was finished. Therefore we are already living in Christs Kingdom of Peace, in countries with Christianity as main religion, waiting for him to return at the end of this worldtime.
@CoryWillis 36 минут назад
Ibn Fibbin himself doesn't know the context of his own argument. Who woulda thought
@OvercomeEverythingJosh 2 часа назад
What a great composed response.
@ltdannichols Час назад
I appreciate the conversation here and learned from it. And kudos to the harmonica. That added to the video.
@axeofcreation 2 часа назад
Godlogic does great work.
@Thankyoukels 2 часа назад
Uthman is so bad.
@SotonSam Час назад
I can't watch videos like this Obviously, the Christian is right without watching But I just can't stand these anger filled Muslims shouting the same old lies and rubbish they always shout No point arguing with them, because you'll be making the same argument your entire life Had enough of them
@jabrark5828 11 минут назад
Hey brother, I get it. As a Christian, it gets on my nerves when they pick at the Lord unfairly. However, it's far more important to never get jaded in loving them or fall into self-righteousness like we're any better than them. Remember where we were before we met the Lord; just as indignant to the Lord as they are now. Never forget what he saved us out of.
@kathygrant39 13 минут назад
That was an excellent example of using God's Word to PROVE God's Word. I loved it! Thank you for sharing.
@fcampos10 14 минут назад
Christian: "Does it make sense for Jesus to explain everything that's going to happen in DETAIL up until the second coming and then say that He doesn't know the day?" Muslim: "Makes perfect sense." That's why he believes in islam.
@ImxxFuZe 26 минут назад
Christians: Jesus is God Muslims: Nope, God made it seem like Jesus got crucified, but he didn't! Also Muslims: But Allah doesn't deceive. Don't worry Jesus will come back and explain to Christians that they're wrong in the End Times! Brought to you by The Quran, The greatest and clearest revelation of the Almighty.
@Berean_with_a_BTh 9 минут назад
This Muslim's claims could answered by referring him to Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 2:6-10. These passages clearly show that Jesus gave up access to his divinity to live as a man amongst us, which also explains why his knowledge of future events was limited. *Philippians 2:5-11* _Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father._ *Hebrews 2:6-10* _It has been testified somewhere, "What is man that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man, that thou carest for him? Thou didst make him for a little while lower than the angels, thou hast crowned him with glory and honor, putting everything in subjection under his feet." Now in putting everything in subjection to him, he left nothing outside his control. As it is, we do not yet see everything in subjection to him. But we see Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for every one. For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through suffering._
@mauricemenard2243 31 минуту назад
Uthman say that allah is the father to NO ONE and he use word of the injil that contredict mohamed , So This shaking Sheikh Know that christian believe God is 3 in one, and Jesus if he want to know the hour he will not give it to human because JESUS SAID =; It is NOT for you to know the hour !
@AzogCR 14 минут назад
I finally found Jesus Christ. I commented on this channel some months ago, how after years of studying all kinds of worldviews and after reading all the holy books of the different world religions, I felt that I was somehow drawn to Jesus. I was an Atheist for most of my life until I realised that pure Atheism is irrational. I became agnostic. I've been agnostic for some months now. Until I started praying. It felt weird at first. But the more I pray the more I feel a connection to Jesus. He has sent me several signs, that I could not longer be blind to. On one occasion I prayed and asked him just for a little sign that he even exists. The next day I randomly met a priest after work. We started having a deep and long conversation. When it was time to split apart for each of us going their way again, he gave me a book about Jesus, that describes how you find happines through the relationship with him. I had never experienced something like that before. And right now I'm living through a really hard time. I pray every day that he gives me the strength I need to get through it. Today he gave me another strong sign and answered my prayers. He showed me exactly what I needed to see.
@TweetBomb Час назад
Incredible defense of scripture and Christ. I truly believe that being equipped with the word is the most important thing these days, especially considering that people pull verses out of context even though chapter numbers weren’t added in the Bible until the 13th century, and verses in the 16th.
@mariaandreaspashi1931 Час назад
God the Father = Love spirit energy Jesus the Son = Saving. Energy of Love is the instigator for saving or rescuing. Together they're one and the same but Love is the instigator. Love = Saving Saving = Love. Our life purpose is all about saving. Anything to do with energy and saving. Jesus asked Peter 3 times if he loved him and Peter answered 3 times through self In return Jesus explained 3 times that to Love him is through Saving.
@fcampos10 6 минут назад
The guy laughing at the Christian for not knowing the exact verse, yet he doesn't even know where an entire book is. 😂
@ricksonora6656 Час назад
That’s an interesting explanation. It has weaknesses. Better explanation: The Son refrained from exercising His divine attributes when He added humanity to His nature. Therefore, at that time, it was possible for Him to be in aware of the time of His return. The Muslim conflated the Father with Allah. That’s equivocation. Having separate consciousness, God’s three Persons can have different knowledge. The timing is the Father’s decision, so, it could be withheld from the Son. The passage strengthens the Trinity against corruption by Unitarian and Oneness teachings.
@christianforbes-so3zl 39 минут назад
I give credit to the dude on the left for not letting cognitive dissonance turn him ugly. He did try keeping dude on the right from answering a handful of times but unlike woke university students he hung in there and didn’t start acting demonic. Good on him. I hope he continues reading the Holy Bible and asking questions.
@k3nny235 37 минут назад
"We love Jesus" oh yeah? Jesus says if you love me obey my commandments. Not a false prophet named Muhammad
@solomani5959 Час назад
I find it easier (generally) to witness to religious people because they already believe in the supernatural (so one of the presuppositions are ticked) and they also already except the second presupposition that God talks to humanity by the written word. I find “spiritual” people the worse as they tend to agree to everything but not actually believe anything. ✝️👑
@nataphlegacy8378 43 минуты назад
The way I've read it is Jesus at this time doesn't know on purpose however when he dies and resurrected he tells his disciples that they will not know .. he no longer answers the same way as before because now Jesus is glorified.
@fcampos10 18 минут назад
I just love to see muslims use the Bible as their best source of arguments up until you point them a verse that says Jesus is God. Then all of the sudden it becomes corrupt.
@mrgreen497 Час назад
He had so many well thought out points and examples. Very impressive.
@JonBGreen91 Час назад
I swear Muslims read the Bible more literally than a creationist.
@Sci-Filip 32 минуты назад
Consequence of Exclusivism.
@Sci-Filip 31 минуту назад
But the real question is: Is it more important to protect the bible as a whole book or the biblical verses by each? If it is the second choice, then contradictions are unavoidable.
@Nick_Lima954 23 минуты назад
Biblical Cosmology is true. Heliocentrism is false.
@JonBGreen91 9 минут назад
@Sci-Filip Contradictions are easy to find. If you rip them from context. If I said Abraham Lincoln was the United States President, and then I said Bill Clinton was the United States President, that's not a contradiction if you read them in context.
@peanutpablo9596 2 часа назад
Honestly, this guy came up saying that Jesus can’t be God, because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have different roles is a rather… unique… argumint to say the least lol
@luiscrakson Час назад
It's God Logic. Love his videos with Sam Shamoon and Christian Prince
@JB-ro3sz 39 минут назад
All they ever do is try to refute the scripture and word play to trip up the other person, they know what is being revealed to them is the truth, but they refuse to listen and understand.
@adamherman460 Час назад
what is the context of jesus saying that he doesn't know the hour the hour when he come backs to collect his church which is his bridebroom and because of that hes not saying that he doesn't have intellectual knowledge of the hour hes saying he not the one who declares it in greek context When you read the Passage and just one final point if you actually read the greek you can take an interpretation that is just says because is uses the word eim may at the end you can take interpretation according to greek scholars such as st basil he says in his work letter 236 bezel said this the words e may means it not so the Passage can be also translated As the son does not know the hour if not the father which is true because they share the knowledge if the father didnt know the hour neither would the son so no matter which way want to slice the interpretation mark chapter 13 :32
@craigtaylor8431 Час назад
It’s healthy to just not engage with argumentative people “some people don’t know and right after you tell them they say I don’t know therefore they cannot know because they cannot be taught they will not hear what you say or point to them. There’s a name for people like that and it’s too rude to mention so we just leave it at this
@Paranormal_Matt 2 часа назад
Had no idea of that Jewish wedding tradition before today. I’ve never heard that point made before in response to the question. Mind is blown 🤯
@Ike-un6mc Час назад
Settling down on one verse in the vastness of Scripture whilst talking definitively about understanding Yeshua the Messiah is like calling one single grain of sand all the sand in world - utterly futile and to no sensible effect.
And by the way thats uthman he had a fellow muslims come to him to talk to his wife for help in his marriage and then this dude goes and has an affair with that mans wife lol people will follow the devil when they deby christ because god and the bible is the only way jesus is king
@danieladeyinka3829 2 часа назад
I actually just learnt something new. Thank you!!
@edturner3615 2 часа назад
Jesus is the Son of God. God is a title like Mr. Sir etc. God’s name is Jehovah.
@fredthomson2182 2 часа назад
Without the Holy Spirit it’s impossible to understand The Word of God.
@ddff5242 2 часа назад
That doesn't make any sense. This would mean that all non Christians can't understand the bible. The Holy Spirit indwells in christians.....
@edturner3615 2 часа назад
This is not a true statement.
@ddff5242 2 часа назад
@@edturner3615 agreed!
@ricksonora6656 2 часа назад
@@ddff5242Scripture distinguishes between knowledge and understanding. Even if a person lacking the Spirit’s enlightenment knows things in scriptures, he cannot understand and accept them because his grasp is shallow. 1 Corinthians 2:12-14. Also read Jesus’s explanation of His parable about seed on four types of ground: the word does not bear fruit in 3 out of 4.
@NovusIgnis 2 часа назад
​@@edturner3615 It very much is. People will ignore the truth when it's put in front of them and they will twist the meaning of Scripture to fit what they want it to mean. True understanding comes from God through the Holy Spirit. From Proverbs 3:5 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." We also see in 1 Corinthians 2:10-14 - "these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit." It's very clear and very true that when it comes to truly understanding the Bible, you need an honest searching heart to ask for the Holy Spirit to grant you understanding.
The guy in the vid is so knowledgeable. God bless him
@adrianshire3603 33 минуты назад
This guy in the video really knows his bible.
@Terminal-Vet Час назад
Great music in the background.
@michelletewhata7768 2 часа назад
This kind of communication is very good 👍
@Abrieb Час назад
You should definitely try to get Avery (Godlogic) for an interview for discussing Islam. That would be great!
@Daily_Dose_Of_Wisdom Час назад
I would love that! I’ll work on it!
@nataliafeliz4804 2 часа назад
I think that what people don’t realize is that God is so unlike us and so beyond us, that some of His characteristics can’t be understood by our human mind. I believe that He is able to keep some information to only part of Himself, and not disclose it to the rest of the Trinity. This is why He is God, because He is so magnificent. Our problem is that once He does something or says something that our humanity cannot comprehend, we discredit Him, instead of revering Him. People also forget that He is a real, living being currently existing, so if people have a question about something He said, they don’t think to just ask Him in prayer to clarify.
@KB-kx4ym 2 часа назад
Well said. We must always remember we are finite beings trying to understand an infinite God. There will always be things we cannot comprehend and that will remain a mystery until He chooses to allow us to understand it. I agree it’s very possible for the Trinity to function in ways we may not be able to understand. But that is not enough to discount the abundance of information and evidence He has provided us in His Word.
@Joanne_uk Час назад
Well said! Instead of humbling ourselves and admitting our finite minds can not fully grasp God and divine things we tend to try to spin it to fit our understanding. We try to put God in a box which is incredibly disrespectful and insulting.
@tanng93 9 минут назад
You gotta get Avery on the channel!
@dustinramose 2 часа назад
It says only the Son knows and not the Father
@CustomGamesStudios 2 часа назад
God Logic 🔥
@podcastcomclasse 2 часа назад
Things I really apreciate.
@SoberBhoy 37 минут назад
“I know where it is” *looks in the wrong testament*
@joshuafields-biblestudies1 2 часа назад
I learned something today
@jonathanbeeler3787 2 часа назад
Liked the shout out to Texas brother
@Tony2Sleeves Час назад
same as the rapture... pretrib
@andrewh8360 9 минут назад
Great job guy!
@johanthornqvist5686 2 часа назад
Uthman is a funny guy.
@ThomasClementsRVA Час назад
Amen to that 🙏❤️💯
@annikverleysen Час назад
John 17:5
@GD-Personal 2 часа назад
Do Trinitarians believe that God can be tempted? (Said kindly…not with malice/sarcasm etc.)
@Juliosguitarstuffs 2 часа назад
That question is framed in a way where Jesus can’t have a human nature; because he is God, he is omnipotent and cannot be tempted to do anything. Yes, Jesus can 0:18 and was tempted because his human nature allowed him to have doubts, though I’m not sure if he actually did (not counting his last words in the cross). So in all, yes he can be tempted because Jesus has a human nature and God nature, being fully human and fully devine.
@GD-Personal 2 часа назад
@@Juliosguitarstuffs okay thank you for the honesty in your answer… So I guess next Q would naturally be…was Jesus God while he was being tempted?
@NovusIgnis 2 часа назад
​@@GD-Personal He was both fully human and fully God. He was of two natures. He still had His human nature, as He needed to eat and drink and sleep in order to survive. But He also had His perfect divine nature that stood unyielding against the temptations of sin.
@GD-Personal Час назад
@@NovusIgnis james 1:13 says: When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; If Jesus was God, doesn’t that mean God was tempted? (For the record I think Jesus is who Simon Peter said he was…the Son of God). ❤️
@Juliosguitarstuffs Час назад
@@GD-Personal Yes, Jesus is God before, during and after his temptation; part of his devine nature.
@polokucoch8112 50 минут назад
Please DO NOT MAKE FUN OF shiek uth uth... he has a PHD in TAQUIYA...
@MartialArtUK Час назад
Jesus was black and so was he's family and none of them where catholic or muslim. And none of them read or owned a bible or koran.
@rh2040 40 минут назад
What about this; Matthew 14: 12-13 Jesus didn’t know about John’s execution until he was told by John’s disciples. Clearly not omniscient.
@spy-v-spy1848 2 часа назад
It is not for the Father to know how to save. This shows that God is 3 separate beings all assigned duties all are God, but each serve a defined purpose.
@ricksonora6656 2 часа назад
That’s very… creative. Started your own religion, have you?
@abdiomar9292 2 часа назад
Godlogic got schooled ,especially on the hour question which was in the full clip
@biffmalibu5384 42 минуты назад
this young man has Gods blessing... Thanks For This
@stephalan2866 Час назад
God is Jesus. Jesus is not God. He could of never been crucified if he was God. God is immortal. Same with the Holy Spirit. God is the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit is not God. Hence the trinity.
@Pedro-bu8xd 47 минут назад
BOOM... that was brilliant
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