
Muslim Responds To William Lane Craig: "Allah Hates Unbelievers." | Adnan Rashid 

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28 июн 2024




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@Skull7727 Месяц назад
If a judge frees murderers, thieves, rapists because he loves them, we will say that judge is a fool
@the_weal_mawa Месяц назад
Perfectly said 👌
@autumnicleaf Месяц назад
Imagine, a victim waits years for a criminal to be apprehended and brought to justice. The day has finally come, and the judge says, "I forgive this man, and he owes you nothing." "But, if you don't judge, why are you a judge?"
@Snow248. Месяц назад
They’re not just freed their punishment was fulfilled by Christ.
@innocentodinkemere4597 Месяц назад
​@@autumnicleaf The Judge who frees wrong doers and does not compensate victims will be unfair. But a God who pays compensation for everyone himself and instructs you on the proper way to live perfectly henceforth is loving. He will be better than one who does not have a clear cut parameter to establish righteousness
@amen5552 Месяц назад
​@Snow248. So the criminals commit their crimes, and someone else is punished insted!! I hope you do not teach your children this principle in life!!
@Doumbouya225 Месяц назад
When Christians starts to read their funny holy book then we can have a debate.
@joychaniathiraj1057 Месяц назад
@joychaniathiraj1057 Месяц назад
@joychaniathiraj1057 Месяц назад
@ertegi64366 Месяц назад
@@joychaniathiraj1057 ok bro ahhaha
@hamzat981 Месяц назад
​@@joychaniathiraj1057 "whomp whomp, i dont read history of arabic peninsula and form an opinion about history of arabic peninsula, whomp whomp"
@user-ct3wl9sq4l Месяц назад
why would God love people who hate him and are fighting against him and his religion and his believers?
@Doumbouya225 Месяц назад
Christians: But but...he died for your sins 🤣🤣🤣
@_Cfocus Месяц назад
we are debating basic logic at this point
@FreePalestine2024__0 Месяц назад
Allah is still merciful to the disbelievers💚
@arthurverner23 Месяц назад
​@@_Cfocus you and alike already lost logical point here...
@_Cfocus Месяц назад
​@@arthurverner23may Allah guide you
@psworld4423 Месяц назад
If you reject God almighty. He will reject you and one more thing even non believers can’t live in this planet without Allah’s mercy Alhamdullilah for islam Alhamdullilah for born muslim ♥️♥️♥️
@geraldjepthas1559 Месяц назад
Are you mental people live with the mercy and love of GOD ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH long before Allah the pagan moongod exist
@zambagosibexone4735 Месяц назад
@@geraldjepthas1559 Your sttatement "Allah the pagan moongod" shows you have literally 0 knowledge about Islam and probably other religions, kindly don't upset other people based on your illiterate judgements
@Dragon_warrior96 Месяц назад
​@@geraldjepthas1559 whatcha yapping 'bout?
@smonregmi1470 Месяц назад
Luke 24:19= And he said to them, “What things?” And they said to him, “Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,♥️ We all know Jesus spoke Aramaic right? So in Matthew 27:46 Jesus is literally crying with a loud voice saying my god my god which translates to Elaha ( The corresponding Aramaic form is ʼElāh (אלה), but its emphatic state is ʼElāhā (אלהא). It is written as ܐܠܗܐ (ʼĔlāhā) in Biblical Aramaic and ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ (ʼAlāhā) in Syriac, both meaning simply "God". 😄♥️ Now, Bible Isaiah 43:15= I am the LORD, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator and King. This one verse is enough to debunk the whole polytheistic trinity yet you think that god became flesh? ( Shameless and Ridiculous people) If that's the case then read this 👁️ Numbers 23:19= God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Hosea 11 9= I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee; and I will not come in wrath. Timothy 2:5= There is one God. There is also one mediator between God and human beings a human, the Messiah Jesus. Again please read Hosea 11: 9 properly it clearly says For I am god and not a man holy one in the midst of thee. So why you fools are twisting that logical oneness of god into trinity? Why ? Is it because of John 10:30? Which says I and father are one ? If that's the case then you people are really dumb and blind hearted to the core that you don't understand the simple message of all the previous prophets who said nothing but reminded us that there is one god . I mean before reading John 10:30 read John 10:29= My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.👁️🧠 John 10:24= The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”👇 John 10:25= “I did tell you and you don’t believe,” Jesus answered them. “The works that I do in my Father’s name testify about me.😄 So now you understand what Jesus meant by saying I and father are one ? It means despite Jesus having his own will he submitted his will to father and did the will of father 👇🧠 John 6:38= For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. See how Jesus Christ is saying not to do his own will but the will of him who sent him which literally means Jesus has his own just like us but he sacrificed his own will to do the will of him who sent him so you blind fools may be wondering who sent him right? Well👇 John 17 3= And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. Thus , Bible Acts 2:22= Fellow Israelites, listen to these words: This Jesus of Nazareth was a man attested to you by God with miracles, wonders, and signs that God did among you through him, just as you yourselves know. Luke 24:19= He said to them, “What thing?” They were saying to him, “Concerning Yeshua, who was from Nazareth, a man who was The Prophet mighty in word and in deed before God, and before the whole nation. John 9:17= They said to the blind man again, “What do you say about Him because He opened your eyes?” He said, “He is a prophet.” John 6;14= But those people who saw the miracle that Yeshua did were saying, “Truly, This is The Prophet who is coming to the world.” John 7:40= But many from the crowds who heard his words were saying, “This is truly The Prophet.” Luke 1:76= And you, boy, you will be called the Prophet of The Highest, for you will go before the face of THE LORD JEHOVAH that you may prepare his way,” Mark 6:15= Others asserted that He was Elijah. Others again said, "He is a Prophet, like one of the great Prophets." Acts 3:13= The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus. You handed Him over and rejected Him before Pilate, even though he had decided to release Him. Servant Jesus Christ 🙄♥️( You fools still think this man is god in flesh form ? Then see this , Qur'an 4:171- O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of Allah and the fulfilment of His Word through Mary and a spirit ˹created by a command˺ from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, “Trinity.” Stop!-for your own good. Allah is only One God. Glory be to Him! He is far above having a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And Allah is sufficient as a Trustee of Affairs. Still don't want to leave trinity and declare the oneness of father ? Then please know that you are going against your own book😄😑 because,👇 Ephesians 4:6= one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Malachi 2:10= Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers? James 2 19= You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder . Now even after all this you still refuse to believe the oneness of god then know that there's nothing I or anyone can do for you because this 🔥 will be enough for you for your own ignorance and stupidity. Thus , Bible Revelation 21:8= But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”👇 = Qur'an 5:10= As for those who disbelieve and deny Our signs, they are the residents of the Hellfire. 🔥
@amen5552 Месяц назад
​@@geraldjepthas1559You worship a man, what are you talking about!!
@iledawn9282 28 дней назад
You can't reason with emotional Christians whose whole belief based on non-logic.
@PhiloSouz 19 дней назад
*Quran 98:6* Indeed, those who disbelieve from the People of the Book and the polytheists will be in the Fire of Hell, to stay there forever. They are the worst of ˹all˺ beings.
@awesome600 6 дней назад
They believe in charismatic Church people. On JudgementDay, they will blame them.
@cookliet8444 Месяц назад
Why does god need to love disbelievers or sinners? Then what's the point of being good and following his commands?
@user-ct3wl9sq4l Месяц назад
the point is Paradise bro. Without obeying him and his commands there is no Paradise for you.
@dewaabiyyu761 Месяц назад
​@@user-ct3wl9sq4l duhh
@xiontion9993 Месяц назад
@@user-ct3wl9sq4l does good work gets you paradice or murder and rape.....look man you just agreed with adnan,,,,,,,,,,good people gets GODS love and evil people GETS HELL....
@Toxikcid Месяц назад
@Taliban.The.Hyperpower 10 дней назад
Christian hates God. But want to enter God heaven 😂
@lovemamahouse 28 дней назад
There's no god except Allah. The most gracious the most merciful. He is enough for anything.
@joychaniathiraj1057 11 дней назад
@@lovemamahouse Our concept of God is different from your allah. Your allah prompted muhammad to marry Zainab his son's wife. Which God would command such a thing. No God will allow, except a false god calledallah
@sinanroyal5359 Месяц назад
Allah does not even hate sinners. If he would hate sinners, he would hate every single human being in history safe for the Prophets. To sin is the nature of human beings. Allah made us this way, so we can come and repent to him. That is what he truly loves. The sin itself may be disliked by Allah, but most certainly not the human being that commited it due to the very nature Allah created him with.
@foolsfury9958 Месяц назад
The Prophets sinned as well.
@sinanroyal5359 Месяц назад
@@foolsfury9958 Minor sins maybe, but Prophets are considered by all 4 schools to be free of major sins, atleast when their Prophethood began.
@foolsfury9958 Месяц назад
@@sinanroyal5359 I didn't say differently, but there is not a single son of Adam that is sinless.
@Dizoliot Месяц назад
@@foolsfury9958The prophets never sinned, they made mistakes and this is final.
@foolsfury9958 Месяц назад
@@Dizoliot mistakes? Mistakes that made Allah unhappy, that's called a sin. Every single scholar agrees that Prophets of Allah can not commit major sin, but they can and have committed minor sins. I mean, the stories of the Prophet's sinning are in the Qur'an. So you're wrong.
@TheOnlyWay24 Месяц назад
Sir Adnan, may Allah Tala bless you, ameen
@this_world.s_test Месяц назад
I mean If Allah wasn't loving or didn't love disbelievers or sinner, why would he want them(disbelievers) to live and repent to him again. Think about it.....
@Pat.hibuleire Месяц назад
He created them for hell You ignorant
@anonamemous6865 29 дней назад
Because the quran copied the bible, that's a simple fact
@yusrabintrabah2553 12 дней назад
It's not about love, it's Allah's wisdom justice and mercy that he gives people a chance. Allah's love however must be earned. Check quran 3:31
@this_world.s_test 12 дней назад
@@yusrabintrabah2553 yes. Mercy-love. He loves everyone but if you have better iman he loves you more. Like that? I think so
@Dinobs8089 11 дней назад
U should think about it,u should read the quran to find the answers *"And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], 'Am I not your Lord?' They said, 'Yes, we have testified.' [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, 'Indeed, we were of this unaware.'"* (Quran 7:172) This verse means allah asked to all children of adam ,I am your lord,if they are good they will agree That’s not the only question there is a hadith also I cannot find which says will you live being a good person
@azizankarim342 27 дней назад
Who said they read the entire bible. They just quoted out of context the verse from the bible just to fulfil their LUST & DESIRES. The worst one is that they quoted out half of the verse and hid the other half of it also for the same reason. This is what the church taught to their followers all this while. So weird...
@thewaytosalvation145 Месяц назад
Brother Adnan is Unstoppable
@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383 Месяц назад
The quran is worst. Jesus says vulgar language and called out those sinners. But mohammad through his hadith said allah love humanity to sin. Because if you will not sin allah will wipe out you of existence and replace people who commit sin and allah will forgive them if they ask for forgiveness. What the heck is that. Jesus just called out those sinners.
@vrl9037 Месяц назад
​@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383 you are a Gentile dog according to Jesus Christ
@Asphaltq829 Месяц назад
​@@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383a Christian and logic don't go together, do they?
@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383 Месяц назад
@@Asphaltq829 why do muslims have logic? You cannot even question the quran and allah. So, what can you say about your god loving humanity to commit sin? Sahih muslim 2749
@Amonaalmazyona-zh6nk Месяц назад
​@@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A single endeavor in Allah's Cause in the afternoon and in the forenoon is better than the world and whatever is in it." what? This is the hadith. I don't undrstand what is wrong with it
@last_breathe120 Месяц назад
Psalm 5:4-5 4 For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness; with you, evil people are not welcome. 5 The arrogant cannot stand in your presence. You hate all who do wrong; 6 you destroy those who tell lies.
@tgr5772 Месяц назад
"you destroy those who tell lies." Yes but Adnan is still standing. Maybe not for long then.
@yassinzakar Месяц назад
It is funny that you said Adnan instead of William Lane because William who is supposedly a Christian but rejects Psalm 5:4-5 or lies about what he believes about God. May be William understood Romans 3:7-8 as justification to lie about Christianity to sell it.
@JesusIsWithYouNowPrayToHim Месяц назад
John 3 16, the words of the LORD❤😊
@tigresalas3574 Месяц назад
@@JesusIsWithYouNowPrayToHim really?
@baartapu5317 Месяц назад
When did Jesus Christ ever call sinners dogs or pigs? I know his parables were compared to such, Matthew 7:6-7 "Don't give what is holy to dogs nor pearls to swines only to be trodden under their feet". Animals have no knowledge of what is valuable or of value.
@maklangchombie Месяц назад
The last book about to restore The dignity of The prophets.. bibles has so many funny text about prophets..
@innocentodinkemere4597 Месяц назад
It is not a plagiarised compilation pretending to be from God.
@asarullahkhan3097 Месяц назад
@@maklangchombie Quran is the last devine book for the guidance of people and it is the only valid book
@tgr5772 Месяц назад
I have been watching a video about Islam and Muhammed. Be brave. Read all of it. It is astounding. According to Muslims: Muhammed was born in Mecca 570 Died in Medina in 632 Koran sent down 610 - 632 to Muhammed Muhammed conquered Hejaz, Saudi Arabia and Yemen Muslims expanded their areas of conquest to Egypt , Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Baluchistan Then expanded to the Indus River and North Africa and Spain Mecca and Medina: Mecca, Medina are in the Hijjaz/Hejaz which is the west-central part of Arabia It is desert. There is no water. Therefore there is unlikely to be many people living there. Islamic Caliphates: Muhammed's Empire 632 AD Hejaz, Arabia, Yemen The Rushidun Period 632 - 661AD from Tripoli in West, Turkey in North, Afghanistan in East, Yemen in South Umayyad Dynasty - 661 -750 rest of N. Africa and Spain Muhammed's Timeline according to Muslims: Muhammed born 570 AD The Koran first received in 610 AD Travelled to heavens in 621 AS ( Mi'raj) and received 5 prayers In 622 AD moved from Mecca to Medina (Hijra) Conquered Mecca in 630 AD Died in 632 AD Was suceeded by Abu Bakr in 632 - 634AD The Umar in 634 - 644AD Then Uthman in 644 - 656 AD Then Ali 656 - 661 AD Sources of Information about Islam : 1. Sira = biography of Muhammed by Ibn Ishaq 765AD according to Muslims 2. Biography of Muhammed from Ibn Hisham (d.833) took from Ibn Ishaq and wrote what he wanted and discarded the rest 3. Al Waqidi (d.835 AD) writes about the campaigns of Muhammed 4. First Hadith written by Al Bukhari(d.870 AD) 5.Then Hadiths written by Sahi Muslim (d.875 AS) 6. Then Hadiths by At-Tirmidhi(d.884 AD) 7. Then Hadith by Ibn Maja(d.887) 8. Then Hadiths by Abu Dawud(d.899 AD) 9. Then Hadith by An-Nisa'i(d.915 AD) Commentaries on Koran: Al Tabari(d.923) The Culprit : Abd al-Malik(692 AD) Introduces the word "Muhammed" (MHMD) which is a title that means the "anointed one" and is not an actual name. He writes on the Dome of the Rock and coins and Rock inscirptions Emergence of Islam as a Religion: Abbasids - introduce Muhammed as a religion in contradistinction to Christstianity (749 AD) Their writings are by people who come from Baghdad, Cairo, Basra, Uzbekistan, Tabaristan (Norther Iran) They were Abbasid writers No writings from Mecca even hundreds of years after 632AD LIfe of Muhammed (Sira) compiled by 1850s German Arabist called Heinrich Ferdinand Wustenfeld (1858 - 1860) Coins and Inscriptions 7th century: Mecca has no water There are references to "Muhammed" as it is a title and not a name. It means "The Anointed One" and is used to refer to Jesus. Mecca (Bakka, Bakha) in the Koran is apparently near Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham and Ishmael and Hagar lived there. The description of the vegetation is that is is filled with lush fruit trees, grass, grains and streams. The Koran only refers to it once Surah 48:24. The people and tribes the Koran refers to are 600-1000 miles further north of Mecca - Near Jordan 65 referenced areas are in Jordan : The people of Noah, Ad, Thamud,MIdian - all in Jordan. Arabic of the Koran: Tha Arabic of the Koran is Nabatean Aramaic Arabic spoken 600 further North of Mecca. The Arabic spoken in Mecca and Medina Sabaeans Arabic. No archaelogical finds of prophets unearthed in Mecca. Just an old Ottoman fort from 1300 AD Looking through every civilization for the mention of Mecca. None. Why? No water, desert, so no great number of people and not an any trade route. There were no Jews and Christians that far south because there was no water. An aquaduct was first built in 900 AD. The first reference to Mecca in 741 AD puts Mecca in Southern Turkey. All early qiblas direct to Petra in Jordan. Coins and rock inscriptions: 1. Lydians started minting coins around 600BC - coins created and maintained rulers identity and they put their image, name and religion on the coins 2. Looking at 7th century coins and inscriptions: No mints n Mecca or Medina or anywhere in the Hejaz in 632 - 661AD - no water. Hejaz was a desert. First coins: Sassanian Empire: The coins had crosses to show the leaders were Christians. Rock Insciption and coins by or about Mu'awiyah : Christian 661 AD. Inscription on the coin :MHMD and refers to him as "The slave of God" and "The commander of the believers". But he was a Christian. The insciption starts with a cross. 3. Then Abdel Malik comes to power: He is an anti-Trinitarian Christian. Confronts the Byzantine Christians, goes to war against Justinian and wins then mints coins mocking the Byzantines. Disfigures and then takes off the cross from the coins. Puts his image on the coin with a sword. And his inscriptions on the coins Then another coin in 696AD attacking the Trinity and Justinian -with the inscription: "There is only one God the blessed one is the servant of God." This is about Jesus. The word "Muhammed" mean anointed one i.e. Jesus. 4. From 690 - 710AD: Muslim rites (but not Muslim people) appear 5. In 720-730 Muslim people appear.
@Angi1028 Месяц назад
Told. The Truth ❤
@genericusername9912 Месяц назад
I'm not Christian but I think some of those quotes are a bit of an odd choice to make this point. Calling someone a hypocrite isn't "disgusting language", it's just a criticism. That has no bearing on love. Plenty of people love hypocrites, most people are hypocrites somewhere along the line after all.
@mosbicarbon5205 Месяц назад
How about hitler do you lover killers?? 😂😂😂
@zgsfreaky9102 Месяц назад
Jesus calling people dogs and pigs isnt disgusting language? Why quote the hypocrites and not the other words? Enemy to disbelievers and sinners is bad but saying people are dogs and pigs is okay? But Allah being an enemy to disbelievers that don’t want to accept the creator of the entire universe and life is something crazy? Lol. Its truly the hearts that are blind. Do you now the first sentence of the quran is “ in the name of Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful “. Think about that for a second. The first thing God wants us to know as muslims is that he is the most compassionate and merciful. Not him being an enemy to sinners, that is a logical statement in order to get his servant to avoid sin. I genuinly feel sorry for how empty-brained and senseless some of you are
@anonamemous6865 29 дней назад
As a Christian myself I agree with you. Criticism is appropriate if you love someone you should tell the truth that what they do is wrong. Lying about their description is not love because it is lying.
@zgsfreaky9102 28 дней назад
@@anonamemous6865 What about dog and pig? Both of you purposely left that out. Go call your son or daughter a dog or pig when they commit a sin and see how you feel internally.
@dipenbhadel556 27 дней назад
​@@zgsfreaky9102 if you read the entire passage on the conversation between jesus and the you will understand the meaning...in the orginal scriptures the dog has 2 meaning based on how its used...one like a demeaning term that ur are thought of and another as a house pet or puppy that a household adores and keep...and the women understand the jesus words and continued with the conversation... dont have preconceived ideas without having the entire context of the passage from these shorts... May god bless you
@roslanhaikal7242 Месяц назад
I never see they love prophet Muhammad PBUH. All i see is mockery
@user-eg4lo5nx5y Месяц назад
This man never miss😅
@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383 Месяц назад
The quran is worst. Jesus says vulgar language and called out those sinners. But mohammad through his hadith said allah love humanity to sin. Because if you will not sin allah will wipe out you of existence and replace people who commit sin and allah will forgive them if they ask for forgiveness. What the heck is that. Jesus just called out those sinners.
@gotenough3788 Месяц назад
He missed so bad though 😂
@yes-qw6om 28 дней назад
@@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383 why dont you talk about how your god punishes people for others actions
@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383 28 дней назад
@@yes-qw6om who god punishes others people action? You mean jesus? You dont know christianity. Jesus was not punish. Jesus came to save but he was killed and He accept it out of love. Theres no greater love than to lay your life to a friend.. He did not come and said kill me. He was persecuted by the jews because He claim to be God. He was punished by commiting blasphemy. Now i will ask you. In your quran what is the reason why jesus was going to be crucified? Because allah rescued Him by making it to appear He was crucified.
@yes-qw6om 28 дней назад
@@aloysiusvincentpuansing6383 im talking about YAHWEH or the father
@itprofessor8539 Месяц назад
Jesus used those languages not as insult, but to tell them who they really are. He only criticized them using words they were familiar with because he loved them and wanted them to repent. Criticism that has truth doesn't mean you hate someone. Sometimes correction can be harsh. I don't think the two are the same if we're being honest.
@30ryan15 Месяц назад
And didn’t answer the question but just reversed to ask about the Bible. Now answer without using the Bible
@user-kt5bl4bm9o 14 дней назад
Thats answer the question, simple, god love the beliver, simple
@MrAdnanRashid Месяц назад
If our content benefits you and if you would like to support our social media dawah presence, please see the following options: www.patreon.com/AdnanRashid PayPal: adnanhittin@gmail.com
@user-lx1yv2rq2n Месяц назад
Brother Adnan I wish if u said God's mercy in Islam is for all humanity but His love is for good ones How God swt loves bad ones if so then that means he is bad as well logic but he doesn't
@user-lx1yv2rq2n Месяц назад
How can i talk to u private My channel is دكتورة أم موسى dr om moosa Hope to talk soon about some certain points about Ahmady Muslims
@thebesttruth4659 Месяц назад
🇵🇰❌🇵🇰❌🇵🇰❌🇵🇰 Innocent Balochistan Family😔 Pakistan🇵🇰stop kidnapped and killed innocent Muslim Balochistan Brother Sister😔 all innocennt Family😔.. May Allah protect innocent Balochistan Famiily,😔,...
@mirtalpur739 Месяц назад
@@thebesttruth4659they want our mountains not our people.
@thingswhatilike Месяц назад
You bot. You should stop spreading lies
@Zeezoro Месяц назад
If Allah hated sinners and disbelievers then why did he keep sending prophet after prophet to reform them. Even now Allah keeps giving them chance after chance. In fact, the disbelievers are enemies of Allah and not vice versa.
@user-xd7sg5bf9t 25 дней назад
Something humane is adoption. That is abolished by a Satan. Marrying adopted son' wife is disgusting but devil approved it. And that devil is the God of terrorists.
@abdurraquib4168 Месяц назад
Dr Craig has lost his mind. Thank you Adnan Rashid to prescribed him with the right medication. 😊
@tobytranter2266 Месяц назад
He did not answer him. He deflected the question. Tell me exactly what Adnan said about the Qur’an or Allah here. Nothing.
@abdurraquib4168 Месяц назад
@tobytranter2266 You have to be a better listener, or you will remain, you are...
@tobytranter2266 Месяц назад
@@abdurraquib4168 You couldn’t find anything could you? Obviously not, because if he has answered the question you would show me rather than be so defensive over a defenceless ‘religion’.
@abdurraquib4168 Месяц назад
@tobytranter2266 Is that all you learn to attack a religion? Poor attitude I feel pity for you.
@tobytranter2266 Месяц назад
@@abdurraquib4168 So to recap: You said Dr. Craig has lost his mind and Adnan answered fantastically. I asked what Adnan’s answer was You said I do not listen and could not tell me how Adnan answered I called you out for not having an answer You say I am the one blindly attacking Whilst still not accepting that Adnan does not answer the question
@Sock_moisture Месяц назад
A dad can accuse his son of doing wrong. That doesn’t mean the dad doesn’t love the son. God can accuse people of being evil. That doesn’t mean God doesn’t love sinners.
@Rizvi-2 Месяц назад
So why do y'all target Quran then?
@Aamrz9543 Месяц назад
God never begotten a son : done ✅
@Sock_moisture Месяц назад
@@Rizvi-2 Because it say that Allah hates sinners.
@Sock_moisture Месяц назад
@@Aamrz9543 This is a completely different topic about if God had a son or not. That is a red herring fallacy. I gave the analogy of a father and son to make it easier to understand. I could have said a teacher and student but it still means the same thing.
@thebesttruth4659 Месяц назад
🇵🇰❌🇵🇰❌🇵🇰❌🇵🇰 Innocent Balochistan Family😔 Pakistan🇵🇰stop kidnapped and killed innocent Muslim Balochistan Brother Sister😔 all innocennt Family😔.. May Allah protect innocent Balochistan Famiily,😔,...
@manzalie Месяц назад
God send prophets after prophet to guide us to the right path, to save human from sins. God loves us all.
@EugVR6 28 дней назад
If Muslims could remind everyone, how many Islamic countries still use the death penalty for Apostasy?
@Bladesofkaos Месяц назад
Did Jesus who is supposed God in Christian bible ever say i am the Most Gracious or Most Merciful? No. It the Almighty Allah at every beginning of each surah. Educate yourself, Christians.
@FirstCommandment 36 минут назад
Hosea 9:15- Because of all their wickedness in Gilgal, I *HATED* them there. Because of their sinful deeds, I will drive them out of my house. I will *no longer love them*; all their leaders are rebellious. Romans 9:13- As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I *hated* (Also same in Malachi 1:3) Psalm- 5:5 +6- The arrogant cannot stand in your presence. You *hate* all who do wrong; you destroy those who tell lies.
@derrickjohnson9313 24 дня назад
Allah clearly states in the Qur'an that if He were to punish human beings for their wrongdoing, not a one would be left standing. Yet, He continues to extend His Mercy in the hope that we will turn our lives around and begin to live a life of obedience.
@dannydorito2954 Месяц назад
"I feel as though my aorta has been severed"
@samsongill7669 10 дней назад
Without Lies, Islam dies!!! I’m impressed by his ability to single out verses just to fit his narrative.
@davidmorgan5581 Месяц назад
In all fairness there's a difference in being nice and being loving. You can be harsh to someone because you love them.
@zgsfreaky9102 Месяц назад
Being harsh doesn’t equal calling them dogs and pigs. And definetly not if you are a divine being, let alone God himself in the flesh. Lol that doesn’t even make any sense whatsoever. Christians are truly led by Satan himself.
@Zidane-is-the-GOAT05 15 дней назад
*according to the Quran, Allah SWT doesn't love sinners* Which makes the hell more useful
@salahaldin447 22 дня назад
I believe there an actual verse in the bible that explicitly says 'God doesn't love the evil doers'
@MasculinityThrives007 16 дней назад
Allah loves enough when he says that when a disbeliever comes to truth his previous sins will be forgiven no matter what he did. That’s sounds like love to me
@Arifkhan-kr9jz Месяц назад
💯 Very 💪 true 💕 well 💯 said ✌️ mashallah 💯 jazakallah ✌️ khair 💯 brother 💪 love 💕 you 💯 so ✌️ much 💯💪💕💯✌️❤💯✌️
@mariaulfahofficial 29 дней назад
The answer is simple, just read the bible, and you will find the truth.
@cjjcjcj263 Месяц назад
My question is then? Why did Allah have slaves ? That’s all I wanna know.
@yes-qw6om 28 дней назад
we are all slaves of god, your comment doesnt make sense
@user-kt5bl4bm9o 14 дней назад
So you are the master of jesus? 😂
@Voces_terrenales 17 дней назад
Do not awnser a question with another questions. Christianism is based on Evangelion not in Bible. Bible is a Catholicism creation. God of Christianism is LOVE.
@user-dj7tr4vg8n 16 дней назад
Think before you spoke hehehhee😅mulsim masha Allah always have a perfect answer and reply ❤
@The.Arsalan 27 дней назад
"But he was a human too. Probably his human instincts took over" ~ "Not Me"
@Khoobus 28 дней назад
Yoooo guys did you get the new bible update? Update 9.5 is out! 😂
@_Cfocus Месяц назад
well ofcourse Allah hates the disbelievers, but loves for them to be guided, whats hell for then? as for sinners that are muslims Allah hates the sin they did but still loves them because they are believers, and loves for them to repent.
@MUHAMMADALI-yw4ps 5 дней назад
ALLAH loves everyone except who is against and nothing but full of hate with HIS creation
@TheTruthfulOnes Месяц назад
Jesus says in their bible “bring my enemies and slay them before me” how loving huh
@tanvirshahriar5912 19 дней назад
These disbelievers eyes will be burst open with horror at the day of judgement...
@phuabtsabchannel202 29 дней назад
He used those languages to show how much he hated the behavior of their sins because of God’s holiness, yet was willing to die for their sins.
@exarquazowexa7247 29 дней назад
He didn't call just their actions wrong but insukted the sinners themselves.
@alimsimanga5326 24 дня назад
Allah Ta'ala loves sinners , provided that they are also repenting from their sins and they live a good life.
@tanweerahmedkhan4359 28 дней назад
@AragornsonofArathon 20 дней назад
Every time muslims are challenged in their faith the answer is always the same. Not answering the question and creating a false dilemma.
@Ghayb 10 дней назад
Every chapter in the quran except one always begins 'in the name of God the most gracious most merciful If he is most merciful he must be loving all humans Another translation of every chapter begins starts with the comprehensively merciful and the especially merciful
@iamzeroz 23 часа назад
Cause they were pretending to be righteous when they were actually not
@Haris_1 27 дней назад
Allah is Loving but Allah also punish the wrongdoers. La ilaha illa Allah.
@sapronchongbang1576 28 дней назад
God died for sinners … he manifested his love through cross ….The pharisees never accepted they were sinners .. they walked high and mighty, proud and ignorant!! This is how god separates sinners ..
@samueljohn357 29 дней назад
Pharisees pretended to know God, but their life was filled with self righteousness. They did not reflect God's nature of love & mercy, but still emphasized they were his true representatives. To shake off their hypocrisy, Jesus used harsh words with them! Remember Jesus never cast away any prostitute, tax collector or even thief on the cross because they were repentent & accepted their sinful nature. God forgives sinners who are willing to accept His forgiveness 🙏
@user-fl4nw3ub7b Месяц назад
What DR in Dr. Craig for? Dream ? This man is a hypocrite because he knows that most Christian’s do not know that God in the bible doesn’t love the sinners just like in the Quran. Well that why Allah hate hypocrites more than disbelievers !
@MuhammadO19 Месяц назад
Allah will accept the sincere repentance of sinners and disbelievers and will be pleased with them and love them, even turning their previous sins into good deeds (because if they would go back in time, they would do good deeds instead). And the repentance is possible till the very end of life without hard conditions, just a sincere remorse, what's the big deal about love and hate? why SHOULD God love disbelievers?! And if the God according to Christianity loves everyone, why would he put this sticky original sin even on babies and throw them in hell forever if they died before being dunked in water?! Why even the prophets before Jesus had to go to hell?! Are you kidding me?!
@jellehassan215 Месяц назад
May ALLAH guide him, may ALLAH give us(Muslims) the patience and strength to overcome our challenges including propaganda of the ignorant people. Amiin Amiin Amiin.
@bimoengelen2530 28 дней назад
Jesus not slaughter, Jesus not killing, Jesus teach with word not sword
@AZMaybe 18 дней назад
Paul tried. Paul failed. Paul tried some more. Paul failed some more.
@Jim_wabs 13 дней назад
Jesus called Pharisees white washed tombs etc because they couldn’t allow people experience God and not because he hates sinners. It was actually because of sinners that Jesus showed indignation against the religious elite of the time.
@ANonymous-xv2dn 19 дней назад
“The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: *thou hatest* all workers of iniquity. 6 *Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing:* the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.” - Psalms 5:5,6
@kinabalucat Месяц назад
Christian concept of god is love and god love everyone and everything, love is god, if you have love, god is in you, and love your enemies are ridiculously stupid
@mesutdoyurucu377 28 дней назад
MaashAllah TebarakAllah my dear brother ❤
@Maymz-uf6bc 29 дней назад
He said Sinners first, then he said Disbelievers Trying to conflate
@pamieshuaib7 Месяц назад
The hypocrisy of christianity preachers and missionaries etc are absolute to its finest.
@dineshsam1055 Месяц назад
“While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭10‬-‭13‬ “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬-‭12‬
@victoremman4639 29 дней назад
William Lane Craig, he heard it before : he is a seductor, Allah hates them.
@haroonraja6276 День назад
My dad doesn't like me becaz I don't listen to him and I always reject his house rules 😂😂😂😂
@stevenclark5646 29 дней назад
So for those of you who quote Jesus saying bring them and slay them can you tell me how many people were brought before him to be slain who did the slaying and how many did he personally slay
@kestane123chesmo Месяц назад
this christian Dr. guy is proof no matter how educated they are they simply dont read the bible
@zeekhan1434 18 дней назад
He never did and i think no priest would have ever read it completely.
@alegit123456 16 дней назад
Then the woman said yes my lord but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table. Matthew 15:27
@vino-zb2qi 14 дней назад
Jesus answers my prayer and did a miracle within 3 days how can we not believe in his holy name. Amen.
@traderstudios6473 29 дней назад
He hates adulterous behavior but loves the sinner… Leviticus 20:10 threatened that 'the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife … the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death', while Deuteronomy 22:22 thundered, if a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then both of them shall die Romans 5:8 is a Bible verse that says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us". This verse emphasizes that God's love for sinners is different from human love, and that Christ died for people who are ungodly and rebellious, not for those who are righteous or have done good deeds.
@junaidjoseph1617 7 дней назад
It was not God's words...it was the words of man
@Help-provided-here 28 дней назад
He didn't say anything about the bibles as he is already a hypocrite, and disbeliever his is only confirming it !
@elipasho6757 Месяц назад
God does not like arrogant sinners who do not want to repent but He says Az-Zumar 53 Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins.1 He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
@dianecleary1054 10 дней назад
When you tell your own child they are bad because they have lied for example . Although you are angry and need to point out their errors do you not at the same time love them deeply in your heart to the point youd die to save them . Not to difficult to comprehend really .
@Lilmuslima 29 дней назад
Thats why people love bholenath,he forgives and loves all
@sinan_islam 19 дней назад
Christian missionaries assume Christians wont search after them.
@gusxwazt1607 Месяц назад
God punished people of Noah, people of Lot. Depicting God with too much love is absurd .
@zlatansrebrenovic2906 4 дня назад
Don't Ask question ! Respond only! If you can't , go pray, dont talk!!
@ShirinI-ro8re 7 дней назад
Yet Allah provides for everybody
@daveolep7657 29 дней назад
God is not to be mocked .
@dogrufftv2712 16 дней назад
JESUS died for those who hate him that's love g 💯
@rasimidrizi8483 День назад
Really Allah does not love disbelievers, and Craig is a disbeliever, so Allah does not love this creature...!
@willfollow Месяц назад
Jesus was asking the Jews to repent from their sins, they are the children of Abraham
@darshanb4158 День назад
Question : Why is your apple not sweet ? Answer : Your apple is also not sweet
@kath976 20 дней назад
Hold on! Jesus says “There’s more rejoicing in Heaven over one repentant sinner than over 99 just men that have no need of repentance.” He also says “Love one another as I have loved you.” He also stated that to love God and your neighbor as yourself are the greatest commandments. He also compares the love of God in the parable of the Prodigal Son to Father’s love. The Father in the story rushes out to meet his repentant son who returns home, weary and repentant after self-indulgence and squandering his inheritance given to him by His father. The Father declares a celebration is fitting because the son was lost and is found; he was dead and has come back to life!”
@rhshots7466 21 день назад
Jesus hates sin not the people
Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Qur'an 39:53
@user-sv1pf3cj7k Месяц назад
Loving thy enemy does not mean surrendering to that enemy. Or justifying or denying their faults. They may act as irrational beings (metaphorically pigs and dogs, i.e.). Discrimination between good and evil is important. Be compassionate and loving but don’t associate with evil. Love thy enemies for otherwise you let them win your soul for the devil.
@nomoresunforever3695 Месяц назад
He literally said "love your enemies" so yes, the fact that people can be adulterous or hypocrites doesn't mean he doesn't love them. Also, he doesn't call disbelievers dogs and pigs. You are taking that out of a parable and pretending like he is using it as an insult.
@NoMan-pp1jq 23 дня назад
Jesus in the Bible was the biggest sinner. He took the sins of all of humanity. Even Satan doesn’t have that many sins
@andrewlailvaux1571 10 дней назад
For God so Loved the World that He gave His one and only begotten son that whosoever shall believe shall not perish but have Eternal life.
@Helper859 27 дней назад
God is not a man, that he should lie; Neither the son of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? - Numbers , 23 : 19
@cesarsabio3131 Месяц назад
It’s because their beliefs is in the tradition not in the scripture or the a Bible.
@user-vw6on3ri7u 29 дней назад
God of Christianity loves everyone but hate sin
@dpower3416 2 часа назад
The book of bible.Jesus loves disbeliever or enemy but he don’t love who against him.