
Muslim Scholar Confronts David Wood & Apostate Prophet LIVE 

Apostate Prophet
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A Muslim scholar takes the challenge to counter my claim that Muhammad made false/failed prophecies. We will debate this live.
‪@TheFaroosExplainsIslam‬ is debating ‪@apologeticsroadshow‬ and AP.
Tomorrow we will have another discussion on David Wood's channel ru-vid.come4OBmdem...



10 мар 2023




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@ApostateProphet Год назад
I realy enjoyed this discussion. Hope you did too. We we will discuss another important topic tomorrow: ru-vid.come4OBmdemaaQ
@Hannestv4607 Год назад
Son of God does not mean that God has a child in Christianity! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!* Son of God is a title referring to the Word of God!
@Hannestv4607 Год назад
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
@lynnenevill3449 Год назад
Wow, respectful & rational. Polite, even. Thank you so much! What a refreshing surprise.
@jwrobin21 Год назад
APOSTATE PROPHET. When are you going to do a video on 'THE PROPHECIES OF MUHAMMAD from THE QURAN" as this is one publication that is notable by it's absence in Islamic Literature. I have been asking Muslims on their stalls and in their book shops. The show me Prophecies from The Hadith's. Prophecies from The Bible (a book they also claim that they do not believe.) They try and tell me that Science/Poetry = Prophecy. They tell me to come back next week and then try and tell me that they showed it to me the week before. After 30 years, you will understand that I have come to the conclusion that with no evidence of Prophetic Revelations from Muhammad in the Quran: I can only draw the conclusion that Muhammad was simply not a prophet.
@lorenzochimelis7359 Год назад
The brother took the correct scholarly approach to Hadith according to the sciences of Hadith not the tout taken by this so called human the apostate prophet who speaks no Arabic nor had ever been to Trained in the in depth sciences of Hadith that are numerous and focus on special disciplines within the science of Hadith the google seminary does NOT qualify him to take on the subject at all This is why imam Malik said: a man of Hadith without a teacher of FIQA is ASTRAY the clear cut statements by the prophet indeed the creed of Islam would not allow him to deal in this type of prophesy with statements that identify a specific time period at all the prophet even said of the spirit yes the SPIRIT that’s its knowledge is ONLY with Allah thus the prophet concerning this issue would speak of SIGNS or PORTENTS that would be indicative of the coming of the hour in fact ax the brother pointed out he said to the angle Gabriel concerning the hour that he knows less than the questioner so the hour via the Rest of the Hadith collection indicate strongly that the hour was not the child’s life time that the end would come as it had another meaning and context as it is clearly stated in Quran.13:9 and the prophet said if I knew the UNSEEN i could have acquired much wealth also refer to Q.27:65 the reality is the pin point nature of the signs the prophet talked about which are all happening as we live and breath right this very second so this argument is pure shameless desperation remember the biblical prophets in the Old Testament to make things more substantial made the major prophets made tones of statements IN the Bible that were false prophesies I mean a tone of them so shall we color them with the same brush as they smear Muhammad with for me to site the every one would mean me investing time that could be spent on a separate book and on the subject and in relation to Jesus the Christian Zionist movement was created on the power of THE TONE OF FALSE PROPHESIES OF JESUS connected to his return ,the nation of Israel and the final conflict which began in England by NELSON DARBY To intervene in the Middle East to force the hand of god to save Jesus from a portfolio of false prophesies by forcing the hand of god to make events occur which is the vehicle today at the root of all the problems in the middle east Christian fundamentals infiltrating the halls of government such as in England with prime minister t tony Blair to Donald Trump so the false prophesies of Jesus were by criminal means are being pushed by those believers in rapture and dispensation that are and have become the germ that has created our current global situation in the Middle East and this IDIOT you have the nerve to call GOD via his abject failure across the board is the catalyst so which is more catastrophic a misinterpreted Hadith made by a google google college idiot or that of the man the so called co equal , co eternal , and co substantial son of god or second person in the triune god head who is with god or GOD himself the flesh who made false prophesies and indeed was under Christian theological thought killed as a false prophet as per mandate of the Bible and identified as such directly in the book of ZACHARIAH.13:9 this is over OVER this is SADIQ ABDUL MALIK the man you fear David more than sanity call me deal with me the truth never killed anybody it can even cure a sociopath
@theastronomer5800 Год назад
What a great conversation. It's rare for a Muslim to listen and understand how someone who is not a Muslim would view things.
@generaljg4373 Год назад
The bible has many scientific errors
@MrCamaleon7 Год назад
That's because he's a Christian at heart.
@sturmgewehr4471 Год назад
Hate to say it but its because hes a convert
@SolaGratia. Год назад
He sounds American. He's already been raised and trained in a culture where hearing someone out who disagrees with your religion is considered good manners. That doesn't go away just because you converted to Islam.
@superhydra8873 Год назад
@@MrCamaleon7 imagine being so narrow minded that muslims can only be good people because they used to be Christians
@kiko8u Год назад
Great to see a very respectful and productive debate. I hope Muslims see Faroos as an example for future discourse.
@junie9417 Год назад
Then his not a true Muslim after all
@miguelquintana8076 Год назад
Too bad the new generation follows the Hijab clown posse.
@MrYelly Год назад
More likely they see him as another spineless kaffir, aggression and being loud is all they recognize.
@moholah3745 Год назад
O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people. Quran 5:51
@MrYelly Год назад
@@moholah3745 Quran is dumb as shit and Allah can kiss my ass.
@jcbquark8037 Год назад
I am just not used to a Muslim being respectful! Good on you Faroos!! With such rationality, I fear, Islam may not make sense to him too much longer
@johnkakoz244 Год назад
He is using make-up to make Islam looks good and beautiful from out side not the true face of Islam.
@uthman2281 Год назад
@@johnkakoz244 What do you believe in?
@sarpreetkaur4423 Год назад
​@John Kakoz I agree Taqqiya.
@nxbxxha_1764 Год назад
You know, I'm FUCKING TIRED of Islamophobes trying SO FUCKING HARD to insult my religion over and over again only to make themselves look like a Piece of shit. Honestly speaking, many non Muslims believe that The Prophet(PBUH) was a mysogonist, he was a pedophile, he was a dumb and stupid person...Well, I think it's High time I educate these people on Islam, God and my Prophet after exactly knowing the Truth behind the Religon and finally shut their FUCKING MOUTH!!!!! ISLAM IS A PERFECT RELIGION! Islam is the Last Religion in the WORLD! And believe it or not, No-one's FUCKING FORCING you or OPPRESSING you to believe the Truth, However, the TRUTH IS: God is ONE. He mentioned it in the Quran itself that he has Perfected the religon for Humanity and it will remain Unchanged. Now, Listen...All the people today take Muslims or Conservative Christians well you know...To be delusional, Dumb, Conservative and Close Minded. Now, lemme. Open your minds. First of all, we have all been fucking CREATED here on Earth. I mean, if you created yourself then feel free to tell me how. Anyways, God created the Universe, Humans, plants, LITERALLY EVERYTHING we need to survive. And he told us to just listen to his message, to spread love and kindness and now people are saying that WE are delusional. May I ask how we may be "Delusional" and "Brainwashed" when Islam teaches us to do good? IT JUST FUCKING IRRITATES THE FUCK OUTTA ME HOW FUCKING DUMB ASS LUNATICS EVEN HAVE THE AUDACITY TO THINK that Islam is a Fake Religion. I mean, CO'MON, That's how IGNORANT you are. Just ONE question and you don't even take the time to look around you, yourself for example, your eyes, ears, heart, how your body is FUCKING PERFECT, You being able to make a baby inside you and all the 8 BILLION people on Earth having the same perfect body which does all this work, these animals who don't have a conscience like us but are able to do stuff, plants who have been created exchanging Carbon Dioxide and us exchanging Oxygen ect...Everything is so organized for us to actually be disorganized atoms...Everything is under Control by GOD. But atheists think they know Better. Their only argument is "I don't know" and then proceed to make their own ideologies. So, Basically our Prophet was the most PERFECT HUMAN BEING ON EARTH! He had no identity of his own. He represented God. He was always nice to everyone, he used to have a LOT of Patience and consistency which I don't have to deal with fucked up people like you...He always listened to God and spread the message of Islam which is simple as FUCK. Just do your prayers and have Faith. God tells you to just be Patient in life because for sure after the bad, there is Good. Do good and good will come to you. You also have to do Charity every year from your wealth. Everytime you lie and make a mistake and make fake promises you need to feed 10 poor people. You need to Lower your gaze so as not to lust to people. One of reasons women need to cover up is not because there's discrimination or oppression but because God created women to be these AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL creatures who have to be preserved, that is our Bodies, Souls and Energies are SO SPECIAL that we need to keep all of this good stuff for this ONE PERSON. Islam teaches women to be Modest so as to attract the right men who will love their Hearts, not their Ass or Tits. Islam teaches women to be Valued and have dignity and Self Respect. Not being fucking whores. Islam teaches us to be good to our neighbors and families. To not break ties with them, to treat your guests with respect and kindness. To exchange gifts, to smile, to help others. To be a good and genuine Human being. We don't have the right to smoke, drink, have sex before Marriage and a TON of SHIT, but God also knows that we are imperfect beings, hence, if we EVER make any mistake and we repent sincerely, he just forgives us. You could've done mistakes for you WHOLE LIFE, yet God will still chose to forgive you cause he is so merciful and he Loves you even though you insult him when he's the one who created your Dirty Ass and a fucking mind which you use for BAD. Like, Islam is a LITERALLY PERFECTED Religion you know...I actually dare people to come and tell me what's so "wrong" about Islam. LIKE?! You're just a mortal Ass Human being who's trying to act SUPERIOR to God WTF 💀. Call me Racist and whatever shit you want! But what I know is that Islam is the only ONE LAST TRUE RELIGION ON EARTH! And there's only one God: Allah, who created all of us here. I don't see anything delusional or brainwashing about being a Good Muslim who has Faith lol. Something must be wrong with these Non Muslims. Oh, sorry, I forget. Satan actually told Allah that he is going to make human beings go in the wrong path and make them stay away from Islam. I think I finally found the SATAN who said that: Apostate Prophet. That why now he's making Videos to make people stay away from the religion of God. You guys are all FUCKING BRAINWASHED by social media and Ap thinking Islam is a Bad Religion when In Reality, Allah created you, the universe and everything that you've ever thought of. Maybe try praying to him in Ramadan? Allah might melt your hardened heart a little bit...😂 Let's not forget how much our Prophet (PBUH) has suffered...He was spreading the message of Islam and the Qureysh stars a Verbal Campaign against him calling him names like a Poet and a Sorcerer. He remained Patience and kept a smile on his face the whole time they kept bullying him. You know what's MORE FUNNY? These FUCKING Non Muslims keep on saying stuff like our Prophet was a pervert. Alright so...Basically, to stop his from preaching the message of Islam, the Qureysh bribed the Prophet with the most beautiful woman of Mecca and make him because the wealthiest and Power Chief of Mecca. And you know what? He refused ALL OF THAT GOOD SHIT and said even if they had to give him the Moon and the sun, he wouldn't take it. The only thing that concerned him was pleasing his Lord, that is; sacrificing his whole life just for God...He never gave up ever and tried to preach the message of Islam in the Best way possible. And y'all out there FUCKING INSULTING and CRITICIZING my FUCKING RELIGION???!! Haha lmao, I can't with you. Like, how does humans go to the length of Criticizing something that is: PERFECT?! LIKE?! LMFAO WTFFFFFF. Also, our Prophet was the most honest person in his Tribe. Everyone knew that he was a man of word, he kept his words, Promises, EVERYTHING... Can you imagine EVERYTHING our Prophet had to go through because of FUCKED UP people like you??? Yet, he still managed to win the Battle of Badr, that's why Muslims still exist today. Our prophet performed a lot of Miracles, God did that on purpose to show people that he's more than just a Human being, However, nowadays you still see people hating on someone LITERALLY FUCKING PERFECT! LIKE Brooooo...STOPPPPP LMFAO 💀. "And he is the one who spread out the earth and placed firm mountains open it and rivers, and created fruits of every kind in pours the causes the night to Cover the day when indeed in that are signs for people who thinks. And within the land are neighbouring Plots, gardens of greep grape vines, crops, palm trees, Steming from the same root, others standing alone.. There are all watered with one water, yet we make some taste better than oners. Indeed in that are signs for people who understand." (13,3,4) These verses draw the attention towards the creation of Allah which never failed to amaze people who thinks. It causes them to question the existance of such a complex System each sumaining the other dependent on one another, forming a cohesive, and functional whole. The intricacies of creation as seen in the variety of plants, insects, birds are mindboggling, nature has given men the immaginable. Creatures. that live in the oceans and breathe in water; creatures that fly at attitudes even though. the Oxygen is lesser, predators that have astonishing ways of haunting, all points towards a great mind. Thus, nature all around us have obvious signs that point towards a creature. Believers become grateful to Him as their existence and well being depends on the whole ecological system.
@bigvinnie3 Год назад
@POLISH WINGED HUSAR He probably is. Being muslim doesnt stop someone from being nice(well it doesn't always lol)
@beefymario88 Год назад
Imagine basing an entire law system on a 1400 year old book written by a desert pirate.
@bobmuh2242 Год назад
Modern law better. Men can marry men. Mothers murdered 55 million babies. Baby mamas outnumber married women. Church calls god. She. Pronoun
@user-sn3mk9oc3z Год назад
Go say this to the Christians who follow the Jews since four years ago
@nxbxxha_1764 Год назад
You know, I'm FUCKING TIRED of Islamophobes trying SO FUCKING HARD to insult my religion over and over again only to make themselves look like a Piece of shit. Honestly speaking, many non Muslims believe that The Prophet(PBUH) was a mysogonist, he was a pedophile, he was a dumb and stupid person...Well, I think it's High time I educate these people on Islam, God and my Prophet after exactly knowing the Truth behind the Religon and finally shut their FUCKING MOUTH!!!!! ISLAM IS A PERFECT RELIGION! Islam is the Last Religion in the WORLD! And believe it or not, No-one's FUCKING FORCING you or OPPRESSING you to believe the Truth, However, the TRUTH IS: God is ONE. He mentioned it in the Quran itself that he has Perfected the religon for Humanity and it will remain Unchanged. Now, Listen...All the people today take Muslims or Conservative Christians well you know...To be delusional, Dumb, Conservative and Close Minded. Now, lemme. Open your minds. First of all, we have all been fucking CREATED here on Earth. I mean, if you created yourself then feel free to tell me how. Anyways, God created the Universe, Humans, plants, LITERALLY EVERYTHING we need to survive. And he told us to just listen to his message, to spread love and kindness and now people are saying that WE are delusional. May I ask how we may be "Delusional" and "Brainwashed" when Islam teaches us to do good? IT JUST FUCKING IRRITATES THE FUCK OUTTA ME HOW FUCKING DUMB ASS LUNATICS EVEN HAVE THE AUDACITY TO THINK that Islam is a Fake Religion. I mean, CO'MON, That's how IGNORANT you are. Just ONE question and you don't even take the time to look around you, yourself for example, your eyes, ears, heart, how your body is FUCKING PERFECT, You being able to make a baby inside you and all the 8 BILLION people on Earth having the same perfect body which does all this work, these animals who don't have a conscience like us but are able to do stuff, plants who have been created exchanging Carbon Dioxide and us exchanging Oxygen ect...Everything is so organized for us to actually be disorganized atoms...Everything is under Control by GOD. But atheists think they know Better. Their only argument is "I don't know" and then proceed to make their own ideologies. So, Basically our Prophet was the most PERFECT HUMAN BEING ON EARTH! He had no identity of his own. He represented God. He was always nice to everyone, he used to have a LOT of Patience and consistency which I don't have to deal with fucked up people like you...He always listened to God and spread the message of Islam which is simple as FUCK. Just do your prayers and have Faith. God tells you to just be Patient in life because for sure after the bad, there is Good. Do good and good will come to you. You also have to do Charity every year from your wealth. Everytime you lie and make a mistake and make fake promises you need to feed 10 poor people. You need to Lower your gaze so as not to lust to people. One of reasons women need to cover up is not because there's discrimination or oppression but because God created women to be these AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL creatures who have to be preserved, that is our Bodies, Souls and Energies are SO SPECIAL that we need to keep all of this good stuff for this ONE PERSON. Islam teaches women to be Modest so as to attract the right men who will love their Hearts, not their Ass or Tits. Islam teaches women to be Valued and have dignity and Self Respect. Not being fucking whores. Islam teaches us to be good to our neighbors and families. To not break ties with them, to treat your guests with respect and kindness. To exchange gifts, to smile, to help others. To be a good and genuine Human being. We don't have the right to smoke, drink, have sex before Marriage and a TON of SHIT, but God also knows that we are imperfect beings, hence, if we EVER make any mistake and we repent sincerely, he just forgives us. You could've done mistakes for you WHOLE LIFE, yet God will still chose to forgive you cause he is so merciful and he Loves you even though you insult him when he's the one who created your Dirty Ass and a fucking mind which you use for BAD. Like, Islam is a LITERALLY PERFECTED Religion you know...I actually dare people to come and tell me what's so "wrong" about Islam. LIKE?! You're just a mortal Ass Human being who's trying to act SUPERIOR to God WTF 💀. Call me Racist and whatever shit you want! But what I know is that Islam is the only ONE LAST TRUE RELIGION ON EARTH! And there's only one God: Allah, who created all of us here. I don't see anything delusional or brainwashing about being a Good Muslim who has Faith lol. Something must be wrong with these Non Muslims. Oh, sorry, I forget. Satan actually told Allah that he is going to make human beings go in the wrong path and make them stay away from Islam. I think I finally found the SATAN who said that: Apostate Prophet. That why now he's making Videos to make people stay away from the religion of God. You guys are all FUCKING BRAINWASHED by social media and Ap thinking Islam is a Bad Religion when In Reality, Allah created you, the universe and everything that you've ever thought of. Maybe try praying to him in Ramadan? Allah might melt your hardened heart a little bit...😂 Let's not forget how much our Prophet (PBUH) has suffered...He was spreading the message of Islam and the Qureysh stars a Verbal Campaign against him calling him names like a Poet and a Sorcerer. He remained Patience and kept a smile on his face the whole time they kept bullying him. You know what's MORE FUNNY? These FUCKING Non Muslims keep on saying stuff like our Prophet was a pervert. Alright so...Basically, to stop his from preaching the message of Islam, the Qureysh bribed the Prophet with the most beautiful woman of Mecca and make him because the wealthiest and Power Chief of Mecca. And you know what? He refused ALL OF THAT GOOD SHIT and said even if they had to give him the Moon and the sun, he wouldn't take it. The only thing that concerned him was pleasing his Lord, that is; sacrificing his whole life just for God...He never gave up ever and tried to preach the message of Islam in the Best way possible. And y'all out there FUCKING INSULTING and CRITICIZING my FUCKING RELIGION???!! Haha lmao, I can't with you. Like, how does humans go to the length of Criticizing something that is: PERFECT?! LIKE?! LMFAO WTFFFFFF. Also, our Prophet was the most honest person in his Tribe. Everyone knew that he was a man of word, he kept his words, Promises, EVERYTHING... Can you imagine EVERYTHING our Prophet had to go through because of FUCKED UP people like you??? Yet, he still managed to win the Battle of Badr, that's why Muslims still exist today. Our prophet performed a lot of Miracles, God did that on purpose to show people that he's more than just a Human being, However, nowadays you still see people hating on someone LITERALLY FUCKING PERFECT! LIKE Brooooo...STOPPPPP LMFAO 💀. "And he is the one who spread out the earth and placed firm mountains open it and rivers, and created fruits of every kind in pours the causes the night to Cover the day when indeed in that are signs for people who thinks. And within the land are neighbouring Plots, gardens of greep grape vines, crops, palm trees, Steming from the same root, others standing alone.. There are all watered with one water, yet we make some taste better than oners. Indeed in that are signs for people who understand." (13,3,4) These verses draw the attention towards the creation of Allah which never failed to amaze people who thinks. It causes them to question the existance of such a complex System each sumaining the other dependent on one another, forming a cohesive, and functional whole. The intricacies of creation as seen in the variety of plants, insects, birds are mindboggling, nature has given men the immaginable. Creatures. that live in the oceans and breathe in water; creatures that fly at attitudes even though. the Oxygen is lesser, predators that have astonishing ways of haunting, all points towards a great mind. Thus, nature all around us have obvious signs that point towards a creature. Believers become grateful to Him as their existence and well being depends on the whole ecological system.
@NewZealandallblacks627 Год назад
Beefy 😆👌
@taesimuhammadatallah4453 Год назад
@bengreen171 Год назад
AP hit the nail on the head with his first point. It's totally not unexpected to find contradictions within the Islamic texts because they're not from a God. So the mere presence of a 'school' of hadith exegesis and reconciliation is an argument against Islam. Because a real God wouldn't cause any confusion, everything would be clear and there would be no need for 'experts' to tell us which verses and hadiths are reliable.
@nxbxxha_1764 Год назад
You know, I'm FUCKING TIRED of Islamophobes trying SO FUCKING HARD to insult my religion over and over again only to make themselves look like a Piece of shit. Honestly speaking, many non Muslims believe that The Prophet(PBUH) was a mysogonist, he was a pedophile, he was a dumb and stupid person...Well, I think it's High time I educate these people on Islam, God and my Prophet after exactly knowing the Truth behind the Religon and finally shut their FUCKING MOUTH!!!!! ISLAM IS A PERFECT RELIGION! Islam is the Last Religion in the WORLD! And believe it or not, No-one's FUCKING FORCING you or OPPRESSING you to believe the Truth, However, the TRUTH IS: God is ONE. He mentioned it in the Quran itself that he has Perfected the religon for Humanity and it will remain Unchanged. Now, Listen...All the people today take Muslims or Conservative Christians well you know...To be delusional, Dumb, Conservative and Close Minded. Now, lemme. Open your minds. First of all, we have all been fucking CREATED here on Earth. I mean, if you created yourself then feel free to tell me how. Anyways, God created the Universe, Humans, plants, LITERALLY EVERYTHING we need to survive. And he told us to just listen to his message, to spread love and kindness and now people are saying that WE are delusional. May I ask how we may be "Delusional" and "Brainwashed" when Islam teaches us to do good? IT JUST FUCKING IRRITATES THE FUCK OUTTA ME HOW FUCKING DUMB ASS LUNATICS EVEN HAVE THE AUDACITY TO THINK that Islam is a Fake Religion. I mean, CO'MON, That's how IGNORANT you are. Just ONE question and you don't even take the time to look around you, yourself for example, your eyes, ears, heart, how your body is FUCKING PERFECT, You being able to make a baby inside you and all the 8 BILLION people on Earth having the same perfect body which does all this work, these animals who don't have a conscience like us but are able to do stuff, plants who have been created exchanging Carbon Dioxide and us exchanging Oxygen ect...Everything is so organized for us to actually be disorganized atoms...Everything is under Control by GOD. But atheists think they know Better. Their only argument is "I don't know" and then proceed to make their own ideologies. So, Basically our Prophet was the most PERFECT HUMAN BEING ON EARTH! He had no identity of his own. He represented God. He was always nice to everyone, he used to have a LOT of Patience and consistency which I don't have to deal with fucked up people like you...He always listened to God and spread the message of Islam which is simple as FUCK. Just do your prayers and have Faith. God tells you to just be Patient in life because for sure after the bad, there is Good. Do good and good will come to you. You also have to do Charity every year from your wealth. Everytime you lie and make a mistake and make fake promises you need to feed 10 poor people. You need to Lower your gaze so as not to lust to people. One of reasons women need to cover up is not because there's discrimination or oppression but because God created women to be these AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL creatures who have to be preserved, that is our Bodies, Souls and Energies are SO SPECIAL that we need to keep all of this good stuff for this ONE PERSON. Islam teaches women to be Modest so as to attract the right men who will love their Hearts, not their Ass or Tits. Islam teaches women to be Valued and have dignity and Self Respect. Not being fucking whores. Islam teaches us to be good to our neighbors and families. To not break ties with them, to treat your guests with respect and kindness. To exchange gifts, to smile, to help others. To be a good and genuine Human being. We don't have the right to smoke, drink, have sex before Marriage and a TON of SHIT, but God also knows that we are imperfect beings, hence, if we EVER make any mistake and we repent sincerely, he just forgives us. You could've done mistakes for you WHOLE LIFE, yet God will still chose to forgive you cause he is so merciful and he Loves you even though you insult him when he's the one who created your Dirty Ass and a fucking mind which you use for BAD. Like, Islam is a LITERALLY PERFECTED Religion you know...I actually dare people to come and tell me what's so "wrong" about Islam. LIKE?! You're just a mortal Ass Human being who's trying to act SUPERIOR to God WTF 💀. Call me Racist and whatever shit you want! But what I know is that Islam is the only ONE LAST TRUE RELIGION ON EARTH! And there's only one God: Allah, who created all of us here. I don't see anything delusional or brainwashing about being a Good Muslim who has Faith lol. Something must be wrong with these Non Muslims. Oh, sorry, I forget. Satan actually told Allah that he is going to make human beings go in the wrong path and make them stay away from Islam. I think I finally found the SATAN who said that: Apostate Prophet. That why now he's making Videos to make people stay away from the religion of God. You guys are all FUCKING BRAINWASHED by social media and Ap thinking Islam is a Bad Religion when In Reality, Allah created you, the universe and everything that you've ever thought of. Maybe try praying to him in Ramadan? Allah might melt your hardened heart a little bit...😂 Let's not forget how much our Prophet (PBUH) has suffered...He was spreading the message of Islam and the Qureysh stars a Verbal Campaign against him calling him names like a Poet and a Sorcerer. He remained Patience and kept a smile on his face the whole time they kept bullying him. You know what's MORE FUNNY? These FUCKING Non Muslims keep on saying stuff like our Prophet was a pervert. Alright so...Basically, to stop his from preaching the message of Islam, the Qureysh bribed the Prophet with the most beautiful woman of Mecca and make him because the wealthiest and Power Chief of Mecca. And you know what? He refused ALL OF THAT GOOD SHIT and said even if they had to give him the Moon and the sun, he wouldn't take it. The only thing that concerned him was pleasing his Lord, that is; sacrificing his whole life just for God...He never gave up ever and tried to preach the message of Islam in the Best way possible. And y'all out there FUCKING INSULTING and CRITICIZING my FUCKING RELIGION???!! Haha lmao, I can't with you. Like, how does humans go to the length of Criticizing something that is: PERFECT?! LIKE?! LMFAO WTFFFFFF. Also, our Prophet was the most honest person in his Tribe. Everyone knew that he was a man of word, he kept his words, Promises, EVERYTHING... Can you imagine EVERYTHING our Prophet had to go through because of FUCKED UP people like you??? Yet, he still managed to win the Battle of Badr, that's why Muslims still exist today. Our prophet performed a lot of Miracles, God did that on purpose to show people that he's more than just a Human being, However, nowadays you still see people hating on someone LITERALLY FUCKING PERFECT! LIKE Brooooo...STOPPPPP LMFAO 💀. "And he is the one who spread out the earth and placed firm mountains open it and rivers, and created fruits of every kind in pours the causes the night to Cover the day when indeed in that are signs for people who thinks. And within the land are neighbouring Plots, gardens of greep grape vines, crops, palm trees, Steming from the same root, others standing alone.. There are all watered with one water, yet we make some taste better than oners. Indeed in that are signs for people who understand." (13,3,4) These verses draw the attention towards the creation of Allah which never failed to amaze people who thinks. It causes them to question the existance of such a complex System each sumaining the other dependent on one another, forming a cohesive, and functional whole. The intricacies of creation as seen in the variety of plants, insects, birds are mindboggling, nature has given men the immaginable. Creatures. that live in the oceans and breathe in water; creatures that fly at attitudes even though. the Oxygen is lesser, predators that have astonishing ways of haunting, all points towards a great mind. Thus, nature all around us have obvious signs that point towards a creature. Believers become grateful to Him as their existence and well being depends on the whole ecological system.
@nomejest5919 Год назад
There are experts explaining these things because there are retards who don't understand simple hadiths in islam. Just because not everybody in the entire world understands what muhammad said about something, does not mean it isn't from God. Also, none of the hadiths contradict what muhammad said. That isn't what Faroos claimed. It is talking sources of what muhammad said from better sources and taking the better sources account with a higher regard. His first point is just a strawman.
@nomejest5919 Год назад
You just need to do some researching. No expertise needed.
@nomejest5919 Год назад
The issue with applying this to hadith is that you're dealing with history at that point. There are a plethora of reasons why one historical report may conflict with another or may be more or less trustworthy than another This has to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. You can't just go "What about conflicting hadiths?"
@bengreen171 Год назад
@@nomejest5919 hey man - long time no see. Still talking absolute rubbish I see. Nothing you said here addresses the logical philosophical point I raised. And in fact your comment is just special pleading, since you start with the conclusion that any true hadith must portray Mohammed and Allah in as favourable light as possible. That's an ontological assumption you haven't justified and shows how weak your epistemology is. Because when we do apply the historical method' to the hadiths, then we find that they are just the product of people desperate to believe Mohammed was a prophet, but given that he wasn't, and that people are fallible, merely show that however hard people try, they cannot concoct a narrative without gaping holes in it, especially when that narrative is constructed over hundreds of years by hundreds of people.
@rorynicholson3295 Год назад
This has to be the nicest Muslim ever, what a great guy and a great discussion.
@Kumarapwmss1989 6 месяцев назад
@hexa1905 Год назад
So, An atheist, a christian and a muslim enter a bar...
@kronos01ful 10 месяцев назад
Lol....yeah ! This is to show that an ideology can be erroneous but when a person can use their reason and be humble and challenged ones beliefs we can improve the quality of human life.
@adonai7187 Год назад
I liked how the conversation was civil. Faroos sounds civilised and a little bit enlightened. He shouldn't be in this cult. Hope we get more conversation on different topics about Islam. Like the morality of Muhammad.
@topercaker2646 Год назад
Certain Sufi orders kinda do a 180 when it comes to faith purification and feachings...
@damnboyyyy6008 Год назад
He's educated unlike the soy boy toys (Father Smile2Jannah, Father Danny FatPiggachu, Uncle Uthman Ibn Farooq, and children Ali Eunuch Dawah and MoNoHijab
@asadabdullah8819 Год назад
Islam is not a cult.
@theislamicjourney960 Год назад
@@damnboyyyy6008 Because they all murdered your arguments. Athiesm is terrorism.
@damnboyyyy6008 Год назад
@@asadabdullah8819 True. "Muslims" are the cult
@100_1OO________1 Год назад
I feel like this Muslim really didn't bring anything to the table. Didn't actually address the root issue and wasn't engaging in much dialogue after his presentation. Instead, he agreed with a lot of what AP & David said. Sort of a strange attempt of answering the challenge.
He did say that he is not sure what the puppet said is true. Or not. Says Anything is possible. Seems a Very strong Muslim .
@saranin3091 Год назад
@@truthiseternalheisjesus9156 blindly following the religion then
@pankaja7974 Год назад
they should have checked with him if he loves s3x, especially with yathmithunna dolls. he could be motivated by that.
@SeekTheCross Год назад
34:33 it sounds a lot like Jesus saying that only The Father knew of the hour. Note that Islam came after Christianity so Muhammed could be pretending to be like Jesus.
@Mid40s Год назад
💯, chilling with the Jews and Christian’s and he had an epiphany
@malcolmlayton2050 Год назад
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “None of you have faith until I am more beloved to him than his children, his father, and all of the people.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 15, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 44 Bukhari got his hands on an actual bible and looked for things to plagiarise
@MohammedMuhiUddin Год назад
@@malcolmlayton2050 and the people who wrote the bible plagiarised from other books.
@malcolmlayton2050 Год назад
@@MohammedMuhiUddin proof?
@malcolmlayton2050 Год назад
@@MohammedMuhiUddin Matthew 10:37 - 'Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.' Written 600 years before Islam ....
@grannykiminalaska Год назад
Really good talk. Good job guys
@kdemetter Год назад
That was a very nice conversation. I'm looking forward to hearing more from him
@Tell_It_Right Год назад
I enjoyed the first part of this discussion because everyone respected each other and actually listened to one another. I think listening goes a long way between enemies.
@kyliereed200 Год назад
Very true. When people listen and discuss their ideas, most of them will realise they’re not really enemies of one another. They’re taught to be enemies.
@DieSchiss Год назад
I wanted to correct your use of the word "enemies", but then I realized it's unfortunately the reality of things.
@1089S Год назад
Is Faroos fooling us or himself?
@kingmadridi8125 Год назад
he's a muslim so just like the rest of them he's dishonest and delusional
@generaljg4373 Год назад
I'm an ex Christian I left christianity because the bible has many contradictions and hilarious scientific errors, alhamdulilah for Islam
@@generaljg4373 He plagiarized the words of Paul. 1 Corinthians 2:9 "..Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." Sahih al-Bukhari 3244 Narrated Abu Huraira: ..."I have prepared for My Pious slaves things which have never been seen by an eye, or heard by an ear, or imagined by a human being."
@generaljg4373 Год назад
@@filthymouthschoolboymakesi1236 bible says keep the little ones for yourself, why play football with them🤔😁
@@generaljg4373 Your false profit touched a 6 year old and you think he's greatest moral example.
@celiaartemis5485 Год назад
Thank you guys for all the amazing content.
@breakdownmm8991 Год назад
After this discussion Mr faroos will understand how Islam make no sense
@justjanice8373 Год назад
❤️this discussion. 😊
@smsog2236 Год назад
Ohh brother, that music intro is 🔥!
@jeanmullen8327 Год назад
What a great change of tempo..well done all. Respect. I’m afraid did not convince me but it’s good to hear a rational and interesting conversation….Well done guys.
@moholah3745 Год назад
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment. Quran 5:33
@jeanmullen8327 Год назад
@@moholah3745 Well as allah is a false god and Quran a copy and paste from Jewish and Christian sources, don’t think we will have much to worry about there.
@micahbell9591 Год назад
@@moholah3745 beautiful punishment in peaceful religion
@jesussaves6625 Год назад
@@moholah3745 How does one waste war against the almighty God?
@stirpiano Год назад
@@jesussaves6625 blasphemy, etcetera, and also attacking muslims and the prophet. really would have been a much better look if allah just said "exiled" or even just "killed" and "exiled"
@at3717 Год назад
amazing conversation. 👏 respectful scholar
@deusvult2302 Год назад
Scholar? 🥔
@user-lt2rw5nr9s Год назад
Very nice guy. I hope to see more of him in the future.
More like lectures than debates
@zackdeew9757 Год назад
not so surprised, he grew up in the western secular/Christian society,, that's why
@peacew479 Год назад
​@@zackdeew9757 western secular Christian society who destoyed and still destoying middle east ok
@generaljg4373 Год назад
​@@zackdeew9757the west is not christian, western countries left christianity long time ago the west is liberal, Cristianity is in decline which is a good thing
@smoothchilling64 Год назад
​@@generaljg4373 how is it good? Islam will dominate the west (it wouldnt end well)
@markdoughty8780 Год назад
A very engaging and insightful discussion - thanks for uploading.
@user-oj5uu1dh7v Год назад
I quite enjoyed this debate. Thank you AP, Dizzle and Faroos!
@elijahsanders3547 Год назад
After you guys, he should have a debate/discussion with Christian Prince.
@brotherben4357 Год назад
It’s pretty hard to have a debate with Christian Prince in his channel because he has all the control. Does CP do debates on other people’s channel? Perhaps he could call in to Muslim preachers’ channels?
@Dunecoone Год назад
@@brotherben4357 There is no authentic debate with a Muslim. Impossible. They Deny Reality.
@chipyoung4396 Год назад
@@brotherben4357 They will silence him almost immediately. They have no answers
@Cheeky_Sheikhy Год назад
​@Brother Ben hes tried and they always mute him because they can't handle him. Thats why his style is more back and forth rather than time-boxed. This way it doesnt allow the muslims to get away with any of the lying that their god commands of them
@fuzbeatboxern5714 Год назад
If someone beat CP I might convert.
@SeekTheCross Год назад
I missed it, but I'll watch it now.
@generaljg4373 Год назад
David wood believe God became a baby relying on mary but think he can criticize other people religions🤔
@deadcaliph6414 Год назад
Having a narration coming from a family member of Muhammad does not necessarily make them more reliable. They are people with a certain set privilege and would potentially do anything to maintain that even if means re-interpreting what Muhammad had said that would otherwise, sound blatantly incorrect. Aisha, being ranked as a mother to all the Muslims young and old, would therefore have her account more spread out, because they trust her more as being the wife of the prophet.
@jovanbogdanovic8001 Год назад
Nice to see a civil discussion.
@madikaldoktor9986 Год назад
Very civilized and professionally ... done. Easy on the listeners ...
@Ritika_Yadav_Bharti Год назад
The Faroos is confused, he didn’t expect such a counter.
@1001011011010 Год назад
Big difference between "the hour will not be established until this boy grows old" and "the hour will be established before this boy grows old". They basically mean the opposite. Given Semitic usage I'd think the "until" doesn't mean it will happen immediately after either, just means it won't happen before then. So it sounds like 1 version is more problematic and there are two versions less problematic. Now, what is interesting is that the 2 versions are less problematic in different ways. Perhaps this shows how memory works. But I wonder if in the immediate context if the hour could occur to one's death a similar (but less clear) way that your hour could. Wish the debate could have gone longer, could have gone into the isnad criticism, could have gone into the Arabic, could have gone deeper into the topic. Anyway nice video
@pankaja7974 Год назад
When is the hour the then?
@youdontknowme3318 Год назад
Mohamed stole that from Jesus in the Bible , Jesus says in Matthew 16:28 “truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Sounds similar to mohameds prophecy doesn’t it Mohamed was a thief man stealing Jesus prophecy and act like he said it first what a fool
@1001011011010 Год назад
@@pankaja7974 If by this you mean the end of time then judging by Faroos' presentation an Islamic answer would be to point to the famous Hadith of Gabriel which specifies that the time is not known but gives certain portents to indicate when it is soon.
@foreversurf1ngthenet Год назад
​@@1001011011010 Hadith's are simply man's futile attempts to speculate on the Qurans meaning, which should stand on it's own merit, but it can't, and doesn't....Allah supposedly explained to Mo' how we procreate, but in none of the many verses, does he mention the female ovum, in fact, he mistakenly claims that the male ejaculate turns into a clot of blood, and then a foetus. Neither are possible! The Quran is based on 7th century observation, and nothing more. it observes the sun and moon in orbit, when only our moon is. it only appears that our sun orbits our earth, but it doesn't...nor is it possible for the sun to catch up with the moon, because our sun is almost 400 times (148million km) further away than our moon is. At no point could our sun ever intersect or interact with our moon, or 'catch it up' as suggested in the Quran...Allah obviously has no idea about anything. As to the 'end time' we mortal men already know the answer, unlike Allah or Mohammed Our earth will cease to exist a little before our sun runs out of fuel (around 5 billion years away)...something Allah should know and should have, could have, but didn't say! Allah's/ Mohammed's knowledge was limited to the 7th century and observation... He observed the rain came from the clouds, but had no concept of evaporation...Islam like all religions are man made conjecture, based on myths
@1001011011010 Год назад
@@foreversurf1ngthenet While I feel like I get wanting to use these arguments, I think these are too shallow as the Quran is written in a poetic/prosaic way and disputed verses can be interpreted in a way consistent with modern science, such as by pointing to the fact the sun has its own orbit (around the center of the Milky Way galaxy). Surah Yaseen agrees that "it is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon". Or likewise the exclusion of the ovum is presumed, when the description is not exhaustive...I find these arguments do not work fully though I understand wanting to use them as a quick dismissal. The end of the sun needn't be the end of mankind, for by then we may have used spaceflight to travel many places elsewhere; likewise, mankind could easily go extinct prior to the sun's presumed end.
@sheikhboyardee556 Год назад
Faroos was a great guest. Respectful & willing to listen to the opinions of others. It would be a good idea for Muslims to reject all religious writings concerning Islam including the hadithes & anything else except the Quran. However, the Quran is truly incomprehensible in any language. Therefore a written guide would need to be written to assist the reader with what Allah really meant without changing the basis meanings of the Quran. In other words a concordant such as Christians have, just to assist in the meaning. The second is very important as without rejecting the violence & intolerance of Islam, Islam will fail. If that doesn't happen Islam will fail in the future.
@adjoa-anima Год назад
The bible makes sense on its own, but for deeper revelation into the word the holyspirit is the best guide not the concordant
@joshuawoodin 10 месяцев назад
I have noticed the confusion with the quran is obvious it's not divine in origin. Also as it says Allah is the greatest of deceivers. We're the bible says God is not the author of confusion.
@Daughter_of_Christ1326 Год назад
What I personally feel is whenever we study a particular Scripture we should keep our personal faith and believe aside and study it without any bias ... if you don't find any contradictions and doubts then you are not studying it properly !!
@elltir8943 Год назад
Agree completely! Unfortunately, all believers start from personal convictions to justify their scripture.
@Daughter_of_Christ1326 Год назад
@@elltir8943 true
@NoOne-pv5mq Год назад
David I am an ex muslim atheist but considering I can’t explain a lot of things based on atheist views I am considering Christianity as a religion I might want to be but bible also confuses me and I don’t know where to start so please tell me which book of bible should I start reading to understand the religion of Christians Thanks in advance.
@icic6936 Год назад
Watch inspiringphilosophy a must!
@MrYelly Год назад
So in short; "I took a leap of faith, threw out my scepticism and here are my reasons why you should do so as well." At least he was polite and not foaming at the mouth, very refreshing.
@greyngreyer5 Год назад
@nxbxxha_1764 Год назад
You know, I'm FUCKING TIRED of Islamophobes trying SO FUCKING HARD to insult my religion over and over again only to make themselves look like a Piece of shit. Honestly speaking, many non Muslims believe that The Prophet(PBUH) was a mysogonist, he was a pedophile, he was a dumb and stupid person...Well, I think it's High time I educate these people on Islam, God and my Prophet after exactly knowing the Truth behind the Religon and finally shut their FUCKING MOUTH!!!!! ISLAM IS A PERFECT RELIGION! Islam is the Last Religion in the WORLD! And believe it or not, No-one's FUCKING FORCING you or OPPRESSING you to believe the Truth, However, the TRUTH IS: God is ONE. He mentioned it in the Quran itself that he has Perfected the religon for Humanity and it will remain Unchanged. Now, Listen...All the people today take Muslims or Conservative Christians well you know...To be delusional, Dumb, Conservative and Close Minded. Now, lemme. Open your minds. First of all, we have all been fucking CREATED here on Earth. I mean, if you created yourself then feel free to tell me how. Anyways, God created the Universe, Humans, plants, LITERALLY EVERYTHING we need to survive. And he told us to just listen to his message, to spread love and kindness and now people are saying that WE are delusional. May I ask how we may be "Delusional" and "Brainwashed" when Islam teaches us to do good? IT JUST FUCKING IRRITATES THE FUCK OUTTA ME HOW FUCKING DUMB ASS LUNATICS EVEN HAVE THE AUDACITY TO THINK that Islam is a Fake Religion. I mean, CO'MON, That's how IGNORANT you are. Just ONE question and you don't even take the time to look around you, yourself for example, your eyes, ears, heart, how your body is FUCKING PERFECT, You being able to make a baby inside you and all the 8 BILLION people on Earth having the same perfect body which does all this work, these animals who don't have a conscience like us but are able to do stuff, plants who have been created exchanging Carbon Dioxide and us exchanging Oxygen ect...Everything is so organized for us to actually be disorganized atoms...Everything is under Control by GOD. But atheists think they know Better. Their only argument is "I don't know" and then proceed to make their own ideologies. So, Basically our Prophet was the most PERFECT HUMAN BEING ON EARTH! He had no identity of his own. He represented God. He was always nice to everyone, he used to have a LOT of Patience and consistency which I don't have to deal with fucked up people like you...He always listened to God and spread the message of Islam which is simple as FUCK. Just do your prayers and have Faith. God tells you to just be Patient in life because for sure after the bad, there is Good. Do good and good will come to you. You also have to do Charity every year from your wealth. Everytime you lie and make a mistake and make fake promises you need to feed 10 poor people. You need to Lower your gaze so as not to lust to people. One of reasons women need to cover up is not because there's discrimination or oppression but because God created women to be these AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL creatures who have to be preserved, that is our Bodies, Souls and Energies are SO SPECIAL that we need to keep all of this good stuff for this ONE PERSON. Islam teaches women to be Modest so as to attract the right men who will love their Hearts, not their Ass or Tits. Islam teaches women to be Valued and have dignity and Self Respect. Not being fucking whores. Islam teaches us to be good to our neighbors and families. To not break ties with them, to treat your guests with respect and kindness. To exchange gifts, to smile, to help others. To be a good and genuine Human being. We don't have the right to smoke, drink, have sex before Marriage and a TON of SHIT, but God also knows that we are imperfect beings, hence, if we EVER make any mistake and we repent sincerely, he just forgives us. You could've done mistakes for you WHOLE LIFE, yet God will still chose to forgive you cause he is so merciful and he Loves you even though you insult him when he's the one who created your Dirty Ass and a fucking mind which you use for BAD. Like, Islam is a LITERALLY PERFECTED Religion you know...I actually dare people to come and tell me what's so "wrong" about Islam. LIKE?! You're just a mortal Ass Human being who's trying to act SUPERIOR to God WTF 💀. Call me Racist and whatever shit you want! But what I know is that Islam is the only ONE LAST TRUE RELIGION ON EARTH! And there's only one God: Allah, who created all of us here. I don't see anything delusional or brainwashing about being a Good Muslim who has Faith lol. Something must be wrong with these Non Muslims. Oh, sorry, I forget. Satan actually told Allah that he is going to make human beings go in the wrong path and make them stay away from Islam. I think I finally found the SATAN who said that: Apostate Prophet. That why now he's making Videos to make people stay away from the religion of God. You guys are all FUCKING BRAINWASHED by social media and Ap thinking Islam is a Bad Religion when In Reality, Allah created you, the universe and everything that you've ever thought of. Maybe try praying to him in Ramadan? Allah might melt your hardened heart a little bit...😂 Let's not forget how much our Prophet (PBUH) has suffered...He was spreading the message of Islam and the Qureysh stars a Verbal Campaign against him calling him names like a Poet and a Sorcerer. He remained Patience and kept a smile on his face the whole time they kept bullying him. You know what's MORE FUNNY? These FUCKING Non Muslims keep on saying stuff like our Prophet was a pervert. Alright so...Basically, to stop his from preaching the message of Islam, the Qureysh bribed the Prophet with the most beautiful woman of Mecca and make him because the wealthiest and Power Chief of Mecca. And you know what? He refused ALL OF THAT GOOD SHIT and said even if they had to give him the Moon and the sun, he wouldn't take it. The only thing that concerned him was pleasing his Lord, that is; sacrificing his whole life just for God...He never gave up ever and tried to preach the message of Islam in the Best way possible. And y'all out there FUCKING INSULTING and CRITICIZING my FUCKING RELIGION???!! Haha lmao, I can't with you. Like, how does humans go to the length of Criticizing something that is: PERFECT?! LIKE?! LMFAO WTFFFFFF. Also, our Prophet was the most honest person in his Tribe. Everyone knew that he was a man of word, he kept his words, Promises, EVERYTHING... Can you imagine EVERYTHING our Prophet had to go through because of FUCKED UP people like you??? Yet, he still managed to win the Battle of Badr, that's why Muslims still exist today. Our prophet performed a lot of Miracles, God did that on purpose to show people that he's more than just a Human being, However, nowadays you still see people hating on someone LITERALLY FUCKING PERFECT! LIKE Brooooo...STOPPPPP LMFAO 💀. "And he is the one who spread out the earth and placed firm mountains open it and rivers, and created fruits of every kind in pours the causes the night to Cover the day when indeed in that are signs for people who thinks. And within the land are neighbouring Plots, gardens of greep grape vines, crops, palm trees, Steming from the same root, others standing alone.. There are all watered with one water, yet we make some taste better than oners. Indeed in that are signs for people who understand." (13,3,4) These verses draw the attention towards the creation of Allah which never failed to amaze people who thinks. It causes them to question the existance of such a complex System each sumaining the other dependent on one another, forming a cohesive, and functional whole. The intricacies of creation as seen in the variety of plants, insects, birds are mindboggling, nature has given men the immaginable. Creatures. that live in the oceans and breathe in water; creatures that fly at attitudes even though. the Oxygen is lesser, predators that have astonishing ways of haunting, all points towards a great mind. Thus, nature all around us have obvious signs that point towards a creature. Believers become grateful to Him as their existence and well being depends on the whole ecological system.
@coolbuddydude1 Год назад
@@greyngreyer5 Spits!
@abdullahpwalrabudah735 Год назад
This scholar is full of it. Any one can predict at 100% certainty that anyone that walks around in a group today would not see the next 100 years, specially, 1400 years ago. That is not a prophesy.
( Off Topic) Why did Faroos choose a background with a piano, Islam forbids musical instruments.
@acairde Год назад
Why is it that only the problematic religious texts require a deep dive. The texts they like can be taken at face value.
@malmeratudecaprio9222 Год назад
This is the first time ever that a muslim shiekh appreciates a musical instrument.
@topercaker2646 Год назад
Didn't the Safavvids and Mughals have a bifginfluence in instrument developments?
@danielschaeffer1294 Год назад
That’s a green screen. Nuriyah Khan has occasionally used it as well.
@bartconnolly6104 Год назад
So basically either AP and DW are correct and Mohammad was a false Prophet or Faroos is right and Mohammad was very bad at communicating and Islam was very bad at preserving the truth.
@Idelacio Год назад
Eh, issues right out the gate on slide 3. You don't get to make a claim as the definitive authority from god from whom he speaks through you only to have backsies. If you make a prediction only to change your mind later you have still made an incorrect prediction. Unless you want to say god just changed his mind on a whim about the fate of the frickin world. I accept that disagreeing sources for an event or incorrect interpretation for an event based on the language may be valid however. (Or the sources are outright bunk but that's not an option it seems) Although frankly the conversation seems a bit moot considering what the Quran actually states of the endtimes, which is categorically ridiculous even more so than Christian rapture.
@generaljg4373 Год назад
Cristianity is not monotheistic religion, theres three gods in the trinity
@paulw3747 Год назад
​@@generaljg4373 you're an idiot.
@yarnybart5911 Год назад
​@generaljg4373 No, only.muslins say that about Christianity. There's a difference between that and Muslims not understanding the trinity. Non Muslims don't understand why Allah is only one if many creators of life.
@malcolmlayton2050 Год назад
The Quran teaches tritheism not trinity .... Allah got it wrong so muslims get it wrong
@thomasjoat2396 Год назад
​@@generaljg4373 allah got it wrong so I understand why you think the same. allah didn't even know the members of the trinity
@Lavender-blue80 Год назад
I’m looking at the Muslim gentleman’s backdrop. If that’s his home, how is it that he has a grand piano. I thought that music is haram for Muslims. Beautiful room nevertheless.
@samaras008 Год назад
21:20 long list of ways to reinterpretation when there are conflicting narrations of the Hadith and explanation of the Quran - sounds like one long list of excuses for a book and religion Allah declared to be "Perfect"!
@sarpreetkaur4423 Год назад
And stated in "clear detail" as per Quran.
@msdietitian5353 Год назад
Thanks for a civil discussion and thank you brother Faroo for a good summary presentation that was cut off short by Apostgate Prophet
@jeid3822 Год назад
@jefrin1095 Год назад
Bro he is busting islam brutally After debating him muslims leave islam online He got many death threats ,thats why he is not befora camera
@jeid3822 Год назад
@@jefrin1095 MUSLIMs Don't trust them they are just IDIOTS👍❤️
@marmoura11223 Год назад
WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING 😂😂😂😂. CP wants a private life so please respect his own decision. He shows everything on screen, all the facts and verses, so whats the problem??? 😊
@XiagraBalls Год назад
I don't doubt that Farooz is genuine, decent, intelligent and honest, but I wanted to bang my head against my keyboard when he said 'Yeah, well, you can't know exactly what M said!' OMG! Yes, EXACTLY! THE WHOLE METHODOLOGY IS NONSENSE! IT'S AN IDEOLOGY BUILT ON HEARSAY! A said that B said that C said that D said that E said that F.... said that M said that Jibril said that Allah said! But then he didn't seem to be able to take the next obvious step! If more people said it and it was more famous, then it's more likely to be true! F**k me!🤦🏼‍♂Oh well then, the lies about the 2020 election are 'famous' (well-known) and were well-shared, so by that standard they're also true? So, essentially, there are contradictions, the text is open to interpretation (so the Quran isn't clear as it says then?) and you have to contextualise surahs. However, the way to deal with such problems is they invented a loose post hoc, arbitrary, subjective system to determine what was really meant. Right, sure.... that doesn't just sound like another layer of BS. 🙄 Also, how impressive would it be to prophecy that everyone around will be dead in 100 years? Wow, amazing! 🙄 Also, small issue, but I have never seen someone have a Powerpoint title that says "Conclusions before Questions" before. What does that say about his state of mind? It was odd, that was all.
@baklavalover2000 Год назад
The hadith has no contradiction with any other hadith/ayat, Anas b. Malik reported that a person asked Allah's Apostle. When would the Last Hour come? Thereupon Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him) kept quiet for a while. Then looked at a young boy in his presence belonging to the tribe of Azd Shanu'a and he said: If this boy lives he would not grow very old till the Last Hour would come to you. Anas said that this young boy was of our age during those days. Muhammad said that " Last Hour would come to you" this means their death will occur when the boy will become senile, the point of this is to show the people who were asking Muhammad (PBUH) that knowing when the hour will come brings no benefit to anyone and your hour is the most relevant to you rather knowing when the last hour is established it isn't that it is an amazing prophecy that he made that they will die when the boy becomes old but that it was a moment that Muhammad taught his followers an important lesson.
@XiagraBalls Год назад
@@baklavalover2000 If you think that's a lesson they needed to have, then you mustn't have a very high opinion of his Sahabah, because effectively you're saying that he needed to point out to them that they should stop worrying about doomsday and worry more about their own mortality. Wow! Amazing! No-one else could've have told them that! 🙄 Such wisdom!
@baklavalover2000 Год назад
@@XiagraBalls The sahaba before Islam were very sinful, Islam is something very new to the Arabs and had no idea how to practice it, that is why god sent down prophets like Muhammad SAW who corrected them, the reason why the sahaba are regarded so high is because they were living during the time of the messenger and they followed the messenger of god even during the horrible conditions the Muslims were put through not because they were free from sin.
@laika5757 Год назад
Allah revealed this to: "1000% support to all Ex Muslims, from 7 billion of us (includes many Muslims)...Lovers of Truth."
@uthman2281 Год назад
What is the truth?
@johnscott7937 Год назад
Imo, the major problem with the 'doctrine of Abrogation' is that by definition, it destroys the idea of Quranic preservation. If something is subject to Abrogation, it cannot be perfectly preserved 🤔..
@alextremodelnorte1905 Год назад
17:38 24:07 59:50 1:14:50 he didn't say peace be upon him. What's the punishment for that in islam? Update: the question is for non muslims because I'm looking for a straight, truthful answer, not lies, taqiya or dawah.
@brotherben4357 Год назад
Nothing. He just misses out on a chance to get extra points on the Day of Judgement. What is the points vs reward system? No idea, sorry. When is Judgement Day? No idea, again.
@1541965 Год назад
@@brotherben4357 @Apostate Prophet @1:05:55 The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not mean in his saying, “This is the establishment of the Great Hour The Day of Judgment.” Rather, he meant the hour of those who the Prophet addressed. The hour of their death
@brotherben4357 Год назад
@@1541965 We’re on a different subject, sorry mate. We’re discussing the consequences of forgetting to say (PBUH) after mentioning Muhammad’s name.
@Cheeky_Sheikhy Год назад
He just gets minus 5 points. He can earn them back by entering the toilet the correct way 🤣
@brotherben4357 Год назад
@@Cheeky_Sheikhy You laugh but this is what so many Muslims actually believe. They think that their god is keeping a points sheet. Wow
@halleluyah60 Год назад
david wood is genius and consider every possible aspect and angle. That's why no one wants a debate with him or start to lie like Mo hijab.
@rublar75 Год назад
24 minutes in and man!, what a mess.
@julayneo5472 10 месяцев назад
this was so refreshing, a respectful debate. Please invite that man back!
@swissapologetics Год назад
There was no cursing, no threats, no grapes. Why you guys waste our time? Now I have to watch wrestling to get the kick I m looking for.
@zackdeew9757 Год назад
that 'no grapes' really get me,, reminds me of Ali D 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@generaljg4373 Год назад
Crazy how everything you mentioned is written in the bible and practiced by Cristians throughout history😂
@swissapologetics Год назад
@@generaljg4373 Cursing, theats and grapes are all mentioned in a book with about 2000 pages... and were practiced by a group of billions of people in a 2000 year history? No way!
@le_med Год назад
I miss Sheik Yaboody
@martinchatterton3558 Год назад
So do I. He is the greatest of all scholars and beloved of Allah.
@caseh4235 Год назад
Wow I think this is the first time I've heard a Muslim say "I don't know" when it comes to a topic. Usually they assume they have all the answers, and saying "I don't know" is akin to saying "I lose". This is my first impression of Faroos, and he seems like a reasonable guy. I could definitely see him leaving Islam.
@patricksebas1024 Год назад
Excellent . Tu devrais faire un guide pour les nuls
@fredjazny Год назад
He firstly should prove momo was exist ! His muslim nonsense is boring ...
@PhilHoraia Год назад
If Allah didn't know the Hour, how might it have been in a position to give its boss a time frame? From my post, Perhaps the Hour is near: S 33:63 People ask you about the Hour. Say: The knowledge of it is only with Allah. And what will make you know? Perhaps the Hour is near. Relevant part: لَعَلَّ السَّاعَةَ تَكُونُ قَرِيبًا la’alla al-sa’ata takunu qariban. S 42:17 Allah is the one who has sent down the book with truth and the balance. And what will make you know? Perhaps the Hour is near. Relevant part: لَعَلَّ السَّاعَةَ قَرِيبٌ la’alla a-sa’ata qaribun. In the first verse we find takunu, a feminine verb agreeing with sa’ah but the adjective is masculine. In the second the verb is missing and the adjective is again masculine.
@misterocain Год назад
Is the Quran in chronological order? If not then what is the order, how do we know that order and how does abrogation work?
@JohnSmith-ne4zg Год назад
If you don't already know the Quran is not in order of revelation its ordered according to Surah length
@misterocain Год назад
@@JohnSmith-ne4zg So how can abrogation work?
@scottdoesntmatter4409 Год назад
That's an oxymoron. A Muslim scholar is a contradiction in terms.
@paulthomas281 Год назад
@scottdoesntmatter4409 Muslims have consistently lacked objectivity when examining the history of the Qur'an and the history of Early Islam. So, I have to agree with you.
@scottdoesntmatter4409 Год назад
@@paulthomas281 That, and Islam has a doctrine of deception when it comes to promoting itself.
@paulthomas281 Год назад
@@scottdoesntmatter4409 Yes, that is true. That is something I have to learn more about.
@andrewdoraiswamy2199 Год назад
Exactly. Nothing scholarly about Islam.
@cyrusaalborg Год назад
This baffles me how religious people find other religions fallacy while believing in weird tales, a muslim can laugh at a Christian believing in ressurection or walk on water while believing mohammed splitting moon in half or flying on a horse to 7 heaven stay a way from religion
@Christian_Crusader. Год назад
There’s big difference on Jesus and Muhammad. Jesus perform miracles with witnesses and hundred of people watching from he’s disciples or unbelievers. There’s testimonies from outside the bible from unbelievers Jesus miracles with Muhammad there’s NOTHING even Quran says he will have no miracles there’s no history on Muhammad outside of Quran and sunnah. Nobody witness he split moon or he went 7 seven he just said it. Historians can’t even prove Muhammad existed
@joshdb142 Год назад
I kind of agree. I think the Bible does too. I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive any of her plagues; Revelation 18:4 NASB2020 Come out of babylon and do not fellowship with them. Worship the Lord in spirit and truth. You may be saying any form of theism is bad but I would argue that it's much better than atheism. In a natural world without the image of God there is only existence. Good and evil are not logical.
@cyrusaalborg Год назад
@@Christian_Crusader. you just proved my point , your fairy tale verses their fairytale ,testemonies were written 60 -90 years after Jesus death
@cyrusaalborg Год назад
@@joshdb142 in natural world a good man will do good and bad man will do bad ,but for a good man to do bad thing you need religion
@joshdb142 Год назад
@@cyrusaalborg in a natural world there is no good or bad. We are all just men. And if you rape or kill your rivals you are just doing what is natural. If you kill when you are hungry you are doing what's natural. There is no good or evil without God
@zioniskris Год назад
Why use Hadith?... Hadith written 200 years after Muhammad die.
@elltir8943 Год назад
Can you make a video debate with Faroos regarding the scientific mistakes? He seems more reasonable and respectable than all others so far
@bartconnolly6104 Год назад
1 how is saying "nobody alive today will be alive in 100 years time' such an extraordinary claim? 2 how can anyone prove that nobody anywhere on earth lived to 100 years old or more between 626 and 726?
@greyngreyer5 Год назад
@Bart Connolly Dude, are you serious?
@bartconnolly6104 Год назад
@@greyngreyer5 yes im serious. What is your issue?
@greyngreyer5 Год назад
​@@bartconnolly6104 Okay I admit I don't knoa your point either. Before watching the video I wasn't sure what you were addressing. At any rate, the claim isn't extraordinry to me at all. Certainly not a prophecy. It is also pointless. I have no idea why it should be made at all, especially by a prophet, following a question that asked for a prophecy (in itself making the intent of producing the statement one of prophetic nature)
@bartconnolly6104 Год назад
@@greyngreyer5 Well that's my first point. Ho9w is saying "everyone you see here will be dead 100 years from now" an amazing prophesy? It is like saying " I predict that if I throw this stone in the air it will hit the ground" or "when the cloud s clear away there will be a blue sky behind it" Now if Mohammad meant "nobody ANYWHERE in the world who is alive today will live past one hundred years of age" that isn't extraordinary for the sixth century but my second point is there is no way to check if it is true or not. In a similar way prophesising the first meal in heaven is impossible to know for sure until the end of the world so his prophesy on the likes of that are defunct.
@greyngreyer5 Год назад
@@bartconnolly6104 I mean isn't that what was addressed in the video? Especially coupled with other narrations, it's clear he's trying to predict the final hour.
@UrszulaWszebora Год назад
It’s so refreshing to see a respectful debate about Islam. I really appreciate it.
@moholah3745 Год назад
The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account. Quran 3:19
@gruzfruz8200 Год назад
@@moholah3745 well, Allah would say that, wouldn't he ?
@deusvult2302 Год назад
@deusvult2302 Год назад
@@moholah3745 your false profit got busted by CP in under 5 minutes. This guy is a 🥔
@kafirlindaclark6148 Год назад
Bottom line is, a Prophet cannot prophesy falsely and BE A PROPHET.
@jcbquark8037 Год назад
Different topic tomorrow! Awesome!!
If you believe an inconclusive Hadith than your belief is inconclusive and uncertain.
@ratboy_ Год назад
Really glad to see Faroos on the show. He seems like a nice and honest guy.
@generaljg4373 Год назад
Lots of people believe in Cristianity bcuz they didn't read the bible yet but if they read it they will become ex Cristian's
@@generaljg4373 If you get educated on it, you'll leave islaaam. Here's plagiarism from your false profit, who took the words of Jesus and said it's from Gd. Matthew 25:35-46 "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ " 18 of 40 Hadith Qudsi "Allah (mighty and sublime be He) will say on the Day of Resurrection: O son of Adam, I fell ill and you visited Me not. He will say: O Lord, and how should I visit You when You are the Lord of the worlds? He will say: Did you not know that My servant So-and-so had fallen ill and you visited him not? Did you not know that had you visited him you would have found Me with him? O son of Adam, I asked you for food and you fed Me not. He will say: O Lord, and how should I feed You when You are the Lord of the worlds? He will say: Did you not know that My servant So-and-so asked you for food and you fed him not? Did you not know that had you fed him you would surely have found that (the reward for doing so) with Me? O son of Adam, I asked you to give Me to drink and you gave Me not to drink. He will say: O Lord, how should I give You to drink when You are the Lord of the worlds? He will say: My servant So-and-so asked you to give him to drink and you gave him not to drink. Had you given him to drink you would have surely found that with Me."
@Riaz-exe Год назад
​@@filthymouthschoolboymakesi1236 i mean considering 200 million people meomerized the quran worldwide 🌐 what you claimed is just a lie 😐.
@@Riaz-exe Claiming lots of people memorized the false profit's book has nothing to do with my comment. Go back to school.
@stevestann595 Год назад
Until the khilafa takes over, and you'll see him killing infidels and apostates, taking sex slaves, and marrying 4 wives with one of them being 9 years old.
@tctheunbeliever Год назад
I just finished watching an old re-uploaded debate (Modern-Day Debates) between David and Hijab, and I guess it's good to see here that not all Muslims are like that puffed-up [mild insult that the algorithm is afraid will upset somebody] and his [mildly insulting adjective implying unintelligence] sycophants (the audience was full of them). Their religion is still one away from which to stay. Is that too strong for you, RU-vid? Edit: Hey, I can still say sycophant! Can I tell RU-vid to bite me? Let's find out.
@CadeLand011 Год назад
He uses a scholastic guise to defend the violence of Islam
@allah-is-a-slavemaster Год назад
he still has some western/Christian culture left
@lisabaptiste3153 Год назад
QUESTION: why does farous need to give other people's opinions on what is being discussed rather than have his own views, he can't think for himself???
@user-rq3xl1pp9h Год назад
what is this? I was looking for the Abostate Brobhet's.
@bartconnolly6104 Год назад
@35,55 DW mentions a Prophesy of March 17th 2027. There is no way God would end the world on St Patrick's day! At least not before the parade anyway.
@shungyo8395 Год назад
If the Sheikh debate christian prince his career will end within the 1st 2 minutes
@sammshroo3494 Год назад
We don't need a quantum physicist, CP's career will end in less 1 min debating with TJump or Aron Ra.
@marmoura11223 Год назад
Exactly 😂
@renaldfranley2258 Год назад
This so called now it all abdool should call Christian Prince and let us laugh together.
@suziek888 Год назад
@bmutthoju8797 Год назад
One cannot understand Islam fully by reading the translation. English usually has a direct meaning (fewer subtleties or shades of meaning). But, the actual text might have to be interpreted based on the context of the time it was spoken or written. I feel that you must read the translation for a quick surface-level understanding. To understand it at a deeper level, one needs to read and interpret the actual text.
@abubaytnighan6480 Год назад
Like the verse allowing Mohammad to have sex with whoever who wants but the English translation slide in (for marriage). Meanwhile his wife Aysha said about this **Before*** the verse was revealed “Does a woman give yourself?” The same word for give came in the verse allowing him to as I said have sex with anyone. Surat ahzab aya 50
@bartconnolly6104 Год назад
Great to see a Muslim like Faroos who is heavily influenced to behave with rational Christian values and not just accept what Is Am has claimed for 1400 years. Ironically Faross contradicts himself in this because he claimed Islam goes by what is popular rather than what is evidently true.
@johnkakoz244 Год назад
Without lies Islam dies.
@bobmuh2242 Год назад
With lies Christianity continues to die
@hmz6khih Год назад
The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]. And if they see a miracle, they turn away and say, 'Passing magic' (Quran 54:1-2). The arabic word used here for " NEAR" means the the hour is VERY, VERY NEAR , just around the corner so to say.
@ttaa2599 Год назад
Religion makes you feel comfortable and i admit it helps you to go through tough times and they do have lower suicide rate yet that doesn’t change the fact it is all none sense and far from reality and logic
@ntpbenny5714 Год назад
Explain creation with logic and reality and you’ll sound just as foolish as any religious folk
@samoche4614 Год назад
I find it more Illogical to believe NOTHING created EVERYTHING!!..to believe LIFE comes from NON LIFE!!
@paulthomas281 Год назад
@@samoche4614 Nothing is something. Just like zero is a number.
@ttaa2599 Год назад
@@samoche4614 saying we don’t know where we came from doesn’t mean we believe we came from nothing nor means Allah have made everything too
@j.mtherandomguy8701 Год назад
Not exactly as well, many religions despise suicide and calls for its prevention no matter the cost, including suicide that we would usually find humane, like euthanasia.
@generaljg4373 Год назад
Christianity is not monotheistic religion, there's three gods in the trinity
The false profit didn't understand other people's beliefs. It's not three gds. The problem is with the false profit
@generaljg4373 Год назад
@@filthymouthschoolboymakesi1236 the false prophet is Paul the guy who never met jesus but unfortunately people believe his god news "currupted gospel"
@Lavender-blue80 Год назад
Monotheism is not the topic of the discussion. Stop deflecting.
@Hannestv4607 Год назад
Son of God does not mean that God has a child in Christianity! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!* Son of God is a title referring to the Word of God!
@Hannestv4607 Год назад
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
@MohammedMuhiUddin Год назад
hes not wrong about the final hour. none of them survived after a 100 years.
@greyngreyer5 Год назад
@Mohammed What is the point of such a "prediction"?
@Butterfly-truth Год назад
Wished David had mentioned his education degrees since they do have some validity to his knowledge and expertise. He has a PhD which means he has been through the rigor of research and defending his dissertation for a degree. That's important to know since your guest Faroos gave his education background. When David says he has researched Islam it's not the same as someone who claims they have read on the subject but have never been made accountable to defend it to other scholars.
@erosquorum8755 Год назад
WOW! This was the first Muslim I've seen who had a friendly debate.
@a.kleeson2479 Год назад
Is that 'The Faroos' actual mansion behind him or is it a projected background 🤔
@MU-we8hz Год назад
He should confront Sam Shamoun. He will be an ex-muslim within a day.
@cascarrabias397 Год назад
They had to create/invent a divine figure that nobody could object of his stature and his actions for the purpose of applying his actions into the population. The narrative had to support a bigger monster, the law of the land. By creating millions of Hadiths(stories), people wouldn't dare to investigate their authenticity nor it's moral value. These guys were from pagan origins that had to include Christians of different perspectives, Jewish, Zoroastrians and many other religions. They had to keep them in line, so they created a society with the most of high ignorance so they wouldn't question the millions of sayings by a guy who they had just created. They had time in their hands, and the power to do so. There is no historical material supporting the existence of a guy with the name of Muhammad, not even Abu Baker, nor Ali... and so on. Since they wrote so many of them in a hurry now they got a big problem, the stories are there to rip apart not only historically but morally. All we have to do is point them at them... That is why they have fatwas, to silence the ones that look at the many mistakes they wrote to support their laws. I do not have respect for Islam as a whole, but I have less respect for those who know the problems with it and don't speak up. Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies. - Dorothy Allison You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. - Abraham Lincoln
@joshuawoodin 10 месяцев назад
Well put, I see it like this why model all 1.6 billion followers to follow an ocd, epileptic, woman beating, child marrying murderous their. I agree with you that if you follow a monster you to are guilty, but good cult tactic to cut heads off those who apposed you.
@helenjoyce5900 Год назад
Good conversation and respect to the Muslim guy .. but the irony of hun having a piano in this background(iknow it’s a backdrop)
@coolbuddydude1 Год назад
The hadith and Quran pretty much say a lot of contradicting statements. In Islam, the world is flat and a sphere. How convenient. lol
@ChristianPrince2 Год назад
It is very funny he call Himself sheikh not because he know but it is free title, yet he can't even read his book.
@goreallive5495 Год назад
CP here
@KaCi1987 Месяц назад
CP is in the house😊😊
@jarnpr1316 Год назад
Read Surah 43:61 "It literally says that "Jesus IS the Knowledge of the hour". Muslim, including this one, would mistranslate this verse!! Also, there is another verse in the Quran thst clearly states that Allah knows the hour, so taken together, Jesus is more powerfull than Allah, as Jesus "is the hour" who will Judge even Muslims. Muslims must throw Mohamet under the bus before it is too late, and adore Jesus, the real Perfect and Sinless man. Mohammedans of old and today have tried to elevate sinfull Mohamet by using a replacement theology where Jesus' attributes are passed on to Mohamet through fables and clearly gnostic fairy tales. @IslamSins
@exiledkenkaneki701 Год назад
respect faroos💯👍🏼😍
@fevachris6953 Год назад
I have a question, why are the translations not agreeing on this issue,does it mean that Muhammad spoke in parables like Jesus Christ,?
@carpediem7654 Год назад
His logic is flawed about Muhammad's prophecy about the end coming before the boy becoming old. His argument is that other parts of the Quran contradict that. Yeah....the Quran contradicts itself everywhere.
@topercaker2646 Год назад
On it's surface the Bible as well, that's why for both scriptures you need exegis
@watchman2866 Год назад
Faroos must have seen that Ali Dahaw debate and thought, I can't come across like that.
@hmz6khih Год назад
Why does this mohammedan wear a skull cap? What does it mean ? To me, it looks very, very silly.
@jeid3822 Год назад
Take your time David 😃
@runeh3022 Год назад
Isn't "abrogation" in Islam largely in existence as a concept just because of al the contradictions in the first place?
David Wood - From Atheist to Christian  Part One
Psalm 84: "The Valley of Baca"
Просмотров 636
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Response to 3Muslims | David Wood & Apostate Prophet