
My Experience Of Living in Russia For 1 Month April 2024 Update 

Eric Piccione
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23 сен 2024




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@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Please consider subscribing if you want to see more content like this :)
@chukwuemekafrank677 4 месяца назад
Pls I would like to move to Russia but I don't have a clue on how to go about this......what document do they require ?....keep on the good work, we need more videos like this.
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
@@chukwuemekafrank677 Great question. I'm not qualified to answer this though as the laws are constantly changing. I would recommend reaching out to an immigration lawyer!
@toomaskotkas4467 4 месяца назад
"People" who are not happy with you being happy in Russia are paid ukrbots who spread lies and phobia against Russia and Russians. If they stop doing it, they will be sent into the trenches to try to stop the Russian offense. Given that the nazis are losing about 1K of troops a day, the zelensky's regime needs its meat for the meat grinder. Hence the hate you experience on your channel when you talk positive things about Russia.
@viktorvojnovic 4 месяца назад
Everything will work out for you, just be patient. Great decision to get your child the citizenship, now the child has free health insurance for the rest of her life. As time passes you will make new friends there. Don't worry about the language, it will come with time. My wife is Russian and we will move there soon too. A bunch of her friends that have American husbands moved to Russia. It's becoming a no brainer now. The $1800/month apartments and the $200 cell phone bill just don't make sense!
@freebolt5913 4 месяца назад
@@chukwuemekafrank677 Enlist in the Russian military, your a shoe in.
@dougkuykendall1547 4 месяца назад
Hello from Texas. I have been married to a Russian woman for 20 years. I am a tenth generation in America. My ancestors came to New Amsterdam (New York City) in 1645. My great great great grandad was part of Stephen F. Austin's original colony in Texas (called the Old 300). The colonists left America and became Mexican citizens. There were actually 297 families/single adult men. My great great great grandad was the captain of the militia...before he died and Sam Houston took his place. The history of my family is essentially the history of America. So it is with sadness that I hope to relocate to southern Russia and establish a ranch there if I can. I don't know if I can because I am 69 and it would be a huge undertaking, but I have lost all hope for America. The economic system alone is totally corrupt and the asylum is being run by the inmates. Keep up the good work. Take care! 17:05
@bellathereader1328 4 месяца назад
Recently moved to Texas and think life is great here but agree about the tremendous decline generally speaking in the U.S. You have a fascinating family history!
@dddevchonka 4 месяца назад
In Caucasus, they consider 79 yo a young man :) But seriously, it's a region of centenarians.
@team_your 4 месяца назад
brother, you can just follow the path of your ancestors. find a better place to live. don't be afraid of anything and come. you will be accepted here and will never feel like a stranger.
@AngelinaS3000 4 месяца назад
You are very welcome to Russia❤
@Joeysenru 4 месяца назад
@@team_your what a lovely comment
@bellathereader1328 4 месяца назад
I am an American who has loved Russian culture since my university days. We lived in Washington state and there is a large Slavic community there, so I’ve known the people for a long time. My son married a Russian girl and I am learning a few Russian phrases in order to speak to my grandson. Before starting on my Russian studies, I began to intuitively feel we were being lied to about Russia. And now I know through channels like this, my intuition was correct. It is true what you say about the decline of the U.S. We recently moved to Texas to get away from the tragedy called Portland, Oregon. Life is good here in the great state of Texas but I hope to travel to Russia some day
@Ulyshkaa 4 месяца назад
Приезжайте к нам жить, думаю, вы будете в восторге!
@daydreamer28 4 месяца назад
hey, why are you writing this about Portland? I have always believed that the western states are the best to live in the US, although I haven't been there, but would like to.
@bellathereader1328 4 месяца назад
@@daydreamer28 sadly Portland, Oregon is a mess, lots of homeless camps, and going downtown is dangerous because of shootings. If you want to visit Oregon, go to the coast. It’s beautiful and safe
@Sevastopol91 4 месяца назад
Don't hope. Travel.
@End0fst0ry 4 месяца назад
@@bellathereader1328 It's too bad for Portland. Oregon always seemed like a down-to-earth state with beautiful nature and nice people to me.
@stanspb763 4 месяца назад
Welcome to Russia. I had the same response from my fellow Californians about my might doing ok as a tourist but in a few weeks I would run back to the US. I am waiting for that still but most of those friends and employees who were sure I would beg to come back have disappeared and not longer communicate. They are sure that only they know the truth because they are in the "free World" and I am too embarrassed to admit they were right. When I left I gave my businesses to the employees by having them all as partners. You would think they would be happy that I Ieft and gave them ownership of active class leading businesses that were the key company in their segment. That was 24 years ago when I left and every one of the sold off the assets and closed the businesses. My view now and from the first day Putin was sworn in as president Jan 2000.I was not planned, just coincidence. I have been back to the US 5 times for 1-2 weeks each time.3-5 years apart and the obvious decline between visits was shocking. The beautiful city of San Francisco turned into a horror show. I have traveled a lot,92 countries and the majority improved over the last 20 years, as long as the US is not bombing them. We have invaded, staged coups, assasinated leaders or rigged elections in about 1/2 the countries on earth.And not one of those countries did anything to the US. Living in St Petersburg or any of the cities I have visited is a steady ramp up of quality of life. It is very easy to see that the average Russian lives better than the average American when you consider the entire scope of human range of life. The only thing Americans can claim is Russia is poor and they are rich. But that only works if the societies are equal in access to culture, free time, housing , personal security, personal freedom,, cost of living, medical care, education, food quality, transportation, government and media honesty, access to nature, polution,, division and anger of the society unity, sanity,family services such as paid family leave, family support such a grants to buy a larger home if a couple is going to have a baby, stress, paid vacation All of the above are 100% better in Russia and very poor or nonexistent in the US, Far higher percentage of Russian families own their home free of debt, ,in fact most 20year olds and over own their home.. Without the $3000 a month payments the Russian salary goes a lot further. Earning $1000 a month in Russia results a better life than $6000 a month in the US.. A women who is going to take time off work to have a baby keeps collecting her full salary for 3 year! The government can provide a grant to buy a larger home for the new addition.. Having more children results in even larger benefits. The median cost of normal delivery of a baby in the US is $40, 000 here it and any medical costs for every Russian is free and if the mother wanted to stay in the maturity hospital to have time to bond with the infant or just relax she can stay in the maturity for a month How many Americans would have a better more secure life if they had no college debt?1/2 of those debts are owed by people who had to drop out so their lower market value means high interest collage loans have a serious life long impact.. With streets safe at all hours nightlife and socializing it much more common for Russians than Americans, it is cheap and options are unmatched anywhere in the world. Every night world class concerts(54classia music halls, 9 opera houses,6 ballet,294 live drama and all free for students and higher grade performances than in the US. When my girlfriend was bugging me to take her to the US next time I went we started in NYC then Miami then Vegas to get a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon on to Santa Monica, all destinations she picked She noticed an ad for an opera we both enjoy so I promises to get tickets. It was at the MET ....the tickets or 2 in mid grades seats, the tickets were $1600!!!. For much better cast, theater, better orchestra and sets, we pay $20. How many Americans could afford that? Very few. So Americans have almost no access to the arts. Every Russian as access. Russians get a minus 58 work days off paid so adding in the weekends they are not paid for, there is a legal minimum 72vacation days. The stress level alone is so low, no conflicts or arguments regardless of who you meet and where. Besides being surrounded by the fit, feminine and beautiful Russian women it icing on the cake. The two genders like each other.
@olikpolikspb 4 месяца назад
58 это наверно учителя, или врачи, или люди, которые проживают в северных регионах. У остальных 28 дней отпуска, плюс майские и новогодние каникулы
@izzyreeze3538 4 месяца назад
​@@olikpolikspb мне кажется это вместе с праздничными днями он имеет в виду. Праздники и отпуск. У нас же довольно большие праздничные выходные зимой и в мае.
@elizaveta250758 4 месяца назад
Каждый раз читая ваши комментарии о вашей жизни в России, меня переполняет чувство гордости и восторга, что живу в прекрасной стране. Огромное спасибо за правду о России! 😊
@валерийчерепанов-м5з 4 месяца назад
@@olikpolikspbу меня жена учитель, 72 дня отпуск живем на дальнем Востоке, дочь врач, около 50 дней отпуск
@firegirl24 4 месяца назад
​@@olikpolikspbя работала на госслужбе, у меня через 11 лет работы отпуск был 68 дней. Там идёт надбавка за ненормированный рабочий день и за каждый год работы + 1 день к отпуску. Я делила отпуск пополам и отдыхала зимой и летом.
@MnemonicCarrier 4 месяца назад
Dude - I moved to Russia too! 😆I'm not there at the moment, had to take care of a few things in London (my son's last school term, and selling an apartment), but I'll be back there soon - can't wait!!! I'm married to a Russian, so was easy for me to get a spouse visa.
@laska554 4 месяца назад
Будем ждать❤❤❤
@BurichAnna 4 месяца назад
@xalekcey 4 месяца назад
I've already watched about a dozen Americans and British who live in Russia and they all say the same thing. One case is an accident, two cases is a coincidence, three cases is a pattern, four cases is the truth.
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
^^^^^^ Maybe one day people will understand that. Best we can do is keep sharing our experiences.
@carewisdom 4 месяца назад
Hi Eric! Curious what do you do for work and income. I cannot convince my husband to move there, because he's afraid that he won't be able to work there since he doesn't speak the language. Any advice?
@engliterra355 4 месяца назад
@@carewisdom I will give you one if that's ok. I am a teacher of English and native speakers can make pretty good money by having classes with those who want languague practise. You just need to be a native speaker with more or less grammatically correct speech. The classes are mostly online
@carewisdom 4 месяца назад
@engliterra355 thank you, appreciate the advice! English is the only language that my husband speaks, so definitely a native speaker. I'm fluent in both Russian and English. I'm trying to be realistic here with what to expect in terms of income. What is "good" money nowadays?
@BAZARONDIVAN 4 месяца назад
and Five cases is the path you are to tread on despite anything...
@KirillFrolov77 4 месяца назад
As a person who lived 10 years in the west and returned back to Moscow a few months ago , I guess I could share my perspective. Well, first of all, there are no ideal places in the world, there are pros and cons in everything. Second, your biggest hurdle in Russia is the language. Without the language you will be very isolated. The language is rather hard and requires significant investment of time and effort to learn. Start learning Russian well in advance before the move. Third, culture difference. In the west the individualism is the norm, in Russia people tend to be more on a collective side. They tend to form stable groups of like-minded people (the English word "friend" doesn't really descibe it, but something along these lines) that forms the basis many processes on the society. Psychology, getting advice, knowing the right people, the right doctor, etc. Four, work relationships snd expectations are different. In Russia, you cannot hide behind collective irresponsibility, they ecpect you to be responsible and accountsble for what you do and for the consequences it caused. Five, wokism is effectively banned. Everyone has the same rights and freedoms, no single group is supposed to have unwarranted privileges. Social activism is seen as annoyance. Russiams have a particularly acute sense of fairness and meritocracy. Six, well, climate. You can expect -10 or -15 in the winter with occasional drops to -25 and very comfortable +25 in the summer. It is the winter part people may dislike. :-) Seven, inches, feet, pounds, miles, gallons... Forget about it. No one would even know how long one foot or one inch is. Temperature is in celcius, water freezes at 0° and boils at 100°. First day of the week is Monday, not Sunday. There is no summer time. A4 is the standard paper size. Absolutely everything is metric, US is the only major country in the world that uses imperial units to this day.
@TheGegemon23 4 месяца назад
Какой коллектив сайд. На западе ещё хоть какие-то относительно большие общности существуют. В России в большинстве регионов общество атомизировано окончательно
@KirillFrolov77 4 месяца назад
@@TheGegemon23 :-)) Может просто есть привычка смотрит атомизированным взглядом? Ну смотрите, понятие "дружба" в России не экспортируется, такого на западе вообще нет, за редким исключением. Отношения в семье тоже достаточно сильно отличаются, на западе каждый "бдит" свои "права", в России всё-таки не совсем так, люди пытаются отдавать себя в большей степени, не требуя ничего взамен. Или там всякие танцевальные кружки, и т.п. В них же люди живут как большая семья. Никакой атомизации это не по зубам. Понятно, что я пишу в немного преувеличенной форме. Но я вас уверяю, в России оно работает по-другому. Я вот тут ездил в Ржев на днях, вы не представляете, там прям видно это. Безусловно, в Москве или Питере это заметно меньше, но тоже есть, просто надо знать, куда смотреть.
@mortanafidler 4 месяца назад
Я честно, тоже не понимаю, в чем видится «коллективность» в России. Но это не первый и даже не десятый комментарий по этому поводу, так что верю на слово
@KirillFrolov77 4 месяца назад
@@mortanafidler после жизни на западе продолжительное время, понимание приходит.
@Денис-к8д8ф 4 месяца назад
​@@mortanafidlerя бы сказал,что в своём комфортном состоянии русские индивидуалисты, в большей степени, чем в Китае, но значительно меньшей чем в США, в целом, мы менее эгоистичны. А вот в состоянии сильного стресса, особенно под угрозой существования русские объединяются и фигачат до победного, думаю все помнят сказку про прутики, которые можно поломать по одиночке, но невозможно, если они вместе, это про нас.
@LeksAlex 4 месяца назад
Hi Eric! It’s really makes me feel good when I see that people like you moving to my home country 🙂 all the best wishes to you and your family! Be happy and healthy.
@Nasteno4ika 4 месяца назад
Согласна! Столько классных людей к нам переезжает 💥
@natalyasokolova2189 4 месяца назад
It's so lovely and so nice to realize that slowly, step by step, people are waking up and starting to use their brains and eyes and not just zombie propaganda! Of course, there are some problems everywhere, we do not live in paradise, but after learning more about Russia, about culture, about people, you will be pleasantly shocked how wrong you were, to believe all the lies that endlessly pour into your ears! Despite all this demonic howling and pressure, we are experiencing an incredible spiritual rise, the country is successfully moving forward, developing, there are not enough literate specialists, many opportunities have opened up now, construction sites are all around, we are getting up from our knees, we are no longer going to be slaves, we have our own code, our own history, culture, more than 27 millions of Russians died for the sake of preserving their land, we have no right to forget this! To all adequate people, hardworking, friendly, WELCOME TO MOTHER RUSSIA!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@alexvlasny9755 Месяц назад
Obviously, with sanctions, Russia is desperate to get more tourists! No one visits russia! Putin is looking for more foreign hostages!
@Andrey_Bodrey75 4 месяца назад
Eric, greetings! About the homeless. I do not know how it is in Yaroslavl, but in the Moscow region there is a service "Social Patrol" and a network of social shelters /work homes for homeless people or people in difficult life situations. In such institutions, people live, work, receive a salary (part of the money is deducted for the maintenance of a shelter), they receive medical care there, documents are processed or citizens are transported to the region where they have relatives. There are also shelters for homeless people with mental problems, where they are also assisted and, if possible, enrolled in psycho-neurological boarding schools (this is a nursing home for mentally ill people)..
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Wow I didn't know that, that's really good information. Thank you Andrey!
@Gerdeo64 4 месяца назад
❤ ❤ ❤
@ДобрыйЧеловек-з7х 4 месяца назад
@@ericpiccioneAnd another fact: its only 3.2% of ppls in Russia cant find a job, its very small % for the big country, so u cant c homles coz there is not so many homless ppls in Russia. and i want to say more, in Russia even poor ppls have home or appartment from the ussr (from parents etc). And not so many ppls rent home, when u rent smthing means in some another city u have ur own apartments or house and if smthing happends with ur job u just coming home:D
@Keepinitreal55 4 месяца назад
Yes it’s a combination of social services, and fact that Russia just doesn’t have the same drug and mental health issue as the US does. Even “healthy” people are hanging on by a thread in the US of not losing their mind.
@Andrey_Bodrey75 4 месяца назад
@@ДобрыйЧеловек-з7х You are absolutely right, in Russia it was called "privatization". After the collapse of the USSR, for many more years, the state gave us the opportunity to get an apartment for free once, in which you lived earlier, and the apartment became your property. Therefore, most of the housing here is privately owned by citizens. Also, for some specialists, there are government programs that allow you to buy housing with the help of the state (for example, I am a doctor in rural areas and I bought an apartment under this program - 70% of the cost was paid by the state and only 30% was paid by me, after 5 years of working for the state, the apartment became my property).
@MU-ee9ro 4 месяца назад
First time seeing your channel! Awesome content and keen to follow your journey in Russia. I’m from the UK 🇬🇧, currently in the process of unlearning propaganda instilled in me by the western media and governments! I would love to one day visit Russia 🇷🇺!! Hopefully when things simmer down I’ll be on first flight to Moscow and st Petersburg! Keep it up! Best wishes for you and your family! Subscribed now!
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much, glad you came across my channel! Let me know if you have any video ideas, happy to make something that works for you!
@ALVARA80ify 4 месяца назад
I wish your dream to visit Russia came true) Be sure to visit the North Caucasus, the Republic of Crimea and other beautiful places in Russia. 👌
Come now! What is the problem? We are absolutely safe. Just a small logistical issue as there are no direct flights from the UK due to sanctions. But you can get there with a transfer in Istanbul or Belgrade.
@uralprospector 4 месяца назад
​@@СветланаКовальская-и5б and you can walk across the border at Narva in Estonia. But a word of warning.....with a British passport you will be pulled aside and asked questions. That's normal procedure for the time being. Brits are not particularly liked. I live in Russia as a foreigner. 7 years
@alyterazia5561 4 месяца назад
​@@uralprospectorborder control is not supposed to like or dislike you, it's supposed to keep the country safe
@annachirkina5671 4 месяца назад
Комментарий в поддержку канала. Добро пожаловать в Россию ! Ты производишь впечатление отличного парня. Буду рада такому соотечественнику.
@maxinatlanta 4 месяца назад
Hey, Eric. Ice cream is very good in Russia. Perhaps you are talking about "Коровка из Корёновки" . That is my favorite too. Best luck to you.
@thewhoandzoe 4 месяца назад
It's Korovka for sure. Amazing quality and taste.
@1Know1tHurts 4 месяца назад
"Как раньше" is the best!
@ДобрыйЧеловек-з7х 4 месяца назад
Чистая линия is the top for me:D
@romanteni 4 месяца назад
Plombir is the best. Nothing will ever touch it, simple plombir na bazare. :) Vanila or chocolate. Man.... childhood memories.
@Денис-к8д8ф 4 месяца назад
"Fili" also very good
@RMRealEstateProductions 4 месяца назад
I'm also married to a Russian woman, I've been multiple times and if i could i'd move there tomorrow morning. Loved all my time spent there in the last decade, it's an incredible country. I'm in Canada, it used to be awesome here but in the last decade it's impossible to ignore how far we've gone downhill. It's a shame really but it's reality.
@alexp-ru Месяц назад
Fellow Canadian, eh? :) Well I moved from Toronto to Moscow last September.... Had to go back to TO for business in June this year... Things are deteriorating fast. Canada used to be such a lovely country! What happened?
@waynemclaughlin96 4 месяца назад
Hi Eric I saw that video of you being interviewed by Arend the Canadian farmer of 9 children, anyway I am glad you made a decision to move to Russia 🇷🇺 with your Russian born wife. Which by the way gives you an advantage, because of your wife being a fluent Russian speaker like Joseph Rose and his Russian born wife and the Martin and his Russian born wife as well. It's sad that the city he is living in Orenberg was flooded and a lot of water damage done to his brand new house 🏠 😢 But Canadian family made the decision to move to Russia without knowing the language and not knowing the challenges they will face as a family of 10. All lot of people here i. Canada thought that they were crazy for packing up and moving to Russia of all places. But I thought of them as being brave with the courage to do something like that. Just lime you Eric and your wife making the same decision. Many mainstream medias in Canada thought they did this at the drop of a hate but no Arend and wife Anneesa have been thinking about selling their farm in Canada and moving out of Canada for a long time. Actually their first choice was to move to your country Eric America and get a farm there because then they can e closer to their family in Canada. But they saw how unstable the United States has been becoming, especially under Joe Biden's leadership. Christians ✝️ in the United States are treated like second-class citizens in their own country, just like here in Canada. I bet you didn't know that there have been at least 90 churches in Canada that have burned down because of the arsonists no doubt hired by Justin Trudeau so that he can say it was because of climate change. There have been a lot of wild forest fires 🔥 in Canada since Justin Trudeau became the Prime Minister of Canada in 2015 coincidence 🤔 ? I think not ! People can call me a conspiracy theorist. All they want, I don't care. Did you know Arend and his family immigrated to Canada when he was 4 years old from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 ? I am assuming his family owned a farm in the Netherlands before moving to Canada 🇨🇦 Arend comes family of 12 siblings so it's no wonder he has a large family himself as well ? Arend is fluent in speaking the Dutch language as well as English and now he will learned to speak a brand new language of the Russian language if he and his wife and children are going spend the rest of their lives in Russia 🇷🇺 How is your Russian coming along Eric ? Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦 may you and your family be safe and healthy in Russia. Amen 🙏 ❤
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
My Russian is okay, Anki is actually a huge help though. I'll need at least 10,000 hours to be somewhat confident in this language lol. Thank you so much for the kind words
@zloychechen5150 4 месяца назад
@@ericpiccione if you consider there're about 250 working days in a year, 8 hours each, then 10K hours is 5 years of 9 to 5. It is said that you need 10k hours at anything to master it. So don't be shy, you'll get confident sooner than 10 thousand hours.
@ALVARA80ify 4 месяца назад
Arenda and Anisa have a wonderful family, I hope that they will stay in Russia and be able to work on their farm like other foreigners who came to Russia.
@МаксАнтонов-м5о 4 месяца назад
Первое время в любой стране не просто, когда ты мигрант, но как говорится "Дорогу осилит идущий!". Самое главное начать, а когда появится паспорт, то вся бюрократия ограничится Госуслугами.
@marinank7424 4 месяца назад
«Коровка из Кореновки» (The Little Cow from Korenovka) makes great ice cream! And not only ice cream, their fermented milk products are very good too - yogurt, baked milk, varenets, matsoni, prostokvasha - healthy and delicious! Now you should be paid not only by the Kremlin, but also by this brand, right?🤔😅
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
My goodness, If I could be sponsored by Коровка I will be a fat and happy man :)
@marinank7424 4 месяца назад
@Nasteno4ika 4 месяца назад
@yunnapr6917 4 месяца назад
@@ericpiccione 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@ФедяКрюков-в6ь 4 месяца назад
Мне, кстати, тоже нравится их мороженное. "Как раньше" тоже ниче, по крайней мере эскимо
@adjinaabrekov 4 месяца назад
Friend, you'll be fine.Welcome to Russia!!!
@v1ncy_vinny406 4 месяца назад
Any big change is difficult. You seem to be a very smart and optimistic person so I am sure you will be successful in Russia. God bless.
@ilhamelbouyousfi 4 месяца назад
Eric, your video came at the perfect time. It’s comforting to know that others have positive experiences in Russia. Thank you for putting my mind at ease.(I am planning to come to moscow to study and I was a bit worried because everyone around me saying that it's not the right place , and it probably won't be safe because of the war) .Inshallah, I’ll be there soon.
@miralissa16 4 месяца назад
Здравствуйте, у нас безопасно, не волнуйтесь, новости часто врут о России, особенно западные)
@Mallari2012 4 месяца назад
Все мегаполисы по своему опасны, но в Москве вам больше стоит опасатся телефонных мошенников).😊 И неосторожной езды на электрических самокатах)). Ахаха)). И тут мне вспомнился анегдот про опрос Штурмовиков Империи из фильма Stаr wars))). Не знаю, адекватно ли переведёт гугл)), но попытаюсь передать мысль). "Устроили как то журналисты среди штурмовиков Империи опрос на тему "Опасна ли ваша работа?". 75% сказали, что не опасна, а остальные не поняли вопроса)).😂" Нам, как местым жителям, конечно максимально безопасно). Но мы не знаем, к какому уровеню безопасности вы привыки). Москва - город денег и правительства, так что если вы ничего не нарушаете (писанных законов, например: режим пребывания в нашей стране и неписанных обычаев, типа: нельзя обижать людей маленького роста, инвалидов, стариков, детей, женщин, причинять вред собакам и кошкам кроме как для самозащиты и т д), то столкнутся с прямой угрозой насилием или оружием практически невозможно, в тоже время много людей пользующихся весом для своих целей, поэтому в дтп и прочем могут всплывать самые разные нюансы). Руководствуйтесь здравым смыслом и как можно быстрее, а лучше- заранее обзаводитесь сетью русских (на самом деле достаточно просто из жителей бывшей СССР) друзей и знакомых. Удачной учёбы))❤
@ekaterinas7874 4 месяца назад
I can assure you it's going to be amazing. Moscow is a very nice place to live
@zemfirafattakhova1583 4 месяца назад
Selam aleiukum ) You can also visit muslim regions
@ilhamelbouyousfi 4 месяца назад
@@zemfirafattakhova1583 I'll inshallah , can you recommend any places , my university will be in Moscow inshallah
@КаЩеЙ-ш3с 4 месяца назад
I'm gladly welcome people like this in my country.
@jelenavaryukhicheva1197 4 месяца назад
Hi Eric! If you are looking for ideas for your channel, I would suggest filming around the city and area. That would be very interesting. Your gym, neighbourhood, park, playground, shops etc.
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Definitely, it will be a long video but a good one haha. Those are styles I like where it's laid back
@leonidp5793 4 месяца назад
You can get an ac and they are quite popular! Though predominantly used in summer for cooling, not in wintertime. Water pressure varies from house to house, depends on multiple factors.
@КирЕрмаков-з9ь 4 месяца назад
Hello. Thanks for your video, it's quite interesting. I will answer the question why there are so few homeless people in Russia? 1. Unlike the United States, in Russia the insane are kept in special hospitals, and do not walk the streets. 2. In Russia, more housing is owned by citizens than in the United States. In Soviet times, the state provided each family with a free apartment. After the collapse of the USSR, people took ownership of these apartments. In addition, it should be borne in mind that many have dachas (small summer country houses with a plot of land for a garden and a vegetable garden). 3. In Russia, the law prohibits depriving a person of their last place of residence for debts. That is, if there is a person who owes banks a large amount of money, then the court can take away all his property, except for the apartment in which he is registered, to repay the debt. 4. Closer family ties. In case of loss of the main housing, a person will most likely just come to temporarily live with his parents until he finds a job and a new home. This is absolutely normal in our culture. 5. In the event of major natural disasters, the State assumes the responsibility to restore the lost housing to the affected families, even if it was not insured. 6. Almost zero unemployment. Anyone can find a job. I don't mean exactly a job that you like, but just a job in order to live a more or less normal life. 7. Social obligations of the state. For example, there is a special center in Moscow that can provide temporary shelter for any homeless person, help them restore their documents and get a job. 8. High material wealth of the average Russian. Salaries in Russia at face value are much lower than in the United States, but in Russia the taxes of citizens are 2.5 times lower. Prices for goods and services are 3-6 times lower, besides, many things are generally free, for example, medicine, education, kindergartens for children, childbirth and so on. Thus, having a salary in Russia 6 times lower than you had in the United States, you will feel more financially secure, if you do not take into account the availability of iPhones and cars.
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Wow, I didn't realize most of this! Thank you for your feedback :)
@igorzhidkov1957 4 месяца назад
In addition to all previous points: in northern parts of Russia winter is not a joke. It works both ways - as strong motivation to not become homeless, and as sad drawback - chances to survive multiple winters as homeless are quite low.
@Joeysenru 4 месяца назад
Woah.. your post is extremely informative. Very impressed by how russia govt works for her people. Russia is my top prority country to visit once everything settles. ❤
@КирЕрмаков-з9ь 4 месяца назад
@@Joeysenru Спасибо! Я долго это писал и рад, что эта информация кому-то пригодилась. Не жди удобного момента. В России сейчас всё в полном порядке. Единственная сложность - это перелёт. Кстати, откуда ты?
@Joeysenru 4 месяца назад
@@КирЕрмаков-з9ь : i come from a very small country in south east asia who unfortunately, joined in the lame sanction charade. So all direct flights to your lovely country have been cancelled. My spouse managed to visit during WC 2018 and had a blast there.
@j.b.0207 4 месяца назад
Hello Eric! A Russian here. It was an incredibly inspiring video to watch for all those willing to move to Russia out there, and it's us who should be grateful to you for talking about our country in such a nice way! Not gonna lie, we are a huge country and we need more people, decent people that share our values and wish this country well, so your family is super welcome! Thank you for bringing a little Russian back to the country 😅 God bless you all 🙏🏻 You're going to be fine!
@НатальяШ-г7п 4 месяца назад
Уou are so right unfortunately life in the US turning sour, I feel like America walking towards 1990's which destroyed Russia.. God bless you sweetheart, you'll be fine😊
@kityacat5419 4 месяца назад
Paperwork is lot easier for citizens of post-soviet countries: our country basically see them as lost relatives. But for foreigners-foreigners it may be harder. Keep up the good work!
@alexjones622 4 месяца назад
Welcome to Russia! I’m Russian but I lived in the US for 7 years from 2003 to 2010. I understand what you’re saying about life in America. It gets worse and worse every year. I still have my friends there that I talk to. I don’t want to go back. Russia is a different place now. It was much different in 2003. Good luck to you and your family. I’m happy that some Americans are coming in here!
@Роман-з9л2ф 4 месяца назад
Your family is warmly welcomed in Russia! May God help you on your way! Hope that you will enjoy being here!
@antonlevkovsky1667 4 месяца назад
Air conditioning is definitely a thing but only to cool things down in summer. For warming places up there's central heating approach from soviet era. Water pressure is high to reach higher floors in multistory buildings. The lack of homeless is due to debt free housing that people got after dissolution of USSR. Percentage of debt in post USSR housing ownership is very low. But it's changing towards higher (and it's the bad part). Russia is an example of intermediate stage of financial capitalism development where things still work. People in developed countries should see this as an example and try to roll things back.
@shogunkub 4 месяца назад
Regarding the daylight: the closer you to the equator, the less is the difference between daylight time in winter and in summer: in summer nights in the north are short, to the point of polar day behind the polar circle (btw, consider visiting Murmansk in summer someday), and in winter it's the opposite - the nights are long to the point of polar night behind the polar circle. So, you get more sun in summer, but much less in winter. In the US it's more evenly distributed around the year, because even supposedly "Northern" US cities like Chicago are actually closer to the equator than Sochi - one of the southernmost cities in Russia.
@mrrussian5899 4 месяца назад
There is one downside about the central heating. The central heating in Russia is done not on the house level but on the district level, meaning hot water is running on underground large pipes. These pipes have to be serviced every year, so in summer you won't have hot water for about two weeks (because the pipes are being serviced). It's inconvenient, so some people have an additional small electric or gas tankless water heater installed.
@zloymyx2486 4 месяца назад
Обслуживают не трубы, их просто меняют раз в 10-15 лет, когда коррозия достигает критических значений. Обслуживают котельную, генерирующую горячую воду для водоснабжения и отопления и электроэнергию. Котельная это довольно сложный инженерный объект и это насущная необходимость.
@vitaliyrog844 4 месяца назад
По моему вы не правы. Ремонтируют котельные, ТЭЦ. А теплотрассы оппресовывают. В них рабочее давление до 10 атмосфер. И в них накачивают 20 . Если всё в порядке, то вперёд. Или меняют трубы или устраняют течь.
@MrVovenarg 4 месяца назад
Compared to a single family house, an apartment building needs more pressure just to pump water upstairs because of static pressure. So basically you have more pressure on low floors and less on highs
Нет это не так работает, давление воды подаётся сверху вниз по квартирам, и давление во всех этажах одинаково
@MrVovenarg 4 месяца назад
@@Инквизиторрасплатапридет you mean the pump is on the roof?
@MrVovenarg 4 месяца назад
@@Инквизиторрасплатапридет how can direction of flow influence on static pressure? It called static not for fan
@VasiliyTolstoy 4 месяца назад
It is so, but a) on the lower floors people install pressure regulators to lower it and b) in 16-storey buildings usually there are _two_ main water pipes, one for floors 1-8 and another one for 8-16 -- with different pumps and pressure. So it is not like the top floors suffer much.
@zloymyx2486 4 месяца назад
@@MrVovenarg Насос находится в подвале дома, или дополнительная станция на средних этажах если это высотный дом. Там же находится узел учета тепла и воды. Если дом высотный есть промежуточные узлы регулирования давления. И на каждом этаже есть регуляторы расхода для системы отопления, выравнивающие средние показатели по этажам. В каждой квартире современного дома есть собственные регуляторы давления горячей и холодной воды, которые можно настроить на нужную конкретно тебе величину, а на батареях стоят регуляторы расхода, позволяющие настроить отопление как тебе угодно.
@01man88 4 месяца назад
Saw your interview on Countryside Acres. Good luck!!!🍀
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Thank you :)
@IK-yv4gj 4 месяца назад
Glad to hear that you like it so far. I live in California and am thinking about moving to Russia later this year.
@ГретыйТумблер-ф2н 4 месяца назад
To learn the language, you can watch Russian films with subtitles. Helps to perceive foreign speech well. \There is also the inconvenience of reading the translation\. But sometimes I just listen to foreign speech without translation. Possibly the film "The Island" by Pavel Lungin. Available on RU-vid. not a bad translation.
@baddyindascatty7890 4 месяца назад
I miss the Russian nature, the organic food, the yummy bread, the best ice cream in the world. The clean streets! No homeless and normal ppl! Anyways I can go on and on.. you're a lucky man! Good Luck to you and God Bless 🙏
@RadCommieGamer 4 месяца назад
Hi Eric. As a Russian I want to say nothing but thank you for your honest and humble review of living here. Yes, every country and every nation has some quirks of their own, and Russia is definitely one of them, but most of us are good hearted inside below that seemingly gruff surface and we welcome not only Americans but every decent person to visit or even live here. Again, thank you and have a great one.
@OreDiterroreChannel 4 месяца назад
Hello dear friend, I am Italian and I lived in Russia for a few years. Now I live in Germany but I hope to return to Russia soon because I miss the warmth and affection of the Russian people. Believe me that some Italians do not believe that things are much better in Russia than in America and some European countries. All because they believe the corrupt news, and above all they are people who have never even left their own region, except to go 100 km away to the seaside. People who don't even know how to fly or even take a train, and want to teach others what the truth is because a journalist or a corrupt politician who maybe didn't even vote for them told them so. This is "intelligence" and the much publicized "democracy" that as long as you don't agree with something and participate in demonstrations, you are arrested and beaten with truncheons because you don't have to complain. Nobody knows that the protesters arrested in Russia are people infiltrated and paid specifically by the West. This is why they are imprisoned, meanwhile Western newspapers describe all this as a form of repression by Putin. While a few months ago in France the police used rubber bullets against protesters, sending them to hospital. Before speaking, some people should use their intelligence, read up, and above all get their big butts off the couch and look at the world out there since soon they will no longer have any rights. The West is collapsing, and they blame other countries for their decay to mask the economic damage they have perpetrated for centuries.
@ereuxsimystyilst 4 месяца назад
Anche io penso che mi trasferirò in Russia.ormai l Italia e in degrado progressivo..
@larisamadolimov9130 4 месяца назад
я очень рада что вам понравилось Россия 🎉 God bless you 🙏 ❤️
@ВасяЛейкин 4 месяца назад
Вот эту поддержку и чувственность Запад уничтожает в своих жителях, и бесится что русские не такие, и пытается нас изменить. Я бы даже сказал что Запад не понимает почему русские такие.
@elizaveta250758 4 месяца назад
Конечно, не понимают! Если бы было понимание, не было бы вражды. Ведь Запад нас считает людьми второго сорта, а по сути по уму, человечности и культуре, наша нация значительно выше, т.к. мы более добрее и лучше во всех смыслах. Я не говорю о всех людях, конечно же, нет! Я имею ввиду о тех людях, которые сидят у руля.
@Mallari2012 4 месяца назад
Не будем задирать нос, нам повезло, что некоторые технологии у нас не так уж и развиты и вместо засирания мозгов наши учёные больше интересовались реакторами и ракетами. Просто народ, давайте не будем друг друга клевать и признаем, что каждому лучше на его континенте).
@ЛизаБеляева-ф2ж 4 месяца назад
​@@elizaveta250758я считаю европейцев и амеров людьми второго сорта. Пора русским устроить поход на запад и научить их жизни:) Поступать как они: под благовидным предлогом устроить у них перевороты, разорить, доставить страдания и свалить, сказав, что западные люди настолько отсталые и глупые, что не поддались цивилизованным воздействиям 😂😂😂
@vasyapete4kin910 4 месяца назад
Welcome! I am happy to see such energetic young man moving to our country!
@teddys6653 4 месяца назад
Come to the south some time, we’ll be happy to show you around! Just had a Canadian family move here, to Krasnodar!❤
@jKorso 4 месяца назад
Hello Eric, welcome to Russia! To combat constantly changing water temperature, we use thermostatic water mixer (смеситель с термостатом). It keeps the set water temperature (e.g. 38*C 100*F). You can get it from marketplaces, ours was around 4k rubles (40$), I consider it a game changer for showers. About blackout curtains: recently we installed Tuya smart curtains in our bedroom and automated them to close 30 minutes after sunset and open at 9AM, half an hour before the clock alarms. Another game changer, sleep quality improved drastically. But yes, you'll notice the daylight hours in Russia are changing pretty fast throughout the year. The norther you go, the fewer sun you'll get, and at 55th latitude it's already pretty severe. Dark nights at winter and white nights at summer. I hope Russia keeps pleasantly surprise you! Best wishes :)
@galinaaristova6628 4 месяца назад
Hi Eric! You mentioned not being on payroll, and an idea came to my mind. You are expert in football, if I'm not mistaken (sorry if I'm). Why not to train children in this sport? In Russia there are many sport clubs for children (спортивные секции) and facilities (стадионы, арены), just make a research. You can go further and open a Football club of your own for children. Just an idea)
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Definitely, there is capacity to open a sports complex in or around this neighborhood as options are limited. Could be food for thought down the road!
@V1lorich 4 месяца назад
Послушал, подкачал английский, крутой ролик. Человек открытый и честный) Лайк и подписка
@farcraf 4 месяца назад
Welcome to us in Russia. Don't listen to the haters. We don’t have a rainbow country with ponies here, and there are enough problems, but if you work hard, all the problems can, in principle, be solved.
@delphiniapickett2934 4 месяца назад
Russians ride real horses. ..
@alya_0808 4 месяца назад
@@delphiniapickett2934bears 😅
@ЯБезымянный-о5ф 4 месяца назад
Manystored apartment buildings have a pressure pump in the basement sometimes coupled with additional heating unit. They are turned off at night to reduce noise. This will explain why the hot water is always scalding hot and pressurized. By the way, that thing in your bath is actually the towel dryer and it's connected directly to your hot water tap, not central heating, which is why it's very hot all year round and keeps bath dry and warm.
@zloymyx2486 4 месяца назад
Насосная станция есть в любом современном многоэтажном доме. Напора в сети просто не хватит чтобы поднять воду на такую высоту. В высотных домах их может быть больше одной, могут стоять промежуточные станции на средних этажах. И их не отключают ночью. Они работают все время. Вы их не слышите потому что они сами по себе производят мало шума, это вертикальные многоступенчатые насосы с частотным регулированием. Частота вращения (а значит производительность насоса) регулируется по сигналу от датчика давления, в зависимости от потребления.
@montecarlo2021 4 месяца назад
Keep posting Good video ! Saludos de España !
@БьярмГипербореев 4 месяца назад
Here the Americans... do not know where the central heating in the residential complex comes from.. Ask the maintenance service to give you a tour and maybe they will show you in the basement of the house - an engineering heat point, a water meter unit with pumps to raise pressure in water pipes and hot water.
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Should be interesting!
@VasiliyTolstoy 4 месяца назад
Basically the central heating goes like that: under the streets there are huge concrete conduits with thrmally isolated mege pipes which carry ~100 C water from the heating plant. In each house, the mixing automatics in the basement mixes up this uber-hot water with the cold one (sometimes one from the return line) to make it ~60 C, and it goes into the apartments. By that you can have a long feeding line where near the plant you have overpressured 100+ C water and at the far end it is meager 60-70, but at the same time all the apartments get the same hot water in the radiators. Same stuff applies to the central hot water. The important difference is that the hot water for central heating must be oxygen-free to minimize corosion, so they tend to keep this loop closed and degasses. The hot water for shower, etc., can have oxygen dissolved and must be much more clean, so hey definitely mix in the _drinking_ tap water into it at each building to get the max temp of hot water at the faucet at max 60 C. Central heating and hot water supply is a world of its own, technically very non-trivial.
@arizonaskye3917 4 месяца назад
Eric, great video! My heart longs to be in Russia or Poland. Although I can't leave Arizona, USA because my lil baby grandgirl lives here and I would not ever leave her. I have felt the US changes coming on strong a looong time ago. Mostly the lawlessness and flippant attitudes toward most things good or what I would call normal. I have been abused here in the states many many times by strangers and people I don't even know. Even walking up to me pretending to make friendly conversation then suddenly groping me as I scream and fight him off of me. I was only a teenager. 60 yes old now but the disgust is there. These are things that slowly turned me away from the US. I don't imagine Russia to be like this. Now, finding out Slavic DNA ranks 3rd highest in my DNA test. It wasn't specific about which country, but isn't Russia the main umbrella that covers all other Slavic nations? ❤ Anyway, very interesting info you've shared, thank you for that. ❤😊
@Toerworth 4 месяца назад
Hi, Eric! I wish more people would see that we are not scary people west paints us to be and come and visit, and stay if they like. Thank you for the video. Sadly many people here still think that the US are the ultimate dream place. There are up and downs in every country of course. I hope you settle well in your new home🙏🏻 P.S. water pressure might be high because gas and water are considerably cheaper than say in the UK (idk about the US), so you can have as many showers and baths as you like and not worry about bills being high because of it. But it’s not drinkable!! Also in the newer apartment buildings we have in-home heating systems that allow us to regulate temperature of heating to our liking. It saves money, because in winter central heating is brutally hot and bills are high, so we can regulate that and have heat even when it’s cold summer days!
@nikitasviridov1792 4 месяца назад
Hi, man! Since you live in Yaroslavl, go to Rybinsk some time in the summer. It's just 50 miles from you and it has nice beautiful city center. You also can enjoy beaches at Rybinsk Reservoir 👍
@hera9539 4 месяца назад
Sunlight in the early morning? How is that possible? In every Hollywood movie, and they certainly show us the reality, it's always terribly cold, rainy and dark...........;) All the best for the future in Russia!
@kisaolya38 4 месяца назад
❤ Love from Austin Texas ❤
@vz8323 4 месяца назад
Дорогу осилит идущий. ❤
@Sevastopol91 4 месяца назад
That upper little window is called "fortochka" (форточка.)
@bmwvertu 4 месяца назад
Wishing u the best Eric) Russia embraces you from the bottom of her heart as soon as you came with an open mind and goodwill ❤
@ninobee 4 месяца назад
Hi, Eric. Don't give up! You're going to be happy there for sure! God bless you and your beautiful family!
@Dan123a 4 месяца назад
Thank you for your kind words about Russia ❤
@v1ncy_vinny406 4 месяца назад
Good to see a new video
@zhannamzhen746 4 месяца назад
❤ Definitely better to stay near the grandparents. You can always drop your daughter off there. They can always come over and check the apartment. If you guys decide to go on vacation or something it’s usually really convenient if I stay nearby the parents
@what_is_this_0-0 4 месяца назад
Добро пожаловать в Россию! Мы рады каждому, кто любит нашу страну😊
@Vlad-cy8ht 4 месяца назад
Welcome to the family, brother
@ConcertGrande 4 месяца назад
That's very nice !!! all the best from France
@necrotic256 4 месяца назад
Enjoy it here and take care
@user-Cepera.POCTOB 4 месяца назад
On May holidays, we have a tradition to grill shashliks , you will go to the countryside and grill shashliks?
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Of course, that's the best way to spend the weekend
@ereuxsimystyilst 4 месяца назад
Io sono italiana e anche qui andiamo sempre peggio ..ho inziato a studiare il russo e ho idea di trasferirmi a breve...adoro la cultura russa e il popolo russo..❤🇮🇹❤🇷🇺 comunque leggo che molti sono sposati con donne russe, io cerco marito russo...intorno ai 50 anni 55 ..😁
@allegronontroppo5140 3 месяца назад
К сожалению, в России мужчин гораздо меньше чем женщин. И 50-55 летние холостяки - редкость. И, к тому же, русские мужчины всегда предпочтут женщину значительно моложе себя. У русских мужчин огромный выбор. Поэтому, даже самые непривлекательные могут выбирать из молодых красоток.))
@DaraSbook 4 месяца назад
О! Добро пожаловать :) Ярославль кстати типичный областной город. Сейчас все города этого уровня примерно одинаковые по уровню жизни.
@Marcos-ux8kf 4 месяца назад
Don't listen to the haters brothers and Good luck to you and your family. You did make the best decision in your life
@romanteni 4 месяца назад
About the AC situation, people might misunderstand you- there IS AC IN RUSSIA lol, we had it for decades, all the houses i lived in had it. It really depends on the region and the area. Big country, so places that are warmer, yes there's AC. But its just like many states in US (washington/idaho for example) tons of rentals/new houses being build without AC units unless requested. So don't scare people that "there's no AC here" (I'm sure you weren't trying to intentionally lol.
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
My mistake haha. Definitely aware that it's available but it's optional for the owner. The houses are well insulated so there's no need for it in a large part of the year but it's available if needed.
@romanteni 4 месяца назад
@@ericpiccione In no way was i suggesting that you're trying to mislead people, it just the way it sounded I wanted to clarify. The temptation to leave a comment even tho no one will probably read it haha. Love your videos, keep it up. Haven't visited since the war started, so can't wait to go back once things calm down.
@algebur 3 месяца назад
​​@@ericpiccione I must re-watch the moment when you said "No AC outside of the US." I thought you were joking. I have traveled across the globe and have never seen any place that doesn't use air conditioning. Mini-split systems are everywhere, except perhaps in some northern regions where summers are cold. Russia has very hot places where AC is installed in every house.
@bboyamigo1 4 месяца назад
PLOMBIR! is the ice cream. its the taste of childhood for many.
@malvina666malina5 4 месяца назад
Обязательно купите увлажнитель воздуха, с Сентября начинают топить батареи, и будет очень жарко и воздух станет сухим, без увлажнитель воздуха никак не обойтись, что бы слизистая носа и кожа не была сухой. 😌🩷
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
Duly noted, thank you!
@P1x3lMagic 4 месяца назад
Plus I also advise to buy a Co2 indicator and install a breezer (not the drink). The thing is that AC does not add new air to your appartment, it just cools down or warms up existing air. Which is being in closed quarters becomes saturated with Co2 pretty fast. The breezer is a tube to the outside air with some filters and minitoring gears. It adds up fresh air from the outside and keeps Co2 level low which is healthy.
@zLuka4ka 4 месяца назад
Oh, funny your video popped out as I'm from Yaroslavl :)
@delphiniapickett2934 4 месяца назад
Sometimes I wish I was young again so I could get away from the issues that were having in this country...
@777prolife 4 месяца назад
Erik, we would love to hang out with you guys. We are also in Yaroslavl. Perhaps we can get together at the arrows park or something. Reach out.
@ericpiccione 4 месяца назад
That would be great, feel free to email me ericpiccione@yahoo.com
@Keepinitreal55 4 месяца назад
Homelessness is caused mainly by drug issues in the states and mental health issues which go hand in hand. Russia doesn’t have the same epidemic of drugs and mental health issues.
@DariaSavinaVlog 4 месяца назад
Добро пожаловать в Россию. И удачи ☺️
@TEXHAPb42 4 месяца назад
So, welcome to Russia! I can say that this place is good for living! Of course, we have some problems too as any country in the world have it, but, I believe,, we have more advantages than North America has. In 2013-2014 I lived and worked in Canada in the city of Toronto, and I can compare these two countries. Now I can say that Canada has made me a patriot of my origin country 😂 sorry for that, but I didn't like that place and I couldn't live in NA. Anyway, thank for your video! Have a nice day!
@marta.zhukovskaya1 4 месяца назад
Aaahahah, very unexpected feedback about the icecream😂 Happy you liked it here!❤
@ottoBald 3 месяца назад
great video, many thanks. i am German and had to be in Europe for a few months, but from August I will be back at home with my wife. at home in Russia. i'm counting the days.
@texoschannel4907 4 месяца назад
Interesting fact - after the Revolution and Civil War Russia was looking to modernise, and one of the industries that was built from scratch was ice cream industry. The recipes that were selected were american ones. They were modified for local ingredients, but the origin is american.
@barbaricus_ 4 месяца назад
Did america invent cream or maybe sugar? Because those are the only ingredients of real icd cream ) ice cream was invented in china over 5000 years ago, and modern icecream (plombir) was invented in france in 18th century.
@texoschannel4907 4 месяца назад
@@barbaricus_ there is “ice cream” and there is “tasty ice cream made in a giant factory”. It’s not an easy thing to make
@barbaricus_ 4 месяца назад
@@texoschannel4907 Are you trolling? Factory ice cream is nowhere near the homemade icecream made with only cream and sugar. Factory has low fats and tonns of additives, IMO factory ice creams are much much worse.
@texoschannel4907 4 месяца назад
@@barbaricus_ are you having difficulty reading text?
@barbaricus_ 4 месяца назад
@@texoschannel4907 I though you meant that real tasty ice cream only comes from big factories ) I see what you mean now. Well yeah, there already were factories of ice cream in USSR before bringing the american equipment, but indeed the american equipment let them raise the production levels to new heights.
@naughtyfins6810 4 месяца назад
thank you very much for your video! I personally would like to see more videos about your new experience here in Russia, what you liked/disliked/was amused of. Also probably a bit of news' discussion with your personal opinion would be nice) Will definitely subscribe Also you have a great smile
@CommonVVealth 4 месяца назад
Welcome to Yaroslavl, man :) Thanks for the video, very straight and authentic, keep going!
@JanaGardi 3 месяца назад
Loved the video, keep them coming! I just wanted to say that paper work for visa and stuff is a very difficult and time consuming process, trust me I know as a foreigner living in Vienna, Austria. Wish you and your family a great time in Russia!
@maxbazoev8921 4 месяца назад
Welcome to Russia mate! All the best to you and your family
@FalconEgy417 3 месяца назад
I moved here 6 months ago and I agree on all th e points you mentioned, regarding the blackout curtains, wait till winter man it will be 8:00 am and still dark u would think it's dawn. all the best to u here. shout out from Chelyabinsk.
@Анастасия-к2ю8ы 4 месяца назад
So happy to have you here. Would be a pleasure to welcome you in Ekaterinburg if you are going to travel a bit
@MaximovaTatiana 4 месяца назад
People like you are so welcome here! Happy to see that!)
@SIBIRSKIYDRUG 4 месяца назад
Hello Eric ,Russian living in California here. Just wanna say glad that you like it, welcome to Russia and wish you enjoying your living there. Hope you find friends there and will have a group to hangout with!
@mikemikelson8767 4 месяца назад
Oh, the dentists. I have a phobia, so I was late to do something about it and it had bitten me back financially. So your logic is good and sound. Last time I asked to make an implant with surgery and all that costed around 2k in US dollars in Moscow, but it was way back before the pandemic, I believe. And maybe there was a hidden discount, because I'm on a good terms with my dentist, he lets me off the hook easily from time to time. 9:23 these curved pipes are literally called "towel dryer" or "полотенцесушитель" in Russian. The situation with homless is partially to do with the climate - average life expectancy of a homeless in Russia is 3 years. You either do something or you die. And partially due to a Soviet inheritance - it's extremely hard to evict someone from their only home, if they are registered there. They can take out all your stuff to sell, they can cut down pipes for water and wires for electricity, but central heating and the place itself will still be there. There is an entire strata of "old crazy man/women" who had made their apartment into a garbage bin or a den for alchogolics, don't pay for communal services for month and make tours to an asylum from time to time, but are still there, which "delights" their neighbours(and local police) very much).
@Omad-sizga 4 месяца назад
Ты молодец)🥰
@bellasheri 3 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing! I have an American friend who moved here in Australia to say similar things as you did about the states. Keep posting these videos on Russia 🇷🇺 the world needs to know 🙂
@TenguSteel 4 месяца назад
Congratulations on your move. I feel you've made a great decision. The USA is going to absolute hell. Wish I wasn't too old to move. If I were younger, I would happily serve in the RU military for a year to get citizenship.
@noneofyerbeeswax8194 4 месяца назад
As a Russian, I "love" these delusional westerners. The USA might be going to hell, but Russia IS hell.
@Лана-г9щ 4 месяца назад
Желаю вам съездить на рыбалку, как лед сойдет и будет комфортно или в лес сходить посмотреть может грибы ягоды есть любители собирать, если вы любите спорт может вам и зайдет "тихая охота" за грибами :)
@zhannamzhen746 4 месяца назад
❤ Russian needs people we need workers nurses, all kinds of specialties engineers, teachers, whatever it is if you’re not doing good in your country, come over and become a citizen of Russia and you will see that you’re gonna love it
@evaskjerd 4 месяца назад
Great video👏👏👏 I liked it very much😃 Greetings from norway!
@ДенМикайтис 4 месяца назад
We used to want to go to the west, but now it’s the other way around
@Vicc67 4 месяца назад
Hello, Eric! Thank you for this video! About extremely hot water. You need a faucet with thermostat (смеситель с термостатом). It’s more expensive, than ordinary, but it’s work a very good. You just need to set a comfort grade of temperature, and that’s all.
@СергейГлухов-ш7й 4 месяца назад
Welcome Russia glad to see you here and wish you all the best!
@dayata5484 4 месяца назад
Спасибо, что поделился!! Хорошие новости- это отлично!! Про мороженку- это так мило. Пусть у Вас сложится всё отлично, путешествий и новых "открытий"" хороших и нужных😊
@чистопоиграм-п4д 4 месяца назад
хорошего тебе привыкания к новой стране))))
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