
My take on Arabs 

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@72Yonatan 14 лет назад
Ronen did a wonderful essay which expresses his deepest wishes for peace in the world, and peace between human beings of all kinds. I am sorry that some people cannot appreciate that and feel the need to debase themselves and his memory.
@mitraljezm8485 8 лет назад
one day we will all learn to love each other like hashem wants us.
@TheEconomicElder 14 лет назад
i never knew Jake Gyllenhaal was jewish :)
@smartzazi 14 лет назад
this guy died awhile ago people.. stop posting questions to him.. he never gonna answer them
@avocado2592 9 лет назад
well iam palestinian and i dont hate anyone i respect everyone i just want the peace for the whole world thats all i want
@alisongibbs7238 7 лет назад
Tomato if your people want peace stop promoting hate by teaching in sharia law that you'll get 15 martyrs in heaven by causing 9-11 or bombing a bus or stabbing an Israeli soldier
@alisongibbs7238 7 лет назад
Hamas "freedom fighters" as they call themselves get on buses blow them up in the name of Allah and Palestinians either celebrate like its a bar mitzvah or continue to to vote for them knowing the havoc they cause. I've yet to ever see a mosque leader ever formally condem this kind of hate. Not even after 9-11. As its been said we use rockets to protect our people and u use people as human shield to protect your rockets. If u would lay down your arms we would have peace but if we lay down ours there will be no more Israel. We have more world respect so we must be doing something right. U want freedom? Recognize we exist. Be more outspoken against hate. Teach peace, etc. Hamas Hezbollah, not Isis but they help them because they know no other way. People aren't against Islam like many of u think. Were against terror and that seems to be our example. The world knows the truth. That "Palestinian" is just Arabs from other countries like Jordan. The Bible promised Israel to the Jews, and when we returned in 1948 we came in peace. There are many arab-israelis, Christians, etc. That live well with us because they accept us and know we are a blessing to the world and the only democracy in middle east. Why u people can't live with us is beyond me it shouldn't take almost 70 years for u all to see what the world does. If u had the fighting would never of happened and won't stop until u do because unlike u that can go to any Arab country we can't this is our home
@user-ri8ok3ot3i 7 лет назад
I want that peace too, as a Haredi Jew, peace with our Palestinian brothers is crucial - those who seek war or violence are not true Jews
@countrycrusade 6 лет назад
It's a shame Palestinians keep refusing Israeli peace offerings - Abbas told Trump that if the US did not pay the PLO more money, PLO would join ISIS - really showing their true colors here
@miralubin646 5 лет назад
I'm Jewish and completely agree with you 😁 peace brother ✌️
@benjamindkadoch8993 3 года назад
Your humbleness humbles me every time, brother Ronen. May your soul rejoice in peace and Light in Olam Habah. Shalom to your soul.
@marlonrosales1429 9 лет назад
You have become a great inspiration for me and all people who subscribe to you! You have inspired me, and have helped me out with figuring out what I want to do when I grow up! I want to resolve the conflicts between us, the Israelites and the Palestinians! Shalom!
@atifbangash 2 года назад
You my brother Ronen, You are such a blessed being.
@masherize 14 лет назад
A few points: great video message, sincere respect to the speaker for his genuine care for humanity and those of differing beliefs. a shame that RU-vid attracts comments of such an infantile nature made by idiotic timewasters. Some of the comments posted are shamefully backward and obcene. It just puts me off bothering with YT at all. That said, peace to you Ronen from a Christian listener heartened to see one living out conscience and faith in an often jaded, wasted world. Shalom.
@77WickedWitch 12 лет назад
Continued... It is easier to establish a God-over-man based dominance than man over man. Man might question another man's authority, but very few would dare challenge the "word of God", especially when they would be risking serious social scrutiny.
@ArtsyTraveler90 15 лет назад
To me, the study of history had helped me to see that we`re headed in a very bad direction. Yes, patterns are being repeated. But atleast many can detect that and do something about it. Or try to anyways.
@mohdkalshat2056 5 лет назад
R.I.P I pray to God , الله يرحمه، ويبعثه مع النبيين و الصديقين. و يسكنه الجنه.
@stellietex 15 лет назад
RIP Ronen.
@extazy17 15 лет назад
Yes, Jews are closer. It says that Avraham sent Ishmael and his mother (Hagar) out of his house. G-d also tells Avraham that his seed will continue on from Isaak. Also G-d tells Avraham to "take your son, your ONLY son, Isaak". But to be fair, our Rabbis say that Ishmael made repentence in his later years and does have some merits. For example after Avraham died, Ishmael recognized Isaak as the legit heir, he came and then left out of Israel(to Arabia I believe).He recognized the truth.
@StephSilvermen 15 лет назад
If you are born of a Jewish mother or convert to Judaism then you are a full-fledged Jew. There are many converts at my synagogue and they come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
@maquita2000 15 лет назад
SOOOO SAD, what a beautiful man and neshama =(
@welcomecataclysm 13 лет назад
This man was a very beautiful man, and any hatred on this page is deeply disturbing to me. This man is no longer with us. If you watch any of his videos he simply exudes an encompassing kindness and acceptance of all people, never passing judgement as he realizes that none of us are the judge of anyone! I believe that this man is resting with his Father, the one and only true G-d. Just watch his videos and imagine being face to face with this man would you have said such horrible things?
@revrama 11 лет назад
Where can I find a royal blue yarmake thats not a beanie but covers my heaf suitably for prayer. Commercial websites have only small yamakes. I am a Noahide snd enjoy much listening ro your discussions. Respectively, Michael.
@Ranaagashicik 4 года назад
I just came across to this video. He is dead now and I am still can judge him by his words. However his life has finished. There is nothing I can to changing his thoughts. May Allah reward him with his good dids.
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
"Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves;you will know them by their fruits".Yeshua is so different- there was a leper who came&said Lord you can heal &make me clean if you want.Yeshua said:I will be clean.They man was cleansed & he worshiped Yeshua.Quran agrees Yeshua is the Messiah. Also the scriptures teach that the Messiah is the son of King David- the legal experts (scribes) of Yeshua day taught the same thing, Do you agree ?
@VladislavGomulka 12 лет назад
He is very sincere and he speaks truth, but, alas, our enemies would hardly understand his noble words.
@habeebqatari 14 лет назад
and their similitude in the GOSPEL ( John 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. ) ,,,, is: Like a seed which sends forth its blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick, and it stands on its own stem.
@Alshimonguiness 14 лет назад
My take in this sums it up in 2 words.... HaKol Simetic... It's all Semetic. I'm a JBC but I take the word "Semetic" in it's literal definition and the original semetics are Jews and Muslim. I just think the word has been reserved more to describe Jews but its about time to recognize that our other half (muslims) are also Semites.
@StephSilvermen 15 лет назад
Judaism says it is perfectly okay to not be Jewish and that righteous gentiles will have a place in the world to come.
@robert1589 Год назад
genuine, and honest, and loving, and thought provoking!
@Hybridtheory2007 14 лет назад
WOW what a fantastic video, may God bless you From a Bosnian Muslim (not Arab)
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
'[ Allah ] said, "You will not see Me, but look at the mountain" Friend I thank you for having '"proven" and given support to the argument I've offered you from the very beginning regarding the source and origin of the Quranic transcriptions. The tale you yourself recount here is readily recognizable as a very weak variant of the original account given in the book of Exodus (mind you the original account was given some thousands of years before). Clearly, Muhad.'s version here is uninformative
@lachefderouge 13 лет назад
I'm a Christian, and have been in and out of my religion, however, i pray i will be strong to become a "mature" Christian. I learned alot from just this video, and will be looking at your other ones. You helped me understand a view point that I wondered about. I will not generalize, but it was nice to hear from a Jewish point of you (your point of view according to Judaism) how the Jewish think about non-jews....
@zafthedon 15 лет назад
Salaam as muslims we believe that all prophets were the greatest Human beings at there time. God is on a totally different level. peace
@eldridgepaul 13 лет назад
A true man of peace. Respect.
@JenevaKay 15 лет назад
I'm really refreshed to hear you speak on people as human beings, and not the banter about how there are "chosen people". As a Muslim, it mirrors my thinking as well. I bid you peace.
@barmeyroberts8262 9 лет назад
You have a very kind spirit. However Iam not so diplomatic. Genesis 16:12 and he will be a wild man. Please read the letter Saul the student of Gamaliel the son of Haliel, Iam not saying Gamaliel was faster than a speeding bullet,more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound,but he could recite the Torah.Sorry I confused Jor-El with Haliel my bad. You know the One the builders rejected is Hashem Yahshua. Read Galatians chapter 4 talks about Ishmael and Isaac and how the child of the bondservant Hagar, persecute fleshly Israel and spiritual Israel
@77WickedWitch 12 лет назад
Continued... Though one must remember that most; if not all, Constitutions continue to be based on religious scriptures. Sure, amendments are made to adapt to today's modern world and Human Rights as they have evolved over time. Yet, the principal codes of morality and ethics used to estabish law and order are based on religion whether it be Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam, just to name a few. After all, religion IS man's first reference of law.
@habeebqatari 14 лет назад
Genesis (17:20):” As for Ishmael, I am heeding you: I hereby bless him. I will make him fertile and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall become the father of twelve chieftains, and I will make of him a great nation.” They became a great nation when prophet Muhammed came
@stevenrterry 15 лет назад
If you are born of a mother that is Jewish, it is "taken that you were raised as a Jew". Converts are given the same latitude. Acutally, they probably know more... they studied hard to become Jewish as an adult. Regardless, it is mentioned many times in the Torah that converts are as Jewish or more so than those that are born Jewish.
@rockhard9690 12 лет назад
I am muslim, If i follow the 7 noha laws and and still stay a muslim will i get to heaven according to torah?
@janishart5128 6 лет назад
*rockhard9690:* Yes, if you are truly following the Noachide laws, to the best of my knowledge you would get to Heaven, but you would have to stop worshipping Mohammed and stop following his teachings and only follow Torah, since the only One worthy of our worship is the God of Heaven, Creator of the universe.
@urbanangel13 15 лет назад
wharzan... you don't have to explain/apologise...ronen did have really lovely eyes...god given after all!!
@DeepHauz 15 лет назад
it's both. it's a religion, ethnicity, nationality, etc etc. its everything rolled into one.
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
"Bibles into the Arabic language are AFTER the advent of Islam" Note that nowhere did I assert that Muhammad has copies of the scriptures- why would it have mattered since as we both acknowledge he was illiterate. The fact that he had no written scriptures, however, does not invalidate the point that in the transcribing of the Quran, Muhammad & his cohorts had orally transmitted accounts which were (as Ehrman notes) variant accounts of judeo/christian/gnostic ideas combined w/arab tribal beliefs
@elizabethann8939 6 лет назад
I thank you so much because you speak with Elohim's truth. Elohim bless you so greatly
@davidsolomon83 15 лет назад
nicely said bro, really liked it.
@denisethorbjornsen3331 11 лет назад
I always thought I went to church to worship God.Not to judge anyone.
@DrakyGordon 13 лет назад
can anyone tell me what happen to him...its shocking..he is gone..
@nefrinhayat 12 лет назад
You shouldn't answer a question with a question. :)
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
thanks for this discussion and your time. I think we've agreed that there are many contradictory, irreconciliable claims between the Quran & the settled Judeo/Christos scriptures.W reject the allegations of systemic 'corruptions';in fact, many of the basic stories in the Quran are themselves inaccurate variants of the original accounts. Obviously, it's without proof & unverifiable if the pure Quran is in heaven. Yes, no man has 'seen' G-d nor can see Him in unveiled Holiness & live
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
speaking of 'myths',I must say that's al quite fanciful. Maccoby would have a great deal more explaining to do for one to accept that in light of the substantiated history- these are not assertions of minor points. He has to explain Saul's known role as a zealous jew who persecuted Christians for no cause;the accounts of Sau to have encountered Yeshua on the road to Damascus;the acceptance of Saul's full gospel about Yeshua as the righteousness of G-d; his acceptance by Jewish believers
@1Batt 13 лет назад
Does'nt Hagar mean the stranger and didnt Hagar(Ketura) return to Abraham and have more children? I noticed that when Abraham was buried that both sons buried him together and were present so here must have been some kind of contact between them(Ishmael and abraham,,Isaac ) What does Judaism know that others dont..I say this as I didnt know any of the previous until I went to schul and started asking questions, there is much I was never taught as a christian.. so would you mind sharing more?
@ElianaTali 13 лет назад
@Kenshi76 I can understand wanting to continue your' point to one another, but I would have far more respect for you (the both of you), if you could have taken the discussion into a private forum. I have only just discovered this man's videos, and I find it so disturbing his memory and message are marred by yelling (caps) and belligerency. I would ask if you to be kind enough, now that each of you has read the other person's replies, please delete this thread between the two of you? Please?
@ElianaTali 13 лет назад
@jimmmmybrady I can understand wanting to continue your' point to one another, but I would have far more respect for you (the both of you), if you could have taken the discussion into a private forum. I have only just discovered this man's videos, and I find it so disturbing his memory and message are marred by yelling (caps) and belligerency. I would ask if you to be kind enough, now that each of you has read the other person's replies, please delete this thread between the two of you? Please?
@SharpUchi 3 года назад
He is always well-spoken.
@jimmmmybrady 13 лет назад
@glower125 No,actually it is translated to English ALAH,pronounced awlaw,just as the Arabic word translated to English as ALLAH is pronounced awlaw.The first use of this word(the English spelling is arbitrary)was in Hebrew,ALAH MEANS CURSE.Look it up in Strong's Hebrew-English Dictionary.
@jimmmmybrady 13 лет назад
@Kenshi76 You've made a lot of contradictory statements.Are your latest statements abrogating your previous ones?
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
"U will not find a book on the face of the earth that will match the Qur'an" Easily sone, there are dozens: the collected writings of The Analects, Confucius, The book of the Dead, Hammurabi Code, Plato, The Torah, the Gospels, Sophocles, Philo, Josephus, Shakespere , Dickens, Galsworthy, Tolstoy, Hugo, Dumas, Locke Fitzgerald, Lewis, Mailer, shall I continue ....?
@aurayon 14 лет назад
What a beautiful soul.
@77WickedWitch 12 лет назад
Continued... To each their own. As far as I am concerned I live by the motto of "practice none, respect all". Ofcourse, as long as they are practiced within the realms of respect to humanity and freedom of choice. The world needs more religious figures like this man. I salute and tip my hat to him. Just my two humble cents' worth. Peace and good tidings all around.
@extazy17 15 лет назад
Its not only my "theology", it is something that Christians and MUSLIMS accept. You accept the Torah, correct? What I said was written,(black on white)in the Torah, and it was even spoken by Mohammed (that Ishmael was sent out of Avrahams house). And to your question, what Avraham would personally do,I dont know,BUT what is concidered correct is that me and my nation inherited the spirituality of Avraham and not Ishmael. It is the truth, im sorry, you need to ask G-d if you have complaints.
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
by men who HEARD partial accounts from the scriptures over that period. That is why the Quran doesn't contain say, Platonic dialogues. That is why when the early muslims had to flee to Ethiopia they urgently tried to convince the king that their beliefs were the same. They were not the same, but the Christian king still protected muslims because innocent pple should never be harmed. Again, you do not honor all the prophets as you claim (you refused to agree to the statements I requested).
@AngelaMaria-io2nd 7 лет назад
esta muy buena tu labor!!
@limefg123 15 лет назад
sure. but what im getting at is the original jews were hebrew israelites from canaan. so the term "jew" can mean many things.
@77WickedWitch 12 лет назад
Just wanted to let you know that I have shared this post on my FB wall with the following personal commentary: I actually like him. Always found the biblical stories quite entertaining and with much moral value (most of them, not all). I believe organized religion has always been man's way of attempting to establish law and order.
@Liam-vn5nz 8 лет назад
actually not true at all, they did DNA tests on Jews and the paternal lineage of most Jews can be traced back to ancient Israel including my own. I'm Ashkenazi on my dad's side but I did a DNA test and my DNA on my dad's side is found in Yemenite Jews as well meaning we were a singular population then split. While I agree Judaism itself is not a race denying the Jewish people's heritage is actually racist, Judaism originates from the word Jude or Judea referring to someone from Judea (Judea and Samaria) which is ancient Israel. Judaism is the Religion of the Jewish Race. There's a reason it's so hard to convert.
@Liam-vn5nz 7 лет назад
Europa Resistance if Yemenite Jews "converted" how come they share DNA with Jewish communities around the world?
@silentbehn180 13 лет назад
Canaan were the people that lived in the land until God fulfilled his promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob(Israel) Then he washed away the Canaanites and let the Israelis, his people, move in. I'm pretty sure the Canaanites at that time were extremely wicked people anyways but the righteous ones were saved that sided with God's people.
@tifforo1 14 лет назад
There are a lot more Muslims than Arabs. Many Muslims live in Southeast Asia, whereas most Arabs live in the Middle East (including northern Africa).
@iraniansabroad 7 лет назад
It's my first time seeing your video. You're my dear brother. What you say is the word of my heart. But what puzzles me and many others is the fact that WHY YOU ARE SO DIFFERENT FROM THE ZIONIST REGIME ???
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
Don't assume- no, unlike when you read the Quran, the Bible is not read on the basis of isolated proof verses (just as you are doing now). Rather, it is understood as a comprehensive narrative read IN CONTEXT of the major theme. One basis principal is that the prophets of the covenant are interpreted relative to the New Testament, so you really need to start there What I would first say is that as a sinner you do not know G-d nor do you keep HIs laws (see Ex 20,23, Psa 14). Also see Isa 40.
@mikesglider 14 лет назад
Correction: "Thou shall not commit murder"....otherwise, one would need to be a perfect pacifist. Jesus said: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart,and all your strength and all your mind"...*Second,"Love your neighbor as yourself"....These two commandments fulfill the law and the prophets....I agree with Jesus! not those who covertly use mind control to seduce the world into "spiritual communism" in the camoflage of "Christianity"...Read: The Union Jack (book by "anonomous"?) free PDF
@aljawadn 15 лет назад
I don't think Muslims believe Prophet Abraham had a concubine. He was a Prophet! Concubines are not halal. Many Christians and Jews disregard Ishmael because he was supposedly an illegitimate child. Muslims don't believe he was illegitimate, but in any case...nice video post! There is definitely no time to hate...so much BETTER things to do, right?
@moemoe20092007 13 лет назад
Sir. You inspire me.
@hoshoshussain7768 10 лет назад
Amm let me know what u think i am a muslim girl and i loved ronen 5 years ago of course he was dead at that time and it was the ever frist time i ever love a jew (am palestinian, my dad was killed by a jew solder) and i underdtand its forbeden for me to love marrige etc a jew but i really loved him and i still do and not as a brother, so unswer 2 qustions 1 why did god took him b4 i tell him that i love him? 2 do u think u can choose who u will fall in love with?
@ninaquero 14 лет назад
CONGRATULATIONS to you for your great videos, like this one, which clarifies, in my humble opinion, the real spirit of Judaism, and a bit why this amazing religion has influenced the world so much, being the forebear of the other two great Abrahamic faiths, Christianism and Islam. And like you so rightfully point out, Jews are not a "race", they just accept the yoke of God. A brilliant video, one of the best I have seen on this topic. It really says a lot about you, too.
@mikesglider 14 лет назад
I appreciated your comments on homosexuality! Many other good points are made by your thoughtful views expressed...may we all Seek truth! not belief!
@Shayma1977 15 лет назад
Hi, finally the truth we arabs and jews are cousins. If you follow the history of Prophet Abraham it is only logical to know that this is the truth.. Salaam and Shalom
@habeebqatari 14 лет назад
, (filing) the sowers with wonder and delight. As a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at them. God has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness, and a great Reward
@limefg123 15 лет назад
right but he was a Canaanite which i think would fall under the category of ethnicity. what race was ibrahim?
@jimmmmybrady 12 лет назад
@vikingsfan4410 Are you aware of the Hadith that describes Mohammad's "trance"as "the prophet writhed on the ground,making sounds like the snoring of a camel"??
@abcbee1308za 14 лет назад
this is so true . l have never notice a jew talk like you . you are a men of g-d . peace be with you . amen
@Shayma1977 15 лет назад
That is very true, the real arabs originate from Yemen, but the north african and lavant people are a mixture of nubians, phoenicians , berbers and other semitic races. sorry but this IS a fact, they are arabized but not arabs.
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
This Quranic account of LORD appearing to Moses is fundamentally flawed. At the same time, it depicts the Lord addressing Moses. If the Lord can address Moses then why in the Quran does He not also speak directly to Muhammad. Also, if the Lord speaks to Moses, why do you deny that He also spoke to Yeshua in the Gospels ?
@NWA90s 13 лет назад
you llok like the guy from the movie called brothers or something
@zafthedon 15 лет назад
yes this is called the sunnah - as we muslims believe he was the last prophet and the best of humanity at his time.
@MOE435 14 лет назад
@MOE435 FYI 1. The only territory the Israeli Gov has official given the Muslims FULL sovereignty is Temple Mt. i.e the above Al-Aqsa mosque . 2. Until 1967 Muslims i.e Jordan had FULL control of the Old City of Jerusalem. So answer why were there 3 invasions while it was under Islamic rule! 3. While the Jordanians ruled Jews weren't even permitted to enter the entire city of Jerusalem, incl. the (= Mecca) Holiest site of Judaism i.e the Western Wall! So Puuhleeeazzze w/ Islamic peace !!
@azadam1000 12 лет назад
@vikingsfan4410 why this kind of comments? the quran states that you should debate them in a positive way , respectfull , debate each other in things which we muslims have common with jews first then begin discussing other things , do you really think there are no jews who realize that muhammad (puh)is the one promised to them which is simillar to moses((puh)? its up to them to exxept the only acceptable religion by Allah which is islam , as moses (puh) was a muslim
@orangemiss 15 лет назад
who passed away this guy?
@7Highlander 15 лет назад
On Capitalism. It is not Capitalism that's the problem. Capitalism has allowed the growth of wealth where as communism always leads to mass poverty. I would agree with you though, that our priorities are out of sync. It's too deep to actually go into here but government interferance is actually a key reason of economic troubles. To help people we need to grow wealth. Capitalism (unlike Communism) lets us do that. But Capitalism with good and kind people is where we want to go no doubt.....
@shaheed10 9 лет назад
What one really should say here instead of all that darn rambling is as follows all religions and cultures namely Jews,Arabs,Christians,Catholic ETC have caused so much segregation and suffering to each other its a shame. If we look at history in a neutral mindset one would recognize for the sake of religion we are committing ourselves and losing out on so much . And most of these rabbis,priests etc preach nonsense, segregation hate etc . Lets just love each other as we were made equally non better than the other and forget all this arab,jewish,christian crap and see people not race, or religion
@shaheed10 9 лет назад
***** thank you Arsene Lupin for being in agreement the world needs more people like you dear Cheers
@jimmmmybrady 13 лет назад
@rencrow No actually you're wrong.Check out Strong's Hebrew-English Dictionary.ALAH,pronounced aaawlaaaw means CURSE.Mohammads ALLAH,pronounced aawlaaaw was the NAME of one of the stones in the Kaaba.For Mohammad to convince people that his possesion was real he called his "god"allah.
@AttackTheGasStation2 13 лет назад
@jimmmmybrady then why all things are not only in the quran but in the old testament hebrew bible and islam just overtaken it ?
@extazy17 15 лет назад
The Arabs are not concidered the descendents of Avraham Alav Hashalom. they might be physically his descendents, but it is clear that they are not concidered to be his offspring like Israel are. Check the Torah and Hazal.
@pietrrocks 14 лет назад
@SSDDdash we are brothers and sisters
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
Mind you these are the same teachings which led to the repeated military defeats & conquests of Isreal by the likes of Babylon & Assyria, even though the jewish leadership were warned by the prophets.The scriptures of the prophets were sound & spiritual then as they are now-but rejected. This verse is not about Ahaz. This is established by the word 'almah' (where does it come from?). Also see Isa 42, 49, 50, 53. In the Gospel of Matthew, Lord Yeshua says,
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
in the various rebuttals you have presented, it should be noted, that while I have taken the time and courtesy to respond to your objections, you have have provided no such response to the issues of doctrines and teachings raised. Rather, you have avoided the real issues and offered misdirections. Also, that Jesus spoke/taught in a semitic language is completely irrelevant to christians (always has been) as faith in Messiah Yeshua is universal
@SpectralViral 12 лет назад
Jake Gyllenhal!!!!!!
@avejl 15 лет назад
do you not at all see the inappropriateness of your comments?? this is a kind of intellectual forum and hitting on this man is extremely inappropriate and out of place... he's also obviously straight so your comments are also pointless. and they reinforce the idea that homophobes have about gay people being overly flirtatious. so please... for the sake of everyone, just stop.
@MsBecs85 11 лет назад
What?? he died?? What happened??
@silentbehn180 13 лет назад
@1Batt I as a christian could teach you much unfortunately those with the knowledge don't tell anyone it but luckily my lord Jesus will give me anything that I ask of him as Long as I truly believe in him and love him. So any questions just ask.
@jimmmmybrady 13 лет назад
@rencrow Your thinking of the Arabic word for god,which is illah.This is WHY the Shahada in English is "there is no illah but allah".STOP lying.
@shieldsff 12 лет назад
O.K., If you honor ALL the prophets, then please say (write) this before men & G-d: LORD spoke & showed Himself to Adom & Eve in the garden of Eden LORD spoke and made His covenant with Abraham, Issac & Jacob LORD spoke to & showed Himself to Moses & before millions of the children of Isreal at Mt. Sinai to give the Law. LORD spoke to Daniel & Nebucannezer in Babylon LORD spoke before the people at the the baptism of Yeshua and said "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased-obey Him"
@jimmmmybrady 13 лет назад
@Kenshi76 Hey dude,you are WRONG.In Arabic illah means god.This is why in English the Shahada is "there is no god but allah and mohammad was his messenger"and NOT "there is no god but god etc."Go ask an Imam he'll tell you it has to be no god but allah or it is INVALID.....CHECKMATE.
@zpartoredjo 14 лет назад
Top Video :) from your muslim arab brother
@jimmmmybrady 13 лет назад
@rencrow In Hebrew Alah means curse,in Arabic allah is the NAME of their illah.Got it????
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