
Myths, Shamans and Seers: Phil Borges at TEDxRainier 

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Accompanied by his stunning photographs, Phil Borges tells the story of visiting and meeting traditional seers in many parts of the world. For over thirty years Phil Borges has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures, striving to create an understanding of the challenges they face. His work is exhibited in museums worldwide and his award winning books have been published in four languages. His most recent book, Tibet: Culture on the Edge highlights the effect of climate change and technology on Tibetan Culture. Borges teaches and lectures internationally and is co-founder of Blue Earth Alliance.
This talk was given at TEDxRainier in Seattle on November 10, 2012. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)



16 дек 2012




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@WilliamKKidd 4 года назад
My right ear LOVED this.
@jaytennesseebigsbee9346 3 года назад
Rightly placed
@amphibeingmcshpongletron5026 3 года назад
TED's gotta do something about their sound. Last video I watched was only left ear and it was horribly tinny. They could at least just duplicate the audio for a mono-stereo effect.
@MariGolds2 3 года назад
@somniopus 3 года назад
Oh good, I thought my earbuds died
@EgoShredder 2 года назад
It causes discomfort more than anything, and often for my left ear to begin ringing and switching off. So its more than annoying it is unpleasant.
@jashton8710 4 года назад
There is a shaman in each of us, but to realize this requires an awakening. For me, it was learning to reject most of what I was taught as a child and most of what I see and hear today. Western society is all about stifling the inner voice and severing our connection to mother earth. Money is the drug that is largely responsible for this. You can only choose one or the other.
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
@florence6764 3 года назад
Exactly... Modern world is just distracting us to unleash the ability we have within us God bless you 💕
@danielchristensen375 3 года назад
Very well said my friend!
@birju4333 2 года назад
Only westerner people will say there's shaman is each of us. Lol 😆 no mate. Sorry not true.only few will became shamans. But one can dream.
@hew195050 2 года назад
@@birju4333 I believe what he meant was we all have a forgotten self inside us. Society beats it out of us every day.
@itsamysticlife3500 6 лет назад
Some shamans are called at a much younger age. I almost died at birth and started seeing and interacting with spirits, had prophetic dreams when I was 3. Shortly after this started I was deaf for almost 2 years, before my hearing was restored. Some people sensationalize what shamans do, especially western media (TV & movies), but it can be really difficult, especially in our modern societies. I've been called weird, psychotic, a lair or any number of other negative descriptors. And even though my husband prayed for a red headed medicine woman, he wasn't comfortable at times with having to live with one. And then there's the "I just want to be normal" episode. Yeah, when spirit calls you to walk this path, you can walk it or you can roll along in a wheel chair. I tried normal - college to become a school teacher. A week after getting my degree, a drunk driver took me out - and I saw it coming. All the 1st responders were amazed that I was alive, but it turned out that I was really messed up. So no more "working" a regular job, but I raise herbs, minister to people who need me (and where Spirit sends me), and give spirit-filled messages and advice. Not rich, but we did manage to keep our home after the "Great Recession" because I listened to Spirit , and saved my hubby's life when he dropped with a heart attack ( I was forewarned by Spirit and told "don't leave him alone" when he came in from cutting down a tree). There are more of us hidden in our modern world and society than you may think. Witch, artist, composer, mother, mystic ... what's in name when you bring healing and peace to a life and the world?
@eps3154 5 лет назад
How did you find a mentor?
@itsamysticlife3500 5 лет назад
Well, I listened to Spirit in the beginning because I couldn't hear anything or anyone else for about 2 years. I continued to listen to Spirit as I grew up, even when I was punished for it. Later, in the 70's I taught myself to meditate by focusing on an object and letting everything around me fade. I used that technique to set the J.High record for long jump and # of sit ups in a minute. I was also drawn to several Native American movies. My grandfather was from a rural area in the south and had a lot of wisdom that he just did. Turns out that a lot of it is considered Southern root workings, conjure, or Granny magic. My grandmother's grandfather was a root doctor in the same area. Then in the 90's my Mom introduced me to some Native family and friends that she had found and I started taking my kids to pow wows throughout GA, FL, and AL. I would listen to the elders tell stories and share wisdom. My uncle, a Creek chief told me to stay away from the instant vision of plants and drugs. It was easy to see stuff that way, but it was VERY dangerous and you were at the mercy of the plants and spirits - and some of them lie. There's a lot of wisdom available in the stories of elders, especially the ones that were raised in rural areas before 1950 and television. You can get books now on a lot of this stuff. Hank Wesselman and Sandra Ingerman have some good videos, audiios and books. Listen to your heart and your gut, and ask Spirit to bring you the teachers that you need to move along your path. Most of your teachers will be the young or the old, people who haven't written a book, put on a workshop or are famous. They will appear as "ordinary" and will teach you a bit. Stay aware of answered prayers and synchronicity. Keep a dream journal, and pay attention to day dreams and errant thoughts as you go to sleep or wake up - they are Spirit messages. And remember - This Is A Journey, Not A Destination. When you help someone to heal, when you deliver a message that helps lift a burden or sooth a soul, you are a Shaman. Let the Power of the Creator Move In You and Through You. Let Go and Let God. That is the real secret of Shamanism. You are a Hollow Bone for Spirit to do the work. Prayers and Love on your journey. - Raine
@eps3154 5 лет назад
Thank you so much, Raine. What an incredible life you're living. I wish you the very best on your journey. -Elle
@Chimonger1 5 лет назад
Some remember they are born Awake (because babies come into life, still connected clearly with Spirit). Others must find/set their own alarm clocks to wake up, so to speak, because their connections got quickly dulled while young, because parent units told them “it’s just your imagination”, etc.. Mentors? Most don’t have single mentors, but a collection of temporary teachers, roll models, & experiences. They can be bits & pieces from family members, from non-corporeal spirits, from books, films, etc., almost anything that brings some resonance, or an a-ha!, etc. It can come via life experiences of all kinds...what seems catastrophic, or very happy...all the same, in that those can trigger changes in perspectives, connections with Creator, or literally a change in one’s path. Imho, it’s much about paying attention, to hear that ephemeral “still, small voice”....one has to become still, be away from the overwhelming electrical fields pervasive in modern world, away from the loudness of modern world...whether one literally goes out into the wilds, or makes themself a shielded place in the midst of modern mayhem. ANYone can do this...it’s more a matter of paying attention, wanting to, & practicing it, mostly. Don’t allow fear-filled people to derail you. Your heart knows whether an incoming message is from a Good source or Bad source. You can feel it. Fear is the Great Deceiver. In the stream of learning to attend to Spiritual connections, each will be given lessons & experiences that tend to guide them on The Path. One does have Free Will....each is asked to come into a life here. Along the way, each is given experiences/lessons that can lead to Something. One can choose to say No or Yes, pretty much at any point along the way. Sometimes one gets clear messages; sometimes feelings of those only. Lots of different ways. Sometimes one gets to see the results, sometimes not, of their helping others along. Sometimes one knows ahead, so can guide a situation; other times one can find themselves talking with a stranger at a store, trying to figure out what they’re s’posed to be talking about w/that stranger...or s’posed to hear from them. Sometimes dates are given with only a feeling of what those portend, or could be a technicolor, sensuround, detailed vision. Usually, the greater wisdom comes over time, as it’s difficult for the high energy of a youth, to really put more pieces of things together, to figure a fuller picture. Beware of those purporting to be Shaman, etc., who charge big money, or form groups... especially if they have cultish behaviors! Charging costly Fees to learn what Spirit teaches, is wrong-headed. There are loads of fakers. Loads of folks who mean well. Lots of folks really have had “experiences”, but there’s NoWay most of those Hollywood showpersons can get Spirit to speak on command, for a public show. Run, don’t walk, away from those who claim to be psychic, even faster if they charge $$. Find or make a spot where you can find quiet, be protected/grounded from electro-smog, then regularly practice being still, breathing, Quieting your Mind. Be in contact with nature. Breath! Eat organic healthy foods. Drink clean water, enough to avoid even slight dehydration (most modern folks are dehydrated). Listen to peaceful & meditative music. Find like-minded people, but be aware, all are on their own path, which might differ from yours a bit. Simple & entertaining books, free online, can include T.Lobsang Rampa books. The Gaia TV channel still has some movies & such, that discuss real stuff, but most of it is “PT Barnum” stuff that Seekers get derailed by....try to avoid getting stuck in those. Then there are those who find ways to control the body & mind...like Wim Hoff (the Iceman), who teach people how to do it, too...buying or borrowing books, is fine to do. If you have the Will to do something worthwhile, The Universe will start opening the way to achieve it. Then you must do the work. Look @ your life experiences...likely, things have happened, which might have been The Universe trying to wake you up. Look at things that you felt hurt by...can you perceive those differently? Each event is like a faceted crystal...lots of different sides! The better you can really understand all the sides, the more clearly you “get” things. The information is out there, free, in the world. One must spend mostly effort & time (not $$), looking, studying many things. Be patient, diligent, discerning. And breath!
@MichaelRCarlson 5 лет назад
So beautifully said.
@WisdomWithin999 5 лет назад
I think that shamanism is such a beautiful part of indigenous spirituality
@Chimonger1 5 лет назад
It’s absolutely part of ordinary religions, too...but modern politics & industry, & capitalism, have driven it underground. Every religion’s “Good Book”, contains the information...but most in modern world, have been deluded and frightened away from it. Fear is The Great Deceiver, & perpetrated by far too many Zealots these days. Spirit, though, is not; Love really is The strongest power in all creation. That is what real shamans, Medicine people, etc., connect with. There are many paths, but they all lead to the same Goal.
@theedge5584 3 года назад
Thats why i call my self spiritual NOT religious. I think government's created religion's to keep us apart....
@rochellena4082 3 года назад
I have so much to learn. Messages come to me all the time. Not maybe messages. Actual messages.
@brunischling9680 3 года назад
Paugh Eric i
@cg_julius 3 года назад
@@theedge5584 reed the four agreements "book"
@josephtermeer4595 Год назад
And then, there is the DEMON who comes as an angel of light. If we cannot discern this spirit, we can be led into a darkness that will destroy our souls. No matter how wonderful the experience is.
@Burning0Lilac 5 лет назад
I can't imagine the impact it would have on a young person who is scared of their own mind to be told that they would be helpers and essential to their community instead of becoming a pariah or feared. The West could stand to learn something from that, I think.
@alexthompson877 5 лет назад
Our culture gives us little permission to explore non-rational states of consciousness
@Chimonger1 5 лет назад
So, that’s why most do it “off-radar”, or, in the guise of other professions.
@Chimonger1 5 лет назад
The saddest part is, that more kids the past 30+ years or so...even 70 yrs., have been born “Awake”, but had that gift shut-down by society they were born into. But born, they have been. The floodgates have been opened, so far more Conscious people are alive...just maybe struggling to find their path. The world is on the edge of many sweeping paradigm changes.
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
@@Chimonger1 We are entering the second Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius. That's why we are seeing so much destruction. Without destruction there can be no renewal. As we exit the Age of Pisces, this will continue. Eventually we will all get back to our roots. The Coronavirus pandemic the first major step in this direction.
@Chimonger1 3 года назад
​@Kamil Debiola Clearly you lack experience & knowledge of spiritual/premonitory/altered-state knowledge. There are differences between “hallucinations”, “delusions”, & spiritual/premonitory/altered state events. “Hallucinations” are based on what the mind invents, from no external cues, & irrelevant to other things, times, or beings. “Delusions” are based on what the mind invents from external cues, similar to hallucinations. Neither of those alone, are much use in real time, place, or to beings. Spiritual/premonitory/altered states, however, can incorporate those, but, they ARE relevant & useful to larger context of time, setting, & beings...these can be used to accomplish things in the “real” world. -> When health professionals freak out at first mention of “seeing things”, & fail to differentiate, they then, become part of how broken, deranged, dysfunctional the health care systems have become.
@slobodangrasic5649 10 месяцев назад
Wonderful,. Clear, concise and profound.
@trd254 9 месяцев назад
I get my psychedelic stuff from an online store where I got my own, his on Instagram and his handle below is..
@trd254 9 месяцев назад
@m.thangarian4177 5 лет назад
His pictures are amazing!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
@czarinaschwartz8787 6 лет назад
"Do not believe madness to be a curse. For some, it is the greatest of blessings. A bitter mercy perhaps, but mercy nonetheless."
@leofeza9325 4 года назад
Nida Usman uuuum I love that. Got a ring to It. 🙏🏽
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
@Alan Byrom The way we define insanity and psychosis in this culture is a huge part of the problem. The path of the healer, the seer, th empath, the medium, the shaman, the energy worker, the mystic is not an easy one. And for those of us lost children of European descent it's even harder because we were severed from our indigenous cultures long before anyone else. And because our culture dictates, we think these avenues aren't open to us. We think it belongs only to the Tibetan, the Native American, the African. That's not true. The Great Way doesn't belong to one peoples; it belongs to all of us. Empire building and Christianity diluted the path to Source, but if we look into our own pre-Classical times, we all had it. That has not gone away. We just need to tap into it by discovering and reestablishing the ways of our own ancestors. Broken chains can be re-fused. If we look mad, so be it. It's not their business anyway.
@redefinedliving5974 3 года назад
@@archiesimpson5172 i think there is a fine line between it being a curse and being a gift. intelligence, genetics is an important factor...narcissists for example, psychopaths. they keep the balance in the world. but i suppose their number will gradually decrease as the collective awakens more. when duality and suffering is no longer needed for us to evolve!
@birju4333 2 года назад
Sometime madness can be an actual disease.
@electranica777 Год назад
Thank you 🙏🏽💚
@AwokenMinds 4 года назад
All shamans, seers, healers, psychic mystics etc Lets unite to bring harmony to the people check in within this comment. Peace love
@raymond9633 3 года назад
i dont believe that's the right approach
@AwokenMinds 2 года назад
Harmony is a right approach but uniting may not be
@EgoShredder 2 года назад
@@AwokenMinds Everything in balance but not equal if that makes sense. Individual and distinct but part of the whole. Each race is tribal so will never unite or be the same.
@birju4333 2 года назад
Does this include new age 🤔 ones too.or just authentic tribal ones?
@danieljoseph369 2 года назад
@@birju4333 New Age is the NWO's One World Religion
@tewtravelers9586 6 лет назад
For those of us who've used psychedelic drugs, this reminds me of set and setting. Yes, it can feel as though you're crazy when you're tripping (and sometimes you are), but the revelations can be extremely helpful in various ways. I believe some may be better off untreated, if that's what they prefer. That being said, some mental illness is very dangerous. It depends on the behavior and ideation of each person. If the "voices" are persistently encouraging suicide or something like that, anti-psychotic medication may save a life. Let's remain open minded and scientifically informed!
@leofeza9325 4 года назад
C&M T Ayahuasca rips you apart and then puts you back together.
@MsGnor 7 лет назад
I love this talk and Phil, your compassion and open-minded perspective is awesome xx
@user-zl6uz3ks6w Год назад
Shamanism comes in with the soul as an ancestor connection.
@tinao37133 3 года назад
Hi, this story describes me exactly...I had a “psychotic break”, or that’s what I was told anyway. But the story of the guy who said he was thinking things and then it would happen describes what I experiencing after this happened to me. I felt very euphoric at first but the more people would tell me I was crazy even after I showed them the things happening after I verbalized things they still called me crazy...I had lots of proof that these things happened to me and when I went to the hospital they believed me so then I was happy and content. But when I got back home, I was still faced with my entire family calling me crazy, which put me back into the hospital two more times. I became very afraid to speak to people also. How is it that the same experiences can be experienced by two people who don’t know each other and they can totally relate to each other. Things were happening when I was in a state of pure happiness. People saw similar things I was seeing. To me it means we are all connected on a subconscious level. They were other people in the hospital who experienced the same thing I was experiencing, and they verbalized things I saw in my mind and wrote down. Everyone had something to say that was in my mind already. Something was happening to me but only when I was in that euphoric state of mind. It really upsets me when people say I’m trying to relate something to things I experienced or thought about because nobody cared to listen except the doctors and other people who were experiencing it. I didn’t know what it was so I chopped it off to be something to do with religion or spirituality. I don’t know how to explain it all because it was happening all the time, and as soon as I lost all confidence in myself because I let everyone talk me into believing I was crazy it all went away. I am trying to believe again but it’s hard without talking yourself into thinking your crazy again. There is too much to write about and if I could talk about it without feeling crazy it would be a whole lot easier.
@Hunayfahhealing 2 года назад
you are not crazy
@tinao37133 2 года назад
Bint Al Muslimah thank you!
@robertorios8455 11 месяцев назад
It connects to the source, Maria, earth, the whole of which we are parts
@conversationswiththeuniverse 4 года назад
So beautifully said, thank you so much for spreading the word ❤
@agingwithgracegratitudeand140 2 года назад
Thank you for this talk, these talks are needed.
@rockwarrior5287 4 года назад
Awesome talk! Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures of your experience. Great wisdom that deserve a to be passed on
@Sacredfiremusic 10 лет назад
Thank you for this eye opening, loving testimonial. It was a pleasure to watch. And the photography is breathtaking!
@mimib6253 5 лет назад
Beautiful message thank you
@richieprana 5 лет назад
Any body can be a shaman. It's not just indigenous people. When you get picked your IT!!
@Lee-up4bz 3 года назад
This is true. It picks you.
@sogand9199 2 года назад
I got my first shamanic journey about 30 minutes ago I'm very happy that I came to your comment you are completely right
@heatherprice548 11 лет назад
A respectful and insightful observation of a beautiful sacred way. Thank you Philip.
@TheLovesmusix 2 года назад
Thank you and thank you to the goat, I needed this today to show me interconnection 💜
@theconcreteshamans 8 лет назад
You cannot excise a shaman from the culture he was born into. As a modern urban North American shaman, he almost nails it. But calling them "hallucinations" seems to downplay the giant sacrifice a shaman makes to serve his people. The shamanic death is no joke and is one of the most hideous things a human can go through since the spirits rip you apart. They rebuild you of course but he doesn't get into how shamans are made. Both today and for thousands of years.
@ozdigg9254 8 лет назад
+Patrick John Coleman I have always enjoyed and appreciated the 'hideous' shamanic death you speak of, there is great joy and freedom in it and I am left in awe of my spirit helpers and live in trust with them. I think you make a mistake to horrify people of the experience when it is so life enhancing. Is fear holding you back?
@theconcreteshamans 8 лет назад
+June W it is not fear that holds me back but I am going through the most profound experience
@SagittarianArrows 7 лет назад
Patrick John Coleman Some have positive while others negative, depends on ego & whats left of it as experience unfolds.
@wcole7514 7 лет назад
Patrick John Coleman A
@m.thangarian4177 6 лет назад
I'd rather have spirits rip u apart and put u back than demons rip u apart and sell ur pieces to the highest bidder. That's a never ending story u have to solve or u will never be whole again.
@philmcdonald6088 Год назад
✨be here now do no harm help others be still close eyes listen to your breathing✨
@wildhumans8116 6 лет назад
Thank You
@k.ecollins7934 4 года назад
Very similar circumstances happened to me between the ages of 8-13. I would get a stream or flow of thoughts, pictures, sounds etc that I used to write out throughout my teenage years. For a long time I thought I was going mad but kept it concealed to avoid being diagnosed with a mental disorder. Yesterday a friend I attended high school with sent me a poem I wrote in 1998. After rereading it I realised it was a word for word emotional account of my current divorce. There are so many of us who experience this in the western world and have to find our own ways of transcending and changing the western mythos.
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
I have written dozens of poems about my Twin Flame before I even knew who she was. Now that I've found her, it's like "Of course!"
@yourkingdomcomeyourwillbedone 5 лет назад
This was a great talk, fascinating and very informative!
@1602Meg 5 лет назад
The photographs are amazing!!
@trish10-in44 3 года назад
Great talk, Loved loved loved the quote by Einstein. Never heard that before.
@celiavictoriaarteyblog6833 Год назад
Jesús was a healer ❤ the true healer and now Holy Spirit heals
@darrinkulyk9560 4 года назад
@olevam1 11 лет назад
There is sound at this end. Anyway Philip Borges is really an amazing guy. I am glad I was able to meet him in person
@kimiyaghorbani8691 3 года назад
It was awesome , thank you
@nehla6309 4 года назад
Wow🌟He talked about peace peace and peace🌸
@chevoz6186 3 года назад
I wish the sound of this video came out through both headphones!
@xCarbonized 3 года назад
i heard voices.... and i fully belive this lecture. it was not fun being labeld crazy and put on pills... i wish i had the opertunity like these shamans
@stephaniewilson5284 Год назад
Never think they are simply voices they are people without physical flesh. You think they are a sickness they play with you.
@talkinpictures1903 5 лет назад
Fascinating stuff to say the least!
@chlofene 6 лет назад
Don't get lost in the word "hallucination(s) it a word. Listen to the rest of what he is saying. The fact that he is talking when so many aren't for whatever the reason says he is awake...just not the way you maybe.
@lychees33 5 лет назад
my left ear loved this video
@Hinoki352 Год назад
I was confused because I read this comment before I actually started the video, then I pressed play and it all made sense
@taitarae6211 4 года назад
Thought there was something wrong with my left ear but my right ear loved this video.
@niamtxiv 9 лет назад
this is well known in my culture as well.
@theedge5584 3 года назад
Come on people i can't do this on my own I need everybody's help we are one big Power
@cazmazurek8506 4 года назад
Everything inside me...as one who is awakened agrees that killing an animal in ritual goes against everything enlightenment teaches us. Murder is of the animal side of our construct that we are fighting to overcome. Along with greed, vanity..ect. Much love everyone. X
@drakeweddner 4 года назад
All life is eternal
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
I agree. We are already sacrificing our innocence by engaging in ritualistic behavior.
@ChrystalLynnCowgirlAstrologer 4 года назад
@user-jf1jo6uw7s 3 года назад
This talk reminds me of literature written by Carlos Castaneda. Sharmanism is closely related to schizophrenia, in my opinion.
@musicgarden-seeplaylists-m1085 4 года назад
Another Video , witch is in my Playlist Science-Quantum-Paranormal for years ,-
@chillguy2758 2 года назад
I just watched undone and want to learn more about shamans
@albertobernal1900 2 года назад
as eternity has awareness like the flower of live to weake up or sleep one's more good lives forever ♾
@leofeza9325 4 года назад
I just healed a girl like 2 months ago in the most interesting ways, i could feel everything they were feeling, the next day i felt that maybe it was all in my head. I refrained from contacting for validation of the experience for a simple reason. "If it meant something for her she will contact me herself " before the end of the day she was desperate to see me. I set a date the next day. We met and ahe was besides herself, she shared a spiral image with me the same image she shared telepathically the night before i couldn't believe the accuracy of her side of the story. I healed her energy. 2 weeks ago I did a random energy to my friend and it spooked her. I'm not sure exactly what to do with these experiences especially i don't seem to be able to either turn it on or off. It just happens.
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
An empath is not concerned with the outcome. An empath heals and moves on to the next person in crisis. That's why we are so drained if we don't take care of ourselves.
@Chimonger1 3 года назад
1st, the person getting healed must want to get healed. Pushing healing on those who do not want it, is bad...it can get in the way of them doing the work they came to do...whether you like it or understand it or not. Sometimes, it can be extremely painful to witness someone going through horrible conditions....but if they do not ask for help or healing, pushing that on them, usually goes awfully wrong, too. Not being able to turn it off/on like a switch, is not the issue, unless you are trying to earn loads of money putting on shows. If someone asks your help, and you cannot "turn it on", do not worry...when the Universe answers, "no" is also an answer. You simply do the best you can.
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
@@Chimonger1 I don't see it as pushing it on people. But then I look at healing more like Morpheus in The Matrix when he says to Neo: "I can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk through it."
@stephaniewilson5284 Год назад
Be careful never to embrace ego only humility.
@feedbackart 6 лет назад
I can hear no audio of this talk on Chrome or Safari. Censored???
@geraldinefields1730 6 лет назад
Audio works on Chrome OS. I don't have Safari. Not censored.
@christinacastillo1089 4 года назад
Is there a reason this goes mute after the intro swoosh sound? Tried it last night, and again this morning... Suspicious...
@marshallmcluhan33 3 года назад
The audio only comes out of the right channel/speaker for me
@christinacastillo1089 3 года назад
@@marshallmcluhan33 Oo, thank you! I was using a guitar amp and interface when I originally tried. Just tried it on headphones, and you're right, just on the right channel, but at least now I can hear it. 👍
@lillyvbluexx6779 4 года назад
Well I Hmong myself and we also have shaman too also, there going to be new age shaman, not old shaman. But some people can have old shaman and new shaman mix. Everyone have their own ability of shaman. For the Hmong new shaman age we don’t need to killed animals, but some shaman does killed animals for reason for the spirt world. And trust me their some people who really sick and was about to die and don’t want to become shaman, but if they don’t become one they could die of starving or get injury too also. But when they accept their gift, then got better in one day like in a second. Life shocking.
@NotAnAngryLesbian 4 года назад
@mandable 4 года назад
100% true.
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
Are you a shaman?
@chrislaro1396 3 года назад
great talk. Necessary. 'Delcina's Tree' (legend of the crossin' tree witch) by s.w. laro on amazon. Peace.
@sandymyers3148 Год назад
all truth
@Jixejo 10 лет назад
i am a shaman in the west.... i've been told i am ill and have been given psychiatric drugs for years... i feel so ill from them :(
@Jixejo 9 лет назад
bipolardiscussions i believe you do not know me, nor know the extend of my madness and divine love :)
@Jixejo 9 лет назад
i imagine you are the type that believe that love is a scienfitic equation and no more?
@Jixejo 9 лет назад
They actually forced me to take antipsychotic injection and brutally restrained me because i refused.
@Jixejo 9 лет назад
Sorry i thought you meant i was 'talking' nonsensr about being shaman
@m.thangarian4177 6 лет назад
jolena auvuya go find your healer? For every shaman out there, there is a healer for them. You guys are supposed to have each other’s backs.
@Leah-ny3tl 3 года назад
You tap into the vibrations
@innerg222 Год назад
How can I share my story?
@Hot.imgggg 5 лет назад
I really enjoyed his other talks I've seen on RU-vid but, I'm not totally sure what to make of them. I think maybe these are two separate ideas which are both partly true being taken to be related and mutually exclusive. I don't think mental illness should be seen as some hypersensitivity to ghosts and the spirit world but I also believe mental illness shouldn't be stigmatized. My assumption is that I don't have a body but that I am a body, and that there is no undetectable spirit in me that makes me human. The human experience of being able to feel mystical sensations despite them not being there is what makes me human. The fact that love feels like something magical and that with it 2 and 2 can equal 5.
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
Those who claim The Ways are mental illnesses are the ones who stigmatize, not those who recognize and embrace them.
@francismausley7239 3 года назад
"Unto the cities of all nations He hath sent His Messengers, Whom He hath commissioned to announce unto men tidings of the Paradise of His good pleasure, and to draw them nigh unto the Haven of abiding security, the Seat of eternal holiness and transcendent glory." ~ Baha’u’llah, Baha'i Faith
@InTheMusicBox 2 года назад
This video is not in stereo
@jeripruneda3293 4 года назад
What distinguishes someone suffering from onset schizophrenia and a Sharman?
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
That is a good question? My answer is that Schizophrenia is a psychological standpoint whereas Shamanism is a spiritual calling. Both are one in the same, but psychologically it is acknowledged as an illness that needs to be treated and medical professionals are monopolizing on suppressing people of this awakening. They are actually stalling the divine order and nature of evolution. For they wish to make money and derailing spiritual truths.
@inthemomenttomoment 2 года назад
Whose lens is the final perception in reality as IT is, anyway. One 👁️ Lens!
@lukeaaron5588 4 года назад
Is Phil still around? I'd love to chat
@regoConker 7 лет назад
weow shaman told him "journey will be difficult but save" -> son got sick so must be true!
@HigherPlanes 8 лет назад
Audio is messed up.
@arlunar 5 лет назад
Information not :) you can hear everything. The full presentation is not about techno-world. So the audio fits the theme :)
@watchinvidzwatchinvidz7691 4 года назад
They are ill but are stuck in between life and death with their conciscious.
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
Shamanism is the bridge between life and death. Having one foothold in the consciousness of the 3rd dimension and another foothold in the 13th dimension or Akashic realm.
@Chimonger1 3 года назад
No one gets stuck for long. Those who bet stuck in a coma, between life and death, have other things happening with them, that keep them suspended. Who are any of us to judge what is happening? Best thing is to support them safely, until they can get through it. Even Granny Weatherwax [from Terry Pratchett stories], had to hang a sign around her neck, to avoid anyone thinking she was dead, when she was only off on a psychic adventure! IF there is harm done, that is because something went very wrong. At no time were spirits ever endangering me, nor telling me to do anything bad. Ever. But there are some who Do encounter bad ones that do tell them to do bad things, or, get into harmful situations.... THOSE are to be wary of!
@jorgefrbelo254 4 года назад
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 🇵🇹
@zhiansabir4655 3 года назад
@fairegain8350 5 лет назад
no sound
@user-ey4rc5tu4t 4 года назад
Medium is nice. But ima need at least XL.
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
@suzannedaly7132 11 лет назад
No sound here either !
@caspercoates8945 7 лет назад
I got a question please reply.
@michaelfiliatrault9675 5 лет назад
casper coates i got an answer dont be shy
@Krylov223 7 лет назад
Only clicked on this because I thought it was The Doctor.
@EarlWynn 5 лет назад
Nice, same!
@donnyholman1547 Год назад
I believe I have a Shamanic calling
@JCResDoc94 3 года назад
*12:40** zack sniders justice league*
@b-swizzle0779 Год назад
If only this much analysis and effort was put into studying Christianity, the world would be a better place.
@thesocialmediagame 4 месяца назад
It does. There's significant improvement in the understanding of the narratives within the bible today. Even simple mental maps to understand abstract subjects such as goodness or trascendence have been done.
@wilburcollins8342 3 года назад
I can pass energy through my hands and heal, stop pain and other things. that energy comes to me from the universe not from heaven not from Christian God not from anything like that and I tie into the cosmic consciousness. I didn't start doing this until I was in my 40s when I started doing Kung Fu and Tai chi. I watched my master pass energy through his hands into other people and then I had him do it to me and I could feel the energy going through from his hand through my wrist and it was real! It wasn't long after that until I found that I could do it but I have to ground myself deep into the Earth first and then I pull in and call in the cosmic consciousness a lack of a better word the god which I am you are we all are and I passed that energy through for protection and for healing.
@joshc7865 4 года назад
Damn I couldn’t hear anything
@chrislaro1396 3 года назад
all earth has spirits. Humans, however, have lost their spirit. We're all sick. Peace.
@Rightnow369 Год назад
@claudebarrettlmtcst6519 Год назад
Can we really say that these are hallucinations, is a western bias? Maybe these gifts are all actually something naturally, Like active dreaming, and "shamanic journey." What do you think??
@thesocialmediagame 4 месяца назад
I think he addressed that when he referred to it as non-rational states of mind, like a non-pure linear thinking, which often requires of objects that can be measured in at least two spatial dimensions.
@paoladelapena8973 6 лет назад
20 everyone that's been in your life, has at sometime been your mother.
@Nizzwell Год назад
Trauma can awaken this... spirits are around us all. Your son picked up a spirit whilst with the shaman.
@schizostroller 11 лет назад
Is it just me or is there no sound, except the intro?
@drakeweddner 4 года назад
Just you
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
Maybe only true Shamans are able to hear this. I heard the whole thing, nothing distorted. Interesting.
@pattylancaster4110 3 года назад
Needs be louder. Unable to hear.
@EgoShredder 2 года назад
I have my desktop PC volume on about 15% and it is very clear and loud enough. Only 30W speakers too.
@aliciaroubicek9397 2 года назад
Sad is not translated into spanish. So Crazy.... You translate your subtitles into english, japanese, italian, polish, russian and there is only one translated into spanish. Wow. "Crazy...."but not "Wise". Interesting...
@surfinmuso37 8 лет назад
same as his other speech.
@MsGnor 8 лет назад
but with the beautiful photos this time! :)
@llgz4215 5 лет назад
When you sacrifice an animal, it's a lie. That's not God.
@JohnnyG959 9 лет назад
He gives this talk but says he has no idea where they go or get their power from? He should know this. You can find out by reading any one of 75 books or more on Shamanism... He does say they hallucinate. He didnt look deep enough. Not even a scratch of the surface. :-/
@ozdigg9254 8 лет назад
+JohnnyG959 Perhaps he is afraid to speak the truth, and perhaps that is because he has not had personal experience.
@nahomberhe6946 6 лет назад
Hmm where do these visions come from? What is there source, I have always wondered?
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
Obviously, he is speaking of Shamanism through curiosity and speculation not from experience.
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
@@ozdigg9254 What advice would you give us truth seekers who are struggling to find our roots speaking from your own experiences with Shamanism June?
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
If you do not find the power from within, you will never find it from without.
@johnswader8236 10 лет назад
Unfortunately he keeps calling it "hallucinations", showing that he really does not believe in any of it, other wise he would call it "visions". He needs to wake up some more himself.
@ozdigg9254 8 лет назад
+John Swader Yes he does confuse terms and ideas. I don't think he has personal experience or he would not be so wrong.
@galvarex7430 8 лет назад
+John Swader Very good observation!!!
@justinmcrae8181 7 лет назад
It is hard for those who have not experienced something to explain it as experienced. If he did do this he would be speaking as if he had and he maybe trying to avoid that. He surely believes or would not be adamant about getting the story out. Namaste
@pktrekgirl2 7 лет назад
I do not care for his terminology either. I don't like the terminology of 'hallucination', nor am I particularly fond of referring to shamans as 'mediums'. Doesn't sit right with me. I am also not certain that everyone even in our culture who has 'hallucinations' would be regarded as mentally ill, as is implied at one point. This guy is observing phenomena from a purely 'western academic' perspective....which IMO should not be the entire point, if real knowledge is desired. At one point, he admits that he will never have these experiences himself...but I think that purely observing these people is not ever going to give him the full story...or even a good part of it.
@Justyn219 6 лет назад
John Swader nah bro. U do.
@MarcoPolo-su5bg Месяц назад
I left shamanism to have a normal oppressed life..
@Jixejo 10 лет назад
ayahuasca is wonderful.... animal sacrifice is totally bunk shamanism
@AshleyLebedev 6 лет назад
jolena auvuya agree
@animistchannel2983 6 лет назад
Well, if they are doing it right, they all eat the goat & make furs etc afterwards and carry its spirit forward with them, as with every meal of any kind. It sounds like the difference is the use of the blood in that particular way to blend its perception more intensely for that moment. I suspect that the problem is in translating the word "sacrifice" in English from their specific word/practice/intention, which in modern western times has a sense of wastefulness to it. Even in priestly practices in the classical era of the Mediterranean & the Middle East, things "sacrificed" or given as "offerings" to the temples were generally used, eaten, or even resold publicly to support the temple. There are even verses in the New Testament telling early christians not to shop at the temples of other gods (for foods, items, or certain "services") because it was like donating to other gods. Obviously, wasteful practices would be abhorrent to animists and the spirits would step in to stop it, so I think its fair to say that this modern western academic simply didn't understand what was happening around him. He pretty much admits this on his own by the end. Still, there are a lot of variety in "old ways" from place to place. For example, northern/arctic shamans tend to be against using actual hallucinogens that are so popular in the tropics. Every time someone asks me about Stone Lodge or eating peyote, I tend to respond with something like, "Do I look like a Navajo?"
@emmalouie1663 2 года назад
Myth 2021: "White Priviledge"
@stakeelderanderson7737 8 лет назад
Where do you think LDS get there Joseph Smith lie's from.
@Chimonger1 3 года назад
Oh...nope...they did kinda like Sylvia Brown, and others, who do it for profit. Until they get told something must change...then they have a "sudden" revelation instructing them to change.
@dan020350 4 года назад
😸ok boomer 👌
@zacharyp32 9 лет назад
I don't really trust this. I feel like that Einstein quote isn't real either.
@atlantean1209 8 лет назад
then do some research.
@pia3709 5 лет назад
you re so lost man...
@disorganizedclutter5513 4 года назад
How do you decide what to trust and what to trust? Or what to doubt and what not to doubt? Or question or not question?
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
Use your own discernment. Spirit will allow you to form a connection if it is meant to be a part of your journey.
@bybloslee1439 4 года назад
Shaman and sorcerer are the same.demonic power are their source.
@madisonzeise9802 4 года назад
Intension matters. Also everybody manifests.
@mandable 4 года назад
@archangelrevelations9532 4 года назад
If you set your intention to pray to false idols then of course you will channel satanic forces. BUT if you set the intention to pray to source or God then you will channel loving light forces. It could go either way. The shaman picks a path that can go in either direction.
@archiesimpson5172 3 года назад
You have been removed from the gift of Source. You choose to have faith in place of understanding.