
Neil deGrasse Tyson - "Do you believe in god?" 

Kristi dela Cruz
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Walla Walla, WA September 12th, 2014
During the Q&A, a ten year old boy asks Dr. Tyson if he believes in god.



11 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 13 тыс.   
@kristidelacruz3961 10 лет назад
To those of you who think NdGT was "beating around the bush"...the question was asked by a ten year old boy (who identified himself as catholic), obviously a very impressionable age. He doesn't answer, "No, and here's why..." because I'm sure he's aware how influential he is and how delicate this topic can be, especially for a young mind raised in a religious household. He's not on Bill Maher, he chose not to be blunt about it...he's talking to a kid. So instead of saying, "No. Now mindlessly believe what I just told you..." he's saying, "Here's my reasoning. Take it. Digest it. Think on it. Make up your own mind." He's not your dad answering whether or not santa is real, he's challenging you to think critically. Apparently, he challenged a lot of your attentions spans as well.
@BOSSDONMAN 10 лет назад
***** Regarding your post of: "As a scientist who values questions he can't be an atheist. Atheism is taking a position of 100% certainty that there never is, was, or could be a god of any kind. Agnosticism says: I don't know if there is, was, or ever will be any kind of god." I cannot tell if you are a troll or not. The vast majority of atheists identify as agnostic, even ones like Richard Dawkins to an extent. Atheism and Agnosticism are not mutually exclusive.
@bengalashe 10 лет назад
BOSSDONMAN Atheism is NOT the claim that there is no God, with 100% certainty. Education yourself, please. It is the BELIEF that there isn't. No atheist who is intellectually honest will ever claim to know with certainty. (This is the principle difference between an atheist and a theist, btw. Theists DO claim to know with certainty.)
@bengalashe 10 лет назад
bengalashe Sorry, this was meant for Tracie...
@BOSSDONMAN 10 лет назад
bengalashe You do know you can edit your comment, right?
@BOSSDONMAN 10 лет назад
***** No, no it doesn't. The prefix a in 'Atheist' means without. The word theist is derived from theism, which means belief in the existence of a God. From there, you combine the two and get atheism, without a belief in the existence of a God (or lack of a belief). Agnostic says nothing about what you believe or don't believe- you cannot be in a state of belief and non-belief simultaneously either. Whether Neil identifies as an atheist or not really doesn't matter, because at that point it is simply a game of semantics. What does matter is he is opposed to religious beliefs fueling scientific ignorance and religious beliefs limiting the ability to perform science in general. I'm convinced Neil is an atheist based on him explicitly stating he does not believe in a God, but identifies as an agnostic in order to appear more politically correct.
@randomcats8619 8 лет назад
Ask this guy a question, get a Ted talk for an answer
@edouardpierrebatemebande4393 8 лет назад
+Bobby Wood he couldn't directly respond to the question because he was talking to a kid, he was afraid that his own belief could influence the kid and many other people since he was in a position of authority.
@SK-ki3fq 8 лет назад
The beauty of a genius is that he thinks everyone is a dumbass, hence the explanation.
@SK-ki3fq 8 лет назад
***** Sorry M8, I wasn't talking about the kid. Bobby Wood was implying that Neil explains everything like a "Ted Talk", so I said "the beauty of genius is that he explains everything". I didn't mean any disrespect to the kid; I think it is important for kids to ask these question and be inquisitive.
@VG-rj8pn 8 лет назад
+Dean KC Neal is not a genius damn are you gullible the man is a joke
@VG-rj8pn 8 лет назад
+patrick82895 the clown is no genius damn you people are gullible fools
@roybecker492 4 года назад
That was the longest "NO" ever.
@volpt 4 года назад
@charleyweinhardt 4 года назад
Actually it's the longest lie, he believes in God, but hates him, because HE will receive all the glory, and Neil will receive none.
@itaialter 4 года назад
@@charleyweinhardt Why are you feeling the need to put words in his mouth?
@scottbeale1825 4 года назад
@@charleyweinhardt holy fuck you are dumb
@charleyweinhardt 4 года назад
@@scottbeale1825 no actually I was smart enough to find God and witness countless real miracles. This man is a troll and wants you to worship his ideas and not seek the truth of our creation. You believe our ancestors were rocks, enzymes and fish...
@Ara24_td 3 года назад
I love how he’s being as respectful as possible and not trying to offend anyone.
@greggibbs8641 3 года назад
He is disrespecting God and will pay for that unless He finds Grace and Mercy in Christ Jesus alone God will not be mocked , this guy is walking on razor thin ice and below the ice is a lake of fire
@Ara24_td 3 года назад
The ice will melt if there’s fire beneath it, there wouldn’t any ice so that he can walk on in the first place. Pfft dumby, think harder next time.
@TheDayd111returns 3 года назад
@@greggibbs8641 If god was real, how come he didn't take down those who are enslaving us, like the government. If god was real, why does it continue let evil rule the world? If god was real, how come it never stood up for Blacks or other race who are being killed off by hateful racists everyday. Exactly. If it was real, the world would be in a way better place. We're on our own in this world.
@greggibbs8641 3 года назад
@@TheDayd111returns we are in the fall of man since Adam and Eve sinned we are now under sin and this world is the devils kingdom until God takes it back , that time is nearing very close we are about to go into the 7 year tribulation period when God's judgement is going to fall on the wicked unless they repent and take the gift of God by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die and Resurrect back to life that we may have life through Him by being born again In John book 3 this is explained John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life . He is the gift for us to wash away our sin do we can have a relationship with Him and be with Him for eternity in heaven or otherwise we perish and go to the everlasting lake of fire made for the devil and his angels so we must follow our Lord and Savior He is the only truth and loves us and wants us to be with Him . All these things are explained in the bible clearly that's the problem everybody wants to look everywhere but there for answers I pray The Lord will reveal Himself to you but we must seek Him not reject Him
@philippearson9477 3 года назад
@@greggibbs8641 omfg
@nathanwaltrip7220 3 года назад
"Do you believe in god?" "Im glad you asked." *presents powerpoint presentation*
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has a God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead!
@nathanwaltrip7220 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 "God government on Earth" Look up Darkmatter 2525s video "Would You Vote for God?" Would tolerate an eternity? You wouldn't even last 4 years.
@nidalal-sayed4019 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 are you Muslim? The quran says the same thing you state.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
@@nidalal-sayed4019 No I’m not a Muslim I don’t think it says Jesus is the Son of God who was raised from the dead
@nidalal-sayed4019 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 your thinking meet with what quran says. Sobhan Allah. Even the bible didn't state that Jesus is the spiritual son of the god. But the bible only stated "our father in the sky" but I think that Bible didn't meant that the god is as spiritual father of jesus but it meant by the word father that Allah is our great God. Logically The real and the true God who is perfect is impeccable from all creatures. And jesus is not perfect, therefore he can't be a god or a part of the god but he belongs as any other creatures. Then I think that ancient christians were muslims because the word Muslim means the one who follows god as the messenger called him. There for old christians were muslims, but they are called by christians because they supported Jesus and believed in his message. But please my brother, go deep in your mind and try to find the real religion of Allah or at least what is the name of Allah religion throughout all the ages. Is it called christianity? Sure no! Because the christianity is only specified for people whose follow Jesus and surely if I was as Muslim in the time of jesus, I would have supported and followed him. But let's think of what was the name of God religion when he had sent messengers coming before Jesus ? Was it called christianity? Surely no but it was called the religion of surrender to God that's called Islam in arabic language.
@johndoh4064 6 лет назад
He answered the question in exactly the fashion I would expect a scientist of his class and caliber to. Respectfully and thoroughly.
@cottoncandy9858 4 года назад
I am scared now because if there is no god that would mean my parents lied to me about the after life and no after life/god mean i only get one chance to mess it up
@docb8324 4 года назад
@@santanalz I feel like you watch Exurb1a
@santanalz 4 года назад
@@docb8324 no idea who / what that is. I'm an anti theist who hates religion and has done tons of research on the topic. It's all lies. Also I'm an engineer. Facts run my life.
@docb8324 4 года назад
@@santanalz Are you an Anti-Theist becaues you believe that resources being spent on religion is better being diverted somewhere productive or is it for some other reason? I personally don't like religion but still support the freedom of thought and expression.
@santanalz 4 года назад
@@docb8324 "but still support the freedom of thought and expression." These aren't mutually exclusive. I require freedom of religion in my government. Google freedom of religion vs freedom from religion. You will find a wealth of information. Also, religion steals from people, segregates them, and there's no evidence of it being true. That's why I'm an anti theist.
@HDitzzDH 6 лет назад
That's one good mic, holding it like a foot away and still sounds great.
@jack902902 4 года назад
Or perhaps it was the voice which was great.
@TheAgim1 4 года назад
I was thinking the same thing 😂
@chirag299 4 года назад
De voice does de magic chief
@josegaleano2576 4 года назад
Religios is a lucrative lyies they tell you to belive regardles no cuestions ask and no evedens of any they are getting fat frome fools supporting this. Escrupulos lies. We have the write to awer believeswe can ask cuestion to any thing withot going to hell they are the jokes they are the liers learn science be free
@HDitzzDH 4 года назад
@@josegaleano2576 Who are you talking to lmao
@MrThunderbeast 3 года назад
"It is unstable to build a government on a belief system" NDT Truer words were never spoken, yet virtually every nation has tried.
@AdamantMindset 3 года назад
cuz that's the most easy way to control people and rule with whatever bullshit you want.
@KN-ul5xe 3 года назад
Every government IS a belief system.
@KN-ul5xe 3 года назад
@@AdamantMindset The Russians did a pretty good job of controlling their people without God feon 1918-1960s. Maybe we should try that.
@epicfail5473 3 года назад
Afghanistan will become a good case study of how well a theocracy can work. Spoiler: It works very poorly.
@JoolsTwo 3 года назад
@@epicfail5473 is the USA not fundamentally a theocracy?
@CMike44 9 лет назад
There's no such thing as a ten year old that truly believes in religion. They only believe what they've been told by their parents at that point. I see nothing wrong with NDT saying what he said. Especially since he did it so nicely and eloquently.
@RaiceGeriko 9 лет назад
CMike44 There's no such thing as a ten year old that truly believes in science. They only believe what they've been told by their teachers, youtube, video games, movies, and popular music at that point. I see nothing wrong with NDT saying what he said. Especially since he did it so nicely and eloquently.
@CMike44 9 лет назад
Winston S. You don't have to believe in science, idiot. Science exists whether you believe in it or not
@RaiceGeriko 9 лет назад
CMike44 Funny... I knew you'd say that. You also don't have to believe in God. But he exists whether you believe in Him or not. But then you'll say, "Where's the proof of God?" Then I'll say, "Where's the proof of Science?" And then you'll spout off a bunch of facts and stuff. And then I'll say, "Yeah, those facts are proof of something. But that something isn't Science."
@CMike44 9 лет назад
Winston S. You're probably trolling. So I'm wasting my time. But whether or not you attach the name "science" to a set of observable facts, the fact remains that they're still an observable fact. Whether or not you attach the word God to your mystical sky grandpa, there's still nothing you can observe. I can't even believe that someone could use such a ridiculous argument.
@RaiceGeriko 9 лет назад
@sketches_by_jer 5 лет назад
This is the most respectful answering to a question like this, I like Neil’s style
@liquidbraino 5 лет назад
Me too. I like the way he doesn't say "your parents are wrong, don't listen to them" - unlike his parents.
@smm_m 4 года назад
@@liquidbraino But he ought to have also brought the argument that If the believers in God went first, why didn't they take it as a sign or warning that worse things might come to them that were left? It was clearly a chance and sign for them that their time was near the end, because we will all die one day and provisions are always made for everyone to believe. But we ask the wrong questions in our disbelief. It was a clear sign that their destruction was near. If the Christians in the churches had to go, it was a clear sign nothing and no one would escape the coming destruction. How these creatures deny the existence of a creator, should also be a debate in itself 😂😂 You might find most of them have a guilty conscious and want everyone else aboard the train of destruction. It's simple, creature is evidence of the creator as painting is evidence of a painter and building is evidence of a builder, as you reply look at your hands or what you're using to type and, it should be enough evidence there was a cause to your existence. God. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jSUOcQRp34A.html
@lc1777 4 года назад
@@smm_m stupid ignorant
@dixiebiscuit5623 4 года назад
I feel like that is because if Tyson has addressed the severe lack of proof, he would be burned at the stake as an “anti-theist atheist satanist”. The simple answer is that there is no proof, therefore no reason to believe in god.
@smm_m 4 года назад
@@lc1777 What do you mean?
@BLINC606 7 лет назад
"catholic" "yeah that would be christian"
@danwic 6 лет назад
It is shocking even today how many Catholics don't consider themselves Christian.
@BillyButton63 5 лет назад
No! That would be CHRIST-TARD!! LOL!!
@WillSmithyourdreamlife 5 лет назад
@luisishere987 5 лет назад
danwic Right? Most of the Catholics I know think they’re a separate religion or something.
@marksollazzo1336 5 лет назад
808sandBlvke and that would be pagan, so what is you point ?
@michael_buan 3 года назад
This was 6 years ago but I always come back to listen because it is thought provoking and I would love to have his charisma telling stories without inspiring aggression or contempt to the listener
@dustynduncan8757 3 года назад
I've seen this guy speak so many times. I have never seen anyone so passionate about everything that he talks about.
@gutspraygore 7 лет назад
"That's a good answer... are you even watching?" "I'm recording" Now that's a good answer. :P
@noire1706 7 лет назад
I feel like a kid at a candy store when I listen to Neil speak
@noire1706 7 лет назад
also it gives me hope that so many people applauded to Neil's answer, the human race will get smarter once we get rid of religion
@shaolin89 7 лет назад
I know man..
@Anthony-ux8bt 7 лет назад
LOL! People think like this????
@kaehall8772 7 лет назад
@noire1706 7 лет назад
Aidan Fryer i understood, he isn't an Atheist and i know that
@Marius-vw9hp 7 лет назад
What astounds me about Tyson is that every time he gets this question he gives a completely new, and always brilliant, answer.
@jammin1881 5 лет назад
Because he actually thinks about stuff and his answers. I started to like his talks a lot and even his stance on alien life and exploration of space.
@sambeckett3813 4 года назад
Uh he’s given the same exact answer every time, don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s always the “if god is all good and all powerful” stuff
@grahamgrubb7359 4 года назад
No for every big question he has a prepared answer that he says every time. He has one for god, aliens ext.
@bonbon4449 4 года назад
Yup. It’s always the same answer to “good and powerful”. Well, God is good but not with our definition of good. Which is superficial and silly. But you can tell the goodness from seeing the amazing balance from the huge universe to the micro universe within our own cells. So you’d say that God knows balance and justice, absolutely so. But if, by our definition of good, that God is supposed to be “peace” then tell your own white blood cells to stop attacking those poor germs that are trying to kill you.
@robcompton6838 4 года назад
In order to justify your God you have to play games with the definition of "good". Big red flag.
@leslieyancey5084 2 года назад
I love how NDT takes his time to explain things in a way that regular people can understand. You can tell he really values education and wants to share his knowledge with as many people as possible!
@alecx2899 2 года назад
Leslie...are you married?
@RobertMJohnson 2 года назад
Neil's a regular person.
@user-ii6xm2we7l 9 месяцев назад
He's a shill saying what his handlers want him to say. It takes lots of money to produce a NDT and I am sure it didn't come from NDT.
@arjendevoz 4 года назад
1:39 "That's a good answer" "Are you even watching?" "I am recording"
@softb 3 года назад
@kushmandey6880 3 года назад
@@softb Let's be thankful. You wouldn't have known about this without the recording.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has a God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead!
@ja7561 3 года назад
TL;DR. Believe what I say without scientific evidence or go to hell.
@ja7561 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 TL;DR. Believe what I say without scientific evidence or go to hell.
@12pounds17 8 лет назад
"I have to go" Greatest admission of defeat ever
@unwokorie1692 8 лет назад
he was 10
@12pounds17 8 лет назад
and he heard something that made perfect sense but knows his parents would be unhappy with it so he had to go
@unwokorie1692 8 лет назад
Or children in general are reletivily honest and mainly they have no control over what situations they are placed in so it is plausible that he truely had to leave
@12pounds17 8 лет назад
@nocturnalrecluse1216 8 лет назад
I felt kinda bad for her. She realizes her beliefs are based on a lie.
@artoriasjim9638 5 лет назад
2014: nope 2015: nah 2016: oh hell nah 2017: keep on trying 2018: a little further 2019: RECOMMENDED
@brianevans9165 5 лет назад
@Gabehleg 5 лет назад
Brian Evans r/idiotbait
@brianevans9165 5 лет назад
@@Gabehleg I dont get it r/idiotbait is for like-baiting posts that threaten you for being insensitive if you dont like it.....????????......????????.....??????explain?????????........?????
@Gabehleg 5 лет назад
Brian Evans they wanted to make a comment about how it’s being recommended several years later (and this is also posted fucking everywhere and it’s super annoying, cause it takes like 0 effort, and gets likes from a bunch of “idiots”) and it’s implied “oh like this if ur watching in 2019?” It’s idiot bait.
@bowerystan9474 5 лет назад
@@Gabehleg go outside
@leaodaestrela5250 2 года назад
I'm portuguese and I'm amazed how he knows more about portuguese history than most portuguese... and yes... it happened in 1755
@mutalix Год назад
If only more people took the time to read about history in their spare time maybe things would change for the better.
@ashfaqueazad3897 5 лет назад
If humanity is wiped out and only two sets of people remain : one who read Harry Potter and the other LOTR, within a century there'd be a holy war between Dumbledorians and Gandalfers.
@karlpurvis5242 5 лет назад
@sirien.neiris 5 лет назад
u-hm... so... I'm probably about to give my Tolkien books into a box and I'll add Sun Tzu's Art of War into it, just to make sure that if this ever happens, the right side is gonna win.
@theboivenom4170 5 лет назад
Petr Mazak good move
@DavidLee-ge3nx 4 года назад
You have a very shallow knowledge of the bible.
@_-HaKooNa.MaTaTa- 4 года назад
just because the books are famous it dosent mean they would have been read by such a huge number of people.... seriously speaking a community based on assasin creed or call of duty would be much bigger than the ones you mentioned above or lets say a Console vs PC
@kias3531 7 лет назад
I wouldn't mind voting for this guy as president
@Luca-sz5uy 5 лет назад
Then start to convince the other 80% idiots on the country
@RafiOmar83 5 лет назад
Neither would I, but I'm pretty sure that Dr. Tyson would remind us all that Albert Einstein told us that "Politics is for the moment, but an equation is for an eternity."
@senseilowg4957 5 лет назад
Luca Michael why you gotta bash on other people’s opinions man? Seriously what is your problem I hate when people do this
@Luca-sz5uy 5 лет назад
LogieDaRippa Style I just wanted to remind us, that the problem is in the voter,
@belenseoane 5 лет назад
I wanted the like this comment for its at 420 right now and I don't wanna change it
@kimbraun0823 10 лет назад
One thing Neil deGrasse Tyson does not believe in is short answers.
@charlesmcdowell9436 10 лет назад
lol true but he makes it simple enough to understand and there is always so much to learn from them.
@fordycegozali241 10 лет назад
"..um, I have to go"
@dwivedinick 7 лет назад
Kim Braun grand questions require grand answers.
@Stories4us 4 года назад
...yet, he can also say something brilliant in 7 minutes what would take a seasoned theologian to say in about 45 minutes.
@noriyukithenshimazaki4736 3 года назад
True 🤣
@misscamay 2 года назад
God’s ways are not our ways, this life is just a dust of eternity….
@GeraltORivia 7 лет назад
6:57 Parents: "Get him out of there, Neil is filling his head with too much logic and knowledge."
@hanselluna1913 5 лет назад
Geralt of Rivia what is wrong with logic and knowledge??
@kylesanderfer856 5 лет назад
It’s a joke.
@deepestwounds5859 5 лет назад
@@hanselluna1913 R/woooosh
@hanselluna1913 5 лет назад
John Doe is that a statement or a question?
@hanselluna1913 5 лет назад
John Doe work of the devil 🤔? I’d say that we humans are naturally curious since we are little kids therefore that doesn’t explain that someone or something is making us ask for the answers of things. When you say obviously it makes you sound like you’re very sure that there’s a devil? If so, how do you know it ? Cuz that’s another thing that can’t be explained or proven. It’s just sustained by the words of humans through generations. Everyone should ask questions and look for explanations when they’re curious and not just believe in things that don’t make sense at all just for the heck of it.
@reuploadboi 7 лет назад
you can only reason with someone who reasons with you.
@Lessthanthreeedm 6 лет назад
And 99% of the time christians rather shove some quote from a bible or one sidedly tell that god is the answer ant that is where the argument ends.
@-Vitalis- 5 лет назад
@Ethan Holman Thank you, I'm weird
@liquidbraino 5 лет назад
All you stupid atheists with your goddamn reasons and logic and math and science and technology!
@liquidbraino 5 лет назад
Numbers 22:30 "God's gonna fuck you in the ass".
@hanselluna1913 5 лет назад
Barnaby A. Shekelstein nah, if you have a functioning brain 🧠 it shouldn’t be hard for you to understand facts or what can be explained or at least make sense. Now, if you just wanna believe or have faith on things just for the heck of it idk then.. but what that comment says above should not be used of an excuse to do that
@TheSunchaserElMalo 4 года назад
Kid: “Uh, I have to go.” Translation: “My extremely religious parents are signaling me from far away with angry faces to go to them so we can leave because they say you’re lying.”
@JRose-dz1gf 4 года назад
I wonder if it was his parents that put him up to asking the question. What 10 year old decides out of the blue, to acquire about religion in front of a theater of people, all of whom are there for a scientific lecture.
@tnttagger6559 4 года назад
@@JRose-dz1gf Good point. Probably.
@NotHarpoGroucho 4 года назад
J. Rose Me, I always asked people about religion when I was younger, I asked teachers, my grandpa, sometimes even just random strangers. Many people gave me different answers on what they believe God is and whether or not it exist. For a while I didn’t believe in him, at 18 God proved itself to me and I was religious from then on out. Don’t care if other people aren’t, when I tell people what happened they chalk it up to coincidence or say I’m lying, no way I can convince them it wasn’t coincidence or that it really did happen, but I’ll always know the truth.
@MN-dd2mx 4 года назад
@@NotHarpoGroucho Or its just the play or game of your complex mind.👍
@sinistersamm 4 года назад
@ghicu9128 5 лет назад
06:58 I have to go...EAR RAPE LAUGH
@togood8027 5 лет назад
i have to go...RAPE LAUGH
@hispaniolan9327 5 лет назад
I died lol didn’t think it would actually be like that
@guysketchpen3989 5 лет назад
thanks for the honest warning
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has a God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead!
@TerryUniGeezerPeterson 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 😆
@abdulmoizayyaz 5 лет назад
"God cannot be all powerful if he is all good " Lex Luthor -Neil touches on this in this video " the flooding " another quote I find interesting that's in this video -Galileo " God shows us to go heaven but not how the heavens go"
@docsavage8640 5 лет назад
Meaning what? Some dope wrote a bad comic book?
@Slashbox22 5 лет назад
Red capes are coming... Red capes are coming
@raizo-ftw 5 лет назад
@@docsavage8640 If you inspect it deeper than that, it makes some sense... If he is all powerful and people still die and suffer under his control, that implies he is not all good If he is all good but people die and suffer under his control, then he doesn't have that degree of control over everything, meaning he is not all powerful
@BygoneT 5 лет назад
Yeah, whoever wrote that likes Epicurus, I'm sure. Since his argument is better.
@Enes-wj5xq 5 лет назад
Stupid comment and stupid essay
@Xyos212 9 лет назад
6:58 RIP headphone users....
@KdreamzZ 9 лет назад
thanks for the heads up mate much appreciated
@terencetang5369 9 лет назад
you da real mvp
@terencetang5369 9 лет назад
you da real mvp
@GeetarAdam 8 лет назад
+Xyos212 The warning was appreciated!
@polite_as_fuck 7 лет назад
Xyos212 Bro, you deserve a medal, a holiday or at the very least a cuddle for the heads up. My eardrums thank you.
@AlexanderRingler 8 лет назад
"I have to go... before I possible become an atheist." :-D
@noire1706 7 лет назад
Alexander Ringler lol
@OkayNiceOne 7 лет назад
@GeminiHiro009 7 лет назад
Alexander Ringler The power of The Flying Spaghetti Monster compels you
@hasanal-habbobi4018 7 лет назад
before you learn some grammar
@hasanal-habbobi4018 7 лет назад
+Siege Virtual at least I have grammar, spelling can easily be fixed, but if you're grammatically illiterate then that's much worse
@onlyht 10 лет назад
i like how he destroys people's beliefs in such a calm and warm way.
@saeedvazirian 10 лет назад
He didn't. He DID make a desperate argument. He didn't destroy my religious beliefs.
@NOOBKILLER052 10 лет назад
Yeah he didn't destroy anything, he just brought up a valid argument.
@onlyht 10 лет назад
NOOBKILLER052 the argument was so good that he destroyed religion.
@saeedvazirian 10 лет назад
onlyht dont flatter yourself. You destroy anything if you have some knowledge of its laws, history, etc.
@onlyht 10 лет назад
***** why would i flatter myself? it's Neil who did it not me.
@TheWearyEagle 3 года назад
I was sure he was going to present the quote from EPICURUS "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able ? The he is NO OMNIPOTENT. Is he able, but not willing ? Then he is MALEVOLENT. Is he both able and willing ? Then whence cometh evil ? Is he neither able or willing ? Then why call him God ?"
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has a God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead!
@Anfield_the_place_to_be 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 Okidoki,,,, thats some real solid arguments you presented. . . . . . . .
@oliverboisvert5215 3 года назад
@@mitchellc4 you can't use evidence from a source you're trying to prove... also that formatting is horrendous.
@AJD... 3 года назад
Was looking for this
@frgough 3 года назад
It's a sophomoric argument that collapses with one single supposition: This life is a test. At that point, God being unwilling to stop evil is no longer Malevolent.
@robertk2007 8 лет назад
Thank god I'm an atheist
@pieterirsanpi 8 лет назад
@daffidavit 8 лет назад
+robertk2007 ::::"Beauteous art, brought with us from Heaven, will conquer nature; so divine a power belongs to him who strives with every nerve....." MICHELANGELO
@ryoshinkanjo1093 8 лет назад
+robertk2007 Rofl you made my day
@72TheKingkong 8 лет назад
+robertk2007 lol why your thanking God if your athiest
@mikophilo348 8 лет назад
+Raj Vaidya Because YOU'RE restricted and he's free.
@sagarmehta4574 4 года назад
I dream of a day when no matter who asks that question, the person being asked is able to say "No" and NOT have to explain it to anyone. Because if the answer was "Yes", nobody would ask for one. And that pisses me off.
@streakingclothed 4 года назад
@sagarmehta4574 4 года назад
@Gavin Libby I used to, until I was 20 I think. Then I figured it is no use arguing because I cannot convince them. Finally I understood they can believe what they like and I can believe what I like, and still be friends lol
@joseanvazquez4315 4 года назад
I think not, at least now is the other way around.
@shannakelly490 4 года назад
@karabadasski2521 4 года назад
@xNIKEGOLFx 9 лет назад
I could listen to this man speak all day lol
@atlas8827 9 лет назад
xNIKEGOLFx Me too.
@heleneschenbacher8512 9 лет назад
xNIKEGOLFx You can! I hope you are downloading Star Talk Radio--free podcasts and now a TV show. Plus he has a few hundred videos here. This story is from Gawker. Easily the funniest Tweet/Instagram of the year: It shows how a simple comment went viral--people going BALLISTIC because a guy is kidding around saying he didn’t realize who NDGT was (he does) but the comments are hilarious. People get SO upset!! gawker.com/how-i-became-thousands-of-nerds-worst-enemy-by-tweeting-1618323233
@heleneschenbacher8512 9 лет назад
xNIKEGOLFx You have also become my hero with your screen name--but I’m more of a Taylor-Made Burner person!
@lgande11 2 года назад
​Imagine you live eternally with your Son and want to make more sons and daugthers like yourself. Freewill beings. How do you do that? How do you create freewill beings that can only love you ONLY without taking away their power to freely choose to love you or NOT? God is Eternal, All powerful AND All Good and All Knowing. He made a plan for the problem of sin which He foresaw. Sin being the abuse of freewill to do evil (Breaking God's Law). He couldn't take away freewill because then freewill beings like Him couldn't be like Him or love Him or others freely. So then comes His Master plan! The Plan of Redemption! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." AND Hebrews 2:14-15 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death-that is, the devil- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
@bleunt 9 лет назад
To everyone saying he's agnostic - not atheist: You don't understand those words, and if it's true then he doesn't understand them either. They answer two different questions. Atheism answers "do you belive in God?" Agnosticism answers "is there a God?" You can be an agnostic atheist - meaning you don't believe in God, but you don't claim to know for certain whether he exists or not. You can be an agnostic theist - meaning you do believe in God, but you don't claim to know for certain whether he exists or not. Saying you're either an atheist or agnostic treats the words like they're mutually exclusive. They're not. Even Richard Dawkins doesn't put himself on a 7 on his scale of certainty, making him an agnostic atheist.
@mavmav0YT 7 лет назад
bleunt no one can know for certain.
@willagerfairzack8130 3 года назад
NDT is most likely a 4 or s 5 on the scale
@lgande11 2 года назад
​Imagine you live eternally with your Son and want to make more sons and daugthers like yourself. Freewill beings. How do you do that? How do you create freewill beings that can only love you ONLY without taking away their power to freely choose to love you or NOT? God is Eternal, All powerful AND All Good and All Knowing. He made a plan for the problem of sin which He foresaw. Sin being the abuse of freewill to do evil (Breaking God's Law). He couldn't take away freewill because then freewill beings like Him couldn't be like Him or love Him or others freely. So then comes His Master plan! The Plan of Redemption! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." AND Hebrews 2:14-15 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death-that is, the devil- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
@this_mfr 6 лет назад
"I have to go" = "My parents just whispered in my ear, 'We're leaving now!' and if I don't go I'll be punished."
@jeepdude7359 4 года назад
So much for free will.
@bradzimmerman3171 4 года назад
Me your parents are delusional, hope you realize that
@vakimk4417 4 года назад
That's how my parents are
@GeorgiaGirl123000 4 года назад
What I like about this is, he doesn't tell the 10-year-old what to think. Instead, NdT gives the boy food for thought.
@dustynduncan8757 3 года назад
I feel so dumb! I've been reading these comments trying to figure out what NDT stands for 😂😂😂 I finally figured it out... 🤯🤯🤯
@charlescheeseborough298 2 года назад
He was asked a direct question and was too cowardly and worried about alienating religious folks to provide a direct answer. He could have answered the actual question that he was asked without telling the child what to think.
@lgande11 2 года назад
​Imagine you live eternally with your Son and want to make more sons and daugthers like yourself. Freewill beings. How do you do that? How do you create freewill beings that can only love you ONLY without taking away their power to freely choose to love you or NOT? God is Eternal, All powerful AND All Good and All Knowing. He made a plan for the problem of sin which He foresaw. Sin being the abuse of freewill to do evil (Breaking God's Law). He couldn't take away freewill because then freewill beings like Him couldn't be like Him or love Him or others freely. So then comes His Master plan! The Plan of Redemption! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." AND Hebrews 2:14-15 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death-that is, the devil- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
@charlescheeseborough298 2 года назад
@@lgande11 😂🤣😂🤣
@singed8853 Год назад
@@lgande11wow you are absolutely nuts.
@LAnonHubbard 10 лет назад
6:55 the kid "has to go"... hopefully to ask his parents why they indoctrinated him with that Christian/Catholic BS when he was too young to understand.
@LAnonHubbard 10 лет назад
Good video by the way, thanks for uploading.
@PinkStitches182 10 лет назад
It was a woman in her 30's, not a kid.
@kristidelacruz3961 10 лет назад
Annie Schock Incorrect. Please see my other reply. You must have been there on Thursday because this was Friday which was also to paraphrase "student night" for a bunch of elementary school children.
@kristidelacruz3961 10 лет назад
LAnonHubbard You're welcome :) I actually only uploaded it for a coworker who was totally bummed to miss it. However, I'm glad so many people are enjoying it. :)
@PinkStitches182 10 лет назад
Kristi dela Cruz There were also students there on Thursday night, about 100 or so.
@Tar-Numendil 4 года назад
Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnibenevolence are 3 things that cannot go together.
@EinsteinKnowedIt 4 года назад
Just leave out omni. Then force the rest of the letters all together. In American English we can break rules. Ain't no half stepping
@alexander1982miller 4 года назад
Why not?
@brianmi40 4 года назад
@@EinsteinKnowedIt Just prove he exists. That's all.
@brianmi40 4 года назад
@@alexander1982miller because the QUOTE ends with "if so, WHENCE COMETH EVIL?"
@EinsteinKnowedIt 4 года назад
@@brianmi40 Which proof do you want? A) A dogmatic anthropomorphic religious definition B) A definition which requires miracles that run counter to nature C) A definition which denies miracles and denies the exaggerated anthropomorphic dogma D) None of the Above I only know a few who would pick C above. Most are in A and B camp, while there are those in the D camp. Those who are in the C camp will never satisfactorily define God for the believer or the Atheist . Basically the endeavor to prove to a fellow human being that God exist is way more difficult than to understand his existence yourself. You have to first know the person you are trying to reach. If that person is in Camp D above then only a fool would waste the time with any explanation whatsoever. Similarly, it is very difficult ( if not outright impossible) to prove truth exist to a truth denier. You get this blowback. "What are truths? Aren't mine the same as yours?"
@thebeast5215 4 года назад
That’s a very fair answer. Done very respectfully.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has a God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead!
@damikey18 3 года назад
@youtube watcherHe isn't wrong.
@ooghaboogha4362 3 года назад
@@damikey18 He is completely wrong
@damikey18 3 года назад
@@ooghaboogha4362Whatever y'all believe in brother may god be with you🙏
@barryjenkins6137 3 года назад
@@damikey18 atheists don't believe, that's part of what being an atheist is, we go with proof and leave believing to the indoctrinated like yourself
@christiferharrison7795 5 лет назад
Another excellent analysis by a great mind. Instead of telling us what we should think, he challenges us to look at the evidence and make up our own minds.
@musafawundu6718 5 лет назад
I agree that according to the logic of human reasoning, because of the existence of natural evil, God cannot be all good and all powerful. I also agree that one cannot rationally prove beyond 'reasonable' doubt even scientifically unexplainable acts of nature as being the work of God or some other unknown 'spiritual' entity. But at the same time it cannot be disproven. That said, so what if God or whatever entity of entities that created the universe, possible different universes, and the multiverse are not all powerful and not all good. There is nothing that says that they must absolutely be. And the universe, possible universes, the multiverse, and all things in existence and reality are SO BIG that I can forgive them for not being able to being unable to ensure absolutely good and desireable outcomes and events everywhere all the time. I am OK with God being as good and powerful as he is right now, regardless of what happens to me. I am OK with God being good and powerful enough.
@kbanghart 4 года назад
It's a very old argument, God cannot be all good and all powerful. Except that he changed in the Bible.
@tinekawilliams2715 4 года назад
Spot on. He stated on tom bileu That this is his actual purpose he feel for his life
@kingheredia6905 4 года назад
How can he see no good?? God gave us life, puppies, beaches, laughter even taste buds for us to enjoy taste. I'm a Christian and I'm not excluded of the things of the world. I broke my jaw, I've lost jobs. That doesn't mean God doesn't exist. You don't follow or obey God to be blessed... That's like someone marrying someone for their wealth. The world is fined tuned. The sun is placed in the perfect place where we can grow tomatoes and not close enough where we're burn alive. God is a just God therefore he must judge all. If he wasn't a just God he would be corrupt. Everyone will be judged by him. REPENT now and seek him while he is to be found
@Alien42x 4 года назад
@subhasispal890 4 года назад
I like this guy. I think he should become an Astrophysicist or smt......
@gamingexpress9249 3 года назад
@Shapnil Barua r/woosh or am I r/wooshed?
@gamingexpress9249 3 года назад
@Shapnil Barua just in case you are a boomer he was being sarcastic comedic
@santoshgupta-pj7he 3 года назад
Something for sure
@flossinmauwano4217 3 года назад
yeah n he should come up with a nice show about science maybe..something to do with the cosmos or sumthn
@Dsrgreyy 3 года назад
What if he started a podcast where he talked with stars and called it star talk or something
@tebogo743 4 года назад
"I have to go"😂😂😂😂😂😂Neil made her question her faith and was not his intention.
@taxslave5906 3 года назад
That was a ten year old boy according to the description.
@nreeldeep1 3 года назад
When did the person say anything about it questioning her faith? Exactly. Plus, it was a young boy who asked the question.
@jhmejia 2 года назад
@@nreeldeep1 well I mean he is not strong in his faith because he is 10 😅 … or at the very least he doesn’t have the factual information to make an informed decision about if Catholicism is really true
@tebogo743 2 года назад
@Jay keep crying
@andrianak7540 9 лет назад
Still trying to figure out why he isn't wearing shoes.
@AnantMall 8 лет назад
+Andriana Foster - Because so he wishes?!
@eugenegrewing2587 8 лет назад
+Andriana Foster Because it's his place and he wanted to be comfortable. And not wearing shoes is awesome.
@chrisrosario4661 8 лет назад
Because he is outta this world duh!!
@anthonyrodriguez4785 8 лет назад
+Andriana Foster see i didnt notice that.. i was so into what he was saying cus that what u should pay attention to. who cares if he is not wearing shoes
@subashbose4429 8 лет назад
may be he wants to connects with mother earth
@vladislavdracula1763 8 лет назад
I was there when this happened. Right in the fifth row. I was ten at the time as well.
@anitapelton7776 7 лет назад
Vladislav Dracula
@vladislavdracula1763 7 лет назад
***** What the fuck are you talking about?
@TR0nyxGaming 7 лет назад
*A paid actor with a PhD degree in astrophysics ...
@jordanbuffolino3767 7 лет назад
+ Vladislav Dracula He's talking about when he explained that the earth wasn't a perfect sphere, some people like nathan are just a lil bit salty about the fact.
@Rayquesto 7 лет назад
Vladislav Dracula Are you the guy from arthur arcturus' channel?
@matt0mattic 8 лет назад
when you realize he's in socks
@liquidbraino 5 лет назад
Wait what? Rofl! I had to scroll all the way back up to the video & check!
@1ns0MNla 5 лет назад
you dont ask a question in that category 7 minutes before you have to go
@arthousefilms 4 года назад
He said he had to go because he couldn't handle his belief being questioned.
@noriyukithenshimazaki4736 3 года назад
By you, I think you meant I. good for you. But science shows not everyones logic is the same :) embrace diversity. He could have been so interested in asking that didn't take into account his time left. I know I would have asked anyway. It's irresponsible, but possible so.. I think your logic is "different" 😋😋🤣
@vtc8570 Год назад
Religion and politics don't mix. Why is that so hard to understand???
@jacks3940 5 лет назад
"Know the difference between how to go to heaven and how the heavens go" This made me realize so much. I am Christian but I also believe science and it is good to know that you can believe both without having to pick a side.
@alamrasyidi4097 5 лет назад
@Tim H I'm calling ambulance for that epic first degree burn
@hanssalim3410 4 года назад
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nice joke dude
@CanIgetsubswithnovideos-py3lm 4 года назад
A person doesn't "believe" in science, they agree with it. Believing means resorting to faith and the definition of the word faith means completely trusting something without proof which science doesn't do.
@Miblive 4 года назад
@@CanIgetsubswithnovideos-py3lm Correctamundo.
@piijay14 4 года назад
Good Point..becuz Science does NOT dispute scripture. By definition Science means the Study of..such as the study of Matter, Nature or Space. Its Cool to worship God while studying matter!
@themusicalgerbil192 9 лет назад
That was a damn epic answer to a pretty simple question.
@goldboyjr 9 лет назад
Because if he said "no" the religious would bash
@saeedvazirian 9 лет назад
***** Because no is the wrong answer. But I still disagree with ndgt.
@saeedvazirian 9 лет назад
It was a pretty stupid opinion to give up God on. Why does death have to be synonymous with badness or no existence of God. Idiot.
@gobbly1337 9 лет назад
***** It might be hard for us to fathom what it would be like to endure that sort of tragedy. There are few examples of that sort of devastation in recent history, and the impact of that on ancient civilizations is probably hard for us to comprehend, let alone relate to. I thought it a little odd of a story to start with though, in light of where he ended it.
@heleneschenbacher8512 9 лет назад
***** Saeed. The second you call someone an idiot ONLY because they don't agree with your version of the world immediately turns off people. Try explanations--not tirades. I really would like to know your thought processes. Using "idiot" only tells me that you are close minded and refuse to listen to anyone else. Calling Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson an "idiot" is pretty far fetched. He is an astrophysicist. He explains SCIENCE. So join the conversation and tell us your reasoning in a detailed rational process. I learned to think with scientific theory and three post grad degrees in the fields of science.
@Pepsolman 3 года назад
Everybody can’t be right about “god”. But everyone can be wrong.
@JoeBoomerMusic 2 года назад
You said it buddy
@charliehorse8686 2 года назад
You're wrong. :-)
@eliwalker6245 2 года назад
John 1 King James Version 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for your sins. If you believe and put your trust in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross to pay your sin debt and that He rose again on the third day, you will be saved. once you are saved, you will not die in your sins and be damned to hell for eternity. God will remove your sins and your soul will be washed clean with the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us on the cross. your own good works will not get you into heaven. Jesus Christ did all of the work for you, all you have to do is believe and put your trust in Him and He will save you. Ephesians 1:13 King James Version 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,. Jesus Christ is coming back very soon and we all have to be ready. I pray in Jesus Christ's mighty name that you be saved.
@masterv1be815 2 года назад
@@eliwalker6245 did u not even watch the video lol
@charliehorse8686 2 года назад
@@eliwalker6245 You know when you get poked with a few sticks, knowing that you're going to take a nap for 3 days and then wake up and live in heaven, it's not much of a sacrifice. Basically he was tortured for a few hours. God didn't "give" his only son. He sent him on a mildly unpleasant vacation for about 34 years, finishing with a very bad day.
@effexwhore 7 лет назад
NdGT and Bill Nye are my science daddies. Never can hear enough of them speaking. They always make me think critically, which I don't get very often. Refreshing. Very intelligent men.
@liquidbraino 5 лет назад
Oh dude... but what about Feynman? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-GNhlNSLQAFE.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uY-u1qyRM5w.html That dude was a character! (who won the Nobel Prize and hated it).
@Flexy59 5 лет назад
@@liquidbraino why did he hate it tho
@liquidbraino 5 лет назад
He explains it here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-f61KMw5zVhg.html
@liquidbraino 5 лет назад
Oh, and at Eric Cartman - if Bill Nye is not a real science guy then explain how devices that he designed are currently sitting on the surface of the planet Mars and are still in use? And explain how he worked as a mechanical engineer for Boeing Corporation. Explain how he designed the hydraulic resonance suppressor tube used on Boeing 747 airplanes; explain how he designed business jet navigation systems; laser gyroscope systems and has three US Patents if he's not a real scientist. Just because he happens to also be on TV and is popular with non-scientific people doesn't make him any less of a scientist.
@tanner6163 5 лет назад
@@liquidbraino hes the same guy who said that there are in infinite amount of genders. Bill nye is a senile old man. Not a scientist :)
@ExternusArmy 2 года назад
This is singlehandedly the best way to phrase my thoughts on religion. I’ve always thought Neil was spiteful about religion but he has nailed my entire thought process on it. Religion is a tool to preserve my morality and acting righteously through compelling myself through spiritual belief. I absolutely love science as a premed college student but religion plays no part in what I believe about science and forces.
@jgage2344 2 года назад
You cannot love science and then pretend religion makes no claims about it ….or that it keeps you moral ! If religious beliefs can be improved then they aren’t good ! Being good for a place in heaven is immoral… Science proves gods fake yet you go on believing….
@SpotterVideo 2 года назад
To this day nobody has gone into a laboratory and made a cell from the raw chemicals. To this day nobody can explain what is happening inside the atoms which produces gravity. To this day nobody has been able to explain why the fundamental forces of nature are incredibly fine-tuned to produce our universe. Science still does not have all of the answers. (My university degree is in Biology, and I have an interest in Particle Physics.)
@altdelctrl4489 2 года назад
@@SpotterVideo Correct, it doesn’t have all the answers. That doesn’t mean some questions won’t be answered in the future. So far we know a lot about the universe, and some of it has been proven. For example, the Miller-Urey experiment proves that recreating the conditions the Earth was in when life developed allowed for the spontaneous formation of amino acids. The Cosmic Microwave Background allows us to see the remnants of energy when the universe was just a baby. Do not limit discovery just because it goes against faith. Learn how to separate them.
@SpotterVideo 2 года назад
@@altdelctrl4489 The Miller-Urey experiment was in one of the basic Biology textbooks I used when teaching High School sophomores. Do you understand the difference between an amino acid and a cell which can reproduce itself? It is the difference between a grain of sand and a computer chip. Both the grain of sand and the computer chip contain Silicon.
@altdelctrl4489 2 года назад
@@SpotterVideo Yes. My point is before the Miller-Urey experiment, people would’ve said creating amino acids from “nothing” is impossible. Before then, people would’ve said evolution was impossible. And before then, stars and planets were still just dots in the sky, thus indistinguishable. All of these things did not agree with Christianity at the time, people just learned to accept them for fact, or deny them because of the dissonance with their faith. Just because we don’t know something “to this day” doesn’t mean we’ll never know it.
@letsgetshwiftyy 3 года назад
No, you cannot go to the bathroom until you hear my story.
@KyleBBN 7 лет назад
I could listen to NDT read pages from the phone book. Such a fascinating person
@Flexy59 5 лет назад
this is not even a joke his voice is amazing
@41Slipknot 10 лет назад
The kid sounded more like an older woman to me.
@BIGDRIP2 9 лет назад
Tom Miller why so edgy?
@anonymous-hk6ge 5 лет назад
41Slipknot wait that was a kid? Oof Tyson was kinda intense on him.
@JBG-AjaxzeMedia Год назад
'since you are our future, there's something i want to tell you and i want you to remember it' neil switching to a serious tone as he knows what he's about to say could make a big impact on this kids life and wants the kid to be inspired and come to his own conclusion when he grows up about what he believes in, and not to just follow blindly cause it could lead down dangerous roads
@Heldermaior 10 лет назад
Ahhhh. Every time I see Neil deGrass tyson, I like him more and more. Accomplished astrophysicist, wrestler, great sense of humour and overall a great chap. I find it interesting that when he explains his reasoning and logic people accuse him of beating around the bush and not being straightforward... Gits. Keep on rolling Neil
@EvaGreenFanPennyDreadful 10 лет назад
he is such a great intellectual...do you like sam harris?
@lgande11 2 года назад
​Imagine you live eternally with your Son and want to make more sons and daugthers like yourself. Freewill beings. How do you do that? How do you create freewill beings that can only love you ONLY without taking away their power to freely choose to love you or NOT? God is Eternal, All powerful AND All Good and All Knowing. He made a plan for the problem of sin which He foresaw. Sin being the abuse of freewill to do evil (Breaking God's Law). He couldn't take away freewill because then freewill beings like Him couldn't be like Him or love Him or others freely. So then comes His Master plan! The Plan of Redemption! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." AND Hebrews 2:14-15 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death-that is, the devil- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
@chandlerwarren6281 7 лет назад
It's amazing to me that NdGT speaks to any and everyone with respect, no matter the intelligence gap. He appreciates their opinion and answers without ever making them feel idiotic or like they're obviously wrong while still using what he knows to educate others... amazing guy, I hope I can meet him one day.
@michaeleverest7631 5 лет назад
I was in the New York Natural History Museum a few days ago and I read a sentence that I think Dr Tyson said which was "Science doesn't care if you believe it or not" Its true as if something can be proven then it will stay proven no matter what may be said of it.
@noriyukithenshimazaki4736 3 года назад
Ummm there is another way to interpret it. It's not that something will remain proven for life. It's that even if you find it wrong, the evidence show otherwise. It doesn't take into account if masses don't like it. (Cigarettes in the 70s) Science does not care if you believe, it cares about gathering data so that you can have a more educated belief. Proof is nowhere in that line, or anything Mr Tyson have brought up
@astrammd 2 года назад
@@Whattz6 but it can strip you off your title as a planet. Poor lil pluto.
@JeanmarieRod 2 года назад
@@Whattz6 true, you do that to yourself when you reject Truth/God
@ann266 2 года назад
The quality of his mind can be seen by how he can see what everyone sees but notices and analysis what nobody does. The way in which he can construct his thoughts to explain complex topics in a simple way is just amazing. He is one of the best educator and spokesperson of science we have got.
@RobertMJohnson 2 года назад
the quality of his mind wasn't good enough to do the maths for his graduate degrees, missy
@haywire4686 Год назад
@@RobertMJohnson Can you elaborate, missy?
@RobertJohnson-lh6dg Год назад
@@haywire4686 why don’t you do your homework for once you lazy leftist twat.
@handmadenougat4782 8 лет назад
this guy is a class act. such humility and grace in his response. love this video thank you
@djallegar 6 лет назад
handmade nougat He was asked a simple yes or no question....a binary question. A question with only two discrete answers. He is a scientist. He answered neither and that cannot be disputed.
@tripx7823 5 лет назад
Dr. Tyson. You are so inspiring and precise in how you respond. Thank you. I'm so glad you, and people like you, exist in this world. Thank you for inspiring generations.
@Simon-oy7kf 5 лет назад
He ain't reading this
@paulwevers2109 5 лет назад
@@Simon-oy7kf Let her "believe"
@smm_m 4 года назад
If the believers in God went first, why didn't they take it as a sign or warning that worse things might come to them that were left? It was clearly a chance and sign for them that their time was near the end, because we will all die one day and provisions are always made for everyone to believe. But we ask the wrong questions in our disbelief. It was a clear sign that their destruction was near. If the Christians in the churches had to go, it was a clear sign nothing and no one would escape the coming destruction. How these creatures deny the existence of a creator, should also be a debate in itself 😂😂 You might find most of them have a guilty conscious and want everyone else aboard the train of destruction. It's simple, creature is evidence of the creator as painting is evidence of a painter and building is evidence of a builder, as you reply look at your hands or what you're using to type and, it should be enough evidence there was a cause to your existence. God. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jSUOcQRp34A.html
@amirlotfi360 2 года назад
I thought he was a prof.
@RobertJohnson-lh6dg 2 года назад
Another fan who doesn’t understand that Tyson is about the biggest fraud alive today
@yeeticus_maximus9616 5 лет назад
He got that “the earth wants to shake us off” bit from George Carlin
@jfil5518 4 года назад
Yup lol
@science-y9209 4 года назад
Yup.. no other animal in the animal kingdom wreacked the kinda havoc we did.. that's the reason earth wants to shake us off...
@waterproof4403 3 года назад
got to your comment right when he got to that part
@theitalianstallion973 3 года назад
“Why don’t you ask the people in Pompeii frozen into position how they’re doing”
@kpposeidon726 3 года назад
@@theitalianstallion973 It's "Why don't you ask the people frozen in Pompeii frozen into position if they feel like they are a threat to the planet"
@dustinf49 7 лет назад
We need people like Neil as Presidents. We could all be living like the Jetsons, have all diseases cured, planet saved, and peace on Earth if scientists ruled the world. But, as we all know, there is no money to be made with peace and health. The government needs wars and sickness.
@bane7013 5 лет назад
Are u kidding? You think religion is the ones holding the world back? How about your political leaders? Are they not the very ones waging war against your fellows? You think your beloved scientists care if half the world is set on fire? Well dear, sorry to inform u that the world moves on. You don't have any idea what the world would be without God?
@adamhendrickson512 5 лет назад
@@bane7013 LOL... You know Christians are very important for society... They make us all laugh and keep us healthy... I'd really like to thank you all...
@liamprice3463 5 лет назад
Religion has nothing to do if the government declare wars on other countries.
@eliasfrp 5 лет назад
Well, you missed something very important. Scientist are (first and foremost) scientists, not politicians.
@markpogi1139 4 года назад
"I HAVE TO GO." When your mind could not comprehend logic and reasoning.
@dusanjovcic7650 4 года назад
There are logical arguments that could have been given against his, but she didn't have it in here IQ 😂
@emilioa008 4 года назад
@@dusanjovcic7650 That was a 10-year-old kid, literally
@dogfacedogface1 4 года назад
What reasoning was that? Bad things happen to people so there is no God? That was a weak answer.
@emilioa008 4 года назад
@@dogfacedogface1 God's a wildcard for what we dont understand. The concept of God is weak on itself.
@dogfacedogface1 4 года назад
ItsJustMilo the fact that there is life on planet earth and nowhere else in the universe is enough for me to believe that God exists. And that there is a book He calls his word that explains why we exist. We have an opportunity to have fellowship with him. A supernatural relationship. That’s a beautiful thing.
@TKDK100 8 лет назад
2:38 Main point of Lex Luther in Batman V Superman
@matthewmccloy4283 8 лет назад
How did I miss that?! (Not the point, just the link). :p
@TheJaayys 8 лет назад
Batman V Superman is such an underrated masterpiece, one that the majority of the public failed to appreciate/comprehend at it's release. The Blade Runner of our time
@niklasgransjen684 7 лет назад
TheJaayys Hahahahahaha No.
@TKDK100 7 лет назад
I know how you feel! I get irritated people when people don't like the movie or when they don't understand the message the movie is delivering. The movie is truly a master piece!
@randall7394 7 лет назад
@MrDrinan 3 года назад
I love the way the crowd goes quiet when he starts explaining 👍🏻
@mv9787 3 года назад
That’s what crowds do…
@razackchrist5096 2 года назад
@@mv9787 Not all.
@MegF142857 9 лет назад
I like how NdGT starts out by clarifying the concept of which version of god that the 10 year old kid means. Kid's belief system of god is based on being raised "Catholic". Yep... when people ask me "Do you believe in god?" then I often ask "Which god?" Lots of believers don't realize they are also atheists of many different versions of god.
@grant575mixmaster 7 лет назад
6:57 gold...absolute gold
@BROcahontas2 8 лет назад
Yeah honestly the most ignorant thing religious people will say is "I know there is a god" yet; you "believe" in a god. the point of believing is to know it may or may not be real
@cosmic1920 Год назад
Neil Degrasse Tyson is such an eloquent and compassionate person.
@samarthraj9827 8 лет назад
He's holding a mic and moving his hand but voice is stable. That means he has a collar mic thingy, then why does he have one in his hand?
@miah2011 8 лет назад
Samarth Raj or maybe his voice is just really loud
@samarthraj9827 8 лет назад
Miah Nuguid But wouldn't it be variable in terms of loudness. Even if he is loud.
@samarthraj9827 8 лет назад
Miah Nuguid This doesn't matters but it concerns me, lol.
@janus2773 7 лет назад
He is so boss, he varies the level of loudness to counteract the distance to the mic.
@zexisak4085 7 лет назад
Samarth Raj Why would it, it's just to look classy I guess.
@129543a 5 лет назад
The stage microphone is high quality!
@beebooboobop605 4 года назад
@arthousefilms 4 года назад
It's being recording on this video by the phone mic, not the stage mic, so it sounds thin.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has a God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead!
@athiest100 2 года назад
I can listen to Neil all day ...
@joshdorris3628 Год назад
He is an absolute gift to humanity. Great way to tackle this question.
@cheyennejohnson3328 3 года назад
"In the great scheme of nature we are but young adolescent teens searching for our cosmic guardians...but if we find our cosmic parents..what then?. How do we explain our past and ongoing mistakes. We still kill, bully, and denounce each other based of fundamentally flawed explanations of nature...maybe our cosmic parents see us from afar and refuse to guide and acknowledge us until we learn to get along. Like a sort of cosmic time out. We as a species have been sent to stand in the proverbial corner, and we may not be allowed to join the rest of the class until we learn to get along"- Carl Sagan
@sabotarian5236 3 года назад
Whatever just live life fuck everything else
@symbiorg1201 3 года назад
Maybe zeus is watching
@nubbuka 3 года назад
It's funny, I have a good feeling he was thinking of this when he wrote his book "astrophysics for people in a hurry" XD
@dustynduncan8757 3 года назад
That was a great book.
@actfree6897 9 лет назад
Did this kid understand his answer?
@heleneschenbacher8512 9 лет назад
- OdysseuS - Now how would we know if this child understood? We can’t look in his mind...he could probably regurgitate what Dr. Tyson but “understanding” is a high level of cognitive functioning...BTW who cares???? The kid may not have even understood the question! Some adult may have had him memorize the question! OdysseuS, you do understand that your question can’t be answered...right? I’ve had students “solve” complicated organic chemistry equations in my college class only to find out they had simply memorized every page in the text. I didn’t realize it until I asked this guy what the numbers were at the bottom of his test. It was the PAGE NUMBER from the text he had memorized. He UNDERSTOOD NOTHING to the point he even memorized the page number not understanding that it was a PAGE number...not a part of the solved equation! Memorization is NOT intelligence.
@actfree6897 9 лет назад
Helen Eschenbacher I really hate people like you. It was a rhetorical question. It was implying that Dr. Tyson's answer was a very long and complicated one. And then you ramble on some boundary line Deepak Chopra BS fallaciously. Go away, I don't want to deal with you.
@fuckedyourmom420 9 лет назад
- OdysseuS - perhaps he didnt but im sure that the quote he said from Galileo will stick with him until he gets old enough to understand, maybe not even the quote perhaps something else caught his attention and he will remember one day like everyone at one point remembers something randomly through out the day.
@TheEvolNemesis 9 лет назад
- AkumetsU - I think his parents didn't like the answer Tyson was giving, and were rushing the kid out of there in fear it might make the kid think. Otherwise, why would he 'have to go' only a few minutes after asking the question?
@actfree6897 9 лет назад
Jesse Finnerty True.
@Cachicochip 2 года назад
"Do you believe in God?" "This brings me back to Lisbon, Portugal in 1755...."
@V8AmericanMuscleCar 2 года назад
@V8AmericanMuscleCar 2 года назад
@@-Koyaanisqatsi- a similar thing happened in my country a month ago. 12 people died in a bus accident on their way to some "holy place".
@V8AmericanMuscleCar 2 года назад
@@-Koyaanisqatsi- no problem man. I was religious and took it seriously, but due to circumstances I started to think for myself. Now I enjoy freedom, and believe me, religions are suffocating you. Every living being can distinguish good from evil, and you don't need any religion or priest to teach you that. I don't think you should even look for meaning in such things as accidents, etc. Unfortunately, shit can happen to anyone. I've always tried to be a good person and at one point shit happened to me too. Regardless, I'm still trying to be ok and I think that's the only thing that matters.
@bramcc 2 года назад
"I've figured it out way back, if God is all powerful, He cannot be all good. And if He's all good then He cannot be all powerful." - Lex Luthor, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
@lgande11 2 года назад
God is All powerful AND All Good and All Knowing. He made a plan for the problem of sin which He foresaw. Sin being the abuse of freewill to do evil (Breaking God's Law). He couldn't take away freewill because then freewill beings like Him couldn't be like Him or love Him or others freely. So then comes His Master plan! The Plan of Redemption! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." AND Hebrews 2:14-15 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death-that is, the devil- and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
@macmanuelodumeru3708 2 года назад
@@lgande11 Lol everything you've just said here screams about God not being all powerful. If he was all powerful he wouldn't need to sacrifice anything let alone his son, he'd just easily break the power of death--that is, the devil as God should be stronger. But if he is indeed all powerful and yet chose bloodshed of his son in form of sacrifice, then he's not all good, because he could easily prevent further suffering especially from his son but chose not to.
@lgande11 2 года назад
@@macmanuelodumeru3708 I beg to differ! He is all powerful Because He created the universe without any help. He just won't force you to love Him. He wont't force you to obey His Law. He trully created freewill beings. That's power. He has the solution for ALL beings who suffer because of their disobedience. He has the solution for death and pain caused by our own wrong choices. Jesus Christ! He will allow you and I to not only choose Him (meaning choosing life) or not choose Him (meaning death). No parent wants forced love! There's no such thing! Love is trully given and trully received! He has refrained from destroying all of us for our wrong choices in NOT choosing life, but gave us life through His Son's sacrifice that took away our sins. There's no greater love! We can be Holy in His sight because of the forgiveness and that comes through Jesus Christ. What love!
@oldpossum57 Год назад
@@lgande11 you live in a fool’s paradise, don’t you. Amazing!
@lgande11 Год назад
@@oldpossum57 The fool has said in his heart "there is no God" It is declaration one makes out of a choice to ignore the very evident nature of God. It's a personal choice. Though we live and breathe through Him, we exist because He exists! He has and will demonstrate His love toward every one of His Children. You and I included. God cannot be "explained" , he cannot be found out, He is eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and above all He is Love. His ways are higher than our feeble minds can comprehend, but He has chosen to reveal Himself though His Son, "Jesus Christ", though whom He created all things. And by the same way though whom He seeks to save all mankind corporally and personally from their "denial of Him" which is denying Life itself.
@unfetteredaxes1032 5 лет назад
the 1st question one must ask is not : Who is GOD...or IS there a GOD....but: WHAT IS A GOD....
@Mark-Stone 5 лет назад
Guitar Orgy I’d say the first question should be “why do people believe in fictional gods”
@Andrei.Christop 4 года назад
@@Mark-Stone what is a god?
@Mark-Stone 4 года назад
Andrei Christopher Maximino Moreira does it matter how we define a god? They’re all imaginary.
@noriyukithenshimazaki4736 3 года назад
Right. God to me is the universe, is the forces of nature, it's beauty and everything that happens unbiasedly, its what it is and not is 🤣. it's not a being. It's all laws waiting there to be discovered or not discovered. Who is God is not a valid question, is there? Ummmm there is as long as we can say there is known and unknown. 😋 I don't get why everyone does not think or ask themselves what is God to them. I think you're right that should be the 1st question.
@noriyukithenshimazaki4736 3 года назад
@@Mark-Stone I think that comes after "what". There is no "why" until you define what it is your are finding root of. Thank you in advance for your deep comprehension of this message and reading it thrice + 1 😋
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI 5 лет назад
This is what I believe, I take Science as fact but anything science can’t explain I’m faithful, so l’m not completely faithful or atheist, I’m just happy I live in a Free Society were I get to believe anything I want and we also have people who study the natural world to understand the universe!
@stephanweinberger 5 лет назад
That's basically the "god of the gaps" approach. Just be aware that the gaps are getting smaller every day...
@zhaow4832 4 года назад
As NDT said, If you attribute god to something you can't explain, then god is just an ever receding pocket of ignorance.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI 4 года назад
Stephan Weinberger yup
@matthewmckean8771 4 года назад
I think his entire statement boils down to this: 'i know what I know. If you've come to a different conclusion that you believe, and it makes you feel better, that's great, just don't go forcing it on everybody else.'
@Bamboozled007 4 года назад
Matthew Mckean Meanwhile we are being forced to accept a belief that a man stating he is a woman or visa-versa is biologically normal.....
@altdelctrl4489 2 года назад
@@Bamboozled007 It’s been two years. Have you learned more about the subject or do you still hold this bigoted stance. I’m curious haha
@rawdog42 6 лет назад
" Your perfectly logical , rational statements make no sense to me , as long as I refuse to listen to them." - Ever Christian ever
@user-rc2gy5ik5n 4 года назад
@TyetheRebel if it's not true why you had to answer?
@diollinebranderson6553 4 года назад
😂Salty much?
@lucaspatrick542 4 года назад
Misuse of absolutes and infinitives gets me everY time.
@Dreamspawn1978 7 лет назад
what a fantastic educator
@truthbetold8610 5 лет назад
For all his education he's nothing but a moron. He knows nothing about the Bible and is too arrogant to examine it . Also, any similarity between Catholicism and true Christianity is strictly coincidental.
@Light-Rock97 7 лет назад
"If God is all powerful, He can not be all good." I've felt it for ever, for as far back as I can remember, and I'm only now hearing about the Lisboa catastrophe. The universe does not care if you live or die, it just goes on. Living, in this planet, is hard, and you need to find your own reason for living.
@igotsoulsaharadesert5814 5 лет назад
Soo Tru we are creatures of habits
@musafawundu6718 5 лет назад
What makes you say that those bad fates are definitely God's plan? So what if God is not all good and not all powerful. Are you? He is good and powerful ENOUGH.
@paulwevers2109 5 лет назад
@@musafawundu6718 Proof God exists please. Then your statement might have some value. Bible? Tell me before you use that argument, how old is the earth according to that bible?
@musafawundu6718 5 лет назад
@@paulwevers2109, I do not care whether you do not believe that God exists. Just as I cannot prove to you that God exists beyond a reasonable doubt, you cannot prove that those misfortunes to befall persons are part of God's plan. And I do not believe in the existence of an all powerful and all good entity, just as I do not believe in the story of creation as written in the bible. You were probably assuming that you were dealing with THAT type of theist. I am not one of them. Keep disbelieving whatever you want.
@paulwevers2109 5 лет назад
@@musafawundu6718 I do not have to proof that misfortunes are due to God. Since i question if their is a God. So i understand you created your own religion within your own rules?
@ktl9468 3 года назад
No one: “Where is the bathroom?” Neil: “Well...... that’s an interesting question (30 mins later) so to answer to you question. It’s downstairs.”
@MrMcCoy-lh5tm 6 лет назад
The greatest thing about this video, which is not what Neil is saying, but rather the fact that it appears he is not wearing socks during this talk.
@albertjackson9236 3 года назад
If you want a short answer: "HELL NO!"
@iceblueface3341 3 года назад
Uhm yes sleepin kid lmfao
@lanazak773 2 года назад
THANK GOD for Neil deGrasse Tyson!
@rodomolina7995 2 года назад
@zyzzbrah1312 2 года назад
Which one of the 6000 Gods should I thank?
@thomaswhitehorse63 2 года назад
@@zyzzbrah1312 The Flying Spaghetti Monster
@micheldemontaigne8862 2 года назад
@@zyzzbrah1312 All minus 6000.
@Saguutu_Pagru 10 месяцев назад
Thank Satan for Neil Degrasse Tyson! 😝
@real-act-xation8043 3 года назад
can I say that He's really a good speaker
@zatornagirroc7175 2 года назад
I like that when he was asked that question, he knew what the child was really wanting to know - is it okay for me to believe in God. The answer to the literal question "Do you believe in God" would not help the child (or anyone else) because regardless of if he does or doesn't, it would almost certainly be a different view of God - if for no other reason then their age difference. And I love that he gave a resounding yes to that question. It *is* okay to believe in God. But when observing and hypothesizing about reality, to be a contributing member to the science community, you have to draw the line between your spirituality or belief system and look objectively at the data in front of you. That doesn't mean you can't attribute the beauty and logic of the universe to a divine intelligence, but it does mean you note the logic and try to make sense of it and understand it in a non-spiritual way.
@thedevil3890 2 года назад
Attributing the "logic and/or beauty" of the universe to a "divine intelligence" is 100% wrong. Logic, as a concept exists with or without an intelligent agent. The "laws" require a mind to use them, but do not require a mind to conceptually exist. And beauty, that's something highly subjective, and very much in the eye of the beholder and not universal. Just because "we" might find certain things beautiful, it in no way whatsoever implies intelligent design or purpose. Beauty is just a label that we put on things that are verifiably of natural causes. A sunset isn't beautiful to people bcus god created the beauty for us. We now know the cause behind sunsets. Nothing "divine" about them.
@SnoTangerine 2 года назад
@@thedevil3890 OK, but all that being said, the point is that you should be free to any religion or spiritual beliefs or philosophy that you wish to adhere to OUTSIDE of what is objective truth. It is not a scientist's job to display logical arguments that dismantle a belief system, it is to widen the frontiers of what CAN be objectively proven.
@thedevil3890 2 года назад
@@SnoTangerine Sure, but if "truth" and logical conclusions based on credible evidence are an individual's end goal, and metric for life, then theism, deism, and many other things, are now on the same shelf as Harry Potter and Santa Claus. And "belief" or pursuit of them is essentially willful delusion. Belief in such things is an abandonment of logic, not an adherence to logic.
@SnoTangerine 2 года назад
@@thedevil3890 it's just about a conscious separation of faith and fact, and nobody should police another on what to believe as long as it does not interfere with scientific logic and what we can observe. Believing in intelligent design does not necessarily negate scientific logic. That's a philosophical question. Denying COVID-19 protocols because "God didn't make us that way" definitely flies in the face of scientific logic. I'm not religious and I do believe organized religion has been the root of many of the world's conflicts and is a bit of a stain on our species, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with religion on its own. However, it should be treated as your own interpretation/belief of "what it all means" rather than a legitimate set of arguments in a logical sense. I see what you're saying, but I think there's an important distinction between modern science and modern philosophy which are really no longer the same thing. I think the word "logic" can devolve into semantics if you're not careful.
@thedevil3890 2 года назад
@@SnoTangerine Mmm, define "police" where you used it. Because I can't name a single "known" atheist that is trying to force what to believe on anyone. Don't mistake ridicule, speculation, and simplistic questioning as "policing". "Believing in intelligent design does not necessarily negate scientific logic". Wrong. It 100% does negate it. Or by all means, tell me all about these peer-reviewed, and published findings that are in-line with proper scientific processes. But, we both know there are ZERO findings. Any traditional "god" is by definition, unfalsifiable. And let's not forget, unfalsifiability is a 2 WAY street. Not a one way. And if something is in fact unfalsifiable, then by definition there's ZERO scientific tests or processes available to examine/investigate it. So no, there's NOTHING scientific supporting the Intelligent design claim. Nothing. There's LITERALLY nothing different than someone saying, "I believe an 8-legged flying magic frog that lives on one of Plutos moons created the universe" than the details of "intelligent" design. There's NOTHING credible, testable, or valid to support either claim. Intelligent design is nothing more than a dressed-up Argument from Ignorance fallacy or God of The Gaps fallacy. Nothing more. "....nothing inherently wrong with religion on its own". You can't be serious with this one right? "Nothing inherently wrong"??? Well let's see.... Spanish inquisition, the crusades, burning suspected "witches" to death, slavery, suicide bombers, "god hates fags" signs at dead soldiers funerals, homosexuals being persecuted for thousands of years, mothers and fathers murdering their own children to guarantee their child a place in heaven, Jehovah's witnesses refusing life-saving procedures for their children because their religion teaches them it's a sin against god, child raping Catholic priests, (you're probably thinking "wait, that's on the priest, not religion" right? Well, it's RELIGION that orders a man to give up his natural and instinctual desire for sexual fulfillment. It's RELIGION that makes a priest feel horrific and terrified if he ever breaks his vows of celibacy.) bombing of abortion clinics, acid thrown in girls faces for wanting to go to school, chopping heads off on video because their religion doesn't agree with your version of the same religion, etc, etc, etc, etc..... "....nothing inherently wrong with religion on its own" is one of the dumbest things ever said. Philosophy is not, and never was the same thing as science. Philosophy was man's early attempt at asking questions and contemplating ideas and concepts that science eventually supported or disproved. "Modern" science has and is continuing to flourish and move forward. "Modern" philosophy has turned into a useless past-time for individuals under the misconception that all mysteries of the universe have answers. There's a very good chance that many mysteries of our reality will always remain a mystery. And at some point, "I don't know" needs to take precedence over, "I cant think of anything better, so heres some speculative nonsense with ZERO supporting evidence". Sorry my boy.... But deism, theism, and religion are complete and utter wastes of time for humanity. They are the cinder-blocks chained around societys ankle. Nothing more.
@josegaleano2576 4 года назад
This is a berry good educatinal program. Neil is a smart person. and we learn without lucrative lies thankyou
@Robert-ye3cq 3 года назад
I've never seen any proof. That's The problem I have with religion in general.
@auralitebabeab1488 3 года назад
Thats quite arrogant & demanding. Proof of God is your existence, your mom & dad, human race, oxygen to survive on, emotions, flora fauna, galaxy, big bang & so on. Not everything can be seen/proven. Sometimes you need a leap of faith like people before then you will start 'seeing' the Truth. Kinda like the movie- Indiana Jones taking that leap of faith in search of the Holy Grail to save his father.
@chrissonofpear1384 3 года назад
@@auralitebabeab1488 Proof rather that the Spirit SPEAKS and ACTS through you, maybe, in a benign and consistent way, might be enough? And that horrors like in the 1600s can never occur again...?
@justinchampagne1729 3 года назад
@@auralitebabeab1488 It's arrogant to chalk all that up to one single entity. It's arrogant to assume that a book written by human beings could possibly speak to the mysteries of the universe. It's arrogant to assume that, even SHOULD such a god exist, that such a book could possibly deign to speak for something so vast, mysterious, and omnipotent.
@ddkay6478 3 года назад
@@auralitebabeab1488 You are thinking like that ... Person A "J.K. Rowling is a witch !" Person B : "You got any evidence?" Person A : "Of course ! She wrote the Harry Potter saga!" Person B : "..." You're the Person A of course...
@edwardreese976 3 года назад
Understandable. There is proof but for those who don't believe in God will refuse it. Funny thing is, at one time all the scientific knowledge of current and past things was unknown. Didn't mean that gravity, atoms, planets, animal species didn't exist. Once a way to physically see them became available were they believed. Now that's some people's thought. They need to physically see God. Literally him. But suppose man didn't have the means to see an atom. That doesn't negate the results of their existence. Because you see what comes from the atom or what it forms as a whole. Or better yet, you can't "see" the wind but you can feel it, hear it and see what it can do to trees or a random dropped piece of paper. Creation is proof of God's existence. Or at the very least, a being higher than ourselves.
@jammin1881 5 лет назад
Back ground noise? Talking? Neil is talking!!! How dare you...... ;o)
@arthurhunt642 4 года назад
"I..I have to go". Hilarious.
@gggrrr00 9 лет назад
Dr Tyson is stronger in Science than he is in philosophy. He says due to the Earth Quake of 1755 in Lisbon that toppled churches and killed many people presented two choices: 1) God is not all powerful 2) God is not all good - That's it ??? That's the only choices? Come on. At least there's also 3) God stays out of things at times and allows suffering, for mysterious reasons. Philosophers and Theologians have known this and debated this for thousands of years - so come on Tyson study philosophy more...
@antiHUMANDesigns 9 лет назад
Allowing suffering means that you're not all good. You can still be "generally good", but not "all good". Being "all good" means you must do everything in your power to prevent any "evil". And since god is supposed to be all-powerful, he should be able to prevent all evil if he is all good. Therefore, Neil is correct.
@moonanddarkness 9 лет назад
Really? you are talking about studying philosophy but you bring up the mysterious reasons argument? Such bullshit. I don't think a deity would make his "most perfect" creation be uncapable of understanding those mysterious reasons, therefore, we should be able to understand them if they exist, now what kind of reasons would make god not save people, even if he has the power to do so while remaining all good? Do we not understand what good is? are we supposed to get crushed by stone walls and get killed by dragged objects in a tsunami? Does that constitute good? I think not, and if you have any idea of what these mysterious reasons might be please tell me, if not your argument doesn't sound so different from conspirationist claiming the government is lead by reptile aliens.
@kelvyquayo 9 лет назад
Alonso Quintero Perhaps I can assist. The argument that Dr. Tyson presents presumes that the standard of "good" for human being is "health and longevity" (or something to that effect). This is a huge misrepresentation and also a very popular view amongst what is known as "prosperity preachers" such as Joel Ostein that preach that God wants us all to have "health and longevity" and if we don't then we don't have enough faith.. or that we aren't giving enough money.. it makes God out to be like.. The God-Father or Alladin's Djinn.. This argument also falsely presumes that Life on Earth as WE know it is the End-All/Be-All of personal existence... therefore Dr. Tyson's only requisite for what he constitutes as 'good' is very limited. It would be like a baby in the womb teaching someone that this comfortable womb is as good as it is ever going to get simply because it is considered normal and comfortable.. unaware that if they do not leave such a state that they will die... not understanding what it means to be born into a new life. To be quite clear.. all of the death and suffering in this life is in no way fit to be compared with the true potential of existence that has been paved for us by Our Creator. In the end there is only our will and His will. To give up our own will is to cry out for the will of Our Creator to be given to us. This can only be done through the method that The Creator has provided --> and yes. surprise surprise.. It is Jesus Christ (Yashua HaMassiach). The crux of the disagreement is WHERE the concept of Good/Bad actually comes from. If there is no God then humans get to choose what is Good and Bad and therein lies a big problem... such as the horror of human history.. Like it or not: we need to be saved. The good news is we actually Can be saved... and what that means is so much more than health and longevity by current standards.. there is health and longevity promised.. AKA eternal life.. but it will not merely be for God's children but for the Heaven and Earth too. This world that we currently live in is not the completed picture because we must first be completed.. but we cannot be complete without a Love for our Creator.
@antiHUMANDesigns 9 лет назад
kelvyquayo Suffering, by definition, is a bad experience, or you wouldn't be suffering. If you want to be "all good", then you cannot let anyone suffer, even for a second, because then you could have been "gooder". Even if you're going to give them eternal life in a paradise when they die, you could still be "gooder" by not having them suffer before you give them paradise. That's the problem with "all good" and "all powerful", and so on: It's absurd.
@kelvyquayo 9 лет назад
antiHUMANDesigns In looking at it that way you could call someone a bad parent for letting their child suffer through getting a tooth extracted or a life saving surgery. It is a subjective value assigned to what may also be considered refinement by that which understands that actual purpose of what is viewed by one as suffering. The morality in creating beings with free moral agency with the ability to have a desire that is contrary to that of the creator is that through this very freedom that causes this suffering that the free-moral-agent may then reach back out and make a connection with the will of the creator in an actual relationship that transcends this life as we know it. Again, if this were not the case then we would not have been created with any form of self determination beyond that with is purely reactionary no different than any other rock, tree, molecule, comet, or quasar in the universe. Those things cannot decide whether or not they want to do what they were made to do. We can decide that and that decision here is what we were made to do.
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