Damn this qiyana saying "pussy zed" is so funny. I love how people dont want to accept the fact that their champ just naturally counters zed. Actually 200iq for this build start, i didn't even think of taking exhaust vs qiyana, thats why im stuck in emerald.
Recently feel in love with zed due to your and Zed99 videos. Tysmmmm my man One question: Is zed jungle playable? Im a jungle main and I really wanna play zed ;-;
Can u do some hard matchup like tank or fighter champs? Should I take "First strike" and focus on farming and poking them to gain gold, take "Conqueor" to fight them, roaming or whatever, I have no ideal how to deal with them. They take tele and just farm in early game, don't care about me, they just push as hard as they can, back, tele and keep pushing. When they have 1 item, my WEQ deal like 100dmg or something, they don't even want to dodge it.
depends in the elo you are playing: lower elos you can utilise relentless hunter and roam around the map and the usual setup: electro + ignite higher elos: people are going to play towards mid most likely, then you can use First strike to farm gold on them Never forger: if the enemy has health stackers (that are not necessary tanks) you can still go: First strike + Cut Down + Eclipse
first strike is in matchups you cant necessarily kill so you farm gold and accelerate yourself from items into, good example is vladimir or ornn conqueror is in matchups you need dps into and can easily ramp up dmg such as diana irelia etc builds also heavily influence these scenarios
can i get unbanned from your discord channel? i got hacked and a bot sent some links, but i already fixed that. I contributed to your community once with one custom chroma for shockblade zed.