
New Research: Sialic Acids May Contribute to Inflammation & Disease 

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@Medcram 3 года назад
See all medical videos by Dr. Seheult (the professor in this video) at his website: www.medcram.com/collections?category=courses If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to this channel to get notified of new videos. Thank you for your support
@dinaarmeni2674 3 года назад
I would like to know what % of the meatveaters also were heavy sugar/carb eaters, as sugar is inflammatory
@Gonz630 3 года назад
Can you please create a video addressing this in correlation with the Keto Diet please? I don't want to start Keto if I'd be eliminating one problem but creating another. Thank you.
@ropersix 3 года назад
12:16, does his include non-vegetarians with very low BMI? Or does the extra risk only kick in when BMI rises? Given BMI's role, it seems a study should be done, focusing only on people with low BMI who have the different diets.
@davidcottrell1308 3 года назад
How long does this stuff hang around after one stops eating these foods?
@Medcram 3 года назад
Our understanding is that it took weeks to see it incorporated and without knowing fir sure it would probably take weeks as well but not sure.
@davidcottrell1308 3 года назад
@@Medcram Thank YOU! for everything you do. Quite brilliant presentation, on both parts.
@grantmcdougall8904 3 года назад
Can anyone confirm from the studies HOW the meat and dairy was consumed? There's a massive difference between meat eaters, who consume large amounts of sugar and processed foods (high carb, low quality meat, usually paired with seed oils), and carnivores who ONLY consume meat (low/zero carb, high quality meat). Can anyone confirm?
@windsongshf 3 года назад
Oh great. I've done everything from fruitarian to carnivore. Now what do I eat?? Lol! When I went Carnivore I lost 20 pounds and was able to throw away both my anti-depressants and anti inflammatory pain relievers. Guess I'll die no matter what. Ug.
@MerkinMuffly 3 года назад
It's interesting, in Iceland they eat mostly meat, dairy, and fish and the men their have the third highest life expectancy in the world. They are a country where fruits and vegetables are not a staple of the diet traditionally. It's grains and sugars that are killing people, not meat. Humans have been eating meat for thousands of years, but now all of a sudden, it's deadly.
@Medcram 3 года назад
Not sure exactly how that argument goes as Man has also been dying for thousands of years. Also this type of inflammation affects man after reproductive age so should not bestow selective pressure.
@lonigoldberg3062 Год назад
I find this ironic. I was mostly plant based for years (no processed) and was never any sicker. Went to grass fed meat, raw milk some eggs, and one cup of vegetable a day and I've never been better. I was so inflamed, thought I was dying. Animal based diet saved my life.
@cgatito3528 Год назад
Lots of people with this experience. I eat red meat usually 2x daily from a local rancher with some fruit and yogurt thrown in and I have not been sick for 7 years and my CAC score is zero. Seems like some people thrive on meat diets and a few others thrive on plants. Evolutionary speaking, our ancestors would have preferred meat I think.
@janetpelletier1238 Год назад
Being on an all meat diet has been the one diet that has kept me inflammation free from psoriatic arthritis. I don't always adhere to it but I know I have something to go back to when I let things get out of control. I eat a very limited diet as it it (and pretty clean) but nothing beat the beef diet (with some eggs and avocado) for me too.
@karimayoubi74 3 года назад
Hi Medcram. Do these studies successfully control for healthy & unhealthy user biases? Someone who is consciously choosing their diet (be it vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, ovolactoid or whatever) is likely to be more health conscious in other ways. Meanwhile a red meat eater could be someone who eats McDonalds or equivalent junk every day, or it could be someone who is choosing organic, unprocessed meat 3x a week as part of a consciously healthy lifestyle. Our health expectations for these two would be radically different! Do these large scale epidemiological studies control for these important differences within groups?
@fignewton8690 3 года назад
Is this associated with a high carb intake? In other words if someone is keto and fat adapted (and do not consume sugar) is the process still the same?
@chrisneethling1882 3 года назад
I am a doctor with a special interest in nutrition. In this video 4 diets are compared and the conclusion is suggested that the diets containing meat are the cause of inflammation and other diseases, due to the fact that meat and other animal products contain Sialic acid. I would contend that this is hugely flawed conclusion! FIRSTLY, one has to ask, what does average meat eater in the USA and other western countries eat, besides the meat? Answer, huge quantities of sugar, refined carbs and the omega 6 (inflammatory) oils. The Standard American Diet. (SAD). I contend that it is these factors which are the drivers of insulin resistance, leading to metabolic syndrome, inflamation and a wide spectrum of related diseases, and not good quality animal products themselves. Space does not allow an in-depth explanation but I invite you to look at the low carb (keto) lifestyle. My personal journey to health is an another whole story.
@Medcram 3 года назад
I think the major thrust of this news is that for the first time in humans it is possible to correlate the amount of non-human Salic acid with the antibody production in that human against that nonhuman Salic acid. I am not sure that carbohydrates consumption should or would affect that given that the Salic acid‘s are not derived from ingested carbohydrates.
@FearIsaLiar 3 года назад
I give you credit for keeping me from ever catching Sars Cov 2. I'm a Registered Nurse with extensive exposure early on yet I never got sick. I do take your recommended list of supplements. Your an American Hero
@impermanenthuman8427 3 года назад
It’s not in seafood or poultry though, but still need to make sure not to eat poultry fed lectin rich or genetically modified grains etc
@avader5 2 года назад
Tell that to my grandma she ate meat cheese and bacon all her life she lived to be 107 years old. My girlfriend switched to a low carbohydrate meat and vegetable program and reversed her type 2 diabetes.
@vgernyc 3 года назад
My complaint about the "non-vegetarian" study is it does not differentiate someone who eats processed/fast foods from someone who avoids those foods or is on a paleo or keto diet.
@marygem 3 года назад
When will they examine sugar, seed oils and gmo flours? Also, he carefully avoided any actual stats.
@vincenthedges520 Год назад
I've seen other physicians who have reviewed these studies. One thing they consistently find is that there is no control for what else the "meat eating" subjects were eating. Someone on a vegan diet is likely to be more conscious of their overall diet and exercise routine, whereas a truck driver eating meat might have french fries with his cheeseburger.
@tomasranta6154 3 года назад
Dr. Chris Knobbe might say that much of the disease you point to rarely occurred before the early 1900’s. That’s when seed oils became readily available. I would like to hear your ideas on his work or the idea that chronic diseases really took off then.
@duanev00 3 года назад
Interesting. Curious if there were healthy or unhealthy user biases found in these studies - specifically refined sugar and carbohydrate intake which seem to also promote inflammation...
@marynguyen6417 3 года назад
I have lots of respect to the Doctors here, but in this instance I don't agree. How can you explain various examples where people eating exclusively animal products, myself included actually lower the CRP ( my CRP was at 0.5 on keto and dropped further to 0.4 when I tried a diet mostly contain milk, eggs and meat). Besides, my health is 100% better now, compared to my health over 20 years ago when I was a vegetarian. I was as sick as a dog despite eating so much veggie and fruits, I got any illness around me, so much so that on average I need to take 6 months off work due to respiratory infections Now, I am 20 years older eating less than 5% of diet as veggies, the rest is meat and animal products and I feel so much healthier. I haven't got any illness/ infection for the last 2 years. In winter, people around me are sick as dropping flies but I am still going strong. I don't believe that meat cause chronic inflammation, it is actually quite the opposite.
@eliciadravigne4372 3 года назад
Association is not causation. These studies are based on diet recall questionnaires and association only. Usually not taking into consideration other lifestyle factors. I would be interested in who funded these studies.
@Medcram 3 года назад
You can find the studies in the description above. Here’s a randomized controlled trial that was not based on questionnaires. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32231103/
@hiljim01 3 года назад
@@Medcram this study is interesting especially since their goal was to keep the carbohydrates the same, so they gave extra potato with the meat. what i teach my patients is that it is the insulin that is the problem. insulin is raised the most with protein fat and carbohydrate so it is that combination that is the problem. when i have a diabetic i can cure them in a month normally by getting rid of their carbohydrates and increasing meat. it works like magic.
@sjordan7085 Год назад
I changed from being vegetarian to eating plant-based organic high fiber, low fat, low protein, no sugar or processed foods or alcohol and use filtered water. My Oncologist is totally impressed, I have also eliminated many toxins from my environment and exercise. After nearly dying from Endometrial Cancer I am not cancer free and my recurrence risk is only 4% now, will become less as I lose more weight. I am in my mid seventies, and plan to live a long and purposeful life. If I can do it anyone can.
@nepom1 2 года назад
All those people are eating carbs along with the meat! How about doing the same research for people on low carb diet or Keto?
@diandenmark 3 года назад
Interesting. Here are some questions from a whole-food based omnivore who is very upset about the seeming war between the "plant-based" food and "animal-based" food adherents 1. BMI doesn't take into account body composition - what happens if you study people according to their percent of fat and lean muscle mass? Body fat is, afterall, highly inflammatory. And meat-eaters seem to be more interested in building muscles than non-meat eaters are. (An aside: the social movement towards reducing or eliminating meat consumption encourages the production of hyper-processed food-like substances that are very profitable). 2. "Vegetable" oils can be highly inflammatory ... is it meaningful to consider fats in animal-based foods in the same category - as one of the studies you refer to does? 3. It sounds like there is a lot of individual genetic variation production of antibodies against Neu5Gc. How does this express itself - how is it discovered? 4. Has the issue of Neu5Gc been studied comparing populations who have similarly healthy lifestyles (remembering again that BMI may not be a particularly important parameter)?
@davidplyler8173 3 года назад
One man's experience, eating a mostly beef diet has reduced joint inflammation, improved my skin, lost fat, gained muscle, stopped snoring, lower blood pressure and more. Going on 17 months now I feel and look and perform better than I have in 20 years. When I got covid it was nothing except my steak didn't have much flavor. I'm 63. I forgot to mention one of the MAIN benefits I've had, my reflux has completely gone away. I used to have to sleep with the pillows propping my head up so the reflux wouldn't burn my throat. Guys I'm all for studies but they need to study mostly beef, there's enough of us doing this now. I'll volunteer.
@kenergy5847 Год назад
Is there any differences between grass fed and genetically modified corn fed animals? Usually these anti red meat studies don't differentiate.
@planetmoving9180 Год назад
For starters, meat and poultry that has consumed green parts of the plants will have vitamin K in the meat to help take calcium from blood stream and put it into bone. Grain raised meat will have vitamin k absent in the meat. I expect in Ruminants the gut microbiota will be vastly different in these groups also.
@Billy97ify 3 года назад
All of the subjects were eating a mixed diet so that confounds the results.
@Think-For-Yourself-Man 2 года назад
First time I’m really disappointed by my colleague here. I’m also an MD and do NOT approve Dr. Seuholt’s message. Just thing of all the Citric and other acids pumped into US foods. An IMMENSE amount! Coming from Europe, this immediately caught my eye! Also, I personally actually cannot consume citric acid containing foods since those increase an auto immune condition that I have. So, listener, THINK and critically re-evaluate this video.
@Kavitaukothari 3 года назад
Dr. Scheult this was a very interesting video. I’m wondering if anti inflammatory omega 3’s have a mitigating effect on this process. No clue, but I would love to hear your thoughts.
@peterfairley1 3 года назад
This is the worst Medcram of an otherwise excellent series. I can only guess it is biased by the anti-cow, global warming mind set that is now popular. Most people are overweight and are overdosing in all foods. Red meat is one of them. Blaming meat and dairy for diabetes with no comment on the obviously very common overdosing of sugar & other carbs seems a stretch. Likewise with cardio problems. Meat & dairy actually slow the digestion of carbs for a positive effect on diabetes incidence and fat production. And the actual charts show it is goat milk that is far worse than cow milk.
@theslimeylimey 3 года назад
There seems to be one study or another that shows just about everything we eat is bad for us. This is very interesting though and makes me question my diet choices. I do like my dairy.
@jimip9755 3 года назад
I would love to hear Dr. Seheult's opinion on TMAO and its association with CVD and T2D.
@littlemswolf 3 года назад
Have you looked at wheat and gluten inflammation? (Breads, pasta, pastries) These causes a lot of gut inflammation for a lot people.. For folks like me, so many vegetables causes issue as well. MSG is another inflammatory item. What I tell people is keep your foods simple. 1 ingredient is a healthier choice. So many bakery goods are not good for you. Eat Whole Foods not process single serving items. If you look at a label and you can not tell what it is, that is not food. Chemicals in food is not food and if you need a degree in chemistry to know what it is that is not something you should eat. I stick to my mostly meat diet because it is better for me. Meat is easier for me to digest and I don’t suffer as much with inflammation from certain veggies, and I avoid wheat. Final note, food is cultural for most, but out body is not. We should eat what is best for your body. Some people do better on a vegan or paleo diet, others do better on a lower carb diet. Either of these diets should consist of trying to keep the diet simple. Manufactured food in a chemical planet is not food. I can not stress that enough. Having had colon surgery I hope to help others from having to go through the pain I did. Too much pasta, breads, and pastries causes a lot of inflammation in the gut. If people would cut them for a week, they would see a bigger improvement in their joints. Fruit for a snack or desert. Use a fork over bread. No spaghetti noodle, use a veggie instead.
@jocelynmedina906 Год назад
I Strongly disagree with this analysis . I had failing kidneys , elevated liver enzymes and very high BP. I switched to a high fat and beef only carnivore diet and all problems have been reversed after a year. Plus I've lost a lot of weight .
@robzee67 3 года назад
Big fan of the channel. I do have to share that since being on LCHF, I almost brought my CAC score to zero from a higher level and my lipid profile completely reverse it self! My cardiologist wanted to put me on statin. I did eliminated sugar completely from my diet and exercise vigorously. (I have 3 years of blood work and cac score results if you want to see them) Thank you for your channel and everything you do to explain clearly and simply!
@susantroupe9341 3 года назад
Cut out the sugar. Get rid of your insulin resistance. Get off the insulin and diabetic meds. We need protein and fat in our diets....we do not need carbs to survive, except to feed our sugar addiction
@Rizzle27 2 года назад
What are the cons of giving up dairy and meat? I went vegan for years and developed iron deficiency anemia. I also found that a vegan diet lacks B12 and a deficiency is linked to depression. I switched back to include meat and and dairy and I must say that I feel a whole lot better - more energy and my mood is a lot better. So if meat and dairy is bad, how do you get the nutrients obtained through meat and dairy that is difficult to obtain through a vegan diet?
@GeneGerwin 3 года назад
I appreciate the level of science behind your videos. In depth enough that us laymen always learn something new without feeling lost in jargon.
@aksilio7229 3 года назад
Thank you for the excellent review and some motivation to change our diets again. The idea that these are inflammation causing roots of disease may not be new, but learning the science behind it is interesting and enlightening. During and following a breast cancer treatment, I followed a diet that was mostly vegan and we have always cooked from fresh or frozen unprocessed foods for about 90% of our diet. My father insisted we always eat foods as close to their initial form since the 1960’s. We have found it difficult to cut red meat and pork out entirely, but I prefer that to developing metastatic BC or some other inflammatory disease! It would be interesting to know how much of a reduction in these foods vs an elimination of them would be advisable for a damage reversal and then ongoing diet. I.e.: At what threshold does red meat/processed meat and dairy consumption become problematic? Is once a week still too much? Is this the end of butter?! LOL. Glad I like oat milk, guess I’ll be learning how to make it!
@Elikim777 3 года назад
Whoever said "You are what you eat" probably didn't realized just how true they were.
@ceciliaeur6400 3 года назад
Interesting, but then how do we explain the High burden of diabetes and cvd in India (vegetarian)?
@robertmiller2872 2 года назад
SMOKE SCREEN. To hide the damage that the clot shot is doing. Go sell it in Hong Kong.
@juliamihasastrology4427 3 года назад
There is SOOOO much variation in meat consumption. Someone eating a Macdonald's hamburger 3x per week is very different than someone who is eating fresh, grassfed beef 3x per week. I have yet to see studies which look into quality. Processing meat, of course, is another thing altogether.
@YourWingmam 3 года назад
Is there any difference if the animal is grass fed instead of grain fed?
@Medcram 3 года назад
It shouldn’t. The species that can make Neu5GC will do so regardless of what they are fed.
@notadocf538 2 года назад
The study needs more in depth information, either the people in the study have unhealthy habits, how often they consume cruciferous vegetables?what type of meat and dairy are their consumption? Do their vitamin D levels are optum? Do their levels of vitamins C are good? How is tge level of B12,B9, B6?? HOW IS the selenium and zinc levels? Do they consume bitter greens? Do they consume mostly refined oils?? Do they consume a lot of gluten and refined sugars? Do they have parasites? Only with those observations been considered in the sturdy I would trust the study
@wednesdayschild3627 3 года назад
The problem I have with these studies is food isn't just one thing. Food has many things in it. It is like saying fruit is bad because fruit has sugar in it. Or vegetables are bad because vegetables are full of nitrates. Sure sugar us inflammatory, but fruit is not just sugar. Meat and dairy are full of nutrients too.
@oanagody1 3 года назад
You are my heroes!!! If only more doctors stopped pushing drugs and started talking diet. I stopped eating red meat 12 years ago when I got a lupus diagnosis. I feel that a healthy diet helps me keep inflammation under control.
@Tuck943 2 года назад
Not to poo poo the findings, but I think we have to look at this with a risk/benefit filter. That said, insulin resistance appears to be the larger concern and the greater risk for CVD, DM, and overall morbidity and mortality. What does that mean? limiting simple carbohydrates and sugars is way more important than limiting meat and dairy. Look into A2 for better option for diary. Interesting. Thank you for sharing the information. I appreciate your work.
@vonBottorff 3 года назад
What do you think of the keto diet? I had been a strict vegan, but it was getting to the point that every time I ate, I'd need a nap. Keto advocates insist this is due to insulin resistance due to the constant intake of sugars and carbs. I've been on the keto for over a month and I've lost 15 lbs. and I don't necessarily need sleep after eating. I'm 65, BTW, and in at least the 90th percentile of my age group with fitness. I suppose I could do keto vegan, but I'd probably keep eggs, i.e., very low-carb, veggies, and pea, hemp, egg protein. All in all, I don't doubt what you're saying here at all, it's just that once again, experts seem to be saying conflicting things. Alas. . . .
@joecrozier3236 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing these data. It's puzzling that the risk of diabetes seems higher for pescovegetarians than vegans. The omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are critical to health along several important dimensions (PMID 22332096), and getting enough of them can be a challenge for vegans. It may be of benefit to study the EPIC and/or Biobank data for disease associations in the subset of pescovegetarians who eat fish that's significantly higher in omega-3 than seafood in general.
@hortensemason4073 3 года назад
So many people have reversed autoimmune disorders/ inflammation by eating carnivore. I would wonder why and how given this information. Many of these people report a struggle losing weight while eating carbs, they lower their BMI by eating low carb or even carnivore. Even information on a carnivore diet as a "cure" or assist to fighting cancer.
@louderthangod 3 года назад
Damn, such a great breakdown. I’m going to show this to my AP Bio students to show them how various topics we’ve talked during the year are used in clinical science.
@ScottAshmead 3 года назад
This is another amazing video .... I have no side when it comes to diets.... I feel this one is a Vegan comparison to standard western diet which is fine. Given the craze for Keto/Carnivore these days, I would love to know how different the results are from that perspective to have a holistic understanding. You break it down well which is why I love these videos. What I am trying to say is if you were to get similar studies with just a keto/carnivore diet compared to western diet, we could narrow some of this down to something more objective.... and maybe it is as simple as just choosing the right meats if you eat meats. Maybe it is something in the western style diet that is just the ultimate evil.... I have been looking so long for someone to break down the 2 ways of eating like you guys do so people can really know what is best for them to do. Thanks
@ElizabethMillerTX Год назад
I have a hereditary connective tissue disease, a list of autoimmune diagnoses, and have never been less inflamed (or more metabolically well) than since I switched to a primarily whole ANIMAL foods diet that relies heavily on beef and dairy. Js.
@humanitarianly 3 года назад
Really loved hearing about this timely study put in a way I can understand and it is concise. The best example I've seen for preventing certain health issues that I'm personally concerned about. Keep up the great work and many thanks!
@LIBlurr 2 года назад
My Dad is 91, loves his cookies and big bowl of Ice Cream every night. He has no chronic pains and still plays golf 3X a week in season. Reads voraciously a book a week. Has 2 scotchs every night w/cheese, salami and crackers. Doesn’t smoke & never gets sick! Told him he should write a diet book 🤣. Genetics are important I guess, both his parents made it to late 80’s. Both smoked & drank.
@briancase6180 3 года назад
Absolutely fascinating. One thing I've learned during the pandemic is the fact that proteins--and genetic material--are covered with sugar molecules. Now I'm learning why.... Thanks!
@tonyv8596 Год назад
My question is the types of beef and chicken used? Were the cows and chickens fed hormones and antibiotics or are they grass-fed cows and grain Fed chickens? This can make a huge difference in these studies.
@cgatito3528 3 года назад
I'd like to hear Dr. Paul Saladino's response to this. He's all-in on the carnivore diet.
@IvorMektin1701 3 года назад
Cutting out seed oils will be better for you.
@Nobody32990 3 года назад
*cutting out seed oils FOR FRYING will be better for you. Most seed should not be used on a pan. Animal fats are far better for higher temperature of a frying pan.
@okradokrad Год назад
So, was it cutting out meats or oils that was helpful then? By oils I assume you mean seed and generally plant based poly and mono unsaturated oils.
@OleDiaBole 2 года назад
Majority of us disagree. Rafined carbs, constantly elevated insulin and unhealthy oils are inflamers and killers. Meat has bad sides, but is negligable compared to real killers.
@jacklily999 3 года назад
Dr. Seuheult and your Medcram team are heroes. I'm a Frontline doctor and got Covid early. From your videos, I was able to self treat myself, and keep my sanity through that period of time. I also big Tim advertised you in our ICU and we all have respect for you. Thank you for all your service!
@truth3404 2 года назад
Meat is associated with diabetes, lol. No mention of sugar, breads or all the other junk foods that people poor down their throats everyday. I would love to see who paid for this these studies.
@cheekytitaable 3 года назад
Thank you so much for solid information and education. You’re a credit to your profession and humanity. Wish all doctors would be more proactive and prevention minded.
@wayward-saint 3 года назад
I’m not finished with the video yet, but adding initial impressions at 8:30. The table is interesting. According to my understanding and clinical experience, the causes of inflammation are not monolithic. I’ve been inspired by traditional medical systems like a Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda to see a patient’s symptoms in constellation with one another. What emerges are different “climate patterns” that may cause a similar disease endpoint, for example IBS, but are very different in their holistic expression (body type, metabolism, other symptoms, even mood and personality tendencies). High Gcemic index foods appear to exacerbate a “damp heat” type inflammation. This is opposed to a “damp cold” pattern, which also associated with systemic inflammation diseases. However, “damp cold” types tend to do worse with cow dairy, especially soft cheeses and milk, and do better with hard cheeses and especially goat and sheep cheeses. “Dampness” is a descriptive term (meant to evoke images of swamps, compost piles, fermentation & dank moldy environments) that appears in part to describe states of intestinal dysbiosis, like candida overgrowth, yeast infections, etc, but also fluid retention, lymphatic congestion, and so on. “Damp heat” is sometimes a progression in severity of an originally “damp cold” state, and is generally characterized by more severe inflammatory symptoms like eczema, gout, and potentially cancers (though cancer has many potential patterns associated with causation). Pondering how these traditional systems think about disease etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment strategy is very interesting and clinically useful. I try to see people through both lenses, modern scientific and traditional phenomenological - i can’t always reconcile the two, but it’s a useful second perspective.
@stringfellowbalk2654 Год назад
In North America, most red meat meals are accompanied with a high starch side and or high sugar beverage. Could this skew the data?
@DrMeDiCiNe18 3 года назад
Thankyou for much needed update in knowledge..... Dr Roger Seheult is A LEGEND !
@dennisbauer3315 Год назад
Are you promoting the ideology of veganism? Are you a vegan, what affiliations do you have with the vegan ideological movement?
@lightningslim 3 года назад
Association is not causation.
@Medcram 3 года назад
You mean “Association does not necessarily mean causation.” Association does not exclude causation and causation always includes association.
@yurygaltykhin6271 3 года назад
Wow, just wow. My wife insisted that we and our kids stop eating red meat and diary products, and so we did. It was about a year ago. Since then, we mostly keep this diet, with only very few exceptions. I cannot tell if we all became healthier, but one particular change really fits what you were telling: she always had skin irritation and rash when wearing metal objects (even gold). This is why she could not wear her wedding ring for more than about 24 hours. Although she wanted to wear it, and she was constantly trying to wear it for any suitable occasion. The most amazing thing was that about half a year into this diet, her skin irritation was gone, and now she wears her wedding ring permanently. There were no other changes in our lifestyle or environment except for sharp change in diet, and I believe this is a strong correlation between switching to no red meat and no diary diet and and the skin irritation disappearance. Thank you so much Dr. Seheult, your videos are great! Oh, and she is a PhD medicine by the way. Will send her this video to cheer her up about her decision which frankly was not an easy one for us all
@Medcram 3 года назад
That is an amazing story. What this née study adds to the literature is the smoking gun that in humans the levels of antibodies against Neu5GC correlates to the amount of dietary Neu5GC. It stands to reason that yes dietary dietary amount of Neu5GC Is reduced then it will be less antibodies.
@truth3404 2 года назад
Strange, my wife doesnt eat red meat or dairy and has been suffering with inflammation for years. I eat almost all red meat and all other meats including organs and went from 380 lbs to 218 lbs and have never felt better. I am 45 years old and havent been this weight since 1990, my freshman year in high school.
@lajana23 3 года назад
Moderation. I'm always skeptical when the focus narrows to one thing. Too many factors, not enough empirical data
@kerryjean2223 2 года назад
'CERTIFIED ORGANIC' GRASS FED/GRASS FINISHED meat.... I would imagine totally different to GMO grain fed meat.
@ALIMOHSIN 3 года назад
One question. Are these studies done, which take into account meat, with any light shed on consumption of PUFAs and amount of Carbs ingested by these individuals? Anything about Exercise and Sleep patterns? Anything regarding the food containers whether they were made of plastic with BPA etc etc. Anything about the levels of Vitamin D, Magnesium and ingestion of Vit K2. It's not one thing that determines your amount of Inflammation. I'm just saying. I would love the good doctor to shed some light on that. PS. Sorry for saying one question and asking many :)
@Medcram 3 года назад
All of these confounding variable‘s are difficult to control for but are attempted. The new research seems to correlate for the first time in humans the amount of dietary Salic acid with the amount of antibodies against that Salic acid. This is been a link that has been missing for sometime.
@shintsu01 3 года назад
i wonder if those that where studied had Carb in their diet like Grain for example
@daraghosullivan1157 3 года назад
This was great. Many thanks for the very interesting and important enlightenment, Dr Seheult.
@gomogo2000 2 года назад
Grass-fed meats and dairy (Inc raw) can be credited for healing many people's health. As typical today, animal is being blamed for health problems, a food that's been around since time began. On the other hand, modern-day "foods" like vegetable oils and sugar, are quietly ignored in studies as the actual cause behind Inflammation, metabolic syndrome, mitochondrial dysfunction, illnesses, etc. Also glaring by its absence in research are the 85,000 manmade chemicals in our world today!
@carendancer8265 3 года назад
Loved this video-I also believe stress and unconscious emotional pain leads to inflammation as well.
@katzensindweich3505 3 года назад
Or it leads to self neglect. Whatever it is, stress is dangerous.
@MaryruthEavesHerrera 2 года назад
I know that scientists may not yet looked at this, but we live on an island where all of our meats come from small, local family farms, where the animals are truly free roaming and pasture raised. I certainly wonder if there is any difference, in part, to those animals eating grains before being “finished” verses “happy animals” slaughtered humanely and never being fed on gmo grains or feed?
@tripplespringsfarm9737 3 года назад
This was so enlightening! Thank you for sharing 💗
@kr639 2 года назад
Grass fed vs grain fed no mention. Also no mention of seed oils.Association studies are horrible
@davidbailey1666 3 года назад
Maybe we’re missing the forest thru the trees? Wouldn’t the removal of glucose from the diet mitigate the glycation, and subsequent adherence of the Sialic Acid to the cell membrane in the first place? The studies cited about meat consumption don’t seem to discuss glucose intake. For instance, you cite high BMI (with or without diabetes) + red meat = bad without considering the metabolic syndrome underlying the high BMI or diabetes. Just a thought… 💭 Love your videos! Thank you for all you do. ❤️
@Medcram 3 года назад
Thank you for your nice comments. So like acid is derived not from carbohydrates consumption but rather the Salic acid molecules on the surface of the meat consumed. Glycolation is an enzymatically derived. Remember the liver through gluconeogenesis can create its own sugars.
@ExtaTer 2 года назад
They should have factored out the sugar consumption, which is a widely known driver of inflammation and the associated deceases. Sugar consumption also drives BMI up, so it may be the actual causative variable responsible for inflammation, not the processed meat which for surely is correlated with sugar consumption.
@bobs9242 2 года назад
Why is this sponsored by Lays chips Lol...
@ScottoGrotto 3 года назад
I’m also curious about grass fed animal products. I’ve heard that grass fed beef and bison meat are much higher in omega 3 vs omega 6 & 9, the latter being possibly more inflammatory? So interesting that goat and sheep cheese is higher in N5gc. I’ve been drinking goat milk ever since my acupuncturist essentially said that goat milk should be less inflammatory than cow dairy? Based on digestion? Btw, I discovered MedCram during covid and your unbiased science analysis is so helpful! I’ve shared MedCram with many as a highly informative and reliable resource! Thank You for your invaluable public service!!! ✨🙏✨💜✨
@Medcram 3 года назад
I’m not aware of how they are being fed might influence the amount of Neu5GC.
@Find-Your-Bliss- Год назад
I was raised vegetarian and I have been aware of nutrition all my life. I’m 66 & have no health problems & take no Rx meds. Believe it or not, but I have lived it!
@wngimageanddesign9546 Год назад
Well, I was an omnivore typical Asian-American. I switched to vegan at 52 thinking it would prolong my good health up to then and fit body. Well after two years I developed arthritis, then Lupus, and Hashimoto's Disease. My health condition dramatically deteriorated. You can read the rest in my post above yours.
@rcmrcm3370 2 года назад
Zulu in South Africa use dairy as primary food, how are they doing?
@playitall57 2 года назад
My wife was placed on the"Ornish" diet after her cardiac stent. Not only has her cardiac function improved, but the psoriatic lesions on her arms have completely cleared after removing dairy from her diet. Thanks for the understandable presentation of this inflammation process.
@janinemaddox1356 3 года назад
Thank you for all you do. God bless you. I share.😇❤
@margaretsmith9637 2 года назад
In Europe they have less factory farmed meat. I think that is the difference.
@AlexZaneKeys 3 года назад
Thank you for this. I would appreciate more nutrition centered videos like this. Very informative and there is a real need for trustworthy sources in this area. And thank you again for all the videos! Been following the channel for over a year now. Great work.
@gooseghazi 3 года назад
Damn! Gonna make my med students skip clinic snd stay hone and watch your vids instead ! unbelievable job! Clearly u put in major effort and it shows , as the quality of info snd entertainment shines thru! Watched four vids already .. and I had to comment again ! never stop doing this! Fantastic gem of a YT channel !!
@hump717 3 года назад
I am taking NAC. Is it good to take anti-inflammatories during this covid break out and beyond?
@Medcram 3 года назад
I would stick to a winter season as it was tested in previous studies.
@lindatullos9430 3 года назад
I want to know what the other parts of the diets were also. Because I know they weren't just eating the two types of meat in that huge study. Were they avoiding pasta /bread carbs by eating lots of veggies ? Was any group eating more seafood with omega 3's.
@idadsouza9201 3 года назад
My doctor says for diabetes and Corona only the cause is glucose. Cut down all fruit s sugar milk products and eat more nonveg. Please guide me. .
@helenporter7584 2 года назад
I consume a lot of dairy, yogurt, milk and cheese and moderate amounts of meat, say 3/4 times a week and my inflammation levels have been assessed as very low? I try to balance with plenty of fibre and very little added sugar in my diet.
@63annushka 3 года назад
Meat eaters seething 😛
@liquidplaya 3 года назад
I cringe when I see stuff like this. Layperson would go away thinking red meat is bad for you, just like doctors, even today think that saturated fat causes heart disease. Too much to talk about here but ACTUAL controlled studies show only benefits, less inflammation from eating unprocessed meat. Epedimiological studies are not accurate due to healthy user bias and use of questionnaires. Our evolutionary history alone can tell you that red meat is not detrimental to our health. I would check out Paul Saladino, Most diets will get you some benefits though.
@Medcram 3 года назад
If it is true that the result of eating meat is atherosclerosis I would not expect this to affect reproduction since the effects of atherosclerosis are well after the reproductive age. There are plenty of studies that have been done in a randomized controlled trial manner that show and confirm the results of the epidemiological studies. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32231103/ The problem with randomized controlled trial’s is that you cannot keep them up long enough to actually have as endpoints such as cardiovascular mortality because it takes years for that to happen and no one is going to tell them what to eat for years! Controlled trial’s look for surrogates however. Things like LDL and inflammation etc.
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