
Why You Should Chase Power, Not Happiness | The Philosophy of Nietzsche 

Freedom in Thought
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@Peter_Parker69 15 дней назад
My uncle once told me something about power.
@Hilix1 15 дней назад
Say hi to your uncle for me 😬
@Vignesh-im6zw 8 дней назад
@bipin4991 7 дней назад
​@@Vignesh-im6zw Watch spieder man
@bamazed 15 дней назад
This is an essential and insightful video! The word "power" often carries a negative connotation today, but as said in this video, power itself isn’t inherently bad, what matters is how we use it and what motivates our pursuit of it. True power isn’t about dominating or manipulating others. Power over others, driven by control or fear, isn’t real power. The aggressive behaviors, crimes, violence, and wars throughout history reflect the darker side of power-seeking, which is often rooted in fear. But real power is about harnessing our energy and agency to direct, influence, overcome obstacles, and create what we desire in our life. I believe power is a fundamental human need. When someone feels disempowered, they’re more prone to depression and even suicidal thoughts because they’re stuck in a state of apathy and helplessness. The path out of depression and toward a more fulfilling life lies in regaining a sense of personal power. When a person realizes they’re not a victim of their circumstances, that they have the power to influence their life for the better, they become happier and healthier. We all need to recognize that power is something we naturally seek, and striving for self-empowerment is crucial. It’s an important journey, one that should be pursued consciously, not for control over others, but for the betterment of ourselves and those around us. Most people may not explicitly set power as their goal, but at the core, everyone yearns to feel more powerful. No one wants to feel powerless. Powerlessness is a state of suffering, depression, and pain. So seek power consciously, within yourself and for the greater good of both yourself and others.
@5-minuteBreakthroughs 13 дней назад
The goal is not the prize. The person you become going after the goal is the prize.
@jayeshpradhan5946 15 дней назад
One of your best I Guess, the value addition done through your teaching through dialogue would have been appreciated by Nietzsche himself, once again great work
@bookatine 4 дня назад
i've been feeling frustrated for a while now, i'm on a journey to achieve a goal in my career, but it's soooo hard ... i get frustrated and the resistance is extremely strong. idk if i get frustrated because at the middle of the journey i relaxed and let that relaxation weakens me, but now i'm in a challenge, a very hard one ... once you had a video that said, peaceful times make weak mean, weak men make hard times, hard times make strong men, strong men make peaceful times. i think i've gotten weaker because of the easy times i had ... but now i harder than ever, and i don't know what can i do to regain my strength ... negative self talk and frustration weakens me even more ... i guess i will have to find peace within me to shut those voices in my head ... then figure myself out and regain my strength and challenge myself to grow and be able to overcome the resistance i am facing ... thanks for yet another great and insightful video ❤️
@sirjackio_zw 15 дней назад
When the world needed him the most he came to save us
@Ben-rh7mf 15 дней назад
I’ve recently been watching old videos on this very topic. Your video was by far the best communicated and easy to understand. Great job!
@5-minuteBreakthroughs 13 дней назад
Love the animation. Great video. Thanks!
@solo-tea 9 дней назад
Thank you for this insightful video
@MichaWeidenfeld 14 дней назад
Very Ni Te Dominant view on happiness. I think happiness is probably something different for other personalities. I guess this is also the reason that the philosophies are all so different.
@srainbow123 15 дней назад
This was a great video! Interesting topic and really easy to understand. Visually very well done as well! Thanks for creating this FIT!
@antoniomoreira5921 15 дней назад
Thank you for this, man. Not sure it's the right niche but if anyone's interested in a quasi-Nietzsche (Traditional rather) philosophy applied to history of religions (even though encased in turn within a military perspective), I strongly recommend Schwerpunkt's videos series. They're quite thought-provocative, besides, there's a huge series on Von Clausewitz's Vom Kriege that is what the channel passed from the military to the military-religious perspective. Otherwise, keep up with the amazing work! Looking forward to your next content. Love, Antonio
@HayWhy_Pappy 15 дней назад
Your amazing
@Uncommony 15 дней назад
There's no such thing as eternal happiness. We are up and down. Stay Uncommon!
@saijithgokul 15 дней назад
a question, i dont know if you would read it , the question is , is an end goal needed for resistance . if so , wouldn't resistance cease, thereby effectively being happy . but we feel depressed without a goal . Thanks for reading
@akitadakid6326 15 дней назад
Leaving the gym to go make music🙌🏾
@Hilix1 15 дней назад
I guess now I shall start my journey for the Triforce of Power
@bretnetherton9273 14 дней назад
Awareness is known by awareness alone.
@kennethiofi3839 15 дней назад
Thank you for dispensing this wisdom!
@siragito405 15 дней назад
Im crying
@xer00style 9 дней назад
Great video, but i miss your old animations to be honest.
@betamass3803 15 дней назад
Please tell me what is the font that youre using?
@ramirezmirandaluisjavier7898 14 дней назад
Am I wrong or in this channel there was a video about a morning routine called Power Hour? Or am I just confusing channels?
@AbhishekYadav-wz4vs 11 дней назад
Make more videos
@kcsnipes 14 дней назад
i was happiest by listening at 1.5x but powerful at 2x
@kaphel 15 дней назад
This is by far the most clear explanation i have, as a gamer, it feels like a videogame. Thank you very much !
@chunyuenlau56 15 дней назад
So in summary, challenge yourself physically, mentally, socially and so on every day and you will find happiness ?
@jatigre1 4 дня назад
Power comes in the form of a right Bachelor's degree.
@kcsnipes 14 дней назад
indian philosophy as well the buddha, not so much the power but not striving for happiness
@hunchback_esquire 11 дней назад
😂 he ended up talking to his horse because he drove everyone mad
@liverpoolbuttonf1fan 14 дней назад
This video doesn’t align with my experience. Archiving your goals won’t make you happy. I’ve set multiple goals the last 10 years. I’ve achieved almost all of them. I’ve been very successful in multiple things. Social life, education, sports, work etc. It hasn’t made me happy. When you achieve your goal, you’re happy temporarily but feel empty after a short while. Setting goals consistently repeats this cycle. You feel happy temporarily. Lately I’ve been wanting to fail just to know how that feels. Cause succeeding gets boring after a while. What really makes me happy is autonomy and freedom. Having the choice to do whatever you want. Power and goals don’t make me happy. Autonomy and freedom do. You need power for this. But you also need other things for this. Like consistency, discipline, self-improvement and a support system. Things like power, money, relationships, a nice car or house, self-improvement etc should never be your goal. It should always be a mean to increase your autonomy and freedom. Those 2 things will make you truly happy.
@5-minuteBreakthroughs 13 дней назад
The goal is not the real prize. The person you become going after the goal is the prize.
@liverpoolbuttonf1fan 13 дней назад
@@5-minuteBreakthroughs So you’re saying goals are a mean to happiness. Just like other things.
@5-minuteBreakthroughs 13 дней назад
@@liverpoolbuttonf1fan What do you think?
@5-minuteBreakthroughs 13 дней назад
I think the goals you achieved only gave you temporary happiness because you thought they were the prize.
@5-minuteBreakthroughs 13 дней назад
I also think it's important to have goals. To try and achieve things. But to realize that the goal isn't going to make you happy(just like in your case).
@9x177 5 дней назад
What kinda remedial level thinking is this?
@HebrewsElevenTwentyFive 15 дней назад
1 Timothy <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="366">6:6</a>-10 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
@HebrewsElevenTwentyFive 15 дней назад
2 Timothy <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="243">4:3</a>-4 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@HebrewsElevenTwentyFive 15 дней назад
Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” -John <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="846">14:6</a> ... Turn to Christ to save your soul. Confess and repent of your sins in sincerity. Read the Bible daily. Pray daily. Do not die without having a close relationship with Him. God bless.
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