
Noa and the Israel Philharmonic -Guard Your Soul 讗讞讬谞讜注诐 谞讬谞讬 讜讛转讝诪讜专转 讛驻讬诇讛专诪讜谞讬转 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转 砖讬专 诪砖诪专 

Noa (Achinoam Nini)
袩芯写锌懈褋邪褌褜褋褟 52 褌褘褋.
袩褉芯褋屑芯褌褉芯胁 4,6 褌褘褋.
50% 1

Last night I had the honor of performing with the Israel Philharmonic. Two hours of Pure emotion, pure music, pure joy that elevated the spirit to the greatest heights. I can only say... Thank you 馃檹馃徏馃檹馃徏. It is for moments like these that we dedicate our lives to music.
This clip before you was shot several weeks ago, but released today. It is a beautiful visual representation of the magic that was created on stage last night.
A haunting song, music by the great Alexander Argov, lyrics written by Nathan Alterman, the father, to his disturbed daughter, drenched in a deep concern for her well being.. Heart wrenching worry and tender love all mixed into three minutes of painful beauty.
I find this song to be so deeply Israeli.
We worry here, all the time : about our children as we send them to the army (how is it possible that we still do???) , about our country's security as it remains surrounded by enemies, about the fate of our people. It seems worry is embedded in our DNA.
I have sung this song many
times before , and I always direct it to someone specific... Usually my children.. Ayehli, Enea and Yum.
But now, I am singing it to my country, Israel ..
For I am deeply concerned about her tortured present, and the uncertain future of this place I call home.
A huge shadow has fallen upon Israel.
It is imperative to me today, on the eve of Holocaust Memorial day, to say what I have been saying for years :
We can only be free, if others are free. We can be happy and safe of others share the same fate. The slogan "never again", written in stone in Yad va Shem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, is often misinterpreted : not "never again" only to us, the Jewish people, but never again to ANYONE!
The racism that bore the burning hatred that annihilated 6 million Jews, is growing withing us, and yesterday, one of its worse human manifestations, the student of Rabbi Meir Kahana, Itamar Ben Gvir, was sworn into the Israel Parliament in an embarrassing ceremony. A scar upon the soul of this country. But he is simply a simptom of the poisonous atmosphere that already exists.
Oblivion to the plight of others, to the endless occupation of the Palestinian people, to the weak and underprivileged in this country , addiction to "power, money and pride", lies, bribery, fraud and the breach of trust, most importantly between us, as a society, as a nation, these are cardinal dangers to our very existence, more than any other event in history, more than the expulsions, the pogroms and even the crematoriums. This hatred burning inside us will be our undoing. And that, is cause for deep concern.
In the words of the song... :
Protect your soul, my country.
From collapse, from shadows, from fire and knife..
Protect your hair, your skin,
your beauty,
... Your life..
讗诪砖 讛讬转讛 诇讬 讛讛讝讚诪谞讜转 诇讛讜驻讬注 注诐 讛转讝诪讜专转 讛驻讬诇讛专诪讜谞讬转 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转, 讘讛讬讻诇 讛转专讘讜转 转"讗. 砖注转讬讬诐 砖诇 专讙砖 讟讛讜专, 诪讜讝讬拽讛 讟讛讜专讛, 讛转专讜诪诪讜转 谞驻砖. 讗讬谉 诇讬 诪讬诇讬诐 讗讞专讜转, 诪诇讘讚... 转讜讚讛.
讛住专讟讜谉 讛讝讛 讛讜拽诇讟 诪住驻专 砖讘讜注讜转 诇驻谞讬 讛诪讜驻注, 讗讱 诪砖拽祝 讛讬讟讘 讗转 讛讗讜讜讬专讛 砖讛讬转讛 讘讜.
砖讬专 诪砖诪专 讛诪专讟讬讟, 砖诇 讗诇转专诪谉 /讗专讙讜讘, 讛讜讗 注诇 讝诪谞讬 讘专讙砖 讛注讝 砖讛讜讗 诪讘讬注.. 讚讗讙讛 注诪讜拽讛 诇讗讚诐 讗讛讜讘, 讘诪拽专讛 讝讛, 讘转 讗讛讜讘讛.
讛讬砖 砖讬专 讬讜转专 讬砖专讗诇讬 诪讝讛? 谞讚诪讛 砖讻诇 讞讬讬谞讜 讗谞讞谞讜 讚讜讗讙讬诐 驻讛. 诇讞讬讬 讬诇讚讬谞讜 砖讗谞讜 砖讜诇讞讬诐 诇爪讘讗 ( 讗讬讱 讝讛 讬讬转讻谉 砖讗谞讞谞讜 注讚讬讬谉 注讜砖讬诐 讗转 讝讛??) 诇讘讬讟讞讜谞讛 砖诇 诪讚讬谞转谞讜 讛诪讜拽驻转 讗讜讬讘讬诐, 讜讘讻诇诇, 诇讙讜专诇 注诪讬谞讜 .. 讛讚讗讙讛 讻讗讬诇讜 专拽讜诪讛 诇谞讜 讘dna.
讗诪专转讬 注诇 讛讘诪讛 讗诪砖, 砖讘讻诇 驻注诐 砖讗谞讬 砖专讛 讗转 讛砖讬专 讛讝讛, 讗谞讬 诪讻讜讜谞讜转 讗讜转讜 诇诪讬砖讛讜 住驻爪讬驻讬 讘诇讬讘讬... 讘讚专讱 讻诇诇 诇砖诇砖转 讬诇讚讬讬.. 讗讬讬诇讬, 注讬谞讬讛 讜讬诐... 讗讘诇 讛讬讜诐, 讗谞讬 砖专讛 讗讜转讜 讚讜讜拽讗 诇诪讚讬谞讛 砖诇讬, 诇讘讬转 砖诇讬, 砖诇讬讘讬 讗讞讜讝 讚讗讙讛 讻诇驻讬讛, 讻诇驻讬 讛讛讜讜讛 砖诇讛 讛诪讬讜住专 讜讛注转讬讚 讛诇讗 讬讚讜注, 砖讛讬讜诐, 爪诇 注谞拽 谞讜驻诇 注诇讬讜. 讚讜讜拽讗 讘注专讘 讬讜诐 讛砖讜讗讛, 讞砖讜讘 诇讬 诇讜诪专, 砖讜讘 讜砖讜讘, 讚讘专讬诐 砖讗诪专转讬 讗讬谉 住讜祝 驻注诪讬诐:
诇讗 讬讛讬讛 诇谞讜 讟讜讘, 讗诐 诇讗讞专讬诐 诇讗 讬讛讬讛 讟讜讘, 讗诐 诇砖讻谞讬谞讜 诇讗 讬讛讬讛 讟讜讘. 讛住讬住诪讗 "诇讗 注讜讚" 讛诪转谞讜住住转 讘讬讚 讜砖诐 诇讗 讬讻讜诇讛 诇讛讬讜转 谞讻讜谞讛 专拽 诇注诐 讛讬讛讜讚讬, 讗诇讗 诇讗 注讜讚 , 诇讗祝 注诐, 诇讗祝 讗讚诐! 诇讗 注讜讚 "讙讝注 注诇讬讜谉". 讛讙讝注谞讜转 砖讛讘讬讗讛 诇讗砖 讛砖谞讗讛 砖砖专驻讛 砖讬砖讛 诪诇讬讜谉 讬讛讜讚讬诐, 讙讚诇讛 讘转讜讻讬谞讜, 讘拽讬专讘讬谞讜, 讜讗转诪讜诇 讗祝 讛讜砖讘注讛 诇讻谞住转 讘讛转讙诇诪讜转 转诇诪讬讚讜 砖诇 诪讗讬专 讻讛谞讗, 讗讬转诪专 讘谉 讙讘讬专. 讗讜转 讻诇讜谉 注诇 讛诪讚讬谞讛 讻讜诇讛! 讛讛转注诇诪讜转 砖诇谞讜 诪诪爪讜拽转 讛讗讞专, 讛讻讬讘讜砖 讛诪转诪砖讱, 讛讝诇讝讜诇 讘讛讞诇砖 讜讘谞讝拽拽, 讛讛转诪讻专讜转 诇讻讞, 讻住祝 讜讻讘讜讚, 讛砖拽专, 讛诪专诪讛 , 讛驻专转 讛讗诪讜谞讬诐 讘讻诇 专诪讛 讜讛讻讜讗讘转 讘讬讜转专, 讘讬谞讬谞讜, 讻讞讘专讛, 讻注诐! 讗诇讛 诪讛讜讜讬诐 住讻谞讛 讗讬讜诪讛 砖诇讗 讛讬转讛 讻诪讜转讛 讘讛讬住讟讜专讬讛 砖诇 讛注诐 讛讝讛, 诇讗 讛讙讬专讜砖讬诐, 诇讗 讛驻讜讙专讜诪讬诐, 讜讙诐 诇讗 讛诪砖专驻讜转. 讛砖谞讗讛 讛砖讜专驻转 讗转 诇讘 讛注诐, 讘讬谉 讗讚诐 诇专讬注讛讜 , 讘讬谞讬谞讜 诇讘讬谉 讛注讜诇诐... 讛讬讗 讝讜 砖讘住讜祝 转讻谞讬注 讗讜转谞讜. 讜讝讜, 住讬讘讛 诇讚讗讙讛 注诪讜拽讛.
砖诪专讬 谞驻砖讱, 讗专爪讬. 诪拽讬专 谞讜驻诇, 诪讙讙 谞讚诇拽, 诪爪诇 讞砖讱, 诪谉 讛砖讜专祝 诪谉 讛讞讜转讱,
... 砖诪专讬 谞驻砖讱.




6 邪锌褉 2021




袚芯褌芯胁懈屑 褋褋褘谢泻褍...

袛芯斜邪胁懈褌褜 胁:

袦芯泄 锌谢械泄谢懈褋褌
袩芯褋屑芯褌褉械褌褜 锌芯蟹卸械
袣芯屑屑械薪褌邪褉懈懈 : 8   
@anacamacho9328 9 屑械褋褟褑械胁 薪邪蟹邪写
Guarda tu Alma ! 鉂 Guarden su alma 馃檹馃檹馃槉
@claudinevisnadi7649 3 谐芯写邪 薪邪蟹邪写
Merci d'锚tre qui vous 锚tes, d'apporter en m锚me temps la beaut茅, la joie, la paix, l'esp茅rance, l'humanit茅, une lumi猫re... de pr茅cieux cadeaux. De tout c艙ur, Grazie.
@TheBrokenHead 3 谐芯写邪 薪邪蟹邪写
LO BONITO ES BONITO Y SIEMPRE SERA PRECIOSO 馃挄馃挄馃挄馃挄馃槝鉂も潳馃憦馃憦馃憦鉁屸湆馃幑馃幑馃帣馃帣
@brfuniverselman9417 3 谐芯写邪 薪邪蟹邪写
Quelle douceur ! 馃憦馃徏馃憦馃徏馃憦馃徏馃憦馃徏
@sharonnsinger 3 谐芯写邪 薪邪蟹邪写
This is truly amazing. Thank you!
@monikahoch6379 3 谐芯写邪 薪邪蟹邪写
I love this from my heart
@idanasi1 3 谐芯写邪 薪邪蟹邪写
@IRONBOOMER47 3 谐芯写邪 薪邪蟹邪写
Would you help?!馃槼
袩褉芯褋屑芯褌褉芯胁 3,2 屑谢薪
Noa at the Vatican - Ave Maria
袩褉芯褋屑芯褌褉芯胁 639 褌褘褋.
Laurie Akers - Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - Jewish Rock Radio
袩褉芯褋屑芯褌褉芯胁 2,6 褌褘褋.
Metamorfosi - Constantinople, Kiya Tabassian
袩褉芯褋屑芯褌褉芯胁 809 褌褘褋.
Mozart Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major by Jan Lisiecki
袩褉芯褋屑芯褌褉芯胁 137 褌褘褋.
Jakone, Kiliana - 袗褋褎邪谢褜褌 (Mood Video)
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