
Noam Chomsky: The Global Power Dynamic in 2008 

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24 мар 2008




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@squamish4244 12 лет назад
Whenever I see Noam Comsky videos now, I'm reminded of TheOnion's satirical article, "Exhausted Noam Chomsky just going to try and enjoy the day for once".
@Jpbremner 11 лет назад
noam you are my hero my idol,,,
@4izm0v 12 лет назад
Chomsky is right, anyone can see what's going around them if they just opened their eyes.
@trunkeight 15 лет назад
@shwwnn 13 лет назад
@xjaskix then for what important reason did us go?
@ahbevegede 16 лет назад
dig the sweater
@flyzerogravity 15 лет назад
What an incredible mind! He has done his research and homework in world affairs. Why can't the world leaders have these admirable traits. Instead we get Reagan, Bush, Chaney, and such! He is a true politicle Hero!!!
@danzo240 15 лет назад
The man in the ribbed jumper
@fLcGambit 12 лет назад
@Laavanzaday He did in passing, but it's a pretty short video to get into everything
@shakypam 16 лет назад
thanks noam
@LibertyJedi 13 лет назад
Wow he has his boogie man as well.
@TedDGPoulos 14 лет назад
@MaiaRikae Thank you for your point of view.
@St37One 14 лет назад
@baihbalm yes, crudely put, killing less people per capita means more peace. It doesnt "equal peace" as you put it, because peace is not an absolute. It means that there is an overall dynamic reducing the degree to which the average human needs to worry about being killed in a conflict. It means that war is becoming less and less significant. I was not merely talking about survival rates/birth rates/death rates/lifespan, and I was not taking any shortcut to boost my own argument.
@fLcGambit 12 лет назад
@iridescentsquids I think his dryness of speech is probably what i most admire, he presents the bare essentials with no room for rhetoric or fallacious points. Surely if alot of politicians approached their speeches this way, their inconsistencies would be revealed in a matter of seconds.
@St37One 14 лет назад
@baihbalm there are no perfect analogies. My point was just that if you frame the problem incorrectly, then you have no hope of solving it. War, in the abstract, is like hell. War is not "a" or "the" problem. There are many wars, and each war is different. Wars are not the result of a grand conspiracy, and humanity has actually come a long way in the direction of peace. It makes more sense to focus on the factors that influence conlfict, than on the conflicts themselves.
@Laavanzaday 12 лет назад
@ISMEY A map does not determine geopolitics. Russia is not entirely part of Europe. They have unique characteristics that sets them apart form Europe. They also have a soci-economic identity and history quite distinct to the whole of Europe.
@Eurotrash4367 14 лет назад
I will gladly take one motivated individual with a GED who is willing to work towards positive change over three intellectual elites that only give interviews about change.
@hrmIwonder 13 лет назад
@MacbookProWizard proved my point, thanks!
@mcshobe2008 13 лет назад
@100CommonCents i asked him about this once. I asked if he thought the fed was something our society needed... he basically said yes... and "there would be considerable chaos without one. That’s why all state capitalist systems have them." not much detail but gives an idea of his thoughts.
@various8 14 лет назад
This man is a fact, he doesn't need facts like the rest of us lowly folk to back up his opinion
@MrAntihumanism 14 лет назад
@squirmypuppy I think that would be Professor chomsky.
@fLcGambit 12 лет назад
@squamish4244 That's a great article haha
@evelsteev 11 лет назад
Yeah right. I'm a thatcher and all I do is thatch roofs. Everyone in my community already has thatched roofs. How do I get a computer? In the real world, I can simply buy one, at the store.
@evelsteev 11 лет назад
Sewer? Isn't that a government service?
@St37One 14 лет назад
@baihbalm You deny which "authority" exactly? What do you call "mislabeled"? If it is the case that you can spot a declining trend in deaths directly attributable to conflict such as homicide, genocide, and any other intentional killing of humans by humans, as mesured per capita in the human population, then wouldnt you agree that humanity is heading in the direction of peace?
@evelsteev 12 лет назад
Making money apparently makes him a "slave?" Ridiculous indeed.
@tristbjorn 12 лет назад
@MacbookProWizard i'm sure you had a share in it. Go cheer for the elites and hope you get to bask in their glory.
@kegean 15 лет назад
@St37One 14 лет назад
i cant believe that this guy is considered an intellectual. His world view is so narrow and prejudiced, he barely has the capacity to think.
@Laavanzaday 12 лет назад
he didn't mention Russia's role at all.
@justgivemethetruth 13 лет назад
We sure are not getting our money's worth in terms of our military "investment", we are not helping the world become more civilized, in fact could be argued the opposite. We have been picking on small countries and trying to develop the power to change a country, but so far no dice, ... maybe Iraq. I agree, South America has huge potential, I hope that their democratic movements are able to continue and mature! That's huge! True, the US is behaving hypocritically. So, what's you point?
@St37One 14 лет назад
@baihbalm Hell is a danger that fools try to avoid, but yet they dont know enough about hell to know that it doesnt even exist, and they have no way to know if thier efforts pay off. Yes I do believe that humanity is heading in the direction of peace, and has been over the decades, the centuries, and the millenia, and this is a well supported fact (pretty hard to deny). And yes I also believe that it is far more productive to look at war in terms of cause and effect, rather than moralizing.
@squamish4244 12 лет назад
@fLcGambit It is hilarious, Chomsky should read it and maybe take a vacation once in awhile.
@11889music 14 лет назад
@dEEpindEEd Loose interest, do you? Quite an interesting method there, sir. So, we should be listening to you?
@ISMEY 12 лет назад
@Laavanzaday russia is part of europe you should check a map.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
Before you say it has nothing to do with these problems, try to remember that the two biggest steps this country(The United States if you happen to reside elsewhere in the world) has taken toward social equality on an individual level happen to be the eradication of both slavery and the once-recognized inequality of women. Both are not only condoned but encouraged throughout the Old Testament. Say what you will about good effects of religion. It still isn't a universally benevolent ideology.
@AppomattoxThought 11 лет назад
I know, that's one of the flaws with anarcho-communism. Hence why I said I agree with you
@hsu112 16 лет назад
yeah because people havn't been fighting wars over resources for thousands of years, I mean fight wars because "they hate freedom" sounds way more plausible
@AppomattoxThought 11 лет назад
I don't think it proves that. While I would agree with you that having a money-based system does work better, when living within the confines of such a system it becomes very hard to make a case for another system simply due to pressures from the world around you. The same would be true in an anarcho-communist society if one was trying to prove that a money system worked better; thought o a lesser extent.
@evelsteev 11 лет назад
That only proves the effectiveness of money over anarchist bartering.
@kvaks3000 15 лет назад
While Chomsky doesn't address Africa in this video, he has done so elsewhere. His claim is basically that the US left Africa to be exploited by Europe.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
The "See what I did there" remark was just a wiseass reference to the assumption I made. Yeah, religion is a huge part of peoples' lives for the huge majority of people worldwide. That goes without saying. Sure, religion does some good things and has some positive societal effects. Nobody's denying that. Maybe I'm stuck in the material and visible. Call me a lunatic, but my ability to perceive something with one of my five senses adds to it quite a bit of credibility.
@mojoman2001 14 лет назад
He's a genius. If you don't think this is his best work, consider his age. He has contributed more to human thought than anyone who reads this ever will. He has been teaching at MIT for what, 55 years now? Put another way, he is not world famous for his physical beauty or lovely singing voice.... Wake up and read his political philosophy.
@hrmIwonder 13 лет назад
@MacbookProWizard Don't like what you see when you look in the mirror? Most people don't, so they just don't look.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
Sorry, I should have read your p.s. comment., in which case I wouldn't have assumed you were religious. Nonetheless, I still don't see hatred as any more a fundamental human characteristic than love or any other emotion and as such, it shouldn't have so much more influence. Religion is ancient. Because of this, primitive ideas reign supreme within its confines. I don't see how so many reasonable people ignore this fact. Without it, we'd be hard-pressed to find reasons to hate so fervently.
@AppomattoxThought 11 лет назад
Can't one talk about an idea without subscribing to it? Besides, he lives in a society where money is required to sustain one's self. Do you expect him to refuse to make money just because he entertains notions of anarcho-communism?
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
No need to give me the final word, friend. I don't fight for such petty things. I think there are solid arguments from both sides. I won't, however, ever refer to scripture for anything ever, other than to refute any claims that Christianity is anything other than highly immoral, as evidenced in countless passages throughout the old testament.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
See what I did there?!
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
Never once did I suggest that religion is the innate cause of these problem. My only point is that religion is the primary driving force behind the issues troubling us currently. Don't just assume that we'd find new medium for expression in regard to our apparently hard-wired tendency toward violence, as you seem to have put it.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
This perception of subjectivity that you brought up only further validates the point that religion plays upon our greatest need, that being the need to be valued. As far as I'm concerned, truth holds far greater value than such a childish want. Until we ditch this ridiculous notion that we're of some sort of special significance(with each religion claiming the others have been deceived), the only "divinely inspired" act in store for us will be our own self-fulfilling prophecy of apocalypse.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
You should be far more worried about religion as a whole, with particular regard to islam. Religion is the single greatest obstacle impeding the potential for the establishment of a global society.
@myroncope 14 лет назад
that doesn't make a damn bit of sense
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
Excuse me, *while* religion causes separation within it. Honestly, are you unaware that the most prominent war in the media today involves religion? Do some research or just open your eyes from time to time. That should prevent you from making asinine comments in the future. I never said the actions of the United States aren't wrong. I simply pointed out that a greater threat exists.
@St37One 14 лет назад
@baihbalm Why would you suppose that? There is no "anti-war movement", only hypocrites who say that they hate war. Might as well join a prayer group and say that you are fighting against going to hell, and that you know what the hell you are doing.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
Sentience doesn't grant us the right to subscribe to a belief in childish fairy tales that just happen to be wholly limiting us as a species. I don't know if you've confused deism with theism, but there's absolutely no way religion can be perceived by any thinking person as anything other than entirely hubristic. How could it? How can an ideology so egocentric that it puts us at the dead center of everything possibly be construed as humble? I submit that it can't.
@evelsteev 12 лет назад
The man talks about "anarcho-communism" yet, he has no problem making money off selling his books. Ridiculous.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
And don't sit there and assume things. I have my own reasons for not subscribing to ridiculous beliefs. Making assumptions only reveals further holes in your argument. Peace out and have fun learning debate in your freshmen philosophy course lol.
@lived666 15 лет назад
Sorry Invirtuo, not even god can save you from reality.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
Like I said, nobody(not even those that are most vehemently opposed to religion) will deny that at least some of religion's effects are beneficial to the collective. The problem is that as far as we know, it isn't real. Plenty claim to know with unfaltering certainty that their god, out of the countless others, is the true creator and ultimate authority. Delusional.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
In addition to being incredibly stupid, it's morally reprehensible to accept anything as the ultimate truth without a shred of evidence to support it. Successful people are adept at critical thinking and analysis of the world around them. How is it right to make an exception for religion? New stories of religious charlatans pop up on an extremely frequent basis. How can people still not get the picture? The bottom line is that whether or not something is beneficial is quite irrelevant here.
@Trumpetz81 16 лет назад
I also wouldn't consider myself a militant atheist. I'm somewhat open to the idea of a creator. I just don't think books written by primitive men could possibly provide me with any accurate insight into the mind of such a being, if one exists. That's exactly what these holy books claim to do, and the high ranking officials among the ranks of these dogmatic institutions claim to know the mind of god. I'm sorry but I just don't buy it. Regardless, I've enjoyed this discussion man. Take care.
@dEEpindEEd 15 лет назад
Personally I loose interest the minute I sense someone using the tips and tricks of public speaking. Even with the, as you called it, dry humorless way of speaking he uses he never fails to grab my full attention! I dont think Chomsky would have the respect and following he does today if he considered using the mumble jumble politicians use to manipulate their flock. Oratory should be limited to theatrics if you ask me
@VampoRainze 12 лет назад
You'd rather him a slave to systemic ideals and other "ism"s that can be summed in in single compound words by engaging in practice that does nothing to help the realization of such ideas other than to prove some kind of idyllic piety to youTube viewers? Ridiculous.
@xjaskix 13 лет назад
why does this fool talk as if Middle East and its oil are so imporant? as if America went to Iraq just to have a presence near the oil... that's ridiculous. oil isn't THAT important.
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