

Sam Downey
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18 сен 2024




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@ohryan9872 8 месяцев назад
You got the body of someone in their twenties but the mind of someone in their late to early '40s which just makes you all around cool
@Xernist 2 года назад
Still moving mentally between "may HRT could help" and "nah, this T body is good for now." Also thanks for speaking about that there are also AGAB aspects to your body you like /dont dislike. Your videos feel really validating to me! I've been identifying as non-binary for around a year now and it now definitely helps me feeling better about myself but I am still internally arguing about where to take my transition while "living in a society", oh well..
@SamDowney 2 года назад
I'm glad my videos make you feel validated! And I feel you. Took me 9 years to finally decide to pursue hrt. Take your time 💜
@secrecyunit2985 Год назад
I completely understand the "living in a society" anxiety. It's hard having to decide whether or not you should commit and do it, so just to let you know, you're not the only person that came out last year and also is still dealing with that type of anxiety. Try stuff out and take your time imo fam, but again, you're not the only one going through it this trans journey.
@lidu6363 Год назад
Hi, I am AFAB nonbinary person and I have not realized it for so long because of the medialized stereotype. I love long hair, on myself as well as on other people. I also love frilly and flowy clothing, long skirt pants, and I wish that the nonbinary stereotype was closer to a victorian vampire and further away from... idk, a kid with a hoodie 💁‍♀
@chriskathey964 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing. I’m amab non binary and we definitely need representation 💙
@SamDowney 2 года назад
No worries at all !! And yesss totally we need more representation! Usually in the media non binary people are presented as AFAB, short hair and androgynous looking which is not what all non binary people are! We need to see more representation of the WHOLE non binary community !
@dna4440 2 года назад
I'm also non binary but afab and its so interesting (and sad) to see the differences/ similarities of dysphoria. For example, I also struggle with chest dysphoria, just the other way around.
@snivader 2 года назад
hiya! it’s fun learning about other non binary peoples experiences cause most of the experiences I’ve heard are trans women’s lol. as an amab non binary person i experience dysphoria over my body hair, face in general, fat distribution (like you i think), voice and genitalia. i drew the short straw with the last one haha im desperate for gender confirmation surgery when i haven’t even started hormones yet. it’s interesting though because I’m always learning about myself because dysphoria can change a bit and being non binary there aren’t really any rules so it takes some self examination of your own feelings, or experimenting with your presentation sometimes to find out what you really want.
@SamDowney 2 года назад
Hey thanks for checking out the video!! Your right there is no right way to be non binary. Do or wear anything that makes your more comfortable!!
@agnes4918 2 года назад
what you've said about fat distribution pre-HRT is very relatable to me and quite recently I realized I've always feared looking like a "man", so that explained all my extreme attempts in trying to be as skinny as possible. Differently from you my genitals have always bothered, it's either a feeling of them being inappropriate/disgusting and not being a part of my body, I remember crossing my legs and seeing my figure in front of a mirror while my "parts" were covered and imagining how much better I'd feel about myself aside from that, my hairline, the lack of curves and my body hair are great sources of discomfort
@SamDowney 2 года назад
Thanks for checking out the video ! I'm glad someone can relate on that point of fearing to gain weight as a man. Honestly felt pretty alone growing up with that kind of dysphoria so even comments like yours give me validation. Don't forget to keep living your true self homie !!
@basicallyacrow 2 года назад
I can very much relate to this! Thanks for writing it!
@agnes4918 2 года назад
@@basicallyacrow you're not alone! I hope you find a good way to tackle your dysphoria :0)
@basicallyacrow 2 года назад
@Deathingerman 2 года назад
Hey Sam. Am loving your video's. Am AMAB but have strong dysphoria around body hair. Discovering your series made me realise there are other options than MTF. Am considering hormones as my femininity is my most favourite / natural feeling part of who I am...
@SamDowney 2 года назад
Hey thanks so much !!! Don't forget to always live your life to the fullest no matter what people say !
@raskthenehkroskeptic 2 года назад
Omg the hair thing. That is so fucking true. I've had long hair for so long I would die if I lost it.
@bookinator2367 Год назад
It may sound stupid, but the only real reason I'm afraid of HRT is losing T-levels, making it harder to build muscle when training for hypertrophy
@Tggfdbhfbb 2 года назад
This helps a lot! I have my first appointment to talk about HRT on Monday but living in the US I’m really scared it won’t happen but love your videos! 🖤🖤
@agnes4918 2 года назад
same! I'll see an endo on monday :') good luck to us
@SamDowney 2 года назад
Thank you so much !! Good luck with your appointment 😊
@kerricantelupe8337 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for this video. I’m trying to figure out what I want from my own body and gender presentation, so this was helpful.
@DeltaDW 2 года назад
My dysphoria is actually quite a bit similar, my biggest is body hair though, I'm lucky that I have no baldness but have a ridiculous amount of body and face hair growth which sucks but happy to hear that it goes away with HRT! I'd like to thank you actually because you actually helped ease my dysphoria as I started to gain dysphoria on areas that I didn't really have a problem with personally but at the time I was leaning towards being binary trans and felt social pressure to feel I needed to "pass". But I came across your channel and thought you looked amazing and I related to your videos. So I feel more confident saying that I am non-binary, and all that pressure is basically gone. 😊
@SamDowney 2 года назад
I'm glad that your not under the pressure to pass anymore !! Honestly passing is a dated concept there's no correct way to be trans or non binary! Just be yourself 💜
@artsyebonyrose Год назад
what you said about fat distribution really rang true for me but on the other side of the coin. i'm afab nonbinary and have been becoming more and more dysphoric about my hips. i didn't have obvious hips growing up as a teen, and i've always been on the smaller side so "womanly" features never really developed on me in areas like my hips. but post-2020 i gained a bit of weight for the first proper time in my life, as well as maybe some belated puberty bc i turned 18 at the start of 2020. as time goes on i've noticed more and more how the fat distribution falls to the places i want it the least. my face (for non gender related reasons), my hips, my bum, my thighs, my chest even. some days i like those attributes on me, but most days i don't and i find myself hiding in clothes and feeling dysphoric. its really interesting hearing the same sort of issue but on the amab side of things!
@keyboarddancers7751 Год назад
Human physiology does not conform to gender ideology.
@theocyberskunk4815 Год назад
Thank you very much for this video. I am an AMAB non-binary person and often I don't feel valid as such due to my appearance, which although it is an androgynous appearance very similar to yours, my insecurities make me think that I do not look androgynous enough. My dysphoria is mostly reflected in my facial and body hair, I often don't grow much hair on my face and would shave my legs if it wasn't such a pain to do once a month. Also sometimes it makes me want to have breasts and other times that feeling of breast dysphoria is not so intense. I must say that after watching your video and the confidence you have in yourself, I have much more gender euphoria and I feel much more valid as a non-binary person. Thank you very much and I hope you have a nice day. :)
@tuylosotroslgbt9414 2 года назад
I do have some dysphoria from my male characteristics, I'm mostly hairy and bear like and i'd like to look a lot more femenine but I'm unsure about doing HRT since i don't want to loose my sex drive or the way my genitals work so far, I guess i can have my body hair removed and dress a bit androgynous so I can ease my dysphoria a bit.
@SamDowney 2 года назад
Do whatever makes you feel comfortable!! It's not worth it to not live your life to the fullest 💛 I validate you !
@andreja9425 2 года назад
I feel you on the “functionality” fears associated with HRT. I haven’t started hormones yet because it’s been hard to find a way to access them in my state but I had similar fears. I wound up storing sperm through a service called Dadi and it has been super helpful with alleviating some of those fears. I hope soon to begin my medical transition and I hope whatever you decide will give you happiness. If you want you can look into the service and see if it’s right for you! Good luck no matter what tho!
@wren5146 2 года назад
Hey btw I learned recently that a Safety Razor is waaaaaaaaay better than the modern plastic razor heads. They are old school but each new replacement blade is only like 5 cents each and lasts like 3-5 uses. So they are way cheaper and apparently cause less razor burn. So I’m gonna buy one and switch to a safety razor to save money bc I don’t like letting facial hair grow out too much. I also heard safety razors work for shaving legs too.
@modeschar 2 года назад
2:55 this right hurr... This is what I needed to hear
@catbloxer 5 месяцев назад
I checked your channel description and you started hrt on my birthday What a coincidence! 😁
@pumpkinspicegaming116 Год назад
I was born male and identified male for most my life until a couple years ago when I started identifying with demiboy pronouns. I've never really been comfortable with how masculine I looked with my body, my receeding hairline in my 20s, and how I've sounded with my voice but it never really started to physically burden me until even more recent. I've wanted to pursue hrt to get a more feminine physique, but I always felt like I would be appropriating mtf transfolk and taking resources from them when I didn't even have serious dysphoria, until now I guess. I've discussed this with trans friends and they were always so supportive. They believe that I may be nonbinary, but I'm still not even sure myself. I still use he/ They, but I don't feel comfortable as a guy, so I dunno. I'm going to be starting therapy for all this soon and I hope I can get this figured out
@magentafox1657 Месяц назад
I honestly don't know much about my dysphoria and I'm not sure if I want to medically transition. Right now it's at "if I think too much about it I get dysphoric" but social transition has really really helped with most of it even though I'm not fully out yet and still get deadnamed and misgendered frequently
@ReeMeePlee Год назад
Thanks Sam I appreciate hearing others talk about this especially from an AMAB perspective really helping me be okay with myself :')
@WellRoundedWoodsman 3 месяца назад
I'm what most consider a burly bigger guy who loves being the way that I exist and I don't want a transformation but I also have discovered an affirmed dysphoria, and my trans friends who I've met through a combination of existing relationships and online friends who affirm the way I feel say I'm in an "enviable position" regarding not wanting surgery affirmation. NB or ENBY is a new concept but I can personally say that it is real and it fits so may people and it needs to be explored. The very gender binary needs to be explored and validated or restructured. This act will positively change humanity as we know it. It Kinda sucks going through life being called sir or ma'am and the English language needs more diversity in words. I've also found that I address my friends as other gendered terms, like "Heck yeah my friend, or Congrats friend, because I subconsciously don't want to offend by misgendering anyone.
@fighterpilotdragon02 Год назад
Afab agender/gendervoid here. Having a body in general is frustrsting, but most dysphoria centers around having boobs and periods. Does not help that i live in a super christian family, so even tho they are accepting, ish, im nervous to get breast reduction/top surgery
@Jesswithponies 2 месяца назад
Hi fellow afab aroace agender 🧡💛🤍💚🤍🩵💙
@Peaceful_Days 2 года назад
For me it's my face that gives me dysphoria. I want to do lazer hair removal and FFS. If my hair starts receding, I will take finasteride. I can relate to Pete Burns. I'm not sure if I need HRT, because I'm happy with everything except masculine facial features and facial hair.
@SamDowney 2 года назад
Totally valid !! HRT is not mandatory for anyone to identify as Trans and non binary ! Everyone's transition is different !
@dgiablotin 7 месяцев назад
I’m 33 and only came out as nb a year ago and the dysphoria just gets worse the more I accept it in some ways. I’m very masc but I want to be pretty and graceful but my body is just so male and large and horrible 😢
@redandblack2455 2 года назад
I'm non-binary and I also work with queer, trans, enby youth, and this is so accurate and validating!
@fiercedietyfan 2 года назад
Thanks for this video was super helpful yo!
@shahjmir 2 года назад
you're a rockstar
@antonioj.m.d.6428 Год назад
Me encantas !!!! 💘💘
@marcielynn4886 7 месяцев назад
I still don't get it!
@missalisa-i2i 2 года назад
This is an older video but all I want to say is just be you. cis-gendered male or female, gay or lesbian (every cis-gendered male is probably lesbian for the simple expediency they like women- does that make every woman gay then because they crave a guy. So there are gays there are lesbians then you will find tranvestites crossdressers (name me a man who does not love the silky feeling of putting on his partners silky panties etc.) and drag queens/artists there are of course 2 swingers they can come from any of the above groups. I am me and I have late on in life found my group if you like. On HRT now and have never been happier so yes I am a transgendering person M2F.
@UmbraStarWolf 3 месяца назад
Hi my gender dysphoria Manifests with my facial hair body hair, voice and hair I want my hair to not be bald but I don’t want boobs. My voice sounds like a dying whale I have no genital dysphoria
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