
Non-Duality Explained Simply 

Alex Shailer
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#nonduality #enlightenment #awakening
Non-Duality Meaning
Awakening, Non-Duality, non duality, non-dual awakening, mental health, emotional release, anxiety, panic attacks, healing, trauma, shadow work, Rupert Spira, Mooji, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Parsons, oneness, The Universe, spirituality, spiritual awakening, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Advaita, Advaita Vedanta



15 окт 2024




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@jamestranmer6839 Год назад
In non-dual awareness, also known as spiritual enlightenment or self-realization, the individual experiences a sense of unity and interconnectedness with all of existence. There is a realization that there is no separate, individual self, and that the ego, or sense of individuality, is an illusion. In non-dual awareness, there is a letting go of the dualistic way of thinking, in which everything is perceived as being separate and distinct from everything else. Instead, there is a recognition that everything is interconnected and interdependent, and that all labels and boundaries are ultimately illusory. This realization can bring about a deep sense of peace, joy, and understanding, as the individual sees through the illusion of separation and suffering. There may also be a sense of the sacred and the divine in all things. Non-dual awareness is often described as a state of consciousness beyond the mind, where the individual experiences a deep sense of unity with all of existence. While non-dual awareness is often associated with spiritual traditions, it is not necessarily tied to any particular religion or belief system. It is a state of consciousness that can be experienced by anyone, regardless of their background or beliefs. It is often said to be the true nature of the self, and is sometimes referred to as "awakening," "enlightenment," or "self-realization." One of the main ways in which quantum mechanics challenges classical conceptions of reality is through the concept of superposition. In classical mechanics, objects have definite properties (such as position and momentum) that are independent of measurement. In contrast, according to quantum mechanics, the act of measurement itself can affect the properties of a quantum system. For example, the position and momentum of a subatomic particle cannot be known with complete precision at the same time, due to the uncertainty principle. This leads to the phenomenon of superposition, in which a quantum system can exist in multiple states simultaneously. For example, an electron can be in multiple energy levels at the same time, or a particle can be in multiple locations at once. This is in contrast to classical mechanics, in which an object can only be in one state or location at a time. The concept of superposition has profound implications for our understanding of the nature of reality. It suggests that the objects we observe in the everyday world, which seem to have definite properties, may actually be more like waves of probability that only "collapse" into definite states when we observe them. This has led some philosophers to argue that our common-sense understanding of the world is an illusion, and that the true nature of reality at the quantum scale is fundamentally unknowable. Another way in which quantum mechanics challenges classical conceptions of reality is through the phenomenon of entanglement. This occurs when two or more particles become "linked" in such a way that the state of one particle can affect the state of the other, even if they are separated by large distances. This non-local behavior seems to contradict the principles of classical physics, which hold that physical interactions can only occur through direct contact or via some kind of intermediary. The phenomenon of entanglement has also been used to argue that there may be deeper connections between seemingly unrelated physical systems, and that the concept of "separate" objects may be an illusion. Some philosophers have suggested that the concept of "object" itself may be a human construct, and that the true nature of reality may be more akin to a interconnected web of relationships. Overall, the relationship between quantum mechanics and philosophy is a complex and ongoing one, with many philosophers and scientists continuing to explore the implications of this powerful and enigmatic physical theory.
@katmastroianni557 Год назад
Thanks for that!
@Trewave777 10 месяцев назад
Great explanation!!! You got IT you are it I am You!! Thank you 💚
@objectreborn.artsewing 5 месяцев назад
Damn you said that so well. Thank you 🩵✌️
@Peaceful45 5 месяцев назад
Nice views. But non duality or Advaita or oneness is just about being awareness I am. It's not complicated. When u believe and accept that it's all one then everything else just fades away. It's switching on the light in a dark room.
@iloveubcuziamu 3 месяца назад
It can be fun to study the complex inner workings of the cotton candy machine, while knowing at any point you can just reach inside and enjoy the sweetness all the same.
@bjk7797 Год назад
We are all interconnected .
@gud3742 Год назад
You know what happened when the non duality military gave LSD to soldiers to make them better killers? The soldiers refused to fight each other because they experienced too much love.
@samstits8982 Год назад
That’s beautiful
@timothyammons9011 Год назад
“The Men Who Stared at Goats”
@kx7500 8 месяцев назад
What are your thoughts on people that don’t have these kinds of affects with psychedelics?
@gud3742 8 месяцев назад
@@kx7500 Go try some psychedelics. Some high dose, really powerful psychedelics. That shit will completely mind fuck you. To the point that you will look at your web of beliefs and you will be like WTF is this? This is just ridiculous. This is like kindergarden bullshit.
@kx7500 8 месяцев назад
@@gud3742 I’ve already done that.
@gadeonmusic Год назад
Past and future don't exist. The only thing that actually exist and we can experience is the present. Much love for everyone struggling with something out there. You are not alone.
@Andrew-hx9tz Год назад
I mean maybe but we are beholden to our past and future. I don't understand how this is not just lying to ourselves to feel better in the moment. You can live in the moment and also consider the reality of your choices and the ramifications of them. How does this play into spirituality?
@billiejean1495 10 месяцев назад
I can fully understand and see how we can rescue ourselves from suffering. But how do we rescue others that are suffering? Those who cannot stand up for themselves.....For example...the animal kingdom. Especially those who we have chosen as food source. The saddest thing that I can imagine... is passing on from this world and knowing that the animals are still being slaughtered by the billions every single day....just so that humans can eat their flesh. How do we save them? I do not want to pass until I see this change in the world. No more eating animals and drinking their secretions and wearing their fur. A full Vegan world. That is my wish. Can you tell me what I can do to make it happen?
@JR-xo5jp Год назад
For me non duality is our reason to be here .i am not willing to accept negativity i am mindful of what thoughts stay with me .i make My essence love and gratitude.i try live in the moment .i defend My self from seeking instant gratification and maybe it waa coldrisge who said " When the flower bears fruit there is no going back ." Love and mindfulness becomes a habit that lets light Enter and one truly connects with the true wonders on offer not the bribes of darkness
@jamestranmer6839 Год назад
Wonderful words!:)
@oneconsc3333 Год назад
There are a lot of “I’s” in there. Who is experiencing all this?😁🙏🏼
@JR-xo5jp Год назад
@@oneconsc3333 You tell me ?
@PaulMcDonagh-rv6vc Год назад
Agree. I keep it very simple: All negativity comes from the unreal, the mind. All of beauty and love is who we are. Anything negative we hear from within = is a lie.
@crimsonhermit Год назад
toxic positivity is the answer
@piabandara5312 Год назад
Thanks...I loved the music
@sahamal_savu Год назад
Thank you for sharing a bit about your past, it mirrors my current situation quite well. I find myself at the end of a 25 year relationship and also trying to work through childhood trauma. I became interested in non-duality teachings several years ago but have only recently had what some might call an awakening. Thank you again for creating these videos, they are a great help to me and many others I'm sure. 🙏
@wisconsinfarmer4742 Год назад
Turns out to be a common challenge leading to further seeking
@swayp5715 4 месяца назад
Thank you ❤ This was great and very helpful.
@Peaceful45 5 месяцев назад
You have presented it in a nice simple way no high sounding words. In India on the path of spirituality of advaita vedanta we accept i am..i am that. I am brahman. Aham bramhasvi. When we switch on the light in a dark room the ignorance fades away and there is only pure knowledge. Self realisation.
@mikebucur8461 Год назад
Ι love your content man. Great job!!
@gud3742 Год назад
Schizophrenia is like an extreme form of openmindedness. Your mind/consciousness is so abnormally open that reality itself becomes less material and more fluid - similar to being on mushrooms. This kind of openness correlates with high creativity because a lot more novel ideas are floating into your field of consciousness. But your mind is so open that these ideas literally start to morph your material world. A coffee table could start talking to you and giving you novel ideas. The trade-off is that your mind is less buttoned-up, so it literally starts to feel like you're going insane.
@sentientexplorer Год назад
I have often thought that perhaps schizophrenia is a symptom of a thinning of the veil via DMT and that DMT regulates our experience of reality. Maybe Schizophrenics produce more DMT than the average person hence their altered perception of reality. Only a thought.🙏
@Andrew-hx9tz Год назад
At that point I think it is safe to say that one is. Reality is what happens without you right?
@gud3742 Год назад
@@Andrew-hx9tz Reality will always give you what you want or something better with a delay. The only thing that seperates real life from a dream is that in a dream when you go lucid and you intend to experience something, it just appears immediately. In Finding Nemo, Marlin loses his son. He is caught by a fisherman uh or a scientist and he's like taken away on a boat and the point of the movie is that we're trying to find Nemo. That's what Marlin wants to find. His son. Now the problem here is that Marlin doesn't know how to find his son but he just knows Beyond The Shred of a doubt that he's going to find his son because he's a dad and he lost his only son. So his whole life he knows for a fact, his heart and his mind have come into Union, they've both agreed that 100% we're going to find our son but I don't know how. So this is the same for you with your goal. You want something 100% for sure without a doubt but I don't know how I'm going to get it. That's okay normally you don't have to know how to get something. All you need to know is the first step. This is exactly how reality creation works. You hold your goal (P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney) in your mind and then you trust that the universe is going to take you there in its own mysterious way. Trust the universe that it's going to bring you to your goal but you won't know how. On the surface it's going to seem like everything is falling apart but once you look back you're going to say oh I actually needed to go through that failure because now I'm successful but I couldn't have been successful without that failure. You say oh this is going to bring me to my goal and you just kind of affirm to yourself that the Universe looks out for me and that the universe is on my team and is helping me manifest what I want. You want to be like Dory. You want to have radical trust in the universe and you want to hold in your mind your vision. That's why she keeps repeating P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney over and over again. Hold your vision in mind and trust that whatever happens you're gonna be brought there. That's how you create your reality using your imagination. Go after your goal in the same way that you go to get the post from the letterbox. Stop imagining the post to be a problem and simply put one foot in front of the other in the direction of the letterbox. Any goal you have if you can think and feel about it the same way as you do when you go to get your post from the mailbox then it's a done deal. (P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney) 📬📮
@Andrew-hx9tz Год назад
@@gud3742 there is a difference between dreams and reality. One is imagining something is happening and the other is something actually happening. Your experience may feel real but it isn't. This is fine if it was just you and your experience but it isn't. Other people have lives outside of you that depend on you. You can't just live the dream. As for the prediction that reality will give you what you want or something better is like saying it is gonna rain. Just because it rained doesn't mean it was ordained. People die in suffering. I could die tomorrow. Given time everything will change and that may land on better. It typically does because we are all human and it's all designed around humans. The problem is we have very limited time to make these things happen for ourselves.
@gud3742 Год назад
@@Andrew-hx9tz The difference between a kangaroo and a terrorist is imaginary. When you realise that's an imaginary difference then you can love the kangaroo 🦘 and the terrorist 💥 identically
@bambammoody 2 месяца назад
This so resonates. Indeed we are all Gods. Sons and Daughters of the Most High ❤️. Remember the Light of God is always victorious and you/I/we are that Light!❤
@mysmartieteevee3036 4 месяца назад
Nice talk, great content. Now how do I implement all these into my daily life? After listening to this, I still need to get dressed, go to work, eat, pay my rent and bills.....etc...
@goldmundchen Год назад
Damn bro; that hit hard. As Einstein wisely put it: "We followers of Spinoza see our God in the wonderful order and lawfulness of all that exists and in its soul as it reveals itself in man and animal." -- Or in other words: "God not behind nature, but as nature, equivalent to it." Non-duality in the limit.
@AlexShailer Год назад
I love this! Thanks for the comment. It's so relevant.
@awarenessnow5965 Год назад
Yes, all man-made religions introduce dualities in their world-view which typically begin with Creator (God) and Creation being separate. This is how our mind works. There is you and me, here and there, them and us, yesterday and tomorrow, good and bad, and so on. From the "non-dual perspective" there is no need to label Creator and Creation as separate, but creation and creator are seen as one and as beyond words...
@rogercanik1925 Год назад
@@awarenessnow5965 What about Buddhism which is based on non-dualistic concepts?
@Andrew-hx9tz Год назад
@@awarenessnow5965 This just sounds like convenience that it is beyond words because then nothing ever has to be defined and then nothing can ever be truly understood. Also there is the reality that there is no creator and creation and you and me and here and there and them and us and yesterday and tomorrow etc. are all just simultaneous and of the same concept which is weird cause I think we agree there? I am very confused about all this I think.
@erwinhartzuiker7622 Год назад
@@Andrew-hx9tz Hi Andrew. We humans invented words to label something. For instance people talk about "God", or talk about "Nature", or talk about "Love" etc.... It seems convenient to use such words, but actually my point is that we have NO CLUE what we are saying. We believe that words accurately summarize something that we can know , but what does that mean? What is "Nature" or "God" actually? Because we use words all the time, we think we "know" something. But very likely the interpretation of person-A may be very different from person-B when he or she talks about Nature, or God, or Love. So my point is that words are just labels and mean nothing in the end. Yet: we live the experience of air, sky, water, sunlight, people; Life is Real! This is beyond words, as words are just something we made up. Another way of saying this: millions of years before we invented words, all of Life and Universe already existed. No words were needed! They exist beyond words... You and I exist beyond words and whatever we or others think...🙂 This is most wonderful and beautiful to realize.
@Sterling4025 5 месяцев назад
Alex wonderful job. Is there a link to the background music in this video?
@gud3742 Год назад
How would you react if all the sudden your coffee table started to talk to you? Would you be open to listening, or would you freak out and run to the doctor to put yourself on meds to suppress it? Most people would freak out because they don't have a proper context for it. Under the materialist paradigm the only context is that you're going insane. But if you understand how consciousness works then there's really nothing wrong about it, you just have an extra-open mind.
@BeautybyRoxie Год назад
😅 Did that happen to you? We're you on mushrooms?
@thechemistamvs5033 Год назад
Unless of course you are experiencing an episode schizophrenia which is a problem with the brain.
@wisconsinfarmer4742 Год назад
Naw, it is all an elementary game. for some it is your kitty, others a pillow.... ad infinitum
@Andrew-hx9tz Год назад
I would be like woah that's neat and talk to the table and also be skeptical of my sanity as I do it. I also think all of this humans are special crap is just lying to ourselves. Idk where that puts me or how this non-duality stuff works.
@august1871 Год назад
@@Andrew-hx9tz Love your post because I could see myself writing it just a few years ago. So I'll reply with what I would have told myself to try and point at what non-duality is. Keep in mind that words do not capture it fully and often don't make sense literally. Non-dual awareness says nothing about the human experiencing it, other than the fact that they *do*, and does not imply we are 'special' in any way. It says the opposite. There is no "you" or "me" or anyone or anything else as a distinct entity. Everything is all one whole. Non-duality is the recognition that all separation that the mind perceives is a confection. There is no you, yourself. There are no trees, themselves. There is no spoon, itself. There is no yesterday, today, or tomorrow. It is all one inter-connected state of all things being the whole. All of it. Everything, everywhen, everyone. All at once and everywhere for eternity. The only reason you need to be human to understand it right now is because right now you "are" human, and are dealing with the limitations that our biology beholds us to, smart as we are. There is no specialness about you, or me, or anyone or any "thing". All things are one. Except there are no "things"... You can see why words are tricky here. All is one. When you finally see it it's painfully obvious how it could be no other way, like hearing the punchline to the greatest joke ever told. We are all the beginning and the end. Always and one.
@phyllishumes8431 3 месяца назад
What are spiritual exercises for duality? I love this ...awareness.
@BjarkiLOL Год назад
very beautiful, sending love from Iceland!! I really appreciate you and this video my friend. Love you.
@AlexShailer Год назад
Appreciate you too friend!
@christinatodd3912 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. I appreciate this explanation. 💛
@nameless-yd6ko 2 месяца назад
Awareness that you are dreaming, while dreaming, is called Lucidity, lucid dreaming. Not lucid dreaming means that you cannot fly or breathe under water. Lucidity means that you can!! Your 'reality' becomes 'expanded' until unlimited. The Truth certainly does 'set one free'! ;)
@TheObserver3 Год назад
You are love and you are loved ✌️
@drsdm23 Год назад
great sayings thanks Alex
@obscureesoteric7213 Год назад
Me and a friend had a long conversation about duality and nonduality. I tried explaining that nonduality could exist without duality because it does, but he thinks they coincide almost but not quite like Ying and yang. He acknowledges that nonduality is the entire symbol not just the two sides but said there would be no symbol without the duality meaning nonduality cannot be, and that's where I disagreed. What do yall think?
@777xino Год назад
In deep sleep there is no time, no space, no world, no you nor me, and yet the potential to awaken from sleep is present. If I poke you while you are in a deep sleep state, something will register a vibration, and awakening will happen. This means “something” is present that is not in itself an object in space-time. Stillness stirs and movement appears or the unmanifest becomes manifest. In effect, duality arises out of non-duality just as the state of restlessness arises from a state of rest. They are not-two but two aspects of ‘One’ Being. Duality is dependent on that which is prior to its appearance, but whatever that is (call it whatever you like) does not require the presence of duality for it to be. Therefore, you are correct. Non-duality is self-existent in the sense that it does not depend on duality for it to be. Non-duality is not a concept. It is made into a concept when we speak about it. It is what the mind does; make nothing into something. Duality is a creation of thought that divides the essentially indivisible. Therefore, from the point of view of the dualistic mind, Non-duality ‘as a concept’ cannot be without duality. However, non-duality has no need for a symbol. Only the dualistic mind needs symbols and words to communicate ideas. This process of conceptualizing does not reduce the reality of what we are into a concept. Though I am using words like “it” “something” or “be” we must be very clear that the reality of non-duality (our natural state) is not a phenomenal thing or definable object in time. I hope this helps.
@obscureesoteric7213 Год назад
@@777xino yes it does, very well said. You explained it in the most simple way possible and even better than I can. I've only experienced non-duality in the void and understand my words are simply not enough to fully express this truth. I see how people who haven't gained the awareness can still think in a dualistic way, doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong but the element of the absolute is always missing.
@777xino Год назад
@@obscureesoteric7213 The funny thing is, “the element of the absolute is always missing” is why seekers find this whole business so confusing. Most seekers ask questions without realizing their incapacity to receive the answers. They ask about what is essentially timeless and formless from the relative, and personal standpoint of time and space. Knowing no other reality than the relative realm of name and form, they expect or demand the answers to their questions to be reduced to the level of objective experiences. In their ignorance, they believe what is applicable to the manifest world they know must also apply to the unmanifest. This is one of the reasons seekers remain confused and frustrated. Paradox is the language of truth but to the dualistic mind, to hear apparently nonsensical or contradictory statements like, “it is and it isn’t” or “the true self is no self,” or “nothing appears as everything,” etc. just makes no sense and they fail to appreciate what is being pointed to. Enlightenment is the recognition of the nature of your own being. It is that simple. And as far as I am concerned, everybody knows they are present and aware and therefore do not need to engage in any special practices, or believe in any system of thought, or belong to any spiritual tradition to know the simple fact that they are. Clarity into their true nature and their true identity must come first, then they can follow whatever practise, path, or process without the danger of being misled or exploited by pseudo gurus, etc. I know far too many people whose lives have been abused through misplacing their trust. Too many seekers are expecting a dramatic event in some future time they call “Awakening” “Enlightenment” or Self-Realization” (which are some of the most misleading concepts being offered in the spiritual marketplace) without realizing they are already awake. It is our natural state; ever available and verifiable. Unfortunately, the significance of their natural state is not appreciated because to the mind that loves content and drama, an “empty sky” does not hold its interest or attention.
@obscureesoteric7213 Год назад
@@777xino I never met you, yet I know you. I recognize we can only keep our eye focused on the light, so that it may shine even through us, the "empty sky" and reveal truth so that the darkness may become light.
@777xino Год назад
@@obscureesoteric7213 Amen! 🙂🙏
@anandanabila8439 Год назад
I am looking to God wth his own eyes everything is one
@hemlighet Год назад
Really important video. Thank you 🙏❤
@Mylove_94 Год назад
You got me I just subscribed ❤
@AlexShailer Год назад
Welcome Shelly!
@bh9262 2 месяца назад
What does non-duality mean exactly?
@justaguylikeu Год назад
Thankyou my man.
@shaunguffey9199 9 месяцев назад
There is no duality. Only unity. Only Love. Only our Father in Heaven. Anyone choosing not to be part of that, will simply be no more, described in the Bible as the second death.
@martinshannon7632 Год назад
Thanks from uk
@AlexShailer Год назад
@clarencehui9448 Год назад
Thank you for your video! It is so honest and compassionate. I look at the comments on videos like this and find that most of the seekers or individuals interested in spirituality so smart and so tuned in. I am not. Question: do you not you have one foot in duality and the other in non-duality?
@777xino Год назад
That is a lovely question because ultimately it is about balance, harmony, and unity; just as it is in the natural world. Most people are entangled in and lost within the world of duality. They hold onto one extreme because they are ignorant of the ‘realm’ of Non-duality. They know no other world but the world of names and forms in time and space. They lack balance, and whatever is out of balance inevitably ends up dysfunctional or destroyed. The other extreme is to hold onto the absolute point of view that dismisses and/or disparages the relative world of things and people, etc. This may be called, “getting lost in emptiness.” In other words, they hold onto the dangerous view that the world is an illusion without meaning or purpose. They fail to realize that the world of duality is not separate from Non-duality. They are not-two. It is important not to hold onto any extremes. In my opinion, the “spiritual life” is best expressed when one never loses sight of both realities but respects them in equal measure. For the practical aspects of our life, we can fulfill the need or demand of the moment but never forget the reality that supports and holds this life together. A life lived in accord with our full potential is a dance between the relative and the absolute, following the ebb and flow of a seamless stream of experiences.
@clarencehui9448 Год назад
@@777xino Thank you very much for your thorough and clear answer! That's very helpful!
@777xino Год назад
@@clarencehui9448 🙏
@55tranquility Год назад
thanks 🙏
@1rocknroy 11 месяцев назад
Fantastic video except the SURF and MUSIC as well as the kite distractions. Do you think we need to be pacified in order to be receptive to your message? I almost gave myself a headache trying to hear your voice.
@AlexShailer 11 месяцев назад
I was on the roof of an off-grid eco village at the time without many places to record without noise. AI noise reduction is good now
@Charles-allenGodwin 7 месяцев назад
Reality/Life = That which is/That I am That which is (Life), that is nothing in particular (actual), is by definition everything in general (potential). By definition there can be only one all-inclusive Absolute Being (Life), in which all relative beings live, move and have their Being. It is the nature of Life, the All in One in All, to function/serve as a diversified unity of infinite potential, eternally actualizing as a unified diversity or Uni-verse.
@claudiad7654 Год назад
so when u realize its just a dream u live life more freely? What exactly happens?
@AlexShailer Год назад
To answer your question think about what happens (or what would happen) when you go lucid in a dream. It's just that this reality is denser and things take more time
@wisconsinfarmer4742 Год назад
I never understood the term. Realized oneness while being in a "dualistic" illusion. y'all are getting there.
@lynneSpiration Год назад
Being separate is the illusion. Everything rests in this moment. Our real selves is no-thing. You're true make up is literally quarks and gluons vibrating at incredible high frequencies creating mass. That is the basic building blocks of all life. Vibration. When the person begins operating within the quantum field this awareness becomes your experience. Your actions, thoughts, begin to shift toward love and kindness. That's what you are. An expression of love.
@wisconsinfarmer4742 Год назад
pretty much sums up my thoughts@@lynneSpiration
@jamestranmer6839 Год назад
Thankyou for the wonderful video😁😁😁
@ianmarconi Год назад
Came hare because of the art
@zachf5778 Год назад
Very fascinating video. This might be a stupid question, but it seems like you didn't really define non-duality. You did mention that it is beyond concepts, words and meaning... but what confuses me is the following. Non-duality is itself a dualistic concept (i.e., the negation of duality), so how can "the world" be non-dual? Even saying that "the world" IS non-dual is itself dualistic (being vs non-being, or is vs is not). It seems like there's a similar problem when you discuss infinity and indivisible oneness... you have infinite vs finiteness and indivisible vs divisible. Even when we talk about "experiencing oneness", how can that possibly happen? As soon as you have "experience", you no longer have oneness. So what's really being stated here? Related follow-up but potentially different: How does variation seem to appear in a non-dual framework? It seems like things have different properties and natures but that can that be the case in non-duality? Some things feel warm, some things feel cold.... some things feel smooth, some things feel rough... etc. But these things are not different from one another? Or what exactly? Apologize for the sloppy language. It's really challenging to formulate these questions.
@AlexShailer Год назад
Ultimately, you cannot define Non-Duality, because what it's pointing to is beyond all definitions. It's like trying to point to a canvas with paint on the canvas. The canvas is what gives the paint its reality. Non-Duality isn't saying that apparent forms and dualities aren't real, it's saying that what underlies those appearances is a single indivisible field of aware presence. There is a single indivisible Non-Dual reality underlying all apparent dualities. This can never be understood by the mind, but it can be obvious when the mind stops trying to chop it up into pieces and grasp it, then the naked reality can be revealed.
@raycosmic9019 Год назад
Reality = That which is/That I am (Life) That which is, that is nothing in particular (actual), is by definition everything in general (potential) - the All in One in All, thus, the one Absolute Being in which all relative beings live, move and have their Being. Love is the recognition of our shared Being. Life functions consciously and unconsciously simultaneously. Therefore, consciousness is how something does something (adverb) - not what something is (noun).
@AlexShailer Год назад
@raycosmic9019 Год назад
@@AlexShailer 💝
@nameless-yd6ko 2 месяца назад
1) great grafix, duuude! ;) 1) The essence of non-duality must be experienced to be Known, and IS experienced by the Saved/Enlightened/Mystic! Anyone can be 'Saved/Enlightened'!; "Born again" into the state of Unconditional Love = Salvation = Enlightenment = Heaven = Immortality "Heaven is at hand!" - Jesus Here! Now! Anything else is Hell! Unconditional Love is ALWAYS Known by It's Unconditional Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (Charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith... ALWAYS! "I and the Father are One!" "As I Am so can you be!" "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." -John 15:5 One with Christ = One with God! "What a man loves, he is. If he loves a stone he is that stone, if he loves a person he is that person, if he loves God - nay, I durst not say more; were I to say, he is God, he might stone me. I do but teach you the scriptures." - Meister Eckhart Heaven, Here! Now! It is the LIFE of the truly Saved displaying the Virtues of Unconditional Love that is the gospel, the Light in the darkness! “Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi and 1) The non-dual punchline is that all that 'exists' is Consciousness/Mind, and This takes up no space and no time, so existence is no more than a Planck moment, timeless. And 'space' is a Planck volume occupying no space. One 'blip' of Self Awareness, Consciousness knowing Mind and no more, never was. Talk about a Big Bang! ;) "The Laws of Nature are not rules controlling the metamorphosis of what is, into what will be (ie; Karma). They are descriptions of patterns that exist, all at once... " - Genius; the Life and Science of Richard Feynman All 'eternity' at once; Here! Now!! We, collectively, Universally, are Consciousness, each Being unique momentary Perspectives (Souls) of Mind! Mystically, Karma is the momentary (local) reflection of the Absolute Perfection/Balance of the One (ALL-inclusive) Universe (aka 'God', Consciousness/Mind, etc...)! Knowing, living this is the very essence of Faith! Whatever the moment brings is in perfect accord with the Universe/God, whether comfortable or not. Just accept the moment's Karma with Gratitude and never trouble yourself over Karma again! Acceptance is unconditional Love and Karma is 'God/Universe, etc...'. To accept Karma is to accept 'God', to become One with! "What a man loves, he is. If he loves a stone he is that stone, if he loves a person he is that person, if he loves God - nay, I durst not say more; were I to say, he is God, he might stone me. I do but teach you the scriptures." - Meister Eckhart With Love ;)
@my3rs307 Год назад
The ambience song name?
@AlexShailer Год назад
I used stock music from Pond5. I usually search "meditation" or something similar. I don't know the names
@Silentego Год назад
Great explanation
@EnlightenedCarnivore Год назад
From being asleep/hypnotized...to being Awake..within the dream. So simple yet so profound. And so difficult to realize after umpteen years of conditioning. 🙄 / 💖🙏💖 PS- Going back to a 'Proper Human Diet' helps more than you would ever imagine. It tends to return one to The Natural State of Consciousness. (See Ken Berry)
@AlexShailer Год назад
Ha, that makes sense my friend! Personally I've had my diet 100% plant based for 5 years now and my health is the best it's ever been. Peace! ❤️
@EnlightenedCarnivore Год назад
@@AlexShailer Whatever works, Amigo. 💪💖 / 💖🙏💖
@Andrew-hx9tz Год назад
is a proper human diet plant based? omfg i agree with like 99% of this but i dont see the point of the spirtual aspects. ive been plant based for 10 years. I feel like i discovered all this already and im confused that people dont already understand these concepts. I thought everyone was kinda like this. i thought we all kinda knew plants were the best things for humans. i thought we all kinda understand that there is a reality without us. I thought we all kinda thought that everything and nothing matters all at the same time depending on scope.
@EnlightenedCarnivore Год назад
@@Andrew-hx9tz I literally just watched this video. 👉The Perfect Human Diet - Exploring the obesity epidemic - FULL DOCUMENTARY. Let me know what you think, if you watch it. ✌🤓
@Andrew-hx9tz Год назад
@@EnlightenedCarnivore I generally think that following the American Food Pyramid recommendations are a bad idea for anyone esp back in the 80s. Canada has a much better one they introduced in 2019 that was entirely based on non biased studies. Pretty much all of the ones funded by the industries selling the products they wanted the government to promote as healthy. These were primarily meat dairy and egg industries. I think that carnivore diets are pretty much debunked as not good for humans at this point. The only version that makes sense are keto diets which are much easier to maintain on a non plant based diet. The people needing these types of intervention starvation diets are likely eating less food if they are on an ideal diet for them and they are drastically overweight to the point that the harm done is reduced compared to the harm their weight causes. I think that for the average healthy person this never makes sense unless you have a medical reason that you cannot eat other things like allergies. It would be like the average person with no gluten intolerances eating gluten free. It likely will just result in you eating more unnecessary processed foods. Which is the real problem and the reason that people that go whole food plant based and carnivore report similar experiences. The difference is if you weren't eating many plants and you transition too quickly you can upset your stomach due to the increased consumption of fiber which is the foundation for a good gut microbiome. Carnivore diets don't seem to offer these effects long term as evidenced by the myriad of people that go from 2 percent to 99 percent arterial blockage in 2 years at 45 on a carnivore diet. It also puts the body in ketosis long term if you don't consume enough carbs. This causes brain damage. The difference between one extreme and the other is the sheer variety of edible plant species that can cover all nutritional needs and the extreme limitation of the carnivore diet 99 percent of the public aren't eating organ meat often enough to get many of the vitamins and minerals...it's also disgusting not just culturally...but literally organ meat tastes bad. Either way vitamin c isn't a thing on a carnivore diet. I think we also can look back anthropologically and it's more compelling that we evolved by widening the variety of plants we could consume by learning to cook. This happened long before we could realistically hunt anything large enough that would allow us to rely heavily on that meat for survival. There is also an entire ethical argument of trading your life for the lives of a bunch of animals. Just feels inherently wrong. But that's my perspective. I didn't watch the whole thing to be fair but I've heard of it and know what it's about and watched maybe 10 mins of it. I might sit down and watch the rest for shits and giggles. This is generally my perspective on these topics though.
@kamalhwail2592 5 месяцев назад
This video is the straight dope on God. 👍
@sheikmunjah2241 Год назад
Thank you much!
@annewatkis5824 2 месяца назад
If there is nothing else but non duality, I’d rather be dead
@777xino Год назад
Non-duality means there is no separation between objective experiences, including thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and the reality that knows them. Non-duality is not a concept, but a fact, for you cannot have an object apart from the knowing element, call it whatever you like. It is only a pointer to the true life or reality within us. The pointers of non-duality tell us there is no separate self or person. There is no independent entity that has the power to exercise freewill. Not realising this to be the case, humanity lives in a conceptual realm based on imagination and not reality. Hence the confusion and problems suffered at the personal level that extends to the wider community and affect every society founded and structured on false premises.
@AlexShailer Год назад
Yes to everything you're saying. But just remember that "individual free will" and "no individual free will" is another duality. Peace ❤️
@jambonsambo Год назад
Your video would be better without the music and white noise stuff it's like trying to listen to someone explain something in a gale force wind
@AlexShailer Год назад
Try being a RU-vid coach on the road in Mexico. It's wild. Lots of variables. I'm doing my best 😂
@jambonsambo Год назад
@@AlexShailer keep it up the content is great all the same
@snakedogman 11 месяцев назад
That's because he IS standing in a gale force wind. ;)
@lukasengel Год назад
I wish that you will get rid of the noise or what you will call music so that people can hear you clearly
@AlexShailer 11 месяцев назад
Yeah I should have done something about it but I can't go back in time haha
@waltershumer4211 Месяц назад
Isn't this just positive nihilism? Doesn't it remove all meaning from life? Who cares if i or any of my family and friends live or die it's all a dream after all? Success and failure? All the same. Isn't this escapism? That said ,I understand that non-dualism is true at least materially and technically speaking. But that doesn't change the fact that it feels empty and meaningless. Thoughts?
@ilja857 Месяц назад
Don't overthink this garbage - it's simply a rebranding of the law of attraction. There is nothing new to it. The original law doesn't sell as good as it used to anymore so there is a need to spice things up from time to time. These people want your money.
@JapaneseSatori 8 месяцев назад
@benji-5796 Год назад
We aren’t more than what we are. When we die we are finished.
@AlexShailer Год назад
Of course you are free to believe that. Just remember that it's a belief.
@benji-5796 Год назад
@@AlexShailer I sure hope it’s wrong. Or shall I say I hope Krishnumarti and Osho’s beliefs are wrong.
@suraj22ish 28 дней назад
Non Duality is the ultimate red pill 💊
@ShockwaveZero Год назад
Instead of saying you are infinite, you are one it feels more correct to say there is no one.
@AlexShailer Год назад
You can say "there is no one" but I prefer to use "true self" over "no self" because a) they both refer to the same thing which is beyond any concept of true self or no self and b) it can be disorientating and disassociating for some people. They're both just pointers to the unspeakable Truth.
@thedoubler67 Год назад
​@@Andrew-hx9tz all this talk of non-duality is a pointing-to, it is not to sell you on a concept or a belief, it is ultimately to get us to let go, or in other words stop grasping for something to hold on to (which includes the concept of non-duality. Like koans, it's paradoxical and not something to be "gotten", much like one cannot look at their eye directly with that same eye.) It's not describing what is, but encouraging us to drop what isn't (all the stories and conceptualizations we put on top of "reality", which includes the concept of "reality" itself. The description isn't the same as what is being described, etc.) That being said, it also does not mean there's anything "wrong" with the grasping, as that is also part of "what is." How you "get" there is irrelevant, as you were always already there to begin with (or in other words, there was nowhere to get to in the first place). Spirituality is just another framework or overlay, so there's no inherent need for it.
@gud3742 Год назад
What ordinary humans consider to be "hallucinations" not really hallucinations (since everything is a hallucination), they are just God's imagination - Infinite Imagination - at work in non-ordinary states of consciousness.
@clairedenise111 Год назад
I am awareness, infinite, etc., but what sees this illusory world is not here. Clear seeing shows my existence is One. What is more than one is not real. And it disappeared to be engulfed by incredible One existence. As I returned to manyness, I laughed.
@chiptowers1 Год назад
There is the problem right there, Quote; " non-duality is an ancient pointer to truth" which has its roots thousand of years back into history," and it's that history that has confused the masses". Confusion, because it is said " the sense of personal self is an illusion". The moment spiritual teachers and their respective religions and beliefs enter into a Zen state to achieve sudden enlightenment, what they have seen or think they learned in Zen state, they believe its an illusion and its that believing its an illusion which has placed non-duality as oneness as the be all end all and in turn, confused themselves of the possibility of duality. Without a physical source forming the intelligent species, there is no awareness. Awareness cannot form a physical source. Therefore, that which formed the intelligent species is the fusing of elements formulae ( the imprinted knowledge) that initiated the iteration function which has a symbiotic relationship with biology, basically the human molecule. That is the intelligent species Duality, elements and biology symbiotic relationship, and it's not an illusion but because teachers and their respective religions have no clue how the intelligent species formed by a physical source, then they don't understand duality. Awareness, consciousness, peace and love etc cannot form an intelligent species form. The physical source is your presence, not your body and brain. Evolve thee!
@chazybrewster Год назад
Ram ram, beautiful 🙏✨🤍
@8brightside8 7 месяцев назад
Music is too loud. Thankful for closed captions.
@esroskesafos3533 8 месяцев назад
Did not understand it
@MOAON_AABE 5 месяцев назад
Psychedelics can help reach that oneness 😉
@jamestranmer6839 Год назад
You remind me of a young Alan Watts!
@AlexShailer Год назад
Alan Watts was my childhood hero
@phyllishumes8431 3 месяца назад
@hyperduality2838 Год назад
Duality creates reality! Duality (thesis, anti-thesis) creates or synthesizes reality (non duality) -- the Hegelian dialectic. "Always two there are" -- Yoda. Non duality is synthesized from duality -- teleology or a syntropic process. Teleological physics (syntropy) is dual to non teleological physics (entropy) -- the 4th law of thermodynamics!
@eskede4733 Год назад
I have no idea how there can be no separation.
@AlexShailer Год назад
You can't have any idea of it because it's the space that contains all ideas :)
@mirakor1 Месяц назад
Why do you think the sound behind your voice is indispensable? I got a headache just because of it. The subject of this video is interesting indeed, nothing else but your voice is necessary. Sorry. It's personal, No hard feelings.
@polarbear8188 Год назад
sorry mate, sounds like mumbo jumbo
@MarioGabrielJ02 10 месяцев назад
Its not watch Leo Gura what is death?
@godsciencecoffee7477 Год назад
Who are you?
@Softapplecore Год назад
@Dmc805 Год назад
@Daaaaangthatscold Год назад
@garymoore3446 Месяц назад
@JJ_Khailha Год назад
Erm, there are no people so they can’t all be one, as you say.
@AlexShailer Год назад
There are people -- relatively., There aren't people -- ultimately. Ultimately, there is only the absolute. A complete understanding is that there are both at once.
@JJ_Khailha Год назад
@@AlexShailer There is no relative or ultimate. That is separation. That is the dream.
@JJ_Khailha Год назад
@Water-Man There is no experience and there is no experiencer. There is no “you” with a capital “Y”. Trying to shoehorn concepts of non duality into a spiritual teaching is merely fuel for the hamster wheel. I know it makes sense to you but that is the problem, lol. There is no non duality or duality. It can’t be understood because everything is unknowing. When the dream ends it’s seen (by no-one) that there was never a dream or dreamer.
@joshcook9605 Год назад
@@JJ_Khailha this guy is making up nonsense, from his video it sounds like he has found a coping mechanism for his breakup.
@BiancaVie Год назад
The real you 😅 non duality=no thing has no purpose and the good news is you aren’t here …how tf can there be a real you and it’s illusory - there nothing really going on I mean ..like …Awareness is your only proof of the separation you conceive and is the reason you think it’s real- but it’s just another function of the apparent-it’s simple not complicated -you don’t need to rid yourself of anything or change anything you can’t anyway it’s just happening-you is concept 😂❤real and unreal simultaneously-it’s already this there is nowhere to get to no higher or lower self ..no self .. just this …not two..not one . Zero❤ This is it too- so -sent w/love to no one from
@mclarsen61 Год назад
Great content... poor sound quality 🤷
@Mimi-xs7gi Год назад
@remainertears 11 месяцев назад
This was fine until he started preaching dualism, awareness is an appearance in reality, the same as a thought or a feeling, its part of the dreamworld.
@AlexShailer 11 месяцев назад
No brother, common, you're just parroting. Calling "the dreamworld" implies duality: the dream and the dreamer. Calling it "simply this" implies a "that", or "not this". The highest message is silence.
@remainertears 11 месяцев назад
@@AlexShailer You can call "it" what you like,, dreamworld is a word and implies nothing, only a separate self can imply. No-thing is everything, empty/fullness. Not two.
@AlexShailer 11 месяцев назад
Who can call it what they like? There is no "me", right? So who are you referring to? I'm not here. It's all just what's appearing, right? And in that just appearing is two apparent people who don't exist, apparently debating duality. So what's your point? If you enjoy absolutist non-duality, just enjoy it brother.
@lambolim2178 Год назад
The worst thing to do is to explain non duality 😂
@dip1410 Год назад
I ask all non duality adviser to seat on 100° C frying pan and say.....I am not this body...😅
@Diablo-r9n 6 месяцев назад
You never clearly define what non-duality is. Why can't anyone give a simple explanation of non-duality without the new age non-sense?
@AlexShailer 6 месяцев назад
It's a stipulation that reality is not two. No subject+object, just this.
@Diablo-r9n 6 месяцев назад
@@AlexShailer Non-dualism is the concept that there is no fundamental distinction or separation between the divine, the self, and the rest of existence. It sees everything as interconnected and unified, rather than separate and distinct.
@barrydevine Год назад
loada pants
@AlexShailer Год назад
Existential pants I hope 🔥
@barrydevine Год назад
@AlexShailer "That's the thing about hope, it hides in all the darkest places"
@rebekanewbold507 Год назад
true self is no self...lets not draw trees bob ross haha
@AlexShailer Год назад
True self and no self are the same here yes
@rebekanewbold507 Год назад
@@AlexShailer OK, sorry this conditioning is a bit of a punk but luckily it sounds like there is no one there to take offense. Relief arises. ;)
@jorgefelino Год назад
There is no really you. That's not nonduality
@AlexShailer Год назад
No, that's one particular incarnation of the message. The separate self is an illusion in both, and then the difference is basically No Self, or True Self. They both actually point to the same thing, because whatever you say still isn't it.
@benji-5796 Год назад
@Water~Man I agree. It’s ridiculous. Without our body we are fanito.
@netsurfer3655 Год назад
The ring through the nose, self mutilation, makes me think this guy has just happened on yet another fad. Them and me - another duality.
@AlexShailer Год назад
Thanks for your observation ♥️
@MykolasGilbert Год назад
Thousands of years ago cannibals thought by eating their enemies they gained their strength! Just because something is thousands of years old doesn't mean it's valid. Non-Duality is just another unfalsifiable belief and no different than any other BALONEY religious belief that necessitates a giant leap of faith to accept, because in the accepting one gets to allay the ever consuming Human fear of dying as a finality!! Awakening is the equivalent of a blind faith acceptance when you think you've found the solution to your inherent unhappiness that's no different than a christian who has declared jesus as their personal savior, and when that doesn't work they try something else! And none of this crap really WORKS! Because it's CRAP!!
@AlexShailer Год назад
Non-Duality has nothing to do with belief. It is experiential. Jesus, Buddha, awareness, consciousness, have relative meaning and purpose, but they are also conceptual. Non-Duality goes beyond the conceptual and into direct experience. I would never tell you what you should believe. I only ask you to investigate what is True for YOU. By this process of enquiry, your true nature is revealed, and it was always the case. I never told you anything that wasn't already plainly obvious to you.
@MykolasGilbert Год назад
@@AlexShailer I'll tell you something! I've listened to many, many people expound on Non Duality and have yet to find anyone who actually can explain(including YOU) what it is except that OH you have to experience it? How the hell can a person say ND is a reality if they don't believe it? Just How does a person do a enquiry and come to a realization on ANYTHING that another person puts out there without BELIEF? AND Boy you have to go a long way to come to a realization that we are living in a Maya DELUSION!! Consciousness to me is simply a product of something NO Human can grasp, and that's Deep Time! We have no way as beings that only live roughly 80 years (when consciousness disappears) to understand what experientially the Cosmos has for multiple Billions of years and the constant changes it has for that much existence up to our point of emergence, but we know its called Evolution! And in my opinion you and all that you claim is NONSENSE. Non Duality is a belief based on NOTHING but a A priori and that's all you have, except a lotta arrogance to think that you are equal to the Cosmos by just meditating and thinking you are!! One day your going to come to the realization you were bullshitting yourself and that's your True Nature!
@MarioGabrielJ02 10 месяцев назад
@@MykolasGilbertWatch Leo Fura what is death he Will give you all answers
@MarioGabrielJ02 10 месяцев назад
@@MykolasGilbertLeo Gura
@MykolasGilbert 10 месяцев назад
@@MarioGabrielJ02 Unless Leo died and came back WHY would I believe he has ANY ANSWERS??? Only an arrogant person could think he has all the answers, and only a DOLT could think another DOLT possesses the unknowable!!
@Turbomane86 Год назад
Holy shit that was the longest word salad I have ever heard
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