
Nuremberg Day 218 Judgments 

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On the morning of Oct. 1, 1946, the Tribunal read the Judgment on the guilt or innocence of the individual defendants. 19 were found guilty on one or more counts of the Indictment. Three were acquitted: Schacht, Fritzche and von Papen.
After lunch on Oct. 1, 1946, Chief Justice Lawrence announced the sentences to the Defendants that were found guilty. Death by hanging: Goering, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Jodl, Kaltenbruner, Streicher, Rosenbeg, Frank, Frick, Sauckel, Bormann and Seyss-Inquart. Life: Hess, Raeder and Funk. Twenty Years: Speer and von Schirach. Fifteen years: von Neurath. Ten Years: Doenitz.
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1 мар 2009




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@loannaxxx8845 4 года назад
That wiped the Smirk off his face
@donnasmith8742 3 года назад
My grandmother lost almost everyone. They were living Warsaw poland. The calls and letters stopped after he invaded. Their names are in lots of the dead. The logs are with the countries he invaded and in the holocaust museum. Thousands of papers with names, tattoo numbers and the country they came from. The other column lists the date of death and what camp they died in.
@davidb2206 2 года назад
Where is the full, unedited video of the prisoners' final statements to the court? Seems there is a video on everything else except that segment. And no trial of the Soviet communists for the Katyn Massacre of 10,000 Polish officers?
@paulredinger420 4 года назад
Wasn't a Japanese Nuremberg trials like in Germany. Why wasn't the Japanese emperor charged at all?
@rachmawanatmajiperdana8866 4 года назад
They didn't even dare to charge Hirohito because it would spark revolution in Japan
@tboniusmaximus3047 3 года назад
japan got two nukes, punishment enough lol
@oldschoolfoil2365 3 года назад
The devil looks after its own
@sirtoast7788 3 года назад
The Japanese emperor himself wasn't charged, but his most important military generals were. There were actually trials called the Tokyo Processes in which several Japanese politicians were sentenced to death. The emperor is actually said to have had very little control over the politics in Japan during the war. Wether that is true or not, the aggressive Japanese nationalism didn't return after WW II so the trials seemed to work, i guess.
@mastrammeena328 2 года назад
Tokyo trials
@daemonvector46 3 года назад
The victor will not be asked if he told the truth
@lewistaylor2858 5 лет назад
I dont understand why Jodl was killed, for planning attacks? I mean what army doesn't do this? strange precedent to set, Manstein being sentenced in 1949 was ridiculous as well, the others like Goering and Speer deserved it but I don't think the Wehrmacht's officers were liable
@maddogoz08 5 лет назад
Well America did have a lot to do with the trials, and let's face it, they're the do as we say, and not as we do country
@johnhardman3 5 лет назад
He approved the killing of captured Allied troops (as did an SS kingpin, Helmut Knochen, who got away with it, and survived until 2010).
@lewistaylor2858 4 года назад
@@johnhardman3 Patton ordered no mercy to be shown to Germans and this caused a series of massacres to be committed in Italy, should he have been sitting their as well?
@khaosredcoc7122 4 года назад
he ordered to kill some russian prisoners. also he started war. anyway i think that for him the right sentence was life imprisonment.
@donnasmith8742 3 года назад
If you fight for an evil regime you are a war criminal. Plain and simple. He was fighting for Hitler’s racially pure war using genocide. He is guilty
@scarakus 4 года назад
'Waging Aggressive War', WTF kind of charge is that?
@MSM4U2POM 4 года назад
If you don't understand the basics here, you'd be better advised to keep quiet, mate. Comments like that just make you look a dick.
@ballkans 4 года назад
@@MSM4U2POM Well, the British and Americans did wage aggressive War by night bombing most of German cities, especially Dresden, killing civilians.
@MSM4U2POM 4 года назад
@@ballkans Incorrect. Article I of the UN General Assembly’s adoption of Resolution 3314 (XXIX) on the Definition of Aggression states that aggression is: "The use of armed force by a state against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another state". In other words, it is a leadership crime. The suspect must be in a position to effectively exercise control over, or to direct, the political or military actions of a state. You may have some difficulty proving that was the RAF and USAAF's intention in the allied bombing campaign, my friend.
@SFVnative 4 года назад
It means they tried to steal their neighbors' land, including throwing people out of their own homes that they paid for or inherited from their great grandparents. How would you like to have a bunch of Japanese soldiers or Hitler Youth brats pound on your door and tell you you have a half hour to get out because some of their civilians are moving in? Because they want more "lebensraum" and they're going to be the "master race." And if it's a farm you might even be a slave on your own plantation.
@scarakus 4 года назад
@@SFVnative All and any form of war is aggressive, even the war on your mind!
@andrewbyrdful 9 лет назад
I just noticed that, although the other guilty defendants are referred to by their full names at the end, Rudolf Hess is referred to as "Defendant Hess". I wonder why that is.
@berthalloway9953 4 года назад
Andrew Byrd I did not even catch that. Thank you
@rascallyrabbit717 3 года назад
Fuck that guy
@chuckweber542 3 года назад
@@rascallyrabbit717 lol
@oldschoolfoil2365 3 года назад
And so the devil looks after its own
@bobapbob5812 4 года назад
Very different from the scenes from Freisler's courts.
@aaronz7056 Год назад
What I wouldn't have given to have seen Freisler in that dock and his reactions to all the due process and so forth...
@TerranIsImba 12 лет назад
@FerrarifanV12 but you forget, WWII was Stalin's war. History has conveniently forgotten his crimes as he lead the charge against the fascists in germany.
@onegathers 12 лет назад
very true. speer was charming and intelligent, which his co-accused sauckel was not! speer argued a damage limitation case, and this proved a good tactic when inarticulate sauckel ended up facing the ultimate penalty when he did not. inside the 3rd reich by speer is a valuable historical document, but our albert's such a liar. and, like schirach, should have swung
@laurenspivack1903 4 года назад
Swung like Sauckel you mean? Schirach received 20 years
@bradleylowden558 3 года назад
You’re ignorant. Speer was genuine. Read his memoirs.
@halibut1249 2 года назад
@@bradleylowden558 - Speer got 20 years, a sentence based on the evidence available at the time. But information surfaced later that, if available in 1946, might have gotten Speer hanged. So it's more a case of the charges not being proven, rather than saying the man's innocent.
@thegreatestgeek2598 3 года назад
I know a lot of them had sun glasses on because of the bright lights in there faces (the reason there were bright lights in there faces was to help the cameras) but it just makes them look like they were hung over lol.
@tausa75 2 года назад
“There is nothing to be said in mitigation”
@paulredinger420 4 года назад
It was mostly a sham court. Then again the winners makes the rules.
@donnasmith8742 3 года назад
I’m all for bringing people to justice when they gone to the depths of depravity. But its not a contest on atrocities.
@kek7320 3 года назад
I couldn't get over the fact that they don't mention genocide just slave labour
@mogwaigremlin7188 5 лет назад
Isn't "waging aggressive war" the same thing as being a good soldier?
@srrlIdl 5 лет назад
Um, no? It means you start a war without the justification of self-defense.
@mogwaigremlin7188 5 лет назад
Has America ever waged a war in the name of "self-defense"?
@srrlIdl 5 лет назад
@@mogwaigremlin7188 FYI, Germany declared the war. They pretty much invited the Americans. I'm not acting like other countries have not started wars for their own territorial gain. But the concept of war of aggression emerged after WWI. Countries started to sign conventions, to prevent wars. Germany broke those agreements, that's what matters here.
@lewistaylor2858 5 лет назад
@@srrlIdl what about the war in Iraq? should every US officer be executed?
@srrlIdl 5 лет назад
@@lewistaylor2858 Poor analogy. As if every German officer was executed?
@tamar3218 Год назад
Criminals judging criminals. A sad theatre
@amccombalicer8473 3 года назад
Hard to prove conspiracy, RIGHT?
@antonellanonni6380 4 года назад
Excuse me, Fritz Sauckel & Albert Speer had both been found guilty on charges 3 & 4. Sauckel was sentenced to death by hanging & for Speer only 20 years imprisonment? What was the difference between them? If the crimes are the same, the sentence should be the same! The Law is the same for everyone, yes but when ever?
@richards8434 4 года назад
albert speer was veey intelligent man not sauckel this is the reason why speer had not to die for the american .
@muttley8818 4 года назад
Speer was cultured, charismatic and very intelligent. Sauckel was none of those.
@antonellanonni6380 4 года назад
@@muttley8818 I know very well that Speer was charismatic, more intelligent & eventually even more beautiful than Sauckel. But is an intelligent person less guilty than one who is not? In my opinion, the unintelligent person is easier to get carried away by the mass ideology while a man like Speer, with all his qualities, was perfectly aware of what he was doing! Think about it!
@muttley8818 4 года назад
@@antonellanonni6380 Of course I'm not saying it's right. I know how wrong it is. Unfortunately, in the 1940's that was the way of things.
@antonellanonni6380 4 года назад
@@muttley8818 Unfortunately...
@rangertommy Год назад
My question is why Bush II and his cabinet have not been brought up on similar charges. That would be practically as easy an open and shut case as some of these scoundrels.
@archieextra Год назад
8:17 why did Goering hide his face?
@captainamerica6525 4 года назад
The Soviet participation in these trials was ironic as they were as big in violations as the Nazis.
@tellinthatruth840 4 года назад
And what about the Americans? :D
@JoeyHowellArt 2 года назад
@@tellinthatruth840 atrocities by the Russians against the Germans in germanys invasion of Russia was pretty intense. But they deserved it for intruding into their home.
@pshenevilya466 Год назад
What the hell are you talking about? There was no binding of camps to factories producing shells, tanks. There were no prisoners forcibly driven to Krupp, Rheinmetall, BMW, Heinkel into slave submission. Where these workers are absolutely free in bestial conditions. I'm talking about prisoners of war and about those driven into slavery from the Eastern lands. Savagery and barbarity, European "highly developed" culture. Like the Spaniards, the Portuguese in Africa, America. Like the British and later the Americans in North America, like the Russians in Alaska - the destruction of the local aboriginal population in order to obtain material benefits. Everything is simple
@donnasmith8742 3 года назад
They got more than their victims did. They were given a trial and treated humanely which they dt deserve.
@Unknown_77719 2 года назад
After watching “the greatest story never told” I beg to differ🧐
@burrivurri 4 года назад
In this trial the leading figures of the Soviet Union should also have sat next to the nazizs and been convicted of war crimes
@johnballs1352 4 года назад
So you wanted ww2 to just keep going? The allies (sans the Soviet Union) were in no position to fight the soviets in 1945. America still had Japan to contend with, Britain was depleted as was France. China was still fighting Japan, so if we were to charge Soviet leadership with war crimes it would certainly lead to war and a war the SU would initially win the ground war but eventually they would be nuked by America/Britain , causing tens of millions of more casualties in the process. And you *want* that?
@burrivurri 4 года назад
@@johnballs1352. Just saying what would have been right, the soviets did commit as many war crimes as the germans. And you are wrong, the americans together with the british would stay a chance against the Soviets. in just 10 years after the war the Soviet Union was far behind the US in technology
@Trajan2401 4 года назад
Why?,to the victors go the spoils.
@burrivurri 4 года назад
@@Trajan2401. And it just replaced a diktator with another in the east
@RobTheNotary 4 года назад
BurriVurri Poland and Czechoslovakia
@uli9084 Год назад
And now the WEF founders, can't wait.
@JulieBirTV 4 года назад
This trial should have reflected ALL CRIMINAL LEADERS and brought them to justice. At least some justice is happening here. Too many got away.
@daileydeleeuw7437 3 года назад
What is wrong with these trials, not everyone deserves to die
@jcpark7242 4 года назад
Read up on operation paper clip!
@georgschmidt494 4 года назад
You are correct in recommending operation Paper clip. Most Americans have not heard of it. Sad they haven't. But as you know the winner writes history and revises it.
@makershakerwaker9754 4 года назад
How could Speer get away with just 20 years for crimes against humanity? (Not even mentioning the other count he was found guilty in).
@georgschmidt494 4 года назад
He did not meet the needs of operation paper clip. No matter of your crimes if the allies needed you in their projects were they needed, scientists, aeronautical engineers and technicians you were spared and brought to one of the allied countries. The Nuremberg trials were a farce and what happened to the allied criminals? Mostly nothing.
@TheTrickster923 4 года назад
@@georgschmidt494 Guess the Allies didn't need another architect.
@donnasmith8742 3 года назад
He was the only one that feigned remorse of all of them. It was bull s#%t. He helped hitler design the camps. He was his favorite architect.
@waddjantachi 3 года назад
I notice a double standard in which Speer gets 20 years of the same conviction as Sauckel who got death.
@sued7 3 года назад
He was willing to admit that what they did was wrong, to a world that wanted an explanation. He was willing to shed tears and apologize when all the others were still spouting the Nazi's BS. The world needed that..That is why Speer got off. He gave the world hope that there would not be a World War III.
@loannaxxx8845 4 года назад
Where is Hess Now is he dead or alive?
@webbryan1 4 года назад
loanna xxx died 1987 watch this ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vywGZzb9O4M.html
@donnasmith8742 3 года назад
Long dead. He was the only prisoner at spandau prison
@waddjantachi Год назад
Dead since 1987
@jonaskuiper5859 5 лет назад
Hess is the biggest hero in WW2 he was trying to got peace in 1941 from Churchill who wanted only war and was already talking with the USSR.
@rigolonzinbrin 3 года назад
All guilty!
@calinanais 3 года назад
Stfu boris
@kek7320 3 года назад
Not a mention of millions murdered in camps? sentencing should have been short and swift !🤔
@kentcyclist 4 года назад
@marcmel9120 3 года назад
I wonder who is that person who made the text subtitles. Many are in wrong words and spelling. So confusing.
@nikhwalee4252 3 года назад
And where was Mr.Adolf Hitler at that time? Dead or in Argentina? There were testimonials from group of people he was much alive in Argentina for until 1961/1962 together with Martin Bormann.
@evamarialimmer5262 3 года назад
We are now eagerly looking forward to the trials concerning US-elite people and their humanity-business-concepts.
Aw they were like someone's old grandparents who killed 30 million people
@jonaskuiper5859 5 лет назад
If I was a judge than Roosevelt and Churchill where going in a bad with big crocodiles.
@ninarosado5811 2 года назад
He’s an executioner that’s your only job you don’t mess that up unless it’s on purpose so they suffered
@Michael_Veritas 3 года назад
Waging a war or aggression? Isn’t that the textbook definition of war? Seems more like victors justice.
@cubbie29 5 лет назад
For 300 years, British, French, et did the same to Indians and no such trial ever happened and whoever revolted was silenced systematically - one such example (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jallianwala_Bagh_massacre )had if been not to Hitler to support India National Army by releasing Prisoners of War and Japan attacking Burma etc we would have continued to be under tyrant British. I dont support atrocities done to Jews, but no one has done any good either.
@DrCanyonero 13 лет назад
@Salmirche The ones you name their, yes, but some of these officers were not. It's just important to know this.
@johnballs1352 4 года назад
@@phineus8397 Lmao try to cope
@marcrigor6423 4 года назад
Did you purposely splice this in such a way that we could not see the defendants reactions? What a waste.
@marcrigor6423 4 года назад
Note: I heard on a later video that the judgments were not allowed to be filmed. So any Nuremberg clip you see where they are reading the judgments and showing the faces is a total mismatch... Which explains why there's almost no reaction.
@voraciousreader3341 Год назад
Hess was NOT Hitler’s closest confidant at the time of his flight to Scotland! He was being phased out of the top echelon because his ill-judged comments were getting more and more embarrassing, giving the impression of mounting instability. Hess was not handling being ignored by his “god” very well at all, and it’s thought that, he hoped that if his “mission” had been successful, he would be back in Hitler’s good graces again. I’m really shocked to find information that is so incorrect on this channel, and I’m also not impressed with the voiceover narration which I find is much too intrusive. If explanations needed to be given for those who don’t know much about this topic, then I feel it would be much less jarring to include subtitles alone.
@1970dashj 5 лет назад
fuckin kangaroo court
@nmm5214 4 года назад
The Lord's Will be done always. Those who God acquitted were innocent in His Sight.
@healer378 Год назад
I live to see Iranian government officials in a Tehran international trials fr war crimes.
@ninarosado5811 2 года назад
And when they hungthem he purposely made them suffer
@azzboute5883 4 года назад
Their face,pfff.just hate in their face.so weird.
@AwesomeBeatles 4 года назад
The world owes Germany an apology.
@muttley8818 4 года назад
Germany owed the world an apology - an apology which it has given on more than one occasion. Same for Japan. Italy were pretty crap in the war so an apology from them was irrelevant.
@warrenkatz1469 4 года назад
Use your own name you gutless antisemitic bastard.
@khaosredcoc7122 4 года назад
@@muttley8818 yeah, italy at the end was a victim (exept Mussolini and his fake goverbement in the north, the social italian republic)
@mampe8898 2 года назад
@tt0050 7 лет назад
Charged on crime against "humanty"!! Who is charging who? A funny trial!
@lief8189 6 лет назад
You are an idiot
@maddogoz08 5 лет назад
Keep one thing in mind, with America running the trial is there any real wonder, and besides they let a Russian be a judge, I mean come on wake up, look at the whole history of the Russians and Americans,
@donnasmith8742 3 года назад
Crimes against humanity are crimes that occurred in a atrocious way-starvation, torture, experiments, death marches and gassing. Its against what makes us compassionate human beings.
@RobTheNotary 4 года назад
Those who felt that America vented the pearl harbor frustration at Nuremberg
@donnasmith8742 3 года назад
Go to a camp and hold the teeth, clumps of hair and ashes then see if Nuremberg was necessary
@fuczuc754 5 лет назад
America was on the wrong side.
@vaniapinto8214 4 года назад
But no
@Rajan-ur8ip 5 лет назад
This should be a lesson for all fascist regime still remaining
@johnhardman3 5 лет назад
"Corporatism is fascism" (Mussolini)
@MrHogGamer 4 года назад
Fascism was a reaction to Communism.
@tylerbozinovski4624 3 года назад
All remaining communist regimes too.
@Lanwarder 4 года назад
Why on earth do filmmakers keep asking narrators to do the translations with ridiculous cliché accents...it's ridiculous and kinda racist.
@pissoff9399 4 года назад
Trail...lol. a circus for allied propaganda. .
@jjrj8568 4 года назад
piss off
@YUSKHAN 5 лет назад
Kangaroo Court
@antonwebern6128 3 года назад
And now we have Trump, Qanon and other maniacs.
@brigitakralj6399 2 года назад
Future Nurenberg 2 Word Gaia Univerzal Humanity🛐♾️⚛️💟☮️☯️🕎🌍🌎🌏👪🙏🎶💫🌾🍀☀️🌹🌻♥️🥰🌼💞
@brigitakralj6399 2 года назад
Etik moral Veritas. Propaganda media Word oligarh Jezus🕎☯️☮️💟⚛️♾️🛐🌏🌎🌍👪🙏🎶💫🌾🍀☀️🌹🌻♥️🥰🌼💞
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