
Olenna Tyrell Didn't Kill Joffrey Baratheon At The Purple Wedding: A Song Of Ice And Fire Theory 

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@RyLHatch1989 2 года назад
The issue with this is that George RR Martin has already come out and said that Olenna Tyrell did indeed murder Joffrey at the wedding using the bead of poison from Sansa's hairnet. He gave an interview with Rolling Stone around the time that Purple Wedding episode aired, and because this was years after the book came out, he was asked about the book and show comparison, and he reaffirmed that in the books Olenna Tyrell killed Joffrey and framed Sansa to spare Margaery the pain of being Joffrey's queen when would he eventually turned on her, because she assumed he would turn on Margaery the same way he turned on Sansa.
@user-hr8gr7qf5s 2 года назад
You could have the author scream the facts and people will still be like "yeah....but WHAT IF......"
@grace465 Год назад
@@user-hr8gr7qf5s that is the purpose of Death of the Author. It is up to the audience to make their own inferences based on analysis from the text independent of what the author claims. There is no “right” or “wrong” interpretation of Joffrey’s murderer until it is explicitly revealed in the text.
@darthdank1993 Год назад
Except there’s a scene we’re she and little finger talk about how they killed him together.
@bubblegum1366 Год назад
Martin: In the books - and I make no promises, because I have two more books to write, and I may have more surprises to reveal - the conclusion that the careful reader draws is that Joffrey was killed by the Queen of Thorns, using poison from Sansa’s hair net, so that if anyone actually did think it was poison, then Sansa would be blamed for it. Sansa had certainly good reason for it. He didn't say she for sure killed him in the books, just that that is the conclusion he wanted fans to draw based on the evidence provided so far.
@Darkfrog24 Год назад
You are right. HillA is right to do the analysis but the conclusion is wrong: What this video shows us is not that Olenna did not murder Joffrey but rather that George Martin is the kind of writer who goes for maximum drama even when that does not make sense upon close examination. The Tyrells won't have suspicion fall on them because that's not how this fictional world happens to work, just like Ned Stark reading a book about hair color can be considered SUDDEN proof of adultery even though everyone's seen Joffrey, Marcella, and Tommen's blond heads this whole time and no one's had a problem with it before.
@SilveryRow 2 года назад
Another plus for confessing to Sansa: Littlefinger tells a child that he had her abuser killed. I could see that having an endearing effect upon Sansa.
@michaelhanford8139 2 года назад
Yikes! Good point🙁
@Ass_of_Amalek 2 года назад
he also just wanted to brag about being powerful
@maybethebaby4263 Год назад
This is so true! Also, I kinda felt like the approach from Little Finger was to get Sansa to join him in his possible fight for the throne. As he in the books is planning to marry her to someone much different than from the television series. Maybe having her believe or even look like a possible killer of Jeffrey, she acts like a strong revengeful character ready to claim her heritage and winterfell.
@eric2500 Год назад
Enduring? As in lasts a long time?
@eric2500 Год назад
To terrify her forever?
@B4ndG33k1 2 года назад
I can't remember where, but I heard a theory once that Littlefinger was actually trying to kill Tyrian, since he wanted Sansa to be a widow. According to this theory, the poison was actually in the pigeon pie that a server had given Tyrian. Joffery drank from the chalice with no ill effects (opposed to the other guy we see die by the strangler who went suddenly) but started 'choking' when he took a bite of Tyrian's pie. In my opinion, that makes more sense than Olenna and Littlefinger playing hot potato with poison. LIttlefinger purposefully alienating Sansa from any other potential support than him is a really good point!
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
I think that makes some sense too and it wouldn't surprise me, but for me the plan is just so wild and aggressive that I sorta feel like Littlefinger was firing aimlessly into the crowd, if that makes sense? Because ultimately, Littlefinger has a ton of access to everyone very high up in Westeros, so if he wanted to kill Tyrion to make Sansa a widow, he could have done so very easily. He could have pulled a Jon Arryn again and just made it look like an accident or illness. The fact that the death at the Purple Wedding was such a huge event makes me think that the point wasn't to kill Joffrey or any specific person really, but it was simply to stoke all of the paranoia and distrust that already existed between the great houses. I think that Joffrey dying was basically Littlefinger's best-case scenario, but what it inspires is even more important. For instance, Cersei's hatred and distrust of Tyrion immediately leads her to accusing him even though he's innocent, and that sets off a chain of events that basically destroys House Lannister in record time. Destabilizing situations and pitting people against each other is largely how Littlefinger works, so I feel like the poison was essentially him lobbing a grenade at the wedding and he was just waiting to see what happened after it went off.
@glanni 2 года назад
I think that was from Preston Jacobs.
@bigacend7 2 года назад
@@glanni correct and imo he is the best asoiaf theorizer on youtube
@paolarosichetti899 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT Littlefinger loves using poison, he's doing the same thing with little Robyn Arryn. And I also believe that Robyn is his son and not Jon Arryn's. I think Olenna took the opportunity, not that she was the proponent of the poisoning.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Plenty of people love using poison though, and why Olenna would "take the opportunity" to basically implicate herself in regicide if she apparently didn't have to is not something I can understand or really get past.
@louzeyre9750 2 года назад
" I dreamt of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow." ---- The poison was in the hairnet.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Yes, that is the prophecy of the Ghost of High Heart, but how often to prophets or people interpreting prophecy actually get it right? Prophecy is yet another aspect of the books where things are misinterpreted or intentionally misleading nearly 100% of the time.
@paolarosichetti899 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT this prophecy is too precise and cannot refer to anything other than the Purple Wedding. the thing that perplexes me is that Arya didn't know that the Ghost of High Heart was talking about her sister!
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
I disagree, I don't think any prophecies are too precise to refer to anything other than one exact thing, and I think they were designed that way by GRRM.
@paolarosichetti899 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT and who is the other maid, in the books, with purple snakes in her hair, with poison dripping from their fangs? 🤔
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
@@paolarosichetti899 Well, how many people are at the Purple Wedding vs. how many people's appearances are described at the Purple Wedding? How many women at the wedding likely had some sort of jewelry or adornment in their hair that was purple? The fact that the ghost of High Heart alludes to someone who sounds like Sansa having poison in her hair at a wedding doesn't actually imply anything other than someone at the wedding maybe had poison in their hair, and even if she was 100% referring to Sansa, nothing about what she said actually confirms that what everyone thinks happened at the wedding is what really happened. The "girl in grey" prophecy is a perfect example of this issue, Melisandre sees a vision of the girl in grey and assumes that this girl is Arya because she fits with the other tidbits of information that Mel already has, but we are all almost certain that she's incorrect because she only has a few shreds of actual information. And applying that more broadly, nearly everyone who has visions or tries to interpret prophecy gets some if not everything wrong, so presuming that the ghost of High Heart's few shreds of information has gotten everything correct seems like it'd be a mistake.
@cameronmoore2713 2 года назад
The fact that olenna tyrell would poison joffrey so publicly is kind of advantageous to her in some ways. It makes it seem like why would she or her family poison him if they were clearly about to happily marry margaery and joffrey? And it happening around so many other people provides a large list of other possible suspects.
@snatchadams69 2 года назад
"Happily" uhm no the Tyrells were not trying to marry Margery off to a sociopath that's why Olenna did it they weren't going to let Margery get abused and tortured plus it's pretty established in the book that's whyvthey did it..
@SouthpawLD 2 года назад
@@Kalsimir Obviously!
@davidexley2076 2 года назад
Why would a careful person like Olenna involve a shady character like Littlefinger in this insanely complicated plan that involves a drunkard Ser Dontos all to get a tiny bead into a wedding that she could just as easily have had on her person the whole time. Or just had a catspaw do it. Or do it somewhere there isn't hundreds of potential witnesses to you personally poisoning the King. This whole thing stinks and the only evidence we have that Olenna was involved is Littlefinger's word and the coins planted by Rugen the Jailer who sounds very suspiciously like a disguised Varys who has his own reasons to want the Lannisters and Tyrells at each other's throats.
@SouthpawLD 2 года назад
@@davidexley2076 Littlefinger seized the opportunity to get Sanza away during the hysteria! There were SEVERAL 'possibles' at hand at that wedding! And don't think that Tywin was in the dark about it either.
@user-kq5ci7ol8o 2 года назад
@@davidexley2076 Kalsimir said it, but I'll give more detail, while in the show nobody trusts Littlefinger, and Varys is seen as a kind of cool figure, it's the opposite in the books, everyone loves Littlefinger, and anyone who doesn't is seen as suspicious, while everyone is warry of Varys due to him coming from Essos (I know, people from middle ages being xenophobic is hard to believe, but it is the case here), this makes it so if Littlefinger suddenly comes in going "We should probs get rid of this guy" people are likely to listen cause it would be like the friendly neighbor who helps out in every community activity coming in and saying "Hey we should do something about these neighbors", due to them being perceived as an angel he would need to blatantly say he's bad and prove it with evidence for people to start even distrusting him, so teaming up with him just makes sense, as for the 100's of witnesses, it's not only that they're around hundreds of witnesses, they're also around hundreds of suspects, Littlefinger also made Joffrey make the whole "War of the kings" play in the book, an action that made everyone visibly see both Tyrion and Sansa be in shock, distraught, and anger, not to mention that at this point Joffrey is just straight up not that loved as a king, and the only reason people like him is cause Margaere was getting the people to chill out, so not only would they need be pinning the blame on Tyrion (The man who has been threatening to kill Joffrey since forever) and Sansa (The girl who is known to be greatly abused by the king behind the scenes), but also about anybody who isn't Cersie, Tommy, or Jamie really, the cheffs might have had a bone to pick with Joffrey, any one of the musicians or actors could have taken their chance to do something while being closer to the king that they ever would be again, Tywin has been shown to not be fond of Joffrey and has even implied that Joffrey is a hinderance to the Lannister house, and even after the assassination of Joffrey he doesn't really care that much, so he's not off the hook, Oberyin was in town and he wasn't exactly subtle about how much hate he had to Lannisters, and he was very well known for his use of poisons, and the fact that he loved violence seeing as he created an entire mercenary group, and his only defense is that "Well, the Dornish don't kill kids", which is thin veiled at best, so combine someone walking into town talking about how much they hate this one particular family and then a member of that family dying and you have yourself another possible suspect, since it was ONLY Linttlefinger and Olenna that did it, it would also mean that even if they home in on house Tyrell once every obvious suspect they could blame like Margaere (Because she wanted more power) or Loras Tyrell (Because he was at once in allegiance with Renly Baratheon) were found innocent due to having alibis and eye witnesses testimonies, it would very quickly seem like the Tyrells as a whole were innocent, and that's without bringing in the idea that Tywin may have actually been involved also (Whether it be directly or just in the sense that he just decided not to stop it) meaning that he likely wouldn't let the Tyrells get in trouble, all this combined makes it very clear that should Joffrey die at that wedding, Littlefinger would be so safe from suspicion that he would need to admit to the murder for anyone to think it was him, and Olenna would have multiple alibi's and shields (In the form of everyone else in her family being innocent), and maybe even in's to the court system (Whether it be Tywin being ok with the assassination or simply being head of the Tyrell family which is the only strong alliance the Lannisters have) protecting her from being blamed for the assassination
@MrAMP1520 2 года назад
I am still convinced Tywin was involved in some way. There was already a lot of tension between him and Joffrey right before the wedding, and right after his death he does not seem shocked and never looks for the actual killer. At Joffrey's funeral he doesn't show any compassion and is discussing ruling with Tommen immediately. He also knows Tyrion is innocent but pursues him anyway. Sure he hates Tyrion but he is not blinded by hate like Cersei, he immediately will let Tyrion join the nights watch if Jamie takes his place at casterly rock. I believe he either knows who did it and let it happen, or was actively involved.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
My biggest misgiving about this is that I can't imagine a scenario in which he would ever let the Lannisters look weak or vulnerable, but I certainly don't think he was crying over spilled milk and recognized that Joffrey was a huge political liability that threatened the legacy he's so obsessed with. I recognize the possibility that GRRM may have just wanted Joffrey to die at the wedding for the drama of it all, but it's hard for me to move on from the fact that so many of the suspects are people who could get rid of Joffrey in a much more convenient and less risky way, like if Tywin wanted to kill Joffrey he had perfect access and clearly enough intelligence to make it look like an accident or fluke illness or something.
@cameronmoore2713 2 года назад
Tywin wouldn't be shocked cuz he understands that a lot of people would want joffrey dead. Tywin is usually pretty stoic if not angry looking so that explains him not looking shocked or sad. And it is much more advantageous to have tommen as king than joffrey so really it's a good thing he died. Also, him trying to prove tyrion as guilty even though he knows he didn't do it gets rid of his legal heir that he absolutely does not want to inherit casterly rock cuz that would in his eyes make a mockery of his oh so high and mighty family
@jaafarchaoui185 2 года назад
He wouldn't kill Joffrey with that poison
@angellover02171 2 года назад
I don't think Tywin would kill his own grandson. In the books Joffery is like 14. His personality is far from set. I think Tywin wanted mold him into a king.
@lanajohnson8424 2 года назад
Tywin rushes to cover Tommen's eyes. He knows plots are afoot. He knows Joffrey is cruel and a target.
@sugarpearl9781 2 года назад
While I do think it would’ve been more advantageous to have Joffrey die at a later date, I think the Tyrells decided to murder Joffrey as soon as Sansa told them what kind of person he really was. Petyr already warned them about Joffrey , Sansa confirmed it. I think Joffrey’s murder was a group effort between Petyr and Olenna because they had a common goal. And even if they were under suspicion (1) The Tyrells were too valuable to the Lannisters. They had no other major allies. Accusing the Tyrells of murder with little to know proof would be dumb, and (2) how would the Lannisters prove it? we know why the Tyrells wanted Joffrey dead, but what motive could the Lannisters give? Publicly admit that Joffrey was a monster? And I’m not arguing that it was a perfect plan, because there were many ways it could’ve gone wrong, but their reason for wanting Joffrey dead wasn’t logical or political. It was their personal love for Margaery driving the plot. I still believe it was the Tyrells. It was good enough for a half baked plot and they got away with it.
@vortex_1336 2 года назад
It wasn't particularly a love for Margaery. It was the fact that once Joffrey started abusing Margaery that Loras would immediately kill him. Having a kingslayer in the family would both disgrace their family and cause a possible civil war. It was a political assassination.
@frostyboo6036 2 года назад
I thought they pretty much said that even though she had him charmed for the moment, they realized that Joffrey was too unstable/unpredictable to be manipulated and controlled long term
@Mukation 2 года назад
Honestly, Tywib would have gotten rid of Joffrey the moment they won the war. Tywin saw what kind of man Joffrey was, he just kept him alive untill things cooled down (well someone else killed him, which he clearly wasn't really upset about). Wheater he'd install Tommen or if Joffrey and Margery had gotten a son by that point, it would have been him. And regarding the heir to House Lannister? Tommen would have ben perfect (if he doesn't become king, that is). Once either Tommen or Joffrey had kids, and Tyrion and Sansa, Tywin could install Lannisters as the head of House Baratheon, Stark (he'd get rid of Bolton), not to mention the Reach where The Tyrells are... a second or third born prince born of Margery would have a strong claim to that aswell. Same with house Lannister, if Tommen is nor king, Tywin would take him as heir, if Tommen is, he'd get one of his second born kids as heir.
@SouthpawLD 2 года назад
Tywin and Olenna had worked it out during the stroll thru the garden.. Tywin's knowledge is MEANT to be deliberately ambiguous. That's why Cersi looked him in the eyes and told him, 'of course you know... you've ALWAYS known.' Tywin knew Joffrey was going to be a problem! In fact, it was Cersi who asked her father to bring him to 'heel' somehow, Tywin said "I WILL.." 🤨🤔
@valkyrie5725 2 года назад
Tywin was pretty much involved as well
@daniell1483 2 года назад
The Purple Wedding is one of the most baffling incidents in the books. I'm inclined to believe Preston Jacobs' take on the wedding, that is to say Baelish was attempting to assassinate Tyrion via the wedding pie, but Joffrey's unintentional intervention saved Tyrion at the cost of Joff's own life. The Tyrell's involvement is possible, but as described by Baelish, it would have been a convoluted mess of a plan. As told by Baelish, the poison went from Olenna to Baelish to Dontos to Sansa, just for Olenna to take the poison back from Sansa at the feast. Why involve all these seemingly extraneous players if she was going to do the poisoning herself? Something just isn't adding up. My best guess is that Sansa and Dontos were backup patsies everything could be blamed on if the poisoning didn't go off as intended.
@jerrywhoomst1116 2 года назад
I just realized that olenna could literally have worn some piece of her own jewelery with the gem, or just slipped it into a pocket or sleeve.
@VespoLiveGaming 2 года назад
Who says the poison was actually in Sansa's necklace? I suspect that the skullduggery with the necklace is a misdirect to implicate Tyrion and Sansa, while Olenna just carried in the poison herself.
@occamtherazor3201 2 года назад
Ok, but it wasn't HOUSE TYRELL that plotted to get Joffrey out of the way to advance their political position. It was OLENA TYRELL, who did it to protect her granddaughter. There is no way that Mace had anything to do with it. He is far too risk averse and is not known to be particularly ruthless. Remember, we know almost nothing about Margeary's personality in the books. We don't know if she is really the shrewd seductress that is depicted on the show, or if she is just an unwitting pawn being moved around the board by her father. She could be every bit as naive and meek as Sansa for all we know. So, we are not given the impression in the books that she would be able to keep herself safe from Joffrey by manipulating him the way she does in the show. Mace might very well be willing to put his daughter at the mercy of a monster for the rest of her life in order to advance the political power of House Tyrell, but Olena is most likely more sompathetic, having once been married off as a political poker chip herself. So, I think that Olena is perfectly willing to burn the world down-including House Tyrell-in order to protect the people she loves the most. As to House Tyrell looking possibly guilty, Cersei's hatred and paranoia toward Tyrion was not a secret within the Red Keep. Someone like Littlefinger, who spends most of his time at the Red Keep, would be keenly aware of that. So, it could be reasonably predicted that Cersei would suspect Tyrion first. It would also have been reasonable to suspect that Joffrey would have found some excuse during the wedding to publicly humiliate Tyrion, since that is what he did at Tyrion's own wedding...especially if they were aware of the dwarf jousting show beforehand, which Littlefinger almost certainly was. As to not needing Littlefinger because there were so many Tyrell men around, remember, MACE TYRELL had nothing to do with this. Olena Tyrell is only the Dowager Lady of Highgarden. She has very little official authority over anyone. She would have had far fewer resources to draw upon than Mace. As to the supposed foolishness of hinging the plot on the fashion sense of a teenage girl, there is no reason to think that Olena did not have a backup "Amethyst" hidden up her sleeve just in case Sansa decided not to wear the hairnet. It made perfect sense to implicate Sansa in this way, because it would indirectly implicate Tyrion. And it made sense for Dontos to give Sansa the hairnet, so that if Sansa was caught and questioned, Littlefinger would only have to kill Dontos to cover his tracks.
@angellover02171 2 года назад
Not really in the books. It would better for Margery and house Tyrell for margery to pop out a few kids then have Joffey killed same as Cersie did
@alexissandren1884 2 года назад
​@@angellover02171 Remember that in the books Tommen is a lot younger. It will take years before he even would get the physical ability to procreate. And a queens position in Westeros is always an uneasy one until she has showed herself capable of giving heirs. The "I wouldn't allow you to marry that monster" I think is solemly something for the tv-show. That said, as stated in the original post Olennas actions make sense in the setting of the show so if it turns out to differ from the books I have no problem with that. :)
@angellover02171 2 года назад
@@alexissandren1884 that true Tommen is 8 in the books and Margery is maybe 16. if they wait until he is 16 she would 24. Still able to have kids.
@alexissandren1884 2 года назад
One thing we need to have in mind is that the hair-net in no way implicates Sansa. Why would anyone go through her accessories? and even if she got totally strip-searched, there is no reason that one would belive a missing stone in the delicate hairnet was the poison rather than "oh, it fell off" especially in the commotion following Joffrey's death. Sansa is implacated obly by: 1. Motive, in the form of the abuse she received from Joffrey, the political outfall of his death, revenge for her brother and scorn for being replaced as a queen. 2. Being Tyrions wife so if he was guilty she could be in on it too. 3. Her disseaperance right afterwards. As we see with Tyrion, the question of guilt rests upon politics and not "the truth" or evidence. There is no need to implicate Sansa in any way unless it's politicly motivated. A story of her willfully carying the poison in her hair would be needed is ASOIAF was written by Agatha Christie and it's not.
@angellover02171 2 года назад
@@alexissandren1884 There is a theory that the poison could have been in the pie and not the wine as well. It would be pretty easy to both Joffey and Margery were drinking out of the wine goblet and she was fine. Tyrion was going to take Sansa home because he the dinner was basically over and Joffery was acting horribly. Joffery ate the pie that was served to Tyrion and drank out of the wine gobblet to wash it down. Then he started coughing. Killing Tyrion would have made Sansa a widow and way easier to remarry and it would have caused chaos by getting a Lannister.
@vitorlinhares7822 2 года назад
Olenna and Littlefinger counted on the Lannister being too dumb and too hateful of Tyrion to ever look at another possibility for the assassination, and they were right. At the point of the wedding, no one would ever suspect perfect little Margaery. Tyrion and Sansa, on the other hand, had been humiliated by Joffrey for quite some time, and were easy targets. It also posed a chance for Littlefinger to get his hands on Sansa, while under the guise of a friend trying to save her.
@drakejohnson5386 2 года назад
A thought that lingers In my mind about the Tyrells surrounding the king as he died is the idea of hiding, not in plain sight, but in the spotlight. In Babylon 5, the character Londo is poisoned at his birthday party. He receives the gift and asks who it is from. One of his wife's says it is from her. He opens it and out shoots two projectiles that poison Londo. By drawing all the attention to her and being upset, when questioned on where she got the gift, they believe her and hound a man who had nothing to do with Londo. He sold things he found, and it happens to have found a doll that responds to the touch of people who are of centari origins. Another instance of hiding in the spotlight or at least bright lights is Garak from deep space 9. He is very expressive and shows specific things at specific times. He also changes the truth all the time of how he can do what he does. By surrounding Joffery, it is almost too obvious for the Tyrells to kill the king, all the way to the point that it eliminates them from the pool of suspects. I also agree that little finger telling Sansa that she is right is what he would have always done. If she said she does think Tyrion or the Dorns killed the king, I'm sure little finger would have said, "yes your right". All in the effort to make Sansa think that he is her only true ally. Great video
@thedarkprince305 2 года назад
If they did try to place the blame on Sansa it would’ve force her to run to the Tyrells. In her mind they were the only group of people that was kind to her and they got her out of the arrange marriage to Joffrey. The only reason why she was still in KingsLanding is because she is the daughter of the true Warden of the North and that Stark name still had weight in it
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Interesting theory!
@michaelprice6448 2 года назад
Olenna claiming the killing (in the show) makes sense because she gets to hurt Cersei one last time. Didn't mean she did it.
@factbeaglesarebest 2 года назад
But the show writers sucked. Every deviation or thing they’ve written themselves was horrible. I can forgive the show being unable to present the depth of Martins world and writing, but not the garbage the show runners invited.
@samuelcontreras9248 2 года назад
You crazy if you don't think grandma would kill some POS for her granddaughter to marry the right man.
@michaelprice6448 2 года назад
@@samuelcontreras9248 Not saying she wouldn't do it. Just saying she'd also lie about doing it.
@EbuCallinav 2 года назад
@@michaelprice6448 (in the show) she also made the claim to her daughter as well, and was also backed up by what Littlefinger said, and was clearly shown on camera taking the poison, and was in one of the best positions to poison the cup.
@EM-qu3qn Год назад
In the show she told Margaery too and talked with little finger about killing him
@carter9449 2 года назад
The wedding is not a smart time to do it but Littlefinger did it to avenge Cat, who they killed at a wedding. It works even if he intended to kill Tyrion, thinking he was involved in the red wedding
@hillaryslack2884 2 года назад
Overall I agree with everything you said. The theory I like best is the one where when Sansa was in shock after thinking she saw her father's sword a waiter took the poison from her hair and put it in the cream on top of the Tyrion's pie. Which Joffery ate a bite of just before he started coughing. Killing Tyrion would have been a lot more useful to Littlefinger as part of his plan is to get Sansa married to someone of his choosing, which he can't do because she is already married. Granted that would make Sansa look very guilty since she runs away right afterward, but her looking guilty was likely always part of the plan for some reason.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
I think that under any circumstances, her looking guilty, or maybe more importantly feeling guilty, was simply an aspect of making sure that Sansa felt isolated and like she had no way out of this situation with Littlefinger. LOL like, frankly one of the weirdest and almost funniest aspects of it is that any rational adult would understand that a freaking 13 year old isn't really capable of assassinating anybody, but from the perspective of a child it's much easier for them to think that everyone would blame them. I also think that if Littlefinger wanted Tyrion dead then that would have been incredibly easy, he could have done what he did with Jon Arryn if he just wanted Sansa single again, and that's sort of why I think that the spectacle of a horrific murder at the wedding was more the point than anything else. Tyrion does present kind of a weird problem, but given that Littlefinger could have offed him so easily I almost wonder if he's intentionally leaving him alive as a means of creating yet another conflict, i.e. if Harry the arse (or anyone else) wants to marry Sansa then they're almost certainly going to have to be openly aggressive against the Lannisters in some way so long as Tyrion is alive. Clearly his ultimate intention is to marry Sansa himself, so it would almost make sense to me if he'd just once again use her as a tool of getting two powerful houses to go at each other and essentially weaken his competition.
@hillaryslack2884 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT True
@Dell-ol6hb 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT I think he just wanted to murder someone prominent so he could use the chaos and expected suspicion on Sansa to get her isolated and away from King’s Landing so he can have control over her, plus it has the added benefit of causing more chaos and increased tensions between the Tyrells and Lannisters. Also makes it so Sansa feels like she can only rely on Littlefinger since she’s seen as guilty
@astrinymris9953 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT "... a freaking 13 year old isn't really capable of assassinating anybody..." *cough* Arya Stark *cough* 😉
@NeiasaurusCreations 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT I'd agree with you...But this isn't true. The US has 13 year olds, 12 year olds, who have gone out and caught bodies. You see very often with gangs for instance that they become active REALLY young, and by 15 or 16 are actively killing people. And the people they're often at odds with aren't complete strangers, its people they know, people they grew up with, went to school with, some even friends with that wound up on opposite sides. I am not saying this to judge them as gangs are complicated especially in places like chicago. Rather just pointing out kids have and ARE killers in this country, in this very time, and that its not as uncommon as you'd think for them to assassinate people.
@Nicola_Blackwood 2 года назад
The thing is, all the great points you made about Peter wanting to isolate Sansa from everyone else so he was the only one she trusted can still be true if Olenna was involved. Not the Tyrells, just Olenna. The sticking point for me is that Olenna touched Sansa’s hairnet at the wedding and that Peter knew later that she had done that. And there is definitely something odd about the stones in the hairnet. They’re not real. So was the fake hairnet and the missing stone and the hair touch all a red herring for Sansa’s benefit? How would he have orchestrated that with Olenna if they weren’t plotting together? This video really has me thinking though, thank you!
Maybe Olenna was plotting something on the side but was waiting to kill Joffery in a less obvious way.
@Argos-xb8ek 2 года назад
Joffery killed Joffery with the life he lived
@aktchungrabanio6467 2 года назад
A very sensual approach indeed.
@lolrirs7754 2 года назад
I think you make a very good argument for why the Purple Wedding was a pretty insane thing for the Tyrells to try to do, and you can chalk that up to it being a place in the narrative where things happened because the plot said so or House Tyrell, despite the front they present, still being made up of fallible people who can make bad decisions and/or who maybe aren't all actually acting in perfect accordance, and since there are no Tyrell POVs there's a lot of ambiguity on all of this. But I'm still taking it as more or less "fact" that Olenna was indeed involved even if no other Tyrell was. It's definitively true that she did it on the show, and while GOT certainly changed and simplified many many things and I by no means take everything that happened on it as determinative for where ASOIAF is going in every respect--GRRM himself wrote "The Lion and the Rose," the Purple Wedding episode itself, and there's freeze frame confirmation proof that one of the jewels on the "necklace" that Dontos had given Sansa was missing after Olenna went up to her and randomly got very handsy during their conversation. And Olenna's pointed dialogue about how terrible it is to kill a man at a wedding exists in both show and books, so you know, obvious irony if Olenna is indeed killing a man at a wedding right this second. I just...see no reason to think that GRRM is making such radically different choices from book to show in his own script here. One last point, while you can certainly argue that the Tyrells could/should have found a better way of getting rid of Joffrey before the wedding and then move to quickly secure a replacement betrothal with Tommen, imo preventing a consummation was not *just* to keep Margaery from having to sleep with a dangerous psychopath even once. If they'd consummated that could be grounds for the Lannisters to possibly reject her for Tommen and/or for their marriage to be shrouded in even more controversy than the fact of Margaery's previous marriage to Renly sticks them with (in history Henry VIII initially argued for an annulment after many years of marriage on the basis that Catherine of Aragon had previously been married to his older brother). And to keep him around long enough for Margaery to get an heir while trusting that he could be kept in check for however long that needed to be was a very dangerous gamble for not only Margaery's but also Loras's sake, especially given book Loras's characterization and his position in the Kingsguard. It's by no means an ironclad explanation for why they (or possibly Olenna acting independently of Mace if he thought this was actually sustainable) would throw in with Littlefinger to do this, but well, again there are no POVs in House Tyrell, so imo it's not that surprising that they'd end up wrangled at least a little bit to serve the plot.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Yeah, I mean given the fact that GoT had Olenna outright admit to killing him I do agree that it seems pretty likely that's the case, it's just that the way that it was presented is so odd, and Littlefinger being a factor will never not baffle me. To me it seems more believable that it was either the Tyrells or Littlefinger, and the events just seem a bit more Littlefinger-y to me.
@SouthpawLD 2 года назад
But they were complicit to a degree..
@ATrivialGirl 2 года назад
My tinfoil is Tywin. He couldn't control Joffrey, but he could control Tommen. Sansa dying would be a bonus, making the Stark rival, and his ally Roose Bolton, in a stronger position to rule the north. LF's bragging as just a means to freeze Sansa in place, so she could rely on him.
@lunamayes291 2 года назад
Yes and there's even a scene where Olena and tywin have a chummy walk together. Perhaps they talked about the throne? Tywin was also super nonchalant about cersies suggestion of Marjorie being wed to tommen days after joffreys death. And he starts talking king talk with tommen at Joffreys funeral. I kinda feel like he knew it was coming?
@lastjohns9717 2 года назад
I'm of the opinion that it's actually Tywin Lannister who killed his grandson, because of how loud the whole affair is and also because he hates anything that embarrasses him and Joffrey was one uncontrollable brat, who would risk years of carefully constructed planning to seat his house on the iron throne (yes, he knows all of them are hundred percent Lannisters) and he can put his brother at Highgarden after ousting the Tyrells.
@bruceswayn9628 2 года назад
My vote is for Cersei. 1. the poison was in the pie and not the wine. 2. the pie was Tyrion's pie that Joff took. 3. Cersei was trying to kill Tyrion and accidentally killed her own son, and it explains why she was so quick to pin it on Tyrion. 4. It would be thematically good as a sort of everything Cersei tries to prevent her prophecy only leads to her own downfall, and the following decline of her mental state and her trying to reconcile her own actions. "Tyrion's fault Joff's dead because he didn't die like he was supposed to." Or it could be Littlefinger but the target was still Tyrion, cause yes Joff's death would bring chaos but Tyrion's death would have widowed Sansa which is even a major problem for him following this, and the hair net at the trial could have been info Littlefinger fed to Cersei trying to make sure Tyrion died after he missed at wedding.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
I still lean towards Littlefinger just wanting someone famous to die to make everyone more paranoid and suspicious, but I like this interpretation as well. Obviously there is a lot of dramatic irony in Cersei being hoisted on her own petard, especially since she so favored Joffrey, likely specifically because he would someday have the kind of power she always wanted. It would also fall in line with Cersei's belief that she's actually some brilliant politician or strategist but in reality she always fucks everything up.
@bruceswayn9628 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT The only thing I really question is Littlefinger's overall motivations. In the show it was the Iron Throne and Sansa but in the book its more obscure. Allot of theories on Littlefinger's book actions are predicated on his TV motivations and his "chaos theory". In the books the "chaos theory" fits Vary's actions (Dance epilogue) more than Littlefinger from what's shown.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
@@bruceswayn9628 Yeah that's totally fair, Geroge actually handles Littlefinger quite brilliantly because we don't really ever get to see him through the eyes of someone who isn't heavily biased in a certain way when it comes to their view of him in particular. But I actually imagine that Littlefinger and Varys' perspective is probably somewhat similar simply because they both started from the bottom and clawed their way up to the top, ergo they're both in a position where essentially the only way they can get an advantage over powerful people is by diminishing their power and isolating them. Total speculation on my part though!
@sugarpearl9781 2 года назад
It’s almost certainly not Cersei. I think we would’ve seen Cersei at least think about attempting to murder Tyrion in her POV chapters after the Red Wedding.
@bruceswayn9628 2 года назад
@@sugarpearl9781 Not necessarily, we don't always get characters exact thourghts on all things. Ned is the classic example where we see him think about Jon and stuff concerning him but we don't get his internal monologue going "I need to protect Jon and the secret that he's not actually my son" or after his fever dream of Tower of Joy having him go over the events in his head again once he was lucid.
@gary.richardson 2 года назад
Sansa was forced to mature early to the evils that people are capable of. Also, Little finger stood to gain her trust by his confession, knowing that she was helpless to Joffery's tyranny. She already had mastered maintaining silence in the wake of others aggression without breaking character.
@Buford_T_Justice1 2 года назад
I think it was Littlefinger with the pigeon pie that was meant for Tyrion.
@rainluna9765 2 года назад
I agree about the pie because in the books, Tyrion was given the first slice of it.
@SciFiCatGuy 2 года назад
Great points. Great theory. Well done. I've been skeptical and suspicious about some of that myself. Especially the hairnet/necklace part. *WAY* too many variables to count on going right.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Right?! That's what I can't get over too, I mean a lot of the supposed plan includes unnecessary and weird variables, but the whole hairnet aspect is one of the strangest to me because it's so convoluted and completely pointless. If you're sincerely attempting to assassinate the king then making that entire plan live or die on the basis of an unreliable alcoholic and a tween's fashion choices is hilariously stupid.
@kristinadedicatoria4368 2 года назад
Are you done or do you need more time?
@SciFiCatGuy 2 года назад
@@kristinadedicatoria4368 wat are you on about?
@ladysarah6548 Год назад
not enough time for you to understand
@ladysarah6548 Год назад
@Rosssums 2 года назад
“Olenna just kind of forgot” -DnD
@sststr 2 года назад
Sometimes the best way to remove yourself from suspicion is to make yourself the most obvious suspect. This isn't normally advisable, but in a special case like this where you have a reputation for being especially crafty, few people would be willing to believe you would do something so blindingly obvious and stupid. It would be so far out of character for you that people would reject the possibility out of hand and look elsewhere.
@AliciaL98 2 года назад
I think it was just Petyr Baelish. He hated how the aristocracy looked down on him, even though he was technically one of them. He's a very selfish character, so probably convinced himself that he was doing the right thing and then could be a "King maker". He included the Tyrell's in his recounting to Sansa as an insurance policy and ensure there was enough suspicion for every house to be against each other.
@midnighthour733 2 года назад
Good points, but I totally think Olena and Littlefinger plotted and Olena did it, so here's my take. Olena Tyrell wanted to take Sansa and marry her to her eldest grandson and the Tyrell heir, so that would make the Tyrells even MORE rich and powerful than the Lannisters because Sansa (as far as they know) is the heir to Winterfell. After learning what a little shit Joffery is, she also told her son Mace that Margarey had to marry a king but not necessarily Joffery, so THAT placated Mace and she was free to get rid of Joffery. Tywin got wind of their 'marriage plans' and married Sansa to Tyrion (for the same reason, Winterfell) and THAT pissed Olena off. She knew she had been out-maneuvered and had to move fast, so why not kill Joffery at the wedding? The Tyrell army is very powerful so Tywin wouldn't mess with them, he's already at war. It was widely known how much Tyrion and Joffery didn't get along and that Tyrion had threatened him openly and MOST importantly, how much Cersei hated him, so all suspicion would be on Tyrion, and sadly, Sansa was of no USE to the Tyrells anymore so SHE being THE ONE to actually bring the poison to the wedding and perhaps being suspect was an added BONUS. What Olena didn't know was that Littlefinger already had plans to get Sansa away from the Castle for himself! I think Olena wanted Sansa there wearing the hairnet that would be found out to have a missing stone and be blamed also, but oops, Littlefinger lied to her and whisked Sansa away to the Vale. Remember, Littlefinger has been gone for a while supposedly in the Vale on Tywins orders, so NOBODY is going to suspect him and he can double-cross anybody. What we don't know is when the plan with Littlefinger was made, but HE knew the details and he told Dontos to do that whole 'shinning knight' thing and make Sansa PROMISE she would wear the hairnet. If she didn't then Olena would have to kill Joffery another day, but she was so predictable, and why did Olena do the whole bit with straightening the hair net, etc. if not to grab the jewel and HOW did Littlefinge know exactly how it played out when he wasn't there? He gave Sansa details. He ALSO suggested and provided the Darwf show so he knew it would UPSET Tyrion and make him mad at Joff, everyone would see and so an opportunity would most likely present itself for Olena to drop the poison at the perfect time (that was HER job) and she did and all eyes were on Tyrion and Sansa, only Sansa was gone. Joffery was dead, Tyrion was blamed, and Tywin had lost Winterfell. All plans are dependent on what moves the other people make so you have to be able to change them up at a whim, but this one worked out pretty well for Olena. Now if ONLY GRRM would FINISH so we can see if she gets caught!
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Yeah you make some great points as well, I can’t get past the absurdity of the Tyrells and Littlefinger working together, but the aspect of getting rid of Sansa makes sense in that if they couldn’t have her then they are still better off with her gone than with the Lannisters.
@therogue1542 2 года назад
I mean if they were to frame tyrion then sansa would now be useful to them again. Also missing jewel = poisoner is still a big big stretch
@danielbroome5690 2 года назад
One other important thing to note about the littlefinger as the guilty party is that they make a repeated point of remaining silent on the waters when loading Sansa onto his ship because sound travels miles over the open water and they dont want anyone on shore to hear them. This means that sound from shore also travels to the ship just as easily. The point here is that the bells are ringing in a way that indicates the death of the King. Little finger doesn't actually need to have been involved to know that Joffery is dead, he gains that information from the bells alone and Sansa fills in all the details for him, he's effectively cold-reading her the entire time he's talking to her in that initial conversation. He's also vague on details until AFTER arriving at the fingers where he would have been able to receive more specific details to give to Sansa to prove his story to her and implicate her in the death so that she would be bound to him. He doesn't technically have to have been involved. Also, based on how the poison works, it should have been immediate when he drank the wine, instead, it's when he eats the pie that he chokes, leaving open the possibility that either the pie was poisoned, knowing he would take the first piece, OR that he legitimately just choked to death on a piece of pie crust and died naturally. They symptoms of choking and the strangler are intentionally very similar which is what its value is in assassinations, and the arch maester is both corrupt and kinda getting senile. He could either have misidentified the cause of death (or been biased to look for a poison and concluded strangler based on it being missing from his stores and the symptoms) or Tywin could have told him to lie and say it was poison so that he could implicate his son in a maneuver to get him out of lannister line of succession and sent to the wall rather than be killed.
@renaigh Год назад
the hairnet seems like a really elaborate plan to create suspicion towards the Tyrells, which undoubtedly worked as Cersei is obsessed with seeing their downfall.
@ratgirl34 2 года назад
I enjoy the theory that the intended target was Tyrion. Though that wouldn’t cause as much chaos if it was all Petyr’s plan. I think Cersei probably tried to kill Tyrion, and accidentally killed her own son.
@ratgirl34 Год назад
It’s occurred to me, Cersei’s paranoia may actually be evidence of Petyr’s involvement; we saw him masterfully plant seeds of paranoia with both Ned and Tyrion. And Petyr has just enough of Cersei’s ear to be able to do the same while making it feel like her idea. She’s already prone to paranoia of Tyrion, and with her ready to accuse him of anything… The Tyrells would be free to perform the most ridiculous regicide, while making it look all ‘in house’, in that it wasn’t an outside threat that killed the King, but a well known enemy/rival of the Ling.
@chadalpha7983 2 года назад
I never thought Joffrey was the target, I always thought Tyrion was the most likely actual target and Joffrey got killed by accident, the murderer being Littlefinger, who had plenty of reasons to kill Tyrion, mainly that any plot he has with Sansa has her needing to not be married
@lokinakor1 Год назад
Poisons often have antidotes. Margery is the perfect deflection, having already taken the antidote before the meal. They could use the wine and she could drink it and not die, thus throwing them off the scent of the true cause. It appears as if his larynx got swollen shut from the poison, but then he choked on his food. I think the type of poison used is key. They wanted a poison that worked like choking to death on food.
@SeptaShaenasSapphires 2 года назад
Cersei accidentally killed Joff by having Tyrion’s lemon sauce poisoned on his pie. Which Joff ate. She is also responsible for killing Tomen by driving him to suicide. This theory will be confirmed when she orders Marcella’s body double killed and they mistakenly kill Marcella. The poison in the hairnet seems to be black widow poison and not strangler. Also the hair net is a “web” ... a place for spiders. So this means it went to Tywin -he was the target of this poison as we learn from Tyrion that he looks poisoned at the trial and he is in the shitter with backed up bowels when Tyrion kills him. Having symptoms Of a victim of black widow poison. The up shot of this is that Sansa does not have purple serpents in her hair. And of course the the stones are black amethyst which is causing some confusion. LF and Olena are planning to use the wedding to get close to Tywin but administer a slow poison so they don’t look guilty. Why they involve Sansa makes no sense as you point out.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
I've heard this theory as well and I can't say that it's wrong, but one hurdle that I can't get over in nearly every speculation like this is simply that it's unnecessarily risky and doesn't make sense. Like, Cersei has nearly limitless opportunities to have Tyrion killed, and she can do it in a manner that likely won't put herself or anyone else at risk. If it was a specifically targeted assassination planned by someone who needed to kill a very specific person, then it just makes no sense to me that they'd do it in this way.
@mistermaestersirthomas9164 2 года назад
Sansa is constantly next to Tyrion, so a safe storage space to hide the poison in plain sight and wait for an opportunity. Petyr wouldn’t use Sansa (his daughter) for this but took the opportunity to remove her to safety. Taking the blame since Sansa wouldn’t believe otherwise.
@SeptaShaenasSapphires 2 года назад
@@mistermaestersirthomas9164 say it even more plainly as my mind works slowly. Is the hairnet poisoned and by who and who is the target.
@SeptaShaenasSapphires 2 года назад
@@mistermaestersirthomas9164 ...also - how is Sansa LFs child if Cat has not seen him since the Brandon duel? Also under your theory who is Robb’s father - and I note that Cat almost unequivocally says the solemn brother took her “maiden hood”.
@mistermaestersirthomas9164 2 года назад
@@SeptaShaenasSapphires I imagine Cat met both Robert and Petyr at the Inn “where Westeros’ history happens “. No Idea if Robert was consensual or not, doubt it. Also not sure who was really first, but I’m guessing Cat isn’t being honest to herself, and repeating the lie she’s said to herself. Ned was likely still campaigning at Sansa’s conception making Ned Dayne or ?Quentyn? Less sure about Rob, hints are there but are more likely about Robin… then again Red hair probably shouldn’t happen with Starks just like Baratheons because house Strong ancestry…
@BrotherNarbert 2 года назад
cool theory, but this part is convincing to the contrary: "The wind has been at your hair, though." The little old woman reached up and fussed at the loose strands, tucking them back into place and straightening Sansa's hair net.
@katemacabre3086 2 года назад
The Tyrell's "sworn enemy" was there too though, the Red Viper, so perhaps not knowing the Tyrion thing was gunna go down, was hoping for Oberyn to be the main suspect of the poisoning. Oberyn who had threatened the Lannisters openly and often. Perhaps. I've not made it through the whole vid yet so maybe that gets mentioned. Just one of my random thoughts on it.
@astrinymris9953 2 года назад
You know, that's what struck me at the time I first read this scene: Why the shell game with the hairnet? If Olenna could conceal the poison until using it *after* taking the fake gem in the hairnet, why couldn't she just walk in with it already hidden on her person? If there was some kind of TSA-style security everyone had to go through before entering Joffrey's presence, then using an unknowing mule to get the poison inside the venue would make sense. That way, if security recognized the fake gem for what it was, it would be someone else who got arrested. But given that the kind of mindset that would lead to security pat downs of the most powerful people in the land doesn't exist in Westeros, then involving Sansa at all makes no sense. I think the intended goal of the whole endeavor was to get rid of Tyrion, the true brains of the Lannister family. Framing him for murder of his nephew should have gotten him executed, and would have if it hadn't been for Jaime's guilt about Tysha. Getting Joffrey dead was just a bonus. Petyr Baelish is a prime suspect, because the incident enabled him to control Sansa better, and he did have the preexisting plan of smuggling her out that night. But a another possible candidate is Tywin Lannister himself. He knew how dangerously unfit to rule Joffrey was, and Joffrey was too close to the age of majority for Tywin to be sure of molding him into being an acceptable king before he lost legal control of Joffrey. Tywin had already been through the experience of serving a mad king with Aerys, and Joffrey was already worse than Aerys had been at the same age. Tywin may have thought the best course of action was to dispose of two family embarrassments, (Joffrey and Tyrion) at one stroke, and start afresh with Tommen after having married Cersei off to remove her detrimental influence on Tommen. Unfortunately, his abuse of Tyrion and Tysha came back to bite him, and he died before he could enact his full plan.
@lindenshepherd6085 2 года назад
I really really like this theory!! A lot about the purple wedding doesn’t make sense to me (especially the prophecy referring to “purple snakes” when Sansa’s hairnet was made with black amethysts).
@SpottedHares 2 года назад
Not the first time that poison killed a king, and just like before we may know conspirators but the act it’s self remains somewhat a mystery. Which is the whole point of poison, and anonymity of it.
@loudradialem5233 2 года назад
In my opinion, the culprit is Littlefinger. However, the target was Tyrion. If there is anyone that Littlefinger wants dead, it's Tyrion. From the Dontos rescue plan, we know that Littlefinger's main goal was to spirit Sansa away. He wants to marry her to himself/someone else, but he can't do it with Tyrion alive. Killing Joffrey doesn't advance his position in any way. It's so true that the reason he gives Sansa (to cause chaos) is the most idiotic and ridiculous reason ever.
@caitlin3912 2 года назад
super interesting theory. it was a niggling thought at the back of my mind that too many things had to go right for this plan to work. but i have one question: when petyr is telling sansa about who actually poisoned joffrey, he tells her: “I will wager you that at some point during the evening someone told you that your hair net was crooked and straightened it for you.” if the poison wasn't in the hairnet and olenna tyrell was not the one who poisoned joffrey, then how could petyr have known that olenna was gonna arrange sansa's hair net? if the tyrell's didn't poison joffrey then wouldn't there be no need to for olenna to take one of the stones?
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Good question! And of course the short and truthful answer is I have no idea, but my first instinct is that Petyr has spies everywhere and he would have had a ton of them keeping an eye on Sansa at the wedding, ergo he didn't know that Olenna was going to do it, he only knew that she did do it after the fact and thus told Sansa that's when the poison was taken out of her hair.
@caitlin3912 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT why would they tell him about something as innocuous as olenna rearranging sansa's hairnet though?
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
@@caitlin3912 Well I think that he knew that he wanted Sansa to feel responsible for Joffrey's death/be afraid to leave him since he'd be "keeping her safe," and he knew that he was going to tell her that the poison was in the hairnet, ergo he could just tell his people to look out for someone touching Sansa's hair (which was pretty likely to happen at some point in the day anyway). And if no one/Olenna didn't do it, he could have just lied. I mean if I were at a massive party around a bajillion people, I might not notice or remember who touched me or didn't, or if someone else told me after the fact that someone sneakily touched me without me knowing, I would have no way of knowing whether or not that was actually true.
@caitlin3912 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT But why introduce the hairnet into the narrative if it wasn’t going to be important? Was it just a worthless piece of jewelry given to sansa by petyr through dontos? If so, it would be a waste of word count to mention it so many times. And the Tyrell’s did take steps to alleviate suspicion from them. Littlefinger arranged the event with the jousting dwarves to give Tyrion a motive for murdering Joffrey, and I think the fact that Margaery was drinking from the same cup also diverted suspicion from the Tyrell’s. A lot of things had to go right for the plan to work, but maybe they made it that way so that less suspicion would fall on them. They probably trusted Sansa to attend the feast wearing a hairnet because she wanted to get away from King’s Landing so badly. Still an interesting theory though, and I think there’s a chance it’s true!
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
@@caitlin3912 Well, maybe I'm wrong and everything happened just like it seems it did, it's just a bizarre plot that never made sense to me personally!
@danielbroome5690 2 года назад
I'm sure you go over this later in the video, but Little finger does NOT in-fact admit to conspiring with Olenna. That was Sansa volunteering information and he then picked up on it and "confirmed it"
@Noteven0 Год назад
It’s not that complicated… Little Finger conspired with house Tyrell to murder Joffrey. House Tyrell intended for a Lannister’s to discover the poison in Sansa’s hairnet and blame her, placing the motive for Joffrey‘s murder, as revenge for Joffrey murdering Sansa’s father. Little Finger deviated from the plot with house Tyrell, by arranging for Sansa Stark’s escape while everyone was distracted… this kept Sansa and play so little finger could use her to advantage, while maintaining the appearance of Sansa’s guilt, but also left just enough of a question to give Little Finger leverage against house Tyrell, should they decide to betray him at some point.
@direwolf7491 2 года назад
In my opinion that the fact that plan was full of loopholes and the whole plan would fail if a tiny component would go wrong makes this so brilliant. In the case anyone was able to figure out, they could say that how ludicrous and illogical the plan sounded like. Thus dismissing suspicion completely.
@Latransient Год назад
Joffrey killed himself because he realized that the ensuing succession crisis would harm far more people than he ever could.
@robpolaris7272 2 года назад
There is no question who killed Joffrey on the TV show. 2 people in particular. It will be interesting to see how it plays out in the book.
@shiroamakusa8075 2 года назад
But here's the thing, the Tyrell's don't really have a motive obvious to the other parties. In the show they have Joffrey whacked because he was a horrible person and they wanted to protect Margaery from having to endure him for a lifetime. For someone like Tywin, who treats his children like pawns and tools, this would be a completely alien mindset. Jamie in the book didn't really care that Joffrey died (as he was never allowed to act like a father to Joffrey) and wasn't even present at the event and Cersei was likely to blame it on Tyrion since Tyrion had frequently disrespected and manhandled Joffrey and had been mocked and humiliated at the wedding. Let's also not forget that Littlefinger is a lot more charismatic in the book and less of an obvious ne'erdowell and he'd jump at the chance of killing Joffrey simply because it would create more chaos and destabilise the realm. Chaos is a ladder and all that. And saying that the Tyrells would be prime suspects because they were present...it would actually be more suspicious if any Tyrell of importance wasn't present at the wedding. And them being the "obvious" perpetrators would also work against building suspicion since the smarter people would actually think it would be too obvious. I also think people questioning this turn of events all too easily fall for the perfect rationality trap, they think that every actor always has perfect information while considering the exact outcomes to any action taken and always go for the most rational choice, but that's not how humans work, isn't it?
@limbus66 Год назад
I think this is just too much of a stretch. The book draws a lot of attention to the moment where Olenna reaches into Sansa's hair and messes with it, and Littlefinger alludes to this later on, completely unprompted when he's talking to Sansa. There's no way he could've heard about this moment and woven it into his explanation since he was presumably at sea preparing to pick her up while this was happening. You're right that the Tyrells being everywhere and clearly standing to gain from the situation makes them obvious suspects, but I don't think that would be enough to put them off doing it entirely, it just made them ensure that Tyrion looked extra guilty. You have Olenna incessantly mocking Tyrion's dwarfism, seemingly trying to wind him up in the hopes that he'd have some kind of public conflict with Joffrey like the one at his wedding to Sansa, and Littlefinger organising the dwarf performers for the same reason. They also probably banked on Tyrion being easy to pin it on even if there wasn't any evidence, because Tywin and Cersei would both gladly accept a chance to get rid of him even if it didn't add up (Tywin in particular would have no emotional resentment against Joffrey's killer, in fact he probably wanted Joffrey out of the way himself and may have even been involved in the conspiracy), and it was a narrative the general public would easily accept.
@Mr_Mcgee_ 2 года назад
I think you have a lot of really great points, and you are definitely on to something! Is it possible (in the books) that Littlefinger is the one to who invites Olena to the plot to kill Joffrey? Or perhaps Olena (the Tyrells) made plans to have Joffrey killed and Littlefinger found out, but used it to his advantage. In either case, this allows Littlefinger to add extra details that work in his favor. In addition to painting the Tyrells the same as the Lannisters (as you went over so well) he could have also taken the liberty to make up Sansa’s involvement in the plot. This leaves her feeling implicated in the treason with nobody to turn to.. except for Littlefinger who makes himself out to be her savior. While I likewise feel that Littlefinger had some level of involvement (chaos is a ladder), his level of involvement may very well be different than what was shown in the show. I could easily see him as the driving force of the plot, or on the contrary someone who has the information of what *will happen* and uses the chaos to his advantage. The prophecy can always be referring to what Littlefinger will tell Sansa / the truth Sansa believes. There is a definite theme of “the truth is what we make it” in ASOIF. I subbed to your channel, will be excited to see more of your content!
@peoriatitan5172 2 года назад
If you watch closely you literally watch her take the stone from the necklace. Open your eyes.
@HowToPnP Год назад
Littlefinger has directly told you something? Okay, so that's definitely bullshit! I like the Preston theory: Littlefinger wanted to kill Tyrion/widow Sansa (bonus points of Joffrey is suspected of murdering him). So he payed the waiter to poison the creme on Tyrion's cake. Joffrey eating the cake, was a mistake, that Littlefinger tried to spinn in his favor, by asking Sansa leading questions.
@GlobenTrote 2 года назад
Would be a cool theory if we didn't actually see Olenna grab the gem from her necklace. It was Olenna.
@Darkanent Год назад
Right, she even mentions to Petyr Ballish in Another episode that they killed a king together. The show was quite clear about it.
@101AstyMasty 2 года назад
It always irked me why would Ollena poison her granddaughters husband who is a king, so publicly and with immense risk, whose alliance is of utmost importance. I think she would at least wait until Marg had a couple of heirs to put on the throne, to further secure their position, just like Tywin did with marrying Cercei to Bobby B. It had to have been Littlefinger, trying to kill Tyrion to widow Sansa and to create chaos. He would probably accuse dead Tyrion of actually trying to poison the king, and it somewhat backfired. I know he would find a way. Again, being the devious quick-witted master player that he is, he still found a way to "save" Sansa from the lions den and sort of keep her as his own property. He is basically slobering all over her in Vale and Sansa, being the poor and naive girl that she is, thinks that in some way, he is her "prince Charming". I've always loved his "Chaos is a ladder" speech, it really shows his true colors and how he uses the chaos to his own advantage.
@lochofmceo 2 года назад
You can literally see when she does it.She takes it from Sansa’s necklace then drops it in the wine
@whensomethingcriesagain 8 месяцев назад
One element I find impossible to ignore is the dwarf show. Littlefinger clearly arranged it, as he described it in detail in a way he couldn't have if he weren't behind it since he wasn't there to see it, and his motivations are made very clear. He set that up to publicly create tension between Tyrion and Joffrey right before Joffrey's assassination, specifically to point the finger at Tyrion for the crime of regicide, thereby drawing eyes away from Olenna (and also if Tyrion gets executed, Sansa is freed up for marriage). That was absolutely done on purpose, and it's the same reason why Sansa was the one chosen to transport the poison to the wedding, it lays a very damning false trail. As for why involve Littlefinger at all, my guess is this originated back when he was brokering the alliance with them after the assassination of Renly, he's the kind of man whose skills make him a valuable asset, but is ultimately disposable if he'd be. Olenna is many things, but she's not someone who would throw any member of her own family to the wolves over one of her own plots, and Littlefinger makes a very useful fall guy since he's hundreds of miles away and was married to Sansa's aunt, making him actually a pretty viable suspect for who spirited her away from King's Landing (though I doubt anyone would believe he went there in person). His foremost ability is his talent at getting people to see him as a trustworthy confidant, that he's "everybody's friend". His foremost use to the Tyrells is in fabricating their cover story, they need him for his role in placing blame on Tyrion and Sansa and drawing eyes away from them. A lot of the steps you bring up in the plan are absolutely things you can control for, and indeed they do. Sansa specifically wears the hair net because of what Dontos told her at the end of A Clash of Kings, on some level she knew it was an instrument in Joffrey's downfall. Dontos all but told her that the hair net was an instrument of revenge, that it was "magic", and she pretty clearly puts weight behind that. Littlefinger, for his part, was probably involved specifically so he could grab Sansa, indeed the reason it happened during the wedding at all is probably something he insisted on specifically so he could take her, since it's pretty well noted that his primary weakness is his obsession with Cat and Sansa by extension. This is the same reason he confessed to regicide to her, he knew Joffrey was the king who took her father's head and spent all the intervening time making her life absolutely miserable, so confessing to her was something he believed would give him a lot of goodwill from her
@blackmagickdancer2282 2 года назад
No darling . ..not being in attendance would have made them look guilty. Olena did it, and probably with the help of Tywin. The fact that Tywin didn't burn down kings landing after a Lannister was murdered is a clue that he may have had something to do with it
@jimspetdragons3737 2 года назад
The risky part could easily be overcome by the actual assassin using a 2nd vial of poison to do the job while framing Tyrian & Sansa w/ the necklace. Then it could be anyone close enough to do the deed whether the poison was in the cup or not (though I do believe the cup was likely used at this point).
@Shaso-xv3tw 2 года назад
Personally I think it was Tywin who killed his grandson, he absolutely saw the writing on the wall for the unstable and sadistic rule that would have happened otherwise and he is way too eager to start counseling his other grandson in the ways of leadership.
@linchen008 2 года назад
If I had been in the position of Olena - forced to take poisson - I would have told Jamie the same. Wether I was it or not.
@lonemotheo1964 2 года назад
I think the only thing we are all sure about is that Littlefinger did kill Joffery, WHY he did it, we simply don't know..... He could've been trying to kill Tyrion... He could've been trying to frame Tyrion.. He could've been trying to cause a rift between the Lannister's and Tyrrells... He could've done it as revenge for the killing of Cat.... He could've done because he woke up that morning and felt like it.... We don't know and I think that's what makes it so much fun
@LovinOne. 2 года назад
The only correction I would make... it wasn't a hair net on the show, it was a "jewel" off of Sansa's necklace and if you watch carefully you can see her remove it when she talks to Sansa and plays with her hair. I do agree that it seems to risky and how it played out doesn't make sense.
@eric2500 Год назад
The books correct the show.
@gerardjagroo 2 года назад
There is a theory about that I think is highly plausible which is that a) the poison was not in the wine but in Lord Tyrion's pie which Joffrey stole and ate and b) Joffrey was not the target of the assassination but Tyrion. Littlefinger tried to poison Tyrion because a) Tyrion knew of the lies he told Lady Catelyn about the catspaw dagger to start a war between the Starks and Lannisters and b) Tyrion was recently appointed Master of Coin and was looking into Littlefinger's accounts and would soon find evidence of his embezzlement and c) after becoming Acting Hand Tyrion began to uncover the extent of Littlefinger's control in King's Landing where almost everyone in an important position was linked in some way or the other to him. These three things taken together would paint for Tyrion a very alarming picture of Littlefinger's duplicity, reach and ambitions. As such Tyrion had to be silenced. Heres some quotes that I think support this idea: "...Littlefinger laughed. “Well said, Lannister. A man after my own heart.” Tyrion smiled at him, remembering a certain dagger with a dragonbone hilt and a Valyrian steel blade. _We must have a talk about that, and soon_ He wondered if Lord Petyr would find that subject amusing as well..." _______________________________________ In this one you see Tyrion's suspicions of Littlefinger being aroused even more "...Cersei smiled the sort of smile she customarily reserved for Jaime. “Lord Petyr, you are a wicked creature.” “Thank you, Your Grace.” “And a most accomplished liar,” Tyrion added, _less warmly_ _This one is more dangerous than I knew, he reflected_ Littlefinger’s grey-green eyes met the dwarf’s mismatched stare with no hint of unease. “We all have our gifts, my lord.”..." _______________________________________ This one outlines Littlefinger's reach: “Thank you, but no.” Littlefinger flashed his mocking smile. “Drink with the dwarf, it’s said, and you wake up walking the Wall. Black brings out my unhealthy pallor.” _Have no fear, my lord_ Tyrion thought, _it’s not the Wall I have in mind for you_ He seated himself in a high chair piled with cushions and said, “You look very elegant today, my lord.” “I’m wounded. I strive to look elegant every day.” “Is the doublet new?” “It is. You’re most observant.” “Plum and yellow. Are those the colors of your House?” “No. But a man gets bored wearing the same colors day in and day out, or so I’ve found.” “That’s a handsome knife as well.” “Is it?” There was mischief in Littlefinger’s eyes. He drew the knife and glanced at it casually, as if he had never seen it before. “Valyrian steel, and a dragonbone hilt. A trifle plain, though. It’s yours, if you would like it.” “Mine?” Tyrion gave him a long look. “No. I think not. Never mine.” _He knows, the insolent wretch_ _He knows and he knows that I know, and he thinks that I cannot touch him_ If ever truly a man had armored himself in gold, it was Petyr Baelish, not Jaime Lannister. Jaime’s famous armor was but gilded steel, but Littlefinger, ah… Tyrion had learned a few things about sweet Petyr, _to his growing disquiet_ Ten years ago, Jon Arryn had given him a minor sinecure in customs, where Lord Petyr had soon distinguished himself by bringing in three times as much as any of the king’s other collectors. King Robert had been a prodigious spender. A man like Petyr Baelish, who had a gift for rubbing two golden dragons together to breed a third, was invaluable to his Hand. Littlefinger’s rise had been arrow-swift. Within three years of his coming to court, he was master of coin and a member of the small council, and today the crown’s revenues were ten times what they had been under his beleaguered predecessor… though the crown’s debts had grown vast as well. _A master juggler was Petyr Baelish_ Oh, he was clever. He did not simply collect the gold and lock it in a treasure vault, no. _He paid the king’s debts in promises_ and put the king’s gold to work. He bought wagons, shops, ships, houses. He bought grain when it was plentiful and sold bread when it was scarce. He bought wool from the north and linen from the south and lace from Lys, stored it, moved it, dyed it, sold it. The golden dragons bred and multiplied, and Littlefinger lent them out and brought them home with hatchlings. _And in the process, he moved his own men into place_ The Keepers of the Keys were his, all four. The King’s Counter and the King’s Scales were men he’d named. The officers in charge of all three mints. Harbormasters, tax farmers, customs sergeants, wool factors, toll collectors, pursers, wine factors; nine of every ten belonged to Littlefinger. They were men of middling birth, by and large; merchants’ sons, lesser lordlings, sometimes even foreigners, but judging from their results, far more able than their highborn predecessors. No one had ever thought to question the appointments, and why should they? Littlefinger was no threat to anyone. A clever, smiling, genial man, everyone’s friend, always able to find whatever gold the king or his Hand required, and yet of such undistinguished birth, one step up from a hedge knight, he was not a man to fear. He had no banners to call, no army of retainers, no great stronghold, no holdings to speak of, no prospects of a great marriage. _But do I dare touch him?_ Tyrion wondered. _Even if he is a traitor?_ He was not at all certain he could, least of all now, while the war raged. Given time, he could replace Littlefinger’s men with his own in key positions, but…" _______________________________________ Another quote that shows that Tyrion was reviewing Littlefinger's accounts, or rather the accounts he chose to provide Tyrion: "...Even abed, he (Tyrion) worked well into the morning-reading by the flickering light of a candle, scrutinizing the reports of Varys’s whisperers, and poring over Littlefinger’s books of accounts until the columns blurred and his eyes ached..." _______________________________________ Again Tyrion smells something fishy about Littlefinger's accounts "...He (Tyrion) went back to work after she left, trying to track some golden dragons through the labyrinth of Littlefinger’s ledgers. Petyr Baelish had not believed in letting gold sit about and grow dusty, that was for certain, but the more Tyrion tried to make sense of his accounts the more his head hurt. It was all very well to talk of breeding dragons instead of locking them up in the treasury, _but some of these ventures smelled worse than week-old fish_ ..."
@dmitritrs4867 2 года назад
It wasn’t THE tyrell it was olenna who knew her son would get his daughter to be queen regardless of the abuse and violence she might have to endure.she was smart enough to not involve anyone in the family knowing her granddaughter could do with joeffrey s younger brother what she herself did with her husband who was originally promised to her sister.All the reasons your mentioned as to why it would have been stupid of them is exactly what kept suspicions away from the tyrell and olenna knew it
@tylermiller5836 10 месяцев назад
I think a key piece you’re missing is that Tywin knew Tyrion was innocent: he just didn’t care. Tywin, like everyone else knew, knew Joffrey was a monster who needed to go. He probably also suspected the Tyrell’s played a part but even if he wanted to act he couldn’t because the alliance was the only thing holding the realm together. So Tywin saw what happened as an essential ally took care of a problem while also giving the added bonus of letting him get rid of Tyrion. This was a win in all regards for him.
@shinrugal Год назад
Couple of points you overlooked 1 The Tyrells have the Lannisters in their palms at that point because they are supplying King’s Landing with both food and gold ( under Master of Coin Littlefinger) 2 Everyone at court knows what Cersei is going to think before she thinks it. In the next book she’s constantly manipulated by her “allies” into doing their bidding. So the Tyrells pretty much knew that her and Tywin would jump at the chance to put the blame on Tyrion and Sansa.
@badpersephone 2 года назад
I was always of the opinion it was just Olenna and Littlefinger. Yes it’s is a completely bonkers plan. But they had several things in there corner. That would give them plausible deniability. Just because a plan is crazy doesn’t mean it can’t have happened. They where likely taking advantage of an opportunity rather than making an ironclad plan.
@bethfinne3260 2 года назад
Seems like weakening the kingdom, sowing discord and distrust are the MO's of not just Litttlefinger but of Varys and Ilyrio as well. It would play into their idea of the common people and lesser nobility looking for a return to peace and stability and Aegon, fake or no, being the answer to that.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Yeah agreed on that one, Varys seems like a good suspect as well because this kind of chaos would play into his grand plan pretty ideally.
@Kurooganeko 2 года назад
I dunno thoug. The plan looking stupid kinda makes it genious. The Tyrells could claim the absurdity of their involvement. They only have things to lose if participating in such scheme. It's so obvious and dumb than could potencially remove attention from them. Specially when your enemy expects you to be smart, it is in a way underestimating someone. Also the Tyrells had a privileged position in the entire event: sitting with the monarch, they were part of the event. Very few people had such privilege. Baelish gets Sansa, Olenna gets a more docile in-law. Tywin could be in it as well, he gets rid of Tyrion, whom he hates, but also gets a more manageable king. He is a very pragmatic person. He even seems to consider Cersei able to give birth still. So, no real loss there. "Not now, Mace! Lord Tywin and I are speaking"
@KnowledgeBorn120 2 года назад
1)Olenna and littlefinger talked about the murder at the red keep right before he told her about Kevin Lannisters' kid that Cersi was having sex with and used to spike King Roberts wine when they were hunting. 2) Lady Olenna told Queen Margerie that she wouldnt let her get married to that monster 3)You can see her grab the poison off of Sansas' necklace and then look at Tyrion with pity cause she knows whats about to happen. 4)She drank the poison quickly and then admitted it to Jamie so he wouldnt cut her in half with Widows Whale (joffreys sword). I love when she says to Sansa as shes grabbing the poison that she didnt even know was around her neck "what kind of monster would kill a man on his wedding day"and then poisons Joffrey! cold as ice!
@bonganixalisa4568 Год назад
And Olenna confesses this to Margery as well in Episode 4 before she is to leave for High Garden. She even explains this so I do not know how the video maker missed all of that when there is even a shot showing Olenna sitting close to where Joffrey's goblet stood while everyone was distracted with him cutting the pigeon pie. Yes, they didn't show her do it but that should've been a clue.
@dblackesquire 4 месяца назад
Best analysis on this subject I've found. Two Questions: how does the comment from Dontas about the hairnet being magic play in? How does the dream of the ghost of high heart about maid with serpents dripping poison play in?
@rainluna9765 2 года назад
I believe this was a plot to kill Tyrion gone wrong.
@bonganixalisa4568 Год назад
Watch episode 3 or 4 of S4 there's a scene where Olenna confesses to Maergery about killing Joffrey. If you follow the storyline, you would know that a) she learns from Sansa about what a monster Joffrey is and takes issue and b) she does this to prevent her granddaughter from suffering the same cruelty. Sh
@Salamon2 6 месяцев назад
It's also a callback to a book series that GRRM called "the original Game of Thrones", the historical novel series "Les Roi D'Maudit" aka "The Accursed Kings", which is about the slow decline of the Capetian dynasty of France. GRRM wrote the foreward to the English translations to the recent re-release of the books. In it, an older noble woman poisons an infant king she's carrying up the baptismal aisle as "godmother". It's well known that the infant King has been having coughing fits, so she takes advantage of that when the infant coughs by dabbing her poisoned handkerchief over the infant's mouth. Only thing is, there was unkowingly a baby swap, and all she did was kill the decoy. No matter, since the infant died at baptism, the country believes the infant king dead, and so the old woman's daughter, who is married to the uncle of the infant King, becomes Queen. She also had killed the father of the infant King, by leaving a poisoned chocolate covered almond mixed among a bowl of almonds he keeps by his bedside. She had been permitted to help set up his bedchambers along with several others prior to his arrival at the castle. So an old noble woman poisoning royalty for the benefit of her offspring, yeah that's a definite callback to The Accursed Kings.
@saranemcova5448 2 года назад
I am a fan of Jacob Preston's theory. The target was supposed to be Tyrion, the poison was in the pie... and the whole thing was Littlefinger's plan to get rid of dangerous witness and getting Sansa.
@lxfj2128 2 года назад
Was Tywin poisoned in the books, is that why his body smelled unnaturally bad. Or just another theory?. The Tyrell’s and little finger poisoned jeoffry it might have not gone as smooth as they thought but it was them as stated.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Tywin being poisoned is just a theory, and sure, maybe I'm wrong and it's exactly as described, but theorizing and discussing ideas with people is more fun than taking everything at face value.
@thegreenmanofnorwich Месяц назад
I hadnt really thought of how convoluted the whole thig was, before
@eric2500 Год назад
I am for the Tyrell/Bealish plan with a little bit of a more wrinkly wrinkle added - I think the poison was both in the pie and in the wine. The dose in the pie was the catalyst chemical, and the combination only mimicked the Strangler poison. Margery could have been drinking the wine is reasonable safety.
@mmesasquatchy7795 9 месяцев назад
When Brandon stark was killed by the mad king, he had previously been betrothed to catlyn Tully. After his death, and according the Westerosi tradition, catlyn went on to marry Ned, Brandon's younger brother. It makes perfect sense for Olena to kill Joffrey before the marriage was consumated given that she was likely be certain that this would mean a marriage between Margery and Tomon (idk how to spell a lot of these names lol)
@renaigh Год назад
Telling Dontos to plant the red herring and then killing him to hide the truth sounds like a Littlefinger plot.
@HughEMC Год назад
Olena Tyrrell was a mother who loved her daughter & would do anything to protect her. We've seen Circe turn the kingdom upside down to protect her children. Olena did not want her daughter to marry "that monster" Murdering him at the wedding was actually a clever idea. It gives Olena a reason to be near the king. Olena nonchalantly picked the poision crytal out of Sansa's hair net & placed it into the wine in the wedding cup. The cup was at the Tyrell table & she knew Tyrion was Jeoffery's cup barer. Tyrion literally picks up the cup & hands it to his nephew. Marjorie didn't have a chance to drink from it. Olena may have even dropped the poisoning crystal into the cup just after Jeoffery asked for it. Im also sure the Tyrelles were aware of Circe's hate for Tyrion. By poisoning the wedding cup It automatically places the blame on the cupbarer & scatteres any other suspicion on everyone else at the wedding. In the HBO series Olena says to Sansa she is sorry about her brother being killed & also says "who would kill someone at a wedding? What kind of monster would do such a thing?" About 10 minutes later Geoffery is choking to death
@victorportable3892 Год назад
Commiting the murder at the wedding makes all the sense in the world for house tyrell. At any time after the wedding the bride (and by extension her family) would be the natural first suspect of any murder makeing it much harder to deny any kind of involvement. Commiting the murder at any time before the wedding might open a realistic possibility in which house lannister backs out of the entire alliance, for example to lock down access to their son and king before he gets murdered too. While at the day of the wedding both houses have already shown the full commitment to execute the alliance to the end which makes it just more convinient to just keep it up instead of turning all the wheels back that are already in motion. At the same time the wedding is also a gathering of pretty much every person in the world that could have a motive to kill joffrey with house tyrell kind of beeing the only ones to show no motivefor his murder. Additionally the plan might pose risks to fail but actually pose absolute minimal risk for house tyrell to be revealed as the people behind it. Up untill the very execution of the plan noone in house tyrell is even in contact with the murder weapon, which instead got brought into the wedding by the person with the biggest motive in the world. There is not really any proper scenario in which Olenna could have been caught red handed. while carrying the poison to joffreys glass she could just drop the tiny stone if she would get stoped and if anyone saw her meddling with joffreys drink this would be a very deniable accusation and also a very managable risk to begin with as she only has to wait until there is enough distraction to make people oversee a subtle motion. At the end the original plan was to frame sansa for it, as the person to bring in the murder weapon and escape the scene afterwards. The fight between joffrey and tyrion was mereley the distraction that was needed. Littlefingers involvment in the murder is already unquestionable as he knows all the details and has people beeing directly involved with the plot. Yet - just like always hes not just acting on his own, leaving him in the vulnerable spot of haveing both house lannister and tyrell beeing after him. With house tyrell also involved in the murder, Littlefinger has a crucial ally in the whole plot and a very powerfull entity with a very big insentive to not find the true murderer.
@csamples007 2 года назад
It was Tywin Lannister and Olenna Tyrell. Tywin told Shea to make sure she wore the necklace that had the poison. Tywin knew with Tomlin as king he would be easier to control as opposed to Joffrey who cut off Nedd Starks head. Olenna felt the same as about Joffrey and Tomlin her and Tywin conspired. Not to mention Tywin was able to get rid of Tyrion at the same time. Of course Little Finger found out from the Spider and was there to take Sansa and lie to her.
@darthdank1993 Год назад
Considering there’s a scene with olenna a a and little finger talking how they killed him together im not sure how this makes sense?
@janetf.8459 Год назад
I heard a theory that petyr baelish was trying to kill Tyrion so he could have access to Sansa and she could be married by Peter himself and then he would have control of the north. Apparently in the book Jeffrey died after he ate some of tyrion's pigeon pie
@emilyk5168 2 года назад
I don't think the "Tyrells" killed Joffrey. I think Olenna did. Mace certainly didn't know. Margaery might have (or at least been told not to drink the wine). Because Baelish told Olenna that Joff beat Sansa, and Sansa then confirmed that. She thought she was protecting her granddaughter. But I don't think she was fully "in on it" because she did want Sansa to marry Willas. I also don't think Olenna is the political genius the show made her out to be. She seems to have very little influence on her son (and trusting LF is a big red flag). I also think it's a mistake to think the plot is ABOUT killing Joffrey. His death is just a cover. LF can't take Sansa without a distraction that is Big. He also goes quite far (at least he hired Penny and her brother) to CAUSE a fight between Joffrey and Tyrion, so Tyrion would be blamed. I think that is Baelish's revenge for Tyrion using him in CoK. But I think the flimsiness of the plan is important. He's trying to make her think he's the Puppet Master and can see it all. "Look how clever I am, Cat, I mean Sansa!" But it was in Sansa's power to stop all of it, if she simply acted in a way LF didn't anticipate, and she can do that in the future.
@Bettrdays 2 года назад
I agree with all of this. I really do think protecting Marg was a big factor in Olenna’s decision.
@nunyabiznes33 2 года назад
She is starting to test how far she can go against him, during the Harry seduction scene.
@hellsjamfleas 2 года назад
I do think the Tyrrell plan went wrong but I think it was them. This is the third time the Tyrells trust a littlefinger plan. 1: Making Margery Queen 2: The green knight /Renlys ghost 3: The purple wedding After the success of the Renly's ghost ploy , they did have reason to believe in his schemes. I think there must have been a conversation or series of conversations between Olenna and Petyr about a back up (Tommen) to the 1st plan, making them feel like a partner. Also although the Sansa part is very haphazard, lots could have gone wrong. She is explicitly told by Dantos that the hairnet is magic and will take her home, there wasn't a chance of her forgetting or losing it. The only threat was Dantos or Sansa getting caught. Presumably he thinks the court wouldn't have prosecuted Sansa and he was relying on her youth and innocence. Or they don't go through with it, but Sansa might not have been allowed by the lannisters to not show up, he presumably has back up measures and we know he did have some agents, but who knows. I think the risks were just low enough for him to try and that's part of who he is, a gambler. The poison in the hairnet may be fake, I personally don't think that's it, but it's a fair point that Sansa in the plan only needs to think she was involved. I think he is recklous enough to do that to her but if not there were other ways of sneaking in a small crystal. Several of the King's guard apparently don't give a damn about Joffreys death, just as a start. The Tyrells were involved. The conversation about Joffreys true nature and Olenna and Margery's lack of concern is suspicious. They also for sure think something is about to change, because Olenna suggests Sansa comes to Highgarden again, she must think it will be allowed somehow after the wedding. In terms of suspicions the Tyrells are the first to call cause of death "he chocked on the pigeon pie", and Mace and Loras emphasize Margery as a target in the murder. I think the Tyrell plan was a choking, they gave Joffrey the ridiculous large goblet and Margery's job was to make sure he used it. She could have been told not to drink from it after the pigeon pie was brought out. the pigeon pie was dry and something you would need a drink for, so Joffrey was sure to drink. That was the back up, Tyrells would never have endangered Margery and it looked like she was just as vulnerable. I don't think it would have been so hard to set up given what a big distracting event it would have been, and family members around her could have been involved in ensuring she didn't drink after the poison. Tyrion, Sansa and the Red Viper would all have been adequate scapegoats in their plans had people not bought the choking excuse. I think Margery and possibly her mother and brothers were involved. But they possibly were not told exactly what would happen. She is good at acting and way too clever to want to be married to Joffrey and they seem way too sensible and caring of her. I agree that the point was to create a mess, which was Petyrs goal not theirs, he mislead them on some level. They weren't aware of the Sansa abduction part, or likely the conflict stirring between Joffrey and Tyrion (Peryr triggered it by hiring the dwarfs, Margery tried to drag him away from Tyrion, Garlen was being very kind to Tyrion) . The death was too overt for a choking, I think the poison in this scenario was Petyrs. Their reaction was their hard-line stance, from aggressively demanding justice to accusing sansa to Lady Merryweather (their companion) lying about Tyrion to ensure his guilt . I think it's suspicious how unnecessary and even illogical some of their arguments are, it makes me think it's deflection.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
But to me that doesn't explain why the Tyrells would unnecessarily trust a near stranger with a plot to assassinate the king, it's just astoundingly stupid on their part and it's entirely unnecessary.
@hellsjamfleas 2 года назад
@@HillsAliveYT Sure, but they already have. The ploy to dress up as Renly was his idea. They also trusted him with making Margery Queen. They were wrong to but according to Petyr he was manipulating them on several fronts. So I would say they are an easy to manipulate family, especially Mace. Olenna charectorises the situation as her managing his foolishness, when they come to Kings Landing. Oberyn says something similar, that Mace is ambitious for his sons pushed Wilas into a dangerous situation because of that and is the reason he got hurt. In parallel giving Margery to Joffrey is folly. The Tyrells are away from home surrounded by a court of lannisters, Varys agents and Littlefinger men. I don't think their biggest concern would have been Littlefinger, who they only know briefly as someone with a good idea about dressing up as Renly and as loyal to Lannisters, but not so loyal that all his men would tell them the truth without consequences. I think we are supposed to assume it played out a bit like with Ned, in that Petyr just gave them so much good and useful information that they dropped the guard a bit. They showed that they didn't trust Varys much, and it's obvious why they didn't trust others. I suppose what you are saying is why not have an alternative scheme which cuts out Littlefinger entirely. It seems to me that Littlefinger was the one directing Olenna, the poison in my opinion was his and such a horrific death points to him. Without the poison there wasn't a plan, the Tyrell part was just delivering the poison and possibly controlling how things played out, they were replaceable with a servant or two. Maybe they felt that being more familiar with Kingslanding they had to rely on him. Do Olenna or the Tyrells have a history of assassinations ? But mostly I just feel he ingratiated himself, the Tyrells come across as sensible and intelligent but very foolish in some areas. I don't think we are supposed to assume they see Littlefinger as more duplicitous or untrustworthy than anyone else in Kingslanding (or even according to Olenna, Highgarden).
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
@@hellsjamfleas Well yes, they trusted him to do other things, but that wasn't assassinating the king and potentially getting their entire family slaughtered by Tywin Lannister, you know what I mean? The notion that even the dumbest person in the books would collude to commit the greatest crime known to man when they really didn't have to is bizarre. Plus to be frank, I think Littlefinger likes to big himself up A LOT. I think that he developed some kind of relationship with the Tyrells, but I don't think he was nearly the mastermind that he likes to paint himself as, and I think he has a tendency to overestimate his position with a lot of people and in a lot of situations. He's influential, but he overestimates his sway. For instance, if someone were to ask him how much control he has over Sansa, he'd likely say he has complete control over her, but we can see from her POV that there are already cracks showing, and it's a near guarantee that his belief that he's controlling her is literally going to get him killed. GRRM doesn't allow us any insight into the genuine POVs of the Tyrells, so taking Littlefinger at his word when it comes to his position with them and manipulation of them seems like a mistake to me.
@TheFuzzyEarmuffs 2 года назад
Such a great discussion. I really enjoyed the video and I do think there will be more revealed about the wedding. However, I definitely think the Tyrells are involved alongside Littlefinger. Perhaps I'm putting too much weight on Olenna and Margery's discussion with Sansa about Joffery's nature but for them not to be involved, for the Tyrells to be a red herring, that would blow my mind.
@HillsAliveYT 2 года назад
Yeah I mean obviously I'm just speculating here, but to me it seems like an either/or proposition. I personally think it was Littlefinger, but it definitely could have been the Tyrells, however what would surprise me is if it was the two of them working together. If it wasn't Littlefinger my second guess would be that the Tyrells did it and Littlefinger simply figured out what they were likely going to do (which would make sense given his spy network, and would kind of explain why he made it a point to pretend to get out of King's Landing) and then created this weird scheme around Sansa to make her believe that A. she was somehow involved and B. that Littlefinger orchestrated Joffrey's assassination when he was really barely more than a bystander. But even with that possibility I just feel a bit iffy because the Tyrells are pretty slick politicians and I don't understand why they'd risk the considerable ire of the Lannisters in the event that their plot was discovered. It's interesting, because GRRM has said that he meant for the poison to be easily masked as Joffrey simply choking (obviously GoT took some considerable liberties with that notion), but the fact that Cersei instantaneously figures out Joffrey was poisoned clearly indicates that it didn't work at all, and again I would think that if the Tyrells were planning on killing the king and getting away with it they would have come up with something that a moderately smart person wouldn't be able to spot 20 seconds after it happened.
@philcastle6238 2 года назад
how about this as a plot, sansa actively participated in the poisoning. Nobody would expect her she took the necklass and smuggle it into the wedding. Which she hated joffry so much, wanted to see him dead. And she knew little finger would smuggle her out of king's landing. If we remember correctly she was going to push him off the ledge as father head stared at her.
@Simon-A.-Tan 11 месяцев назад
Also, Olenna was the only other one involved, not the Tyrells as a family. She probably didn't mind the risk to her, since she's already old and this might have been her last important action.... and even more so.... the Lannisters, mostly Tywin, NEEDED House Tyrell more then they needed an unreliable mad boy king. So she had some degree of immunity to consequences. The only other person who could have put the poison in the wine in between Joffrey's toast and his death, might have been a servant who got close to the cup.... but WHY would a powerless commoner do that and risk gruesome punishment if caught? For the remainder, only Olenna, Tyrion, Sansa, Cersei, Mace, Allerie, Garlan, Tywin or Margaery could have come close enough to the cup. Take your pick for Baelish's least unlikely accomplice. The one HE most likely approached himself as an alternative ally so that they wouldn't need to implicate others from their family.... someone who cared more for Margaery's safety then for their own future.... or what little there was left of said future.... Also, don't overestimate Olenna as some sort of political mastermind. You're doing the same thing Tywin-fanboys do here. It's true that Baelish likely confessed to Sansa in order to make her feel even more isolated, but that doesn't mean that the story was automatically untrue.
@samuelcontreras9248 2 года назад
Olenna Tyrell straight up said she did it...
@justinlast2lastharder749 Год назад
The problem with this entire theory is...she did in fact do the deed.
@pushista9322 9 месяцев назад
14:20 You are mistaken here. LF didn't prevent Sansa's marriage to Wyllas by convincing Sansa that Tyrells were only interested in her claim. Dontos tried to do that, he told Sansa that Tyrells are only Lannisters with flowers. However, Sansa didn't believe him. Instead, LF watched closely how Sansa was being groomed by Margaery and her court ladies and gave heads up to Tywin.
@jaderrdragonlover764 2 года назад
I think it was either Tywin Lanister, after all he saw Joffery in his fit where he made him go to bed. Or the other theory I have is that it was Littlefinger to kill Tyrian to make Sansa a widow.
@aprilchardy1 Год назад
Or, it was one of many assassinations Littlefinger had in play at the time. Considering how many people were at the wedding, what % of them had a reason to want the king dead? Someone like Littlefinger isnt going to put all his eggs in one basket for something this important.
@caseyhart4999 2 года назад
If Dontos had failed to deliver the hairnet or Sansa simply backed out of attending the wedding wouldn’t nothing have happened? I just don’t see the risk there it just means the plans are abandoned. Now if someone caught whoever in the act Of trying to deliver the poison to Joffreys cup that would be an entirely different matter.
@eric2500 Год назад
You think there was only one plan?
@Dell-ol6hb 2 года назад
Yea I agree, though I have to say that just the fact that it seems to make no sense for the Tyrells to help in poisoning Joffrey is a good cover for them if they did do it, because they can just easily deny it by claiming it is completely disadvantageous for them to do so when a daughter of theirs is marrying the king. Your argument is more likely though in my opinion since it makes the most sense
@tansyuduri Год назад
Another thought. I think it has to be the hairnet, maggie the frog saw a vision of a girl at a weeding with purple serpents dripping with venom in her hair...
@angelscott7539 8 месяцев назад
Olenna poisoned him at a wedding because she wanted it to be public. She wanted everyone to see that margery had married joffrey, but didn't consumate it, giving her power as a queen but still allowing her to remarry.
@charimonfanboy 2 года назад
Tywin had eight problems 1, Tyrion, his legal heir and pennance 2, Cersei interfering with his control of the King 3, Jaimie was a member of the king's guard and as such could not hold titles or be married 4, Joffrey was a threat to him 5, Being indebted to the Tyrells 6, the Martells were out for his blood 7, Sansa's marriage to Tyrion being unconsumated 8, His allies the Boltons were struggling to control the North With Joffrey death as it was... Joffrey was replaced with the much more ameniable Tommen. Cersei promised to leave King's Landing for Tyrion being found guilty leaving Tywin unfettered control over the new king. Tyrion could be disposed of legally. Jaimie promised to retire from the King's Guard for Tyrion being spared and sent to the night's watch providing Tywin with his preferred heir. The Tyrells were in a position where they had to avoid suspicion as they were the obvious suspects after Tyrion. The Martells were given a useless position of power as Judge since Mace Tyrell would vote with Tyrion no matter what, a mollifying tacting Tywin has used before to make Mace his lackey. And lastly, had Littlefinger not stolen her away Sansa would have had a hairnet full of the same poison that killed Joffrey and with one drop missing. It doesn't matter if there is no possible link between her/Tyrion, this is solid proof linking her and her husband with the crime in pretty much anyone's eyes. A plea bargain where she "confesses" that Tyrion made her wear it and he took part of it during the feast but she didn't know, honestly she didn't, could lead to her being merely banished from the capital and being sold to the Boltons cementing their alliance. Tywin is meant to be a ruthless calculating bastard and he could very much have pulled this off. Or he could have just taken advantage of the situation.
@adamantiiispencespence4012 Год назад
Overall it's a really good theory and I completely agree that Littlefinger tells Sansa about all this to alienate her from the Tyrells but I do want to say that all the reasons that make such an action so politically risky and borderline also provide some heavy layers of plausible deniability. Littlefinger is a known information broker so the Tyrrells know he's capable of great discretion and plus as far as they know he's not going to be stepping foot outside the Eyrie. As far as their concerned their accomplice can't come forward without implicating himself and is in to secure a position to be made to squeal on them. So there's actually very little risk especially since they likely know that Cersei's first suspect is Tyrion because Littlefinger probably told the Tyrells about their relationship.
@lukecoffey4921 2 года назад
Why are you people arguing with the author who wrote the books and the screenwriter who wrote the episode.
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