
Oprah Winfrey REALLY hates atheists 

London Storm
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29 сен 2024




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@thinkitthrough8555 9 месяцев назад
For the woman who gave the world Dr. Freakin' Oz, this is not surprising.
@joeaddison7120 9 месяцев назад
Oh man! I forgot about Oz!! Maybe I buried that! lol
@rembrandt972ify 9 месяцев назад
She gave us Dr. Phil as well. He isn't much better.
@hhp84 3 месяца назад
She spawned Phil & Oz , 2 trump magats 😞
@dananmcallister-wilde722 9 месяцев назад
When she said in the first clip that ‘maybe you do believe and you don’t know you believe’ kinda reminded me of when people used to say to me ‘maybe you’re straight and don’t know yet because you’ve never been with a woman’. I rebuked this at the time and now 25 years on I’m still gay and not one bit confused. These types of questions feel almost juvenile in a way. As if it’s hard for people like Oprah to consider their reality isn’t the same as everyone else’s.
@chinkasuyaro8983 9 месяцев назад
Then they proceed to specifying that you weren't with the 'right woman', or 'your heart wasn't in it', et cetera. There's an almost tangible unidirectional field that keeps them from even considering your views and arguments, while fully having the expectation that their views and arguments should be accepted by you without question. I think a lot of it is the lack of exposure of many people to how it feels to be a minority - sexual, racial, religious, or otherwise. It is a position of privelege, and why I find it harder to understand how someone (like Oprah) who has experience with one form of othering can inflict such narrow-mindedness on others. Sorry for the rant.
@PrometheusZandski 9 месяцев назад
She has been programmed to think this way. She fears anything that challenges that programming. She needs to be surrounded by people who think like her and support her programming to feel secure. That fear then turns to defensiveness and eventually rudeness.
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
There is good religious people out there. I've meet a few of them. The biggest thing I've notice with religious people is the ones who believe and follow the religion and then you got those who believe and uses the religion. Those who follow it don't go bother others with their beliefs. They just follow what they have faith in and do their thing. Those that use religion are those you see protesting on the street like the pro life people or those who protest outside of a metal concert and so on. They use their religion for their own end. They created a version of god in their mind and think their actions are god working thru them. Oprah is a user, not a follower. I learned that it's no use talking with those people. Because you can tell them that you loathe religion, that you'd prefer to kneel to satan than god. And then save a bus full of children from drowning and you know what they will say ? They will say that god made you do it and that He believes in you so you should as well. Even tho it's the most human thing to want to save kids, they will put it all on their god. But what they will never do is all the death and destruction around the world, that's not on god, that's all on the devil. How convenient of them to have a scapegoat huh ?
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
"Even tho it's the most human thing to want to save kid..." In ancient rome (and other cultures) it was totally normal for the father of the family to have the right to leave their newborn outside to die if they didn't think they were going to be a worthy heir. YOU are the people who are programmed here, not people like Oprah. You are so completely coddled and encompassed in a culture that validates your worldview that you have never even thought about how to justify it. Please explain to me why it's "moral" to save kids in the materialist worldview. Please using science and facts alone explain to me why that is a good thing to do.
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
@@jeremyinvictus Ah I see I struck a nerve so I found my first user instead of follower huh. You had to go back all the way to 2000 years ago to give me an example. I'm probly gonna use a word that is scary to people like you. The word is evolution. I'll go further than you, way before the time of Jesus Christ (oh no, I'm breaking the bible's time continuum) people lived in caves and worshiped the moon as a deity. Then people evolved and understood it was just a rock in the sky. Curious tho that you brought up the romans. Since they too also believed in gods and did those acts you described in the name of their gods to prove their bloodline was the righteous one to rule the masses in the name of their gods. Let's time jump a bit here and let's take slavery in the US back to when the country was founded. It was normal and a custom to own slaves back then and mistreat them. What happened ? A war happened because people evolved and freed the slaves. Just like we evolved from that theory of yours. Now you ask for scientific and facts but even if I came up with the best facts backed up by arguments, you'd dismiss them outright because that's what you people always do. The proof is never good enough just like flat earthers. But hey, you are entertaining me so why not. Human instinct. A mother will always do everything she can to protect their child even against a bigger opponent. Why ? Maternal instinct is one. Love is another. More simplistic is kids are our future and it is our job to protect them long enough until they can protect themselves. What we rational people call the human instinct, you mistake for a bearded old fart in the sky (blasphemy, may god strike me down) working thru you. I have absolutely nothing against those who follow the teachings of the bible. I have a massive issue with those hypocrites who uses religion to their own ends. Example, the fake preacher in their multi million dollar churches, driving around lambos and ferraries, sporting a different rolex every day of the month. Those who cherry pick what they want in the bible and ignore what doesn't work for their agenda. Pro life people that are for the death penalty. People who quote the way to act in the bible but yet eat seafood and wear more than one type of fabric, not following everything in the bible. Wait what is this I hear ? It's because civilization evolved so now it's ok to wear 2 different types of fabric ? Anyway, hope you enjoyed the reading and when you're done, I await with baited breath on your reply. I beg you to keep entertaining me. Always a good read on the crapper. Helps me evacuate you know. On this note you have a blessed day and may god be with you my child. Wait no, disregard that part, priests already touched too many kids as it is. Just have a good one.
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
@@Kazeshini11 Well that's not really how the romans viewed morality and religion, but that's beside the point. There are plenty of atheists with morality you would disagree with, which is the actual point. You can't rely on the claim that it's "the most human thing to want to save kids," because there are people who don't agree with you and since you're a materialist and you don't believe in made up things, why are the moral feelings you have any better than the moral feelings anybody else has? "A mother will always do everything she can to protect their child even against a bigger opponent." False. Women have killed their own children before. So now what's your argument? Why is Casey Anthony morally wrong and you are morally right? "More simplistic is kids are our future and it is our job....." Our job? Says you and you're just a bag of meat and bones like anybody else. Where is your authority coming from to declare what is/isn't somebody's job? "What we rational people call the human instinct..." You're not rational and you're going to run away from this discussion very quickly, as all atheists do. You aren't fearless, you aren't intellectually curious, you aren't intelligent, you aren't rational. According to YOUR OWN WORLDVIEW your "morality" is nothing but your brain squirting chemicals into itself. That's it. There's no grand overarching objectivity to it. Evolution doesn't work, human instinct doesn't work, etc. None of those things can survive even the slightest bit of scrutiny, as you're going to find out.
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
@@jeremyinvictus Oh yes you took the bait thank you. Currently I am too high to make a proper response but don't worry, I didn't forget you. When I'm on the crapper tomorrow I'll read all of this and after I'm done laughing I'll definitely respond. Have a good one buddy and thanks for the future entertainment buddy. Much appreciated.
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
@@Kazeshini11 You might write up some words in response but you won't be addressing the actual point because there is no answer that atheists can provide. It's just an undeniable fact even acknowledging every factual claim you have about the material universe. Your morality is chemical squirts in your brain. End of story. Your chemical squirts are no more "moral" or "good" than Hitler's chemical squirts. What is your response? You won't be able to come up with one. You might bring up some half-assed attempts to find an objective, materialist justification for morality, but they will ALL be easily refuted. Evolution? Human instinct? The non-aggression principle? The golden rule? NONE of them get around this problem. Once you say that the only thing that exists is that which we can physically interact with and test you lose ALL objectivity when it comes to morality. Why? Because there are no "morality" particles. Even if you can measure how much pain somebody feels, you won't be able to prove that people feeling pain is immoral. You cannot and WILL NOT ever get around this brute fact. Have fun!
@t.mitchellb2766 4 месяца назад
Love the SG w/ the batwing pickguard!
@davestableford1516 9 месяцев назад
I’ve always had a problem with the term spiritual. To me it’s virtually meaningless and just a word for nebulous woo.
@havenbastion 9 месяцев назад
Metaphysics is also mostly misused but both words have actual, non-woo definitions that do real work. Spiritual is meaningful as "of the patterns in the mind", meaning opinions, preferences, priorities, desires, fears, etc. Spirit makes sense as the central essence of how something is understood.
@istvansipos9940 7 месяцев назад
@@havenbastion still sound like woowoo. Can you tell me, please, what is the difference btw a spiritual and a non-spiritual human being? "patterns in the mind" sounds like rationality to me. I drop my key 9 times, then the pattern shows that it will fall again when I drop it the 10th time.
@DAda-lw8zj 5 месяцев назад
An interviewer's job is to interview people. Not tell them about your opinions at every step of the conversation. Sadly, I couldn't watch her interview people anymore at a certain point because suddenly the poor people who came on to be interviewed couldn't even speak. The interview with Tich Nat Hahn was utterly embarrassing. He barely could speak because she kept telling him what she thought. I just wanted to listen to him and preferably if she had stayed quiet it would have been lovely.
@fiofiofioletta1898 9 месяцев назад
Yeah, well, I’m not too fond of her, either.
@havenbastion 9 месяцев назад
Everyone is spiritual. Being religious requires believing in dogma, which is belief without appeal to evidence.
@istvansipos9940 7 месяцев назад
I am not spiritual. I can't be. For nobody has ever shown what a spirit even is. The word "spiritual" makes as much sense to me as the word "xull'tar0stic"
@ZER0-- 9 месяцев назад
Nice video. We'll put together etc. Go for a better topic. Religion was big a few years back, but a bit hackneyed now days. Oprah may well be religious, but I don't think she's gave it any real thought, but it is worth a few quid to her if she professes such a thing.
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
in the US, where Christian nationalism is thriving, I'm afraid religion is all too relevant
@DFMoray 9 месяцев назад
Hey atheism is a religion. You know that right?
@anarosol6133 9 месяцев назад
What? Lol that’s not true, I’m not sure that you’re not trolling
@YHShinVH 9 месяцев назад
Its the religion of nihilism
@rainbowvhs692 9 месяцев назад
And "off" is a channel on my TV.
@ZER0-- 9 месяцев назад
What is the name of the atheists god? Is there only one or many? Tell me about their beliefs. Do they have places of worship? A book? Do they pray?
@rainbowvhs692 9 месяцев назад
​@@ZER0-- 1. AOC, 2. One, AOC, 3. Pure evil beliefs generally, 4. Yes, the altar of climate change, 5. Communist Mannyfesto, 6. Yes that is what Tik Tok is (/s/)
@joeaddison7120 9 месяцев назад
Let’s not forget her pushing “the Secret” and the horrible, under-bridge troll Dr Phil
@rodneysettle8106 3 месяца назад
The whole build up to the bullshit of “the secret” what a load of nonsense that was.
@mattsmedley.onehandedgamin9029 9 месяцев назад
If you don't believe in a god, then you don't believe. In no way shape or form does that automatically make you a bad person.
@Chris-hx3om 9 месяцев назад
If you need a book of rules to be a good person, they you NOT a good person!
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
@@Chris-hx3om What makes somebody a good person? What is good and what is bad?
@Chris-hx3om 9 месяцев назад
@@jeremyinvictus I'm not making that definition. I'm just saying that anyone who needs to follow a book of rules to be their idea of a 'good person', isn't. If you are a good person (whatever you personally think that is), you don't need a book of rules to tell you that, you just are.
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
@@Chris-hx3om well you are making that definition though because you're saying part of being a good person is not doing it because a book said to. So why does that (or anything) make you less of a good person?
@mistermustard9681 9 месяцев назад
@@jeremyinvictusWhat even are words, Amirite?
@greggmclaughlin9047 9 месяцев назад
This is the woman who gave us Dr Phil and Dr Oz.
@MarcusHitch 9 месяцев назад
🐻I would love to go on her show and pretend I believed in Cthulhu... "Well, of course I believe in the soul, Oprah... you do not think the dark lord would be satisfied with the simple consumption of mere flesh, do you?" I'd just love to see how she reacted. 🤗🐻
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
She'd send Dr Oz and Dr Phil on you. You know the 2 most proper, well mannered, sane doctors you will ever see.
@dylanneely91 9 месяцев назад
​@@Kazeshini11that's when you go on their shows, praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Jupiter respectively and spend the next 15 seconds berating them for not seeing the truth in the universe. You'll be kicked off immediately but why not try to get some food for thought out to the masses while you can.
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
@@dylanneely91 Lmao, I'd print out satanic bibles and just distribute them. They'd judge the book by its cover but will have no idea what's in it.
@TerranigmaQuintet 5 месяцев назад
@@dylanneely91 Because the show is taped beforehand and your segment would be cut so no reaching any masses, just the audience members there for the taping.
@HarryNicNicholas 4 месяца назад
i'd like to put forward the case for satan, people tend to miss the fact (you know what i mean) that satan is actually a more reasonable person than god, for instance satan trades your soul, whereas god demands it. if you refuse satan - you go to heaven, if you refuse god - he burns you alive. god kills everyone, whether they are christian or not, but he doesn't specify how long you have to make your mind up. satan killed five people was it? three because of a bet with god. the bible doesn't specify how many books it should contain, it was edited, one of the books left out is the gospel of judas where jesus came to save us from - god, the bad guy. i vote for satan.
@ziploc2000 9 месяцев назад
Oprah has word god-goggles her whole life, not entirely her fault if her parents strapped them on her before the age of reason. For people that steeped in the supernatural belief system, it's really hard to understand that other people just deal with the natural world we live in without that comfort blanket.
@anarosol6133 9 месяцев назад
That’s why I never talk about my atheism or sexual orientation irl unless I get confirmation from social queues that I’m in a relative safe space. There’s a lot of people like Oprah that have a huge stigma against people like me or that think similarly to me. Sadly is always more convenient to to be considered a heterosexual Christian by default 😅
@zivkovicable 9 месяцев назад
i don't blame you, but change is generated by those who don't give a fuck.
@anarosol6133 9 месяцев назад
@@zivkovicable yeah the last time I didn’t give a fuck my mom kicked me out of the house haha, in my country I don’t have the luxury of being a badass. I wish I could
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
@@anarosol6133 Sadly, a lot of Americans think the world revolves around them so aren't able to consider that there is still places in the world where you can still be arrested for those things, or worse sometimes. Lots of people living in the West live very sheltered lives and know nothing of what goes on in the world besides what the media tells them. Hope you are in a better place today and wish you well for the future.
@codinghusky5196 9 месяцев назад
don't worry, still better than a muslim gay.
@NoLefTurnUnStoned. 9 месяцев назад
What is it with “safe spaces” these days?
@boeingdriver29 9 месяцев назад
I equate a "deep belief in God" with having suspended ones critical thinking or never being capable of deep unbiased investigation .
@sonnykeith8338 9 месяцев назад
Good luck with your channel. Your production and presentation are great. I think i am coming from the same direction as you, and I'm gonna stick around and watch your subscribers grow. Best wishes.
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
@TheFirstManticore 9 месяцев назад
Does Oprah believe in God? That is not necessary to be Spiritual, you know. I do believe in God, and I get along fine with atheists, for the most part. Maybe not so much with Oprah. But then, I don't require that my friends agree with everything I think.
@maxalberts2003 9 месяцев назад
Why do you believe that about Oprah? I've seen her in some very intense debates.
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
You are what I qualify as a follower of religion instead of a user. You do your thing, don't worry about what others think and that's it. Users are like this max fellow who will go to great lengths to justify that their god does exist and question everyone who doesnt follow their way of thinking. I loathe religion with a passion, but I have immense respect for people like yourself. Hell I'd love nothing more than to have a drink and pick people like you's mind to understand your point of view because you come in the conversation in good faith. Not with a prefabricated set of how things should be to fit your own narrative again like maxypad here. On this note, you have a good one.
@Butterfly_Girl_3 9 месяцев назад
Brilliant! Thank you for calling this out
@doneestoner9945 9 месяцев назад
You are so cool, Mr. London Storm. Love ya. I'm gonna subscribe.
@realguy7808 9 месяцев назад
She endorsed an abusive faith healing cult leader.
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
more than once!
@doubledowndoubled 9 месяцев назад
She is a scammer. Thats her stick.
@claudiaschneider5744 3 месяца назад
Some people call her a narcissist - guess why.
@SaxguyTR 9 месяцев назад
It took until the end of the video to realize that this is a smaller channel. Very well argued and presented! Was genuinely surprised you only have 100 subs, you earned mine and I hope you find success on here!😊
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
thanks, I only started 13 days ago lol
@Egooist. 9 месяцев назад
Watched, liked, subscribed, commented, continued with another video ... Good luck!
@user-misspoken 9 месяцев назад
Idk im spiritual but in doesn't bother me at al that others reject it completely
@davecannabis 9 месяцев назад
is that a left handed guitar in the background ?,,,, oops nope the pic has been flipped lol
@wickedguppy3715 9 месяцев назад
I don't care what she thinks. Never listened to her.
@stormriderkaos 9 месяцев назад
It's unwise to indulge irrational (religious) thought, as evidenced by Islamic Jihadism, Christian Crusades, witch burnings, etc. etc, throughout much of our history. Irrational thought/belief can lead quite directly to bloodshed and misery for millions of people.
@JPeraltavideos 4 дня назад
I would suggest more succint comments. It is good thst you add your perspective on all this, but shorter comments would be better
@adrianaslund8605 6 месяцев назад
Proud to be scandinavian.
@randopedia1 9 месяцев назад
Be excellent to each other
@geraldframinghammer2626 9 месяцев назад
And party on dudes.
@Dankpuffin 9 месяцев назад
confused because people who don't believe in god are moral people in fact I'd wager we are more moral because we are good because we are good and not because I fear hell.
@eedeneel 9 месяцев назад
I would choose to trust an atheist over a religious person any day all else being equal, because the chances are decent that the atheist has even just once in their life stopped to think about the morality of the things they believe and why they believe them lol
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
LOL good lord what a self righteous way of viewing yourself. First of all, you're not "moral because you are good," you're moral because of social pressure and the way chemicals squirt around in your brain. Second of all, how are you even deciding what is good? Did you get out your microscope and find some "good" particles floating around? We only believe evidence and science here right? Show me the evidence for "goodness."
@TerranigmaQuintet 5 месяцев назад
Which means they are not moral at all, just act it. They grow up belieing they are immoral, so psychologically speaking they will act on those immoral feelings they claim is innate. And as history as proven it happened A LOT within religions.
@Bren688 9 месяцев назад
When you've done a deal with the devil you have no choice but to believe there's a god.
@luna-p 3 месяца назад
Well she brought Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor (Freedom From Religion Foundation) together back in 1984, so there's that. Arguing with atheists is not new for her.
@chriscrilly8807 9 месяцев назад
This may seem like a pedantic irrelevant remark, but since you are such an otherwise eloquent, intelligent person, I thought you might appreciate this. Something is different 'FROM' something else, not different 'THAN'....... The word 'than' implies a contrast between two or more comparative adjectives. Different is not curiously a comparative. "BiggER than...smallER than, richER than...yes. But different FROM. We wouldn't say 'distant THAN' or 'near THAN.' So why would someone say "different THAN"? This is in the same poor usage bag as "I could care less" or "not half bad" , That goal should have WENT in." "That is for HE and I to decide" etc. Thank you for your well spoken (mostly😉) and fair-minded insights.
@JanetStarChild 9 месяцев назад
I feel that it's very easy for wealthy and successful people to fall into the trappings of religion because they can equate that success and wealth to them being exceptionally special and important to their god. Of course, these people don't care that it would also mean that such a god would be grossly unjust to let the vast majority of humanity live in poverty and misery.
@ChixieMary 7 месяцев назад
Unfortunately, Oprah was a victim of childhood sexual, emotional and physical abuse.😫 Her god goggles are the thing that has helped her cope with her life.🤕 I stopped watching her about the second or third season of her talk show, mainly because I didn't want to listen to a preacher. I've been calling her Saint Oprah for years. 😢🤮 Her bringing out Dr. Oz. And Dr. Phil... These are the kind of people that take advantage of vulnerable people.
@perrin6 5 дней назад
Spirituality is never defined, it doesnt seem to mean anything.
@ianp1986 6 месяцев назад
At least she’s not as bad as Steve Harvey
@TerranigmaQuintet 5 месяцев назад
Because she got her fame from being goody two shoes tv host and has a squakly clean image to keep up, Steve Harvey on the other hand is a comedian by trade, one who used crude language at times, so he can afford to be crass and aggresive about his religious worldviews and thus against nonbelievers and other groups he dislikes/hates.
@istvansipos9940 7 месяцев назад
"we secretly believe, we just don't know it" if I do anything in secret, it means that I chose not to share it with the public. The choice alone means that I DO know it happens. Nobody can secretly believe AND not know it.
@Mars-ev7qg 3 месяца назад
So let me make sure I've got this right. Oprah was graciously invited to be a guest on someone else's show, went on the show, and began trying to push around the very lady who had invited her to be there in the first place. I really hope I've got something wrong here because if that's true, it's an incredibly arrogant thing to do. That definitely does not rock.
@Fgway 9 месяцев назад
Maybe she didn't understand she could opt out from religion that way. Ill bet she believes to be under in the abrahamic umbrella but settled on satan later. 😅
@tarajoyce3598 9 месяцев назад
Is a burning rock magic still or is it simply coal?
@patrickvanmeter2922 9 месяцев назад
Maybe she doesn't believe and doesn't know it. I'm trying hard to care but it just isn't working.
@JS-zk2xb 8 месяцев назад
There are no certainties and religious people just can't seem to grasp that. They need something/someone, even if it's pseudo, to hold on to!
@motherofallemails 9 месяцев назад
Some kind of God who threatens people after they die if they don't show obeisance while alive.😂 Worship me or else!😂 and that's supposed to be a perfect supreme being! There's no point talking to people who don't have the capacity to notice the stupidity and contradiction in their "beliefs".
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
Well if you're not stupid like Oprah then surely you'll be able to explain why that would be bad for God to do? If it's bad to say "worship me or else" can you explain how you know that? What would make that bad?
@davecannabis 9 месяцев назад
well i KNOW im a higher being , after a few tokes on my vapouriser
@dimitrioskalfakis 9 месяцев назад
i think she serves a very specific agenda.
@arieraaphorst1998 3 месяца назад
@elligilberg1564 9 месяцев назад
Wow! I guess you’re on day 17 now? I just sub’d. I so appreciate your message and look forward to your future work.
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
yeah I started 17 days ago, thanks for the positive message!
@ptanji 9 месяцев назад
Perhaps O sees Life through the lens of her religious beliefs and D sees Life as it is, not clouded by beliefs. O’s seeing requires conditioning and D’s not so much. Maybe.
@codinghusky5196 9 месяцев назад
It's this: "a person who is a good person only out of fear of punishment is but a monster on the leash". Monsters on the leash cannot understand one would be a good person WITHOUT the leash. Hence they cannot understand how any atheists - people relieved of fear of eternal suffering if they step out of line - could possibly be good people. I was born and raised in Yugoslavia. There, a religious person couldn't get a serious, responsible job because the communists didn't think one can be a viable medical doctor, engineer, scientist or a leader if they believe in santa claus, people walking on water, men marrying 6 year old girls or sighting of black cats causing abortion. For what it's worth, I'm still a Yugo in that sense. Distrust goes both ways.
@dylanneely91 9 месяцев назад
The girl in the last clip sounds like she was saying the soul is one's impact on the world. I could definitely see this being aligned with materialism ,pantheism, or even a very loose animism. I think the materialism one could be thought of as ripples on water; a stone (moon, a human life, that rock that you tripped over when you were three that caused a scar) causes ripples (the lasting effects, tides, history, the scar) that persist after the stone's gone from the surface of the water never to return Now does that ripple have conciousness? No idea, but you can point to that ripple and say X did that and I think that's pretty neat.
@adrianaslund8605 5 месяцев назад
That's pretty neat.
@gloriaf6971 8 месяцев назад
Why believe that a God exists without evidence that God exists? I wish someone would have asked her that question.
@TerranigmaQuintet 5 месяцев назад
Pointless to ask, as its been asked so many times before to such people, the answer is always that they do not need evidence, or point to the bible as evidence.
@greatcaesarsghostwriter3018 3 месяца назад
Aren't demons spirits?
@RA-ut2df 9 месяцев назад
This video was just in time. After watching Oprah's reaction, I decided to not pay someone who is clearly religious for advice about my personal business.
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
I'd say if you have evidence they're good at whatever you need advice on, whether they're religious or not doesn't matter a whole lot
@davereese6614 2 месяца назад
Nice SG!
@exiguous1 9 месяцев назад
feelings mutual
@mariettestabel275 9 месяцев назад
@prodesu8607 9 месяцев назад
To be fair, alot of us atheists have a spiritual side. There are alot of things about the existence of the universe and life we just dont know. Im not going to be silly and make up an answer to it, and people like Oprah are frustrating because of course im an atheist, i dont believe in a god (though i dont completely dismiss that there could be one). I use the word spiritual to explain the beauty and mystery of the universe and the moving nature of philosophy and playful thougha of "maybe it could be this way?". What oprah does here is so ignorant and condescending though, because equating that to believing, especially in one of the established religions which i find to be ridiculous, is to me a completely different thing. Also, I know alot of atheists argue against a soul, i think this is an argument without meaning as to me it just seems a word to describe consciousness, which is one lf the mysteries of the universe we just cant explain. The difference between an atheist and someone religious to me is they'll make up an answer whereas ill find thinking about it fascinating and moving and special, but applying religion to it would ruin it completely for me. Its like talking about Santa clause when discussing one of the more beautiful and important things in the universe.
@vicg2260 9 месяцев назад
It all boils down to "how much knowldege do you have? and why is your knowledge better or truer than anyone ele's. The big question should really be is what is knowledge? Does the knowledge we have keep us stuck in what we know instead of learning something new. i.e. we are borne, we live, we die. Is that true?? and if it is why? What indicators teach us that there is more. Why would one even think there is more . Food for thought.
@citizenVader 9 месяцев назад
Jante law. Look it up, it's the main social structure in Scandinavia. Windfree is a celebrity and doesn't understand we are not hyped on a daily dose of pseudo monarchy and the cult of personality
@coffeegator6033 9 месяцев назад
The older we get the more we need comfort in the idea that we're not getting closer to the end. Then we get religion. Owning you from cradle to grave.
@BoothTheGrey 9 месяцев назад
Wrong. There are many older atheists who dont have any issues with the death. I am one of those. I never understood the fear for not living anymore. For me its just the deactivated status of my consciousness. That is somwthing I "experience" every night. And if course I experienced it ar least 13 billion years before I was born. Why would I fear such a mode? I fear pain and suffering - which can happen when you come closer to the death. But the death itself... is nothing I am afraid of.
@coffeegator6033 9 месяцев назад
Obviously I'm an atheist and you missed the point of my comment. Maybe reread it.@@BoothTheGrey
@BoothTheGrey 9 месяцев назад
@@coffeegator6033 Maybe you did not read what I wrote? And to make it better than you, I try ro rephrase my critique: In my opinion the premise in your first sentence is not accurate. If older people confront themselves with "the end" early enough in a neutral and calm way they dont need automatically a "comfort" in the idea it actually wouldnt be the end. Quite the opposite can be the case. I know several people who really dislike the idea of "eternal" being. And arent afraid of "he end" at all. They are only afraid of the process of dying - which of course happens while you are still alive. This can be painful and disgusting. But that you are dead in terms of really gone totally ... is no situation to be afraid of AT ALL. The reasons for that I did mention. Its sad that so often people dont actually talk about "the death" in an naturalistic way. What it really means is that those are sad who loved you and left alive. You as dead person just dont exist anymore. No feelings, no thoughts, nothing. Like any night when the consciousness is gone or the billion years before you lived at all. When you are gone this isnt a "bad" situation. There is no situation at all anymore. You are just not existing. When talking in detail about it you find out that especially modern society created absurd myths about life. Many e.g. are afraid of "missing" something out. Yet... we have an earth with hundreds of cultures and languages - 8 billion people - millions of books, thousands of possible vacation goals, etc etc. The point is: Even if you are alive you are missing 99.9% of whats happening in the world. Almost any reason for "being afraid" of the death can be debunked. But nobody does it. Which is kind of sad.
@coffeegator6033 9 месяцев назад
Of course I was "wrong". That's how sarcasm works!@@BoothTheGrey
@BoothTheGrey 9 месяцев назад
@@coffeegator6033 Obviously it didnt work.
@freeparsons7115 8 месяцев назад
I apologize for commenting on something not topical... but is that guitar left-handed!?!?
@danger.snakes 8 месяцев назад
no lol I just have my camera flipped bc I like the angles better
@cuninstunt8391 9 месяцев назад
john of gods mate? she is a degen..... easy mistake tho lad
@jennifertree2702 9 месяцев назад
How is 'A Course In Miracles' dangerous???
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
as I said in the video, it has inspired any number of cults
@NoLefTurnUnStoned. 9 месяцев назад
“She’s really unhappy and you can see it written all over her face” She looks about as unhappy as if she just discovered she’s running low on mayonnaise. This is guy is literally making up fairy tales. 😂
@lizmileski6474 9 месяцев назад
I'm agnostic personally, and this is what I like to see. You're not calling a religious person "stupid" for what they believe in, you're pointing out how they treat other people, and how they respect other people. I hate when these discussions of beliefs turn into judgement of what someone else thinks. We need more people to recognize that at the end of the day what matters is how we treat each other. Regardless of religion.
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
Why is that what matters? Why should you treat other people with respect?
@mistermustard9681 9 месяцев назад
Why shouldn't you? Why get out of bed in the morning? Why does it burn when I pee?@@jeremyinvictus
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
@@mistermustard9681 atheists don't seem to like being asked to justify their beliefs. I guess you thought this sort of deconstruction only went one way?
@mistermustard9681 9 месяцев назад
@@jeremyinvictus Nice deflection. You’re doing so well. Proud of you.
@jeremyinvictus 9 месяцев назад
@@mistermustard9681 How am I the one deflecting when I'm literally the one who asked the first question? Hello?
@thh1899 9 месяцев назад
I've honestly never met an atheist who doesn't boast their views as ABSOLUTE facts. I am a believer in God, wasn't always, but not a fan of religion and denomination. Personally i don't give a shit if someone else believes or not, if atheists are right, we'll never lnow it, if Christians are right, good luck in Hell. Faith is a gamble.
@Tabacish 9 месяцев назад
Make sure you pray to the correct god, there are a few to choose from.
@thh1899 9 месяцев назад
@@Tabacish One day, you people are going to realize you're becoming insufferable insects just as Christians were in the 1900s and early 2000s.
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
and what if Muslims are right?
@thh1899 9 месяцев назад
@@danger.snakes then I guess all of us infidels will meet the wrath of Allah.
@robusc4940 9 месяцев назад
She can be as spiritual as she likes but she is NOT SAVED UNLESS :- She places her TOTAL faith/trust/belief in ONLY the death/burial/resurrection of Christ to forgive save/her. OTHERWISE off to the Great White Throne Judgement where the books are opened and then she can argue her case with Christ FOR A LIGHTER SENTENCE ?
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
you live in fantasy
@robusc4940 9 месяцев назад
@@danger.snakes and your's is delusional :)
@nickguy8037 7 месяцев назад
“The books are opened…” I really wish you would open more than one book.
@robusc4940 7 месяцев назад
@@nickguy8037 Which book ? The Book penned under the influence by over 40 writers more than 2000 years ago ? The Book compiled over a period exceeding 1500 years ? The Book whose Supernatural Author appeared in human form for over 30 years and was killed, buried then resurrected ? The Book that has mathematical anomalies not found in any other book. Yes, I read THAT book and it's called the Bible :)
@robusc4940 7 месяцев назад
@@danger.snakes My 'fantasy' has a happy ending. You 'fantasy' has AT BEST NOTHING to look forward to. If my 'fantasy' is wrong, you or I will never know. If your 'fantasy' is wrong you'll NEVER EVER forget how wrong you were. I'm happy with my 'fantasy' You're delusional gives you nothing. I'd be a miserable lump of fertilizer too if I lived in your delusion.
@auntiebobbolink 9 месяцев назад
And atheists badmouth and ridicule people who profess some belief. What goes around.....
@herrpez 9 месяцев назад
Something about turning the other cheek...
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
If you come at me in bad faith and expect me not to poke fun at you, shame on you. If you are an actual follower of the bible, you won't give a damn what others believe in, you'll just accept that they are different.
@auntiebobbolink 9 месяцев назад
​@@Kazeshini11 Great, judging and shaming someone you don't know builds a great society. "When you slay the beast, be sure you don't become the beast."
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
@@auntiebobbolink If you come to me like maxipad (another person like you) goes in every comment and demands atheists justify their actions and way of thinking using scientific arguments and facts, you don't think he is already judging others and shaming them ? Why the fuck would anyone have to justify themselves to someone who demands it ? So yeah, I will make my own entertainment and clown those morons cause God will's it. I mean, I am doing it and I still haven't been struck by lightning so.... he agrees with me no ? The fact you are so offended demonstrate to me that you are insecure in your beliefs. If my actions are enough to shake your faith, you were never a true believer to begin with. You know who is a true believer ? Someone who doesn't give a flying fuck what I think. You know, to quote herrpez (god that's funny) turn the other cheek and all and I'm not talking butt cheeks here. If you have anything else, please do let me know. I'll add it to my reading list when on the crapper. Have a good one my friend.
@TerranigmaQuintet 5 месяцев назад
@@auntiebobbolink Only our worldview doesnt necessarily prerach unconditional love and respect for our fellow humans like yours does, your ilk iolate those scared ideals of yours at every step of the way when it suits your agendas, us atheists have no such issues, we treat people who are full of shit like they supposed to be treated.
@amoh5 9 месяцев назад
I feel highly offended by your remarks against Oprah shes a highly beautiful and spiritual woman, she is highly connected to the divine who can tap into her highly divine wallet 😊 But seriously, as a Christian I do understand the atheistic doubting perspective against unrealistic magical definitions of God. I too dislike unrealistic magical definitions of God, I think of myself as a moralist and realist Christian. Religious unrealism makes me feel irritated, as if the perpetrators are trying to insult or decieve my intelligence. I became a Christian because of the morality of Lord Jesus, not because of all the unrealistic magical embellishments written about him. But I've noticed a lot of people or fundamentalist Christians get off on that kind of stuff, it stimulates some kind of an unrealistic high inside of them. I personally think its because they're not 100% Christian, who should only be reading the spoken words or testament of Lord Jesus Christ in his gospels and nothing else. But they also read the Old Testament, Paul's testimonies and Revelations etc etc. If you read the definition of God by Lord Jesus in his gospels he says, God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. He also says God is our heavenly father of all creation. These definitions of his don't come across to me as unrealistic or airy fairy, but more philosophical in my opinion anyway 🤔
@istvansipos9940 7 месяцев назад
"I became a Christian because of the morality of Lord Jesus" then you have a bible to re-read. Or to read? Juni0r is not the moral dude in the b00k. Nor is he a lord of anyting, by the way. He lived long enough to lead a minor cult. "God is spirit" that's not a definition. It is 2 vague terms next to each other. An equally bad one could be "a fairy is a ghost". "God is our heavenly father of all creation" that's a half line of real intellectual gems :- ) heaven = a never seen magic realm. Sane adults have no reason to take it seriously. And our FIFTH graders know that our fathers are male Homo Sapiens from Earth. That's how basic biology works. "These definitions of his don't come across to me as unrealistic..." these NON-definitions are pure magic. And the 0.0000 evidence in all magical research shows pretty well that they are extremely unrealistic.
@micjoseph6250 9 месяцев назад
I'm curious what an athiest is? Explain to me what you believe?
@ZER0-- 9 месяцев назад
It's a rejection of a god/religion. That's what I believe.
@jamesparson 9 месяцев назад
I am unconvinced a God exists.
@Fgway 9 месяцев назад
It's the opposite of a theist. It means you believe in zero spooky or spiritual stuff. If you're even a little superstitious or use symbolism to understand complicated human ideas ... You're not atheist anymore. God as an agent is another thing entirely. It does not have to be defined that way. Many spiritual ideas are more like *metaphysical* symbols that people can understand because they're so essential to every psyche. I started by thinking I was atheist but after some review I'm clearly a theurgist or gnostic of some description which is apart from the church but believes they perceive spiritual patterns as well.
@herrpez 9 месяцев назад
Do you really have to "believe"? Can't you just experience, and see for yourself? Live a good life and find out, basically.
@jamesparson 9 месяцев назад
@@herrpez 100% agree.
@jennifertree2702 9 месяцев назад
Are you serious? You actually do not believe in a soul? How could that be? Don't you realize we are spiritual beings experiencing a physical reality? That is so crazy to me
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
prove a soul exists
@BoothTheGrey 9 месяцев назад
There are million of people who dont believe in a soul or any claim about "spirituality" as a metaphysical concept. That you seem to not even have heard about these people... sounds crazy to me. Here in Germany its very normal to have atheists and christians and muslims next to each other in school, at work, as neighbours and as friends and sometimes even family members. I am an atheist. Everyhing that you think the "soul" is, is for me just a part of our brain. Every special situation you think is "spiritual" is for me just another status of our brain. You know... like being at sleep or on drug or whatever. Meditation is a training to bring your brain into a special working condition. Thats it. I accept that there billions of religous people and respect it as long as I get at least the basic respect that I am as value as a human being as everybody else is. But I find it quite offensive that many of them - like you - never even checked out a bit about atheists. OK - in countries like Iran or Saudi-Arabia... I can accept it. But in a modern state with all the modern media we have and especially in a country with free information... how is it possible to be so uneducated as an adult person? Atheism is nothing "weird". There are countries with high percentage of atheists. In Germany its about a third of the people. In scandinavia its much more than 50%. I think Finland has up to 80/90% atheists.
@Kazeshini11 9 месяцев назад
How unchristian of you to push your own beliefs onto others. "If you don't think like I do it's outrageous, its crazy to me". Get your head out of your ass and instead of interrogating others, answer the man's question. Prove a soul exists.
@donnyetta 9 месяцев назад
Some atheists pray to God when their life is in danger - just in case. And He helps many atheists at times - they just think "oh! what a co-incidence. just what i needed".
@danger.snakes 9 месяцев назад
my life has been threatened directly more than once - I have two hospitalization experiences where death could come at any second - and gods were the furthest thing from my mind I had too much that is real to think about, why would I waste my time on the fictitious?
@donnyetta 9 месяцев назад
@@danger.snakes chill out. you are not going to miss what you have never had. stay well.
@krisaaron5771 9 месяцев назад
"He helps many atheists ..." RU-vid seems to have accidentally dropped that last part of your post in which you provided proof for your statements. Please give us your evidence and explain why should we believe claims that cannot be justified.
@donnyetta 9 месяцев назад
@@krisaaron5771 This is RU-vid, not ProveTube
@krisaaron5771 9 месяцев назад
@@donnyetta You made a claim on RU-vid. You were asked to provide evidence for the claim. If you can't substantiate your claim why bother to make it on a public forum? Non-evidentiary claims are called "fiction".
@eddies6977 9 месяцев назад
I think that in atheist terms a soul could be defined as consciousness.
@havenbastion 9 месяцев назад
Soul is the idea that the mind, a metaphor for the patterns in the brain, can exist outside or beyond its biological substrate. There is no mechanism by which that is possible.
@larryscarr3897 8 месяцев назад
We already have a name for consciousness, and an explanation, keep the magical stupid for religion.
@istvansipos9940 7 месяцев назад
and a beach can be defined as a litter of kitties. Because who needs usable words with meanings we agree on, right? Can we just call consciousness consciousness and the soul soul?
@larryscarr3897 7 месяцев назад
@@istvansipos9940 no c7z one of those is magical stupid for idiots.
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