
Orthopedic Surgeon Reacts | Breaking your Bones to Make you TALLER! 

Antonio J. Webb, M.D.
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27 июл 2024




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@rumrunner8019 2 года назад
I'm an adult man and I stand 5'2. If I had the money, I would get this surgery in a heartbeat if it wasn't for possible complications. My whole life has been marked with ridicule and rejection and there is nothing I can do to change it. Anyone who says "it's just your attitude" has never walked in my shoes. I don't care how much it hurts for how long, it sure beats living through the rest of my life in pain. And the worst part is, everyone thinks it's perfectly fine to reject and ridicule a short man. Fat women? No one is allowed to utter a word against them, but short men? Go ahead, make those jokes and reject them and treat them like trash, because nobody will say or do anything. Which is especially absurd when you consider that fat women can always lose weight, but short men are cursed by something completely beyond their control. But the issue of complications would make me not want to do it. Sorry, it isn't worth risking not being able to walk properly again, so even if I did have that kind of money, I don't think I'd do it. Although I can't afford this surgery, I can do the next best thing. I'm getting things together to work remotely and I'm relocating to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for many reasons including that I like the culture, I practice the same Buddhist religion that is widely practiced there, and I've been there a few times and want to learn Khmer. Also, one of the reasons being that the average height there is just slightly taller than mine and plenty of Khmer men are my height or even shorter. And in Cambodia, women actually smiled at me when I tried to talk to them and gave me a chance. I mean regular, wholesome, local women, not "bar girls". There, I am not the "short freak" I am in the USA.
@s.calamity5545 2 года назад
Despite what you see on twitter, people ridicule fat women (and men) all the time. And if a woman rejects you because you're short, that means she's superficial and it wasn't meant to be. If you're relatively healthy, you shouldn't change yourself to impress anyone, especially if these people you're trying to impress are vain and/or ignorant...
@kole1ful 2 года назад
@@s.calamity5545 I’m a woman who’s 5’1, I sort of get a pass, I can’t even begin to imagine what a 5’2 man goes through. This goes beyond “wanting to change yourself for others” or “shallow women” It’s almost a disability in my opinion and you might not understand till you walk in those shoes.
@JohnSmith-wp3tg 2 года назад
I'm sorry you feel about yourself like that. Height is one of the things we cannot control. People who tease you about your height or mock overweight people are not people you want to be around regardless of where you are in the world. But learning to love yourself is the first step. Have you seen or spoken to a therapist or counsellor before?
@OG_ALviK 2 года назад
@@JohnSmith-wp3tg mocking height and weight is not the same. Atleast in italy evryone mocks evrybody about anything in a joking / friendly way. And evryone is fine with it. And let me tell you 9/10 times it's about weight / fat.
@lotrgirl275 2 года назад
I get strong incel vibes. And worse ones from the move to Cambodia, eww!
@mistamaog 2 года назад
As much as I feel like most people should avoid this, I can't argue with like a male who's like 5'0-5'4 just wanting to be a somewhat normal height, like being 5'7. I get insecure about being under 6' so I can't even imagine what it's like being the same height as most short women.
@ChaseThePinballWizard 2 года назад
If everybody was tall, then nobody would be tall.
@nightingaleforrest 2 года назад
You can still be a tall man if you’re under 6 foot. 5”11 is still tall for example.
@mistamaog 2 года назад
@@nightingaleforrest I'm 5'11 but don't feel tall lol, maybe it's because they stand out to me but I've noticed more men over 6 foot recently, so I've been feeling short.
@LunaticTheCat 2 года назад
Ya, I imagine dating is extremely hard for a man only 5'0 to 5'4.
@spartacus1414 2 года назад
@@mistamaog you're probably not 5'11. Or else you would feel tall trust me
@mimikins7748 Год назад
My son is 5ft 3 and suffers greatly. He is constantly mocked for his height. Girls love his face and personality but won’t date him as most girls are taller than him. Every dating site, or that Love Island programme, or whatever, the first thing all the girls are saying is that they want a tall man and even refer to 5ft 10 as not being that tall. It’s ok if you’re rich and can afford the surgery, but if you’re poor, you’ve got no chance. You can change your sex free on the NHS but they won’t help you with your height even if you’ve tried to kill yourself. How is that fair?!
@sebastianjamrozik3675 Год назад
It is not fair bro only thing he can do is work rly hard and maximise the surgery to like 15-16 cm
@sebastianjamrozik3675 Год назад
That's what im gonna do . Im 5,7-8
@abccba9763 Год назад
you can change your sex for free, really?
@sebastianjamrozik3675 Год назад
@@abccba9763 what?!
@mimikins7748 Год назад
@@sebastianjamrozik3675 It is unfair. The world is a shallow place unfortunately. Most women refuse to date men under a certain height.
@christopherv3048 2 года назад
I've had this surgery performed in 2019 in Istanbul via PRECICE method. I'm based in the US and I was 170.18 (5'7"). I am a 38 year old male. Pain was excruciating within the first 72 hours and moderately uncomfortable the first 14 days. That's nothing compared to the physical therapy in which your muscles are being stretched 110-115%+ every 2-4 days. You work with a therapist and it's their job to put you through pain to make your body respond and acclimate for its new stress points and pressures. I had a quadrilateral procedure which meant both femurs and tibias. I've gained 8.1cm on the femurs and 5.9cm on the tibias and stand at 184.18 cm presently (a smidge over 6'). My upper body torso and arms were already long so I've become closer to the 'Golden Ratio', which actually, makes me more aesthetically proportioned. Scars are minimal and barely visible - they disappear more and more everyday with proper care. The procedure cost me about 1.4m Lira or about 78k USD. Total recovery time was about 8 months. I still do physical therapy but about twice a month. I currently have about 79% of the physically capacity I've had before (muscle leverage, muscle strength, extension/hyperextension flexibility, etc.) Most surgeons will be conservative and state that you'll never have more than 80-85% of your previous capacity unless you are younger and/or have adapting body/genetics. Life has been leaps and bounds better than before. Clothes fit more aesthetically. My inseams allow me to flatfoot my motorcycle. I have more leverage in cycling (but less power due to underdeveloped/overstressed muscles). My new height means that I'm taller than 84.6% of the average American male and nearly 100% of American females (according to heightcalc.com). I didn't experience this much before, but 9 times out of 10, I'm speaking down (physically) to people. With specific shoes, I'm even closer to 6'1", which further intensifies the experience. It's hard to describe, but it gives you an immense amount of confidence. Physically, I'm much more imposing and have larger presence in a room than before. Don't get me started on what it's like interacting with women. -- I've worked out before my surgery and had a good physique, but now I've kicked it into overdrive. I have good muscle mass and about 12% body fat. I've received a lot more attention than ever before and it's like being in a different world. Like you were invited to a club that you were previously barred from. Most tall people will never understand the plights of a short male - it's painful, soul crushing, and sometimes, emasculating. It affects job promotion, physical attraction, confidence, general aesthetics, social interactions, and many other variables that just don't equate when you're 6'+. Just as women get breast augmentation, Botox, rhinoplasty, cheek injection, lip injections, eye lifts, microblading, hair extensions, etc. - this surgery is the male equivalency. Most women would state that those cosmetic surgeries are life changing. Leg Lengthening 1000% is. And yet, people will balk at bones being broken/extended as ridiculous, but graciously accept that cutting open an areola to insert a silicon or saline implant as the norm (seriously, go watch some uncensored videos on some of those procedures like rhinoplasty, rib extraction, tummy tuck, Brazilian Butt Lift, heck, even run-of-the-mill: pregnancy deliveries). People break their bones every day through accidents (most which are so chaotic & severe that sometimes there is no bone mass left to repair) yet, most people recover very well. The general populace underestimate how wonderfully robust and adaptable the human bone is. Consider this: Leg Lengthening break your bones cleanly and as surgically precise as possible - these are Surgeons we are talking about. They do it in a controlled environment and minimize as many variables as possible. -- Men, if you need this surgery and can mentally & financially afford to do so, please consider it. Don't let society shame you wanting this "extreme" surgery - looking through the comments here, as an example, shows their ignorance. Find ethical doctors, understand the risks, and do your own research. Good luck & Godspeed.
@FurkanSavas 2 года назад
I am considering it but unlike you my arms and torso are shorter then my height and legs. So if I get up to 180+ which is at least 11cm my proportions will be bad that I am sure off. I am just not sure how it really would look because there are people with short arms and short torso but never did I ever really give that any attention. But thanks for sharing your experience, for someone like me it means a lot especially dating aspect.
@Abm5544 2 года назад
How long were you thinking of getting leg lengthening surgery before you got it?
@incognito9537 2 года назад
I'm 18 at the moment planning on getting it at 21. I'm a state runner, will it affect my athletic ability. I am 5'9, wanting to be 6'1. Which surgeon did you get it from in Turkey?
@christopherv3048 Год назад
@@Abm5544 I was thinking of it for about 12 months. Enough time to ponder it over and get financials ready for it.
@christopherv3048 Год назад
@@incognito9537 It will absolutely diminish your athletic ability.
@Fundaddy5000 2 года назад
Some shorter guy with super short arms will go overboard with this, and wind up looking like a dude walking on stilts.
@joshuamorales1095 2 года назад
Maybe the process could be done on his arms as well, though I think the limiting factor would be joint stability. Lots of naturally taller dudes with smaller joints have this problem.
@grigorirasputin4871 2 года назад
@@joshuamorales1095 If you were to lengthen your arms and legs to much, then you would end up with a disproportionally short torso and I do`t think, there is lengthening surgery for that xD
@gj9157 2 года назад
@@grigorirasputin4871 You can lengthen arms as well. Not to mention most people who undergo this look completely normal after. It's not like they're gaining 10+ inches from it.
@xsu-is7vq 2 года назад
@@grigorirasputin4871 when there’s a need, someone will develop it
@admiralackbar4652 2 года назад
Yeah, how about your proportions? It would look weird
@jasonjosejames7726 2 года назад
Appreciate you giving the world rare wisdom at these times ,very hard to get such information .Thank You
@halogenzawgi9410 2 года назад
The compilations in the later life are enough evidence for me to put off this procedure. I ain’t mutilating myself just to meet tinder standards.
@littleripper312 2 года назад
Good, it's sad to think men really do this just to get a girl to date them. She obviously doesn't like you that much if a few inches of height is what was stopping her before. And it's like you really want to date a girl like that?
@rtSfe67 2 года назад
@@littleripper312 unfortunately most women are like that though
@gustavgurke3389 2 года назад
@@rtSfe67 not just women, people in general
@Buff_Drio 2 года назад
@@rtSfe67 Good thing most women arent enough for me either
@yeahyukerson4511 2 года назад
yeah something about breaking the legs doesn't seem like a thing age will not affect.
@vigilanttt619 Год назад
i’m 15 watching this i’m 5’1 and honestly with a 5’2 dad and 4’11 mom i see no hope in my future height a surgery like this is very considerate on my mind and something i’m looking forward to despite the side affects
@supnorb Год назад
My brother. Take my advise really seriously. Just stop worrying about your height instead sleep regularly for 8hours or more every single day without failure. You still have some years left. Eat healthy and stretch every fucking day without failure. Engage yourself with stretching sports like basketball and swimming and even cycling. You’ll thank me so much years later when the result starts popping up. Just sleep sleep sleep !!!!
@sebastianjamrozik3675 Год назад
@@supnorb sorry bro but it will not mąkę him a lot taller. Sure it can maximase his height but it wont be as effective as surgery
@micmich8059 Год назад
look into aromatase inhibitors and HGH, they have been used to grow men taller
@LukasZ_77 Год назад
@@supnorb Dude most people stop growing at 15-17 and it's mostly genetics when you are done growing, this men grow till 21 thing is so stupid and not true for most guys because if your genetics say you are done growing at 16 than you are done. And even if he grows it won't be that much because height is MOSTLY GENETIC around 80 percent !! So this hole just eat good sleep good stretch good thing will maybe just maybe if he is lucky maximase his height by an inch but that's it he will still be short... Sorry to break it to you guys but that's just the truth.
@rudysmith1552 Год назад
Take mk677
@eliasfischer7532 Год назад
I was suicidal for a decade. Had 3 attempts. In and out of therapies, all the psych meds and institutions. Then I have done the femur surgery and it‘s the best thing I ever did in my life. Instead of pushing stupid psych meds into my bloodstream that don’t fix the roots of the issue I finally tackled the cause of all of this. It‘s a very hard surgery and extremely hard process for only the most insane people though. But it‘s life changing and I only regret not doing it earlier. I am so glad I could step out of my shadow and finally overcome this. I think without this surgery I would have been dead. I am so thankful for the amazing doctors who did this for me. I don‘t recommend it to the average “oh being taller would be cool but I’m not severely suffering” person.
@deuce9996 Год назад
I’m glad your feeling better
@SarcasmOpenWorld Год назад
Can you please tell us how it changed you before and after?
@ataraxia7439 Год назад
This is so interesting, could you please give me a link or someway of contacting you to learn more about your story? I think it’s really important that people know that some ppls mental health could benefit from cosmetics.
@macgmol159 Год назад
Good for you bro enjoy How tall were you? I am 5'7, and i am heavily thinking about doing it, but i am scared if it fails
@macgmol159 Год назад
@Frank Sanz i am tho It's the non-stop disrespect you get from society it lowers your self-esteem that you see no reason to live So yeah
@vikkun39 2 года назад
165 cm and living a good life. Had some bad experience as a kid because of short height but now its all good. I know i am short but natural is best. Be grateful of what you get
@littleripper312 2 года назад
There are short girls so you'll be fine
@Blernster 2 года назад
? 5 and a half feet isn't even short that's average
@gj9157 2 года назад
@@Blernster For a guy absolutely not.
@fourdoorsmorehoes 2 года назад
@@Blernster yeah, meybe in asia
@vikkun39 2 года назад
@@Blernster i am 2 cm shorter than average but yes alright
@user-zp8jv2yt7s 2 года назад
It's trending and will continue to trend as long as this society is shallow No amount of virtue signaling and gaslighting can stop the painful experiences of a short man
@FacundoMD 2 года назад
@evanrutherfordlazyahole9079 2 года назад
You and Zach Murphy make me want to go to school again. Thank you both for being informative about a topic that requires a lot of information density. Cool to see it not turn you into an elitist.
@mizzannie001 2 года назад
I wouldn't do it looks painful. I saw a person with dwarfism who did it and I can definitely empathize.
@GoldenBoyDims 2 года назад
The surgery is brutal
@DurpenHeimer 2 года назад
@@GoldenBoyDims They have pretty well-developed techniques now. What they show in Baki with Jack Hanma is the old technique they used to do decades ago. You can still do it that way for cheap but it is much more painful and risky
@Iksvomid 2 года назад
all size matters
@tails300 2 года назад
So how does this affect the structural integrity of you bones having this procedure done. Seems like you could have severely weakened bones as you grow old.
@Jibbie49 2 года назад
This surgery is done with great success in India and South Korea by skilled surgeons and for a fraction of the cost of what it is here in the USA. For the people who decide to do it, they just have to research the doctors and then be willing to put in the effort it takes to deal with the PT follow-up.
@harshgadigone Год назад
In India it will cost around 30 to 35k USD for skilled surgeon
@visakhmurali76 Год назад
@@harshgadigone Get your legs flexible as you can. More flexible more length and less time to heal. Muscle stiffness is the main risk with this surgery.
@waltondennis8208 Год назад
So let me get this right I fly to India or South Korea to get my legs broken and I pay for it🤔 ugh I’m good🤷🏿‍♂️
@visakhmurali76 Год назад
@@waltondennis8208 U will be fine. People does this and living normally. Post therapy and precautions are important
@henrik4835 Год назад
IM looking into it. What clinics or surgeons in South Korea?
@lordgooner234 Год назад
So long as the risk is small and patients are fully aware of the consequences then let them have at it. What I can't stand is people who are already tall telling someone who is struggling with their height that they shouldn't get it.
@fiword 25 дней назад
If you have some researchs on it, what do you tip me knowing I will do the surgery with LON method and go back home after 1 week, will I develop infection? Or will I be unable to walk somehow?
@thegardener3650 2 года назад
Thank you doctor! Very interesting!:)
@alexfernandez6621 Год назад
I'm 21, 5'5", 120lb, and living in the U.S. Firstly, no, I wouldn't do it, because of the unnecessary risk, but I will say this: I have never felt like a man. The stereotypical strong, tough, and burly man comes to mind but, I just mean being respected as a man. I'm still treated as a teenager, never taken seriously. Now that I have leadership roles, I realize that tall men get far more respect than shorter ones. I don't think it's my speaking skills because I've always spoken eloquently, and loudly, sometimes to the point of being hushed by the person I'm talking to lol. I think it's because I have a naturally deep voice. Even looking at presidents of the past, most are tall; averaging 5'11" (according to Statista). I'm also not taken seriously by other men. I was always a short-tempered kid, but I quickly learned to hold my tongue after getting beaten up a few times. Since it's pretty easy to physically overpower me, since then, I have always laughed off being treated badly by men, pretending to take it as a joke. When it comes to women, (I'm heterosexual btw) I firmly believe in not being violent, since men can do much more harm. But in practice, I've been in situations where there was a good chance I was gonna get my ass whooped by an above-average-sized woman. Don't get me started on being clowned for being short. I'm not a hateful person whatsoever, so all I'm left to do is feel bad for myself and hope that I can build a personality that earns the respect of people. Until then, I'm gonna accept and appreciate what I cannot change. (I had to get this off my chest. This was the perfect opportunity. Good luck with finding your path.)
@ernestobiko Год назад
You’re a man for admitting this bro hit the gym wear some shoes that make you taller like jordans for example and you’ll be good my bro
@markusmath3421 Год назад
Stop saying "No I wouldn't do it" to appeal to normies, do the research. The risk is not anything crazy for surgery. Everyone's just hating on it with no knowledge on it.
@-Ice_Cold- 9 месяцев назад
5'11 is average though
@Fooshis01 5 месяцев назад
Do it bro if they didn't respect you yesterday then they're not gonna respect you today
@Shvetsario 5 месяцев назад
Bruh I'm 5'8 and like 125-130. We just gotta workout and bulk
@Korilian13 2 года назад
My cousin was goven growth hormones when he was a teen, because they expected that he would stay quite short (maybe there were other reasons too, idk). He's over 2 meters now.
@guranad0 2 года назад
Really? Any side effects?
@kyarumomochi5146 2 года назад
@@guranad0 yeah being over 2 meters
@Ebombda12543 2 года назад
@@kyarumomochi5146 😂
@Iksvomid 2 года назад
Dare I say it? He's a grower, not a shower!
@guranad0 2 года назад
@@kyarumomochi5146 lol that's not a side effect, that's a main effect. side effect is possibly oversized heart organ or any overgrowth inside, things like that
@GrinerB Год назад
I’m sure he knew but misspoke; the age range on when you finish growing varies greatly. I didn’t reach my final height until 19… and for some it can be as late as 21.
@rgzesdbjkhger 2 года назад
Thanks for talking about this I been wondering 😂
@jrwitherite12 2 года назад
My left femur is shorter than my right. This would fix a few things for me but otherwise not worth it. I’m 5’8” on my right leg but just over 5’7” standing on both because discrepancy. Mom has it too, I don’t need the lifts she used for correction.
@phantomface9211 2 года назад
I've had to go through both of these operations as a kid because my left leg did not grow as much as my right leg. Also my bones were brittle when I was a kid so that might be why it took me over 6 months to recover after surgery usually. Not an ez process to deal with incase anyone wants to try this. I still might need 1 more operation because my legs still aren't even.
@psychology7616 2 года назад
Do you experience side effects long-term? For example, do your legs fully recover so you can sprint, squat,..?
@phantomface9211 2 года назад
I can do sprints and squats but my left leg is much weaker than my right. My left knee is weak. I am bow legged in my left leg. The scars from this operation are very noticeable.
@phantomface9211 2 года назад
@@psychology7616 infact I recommend squats after you recocover. Physical therapy is painful so trying to keep full range of motion in your knee could be a challenge while you have those rods sticking into your bone depending on what part of your leg the operation is done on.
@psychology7616 2 года назад
@@phantomface9211 that does make sense, contrary to what many often say. Thanks!
@psychology7616 2 года назад
@@phantomface9211 It takes character to go through it. Over time the scars and strength difference will fade away a little, not?
@josejimenez-gw5yl 2 года назад
I wouldn’t mind growing 3 or 4 more inches, plus i feel that my legs are shorter than they should be and are unproportional to my arms, so yes i would if I could
@azizadam3819 2 года назад
I feel like the negative out way the benefits
@hauvkuabyang7467 2 года назад
You wouldn’t be able to run for the rest of your life without it hurting like a bitch my guy
@ChrisCapoccia 2 года назад
sounds like we could just break all of those bones and lengthen them too while we're at it :D
@gj9157 2 года назад
@@hauvkuabyang7467 Not true at all.
@puceloVA 2 года назад
@@hauvkuabyang7467 : That is false. Don't spread false myths.
@TheFishFTW 2 года назад
Really important question? What about the nerves? Do they stretch? I know nerves dont like to stretch... also do muscles adapt to this in terms of length?
@ifeoluwaojo3065 2 года назад
It's not safe to extend beyond 4-6cm. The nerves will recover slowly, usually at a rate of up to 1mm/day.
@sachemofboston3649 2 года назад
From what I’ve read the muscles will grow to accommodate the new length, however, the tendons are just stretched, which is why they can only extend the legs up to 6 inches in most cases
@DeusExMachina50 5 месяцев назад
They've just come out with the Precice PMAX internal nail that is fully weight bearing, which allows you to walk almost immediately after surgery.
@snorlaxcom 2 года назад
How much weight can you bear on the new tissue? Same as before if you lifted heavy weights?
@Aaron-cc7yq 2 года назад
My brother was scheduled to get this surgery bc his height really affects him mentally. Last minute he decided not to go through with it. Wish our parents would have sought hormone therapy for him during puberty to possibly help his height back then
@theyoutubeman3032 2 года назад
Hope your bro learns to love himself
@nilsholgersson6893 2 года назад
How high ?
@Li-yt6uj Год назад
How tall is he?
@aaronbirook4367 Год назад
He should’ve gotten it. Now he will suffer unnecessarily
@WomenHateShortMen 5 месяцев назад
​@@theyoutubeman3032 How can he love himself when everyone else hates him?
@joelentrup6658 2 года назад
Great video! Really hoping to do this when I can afford it! Another thing that is worth mentioning is that you NEED to make sure that if you’re doing this you are doing it with someone that is credible and has good results with their patients. There are a lot of places throughout the world that offer the surgery for around 20k but can really jack you up. The saying that you get what you pay for really applies here. I’ll just save up the 100k so I have a far less likelihood of developing serious complications. BTW I am 5’9 1/2 (176.5 cm) hoping to get 7cm to be 6’0 1/4 (183.5 cm).
@rustcohle9267 Год назад
I'm your height twin and I dont see it as a problem. I wish I was taller but thats fine.
@joelentrup6658 Год назад
@@rustcohle9267 Too each their own, however I used to be one of the tallest. In 8th Grade I was 5'8, pretty tall for a 14 y/o. Me being one of the tallest made me feel very good and kept me through Middle School. Life has been shitty ever since, want to be 6'0.
@rustcohle9267 Год назад
@@joelentrup6658 Its up to you. I dont feel short at all, just average. The only downside occurs at events where most women are using high heels so yeah. I feel kinda "short" but I dont care.
@joelentrup6658 Год назад
@@rustcohle9267 Yeah, well for someone of my ethnicity and heritage (English, Irish, & Scandinavian) I am slightly shorter than average, and that does not sit well in me.
@rustcohle9267 Год назад
@@joelentrup6658 Ok mate. Good luck then. As a italian-brazilian man I feel comfortably average in both countries. If I was born in netherlands or Sweden maybe I would agree with you haha
@kayhawkins5925 2 года назад
I has one leg shorter about half inch than the other plus very bowed legs. I wore the spatial frame for about a year. One leg was done for six mos and another six mos for the other. After the first surgery on one leg they had me up on a walker the next day. The first few days were the worst and the tightening of the screws wasn't that bad plus I took pain medication just before the screws were tightened. The only time I used pain meds was tightening of the screws. There were some days I had pain and once I had a bad fall. My legs are now even and straight and has forestalled knee replacement surgery years. It took a few months to get back to exercise and overall not a bad experience. I have no regrets going thru this surgery and I have never had any type surgery before or after. I have a few dents in my legs resembling bullet holes but not very noticeable.
@kayhawkins5925 2 года назад
@Trololol Trololol not much of a difference..having one leg shorter than the other and very bowed legs made fun of throughout my younger years. Short men have it very difficult ...getting that job or getting that girl any girl for that matter as most girls state they prefer someone over 6' so I understand why men want to be taller and if they want to go thru this procedure I see nothing wrong with that. As research data suggests taller men more likely to have better jobs and being promoted than short men. Live the life you want to live and don't care what others think and if that is someone's desire is to be taller ...go for it
@kayhawkins5925 2 года назад
@Trololol Trololol I didn't care about height. My husband 5'6" and the average height for men 5'8" these ladies that want tall dudes missing out on some really good men
@psychology7616 2 года назад
Did you fully recover? Can you walk/run/squat/dance the same as before? Did you experience any other side effects (long term especially?) and what risks are associated with it (I assume they had to inform you about the risks that came with it…) Thanks!!
@psychology7616 2 года назад
How long ago did you undergo this surgery?
@kayhawkins5925 2 года назад
@@psychology7616 I can do everything that I used to do...squat, dance, run no I didn't have any side effects as far as I know. It was a three hour drive to the doctor and due to the distance communication could had been better. This was about eight years ago.I have occasional pain in my knee and hip but with exercise the stiffness goes away. The Taylor Spatial Frame is what was used to straighten and grow my legs. You can Google about the frame and doctors in your area. I think the surgery has to be medically necessary for insurance to pay as I had knee pain. Probably half the cost in Mexico or Canda. Eight years ago $40,000 per leg covered by insurance.
@kaystephan2610 2 года назад
I wonder if at some point they figure out a way to re-enable the growth plates in the body to then treat people that want to get taller with growth hormones. You know like a guy who is 1,60m says he wants to be taller and then a treatment is used (whatever it is) to reactivate the growth plates and then he gets growth hormones until he is 1,80 or 1,85m or so.
@KallusGarnet 2 года назад
Good point
@jonadams5547 2 года назад
Good thought process
@cryptojonny6837 2 года назад
Maybe one day but who knows if we might still be around for that unless technology advances very quickly. If there was something to make someone taller with no risks I bet many ppl will take it.
@Anish-ub1rt Год назад
instead work on personality..hit gym ..join fitness program like mui thay .mma....dis is ridiculos .. there r so many short height who is quite famous n even girl r crazy...some of the good looking guy mentioned below Daniel radcliffe - 5'4-5'5 dating Erin drake 5'7-5'8 Seth Green- 5'4 datin Clarie grant 5'7 greatest of all time mma flighweight champion of the world - Mighty mouse Demetrious johnson who stands only 1.60 5'3 n his wife stand 5'6 another best fighter Triple C Henry Ceudo - 5'4 Drake maverick - 5'4 wwe wrestler .. Taiji Ishimori( bulletclub member) -5'4 Pete hertwig ( Australian bodybuilder) -5'3 Lee Priest (goat of his era austrlian bodybuilder) -5'4 Danny Padilla the giant killer american bodybuilder one of the legend stand only 1.57 5'3 John Silver ( wrestler) - 5'4 John linekar 5'3 bantamweight division mma fighter one of the best Jarred Brooks -5'3 currently strawweight champion of the world in one championship Lorenzo Insigne -5'4 italian proffesional football player...he is also one of the best frm his club MLS scott can( Hawai actor) -5'5 list goes on and on.. trust me all these mentioned above are good lookin n success both...
@Joser167 2 года назад
5'4 and I'm happy. Just be happy with what you got. Some people are extra for no reason
@Breadznbutter 2 года назад
5’9 ain’t even short tho of course you’re happy
@Joser167 2 года назад
@@Breadznbutter Sorry I meant 5'4. 😅
@tylerbeck3806 2 года назад
Risks outweigh any benefit if it's purely cosmetic. In the case of bone sparing tumor removal/injury repair it's a life changing procedure.
@jesseo6182 2 года назад
you are talking uninformed nonsense
@gj9157 2 года назад
Nah, I'd do anything to be taller/more attractive.
@GoldenBoyDims 2 года назад
Yes man I can see a lot of problems with arthritis in the future
@gj9157 2 года назад
@@tylerbeck3806 He's right, modern day LL techniques are safe with a 96% success rate. They've been performing these procedures for over 50 years and most patients aren't suffering long term effects. That kind of crap mostly happens in India with bad surgeons.
@tylerbeck3806 2 года назад
@Clinton Marunyane taking any unnecessary medical risk is stupid. You can hide behind research all day but there is nothing "medical" about this for purely cosmetic purposes. The philosophy is minimally invasive conservative care first. There is NO indication to justify this procedure outside of tumor/fracture repair, aside from cosmetic. I understand the research, probably better than you, and what you are saying is correct. However, I believe it to be negligence if done for purely cosmetic purposes and would argue it to be against the oath of a medical professional. I have no misunderstandings about the safety of this procedure, the disagreement we have is over principle not safety, which I thought I made perfectly clear. It's called an opinion and were both entitled to that. Very simply neither of us have to care about the other's, especially as this procedure does not pose a legal issue.
@ZCJKF13GDG4 2 года назад
would it be safer to like make one long leg out of two short ones? like you wouldn't be able to walk good after but you'd be hella tall. just a thought
@mclovin6537 2 года назад
@antonio j webb what happens to the “new bone” when you get older? From my understanding when bone regenerates it’s the same as the other bone in the body, there isn’t any difference. Is the “new bone” going to degrade or deteriorate faster than the original bone with old age? Or will it act like the rest of the bones around it?
@gj9157 2 года назад
No it grows back and everything is pretty much solid after about a year.
@zaraelizabeth9253 Год назад
I’m a 5ft 2 woman and I’ve got mocked and ridiculed all my life. I’ve got treated like I’m half a human in my family. I remember in my graduation my dad was like I won’t be able to see you on stage you’re so short etc etc. it really does affect you , as a result I’m not confident at all. I wouldn’t do the surgery personally but I understand why someone would. Everyone be nice to short people!
@lewisburton1852 Год назад
No One really cares about women’s height even some guys love shorter women.
@Samuel-hj6cn Год назад
@@lewisburton1852 Yeah, you can't compare a short man's life with a short woman's life. My ex is 4'11 and she has plenty of options in job and partners. I mean yeah I'm sure it's also a struggle as a short woman, but as a short man you are not even existend for society: I'm so glad that most women are shorter than me (I'm 172cm), but even I get negative comments from time to time about my height especially from women here in germany.
@lewisburton1852 Год назад
@@Samuel-hj6cn me and you are exactly the same height I’m pushing 5’8 maybe 5’9 with the right shoes so I don’t feel incredibly short but in a big crowd or a room of people it sucks especially when already tall women wear heels. I haven’t been in the market for a girlfriend because I’ve been in a long term relationship but I can see being a huge disadvantage at the very least I would have to be in shape and have money good luck out there lol.
@Samuel-hj6cn Год назад
​@@lewisburton1852 Good to hear that you are in a long term relationship. :) Jepp what you lack in height you only can compensate trough money or social status and maybe being muscular a bit. Wish you all the best, bro.
@marvinholley5838 Год назад
how dramatic
@nickbutter9270 Год назад
I'm 5-9 about Average height for male population. My height is perfect for my lifestyle ... I'm Good. And he mentioned people get fatter as they get older. I never had a beer belly gut. I'm a full blown adult no beer belly, toned muscle structure Damn near my high school ball playing weight. My BMI is at 23. The note on the BMI Calculator says (Normal Weight, Keep It Up). And I'm a Personal Trainer and Martial Artist. My weight has not fallen off because I've been taking care of myself at an early age and I don't even look my age. So I dont know about the we get fatter as we get older. Its your life style that determine that part
@mcmerry2846 2 года назад
Hey Dr, could you enlarge bones without surgery?? I mean a kind of weight hangs or a device??
@davidlakhter 2 года назад
was waiting for this one! haha
@thealligator1992 2 года назад
it's not unheard-of in some countries in Asia. The patients are mostly men in 1m50 (5') range. I'm a 5' woman and I can understand their reason
@nicksalgado22 2 года назад
I do wonder if the bone is able to handle that new stress what I basically mean like joint paint and knew pain. Back pain bc ur body forms itself to have bones and muscles to handle ur size. But since ur forcing it to get taller is there more pain and stress on the joints? As some one who is 6'3 I use to have some knew pain and that is a big issue for taller ppl. So I wonder if there pain is worse
@OG_ALviK 2 года назад
I'm 6.4 and so far i havent had any sort of pain.. Not me nor my very tall parents / older members from my dad's side.... It might be genetic, dunno...
@Tyler-vm5hn 2 года назад
@@OG_ALviK it's because you're body grew like that naturally....he's talking about when a short person does this surgery to get taller
@OG_ALviK 2 года назад
@@Tyler-vm5hn well, i'm also 23yo. So it's too soon to talk about pain or whatever xD
@-Ice_Cold- 9 месяцев назад
You want to be taller at 6'3? Just curious
@bryanmarty7085 Год назад
What is the safest/most cost affordable option? i see some people saying that they went to Turkey - would be interesting to see the cost break down and with whom you got the surgery?
@ShowTimeAtTheAppllo 2 года назад
Why not ! Does being fit help with recovery in any way?
@abbiereynolds8016 2 года назад
I had this surgery back in 2011, not to get taller but because my left leg was shorter than my right leg, which caused my scoliosis to develop because of the imbalance, I had to have a separate surgery in 2015 to correct that. But if I hadn't got the leg lengthening surgery it would have been much worse. It was a tough and painful 7 months for me, I had to go to school with the giant frame on my leg, my leg didn't exactly heal all the way correctly afterwards, and I have about 6 ugly scars from the entry points of the fixator (unavoidable). This is not something you should do cosmetically, I had no choice but to do it because it was affecting my spine. Of course I'm not the expert here, and I can't tell people what to do, but it's not something to be taken lightly. P.S. also I'm not a guy so I don't have to deal with the ridicule of being a short man, I'm just speaking strictly from the surgery aspect of it.
@mistamaog 2 года назад
Are you able to still live a normal life after all this time?
@sachemofboston3649 2 года назад
The thing is you did the external version of the surgery. Today they have internal surgery that does it quicker and more efficiently. They’re fully weight bearing and you can still walk while going through the surgery.
@justforthesakeofthispurpos1288 2 года назад
@@sachemofboston3649 Exactly what I was about to say. Thank you ! Thank you!
@Sora-o 2 года назад
women also tend to have worse outcomes when it comes to this surgery for some reason, it may be because of lower test levels or inproper rehab idk but im happy you went through with it! Im sure it was painful af lmao.
@BanahIsrael 2 года назад
that was in 2011, And u used an external fixatir
@marian8772 2 года назад
I’m 5’0 female and I understand the struggle and insecurity height could bring to certain people. A lot of the time people feel the need to disrespect me or look down on me due to my weight. I’ve been made fun of several times. Regardless, I don’t see myself getting this surgery done just to earn respect and acceptance of people. In fact, I don’t even wear high heels. I prefer to be comfortable and wear my tennis shoes. But anyone who wants to get this surgery should only do it for themselves and not to get the approval of society or relationship. sometimes people get cosmetic surgery thinking it’ll fix their problem but their insecurities remains still. well it’s important one must ask if the problem is within first.
@softsunset 2 года назад
I am also 5ft fall from the Philippines 😅
@ritzna7708 2 года назад
Thanks sweetie
@IffyEdem 2 года назад
You’re a woman. Height effects men.
@gj9157 2 года назад
@@IffyEdem True, men don't reject women for their height either. It's a million times worse for short men.
@sepomushaukwa9006 2 года назад
I am also a 5ft female and I definitely want to get this surgery for myself.
@ralfiasz 2 года назад
I wouldn't do it for purely cosmetic reasons. How do I induce a bone tumor then?
@progressivewarriormonster 2 года назад
the thing about this surgery is that it takes time whole lot of time to get desired height , on has to take out a whole year just to break legs and lengthen for months then post op proper therapy so around 3 years will go away , thats why I'd opt for if there was healing medicine that could make the process way faster in a month
@g.d2450 2 года назад
I'm 5'10" but my body proportions are off as I've quite short legs (30") and a longer torso. would definitely consider it if i could afford it to... had to laugh though as asked a girl out that was 5'2" and got rejected with her saying she would only date a guy over 6ft..... even with 6" heels on she would still be looking up to me
@MrRock-pc2jz 4 месяца назад
Seriously 5 10 more than sufficient
@KebabEater 2 года назад
No thanks, I had a hip replacement which led to a blood clot and pulmonary embolism assuming same thing can happen with this.
@danieldevito6380 Год назад
Seeing videos like this make me even more grateful for being born 6' 2".
@markojales3904 2 года назад
when I was 12 years old I broke my leg it was not ironed but it was made of fiber because the doctor said it could be treated even without iron and because I was too young and after 5 months it healed, now I am 16 years old, is there any hope that my leg will grow and stretch? can this be a game like basketball? I need an answer
@AH-bm4ts 2 года назад
The trick is to get the surgery done as young as possible for faster recovery.
@GoldenBoyDims 2 года назад
You will still run into problems when you get older and I don’t think you should do it if your growth plates are not closed yet
@SHineWhon 2 года назад
problem is when young no money to do it lol
@gj9157 2 года назад
@@SHineWhon Part of that is because young people are financially stupid. The average millennial doesn't even have 1k to cover an emergency. Crazy to think about.
@mimikins7748 Год назад
@@GoldenBoyDims Problems like what?
@TasX Год назад
Yeah that is the trick. The only catch is that it’s also the cost of a Lamborghini
@ChrisCapoccia 2 года назад
I think most people are happy they don't have to seriously consider this. All the short people I know are happy enough with their height, that I think the cost, time and difficulty for this cosmetic procedure is not something they're interested in. Definitely a helpful reconstructive procedure. If someone I knew was thinking of spending this kind of money on cosmetic procedures, I definitely would recommend counselling. People come in all kinds of heights. Nothing wrong with being a little shorter. On the other hand, some people do spend serious money on cosmetic procedures. If you have the money and understand the risks/recovery process, I guess have at it
@GoldenBoyDims 2 года назад
@Francis Lindsey 5’6 is still taller than 80% of women
@gj9157 2 года назад
@Francis Lindsey No its definitely not average. Average male height in the states is about 5'9. The average dude towers over someone who's 5'5.
@skepo22 2 года назад
I will do it
@kpackard1 2 года назад
@Frankie Im a 5 ft woman who loves being short. You're tall to me!
@kpackard1 2 года назад
@Frankie Who is Tom Holland?
@chuckmaxon3727 2 года назад
Gaining 5 inches would fix my BMI, losing 30 ponds would do the same. I am content with being 5'7".
@spankthatmonkey2 Год назад
I’m not bro I’m getting the procedure done
@franny5295 2 года назад
I'm 5'2". I can get that extra 0.5in if I stretch and lie a little bit. I'm proportionally short. Even if my legs were lengthened I'd look funny because my torso is just short. I'm gonna have to content myself to ask prefect strangers to grab things. To date, nobody has minded. I'm grateful I've not needed anything like this because it sounds horrible. Bone pain itself is horrible.
@zhuliner 2 года назад
Hi, I'm a male, same height as you. How about that?
@mimikins7748 Год назад
You’re a woman. 5ft 2 is a good height. Doesn’t compare to a man who is 5ft 2
@ablacksquare 2 года назад
My recommendations put a limb lengthening video of a woman who had a dwarfism diagnosis. It’s fascinating for those who seek out this. As a physician when is the line drawn for what’s is considered cosmetic and what isn’t cosmetic?
@teak5476 2 года назад
If money is going on the pockets of those performing for cosmetic reasons, no line
@TreeeSon34 2 года назад
How does this effect weight lifting long term? I feel like doing squats even after fully recovering would be out of question.
@andreyv116 2 года назад
It would be interesting to see a study on how Wolffs law changes after the operation
@KingCamo90 2 года назад
Why would it be out of the question?? By that logic jogging would be out of the question if you broke your leg
@TreeeSon34 2 года назад
@@KingCamo90 mate it's a question. I'm only making the assumption because you're not just breaking the bone you're also lengthening it. My logic is by lengthening you could possibly be thinning it. I don't know if this is the case. Jogging and squatting weight are vastly different. Squatting with naturally longer femurs is harder than it is for people with naturally shorter femurs from the get go. I just don't feel like after getting a procedure like this that squatting weights would be a smart move.
@KingCamo90 2 года назад
@@TreeeSon34 in the big majority of cases I’ve seen with actual patients the bone has actually become thicker and stronger in the gap as it grows and that’s not just something I’m saying that’s out of the mouths of actual surgeons in the field who actually perform these surgeries and the patients themselves who speak their experience and show X-rays. Check out “cyborg 4 life” channel where he actually interviews top surgeons in the field and the patients and their actual experiences.
@TreeeSon34 2 года назад
@@KingCamo90 interesting I'll have to check that out. Is there supplemental information in there like the fitness background of the people?
@addisonmom3917 2 года назад
I damage the growth plate in my right leg at 11years old. Later that year I had surgery on my left leg to stop the growth. I was 5feet5 inches tall. The doctors warned me I could grow another 6 to 8 inches
@addisonmom3917 2 года назад
My arms are almost longer than my legs. Would this make me a candidate for leg lengthening.
@vernonlohan5509 2 года назад
Hello doctor thank you for the video I thought about going under the needle to get this done I'm 5 ft 6 I would like to be 6 ft tall but I hear it is very painful and I can't afford it I don't know when it'll be more available for the average person
@aych131 2 года назад
Depends on if I retain ALL strength and functionality after the surgery completely heals and if I could do it to my arms as well. I don't want disproportionately long legs and tiny T Rex arms 💀
@sanu7325 2 года назад
You legs and hands are not necessarily the one perfect ratio you could have long hands short legs vise versa plus half a foot won't even be noticeable
@MylesKillis 2 года назад
@@sanu7325 yup I have a 6”1 wingspan and I’m 5”7
@mimikins7748 Год назад
How do you know how tall to go? What’s the golden ratio with arms and legs?
@winnieatshunny 2 года назад
will it affect the capacity of the person to bear weight? like for example, can they squat or deadlift without issues?
@puceloVA 2 года назад
If the procedure is well done, the bone recovers well.
@OG_ALviK 2 года назад
From what i know, the bone gets even tougher on the "grown" points. So in theory your bones would become marginally stronger. But still, you will need time to allow your body to regrow at full capacity. Especially for the muscles tendins etc.
@Dallasvb 2 года назад
my question is what about when can you begin to work out and is the bone just as strong.
@user-fb4zo8wd5n 2 года назад
I have seen this surgery back in the 1990s on French TV. It has been around for a while.
@JeansGaming 2 года назад
if it's as popular as he says it is, then I'll wait for the science behind it to improve a bit to lessen the side/negative effects. Since a very young age I used mediccines and stuff that stunt/slow your growth as a side effect....my dad is about 185-195 cm and my younger brother is about the same.....my hands, feet and head are all bigger in proportion to the rest of my body showing the effects of my slow growth. I am atm 174cm and would love to at least break the 180 cm mark. That being said, I'd rather wait until the science improves alot or the price goes down because the surgery gets more common....no point in going for 6+ cm if its going to effect your well being.
@gj9157 2 года назад
These procedures were being done 50+ years ago. There's plenty of science behind it. Check out cyborg 4 life's Channel.
@Abm5544 2 года назад
Hey. What medicine did you use as a kid that stunted your growth?
@JeansGaming 2 года назад
@@Abm5544 since a young age I used high doses of cortisone (Exogenous corticosteroid) for asthma....apparently chronic asthma alone can be detrimental to growth coupled with excess amounts of cortisone in the inhaler it makes you grow slower and by the age you usually stop growing you're shorter than you were supposed to be
@BurriedTruth Год назад
Im the same as you ( big head, small hands, shortest in my father’s side of the family etc..) im at 173 or so cm. I always wonder if its due to my bad diet growing up and mixed with the fact i was born pretty premature
@-Ice_Cold- 9 месяцев назад
​@@JeansGaming 185-195? You can't determine height?
@Cobie00 Год назад
I’m a little over 5’7 and have always been insecure of my height. I’m where I should be in terms of family genetics. Same height, even a smidge taller, than my two older brothers. In an ideal world, id love to be 6’1 or something. But tbh I’m simply happy that I have full ability of my body
@Cobie00 Год назад
@@jazazo4956 crazy how much height has an effect on people. Dudes who are 6ft+ have it best lol
@birons3708 9 месяцев назад
@@Cobie00 Hey dude I'm 6'1" wanting to be 6'7". This height increase will be amazing
@itsbonkerjojo9028 7 месяцев назад
​@@birons3708don't say so 😢😢😢 cauz i dream about your height . Even after surgery i won't get yours
@itsbonkerjojo9028 7 месяцев назад
​@@Cobie00did the person you were responding to deleted their cmt . Also I won't have full ability of my body if I do this surgery 😢😢😢
@Cobie00 7 месяцев назад
@@itsbonkerjojo9028 yeah they did. I don’t remember what it said, but I think it was about their family bullying them for being short
@danteshammer 2 года назад
is this something they can do to lengthen the facial bones? i was in an accident when i was a kid and plates were put in and stayed for over 20 years and now the left side of my face sags because the bones never grew to match the right. is there something i can do similar to this to lengthen the left side that youre aware of?
@nancylindsay4255 2 года назад
Probably not. The bone types are very different.
@gtamoney7303 2 года назад
Yes you can lfort 1
@IlyaUshar 2 года назад
i mean yeah. Jaw surgery, chin wing surgery, facial osteotomy in general
@fuckdanzo 2 года назад
Hello doc, Is there any sort of spine surgery that can increase patient's Upper body height?
@prenomnom6203 2 года назад
what do you have in mind? adding vertebras?? lmao
@Kris-cu1vx 2 года назад
being really short isn't necessarily just a cosmetic thing. There's a lot of extra work that goes into modifying everything you do from carrying a step stool with you to getting everything tailored (if you want clothes that fit that is). It's not *just* like insecure dudebros wanting the ladies
@kpackard1 2 года назад
Im only 5ft. (Woman) and I don't have a problem with anything. So I need a step stool now amd then. Im not about to break my legs!
@TasX Год назад
@@kpackard1 there are pants made for 5 ft women
@markusmath3421 Год назад
"insecure dudebros" men aren't insecure for wanting female attention. Misandrist lowkey
@ivanmatusic5540 10 месяцев назад
You are kidding? Being 6f5 i must ask in botique if they have my shoe size at all, times i bumped my head is countless i think it made me stupid. Looking like a twig most my life (and gaining weight isnt easy when you got acne, more sugar you eat more of it shows) makes you anxious and inferior. So being tall is actually harder in average height world.
@anssihautamaki 2 года назад
How about bone density? Would your bones become more fragile after the surgery? I find this ridiculous if you are doing this for cosmetic purposes.
@aviatorsound914 2 года назад
No, after a year it would return to its regular density and usually become stronger,
@aviatorsound914 2 года назад
You could expect a lack of blood flow since your body is not conform to be longer.
@PHlophe 2 года назад
ansi, they said elsewhere that the bones could splinter or become brittle. so its case by case basis.wouldn't call that ridiculous , its not always about vanity.
@Luna-ux9by Год назад
The bones will heal easily. The real problem is in the muscles.
@markusmath3421 Год назад
@@Luna-ux9by ppl who do it have to take the exercise extremely seriously
@megatron8395 Год назад
I just have 1 question. The nails in the bones, are they taken off after everything ends. That's all I need to know. -Thanks
@Paco_3010 5 месяцев назад
yes they are.
@annmcnitt8749 Год назад
I had a femoral Ilizarov to add 1.5" after an open (compound) comminuted fracture in a car accident. The Ilizarov was an amazing process, but it was grueling, and I'd never recommend it as a cosmetic procedure. Mine was a total of seven surgeries for the Ilizarov, and included pin infections. I'm a former orthopedic nurse.
@WatchOut628 Год назад
My Friend has botched up LL in Turkey I would like to gain exposure of my channel so people's lives could be saved I am not against the surgery but only against opting cheaper clinic in third world countries. My friend can't walk after the surgery
@MarceloSilva-oq8mk 11 месяцев назад
The Illizarov isn't used anymore.
@annmcnitt8749 11 месяцев назад
Variations of it are still extensively used. It's an external fixation device with a screw to lengthen bones; it's in very common use.
@jellybelly111 2 года назад
I would never mess with my bones like this 😫
@Hunk_fav 2 года назад
Then dont go to doctors when u have some sickness dont let them mess with your body bruh seriously they are doctors they know what they doin
@macgmol159 Год назад
@Yash Aesthetics but i have a question What about playing sport so much? There's a problem could happen?
@markusmath3421 Год назад
@macgmol159 Год назад
@@markusmath3421 hey weak nice to meet you
@The_Kirk_Lazarus 2 года назад
You'd still have to lengthen the arms to balance out the lengthening of the legs.
@mimikins7748 Год назад
Not if you didn’t go too far with the height increase
@markusmath3421 Год назад
no, I mean as long as you're not doing like 6 inch increase or something. Many people have naturally long leg to torso ratio, I've seen it many times at my college campus. It's not necessarily a bad thing, just don't overdo it I guess.
@bh-0330 2 года назад
felt like he kinda downplayed the risk/pain/future complications quite a bit.
@HNICB1GM1K3 2 года назад
Liangelo ball had this same surgery to get tall and now he is in the nba. Worth a try if u thing u were always to short
@philippides 2 года назад
I'm definitely on the shorter side and I have entertained the idea of getting a procedure like this one. But the problem is I'm a runner. If I were to get this done, how long would it take for me to get back to full on running?
@SivaKumar-em9im 2 года назад
Forget about running , if u want this surgery..... U can't even walk fast forever after surgery....
@gj9157 2 года назад
@@SivaKumar-em9im You don't know what you're talking about. After about a year of recovery time, people can go back to walking and running normally again. The idea of "never running again" is a complete myth.
@davidflorez1196 2 года назад
See cyborg 4 life he is also an athlete and got the treatment and he have a lot of videos of the theme
@mcmerry2846 2 года назад
Your muscles would be tightened, you'd lost motor control of your movements and become more fragile. That's the issue...you can only enlarge bones ...but not the muscles and nerves. You can increase your flexibility but still that's a long process and if you stretch your nerves you could get sciatica and other issues.
@TasX Год назад
@@mcmerry2846 you can also enlarge muscles. Not nerves though but they have quite a bit of leeway
@ahmedmukhan 2 года назад
I am 6 feet tall ....the heist never ends. My father, uncles and cousins are above 6.2 inch so sometimes regret that I am shorter than them. As the time passed I realised that fitness really matters. If u are above 6 feet and u don't maintain your body eating fatty meals 3 times. You are totally wasting it. On the other hand I have seen guys with average height like 5.7 look good as they maintain their body to the next level........ So end of story height does matter only if u maintain your body . If u are short u workout , be more charming, sensitive. People gonna love u for that.
@mimikins7748 Год назад
Girls don’t care. Tall is their top requirement in a man.
@azrieng9581 2 года назад
I have lower back pain, it affects my nerve from waist to feet, but I have a dream to be taller. My height is 162. Most painful feeling is when people body shaming me as short and fat.
@trishbroncheau3454 Год назад
What are the long term side effects of this surgery? ... I'm not convinced that the benefits will outweigh the detrimental issues that will inevitably follow this cosmetic surgery. If this was a medical necessity where one leg was shorter than the other, I could understand the lengthening of the shorter limb. From the articles I've read, it appears that men are more likely to have their limbs lengthened than females. This leaves me with several unanswered questions, namely WHY being the top of that list. Obviously this is not a surgery that is going to allow someone to potentially be off work for 6 weeks and then return to duty as normal. Then you have the cost involved, not only from the surgery itself but from the lost time off work as well. Seems to me that any potential candidate for this procedure should have a couple hundred thousand in their savings account before embarking on this adventure. And hats off to those that's willing to try this experiment best of luck in the future but my personal opinion I would rather stay gravity impaired than to be broke and in pain.
@gangster8540 Год назад
I’m 182.5cm and I would want to be around 190cm so Yh I’d be cool with this surgery and see how life is like at 6ft3
@alonzobrandon3703 2 года назад
Yes, I would consider the surgery. I'm about 5'6, l had several female friends that I was intimidated by them because of there height.
@CalStephano 2 года назад
In all due respect, I don’t think you are an extreme, meaning you probably shouldn’t get the surgery for social reasons unless you are absolutely rolling in money and in a place of life where it wouldn’t be disruptive to get it. You are in male range of height and still above female average so you are still taller than approximately half of women.
@markusmath3421 Год назад
@@CalStephano Wrong. 5'6 is not a desirable height to the vast majority of women shorter than 5'6. Alonzo if you can afford it, definitely do it. Do the proper research first, "Cyborg 4 life" is a good channel
@CalStephano Год назад
​@@markusmath3421 I am all for body autonomy. If he wants it, can afford it comfortably, does his research, and is okay with his life being put on hold for it for a while, then it is totally fair to go for it. Whether the investment is worth the financial, time, and emotional cost is up to him. Never said anything about that height being desirable to women, but it is simple fact that 5'6 isn't statistically extreme (more than 10% of men are shorter than that). It may be relatively uncommon but it isn't unusual to be 5'6. I personally think that because it isn't an extreme, that great amount of time and money can be spent elsewhere, like improving himself in hobbies, going out to grow socially, etc., but it is up to him in the end.
@justinaccount9920 2 месяца назад
Are you srsly intimidated by women? I'm 5'5 ik I can easily take down any women tf?
@saudakar9004 2 года назад
Isn‘t it really bad to remove most of the bones insides for a metal rod, like won‘t it be weak as shit when removed?
@earthphoenix7068 2 года назад
The bone already has a cavity, the part thats removed is like a layer at the top to get inside said cavity. Good question
@saudakar9004 2 года назад
@@earthphoenix7068 So you say human bones are hollow? I'm pretty sure only birds have hollow bords, arent human bones filled with a semi solid substance?
@TasX Год назад
@@saudakar9004 it’s to make blood. That thing grows back in a month
@f50track2 11 месяцев назад
Doc your 6’4. The thought from your perspective of doing this would be to go to the NBA. But most people doing this are actually short and just want to be able to get a date or not passed over in the workforce.
@teak5476 2 года назад
Dr Webb, I have seen another great surgeon performing likely the most minimally invasive back surgeries available. Dr Ara Deukmedjian who has discovered back pain from herniation are caused due to the surrounding inflammation. He perfected a procedure called the Deuk Laser Disc Repair (DLDR). Can you give insight and why more surgeons are not performing this technique? I know they would be less money for the Physician because they are not getting paid by manufactures of the plates, screws and rods. But he has had a 99% success rate with thousands of surgeries and curing the problem. It would be great seeing you do a review on his procedure. It would be even greater to see you learning and performing this technique.
@nidhinbenny7975 2 года назад
As an outsider to medicine, I have to say it WOULD be pretty interesting to find out HOW certain surgical techniques become popular. Like do individual surgeons start a trend and their influence drives it to become adopted or is there a more systematic method to how new surgical techniques are derived? I reckon that's a great idea for a series Dr. Webb - you could maybe explain the history of how certain surgical procedures came about, why they are done a certain way etc. Thank me later :P
@draco2xx 2 года назад
im just a couple inches from being 6ft, surgery doesnt seems like a bad idea
@karma1507 5 месяцев назад
I'm 5'10 (178 - 179 cm) and I've thought about getting this surgery for years to be 2 -3 inches taller. I want to get it, the only issue is how to afford it.
@jonahthrane812 Год назад
I wonder about the impact on the muscles. Can muscles stretch to the new length?
@NeverQne 9 месяцев назад
of course.
@RhondaElle 2 года назад
I have a sister who is a dwarf. No growth hormone. She’s normal in every way except height. She’s 4’2”. We’re both older now and it would be silly at this stage in her life. But I wonder if this were available in her teenage years if she would choose the surgery. It might mean the difference between having all her clothing altered, having blocks taped to her car gas pedals and sitting on pillows to drive….and buying anything without alterations. At a normal height, it’s amazing what we take for granted like shopping for groceries and seeing and reaching almost everything! She hated grocery shopping for that reason. Now she orders online and lets the staff shop for her. This simple service is huge for her!
@PHlophe 2 года назад
rhonda not sure what you mean by older but if you are in your 50s. this was already available 50 years ago. but i hear you on all the things we all take for granted that little have to work hard to touch . i feel, as society we kind of failed them because most of architecture isn't little people friendly AT ALL. My uncle told me how certain designs are not women friendly ( i am unsure of the english terms but in germany its *Frauenfeindlich* ) and its when he took me to a site that i understood how buildings with only on exit make it impossible for women to escape their abusers .
@RhondaElle 2 года назад
@@PHlophe She just turned 60. She had little or no growth hormone and was thought to be premature at birth. But my mother said she was full term. My Mother said at that time giving growth hormone was experimental and she was afraid my sister would be a GIANT and grow unusually TALL. She felt that at that time being petite and small would be better than a giant. I guess that was the sexist thought process at the time. Women were only supposed to find husbands to take care of them. My sister also has difficult veins ( they roll) and she's hard to draw blood from. My mother said as a baby, she would be screaming as they tried to draw blood from her repeatedly and kept missing veins. She would feel like they were torturing her and would stop the procedure. It wasn't until she was in high school, I think that she had her first successful blood draw and they took it from her finger. It showed NO growth hormone and no thyroid hormone. They started her on thyroid hormone and she did grow a little. But her final height to this day is 4 feet 2 inches. She wears children's size shoes.
@markusmath3421 Год назад
@@PHlophe this surgery has got a ton of innovations and improvements in recent years. I'm 22 male at 5'8 and I'm probably gonna save up for this by my late 20's
@-Ice_Cold- 9 месяцев назад
​@@RhondaElle She probably don't know what ''giant'' means. With high dosages of growth hormone, given her height, she could be average woman, but no more
@Soriyou3 2 года назад
A current M3 here. This is actually pretty popular in Asia. It has been at least a decade since this procedure has been popular in Korea. Koreans care a lot about height and some people who are not satisfied with their heights go through this procedure. The risk of this procedure is quite high and some people even become wheelchair-bound. I am fortunate to be 6' 0", but I can see why some people might be interested in this.
@Karim-ik5ij 2 года назад
Thanks M3, now back to holding the retractor
@Soriyou3 2 года назад
@@Karim-ik5ij My arms are going to be buffed by the time I am done with surgery rotation
@Karim-ik5ij 2 года назад
@@Soriyou3 It will be over sooner than you know. Keep grinding :)
@GoldenBoyDims 2 года назад
Koreans care a lot about their looks that’s why they are the world leader in plastic surgery and not just plastic surgery but skin bleaching is popular in Korea as well I was shocked to find out cause Koreans are already fair in complexion why bleach
@KT-wr2ow Год назад
Wheelchair-bound? Seriously? Do you have any examples of this?
@DalisYn 2 года назад
Spinal surgeon in Texas, might have To fly down there so you can give me a second opinion on my scoliosis
@saulguerito3765 Год назад
Can you make me 2 inches taller or 3 inches taller?
@sebb1241 2 года назад
Can I do this surgery on my third leg?
@antoniowebbmd 2 года назад
@mrwoody1413 2 года назад
I’m SHORT! 25 yr old male and 5’5” but even if I was filthy rich I would never do this. Yeah being short sucks but it is what it is… I learned to accept it over time.
@Joe-dz2fl Год назад
Why not though?
@mrwoody1413 Год назад
@@Joe-dz2fl because… it seems extremely painful, EXPENSIVE, and dangerous.. I’m fine being short.. I’m not going through all that pain and spending that much money and Risking serious infection and possibly amputation for 2-3 inches..
@Joe-dz2fl Год назад
@@mrwoody1413 I understand man, but the success rate is 95%, the technology improved a lot in the last 15 years.
@markusmath3421 Год назад
@@mrwoody1413 It's not dangerous lol unless you try to get it cheap from some shady people
@SA-Aries 2 года назад
How to increase bones after growthplates fused,without any painful precise 2 Limb lenghthing surgey. Please let is there any way to increase atleast 1foot height.
@k.k8791 2 года назад
Well I'm 5,4 and i desperately won't to get taller in anyway but this surgery seems very invasive not mentioning the cost
@MegaPoliyo 2 года назад
If there was a pill I could take to take me from 6 to 6'3 for me personally I'd pay up to 50k for it. Women get Botox breasts lip lifts tummy tucks etc etc etc but the number one physical feature men are rated on without a shadow of a doubt is height. Taller men make more money are able to attract more preferable partners etc. The return on the investment for me personally would easily be worth it. The issue I have is the risk of surgery and the down time and lack of guaranteed success.
@mimikins7748 Год назад
Seriously. Wtf. You’re 6ft.
@TasX Год назад
Dang 6 ft. So many people already wish they could even be a few inches shorter. But yeah it’s always understandable to want to be taller, unless you’re like 8ft lol
@-Ice_Cold- 9 месяцев назад
No, taller men don't make more money. Height is overrated thing (that comes from a tall man)
@-Ice_Cold- 9 месяцев назад
@@TasX 6ft is average. But even very tall people want to be taller
@TasX 8 месяцев назад
@@-Ice_Cold- bruh no way 6 ft is average
@SKCCP Год назад
I am 51 yo and 5’7” tall. I have short legs. I have to make 4-5 steps while taller guys make 3 steps. I have 2 sons. Older one is about 6’, and the younger lazy one is taller than his brother. I had both joined swim teams in their middle school and high school years. I fed them with a lot of eggs every day. The older one used to go to sleep by 8 pm to get up at 4 am. The younger one did not care about school and other things; he slept a lot. In short, right amount of exercise, food and sleep between 8pm and 6am help with growth.
@markusmath3421 Год назад
how tall is the mom? And how about other members in the family?
@ayv- 8 месяцев назад
Antonio J. Webb, i know you're joking but if you got this and went to the nba wouldnt your athleticism have deteriorated from the surgery?
@williamcarter1665 Месяц назад
I'm about 5'11 and wish I could have this done. The cost is very high though, but it also looks to be painful and a long recovery process. I don't know, having grown up in Turkey I never felt like I was judged for my height. The fixation around height in men appears to be primarily a western phenomenon, primarily more American and British. I'm not sure why this is, but, there are nations where height doesn't determine your worth as a man.
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